Earnings on needlework ideas. Myths and reality of making money on needlework

Is it possible to make money with your hobby? The question, relevant not only for young mothers or students, can be answered in the affirmative. Getting income from needlework is a relatively new type of income, the success of which depends little on luck, talent or investing a large amount of money. We recommend that the reader avoid downloading hundreds of tutorials, because effective concepts are combined in this material. From it, the reader will learn how to make money on needlework, what preparation for selling includes, and how you can optimize your activities without leaving your cozy home.

What hobby can be monetized?

The answer is simple - any in which you put your soul. Examples of profitable needlework are:

  • knitting (clothes for children or adults, children's toys),
  • sewing of wardrobe items, dolls, clothes for pets,
  • cross stitch,
  • beading,
  • macrame,
  • decoupage (decoration of objects),
  • scrapbooking (production of design postcards, books, photo albums),
  • clay crafting,
  • soap making,
  • drawing,
  • burning out.

Hundreds of years ago, craftsmen, merchants, small traders earned by needlework. They produced useful goods and then sold them. The scheme for making a profit from a hobby is still relevant today, so a novice entrepreneur will succeed. However, you need to consider three rules, thanks to which it will be possible to make money with needlework:

  1. You love your hobby, create with soul.
  2. You have a unique style.
  3. You know how to properly promote your offer.

Selling your products or services is the hardest part. But we will dispel this myth and tell you how to make money with needlework without problems.

Ways to earn income

There are several ways to monetize crafts. These include:

  • sale to the consumer of the created product,
  • conducting paid workshops on needlework for interested persons,
  • sale to websites or online stores of training lessons (courses) on creativity,
  • creation of an online store with subsequent sales, promotion, search for customers.

Direct selling is a classic way to make money with needlework. The first buyers can be relatives, friends, acquaintances who had the opportunity to evaluate your masterpieces. Surely a woman doing needlework in her free time has repeatedly heard rave reviews from her friends. So why not let them know first that you've started a home business? It is very easy to offer them to purchase a valuable exclusive item with a 10-20% discount and earn their first money.

The circle of close people is rapidly shrinking - it won't be a month before all your friends will know about your creations. There is a need to expand the client base. How can this be done? For example, a woman on maternity leave will tell other young mothers about her needlework while the kids frolic on the playground. Or a student who regularly wears homemade jewelry items will arouse the interest of colleagues at the educational institution.

If your friends ask you to tell us about the ways of creating unique things, jewelry, interior items, the secrets of needlework, you should know that this is a recognition of your skill. Here you can go in two ways - keep the secrets to yourself or make money on a home master class for those who wish. The sale of knowledge is highly paid, and learning to needlework will bring more solid profits than a one-time deal. The more people who want to learn a new skill, the more money you will earn.

Of course, inviting loved ones to paid master classes is inconvenient. You can motivate them (and not only) in the following way - for each invited guest, make a 20% discount on the cost of the lesson. A visitor who has brought five new clients is trained for free. He is satisfied, and you are in the black: people who are ready to pay money for it want to adopt knowledge.

If a craftswoman has been creating for many years, has comprehended all the basics of craftsmanship, is in demand among friends, she can try to make money by selling training videos. Clients will be interest groups in social networks or other resources focused on creativity. However, the best way to make money with needlework is to create an online store.

Monetization through social networks

Anyone who wants to feel the principle of leverage (“work less - earn more”) should try selling on the Internet. The main advantages of owning an online business are:

  • unlimited number of potential customers,
  • savings on advertising
  • ease of sale
  • own home office, zero rent.

For a detailed consideration of the issue, below are the steps on how to make money on needlework using the Vkontakte social network.

  1. Creation of a group / store on the Internet.

Technical issues are ridiculously easy to deal with. Next, images of handicraft items to be sold are uploaded to the group, indicating the cost, main characteristics (material, etc.). After completing the initial steps, it is worth thinking about the design of an online store.

  1. Invite friends to the community.

People who have had the opportunity to appreciate your hobby will gladly accept the invitation. It is also worth starting a “Reviews” section and asking loved ones to write a couple of good words about the abilities of the needlewoman. Voila - a small portfolio is ready!

  1. Store promotion.

Instead of inviting all the people in a row, we determine the target audience. Let's say a handicraft product is stylish hair clips. The male half of users is excluded from the list of candidates immediately, and for the fair sex from 15 to 35 years old, this may be of interest.

