How to open a law firm from scratch? How to open a company.

How to register an LLC yourself? You, reading previous articles about the legal intricacies of creating an LLC, probably already asked a similar question.

Could you, without outside help, go through all the stages from collecting and compiling documents to obtaining the coveted certificates and extracts from the unified state register?

"Dashing trouble is the beginning" - they say among the people. To answer this question, you need to start trying and acting. Below is a step-by-step instruction for opening an LLC for a person who undertook to solve this problem: from the decision-making stage to the final registration of a new enterprise in the Pension Fund and statistical authorities.

How much does registration cost and how long does it take?

Before you start, I would like to give a general idea of ​​​​the problem that you are planning to solve. Let's calculate how much it costs to open an LLC and how long it can take you.

The primary collection process can take three to five days. It usually takes from one to two weeks (14 days) to competently draw up the Charter, memorandum of association, acts, orders and protocols. After submitting all the documents to the tax authority, you will receive a set of certificates of a newly created enterprise in 10 working days (in practice - 14 calendar days). After that, you will need to register at the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (FSS, FOMS), receive statistics codes, open a current account - you will spend another week on all these gestures. Thus, the creation of a new LLC will take you a month and a half. If we take into account the cost of your man-hour for 100 rubles, then such work for you will result in 36 thousand rubles. This does not include overhead costs for transport, telephone, utility bills, paper, forms, and duties. Otherwise, you need to add another 18-20 thousand to the previously indicated amount.

To be precise, the amount increases due to:

  • state duty - will amount to 4 thousand rubles;
  • certification of copies of documents by a notary - 400 rubles each document (in total, 5-6 documents - 2-2.5 thousand rubles);
  • certification of the applicant's signature - 400 rubles;
  • execution of a power of attorney - 700 rubles;
  • formation of the authorized capital in cash - a legislative minimum of 10 thousand rubles;
  • transportation costs - from 300 to 1000 rubles.

And now…

LLC opening algorithm

Despite the fact that the process of creating an LLC is regulated by law, the law itself states that various nuances may arise related to the activities of the enterprise being created, the composition of the founders, the citizenship of key figures (director and accountant), and so on. We will analyze the most typical case: two adults, citizens of the Russian Federation, decided to register a company.

Step 1: company name and activities

The first thing they must do is to decide on the name and type of activity of the new company. Usually, the legislator does not have special requirements for the name, it just should not become a cause of conflicts on religious or national grounds in the future. And if such etymological morphemes as “Rus”, “Ross”, “Russia” are used in the name, you will be required to pay a fee.

The types of activities are registered in the code classifier, which you should first familiarize yourself with in order to have an understanding of what you can do in the Russian Federation.

Step 2: legal address

The next step is to obtain a "propiska" - the legal address of the enterprise. If you do not have your own non-residential premises in which you could organize an office (warehouse, shop), then in this case there are consulting firms specializing in the selection of legal addresses. The legal address determines the tax authority to which the LLC will be assigned. In fact, you can rent an office anywhere. In this case, you will have a “actual location address”, which will also need to be indicated in the documents.

Step 3: authorized capital and distribution of shares

The third step is the determination of the amount of the authorized capital and the distribution of shares between the founders. It is necessary to decide how much you are ready to invest in the enterprise (not less than 10 thousand rubles) and who will contribute it in what proportions. Usually these are equal shares between both participants (50/50), but it happens that a share is paid in the form of property, then the share will be the actual value of this property. If it is money, then a credit order must be filled out, if it is a thing, then an act of posting to the balance sheet is drawn up for it.

Step 4: Who is the director?

The fourth step is to determine the director of the enterprise. It can be one of the participants or an employee invited from outside. An appointment order and an employment contract are issued for the director.

Step 5: meeting of founders

At the stage of the fifth step, the founders hold their first meeting, at which they decide all the key issues for registering an enterprise: a Protocol is drawn up, which prescribes a decision on the creation of an LLC, its name, legal address, authorized capital, composition of the founders.

