Poultry farming as an affordable home business. Poultry farming as a promising business

Demand for inexpensive food is always high. And therefore, your own small chicken farm can become a very profitable business. After all, two products popular on the market are obtained from this bird at once: eggs and tasty dietary meat.

Where to begin?

In addition to concentrates, chickens must receive green and juicy feed without fail. It can be cabbage and beet leaves, carrot tops, quinoa, nettles. You also need to give grated carrots, beets, apples, zucchini, etc.

In addition, care should be taken to ensure that chickens receive a sufficient amount of useful trace elements. For laying hens, for example, calcium is very important. Its lack of feed can be made up for with chalk or grated shell rock. Mix in chicken feed and a little salt. Various vitamin supplements are also used. The latter are bought ready-made, usually in packages. On sale today there are additives designed specifically for laying hens, broilers and young animals.

Where to sell products

Breeding chickens for beginner farmers is a good business. Its advantages, among other things, include the ease of implementation of the finished product. Eggs and meat can be taken to shops, cafes, canteens or even restaurants. Some farmers also open their own outlets. But in this case, of course, you will have to pay extra rent. If the livestock is not too large, meat and eggs can also be sold simply on the market.


As you can see, a mini chicken farm can become a truly profitable business. Such a business does not require large initial investments. Actually, the care of the bird itself is not particularly difficult. However, of course, the technology of growing chickens should not be violated in any case. The absence of the necessary equipment in the barn or the use of low-quality feed will most likely cause a lunge, a decrease in productivity, and, consequently, a lack of profit.

Today, with the growing interest in organic food, the demanded line of business is the production of clean products. Poultry farming as a business is beneficial because meat and eggs are always in demand, not to mention environmentally friendly products. Therefore, poultry breeding is a promising business.

Decide on the direction of the business

First of all, you need to decide whether your poultry breeding will be directed to the production of meat or eggs. For eggs, it is recommended to breed chickens, quails, as well as various crosses - hybrid birds. At the same time, “meat” and “egg varieties” are also found among chickens. For example, the Leghorn breed begins to lay eggs from 4 months of age, and the Loman Brown is capable of laying 300 eggs per year from one bird.

If your breeding is focused on the production of meat, you will have to spend a little more money on the maintenance of the farm. In this case, your spending plan should include special foods that need to be changed according to the growth period of the pets. The most popular will be broiler chickens - a hybrid of meat breeds. You can also breed turkeys, ducks, geese for meat. For example, an ordinary Peking duck breeds almost a hundred ducklings per year. Each of them by 2-3 months already has a solid weight for sale. In just a year, you can get 200-250 kg of meat from them.

Correct content

Poultry breeding can be carried out in two ways: with or without walking birds. The first will require the construction of an aviary in a certain area, as well as a chicken coop adjacent to it. Such breeding of birds allows them to move through the fresh air, look for natural food: worms, grass, insects. The owner saves on the purchase of feed, and also reduces the risk of disease. Thus, the output is an environmentally friendly and useful product. Most often, this method is used if the business plan is focused on selling eggs.

Breeding of birds can be carried out without walking or cellular method. It is more often used to implement a plan for selling meat. In the cages, the birds move little, therefore they do not spend calories, they gain weight. At the same time, their meat turns out to be more tender than with a walking form. But it must be borne in mind that such a lifestyle reduces the bird's immunity, it is more susceptible to various diseases. This means that her diet should be enriched with a balanced diet and vitamins. It should include:

  • bone flour;
  • millet;
  • young nettle;
  • various root crops;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • food waste;
  • grass;
  • wheat;
  • corn;
  • fine gravel, sand, shells.

Poultry organization

You can build a birdhouse yourself, buy or rent. It is important that it faces the south side, and the bird hole is made on the east side. The house must have a ventilation hole, covered with a net from rodents. A meter from the floor on the back wall is equipped with a perch, on which wooden boxes are installed. Their bottom is lined with straw or hay so that birds can rush there.

It is imperative to install a box with sand or ash in the cage so that the chickens can clean their feathers. Every three months it is necessary to smear the poultry house with a solution of lime in order to disinfect.

The temperature in the poultry house should be at least 5 ° C and not more than 20 ° C. If it contains more than 10 birds, it can be slightly lowered. The fact is that the body temperature, for example, of a chicken, is about 37 ° C. The more birds, the warmer it is in the house. In order for the hens to demonstrate high egg-laying rates, follow the lighting of the house. It should be well lit from 6 am to 9 pm. Birds react very sharply to changes in light and take a long time to recover from such stress.