  1. Delivery service setup.

If the goods are sold within the same locality, you can carry out self-delivery for a couple of hundred rubles. Otherwise, it is worth connecting courier or logistics companies, mail, and other entities.

  1. Set up payment orders.

The easiest way for a consumer to buy a product without leaving home is to pay for it online. For this, there are payment systems Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex.Money and others. Setting up payment methods for goods is carried out when creating a store on the Internet.

What is the maximum profit?

Needlework can earn an extra couple of thousand rubles a month, but stories are familiar with cases when a hobby led people to wealth.

An example is the creator from Japan, in the open spaces of the network, known under the pseudonym Sakae. His activity is the manufacture and sale of unique jewelry. The master does not divulge the secrets of needlework, however, masterpieces cannot be found in the store - they are sold only at auctions on the Internet or live auctions. The amount of money buyers are willing to shell out for Sakae's creations is impressive. A small lilac hairpin, the starting price of which was about 3500 rubles, was transferred to the final buyer for 99 thousand! Seeing the images of the jewelry of the Japanese master in the photo, many involuntarily exclaim: “I can also do something like this and make money on it!”.

Obviously, you can successfully earn money with needlework - it all depends on diligence, hard work and talent. Following the three rules of a successful entrepreneur and the success stories of famous needlewomen will help newcomers to the home-based business overcome obstacles and achieve financial freedom in their hobbies.

    It all depends on how you present your handicraft creations. For me, the most profitable are knitting and sewing. Knitted hats, scarves, sweaters, mittens - all these things are necessary and they buy different things for each season, they can even buy different things every year. Don't wear the same hat for the rest of your life. Knitted things are usually knitted from high-quality natural yarn. Such products are warmer and more durable.

    I also consider sewing dresses to be profitable. Dress is always not enough for girls) But again, you need to be able to present all this beautifully and stylishly.

    In my opinion, the most profitable type of needlework is the manufacture of film stained glass. It's not difficult, it takes a little practice, in my opinion, even less than for knitting or embroidery. The film stained-glass window is cheaper than the classic one, but it looks no worse. On sale there is everything you need for this at affordable prices: stained glass film, stained glass tape, a set of tools. On the Internet you can find master classes that will help you master this interesting and profitable business.

    It seems to me that much of what belongs to the category of needlework can be profitable. Knitting, sewing to order, making stylish toys, for example, tilde dolls, woodcarving, with which you can earn money by decorating wooden residential buildings, applying airbrushing to cars, which has recently been in demand, but you never know what else is possible come up with ... It also depends on personal talent, skill, and personal interest in some kind of activity.

    Any needlework can generate income if a person is a master of his craft. Exclusive things have always been in demand, and if a thing is done with talent and quality, a buyer will not be found easily. Create, earn.

    In my opinion, the most profitable type of needlework sewing clothes to order. But not for children, they grow up quickly, so parents prefer inexpensive Chinese. And not for fashionistas those prefer brands.

    You need to sew clothes for dogs to order. Firstly, dogs are different, they need to adjust their clothes to fit. Secondly, dog owners who buy clothes for them are usually not poor people. Thirdly, buyers prefer unique clothes, otherwise it will not work to show off.

    So sewing clothes for dogs is the most profitable type of needlework You just need to find clients.

    Demanded items that will always find their new owners are considered profitable. Relevant for all ages is sewing and knitting to order. Recently, the production of cakes and pastries with mastic, as well as professional photo shoots, have become popular.

    If we consider everything made by hand as needlework, then here we can consider construction, and many types of medicine (dentistry, plastic surgery), jewelry and much more.

    And if we consider needlework in the modern sense, then almost any kind of creativity will bring income, if the creator really has a talent for the production of specific products and he knows how to properly sell what he does.

    For example, an icon embroidered with beads 20 * 30 can be sold for ten thousand.

    Approximate prices for various items of needlewomen can be found here.

    quote: I embroider such icons to order, the work is done within two weeks approximately. Delivery by mail to any countries and regions of the country. I already had the experience of sending icons to Kazakhstan, Moscow, Russia. in principle, it is quite expensive and the demand is good. I consider this to be a good handicraft.