By order, directors are required to bring all documents required for registration of legal entities into compliance with applicable law.

Step 6: Charter

The Memorandum of Association of the company is also drawn up.

Step 7: go to the notary

At the next stage, the founders and the director at the notary draw up an Application in the form No. Р11001. When certifying documents, the notary will definitely request all decisions, protocols and orders - you must be prepared for this in advance.

Be sure to pay the state duty (4 thousand rubles) and the certification of a copy of the order (400 rubles). Be prepared that no one will compensate you for these costs in case of returning documents for alteration. Therefore, one can often hear advice that it is better not to deal with the issues of registering an LLC on your own, but to entrust this matter to more experienced comrades.

After all the documents have been collected (including copies of passports, a lease agreement or a letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises, acts of acceptance of property, charters, contracts and founders - legal entities), you can head to the registration authority (FTS).

Step 8: register with the Federal Tax Service

Before submission to the tax office, all documents are laced, the pages are numbered and sealed (if any).

After receiving the Registration Certificates, entering information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and assigning the OGRN to a newly formed company, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and a copy of the Charter, you need other extra-budgetary funds, as well as obtain codes from the statistical authorities. It will be much easier to do this, especially after gaining knowledge on how to open an LLC on your own.

In parallel, you can open a bank account. Without it, it will be difficult to fully and efficiently conduct financial and economic activities.

Also, given the fact that an LLC must necessarily maintain detailed accounting and tax records, it will be necessary to appoint a Chief Accountant (or a person acting in his capacity, it may be the General Director), draw up orders on accounting policies and maintaining business accounting registers.

Many people in the course of their work may have the idea to create their own entrepreneurial object. In this case, it becomes necessary not only to choose the legal form of the organization, but to register it and establish subsequent business activities. The idea of ​​opening a company requires effort and financial investment. Some law firms offer to do this from start to finish for a certain fee, but it is quite possible to carry out the process on your own.

Decide on the legal form

If a future entrepreneur wants to create a small business object on his own, then he has the opportunity to register an individual entrepreneur. In this case, if debts arise, the entrepreneur may be required to answer for them with his own property. It is not surprising that for many self-employed entrepreneurs or those who have partners, opening an LLC is a good way out. The legal basis for such entrepreneurship is quite simple, and the registration process, although somewhat more complicated, is quite feasible.

In addition, a clear advantage of this legal form is that in the event of obligations of the founders, they will be responsible only with their own shares in the authorized capital, which means that the risk of losing their property disappears. Although not completely, because if a company goes bankrupt intentionally, then its founders will overtake vicarious liability, and this must also be taken into account.

How to open an LLC

It should be understood that the process of state registration of an LLC is more complicated than that of a private business, despite the fact that the deadlines established by law are the same. In fact, this is due to the volume of the documentary package, the preparation of which will take a longer time.

Today, there are many proposals for the formation and opening of a turnkey LLC. This option, if funds are available, can also be considered, because the registration process will be handled by professionals, which means that the chances of a quick registration increase. But if you want to save money, then you should do the preparation of the documentary package yourself. In this case, you need to know its composition:

  • Charter - is provided for registration in two copies. One of them will return to the disposal of the company, and the second will be sent to the archive.
  • A document certifying the decision to establish a company. This document may be a memorandum of association, minutes of the meeting of the council, or an independent decision of the sole founder.
  • List of founders. Moreover, there should be not just a list, but copies of identity documents.
  • Application for registration. It is drawn up on the form P11001, filled in by the founders themselves or an authorized person, signed by the founders. If they are absent on the act of filing documents, the affixed signatures must be notarized.
  • Administrative documents on admission to the position of general director, as well as an accountant. It is the director who will act on behalf of the company, and the chief accountant will be responsible for reporting not only to the constituent assembly, but also to regulatory authorities.
  • A letter of guarantee, which confirms the fact of renting a room or building to accommodate a legal entity, respectively, it also confirms the legal address of the company.
  • Bank receipt as confirmation of the payment of the state fee. There may be several of them if the founders made independent payments according to the shares in the capital.
  • In the event that an organization wishes to use the simplified tax calculation and payment regime, it will be necessary to submit an application for this desire.