Purchase of young animals

The plan for the purchase of young animals is based on the area of ​​​​the poultry house. If we talk about chickens, then for 10 square meters. m. should account for no more than 20 birds. At the same time, there should be one rooster for every 7 layers. It is important that he has a well-colored crest, bright yellow paws and a strong voice. These are the signs of a healthy rooster who will be able to perform his duties well.

As for the financial side of the purchase, it is cheaper to take young chickens, about two weeks old. But if you are planning to breed birds for eggs, there is a big risk of buying too many males. Sex differences are visible in birds at the age of 2-3 months. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to buy them at the age of about 5 months, but this will cost more. Make sure they are vaccinated and healthy.

Financial plan

The cost plan depends on the breeding of which birds attracted you, what method of rearing them you have chosen, on what area your poultry house is organized. For example, for chickens with a floor type of content, it is necessary to purchase cages, the average price for which is 2.5 thousand rubles.

One chicken eats 36 kg of feed per year, which costs about 10 rubles / kg. Separately, you need to buy vitamins and supplements. Usually, the maintenance of a small chicken coop costs 20 thousand rubles. If you are planning to independently breed chickens for meat, you must also consider the purchase of an incubator.

Chicken breeding plan

For this line of business, it is necessary to reach at least 30 laying hens and 400 individuals for meat. A bird at the age of two months weighs about 5 kg and costs at least $ 5. Accordingly, with 400 chickens, you can get at least $ 10 thousand in profit from the sale of meat. If you subtract about a thousand dollars for investment, then the profit will be 5 thousand dollars.

Layer breeding plan

Most often they are bred as additional income, combined with the production of chickens for meat. 30 layers each day are capable of producing about 25 eggs. On average, 700 eggs can be obtained from them per month. The price for them depends on the region, but on average it is about a dollar. That is, with 30 chickens a month on eggs, you can earn a thousand dollars.

Broiler breeding plan

The profitability of breeding these birds reaches 70%. Such indicators are achieved by saving on compound feed. In the first month, carrots and nettles should be added to the chicken feed, and in the second - potatoes, pumpkin, beets and other vegetables. And fleshy tender carcasses come true pretty quickly, especially in big cities.

Chicken meat and eggs are considered one of the most popular and sought-after food products in Russia. They have a very high biological value for the human body. From an economic point of view, the sale of these products is quite profitable. Today there are many large producers of chicken meat on the market, some of them successfully export their products to many countries of the world. For such companies, this business brings a very good profit.

However, there are other ways to make money in this industry. One of them is the organization of such a type of business as opening your own mini-poultry farm. With the right approach to business, this type of entrepreneurial activity can become very stable and profitable.

To be successful and productive in this area, you need some special knowledge in the field of poultry farming, patience, responsibility and a well-written business plan.

The main essence and the beginning of this business

According to recent forecasts by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the number of consumers of chicken meat and eggs in the country will constantly increase. The number of national producers of this type of product in the domestic market is also increasing. This is due, first of all, to the reduction in imports of chicken meat to Russia. Therefore, with the right and responsible approach to the functioning of a mini-poultry farm, this type of activity can become very profitable. According to many analysts and experts in the industry, the profitability of this poultry business is 58-60% on average.

Before implementing this type of activity in practice, you must have a well-thought-out and formalized business plan. It must necessarily include the following items:

  • construction of a future poultry farm of a certain size;
  • feature of the premises and equipment for the farm;
  • search and organization of delivery of young chickens;
  • the presence of a feed structure;
  • financial side of the project and investment plan;
  • technological bases for keeping poultry.

For raising chickens, you can start with the purchase of a small number of young animals. To start this kind of business, the optimal number would be 1000 poultry. Your initial costs, not counting the construction of the farm itself and the lease or purchase of land, will be as follows:

  • 86,000 rubles for the purchase of egg and broiler chickens;
  • 110,000 rubles for the construction of specialized cages;
  • 61,000 rubles for the purchase of additional equipment;
  • 52,000 rubles for the renovation of the premises.