    Different types of needlework can be profitable, depending on which segment to work in. Look, you can sew on ads to order and get not very much, or you can sew outfits for some star and get great money. The same goes for knitting. The main thing is to find a good demand for a good product. Wood carving, burning, drawing - all this can be profitable.

    First of all, in order for a business to be highly profitable, you need to choose a business for which people are willing to pay a lot. For example, jewelry. They are purchased by people with money and usually ask little questions about the cost and do not bargain. Car tuning can also be profitable.

    The most profitable in needlework is creativity. Any needlework to which creative thinking is applied can become profitable. It is pointless to single out some type separately, since manual labor is more expensive than machine labor and cannot compete with it without a creative approach.

    In general, the master himself can make his work profitable.

I am glad to welcome you, my dear readers, today we will analyze in detail a very relevant topic for many hand-made masters or those who want to become them, how to make money on your hobby and make your favorite business a permanent source of income.


1 Who is this activity for?
2 What are the benefits of making money on needlework
3 Where to start? Basic moments
4 What are the types and methods of sales
5 What is the best sales method?
6 Success stories
7 How to overcome difficulties and become successful

You are probably wondering where to start? How to find buyers? How to organize the whole process?

In fact, you can learn everything, with a strong desire!

Who is this activity for:

  • Moms on maternity leave (who want to see how their babies develop).
  • Retired women.
  • Creative individuals who live it.
  • People with disabilities.
  • And in general, anyone who wants to work freely ...

What are the benefits of making money on needlework:

  • Handmade is much more valuable than stamped factory.
  • Uniqueness of products
  • Low cost
  • Work from home in a comfortable environment
  • No boss to report to
  • Free schedule

And this is only a small part of the benefits.

I will not hide there are also disadvantages -

To make money on needlework, you need to really work.
Plan your own schedule
Find the best prices on craft supplies
In some types of creativity, the manufacturing process can take a long time.
And of course the search for buyers.

But fortunately, all these issues are solvable and most of them cause inconvenience only at the beginning. Over time, the necessary baggage of knowledge and information accumulates, and invaluable experience appears that simplifies the entire further process.

Where to begin? Basic moments:

1.Of course, the first thing to do is to decide on a niche (if you haven’t done it yet), i.e. What kind of art would you like to do to earn money.

2. Understand whether there is a demand and need for what you want to produce.

3. Determine who your target audience (CA) is, i.e. who may be interested in your product.

4. Find competitors in your niche and analyze what they do well and what is not so good and do better.

5. It is advisable to draw up a small business plan, where to calculate all the costs of materials, tools, etc. All possible profit options, your target audience and ways of interacting with it, methods of promotion and advertising.

Many may have questions and doubts:

What if I can't?

What if they don't buy from me?

There is too much competition in my niche, etc.

If you also catch yourself on such thoughts, I want to assure you that this is normal and most of the already experienced and successful masters have also struggled with similar feelings and thoughts. But despite all the fears and doubts, they took and did, and today they are successful.

With the proper alignment of your business, you can sell absolutely anything! Even the craziest things find their customers. Here are some screenshots to prove it:

Do you think it is possible to sell the meat of someone who does not even exist in nature? In addition, the description says that this meat can not be eaten. However, look how many pieces are sold - 18 and notice the price is not cheap.

Another example

Eyelashes on the car)

How! Have you purchased this beauty yet?

Poor, how do you live without them (

I think many will agree that this is not an essential thing, and indeed it is a useless thing, but there are those who will squeak with delight looking at this creative)))

Or maybe you want a knitted squid hat for yourself?))) Or maybe you can give your husband a knitted beard, he will definitely be smitten on the spot, because for complete happiness in life, he definitely needs it. Of course, I'm joking, but the sellers obviously seriously think that this is a very necessary thing. See how many results were found in the search 1 326

You can find a lot of similar examples, and apparently even the most crazy and useless things are sold. And if your products will solve the problems of your potential customers, then you will not end up with them.

However, even the most awesome and professionally made things will not bring any benefit if they just lie at home and no one will know about them, except for close relatives and a couple of girlfriends.
So let's talk about how to move forward.

What are the types and methods of sales:

  1. Sale of finished products
  2. Custom made to order
  3. Sale of photo or video master classes
  4. Conducting live master classes

Let's start with finished products - this is the most common type of income for needlewomen.