For those who have not previously encountered legal registration, it can be difficult to understand where and how to get the necessary documentation. In fact, each copy comes from the initial stages of the company's activities - convening meetings, making decisions, etc.

How is the registration

After all the documents are collected in the required quantities, the authorized person of the organization, the founder or founders go to the tax office at the place of the company's legal address and submit documents there. They are accepted by the inspector, and after acceptance, he issues a receipt that will tell the founders when to come for the results. Today, the entire registration process takes three days, from which it follows that the time for opening an LLC company is increasing due to the lengthy preparation of documentation.

Documents are checked by machine, and if there are no shortcomings, the founders will receive a registration certificate within three days, along with a charter confirmed by tax authorities, as well as an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which contains all the important codes for an entrepreneurial object.

So, being the sole founder of an LLC or having partners, you can register it yourself, for which you need to collect a package of documents and submit it for consideration to the tax control authorities, which directly carry out the registration of business objects.

Is it difficult to open a law firm? What permissions are required for this? Where to start and how to finish the job? How strong is the competition in the market? From our article you will receive answers to all questions, after which you will not be confused by the question of how to open a law firm.


Business Description

The law firm provides paid legal services to private and corporate clients, advising on various issues: from registration of an organizational form to divorce proceedings.

The company can work in several directions:

  1. One-time consultations for individuals. These are all types of law (from civil and criminal to banking and administrative), representation of interests in court and state bodies, acting in the interests of a client by proxy. The advantages of such work are the ability to quickly find customers, the disadvantages are the average and low solvency of the main target group.
  2. One-time consultations for legal entities. Legal assistance is provided already at the stage of company registration, upon receipt of special permits, as well as in interaction with government agencies. The undoubted advantage is high rates for the services rendered, the disadvantage is the possible hidden insolvency of the client (it can be more difficult to recover money from corporate clients than from private ones).
  3. Working with legal entities under an outsourcing agreement (subscription service). In this case, the company becomes a partner of the client, assumes all the tasks related to the maintenance of law, personnel work (registration of employees, contractual relations, interaction with government agencies). Advantage - rhythmic payment, disadvantages - a wide range of issues to be resolved (from the sale of real estate to appeal against illegal actions and decisions of law enforcement agencies).
  4. Servicing individuals and legal entities under individual contracts. The premium segment of the market is private advice to very wealthy clients. Such persons need "their own lawyers" who can be trusted with confidential information. Advantage - high wages, disadvantage - difficulties in finding customers.

So, a law firm must take its place in the legal services market, that is, find a niche that is more or less free from competitors. It is worth noting that new areas of work are constantly emerging in this area. For example, 3-4 years ago, registering an online store in payment terminals was an exotic service, today it is offered by dozens of companies.

Target audience of business:

  1. Individuals facing legal problems. The range of potential consultations is very wide: family, civil, housing, administrative, tax law. Therefore, it is necessary to decide on a narrower target group and concentrate on certain tasks.
  2. Small firms in need of constant legal assistance. Such companies attract legal organizations under outsourcing agreements. In fact, the counterparty undertakes all the legal work of the partner, setting the principles of payment (fixed, premium).
  3. Medium and large companies that need a one-time consultation on a complex issue. Issues may arise in the field of economic, customs, administrative law. To be effective, law firm professionals must have good knowledge of specific issues.
  4. Small and medium-sized firms in need of a specific service. This may be the purchase of equipment on lease, a loan, a commercial mortgage, etc. The law firm will accompany the transaction, or choose a counterparty, ensure legal security, etc.
  5. Foreign companies that need representation in Russia. These clients are the most interesting, as they can get high pay. Foreign companies require a full range of services: registration, reporting, obtaining licenses, interaction with government agencies.

