We grow poultry on order, we work for a restaurant. Business plan for breeding chickens and organizing a poultry farm

. Every honest individual entrepreneur must be clearly aware of the benefits to people that his type of activity brings. And also to whom his product or service will be useful and what category of society will be most in demand in them. In this publication, I would like to talk a little about poultry farming from the business point of view. Find out what benefits poultry farming brings to society. We will also find out whether it is profitable to do this business.

Why you should start poultry farming

The two main poultry products are poultry meat and edible eggs. These products are included in the daily diet of almost every person. Therefore, the demand for these products will always be. I would like to analyze each product separately and say how it is beneficial and useful, and what is not.

Let's start talking about eggs. To obtain eggs, it is most profitable to breed either chickens of egg breeds and crosses, or quails. Both those and other birds rush almost every day. Therefore, the poultry farmer, with sufficient livestock, will be able to regularly supply fresh eggs to his customers.
Let's look at the other side of the issue. It is known that eggs are a dietary product. And in terms of protein content, eggs surpass even meat. Accordingly, such a product will be useful to people.

You can also do business in the field of poultry farming by growing poultry for meat. However, this will require more serious costs: for feed, for energy, for space and personnel. But it will certainly pay for itself. For meat, it is best to grow broiler chickens - they are the most popular among consumers. However, you can keep more exotic birds for meat, such as guinea fowl or pheasants. Of course, the demand for the meat of these birds is small, but they can be easily sold to some serious restaurant at a favorable price for you.

Poultry keeping methods (business)

Poultry farming as a business in itself is a very profitable livestock industry. There are two main general ways of keeping poultry: with and without walking. In the first case, the bird walks in some enclosed place in the fresh air. She has access to natural food, the bird eats grass, looks for various worms and bugs in the ground. Accordingly, such birds do not have a metabolic disorder, they are healthy, less susceptible to various diseases. The meat and eggs of such a bird will be filled with a full range of vitamins and nutrients, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the health of a person who consumes these products. Also, the poultry farmer can partially save on feed, since the bird itself produces it, which is also important for the entrepreneur.

The non-walking method of keeping poultry will undoubtedly reduce the cost of egg production, as well as the bird will gain weight faster due to the fact that it is kept in a cage, does not move much and, accordingly, spends few calories. Another advantage of such a content system is an increase in the efficiency of the use of production space. Of course, with this type of content, the bird is more susceptible to various diseases and is prone to metabolic disorders. Also, her diet should be very rich in vitamins.

The financial side of the business

The costs of organizing this type of business can vary greatly. It all depends on the bird you decide to breed, the number of livestock, the individual capabilities of each person. For example, let's say you decide to deal with chickens and choose a free-range way of keeping. You need to buy cages. Ten cells are enough to start. A cage with full equipment costs an average of 2500-2600 rubles. That is, to organize a place of detention, you will need 25,000-26,000 rubles. You should also immediately take into account the cost of feed and livestock of chickens.

Poultry farming is a profitable business. Business can be done from scratch, with minimal financial investment. You can start small. Poultry farming as a business is most suitable for people living in rural areas. .

Many people believe that a chicken business is a fairly profitable and uncomplicated business. Chicken meat belongs to dietary types and is inexpensive, so consumer demand does not fall. Another waste product of these birds, eggs are an indispensable part of delicious and hearty breakfasts. Let's see if it is profitable to keep laying hens as a business, and what you need to know in order for entrepreneurship in this industry to bring good profit.

Breeding chickens as a business: profitability and income

Before starting the construction of a chicken coop and acquiring young stock, it is necessary to decide whether chickens are a business: is it profitable? Breeding chickens as a business is a profitable business, but here are the facts confirming this:

  • no large investments are required at the start (you can start with 50-100 heads);
  • for the care and breeding of these birds do not need to have special knowledge;
  • with the right approach, a quick payback;
  • you can make a profit from eggs, meat, litter;
  • the cost of keeping chickens is low.

The initial costs depend on the method of rearing the hens (cages or floors), the number of birds, the feed used and other factors. Breeding laying hens for eggs as a business will bring the first profit from the age of 5 months. If you buy young animals at the age of 2-3 months, in a couple of months you will be able to get the first profit and return part of the money invested.