  1. The most effective sales method is direct sales. When you personally, as a master, tell and show your product to a person.
  1. Give your products for sale in stores. The conditions may be different, someone offers a separate shelf for a certain fee per month, and with someone you can agree on a percentage of the sale.
  2. Sale via the Internet. There are also many options for how you can sell. Through your website or third-party sites such as the Fair of Masters, Rukodelnoe.ru, Ebay and many others, through your group in the social. networks or in other people's needlework groups. Through one-page sites (landing pages) or using email marketing. As an option, you can still exhibit your finished work on Avito.
  1. Participation in handicraft fairs, the only such fairs are usually held for a fee, that is, a place for sale at such a fair will cost money.

Customization is also a good enough method, but it usually works when you are already known as a master of your craft.

  1. And the first thing that works here is word of mouth, they did it for themselves, friends saw it and wanted to too.
  2. You can make business cards and offer, if possible, to those who are your target audience or post ads.
  3. The Internet is also a great platform for collecting orders. It's just that in addition to ready-made works, you focus on the fact that you accept orders for individual production.

Photo and video master classes are a very cool thing, you did it once, but sell it at least a thousand times.

Despite the fact that today they say there is a lot of information in the public domain, however, many masters on Mk make very decent money. Why?

Yes, because it is not always freely available, what you need, as you know, a self-respecting master will not lay out all the secrets and all his experience accumulated over the years just like that. Over the years, many masters have their own developments and technologies that they share only with the elite in their paid master classes. In addition, scattered information is freely available and not everyone can structure it on their own. And for free microns, no one will answer questions that may arise, and feedback is worth a lot.

  1. The main way of promotion is of course the Internet, sites, groups, thematic platforms, landing pages, email, webinars.
  2. You can also create a pdf master class in the form of a book. Print the book and offer it for sale in a bookstore.
  3. Photo master classes can be published on your website, and the website can be monetized. They also buy online stores or you can put articles for sale on stock exchanges, such as these -


  1. You can upload video master classes for free on You Tube and monetize your channel, i.e. make money by showing ads.

Live master classes are a very interesting activity, but not the easiest.

It needs a suitable space for it to take place. Materials and tools for all participants. As well as a good advertising campaign to attract an audience.

  1. You can collect an audience to participate in the master class on the street with the help of leaflets.
  2. Or all also with the help of Internet resources.

What is the most profitable way to sell?

With proper building of a business system, any of these sales methods will work, but the most profitable and convenient at the moment is selling master classes via the Internet.



  1. The recorded master class can be sold an unlimited number of times.
  2. Coverage of buyers from all over the world.
  3. The method of payment and delivery can be automated.

If, while making a product, you simultaneously shoot a photo or video of a micro, then in the end you will be able to sell one finished product and an “infinitely” filmed micro, besides, in order to sell the finished product, you need to think about the delivery of the goods and the packaging of the goods, and this turns around additional waste of time and money.

The requirements for custom-made production are the same as for the finished product.

Live master classes are also a time-consuming process that requires your constant participation.

Of course, I do not call for abandoning these methods of sales, on the contrary, they should all be used in combination. Although selling mk is the most convenient way, selling products is the most popular, but to save you effort, I recommend focusing on one main one that will work with the least effort and cost on your part. And the rest to use as an addition.

Success stories

Here is another example

Our needlewoman from Moscow came up with an original idea. On the cuffs, knit an image of an owl:
The idea was immediately liked by connoisseurs of handmade and her cuffs immediately began to buy. Since registering on etsy, 22 pairs have been bought in a month.

In addition, she also sells fingerless gloves with the same owl

These gloves are also well bought from her (she sold 7 pairs of such gloves).

But cuffs for boots, apparently, are now more in demand.

So Russian needlewomen can also successfully trade on Etsy, despite the fact that they live far from American shores. But for this, of course, our product must be more original, more beautiful, better quality.

And here is another independent review of a person:

Personally, I was inspired by one case that I watched in some kind of video. A girl from Moscow worked as a salesperson in a flower shop, but for some reason she decided to quit and on the way home she came up with an unusual idea, to create golden-colored hippos. Although she herself did not know how to sew, she bought leather, found a seamstress.

Together they designed a pattern of the right size, the seamstress sewed six hippos and the girl gave it to the flower shop where she worked for sale.