Is there a special procedure for opening law firms?

In order to create a legal education (office, collegium, bureau), according to the Federal Law "On advocacy and advocacy in the Russian Federation", it is necessary to obtain the appropriate status. Persons wishing to establish such an organization must pass a qualifying examination and take an oath. At the same time, “trials” will be more than rewarded, because lawyers have a wide range of rights and powers: representing the interests of the principal (client) in civil (criminal) proceedings, sending requests to various organizations, conducting written surveys of citizens.

In addition, in order to conduct private notarial activities in accordance with Part 3 of the Federal Law “On Notaries”, a license is required. To count on it, you will need to pass a qualifying exam, after which you can open your own office. A notary engaged in private practice has the right to rent an office, hire employees, and keep a bank account.

A special permit, according to the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", is necessary only for conducting private detective activities (the licensing authority is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). This direction is extremely promising for such areas of legal work as debt collection, maintenance obligations, transaction support.

For other areas of legal activity, licenses and other special permits are not provided. Moreover, many recognized specialists in the field of customs law and foreign economic activity do not have higher education at all.

Search for a promising direction for work

The legal world is very wide, and there are really many areas for work here. Some firms concentrate exclusively on customs law (clearance of goods), others on the construction industry, and still others on registration services. Certain areas of activity are disappearing (notarial registration of transactions for the sale of real estate), others are just emerging (support for e-commerce). Let's try to evaluate several promising areas that currently have an average supply, and find out the potential demand for certain services.

We have identified several areas of interest in today's market:

  1. Collection of debts under receipts and loan agreements by legal methods (preparation of claims, claims, applications to law enforcement agencies, writing statements of claim).
  2. Support of enforcement proceedings (decisions, orders, rulings that have entered into force).
  3. Legal services in the field of construction (compulsion to fulfill the contract, claiming a penalty, conducting an examination).
  4. Legal assistance to foreigners (appeal to government agencies, purchase of real estate, participation in administrative, civil and criminal proceedings).
  5. Assistance in obtaining a residence permit and citizenship (assistance in finding a job in Russia, processing the necessary documents, accompanying foreigners).
  6. Appeal against illegal decisions of law enforcement agencies (decisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee, the prosecutor's office).

Note: Actual niche in the current market conditions - protection of the rights of borrowers to creditors (e.g. stop loan franchise).

Assessment of demand for promising areas of activity:

Main promotion methods:

  1. Internet advertising. For all the areas we have identified, contextual advertising Google.Adwords and Yandex.Direct works well. The effect of marketing activities will be felt within 2-3 weeks after the launch of the project. In the medium and long term, SEO promotion, that is, filling the site with optimized articles, can give a good conversion.
  2. Participation in the work of free consultation services. A number of popular sites for providing legal assistance to citizens enable specialists, when answering questions, to provide their contact information, that is, to advertise. But, given the lack of a territorial link (it’s not even worth remembering the breadth of Russia), getting a large number of customers will not be easy.
  3. Conducting trainings and seminars. To promote such services as subscription services for legal entities, as well as legal support for foreign companies, it is promising to organize working meetings for heads and heads of departments. Participation in thematic trainings and seminars can also be charged, but this is associated with other organizational costs.
  4. Preparation of business proposals. When promoting the service of subscription legal services for companies, targeted mailing will help to find clients. In a business proposal, it is necessary to identify possible algorithms for cooperation and indicate the cost of the company's services.
  5. "Cold calls". Most small and medium-sized companies cannot maintain their own legal department, but they encounter legal problems with enviable regularity. Targeted telephone conversations with managers will help you find customers. Moreover, this method of promotion is rarely used in the sale of services in the field of jurisprudence.
  6. Successful legal practice. Finally, the notorious "word of mouth" remains an important source of customers. The more useful the help and advice is, the more satisfied customers will share a valuable specialist with their acquaintances.