For one chicken per year, about 36 kg of feed will be required. Given that the cost of 1 kg of compound feed costs about 10 rubles. The maintenance of one bird per year will require about 500-600 rubles (feed + vitamin complexes + medicines for young animals). You need to consider building a chicken coop, but you can use an existing barn or build it from boards and logs (cheap option).

This information will encourage you to raise laying hens as a business. "What profit shines?" − you ask. It is easy to calculate: one chicken will lay from 200 to 250 eggs a year, depending on the breed and content. We multiply the number of eggs by the price of 4-5 rubles, and it turns out that one chicken can bring you an income of 500-700 rubles a year only on eggs. But you can still sell meat, raise chickens (minimum costs), sell litter. As a result, this figure will grow several times.

To the question "Is it profitable or not breeding chickens as a business?" I will answer: “Yes, it is profitable!”. But do not forget that you need to look after the bird, create comfortable living conditions for it, make a complete diet, and protect it from diseases.

How to start a chicken business? Step-by-step instruction

If you decide to go into business with laying hens, a natural question is born, “Where to start?”. You need to find a site where your poultry business will be located. If you plan to start breeding chickens with a small number of livestock, a plot of up to 5 acres will be enough.

Building a chicken coop

If you decide to start raising chickens for eggs as a business, prepare the premises in which the birds will live. If you don't have a suitable shed, build a new chicken coop. For the construction, you can use the following materials: gas silicate block, brick, wood.

The budget option for building a barn will be the use of wood. The base will consist of wooden poles. The walls of the boards must be insulated. To do this, you can use a free insulation - dry leaves or grass, wood shavings, needles. But mix natural insulating material with lime, otherwise rodents will start. Be sure to insulate the earthen floor for the winter.

To raise laying hens as a business, create comfortable conditions for them. Take care of ventilation, sufficient lighting (there should be windows and light bulbs), boxes in which the birds will rush.

The outdoor chicken coop floor system is preferred for small farms. If you are planning a chicken business on a large scale, then it is better to give preference to breeding birds in cages. You can save space, set up an automatic feed and water supply system, but be prepared for the start-up capital to grow.

Purchase of young animals

After preparing the premises, purchase chickens for a business project, but first decide what your business will specialize in: selling eggs or meat. For example, for a grilled chicken business, you need to purchase broilers or other meat breeds, but for selling eggs, you need to choose egg breeds. I think egg-meat breeds are beneficial. They bring a lot of eggs (up to 250 per year) and meat (2-3 kg), but it's up to you.

The question will arise, how many laying hens for a business need to be purchased. With floor breeding of birds, 20 hens will fit on 10 square meters. One cage can accommodate up to 50 birds, depending on the size of the cage.

If you want to start a chicken farming business, you can find helpful tips on related forums on the internet. Experienced farmers recommend buying young animals aged 2-3 months. When acquiring small chickens, the risk of mortality increases and it is impossible to determine the sex. 1 rooster is needed for 10 hens, so you can get your own offspring in the future and not spend money on buying young animals. Chickens can be obtained in two ways:

  • The hens will incubate the eggs.
  • The use of an incubator (you can also earn by selling chickens).

Bird care and feeding

Growing laying hens as a business has its own characteristics. This type of poultry is disease resistant and not picky about living conditions, but you should know the following:

Chickens for eggs as a business will bring you a good income if you take care of a balanced diet. The diet of birds must include:

  • compound feed;
  • vegetables and root crops;
  • grass;
  • cereals and corn.

In the business of domestic chickens, you can feed the birds with food waste. In order for chickens to rush well, they need minerals, so do not forget to buy chalk and shell rock. In the warm season, when walking in the fresh air, the birds themselves look for food (grass, worms, insects), but this does not mean that they do not need to be fed.

Business on chickens: how to write a business plan correctly

A business plan for breeding laying hens consists of expense items, income, payback periods, indicates the amount of start-up capital and other important information. When compiling a business plan for raising chickens, consider the specifics of the activity (egg or meat), the sales market and the factors that affect success. If you want to sell your own grilled chicken, the business plan must contain the appropriate item.

When drawing up a business plan for breeding chickens, write down the item of expenses in detail:

  • building a chicken coop;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment (drinkers, feeders, automatic systems, and so on);
  • purchase of young animals;
  • purchase of feed, minerals and vitamin complexes;
  • payment of bills for electricity and other energy resources;
  • payment of taxes;
  • employee's salary.