The girl estimated her work at 6,500 thousand. And lo and behold, four out of six hippos were taken away on the very first day. As a result, the process began to spin and production expanded, hippos began to be sewn from different skin colors and different sizes. Over time, other animals were added to the hippos. And the girl began to receive a million-dollar profit, for which she bought an apartment for herself. Although not all of us live in cities with a population of over a million, where there are a lot of opportunities to implement our ideas, each of us has a whole world of the Internet, where there are even more opportunities, regardless of our place of residence. The main thing is to use them in time!

These are just a few successful cases, in fact there are many, many!

But along with this, there are many talented needlewomen who, due to uncertainty or lack of knowledge, give up and their hope for success dies, and at the same time, talent stops developing, because there is no necessary encouragement. And it's so sad when the dream remains unfulfilled dream (When no one else sees the master's masterpieces (
I have already met many needlewomen on my way who have not achieved their goals.

Don't let this happen to you too.

How to overcome adversity and become successful.

  1. Set realistic and specific goals. Look for ways and information on how to achieve them.
  1. Learn from those who have already achieved something. Invest in your development.
  1. Find like-minded people. Communicate.

4. Look for inspirational examples of successful people.

  1. Pull up your technical knowledge of working with a computer, social networks, email marketing, copywriting.

6. Master the basics of video and photography, work with a graphic editor

  1. Be sure to apply what you have learned as soon as it is fresh in your mind. And the result will not be long in coming.
  1. It is better to move slowly, gradually, little by little, step by step ... But regularly!
  1. Remember that all difficulties are temporary. Every field has its ups and downs.
  1. Most importantly, don't stop!

Success is not a spontaneous event, but the result of efforts directed in the right direction!

Five handicraft ideas for making money

You have probably already heard that working from home can be a source of additional income. Do you also want to do what you love and be useful, but you don’t feel like weaving beaded bracelets and embroidering pictures with a cross? We offer several popular types of handicraft that almost everyone can master. Any hobby can bring money, there are a great many examples of making money on needlework.

How to make money on needlework - Ideas

Clay and ceramics

Products that can be made from clay cannot be listed, and in this case, literally anyone can master this technique.

First you need ordinary clay, which you can buy in briquettes in craft stores and sculpt whatever you want with your hands.

To learn a more complex skill - work on a potter's wheel, you can pick up a studio school where you will be taught the basics of creativity. The process is very exciting, enjoyable and rewarding.

Sometimes such activities are even prescribed to relieve stress and get rid of depression, and you will have a good time in any case.

Well, if these lessons captivate you, you can move on. By the way, clay can be poured into special forms, fired and painted, creating beautiful objects, ranging from plates and flower pots to decorations in the form of pendants and rings.

If you do not have artistic talent, but want to make things not only for yourself, it is better to focus on utilitarian items: dishes, flower pots, candlesticks that can be filled with wax and make scented candles for home and garden.


Recently, it has become popular to sew toys based on children's drawings.

Not surprising, because they are so funny, unusual, and most importantly, completely unique. Five ideas for making money at home with needlework

Did you go to a soft toy club as a child? Then it will not be difficult for you to sew a small creature from scraps and fill it with padding polyester.

Start with your child's drawings, and when you "fill your hand", take orders from moms, dads and grandmothers for children's birthdays and other holidays.

Children really like it when their fantasy heroes come to life, acquiring volume and character. Five ideas for making money at home with needlework


You can buy them in florist shops or decor stores, and they cost a lot, by the way.

And making a florarium on your own is not so difficult, you just need patience and accuracy.

Where to start for such earnings on needlework? A beautiful container is taken (not necessarily made of transparent glass, although it is important that the florarium is visible from the outside) and filled with soil, stones, moss, colored sand, small plants, and sometimes small figures.

Behind glass, you can create a forest clearing, mountain or seascape. Now florariums are in fashion, so there are enough fans of such decor.


Recently, more and more often you can see products of very large knitting, made not from woolen threads, but from knitwear.

You can buy it ready-made, or you can make it yourself by cutting old T-shirts into strips.

Such yarn can be crocheted or use only fingers.