Advantages and disadvantages of your own law office:


Free work schedule

High competition

Arbitrary pricing

The need for rich work experience

A large number of spheres

Difficulties in promoting certain types of services

Possibility of constant expansion of the company

Psychological problems (constant contact with other people's difficulties)

Huge number of potential customers

The need to constantly update legal frameworks and update legislation

Self-realization of a specialist

Independent search for clients

Ability to choose clients

A large number of people who want to get advice for free

Right to refuse consultation (assistance)

For certain areas of work, a license is required.

Efficient use of working time

It is difficult to find good specialists as employees

Minimum costs for the organization of the workflow

The company is responsible for the quality of services

Stable demand

Finding your place in the market is not easy.

Examples of successful business

Summary analysis of the cost of services

Company name

Law Firm "Arcadia"

Law Firm "Angard"

GC "Yurliga"




One-time consultation

1.500 rubles/hour

700 rubles

from 1000 rubles

Registration of LLC (without state duty)

11.000 rubles

2.500 rubles

7.500 rubles

IP registration (without state duty)

3.500 rubles

1.000 rubles

4.500 rubles

Liquidation of a legal entity

60.000 rubles

is not provided

34.500 rubles

Drafting a claim

9.000 rubles (complex service)

1.000 rubles (only application)

9.500 rubles (complex service)

So, the above companies provide similar services, however, Arcadia Law Firm specializes in registration issues (formation and liquidation of legal forms), Angard Law Firm is more focused on affordable services for individuals, and Yurliga Group of Companies provides a wide range of services to both private and to corporative clients. Even a superficial analysis shows how much prices for work vary. Not surprisingly, the cost of services in Moscow is much higher than in Ulyanovsk.

We add that the price of work significantly depends on the status of a lawyer. Eminent offices that serve only regular customers can request 15-30 thousand rubles a day, and even more, for representing the interests of the customer. The stakes are especially high in the field of criminal law: when a rich person has the prospect of being in places “not so remote”, he no longer counts his savings so zealously.

Today we will talk about how to start your construction business correctly and what pitfalls can be in this area. The advantage of this service sector is the constantly growing demand. Just imagine, every day potential clients are looking for their contractor to carry out repairs, they are eager to build their own cozy house or put up a fence near an already finished house. Some representatives of the stronger sex take on this work, but not every man is able to install a double-glazed window, replace a pipe, or even drive a shelf into the wall. And when a person understands his helplessness in the field of construction, our task will be to provide the client with all the services that he only wishes. You can’t refuse a person who brings money into your hands, but you shouldn’t think that opening a construction company is an easy task and there will already be huge incomes in a couple of days. Any business is hard work and now I will explain why.

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The first stage of opening a construction company is registration

First of all, we need to open a company and for this we choose the type of registration. The easiest way is to register a company as a legal entity, that is, a limited liability company. To do this, you need to come up with a name for the company, choose its location, create an authorized capital and founders of the company. Let's analyze these points in a little more detail. The name of the company should be unique and easily recognizable - if you slightly alter the name of a competitor, you get an ugly situation and customers are likely to refuse your services. The location of the company means the city in which your company will operate. The authorized capital is the money that the founders invested in the company, that is, the start-up capital that the company needs for initial functioning.
Let's summarize the package of documents required for registering a company: copies of the passports of the founders of the company, information about the location of the company and the main type of activity, as well as information about the authorized capital and the method of its formation. You can go through the registration yourself, or you can pay a special office and she will do everything herself. The issue price is 3000 rubles.