In the business plan for laying hens, make profit and income calculations. Specify how many eggs and meat you plan to sell, whether you will sell chickens. Write down each option for making a profit in a separate paragraph.

After all calculations, indicate the payback period. I know that on average it takes 8 to 14 months to turn a profit. Having drawn up a business plan correctly, laying hens will be able to bring you a good profit.

Chicken business review

You decide whether to sell you grilled chickens (the business is more popular in cities) or to breed chickens at home as a business. I believe that this is a profitable type of agricultural entrepreneurial activity. If you want to start a laying hen business, farmers' reviews will help you avoid mistakes and plan your actions correctly. The main advantage of the chicken business (sale of eggs and meat) is in the demand for these products. You will be able to sell goods and make a profit in any economic conditions in the country.

In conclusion, watch an interesting video review about making money on chickens from the first person.

Statistics confirm that now in Russia the demand for poultry meat and eggs is quite high, and only continues to grow. We are talking not only about chicken meat, but also about the meat of geese, quails, turkeys.Today, the buyer prefers not frozen, but fresh meat of local production. This opens up great prospects for this type of business.

Poultry farming as a home business is gaining a lot of popularity. First of all, this is due to the desire to enter the market of environmentally friendly products. In the local area, you can grow meat or egg breeds of birds and sell finished products, or you can do incubation and sell young birds.

Poultry meat and eggs are eaten all over the world, so today the magazine Reconomica publishes an article about a business based on poultry farming.

Hello, my name is Andrey. I live in East Kazakhstan, on the border with the Russian Federation. I think that my experience in poultry breeding is applicable throughout the former Soviet Union.

I have been farming for over five years. Breeding birds is not the main occupation, but it brings quite a tangible profit. Perhaps someone has read my articles on raising cattle and small cattle. Recently, I have devoted my life to agriculture: I liked this kind of business. It brings a lot of positive emotions and a good income.

Birds, unlike animals, require distinctive care. As simple as it may seem, there are a lot of preparations to be made before bringing the first pets.

Along with the cultivation of cattle, the cost side is almost the same. It all depends on what kind of living creature you are going to breed, waterfowl or not. Maybe you want to cover the whole spectrum.

In principle, this is a very good start - to have any kind of products in the assortment. As a result, it will be easier for you to find sales: buyers, knowing about the availability of all types, will contact you.

This is a simple law of the market, it is better to go once to where there is a large selection than to visit several places.

"Land" birds

This variety includes chickens, turkeys and other birds that do not directly depend on the presence of a reservoir.

To start raising poultry for home consumption, a small shed will suffice. It must be remembered that in winter, the room should be warm.

If initially the walls of the room are thin, then you will have to spend money on heating the room. At the moment when I started to breed a bird, I stumbled at this point. In the dead of winter, I had to heat with electricity - it hit my pocket pretty hard. In the spring, I laid out a stove in the center of the chicken coop, which still serves me. To be honest, I no longer keep chickens there, but use them for other purposes.

The same conditions are suitable for turkeys. The only exception is that turkey poults require dryness, while chickens tolerate wet conditions more easily.


These include geese, ducks, indo-ducks and other decorative birds, which I will not write about in this article. For their breeding, in addition to a warm room, in the summer a pond is needed or a place for growing should be near a reservoir: it does not matter whether it is a river or a lake, or a dug dam. Although many of those involved in breeding believe that this is not necessary.

From my own experience, I was convinced that in the presence of a reservoir, the bird feeds more readily, works up its appetite, and is much more fun. Instincts have not been canceled yet.

Domestic ducks after "water procedures".

In any case, once they were wild, and being in the aquatic environment for them is a connection with the original habitat. In addition, in the silty sediments at the bottom there is a lot of food and useful sediments accumulated by the reservoir - this is a decaying organic and mineral environment. Therefore, I think it is necessary to have water resources nearby.

Construction of premises for commercial breeding of chickens and turkeys

Building from scratch for both types is almost the same. It is necessary to build solid dry rooms with rows of cages.

In order to initially rid the bird of dampness, the cages must be placed at a low height from the floor.