Thus, the amount of your initial investment in this type of business will be 309,000 rubles. This is provided that you will start with the number of young animals in 1000 goals. Below, in this article, calculations of the profitability of this type of activity will be given. But first, you need to clarify and analyze all the stages of work on organizing the production of chicken meat and eggs, which should be included in your business plan.

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Primary stages of activity

When building and organizing a poultry farming business, there are many central points included in the business plan from which it is worth starting the corresponding work. To begin with, you will need to decide on the legal form of your future enterprise. Most experts recommend registering such a company as a peasant farm, abbreviated as KFH. The choice of this form is due to such important points as the minimum number of documents and costs for registration.

The best option for paying taxes would be the ESHN regime. In Russia, its value is 6%. ESKhN is deciphered as a single agricultural tax. One of the main features and conditions of this rate is that 70% of your main income will come from the sale of agricultural products.

Further, your business plan must necessarily include all the nuances associated with the construction of the enterprise. The land on which the mini-poultry farm will be located will need to be registered in the form of a permitted use. This land may be owned, purchased or leased. The main thing is that the purpose of the land should correspond to the objects of agricultural purpose. Another prerequisite is the location of your mini-farm at a distance of at least 350 m from residential premises.

The next step is a qualitative analysis of your own start-up resources. you must clearly know all your possibilities with which you plan to start this type of activity. If you have some practical experience and knowledge in the field of poultry farming, then at the first stages of the business it will be possible to manage with a minimum amount of labor. Otherwise, you will be required to hire several highly qualified specialists from this field of activity.

You also need to decide on your own financial capabilities to launch your project. If you do not have enough start-up capital, then perhaps you should try using the following ways to raise the necessary resources:

  • the state program to support farmers: the amount of investment in your business can be about 1.5-2 million rubles;
  • bank lending on favorable terms: there are financial institutions that offer specialized loans for the development of agricultural enterprises at 11-12% per annum;
  • state support program for start-up entrepreneurs in the amount of 350,000 rubles.

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Production and organizational stage

The main activities that your mini-poultry farm can specialize in can be:

  • production and subsequent sale of meat products and chicken eggs;
  • growing poultry (chickens) using an incubator.
  • For these purposes, experts recommend acquiring the following breeds of chickens:
  • broilers, the live weight of which can reach 5-6 kg;
  • early maturing laying hens that can produce up to 220 eggs per year.

In order to start a poultry business with a number of young animals of 1000 heads, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​110 sq.m. Experts recommend keeping chickens in specialized cages, which are usually set in 2-3 tiers. They can be purchased from manufacturers or you can make your own. This can significantly save space for growing poultry. In accordance with the landing norm, there should be 5-6 young animals per 1 sq.m. in the cage.

On your farm, you can independently reproduce poultry. For this, specialized incubators are used. There is a fairly large selection of this type of product on the market, both imported and domestic. Most experts recommend buying Russian equipment. The ILB brand incubator has proven itself well in practice. It contains more than 700 eggs, and the incubation period for chickens is 22-23 days.

A prerequisite for the proper keeping of poultry in the room is control over the support of a microclimate that meets the standards. For a population of chickens that are more than 55 days old, +18 degrees will be enough to keep them. Chickens that are only a few days old should be kept indoors at a temperature of + 33 degrees. Due to such a difference in the regime, different age categories of birds must be kept in different compartments and rooms.

The lighting system is very important in poultry farming - for young animals that are not yet 3 weeks old, it is recommended to keep the lights on around the clock in the room. After this period, as the bird grows, this term is reduced to 17-18 hours. The basis of feed for chickens is a grain product - wheat and corn. Various mixtures of flour and cereals are added to the diet, which are rich in all kinds of vitamins and easily digestible proteins. For the normal maintenance of all the main stages of poultry production, a minimum of 3-4 workers is required.

Raising laying hens is a very profitable and popular poultry business. The demand for eggs has always been, is and will be, but there are no particular difficulties in breeding chickens. Almost anyone can start this business by equipping a poultry room and armed with the necessary knowledge.

This "egg" business attracts many aspiring entrepreneurs. And this is not surprising - chickens grow very quickly, eat little and at the age of five months they are already actively laying eggs. Some breeds rush year-round - the main thing is that suitable conditions are created for them. The main advantages of this business:

  • Low costs. The laying hen business is one of the most profitable - feed costs are significantly lower than income from eggs. And if you have your own site, where chickens can freely walk and eat pasture, this expense item is sometimes reduced to zero.
  • Demand for products. Fresh eggs are bought at any time of the year. The competition in this industry is quite high, but this does not in the least prevent you from earning decent money on laying hens.
  • Simplicity. Compared to other types of livestock breeding business, breeding laying hens requires a minimum of work - it is enough to equip the place and regularly collect the "harvest" of eggs.
  • Productivity. You can sell not only eggs. Chicken manure is considered a valuable fertilizer, and the feathers and down of this bird are used in the production of clothing and pillows and blankets. And "retired" chickens can be taken for meat.

A laying hen business is perfect for a small family that lives on its own plot outside the city. The labor intensity in this business is extremely low, and with a competent approach to business, you can get a stable guaranteed income.

How to start a laying hen business

As in any entrepreneurial business, you first need to draw up a detailed business plan. With its help, you can study all the nuances of the upcoming work, identify possible difficulties, and also use it as a means to obtain a loan from a bank. If the business plan is prepared correctly, it will reflect all the initial investments with a full calculation of the payback period.

Not only a person who has his own farmstead, but also a resident of the city is able to engage in this farming business. It is only important to find a small plot of land that will be needed for breeding and walking birds.

If you plan to do this business for a long time, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur - in the future this will make it easier to obtain permits for products.

You can download a business plan for breeding laying hens at the link:.

Preparing the poultry house

If there is no ready-made poultry room, you can build it on your own - this is quite simple, but you need to take into account a number of requirements, the observance of which will increase the productivity of laying hens:

  • Ceilings in the chicken coop should be no more than two meters high. For breeding laying hens, this will be quite enough. It is better to make the roof at an angle (pitched) so that it does not break in winter under the weight of snow. It is not difficult to calculate the area of ​​​​the house - 10 layers need 5 square meters of free space.

  • There are two ways to keep chickens - floor and cage. The floor method is more often used, since it is more convenient in terms of air ventilation and feeding birds. With cell rearing, laying hens are fed only with compound feed, and with outdoor cultivation, it is possible to let them go for a walk outside in search of pasture.

  • The chicken coop should be well ventilated and lit. As a ventilation device, you can use a regular window (closing it with a mesh from rodents) or run a ventilation pipe. It is advisable to organize an artificial source of lighting, which will be needed in winter to increase the daylight hours of birds.

    Chicken coop - photo

  • For rearing laying hens, it is necessary to maintain a temperature in the region of 0-25 ° C. Exceeding the norm causes a decrease in the egg production of birds, and at too low temperatures, chickens can get frostbite and die. If the chicken coop was built from lightweight materials, it will definitely need to be insulated. Needles, straw, sawdust, dry leaves are suitable for this. Insulation material must be mixed with lime in a ratio of 30:1. This is necessary in order to prevent the entry of rodents into the house. Usually the walls and ceiling are insulated, but if there are severe frosts in winter, the floor will also need to be insulated.
  • Nests for laying hens are usually placed in the corners of the room. Nests can be made from a simple wooden box, filled with straw or sawdust from the inside. For 4 layers, one nesting place is installed. You will also need to make perches, placing them at the opposite wall from the entrance.

    Video - chicken business in detail

    Layer breeding rules

    The business of breeding laying hens will bring high profits only if you choose the right rooster and laying hen for hatching. The rooster should be energetic, healthy and strong. When choosing a chicken, you should focus on its scallop - a good laying hen has a large, bright red scallop. For incubation of eggs, it is desirable to select calm chickens that will not often jump up and leave their nest.

    The selection of eggs for laying is a matter that must be approached with all responsibility, since the health and fertility of future laying hens will depend on the quality of the eggs. Eggs should be of the correct even shape, without dirt and stains.

    When the chick hatches from the egg, you need to help him get rid of the shell, and then carefully place it under the hen. Chickens will be ready for independent life no earlier than 1.5 months after birth.

    In order for chickens to be healthy and lay well, you need to provide them with a balanced diet. You can use ready-made feed mixtures, or you can cook them yourself. The diet of laying hens should include food waste, boiled potatoes, cake, chalk, eggshells, greens, vegetable mixtures.

    In the winter season, you will need to enrich the diet with sprouted grain, and in the summer it is imperative to give chickens fresh plants. It is desirable to provide laying hens with a walking area on the street, where they can feed on pasture and insects on their own. To increase egg production, it is recommended to add yeast diluted in water to the feed (for 1 kg of feed, 25 g of yeast should be diluted in a liter of water).

    Consumption and payback

    No business starts without a preliminary calculation of profitability, which must necessarily take into account the number of initial costs and the approximate payback period of investments.

    For example, let's take a farm for a hundred laying hens:

    Selling chicken eggs is a pretty profitable business with the right approach.

    In addition to the eggs themselves, you can increase your income by selling the waste products of laying hens. Chicken manure is considered the most valuable type of fertilizer and is sold at 30-50 rubles per 1 kg. Given all these features, breeding laying hens can be considered one of the most cost-effective and simple types of poultry business.

    Video is a chicken business from scratch. Let's see how profitable it is

Starts with an idea. Owning a poultry farm is a great option because agricultural products are in high demand.

Such a business - poultry breeding as a business has several advantages:

  1. Feathers are easier to raise than livestock;
  2. A natural product is a guarantee of human health;
  3. Poultry meat is considered dietary;
  4. Not only meat, liver, but also feathers (down), bones and even droppings can be used in the case.
Before breeding poultry, you should consider each step of the action (). The next item is to find money: to find an investor, to find your own savings.

Choosing a bird according to the purpose of the business

There are two types of poultry farming:
  1. Incubation of chicks;
  2. Raising poultry for meat.
The following can be said about the first: it is necessary to wait for the appearance of the chicks, and then implement them. Age can be different: from one day to almost one month.

There is a profit from such an occupation, but it is less than, for example, from the sale of poultry for meat. Here the matter is much more complicated. In general, when starting to think about choosing one or another type of domestic birds, it is important to consider the following: the climate of the region where the poultry farm will be located; features of the bird - the conditions that will need to be created for it (room, pasture, food). But one question is still not answered: What kind of birds is better?

The practice of breeding geese shows that they are the most unpretentious domestic birds.

Here are their benefits:
  1. Almost no disease "takes" them. Even if an illness happens to them, the geese are still less at risk that the disease will lead to death;
  2. The conditions of detention are important, but here the main principle is as follows - cleanliness and order;
  3. More about the diet. All they need is enough grain and grass. In rare cases, geese need additional vitamins;
  4. The necessary weight for sale is gaining quickly, which cannot but please farmers;
  5. Almost everyone can afford the products of this bird.
If we talk about chickens, turkeys, ducks, then breeding their broiler breeds is also relevant. Here you can even draw up a business plan based on the combination of certain breeds of birds, as a rule, geese with ducks, and chickens with turkeys.

Breeding quails, ostriches and pheasants will make the business more profitable. Caring for them will be more expensive, but it's worth it, because the reason for this is a very useful product that will be in demand among those who especially monitor their nutrition and health.

The documentary side of the issue and the choice of premises

The business of creating a poultry farm requires a certain package of documents. Of course, due to the difference in the types of birds, there may be some differences in the documents, but, in general, they are about the same.

This is a document about, veterinary certificates and quality certificates, permission to transport. The document on registration of such a farm is important, because it makes it easier to get all the rest.

The countryside is the best place to raise poultry, so a business plan should be drawn up with this requirement in mind.

The economy is not in the best light now: the villages are full of farms that for some reason do not work. They can be a great place to start. Renting such premises will be cheaper, which is important for a novice farmer.

It must also be remembered that approximately one adult female (male) accounts for 1 sq.m., and there must also be room for chicks, equipment, workers, and so on. In addition to all this, you definitely need a paddock and pasture.

Complete set of poultry farm

The business plan for creating a poultry farm contains such an important item as equipment. Breeding poultry is impossible without cages, incubators, heaters, containers for food and water, cleaning equipment, and so on. The Internet is a source of any information, so a video on how a poultry farm works can be easily found on the global web and, so to speak, clearly see what and how.

What initial number of pieces should be included in the business plan in order for poultry farming to become a profitable enterprise in the future? The best option is about 1000 pieces, but even a smaller number, for example, 600, is also quite likely to give good "fruits". Here you need to focus on financial opportunities.

Thus, a competent approach to poultry breeding can bring income even after the first year of operation of the enterprise.

In this case, the business plan should be as detailed as possible, taking into account all the nuances. You should carefully prepare for the creation of a "bird" factory: read specific literature, watch videos on the Internet, consult with experienced poultry farmers.

Download a detailed poultry farm business plan with calculations.