Scope of activity and permissions

You should not think that if you open a construction company, then you can build and repair everything at once. Construction is divided into three types - industrial, civil and road, and for each of these types you need to obtain a separate permit, have special equipment and specialists. You should not immediately rush into a huge piece of work, you still won’t pull it, it’s better to choose the simplest and most permanent way of repair work - civil engineering. This branch of work includes the repair of residential buildings, the construction of houses, garages, saunas. It is worth noting that the number of small firms that do not live up to a year of their work increases every year in the civil construction market. We won't be like that, right?
You can’t just come to a person and start building a house for him, for any type of construction work you need to have a permit. At the beginning of our work, we need to obtain a building permit and a license to design structures. This package of documents does not incur large costs. Also, many are sure that in order to open a company, you need to have the status of an SRO (Self-Regulatory Organization), but if we are not going to build private houses (cottages no more than 3 floors), the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich will not exceed 1500 sq.m, then this no status needed.

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Equipment and machinery

I would like to say right away that not a single small construction company can provide itself with all the equipment for repair or construction. The main problem is the high price of specialized equipment, without which the work cannot be done. The average price of all machinery and equipment for a construction company is 20 thousand dollars and this is the minimum number of all units for the work of one team of workers. If the budget has already been spent, and the company still needs a concrete mixer or other equipment, then you can use the services of leasing companies. Leasing is, in fact, renting something. Sometimes it will be cheaper to rent an excavator than to buy one for a one-time use. Let's add 20 thousand dollars to the list of expenses - for the purchase of a car for a team of workers and all equipment.

Personnel is an important component of a construction company

Our company is small, so it is not necessary to open a large office and spend a lot of money on rent. Everything that a start-up construction company needs can fit in two rooms. One room will be used as a warehouse for equipment, in the second you need to put a table, a computer, a phone and a girl with a sweet voice. It is she who will answer calls, record data and create a customer base.
It is worth starting with one working team of five people. In the brigade, four workers are equal in terms of obligations and rights, they carry out repair work. The average price of a builder is 40 thousand rubles a month, and this amount should be calculated. The fifth person in the team will be the foreman, who is responsible for the quality of the work performed and the preparation of estimates. The salary is 60 thousand rubles. In the future, when the company grows, you need to hire a professional estimator.
As a result, in terms of personnel, the following picture is obtained: 20 thousand rubles for the salary of a secretary, 4 builders for 40 thousand each and a foreman. The total salary per month is 240 thousand rubles.

Finding Clients

Despite the economic crisis, approximately 20% of the entire population of the country spends money on repairs or construction work annually, so it will not be difficult to create a client base. First of all, you should use word of mouth - tell your friends and acquaintances about the opening of a construction company. You will be able to get a couple of orders, because any person at home has something nailed wrong or the door needs to be repaired. This way we will ensure an influx of small orders, but we need to grow to great heights. It is worth advertising your company in places where building materials are sold - a person comes for a new washbasin and notices an advertisement that the washbasin can be delivered very well and of high quality for a small fee.

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Summing up

Any business is a series of problems and failures that you need to go through in order to carve out a place for yourself in the sun. At first it will be difficult to find a normal place for a warehouse, professional workers and a foreman, there will be difficulties with the supply of materials and orders. Try to do everything right and do not be ashamed of small orders, because this, although small, is money for the company. It will not be easy to recoup the initial paperwork, purchase of equipment, rent and salary. The equipment will cost 680 thousand rubles, the registration of the company another ten thousand. The functioning of the company will take 240 thousand for salaries and 8 for renting premises, the same amount for gasoline for a working car. Don't forget about ads. If you have an initial capital of 940 thousand rubles, you can safely open a construction company, but only on condition that you recoup the salary of employees in the first month.

Owning a business is the dream of many Russians who are tired or not ready to be employees. Having a promising business plan, you should determine in which organizational and legal form to register your enterprise, choose the optimal taxation system and solve a number of other issues. You can learn how to open a company in Russia from experienced lawyers who are well acquainted with the procedure for registering legal entities.

Optimal legal form

The most profitable and optimal organizational and legal form in terms of taxation and the complexity of accounting and reporting is LLC. Most entrepreneurs who want to start their own business without extra costs come to this conclusion. You can cope with this task on your own, following the step-by-step instructions of an experienced lawyer.