The technique is simple, there are a lot of videos, master classes and training courses for this type of needlework. Well, if you already know how to knit, you can master this technique very quickly. Five ideas for making money at home with needlework

Knitted yarn makes excellent door mats (or bedside rugs), slippers, coasters and baskets for storing all sorts of things, as well as very stylish jewelry in the form of bracelets, necklaces and belts.


If family and friends tell you that your pies and cakes are tastier than in any restaurant, most likely they are.

So why not start making money on it? After all, not everyone has such a rare talent, and you will always find customers who love sweets.

The only question is how much time you are willing to devote to the work that you know how and love to do.


Five ideas for making money at home with needlework

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The hands of enthusiastic women work wonders, but on these crafts you can get not only pleasure, but also additional income. Find out how to make money on needlework right now.

If skillful hardworking hands are attached to your talent and imagination, it’s a sin not to make money on your own hobby. They say that work should bring pleasure and, of course, money for a comfortable life and food. If everyone around admires your crafts and envy your skill, then it's time to think about what I'm doing, and should I try to make money on crafts? It will work out, do not even hesitate, the main thing is a positive attitude and confidence in your actions.

Important nuances to start success

You should not soar in the clouds, it has not helped anyone instantly. No business succeeded from the first days and did not bring sky-high income. At first, it will not be easy, because you will have to learn a lot of tricks and subtleties of the marketing strategy.

They say that a talented person is talented in everything. A good needlewoman should not only be a designer, stylist, but also, she should learn how to write good selling texts, and also be a blogger, maintain a page on a popular forum, and not be afraid to learn new things.

At first, you will not be able to afford expensive materials for your own crafts. Look around the house in closets and on shelves - most unnecessary things can be used for work. For example, old unnecessary jeans will fit for bags and blankets, penny nylon socks can be easily turned into, and knit funny ones from old sweaters for sale.

Start with what works and looks beautiful, you must outperform competitors in price and quality. After all, many masters already have a name and their own clients, who are not so easy to win over to their side.

What crafts are in demand

First of all, you need to think about what crafts you can earn in your area. If this is a tourist or resort town, you can get rich on the theme of the city. People are happy to buy various souvenirs with inscriptions such as: hello from the sea, dear mother-in-law from vacation, as a keepsake and as a gift.

Almost always and everywhere crafts from coffee, dolls, soft toys, copyrights, all kinds of embroidered paintings (beaded, cross stitch) are in demand. Homemade jewelry, handmade soap, candles are sold well.

Master classes or school of creativity

Earnings on master classes assumes that you have a technically savvy skill and the development of pedagogical abilities. For such activities, you need at least a room. It can be a school, a kindergarten, a house of creativity, a rented room.

At worst, if the apartment allows, then classes can be held at home or in your workshop. And you also need patience, a detailed lesson plan, improvised materials in large quantities and the preparation of some elements of crafts.

Do not give out all the secrets at the first master class. You always need to leave some zest for which students would like to come to the next lesson. The lessons should be entertaining and enjoyable, in each such lesson you will receive a piece of fairy tale and goodness, so it is advisable to prepare well for the first lessons.

And they will also ask you how to make money on crafts with your own hands, get ready to give an intelligible answer, because most students will come to you not for pleasure and interest, but with the same hopes to replenish their budget. You must be ready for different questions, otherwise you will not have enough students in the next lesson, it is clear that each student is your money.

Internet platforms as a place of sales

As already mentioned, in order to sell virtually, you need to familiarize yourself with common thematic sites and start your own page there. Constantly monitor new products and product updates, so that even with bad deeds, you get the impression of your success, because others are drawn to successful people.

Selling crafts on the forums is the easiest, because there are a lot of your friends there, let them be the first buyers. You can advertise on different marketplaces. How to advertise depends on the specifics of a particular site.

In addition to information technology, you will also have to master the profession of a photographer, since you will succeed with design. After all, each ad must contain high-quality and beautiful photographs of works.

Virtual workshops can also be successfully sold if you can take pictures and express your thoughts at least a little beautifully. For example, such MKs can be Advego. Similarly, you can make money on cooking and knitting.

A good and well-written ad is also half the battle for a sale. Be sure to include keywords in the text that can be used to find your work using search engines. It’s a simple matter, but if it doesn’t work out, you can always turn to any content exchange for help. And most importantly, believe in yourself and everything will work out!

Also read about how to turn a hobby into an income.