It is also necessary to clean manure, leftover food and flooring. Chickens can be located in several tiers, one above the other.

chicken farm

I built a chicken farm measuring 42 by 20 meters - these are the internal dimensions. The walls are made of cinder concrete with the addition of sawdust - this is the most optimal material, the combination of its price and strength with maximum thermal insulation will allow you to save money. The ceilings are covered with slabs and insulated with a mixture of sawdust and expanded clay. The roof itself is made on a bevel to avoid failures during heavy rainfall in winter. The roofing material is tin.

Cells are arranged in continuous rows for the entire length of the building. The width of the row is one meter, the height of the tier is 60 centimeters, the length of one compartment (as I call them) is 1.2 meters. This is enough to accommodate ten laying hens. Three tiers contain 105 compartments.

Cellular maintenance of laying hens.

I placed three such rows along the width of the room, between them there was a free space of 1.5 meters for a free approach to any cage. It took about 7.5–8 meters, with a height of about two. At such a height, it is convenient to get eggs from the nests and for any actions of chickens. Accordingly, it is easier to feed than if you raise the tiers higher.

Housing for turkeys

I did not build tiers for turkeys, although many people on the Internet say that it is possible. It seems to me that this is inappropriate. The high mass of the latter will not allow many individuals to be placed at the top, or you will have to reinforce the upper tier, which will incur costs.

The height of the cage for these large "birds" was 1.2 meters, width - two meters. They also have a length from wall to wall, but, unlike chicken cages, the cages are installed directly on the plank floor. From above we sprinkle them with sawdust, but if there is hay, then it is better for them. The length of the compartments is one and a half meters. The difference lies in the fact that we grow turkeys for meat, and chickens, for the most part, for the production of eggs. An exception in my household are broiler cockerels and hens: we also cook them for slaughter.

My initial mistake was believing that they all needed a run.

During the construction, I made several holes in the walls, and from the outside I fenced the pens. The problem was how to organize walking separately, without mixing - this is pure madness, which takes a lot of time and effort. After reviewing various books, I realized that in fact this is not at all necessary.

Cages for turkeys are much more spacious than for chickens.

It is enough to think over and install a good ventilation system. I invited a specialist and we made an industrial hood on one side of the room, and on the other side a street air intake with power regulators. On the one hand, dampness and stale air are drawn out and fresh air is supplied at the same time. This is essential for all caged animals.

Inch tubes were used as materials for making cells. They must be thick-walled, because the total mass of the birds in it is very high. Bearing supports were installed under each cut-off partition to strengthen the structure.

The floors of the perches are made of stamped metal sheets with holes, the sidewalls are made of an ordinary chain-link mesh with a middle cell. One of the sides of the grid is fixed on a frame attached from above with the help of hinges and with closing elements at the bottom.

The frame is made of light duralumin corners so that the cells can be opened without tension. In turkeys, the doors are made in the form of lids and open from the top.

Building for ducks, geese and indo-ducks

I want to immediately warn dear readers that I have recently started breeding waterfowl, because my knowledge is still small, but I will try to convey the basic concepts.

My geese, indo-ducks and ducks are located in a common, undivided room. They also have the same walking area.

The most interesting thing is that broilers are walking in the same cheerful company - this is also an excellent source of income, but it requires large areas for business breeding.

Geese, ducks and broilers walk here.

In order to provide your family with plenty of delicious chicken meat, this is just a "gold mine". They do not cause great difficulties, with the exception of conflicts arising between same-sex individuals. Moreover, there were no “criminal” consequences, in the form of serious bodily harm, or, God forbid, death.

The storage room is a shed made of boards simply covered with a roof - this is a kind of summer shelter from bad weather. It also contains feeders and drinkers. I will immediately warn you that it is advisable to feed these birds indoors and at the same time. This will instill in them a conditional instinct, in which they will always return to their home, and not scatter around the area.

In essence, the cost of construction and the necessary infrastructure consisted in digging a dam near the stream. Other expenses are not so significant. You can make a flock from any material at hand.

Why is this not a capital building? Everything is simple. The fact is that every spring I get ducklings and goslings, grow them until autumn and slaughter them. It can be kept until late autumn, but growth is insignificant, and in the absence of pasture, maintenance costs increase. Naturally, we leave a few pieces to indulge in the Christmas holidays and the New Year.

Acquisition of chicks

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are purchasing chickens - these can be laying hens for selling eggs or broiler chickens for meat slaughter.

As I said, broiler chickens need a lot of space, which only a poultry farm can provide, so it will not work to breed a large number without a large amount of money. As for laying hens, they must be purchased from trusted suppliers.

What breeds to choose

I will describe to you two that I deal with myself:

  • LomanBrown,
  • hisexBrown.

Both of these breeds are distinguished by good egg production. During the year they are able to lay from 250 to 300 eggs, their chicks and young individuals have a low mortality rate.

Outwardly, they are not much different: only, the Lomans are more rounded and have a smaller stature, but in terms of indicators they are slightly superior to the Hisexes. On large poultry farms in Russia, these breeds are used for the production of eggs.

Where to buy chickens and their age

You can find chickens on the Internet and in the market, but no one can vouch for the reliability of their pedigree.

Therefore, I repeat, if you need to create a large farm, you need to buy in large production plants.

Later, you can raise your own chickens if you purchase an industrial incubator, but this is a very difficult and painstaking task. I replace mine by purchasing young chickens in advance. I do this once a year, although they rush longer, just after a year they rush less and less and there is no point in leaving them.

The age of the purchased hens should be no more than 15-17 weeks. The difference in age between planted together should not be more than a week. Even such a small difference can lead to conflict.

There are ten hens in our cages. It is not recommended to plant them during the period of growth and bearing. The chicken may not be accepted and you will simply lose it.

Breed of turkeys

Turkeys have many running breeds. For myself I chose broiler- This is a cool breed, reaching a weight of up to thirty kilograms of meat in males. Females are not as large, but 10–12 kilograms is a decent weight.

Of course, small turkey poults are expensive, but at the same time they bring a decent profit and have an exceptional taste. With minimal competition, implementation is not difficult.

Care and feeding

  1. IN diet any egg-laying bird includes all grains without exception. An obligatory additive is calcium in any of its forms - it can be shell rock, chalk, dairy production waste. For free-grazing pets in the summer, it is not difficult to find grass for themselves. You will also have to bring grass for your bird flock, and in winter - hay and straw. It is desirable, but not critical, to add root vegetables to the feed - carrots, beets, potatoes and others. For the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, it is necessary to purchase combined feeds with the addition of vitamins in veterinary pharmacies. If you find unwell, losing weight or untimely molting individuals, you must immediately isolate them from the rest.
  2. Basic care advice- this is the maintenance of livestock in maximum dryness. Airing or ventilation of the room should be carried out at least three times a day.
  3. Feeding must be carried out at a fixed time.
  4. It is advisable to install lighting different types: during the day, change the lighting from normal to red light. This calms the birds and prevents them from killing offspring and pecking eggs.
  5. Waterfowl require daily "water procedures".
  6. For birds on the floor, you need bedding straw, sawdust or similar materials.

Slaughter, collection of eggs and sale

If you breed poultry for meat, then it is advisable to purchase a special unit for mass slaughter. Manually - it will be a long process and very unpleasant. Therefore, describing the early production of poultry for meat, I said that only large farms with a multi-million dollar turnover can do it.

Laying hens should be checked several times a day. Eggs are collected in a clean container, although not all of them will be clean. After that, they must be sorted into cardboard or plastic grates, which must be purchased in advance.

Eggs must be collected several times a day.

If you are an officially registered farmer, then it is possible to pack in containers with your own company logo. Advertising on containers is very productive.

Calculation of expenses and profits

Let's carry out calculations on the example of 100 chickens. The time period is one month. Numbers will be rounded to the average.

  1. We buy 100 fingerlings at a price of 150–300 rubles per piece (our price is 225 rubles). Total: 22500 rubles. You can divide this number by the number of months, because chickens will lay eggs for a year, but I will not. Let's leave the figure as it is, for unforeseen cases.
  2. Feed for 100 pieces during the month - 510-600 kilograms, at a price of 8-11 thousand rubles. per ton (9500 rub.) Total: 5500 rub.
  3. Salary expenses, at least three people: I proceed from the number of chickens I have - 3000 pieces. Everyone receives 20 thousand rubles a month.
  4. It is worth adding here transport costs, electricity and heat - 600 rubles.

Revenue part

  • The cost of one dozen eggs is 45–80 rubles, and in some places there is a price even higher. We will take the average value - 50 rubles for a dozen. In the worst case scenario, a healthy well-fed chicken produces one egg per day. Accordingly, 100 eggs per day from a hundred hens are provided to you, per month - 3000 pieces. Result: 15 thousand rubles.
  • Every month I change 300 chickens, the profit from their sale is an average of 35-40 thousand rubles.

So. The cost of eggs and delivered chickens is 50 thousand rubles. We subtract expenses - 28800 rubles. In the net balance from a hundred chickens per month - 21,200 rubles. We subtract taxes, various expenses that cannot be taken into account step by step, and we get 12–14 thousand rubles. arrived. We multiply by the total number of chickens available and we get what we get.


I advise all those who decide to devote themselves to the village to do it officially. By registering your farm, you receive preferential loans and government subsidies.

Especially during the sanctions imposed by Western countries, the development of our own agricultural production became a priority. I wish everyone good luck in the new field: beginners, and those who have been on the ground for a long time!

Agriculture is a business area that, if properly organized, can bring excellent income. Recently, the products of poultry farms have been in special demand. First, raising birds is easier. Secondly, poultry meat is considered a dietary product. Given the fact that many have begun to adhere to the principles of a balanced diet, the level of sales of poultry meat will steadily increase.

In addition to meat, eggs, feathers, down can bring profit. Do not forget about the litter, which is considered one of the best organic fertilizers.

In addition, in recent years, bird imports have significantly decreased. This will lead to an increase in demand for their own products.

What bird to breed?

The very first question to be solved is what kind of bird is planned to be bred. Most often, the choice stops at chickens or geese. They are less whimsical, the price of their products is available to everyone. But, in this case, it will be harder to find your niche in the market, because today the number of such farms is steadily growing. You can breed rarer bird species - ostriches, pheasants, etc. However, the breeding of these species requires increased attention. The conditions of their maintenance are very different from the "simple" relatives. Yes, and the price of products is much higher. Advantages - the meat and eggs of these birds are more useful. For example, quail eggs are included in the diet for those who have diseases of the cardiovascular system, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. Those who have been diagnosed with hypertension, anemia, diabetes mellitus are also recommended to eat quail eggs. Due to the state of the environment, the number of people with such diseases is growing, so the demand for such products will constantly increase.

Documents and permissions

Documents required to open a poultry farm.
The main package of documents includes:

  • veterinary certificate;
  • quality certificates:
  • documents that confirm the registration of the farm.

The farm itself is not profitable. It gives products, selling which you make a profit. Therefore, you should take care of how the product will be sold. If you have your own retail outlets, you need only one document, if you plan to work with stores, you must conclude appropriate agreements. For the sale of eggs, you need to take care of the cardboard packaging. It is better to order it in printing companies, for which documents are also drawn up. To market meat, it is necessary to know the correct slaughter technology in order to obtain the appropriate permission from the veterinary services and a quality certificate.


To begin with, we determine the premises. A better option is to rent. Building a new one can take a lot of money and time. In addition, the new building must take the appropriate service for compliance with the necessary conditions. You can think about construction when your business is already firmly on its feet and brings in sufficient income. When choosing a room for rent, pay attention to its condition, how much you have to invest in it in order to start production.
Equipment should be given special attention. It depends on what breed of birds you will breed. But the equipment for all poultry farms is approximately the same:

  • cells
  • incubators;
  • heaters for young animals;
  • feeders;
  • drinkers;
  • cleaning equipment;
  • water containers.

The next step is buying birds. It is best to consult with entrepreneurs who already have a similar business and can advise a conscientious supplier. Otherwise, when choosing on your own, pay attention to the appearance. The bird must be clean. Do not buy if it is lethargic, feathers are ruffled.

Feed also depends on the selected breed of birds. There are recommendations on which breed, which compound feed is best suited. According to them, it is worth buying.

Costs and profitability

The poultry farm will be profitable if the number of birds is 500-800. The initial investment amount can be from 1.8 to 2.5 thousand USD. They will go to the construction of poultry houses, the purchase of young animals, incubators, heating devices. Renting premises t cost up to 15 thousand USD. Wages for employees 1-1.5 thousand USD

Different sources call a different indicator of profitability. On average, it reaches 60%.
To reap the maximum benefit, it is necessary to expand the range as much as possible. The poultry farm provides not only meat and eggs. Down, feathers, bones (of which flour is produced), droppings are in great demand. As a result, your business can pay off in one and a half to two years.