The owner (or owners) will have to:

  • - prepare the necessary package of documents;
  • - determine the types of activities;
  • - form the authorized capital;
  • - choose the optimal taxation system;
  • - go through the registration procedure;
  • - open a bank account;
  • - make a seal;
  • - choose an office;
  • - hire staff.

To organize and register a company with this form of ownership, one founder is enough, but the total number of participants cannot exceed 50 people.

Registration documents

To create your own company in the form of a limited liability company, you need to prepare a package of documents in which in addition to the application form P11001 must include:

  1. the decision of the founder (taken solely) or the minutes of the meeting of the founders (if there are several of them);
  2. company charter;
  3. memorandum of association (subject to the creation of a company by 2 or more persons);
  4. a document confirming the payment of the state fee;
  5. a duly executed power of attorney (if a representative is engaged in registration);
  6. application for the transition to an acceptable taxation system.

Before submitting documents, you need to take care of the legal address. The registration authority will require a document, will require confirmation of its availability. If this is a rented or own premises, you will have to provide a letter of guarantee signed by the owner; if the company is registered at the address of the general director or founder, his written consent will be required.

As for the size of the authorized capital, it cannot be less than 10 thousand rubles, and must be paid in full within 4 months after the registration procedure.

Tax system: what to choose?

The current legislation of the Russian Federation allows you to choose the following types:

  • - simplified (USN);
  • - general (OSNO);
  • - single tax on temporary tax (UTII);
  • - unified agricultural tax (ESKhN);
  • - patent system (PSN).

Most owners of modern companies prefer "simplified". This system is the best option for owners of small businesses. Its advantages are obvious:

  1. you will have to pay one tax regularly, instead of three;
  2. contributions to the budget are made once a quarter;
  3. reporting is submitted once a year.

The system allows you to choose taxation at 2 rates:

  • - 6% (all profit received by the enterprise is taxed);
  • - 15%, which are levied on the company's income (this takes into account the expenses that the company had in the process of work).

Enterprises that have chosen the common system pay property tax, income tax and VAT and are required to submit reports on them regularly.

Companies operating on UTII pay a deduction to the budget, the amount of which depends on the type of activity, the size of the area on which it is carried out, the presence and number of employees.

ESHN can choose an enterprise, 70% of whose income is received from the sale of agricultural products.

The patent system is designed for firms whose line of business requires obtaining permits (patents).

Choice of activities

Any enterprise is created only when its founders know what they want to do and have a business plan for the development of their company. However, you should think about the fact that in the process of work, related areas may appear that will make the business even more successful. When filling out registration documents, you will have to indicate one main type of activity and any number of additional ones.

It is not a problem if the company needs to add additional activities in the process of work. This can be easily done by writing a relevant application to the tax authority.

Registration procedure

Having prepared the necessary documents, choosing the types of activities and the optimal taxation system, you can proceed to the final stage - the submission of documents. Modern legislation allows you to do this in several ways:

  1. personally or through a representative;
  2. by mail;
  3. using the Internet.

Having chosen the first option, you should contact the registering authority of the Federal Tax Service at the location of the company's legal address. In large cities, this function has been transferred to multifunctional centers. If the submission of documents is carried out by a representative, you must take care of the presence of a notarized power of attorney. In case of personal transfer of documents, the presence of all the founders is necessary (in the same composition, you will have to pick up the documents). Consideration of the application and the adoption of a decision is carried out within three working days from the date of their submission.

When applying by mail, you should be aware that you do not need to visit the registration authority to receive ready-made documents. They will be sent to the legal address of the company. The disadvantage of this method is the mandatory notarization of the signatures of all the founders, and these are significant costs, to which the payment of postal services is added.

Online applications are the most popular. A special service is simple and easy to use, which allows you to fill out the necessary forms effortlessly even for people who are not confident Internet users. In addition, the program is configured in such a way that the applicant will not be able to send forms filled with errors, and this greatly simplifies the procedure for accepting documents.

Also on the topic of starting your own company, see: