How much can you earn working in a taxi. Pitfalls of the Moscow taxi: how much can you earn in a taxi Taxi

As you know, the level of earnings in the capital of the Russian Federation is usually higher than in other cities. By region, the average salary in the same field of activity can vary significantly. How much does a taxi driver earn in Moscow in 2018? It depends on many factors: what car he works on, his own or rented, on the conditions of the dispatch service, etc. What kind of earnings representatives of this profession can expect in 2018, we learn from the article.

To calculate how much a taxi driver in Moscow earns, whether in his own car or a rented one, several factors should be taken into account. These include:

  • schedule;
  • conditions of the dispatching service;
  • who owns the car: the cost of operating your own or rented, as well as the final earnings, differ significantly.

An analysis of the situation according to the data of 2018 will allow everyone who decided to work as a taxi driver in Moscow to draw their own conclusions and decide whether this type of income suits them. Consider each item that affects the level of income.

Working hours of taxi drivers in Moscow

To find out how much a taxi driver in Moscow earns in 2018, you should analyze the work schedule. A working day can last from 8 to 12 hours, sometimes drivers prefer to stay on the line longer. Basically, the duration is determined by the taxi driver on his own, there are usually no strict restrictions and requirements in dispatching services. Naturally, the level of income is affected by the time of reaching the line, the workload and demand for transportation, the average duration of the trip depend on this parameter.

Also taken into account:

  • no downtime: the demand for cars changes during the day;
  • number of working days: standard schedule - with one day off per week).

With any schedule, the number of trips (car load) depends on the efficiency of the taxi driver himself, as well as on dispatching services. Experienced drivers use several at the same time, the number of orders is affected by the popularity and demand for the service. According to statistics, earnings per hour in 2018 average from 300 to 500 rubles (average statistics provided by leading dispatch services).

Dispatching services for taxi drivers

The modern version of working as a taxi driver in Moscow in 2018 is the use of special dispatch services. The most popular services at the moment are Uber, GetTaxi, YandexTaxi, CityMobil. The conditions of each are different, this should be taken into account when choosing. Much depends on the driver's rating, but not all services use this concept. Some companies introduce a monthly fee, others have compensation, that is, surcharges and bonuses. Each service has its own characteristics, so experienced taxi drivers connect to several at the same time, choose the most profitable orders and get the maximum profit from trips.

How much does a taxi driver earn in Moscow in 2018 if he does not use dispatch services? Some drivers prefer to be employed by a specific taxi service. There are also those who pick up passengers at parking lots, for example, at railway stations or airports, where prices for taxi drivers are traditionally much higher. Or moves around the city and brings passengers voting on the roads.

As practice shows, the average earnings can range from 20 to 100 thousand. Those who use several dispatch services at the same time and drive their own car receive the greatest profit. Average earnings of 40 thousand rubles. for hired drivers. There is no way to calculate the income of free taxi drivers who take passengers in parking lots and on the road. They do not report their own income, do not pay interest to firms and dispatch services (according to some sources, their income is quite high and approaches the upper limit of 100 thousand rubles).

What is more profitable: rented or own car

How much does a taxi driver in Moscow earn on a rented car and his own car? A car is an important factor that significantly affects the income of a driver. On average, a daily rental costs the driver an average of 1,500 rubles daily. But at the same time, the taxi driver does not have the expenses that his own car requires. These include:

  • operating costs (maintenance, tire change, current repairs, etc.);
  • equipment costs: you will need to install checkers on your car, etc.
  • washing 2-3 times a week.

Regardless of whether the driver will work on his own or rented car, you will need to pay:

  • percentage of the dispatching service;
  • petrol;
  • license;
  • body check.

These costs are a mandatory item of expenditure.

So how much does a driver earn on a rented and own car? Data for 2018 cited by various sources show that the income of a driver in Moscow on a rented car will be significantly lower than on his own. Ceteris paribus, the cost of a rented car will be higher. In order to equalize earnings, a taxi driver in a rented car will have to work an average of 3-4 hours more daily.


Let's summarize the question of how much a taxi driver earns in Moscow in 2018. The level of earnings is directly related to factors such as schedule and place of work. Conditions of dispatch services or taxi firms also affect the level of income. Ownership of a car also matters: on your own earnings are higher than on a rented one. And this is despite the fact that all the costs of operating your car are borne solely by the owner. On average, earnings range from 50 to 100 thousand rubles a month, but this is with a full load and one day off a week.

Private cab: types of work, pros and cons

There are more and more people who make money by private cabs nowadays. Someone decides to unofficially taxi in their own car, someone goes to a taxi service and works legally in rented cars. There are also those who make money on their car, on their own, but officially, by buying a license to transport.

What are the pros and cons of this kind of work?

  • Unofficial private transport in your own car . The pluses include a free work schedule that the taxi driver sets for himself, no payment for the car and no payment to the dispatcher for orders. That is, the taxi driver takes all the earnings for himself. But here lies the main disadvantage - large fines for illegal activities.

In addition, it is more difficult for single private traders to find customers, they are forced to repair, wash, and refuel the car at their own expense. These are additional recurring costs. And people who prefer "private traders" when there are a lot of official taxis around are becoming less and less.

  • Work in a taxi service on rented cars . The main plus is the legal work under the "wing" of a certain company, which itself is looking for clients for a taxi driver, provides a good car, and actively advertises itself. All cares about the car (refueling, interior cleaning, washing, repair, maintenance, medical examination of the driver) are also taken over by the company. The work schedule in taxi services is “floating”, there are days off.

Cons: a certain percentage of the car is deducted from the taxi driver's salary. In addition, he receives exactly as much as indicated in the employment contract for officially performed flights and has almost no opportunity to fulfill "left" orders.

  • Official work on your own car . The advantages in this case are: legal activity, a good salary without deductions for the car, the ability to create a work schedule yourself.

You can also work in a taxi service on your own car, while fulfilling additional orders. In this case, the salary will be even higher, especially if the person is well versed in the city. Cons: you will have to work a lot, actively, and you will have to pay extra for additional orders from dispatchers. Repair work will also need to be carried out at your own expense.

As you can see, each private transport option has its advantages and some disadvantages. But the most expensive is the informal transport. In addition, every year it becomes more and more problematic, as illegal "bombs" are identified and fined, it is more difficult for them to get an order in places where legal taxis are concentrated.

Taxi drivers in different regions can earn different amounts. The advantages and disadvantages of legal/illegal employment were named, which include the condition of roads, car depreciation, demand for services. So, the coordinator of the famous movement, Peter Shkumatov, conducted an interesting experiment, becoming a taxi driver for a while. For the purity of the experiment, another voluntary private trader was involved, who presented the data and his own experience on his blog.

So, it was necessary to understand the real amount of earnings of taxi drivers. After all, there is an opinion that you can get your hands on about 100 thousand rubles. in the metropolis. However, in reality, even with a heavy workload and receiving such an amount, it will be dirty revenue. This includes the cost of worn parts and refueling, minor repairs, and so on.

In general, the participants of the unique experiment concluded that if there is a license for the right to transport passengers, if the driver is adequate, in good health, and able to work on his car, the net revenue will be from 40 to 50 thousand rubles in Moscow.

Experimentally, it was determined that the Uber taxi has the most understandable and transparent system for distributing applications and wages. At the same time, you must work 6 hours a week, at least 8 hours a day.

When renting a car, you have to increase the working time to an impressive 12 hours. However, this time is a significant processing and overload for a taxi driver, which can adversely affect his health and the safety of passengers.

« « it also attracts novice drivers who, at the beginning of their work, receive a maximum score of five points. Further evaluation is influenced by customer reviews. However, Uber is famous for its dumping policy, which cannot positively affect the driver's earnings. The company is currently trying to attract employees through a system of special bonuses. However, if the bonuses cease to operate, it will simply become unprofitable to work in this company.

So, the tester worked constantly on his car; in a week he drove 66 hours and made 81 trips. The duration of the average trip was just over 24 minutes with a length of up to 10 km. The average cost is 240 rubles. The amount collected by the driver was about 27.5 thousand rubles. However, when deducting the cost of maintaining the car, net profit became equal to 18 thousand rubles. With an increase in the working day to 12 hours, revenue will also increase, but this is fraught with overload for the vehicle and the driver himself. If you want to rent a car, then in a month you can earn only about 40 thousand rubles (taking into account 6 working days with 8 hours of work daily, except for weekends).

Work in "Yandex Taxi"

Yandex Taxi works a little differently, since at the beginning of cooperation, all drivers receive an average rating. At the same time, the color of your own car must have been yellow, special logos were applied to the car panel.

It will be more difficult to make money on a rented car, since the salary is lower for objective reasons. However, in order to generate revenue similar to the weekly revenue at Uber, it was necessary to work only 57 hours, making 48 trips. Their length is higher than that of the competitor up to 16 km, and the duration was 29-30 minutes on average. The car was rented, so out of the total revenue of 26.6 thousand rubles. a corresponding deduction was made, net income became equal to 8.5 thousand rubles.

The calculations made by experts made it possible to provide the following figures: if you have your own car in Yandex Taxi, you can earn up to 56 thousand rubles with an eight-hour daily load, working six days a week. On a rented car, earnings will be about 28 thousand rubles.


This company seemed to the participants not quite transparent for work, the system for distributing orders among customers was incomprehensible. At the same time, a well-established employee can only work as long as he wants, therefore, CityMobil is still focused on the drivers themselves. If the client cancels the order for non-objective reasons, then this does not affect the driver's rating, and the client is blacklisted. The subject worked for 73 hours during the week: a big overload for the body. The car was rented, so out of a total revenue of 32.5 thousand rubles, he managed to get 12.3 thousand rubles into his hands.

So, a lot depends on the condition of the car, the desire to work, the productivity and transparency of the company itself. However, it should be understood that in connection with the tightening of measures to combat illegal transportation, it would be optimal to purchase a license of the appropriate type, which will help you work legally and avoid unpleasant sanctions from law enforcement agencies.

taken from here:
The link to the article was thrown by Anton Bochkov, for which I express my gratitude to him - the material is actually interesting. It tells about a simple guy near Moscow who decided to earn extra money in a Moscow taxi. Initial data(from 0 to 5 points):
City knowledge - 1
Taxi license - 0
Yellow numbers - 0
Taxi experience - 0

“I just got a category “B” and wanted to practice driving, but at that moment, after paying for additional lessons from an instructor, buying my car, and the first MOT, I didn’t have much extra money even for gasoline. I saw an advertisement for the Taxik company, which offered good earnings on their car.

"Why not!" I decided. It was scary, to be honest. It’s scary that I won’t be able to take someone to the airport on time and I’ll get a scandal. It is scary to get lost on the route and listen: “You are a taxi driver! This mess!" The worst thing was to crash with a client in a car, although the car was insured under CASCO. But the idea of ​​practicing and getting paid at the same time seemed so brilliant to me that I overcame my fear and went to register at Taxik.

There is an important point here: no one would have taken me if I had not had at least 3 years of experience in law. I had experience - I received the category "C" in my youth and forgot everything. Here are the full official requirements for taxi drivers from the Taksika website:

Your age must be at least 23 years old.
Your driving experience must be at least 3 years.
Your car must be a foreign car in excellent condition, the steering wheel must be on the left, at least 4 doors.
Knowledge of Moscow at the level of districts, airports and main avenues.
The presence of a smartphone with Android version 3.0 and higher with the Google Play Market program.
Possession of a Russian national driver's license.
There were no requirements for a license to work in a taxi.

How is hiring in Yandex-Taxi
Now "Taxi" sits in some business center. Previously, there were offices that worked under an agency agreement. I arrived at one of them in the Domodedovo region, and there was simply no one there during working hours. I had to go to another office. He was on one of the floors of a residential building, barely found.

The office was crowded with 3 Tajiks, then a young guy and some grandfather came in. Grandfather was a professional taxi driver and came for some piece of paper. Most of them obviously wanted to work. The questions they asked were from a series: is it possible to work on a company car in between deliveries of cargo, will the police check my license, etc.

They gave me a form and I filled it out. At the same time, my documents were copied, and the manager advised other drivers. He had to work a lot and quickly - you can immediately see a very large flow of people who want to find a part-time job as a taxi driver. After that, the manager helped me set up the program on my phone (before that, I had not used an android, I specially bought a cheap handset - the young man calmly and patiently explained everything). I went out, topped up the balance on Qiwi (there is a minimum amount blocked for fines, commission from orders is deducted from the rest) and officially became a taxi driver in the capital.

Nobody looked at the car, nobody asked about my real driving experience and knowledge of Moscow. In Moscow, taxis are yellow, but I have a vehicle registration in the Moscow region, so no one offered to repaint. So the real requirements for Yandex taxi drivers are very low. The whole procedure took thirty minutes. I managed to talk to my grandfather. He said that the part-time job is not bad, the main thing is to know the city, and you can earn at least up to a hundred thousand, as indicated in the advertisement. “What the hell do I know the city, I have a navigator!” I thought and I was wrong...

How I worked as a taxi driver in Moscow without a license and experience

As a driver, I did not know Moscow at all. I grew up in the Moscow region and traveled on the subway and trains all my life. At the same time, he had never been to some areas by the age of 25, and he knew the rest within a radius of 300 meters from the metro. I had no idea what the name of the road was and where it led, except for my native Ryazansky Prospekt. For these purposes, I had a navigator, just like in Fonvizin's Undergrowth.

For the first time I plucked up the courage and left on Saturday - the roads are freer, the order is easier to take. I chose for a long time and found a free order on Ryazansky Prospekt. I took the order for an hour and a half, arrived and waited half an hour to call at a time closer to the estimated time. The celebrating family had to be taken home from the Ukrainian restaurant, literally 5 minutes on foot. By car, I had to go longer, because there was nowhere to turn around. The passengers treated me favorably. After 10 minutes, I showed them the counter (in the program on the phone) and earned 250 rubles + 50 rubles in tips. The commission of the system was small. For most orders 10-20%. In general, clients of official taxi services often gave tips, in almost 30% of cases. I also sometimes picked up those who raised their hands. These always bargained and never gave a tip, but it was calmer to carry them, no responsibility. If you don't like the driver, the speed, the route - no one is holding you, dear. But if there is a problem with the client of Yandex-taxi or Taxi (the program included other orders from partner taxi companies), they could complain to the hotline and get a fine.

The clients were different, many did not like the route chosen by the navigator, and they began to argue, they say, how is it, it’s faster along Ball Bearing Street, we always go there. I had no idea where the streets they named were located, and where we were at the moment, but answered with confidence that yes, that route was also good, but the navigator knew better. If the client didn't approve the itinerary, I already knew there would be no tip.

How much does a novice taxi driver earn in Moscow?

On weekends, I was able to take 4 orders in 6-7 hours. On weekdays 2, maximum 3 in 4 hours. This is very little, after paying for gasoline and a commission, a maximum of a thousand rubles remained. I didn't have the patience to work full time. Often on weekdays, all orders were sorted and the program screen was blank, then I didn’t even leave the house. Two weeks later, I realized that I wouldn’t earn anything this way, I had to focus on my main job. During the experimental time, less than 5 thousand rubles came out clean.

Why did I earn so little? Here are the main problems:

1) Without knowing the city and the approximate distribution of traffic jams, it is impossible to calculate the time to the client. I always took orders at least an hour in advance and arrived earlier. There is too much time between orders, the pros don’t work like that - you complete the order, you immediately take the next one next to it. Waiting for an hour - you won't earn much.
2) 95% of orders are in Moscow, but I had to leave the region, stand in the Vykhino district and monitor the program for half an hour while waiting for a close client. It is better to work where you live - firstly, less idle run, and secondly, you see more orders.
3) Moscow is traffic jams 4 hours in the morning and 5 hours in the evening. During traffic jams, I tried not to work. I also couldn’t work at night - there were few orders and the family cursed that I didn’t let them sleep.
4) Having got stuck in a traffic jam, I burned gasoline for nothing, lost time, got angry and went home
5) There is a lot of competition for orders to airports, I never managed to take a single one. No, they could be taken, but they always came across at an inconvenient time in an inconvenient area. Net one such order could bring 700-800 rubles.
6) I don’t know why, but 70% of taxi orders in Moscow are North and South-West, it’s very inconvenient for me to get there. Probably richer people live there.
7) There are three classes of cars: comfort, economy and business. I have comfort, but no one ordered it.

Almost all orders are in the economy, except that people do not like Logans and often there is a note on Logan not to come.
I only had one system, professional taxi drivers are connected to several. Others are more difficult to get into, they need a license.
9) There are two peak periods for ordering a taxi in Moscow: in the morning from 7 to 10 and in the evening from 17 to 21. In the evening I managed to take two orders, and in the morning I slept. The pros sleep during the day and work during peak hours. In the morning you can even just bomb, full of raising your hand on any track. This is the very essence of working in a taxi - orders come in unevenly. It is these peaks that are well described in the latest version. , and with pretty good analytics not only during the day, but also for all 7 days a week. Knowing the waves, you can adjust your work to them and not sit idle, waiting for orders.

Pitfalls of working in a taxi
Is it possible to earn a lot? Yes. To do this, you need to know the streets of Moscow well, traffic jams, detour routes and “fish spots”. You need to connect to several systems at once. It is better to take a car of the same Logan level - cheap and indestructible. There is nothing for an inexperienced taxi driver to do. I can say that I learned to drive and overcame the fear of rebuilding, at least some benefit. After six months of inactivity, the fireproof amount on the balance of 1,500 rubles is written off. Sometimes I still took passengers, then I got tired, so I was not too lazy and went to write an application for termination of the contract. The money was returned three days later to a bank account. At the same time, I discovered the loss of a driver's license, which I gave to copy in the office. Maybe he lost it himself, but it is more likely that some Tajik is working on it now. From the profit minus 800 rubles of duty for restoration.

By the way, there is another story about the Moscow taxi service - it was written by Ilya Varlamov (zyalt): It has a car with a license, an experienced driver, they earn a lot, but they carry cheap (paid post, in short)

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We all know that time is money, so if you need a squeeze of useful information on a topic, but I don’t have time to read the entire site, I recommend purchasing a book « » .
The book contains and systematizes all the information on how to make money by renting a car for a taxi, taxiing yourself or creating a control room. Only experience and practice, no water.

All of us at least once in our lives used the services of taxi drivers. Some use them almost every day. A personal car often becomes an unaffordable luxury. Perhaps there is nowhere to put it, perhaps there is no means to acquire it - there can be many reasons. But the need for a car is irresistible. Traveling with a small child, moving with a lot of things, heavy and bulky luggage, lack of time, and so on. In these cases, taxi drivers help us out. But how much do taxi drivers earn in Moscow and other cities? How to get a job, what is needed at first, and much more, we will consider in this article.

Taxi job

Moscow taxi is a good way to make money. The profession, of course, has its subtleties and risks. But there are difficulties in any other specialty. People rarely pay attention to working in a taxi. Usually they turn here if the main place of employment is lost, there is no opportunity to get a job somewhere, and so on. But this profession can bring no less income, and maybe even more than most formal jobs. Moreover, in this area, earnings depend solely on the person. He is his own boss, he determines when and how to work, how many orders to take per day. Such a prospect is indeed enticing. Here is the first pitfall. The income of a taxi driver depends solely on his hard work and ability to force himself to do business, and not be lazy.

Personal car

The daily income of a taxi driver is calculated in the same way as in other areas. It is defined as income minus expenses. The taxi driver receives income from the trips made. The following items are recorded in expenses: the cost of spent gasoline, consumables, car repairs, insurance costs, licenses, parking, payment for dispatch services, car washing, and so on. Accordingly, it is necessary to take into account all these points. A personal car is good because you do not have to pay for it. Usually it is charged daily and is a significant part of the salary. If you own your own car, you are in a much better position. However, with constant use, it will wear out much faster than it could. So here everyone decides for himself whether it is worth risking his vehicle on the roads or is it better to rent someone else's car, but at the same time lose a tangible amount of earnings.

Rented car

If there is no personal car or desire to work on it, you can rent a vehicle. Some owners of these machines may enter into a lease-to-own agreement with you. This means that you pay the landlord the agreed amount, but after it is repaid, it becomes your property. Such a system is quite convenient for taxi drivers. In Moscow, drivers pay from one and a half thousand rubles and more per day for renting a car. On the bulletin boards on the Internet, you can find private car owners who want to rent their vehicle in a taxi, as well as entire organizations that have a huge selection of models in their assortment.

Dispatching service

It is most convenient for customers to dial a single taxi number and call the car at the address where they are. This is exactly what the dispatch service allows you to do. A large number of operators receive calls from the population, fix the route, calculate the cost of the trip and send an order according to the list of possible taxi drivers. Those have a special program that reflects the queue for orders, line load, nearest calls by location, and so on. The system is convenient because the flow from customers is constant, and the driver always knows the point of departure and destination of the trip. However, cooperation with the dispatch service imposes its obligations on the driver. How much taxi drivers earn in Moscow, in this case, depends on the rates of dispatchers. The driver does not set the tariff plan independently, but according to the price list of the organization. In addition, dissatisfied customers can complain about the driver. In this case, he can be removed from the line and, as a kind of penalty for violating the established discipline, stop sending him orders for a while. In addition, drivers must pay for the provision of the program and access to the database of orders. But such a scheme of work suits many and brings much more benefits than costs.

Private cab

There are also drivers who are engaged exclusively in independent transportation without the use of programs and dispatching services. Usually they stand in places of a large congestion of people and a high need for cars. For example, at train stations, at the airport, at metro stations and so on. In addition, they can acquire a permanent clientele. To do this, it is enough to distribute business cards with a phone number among your customers. It is quite likely that the next time the client will contact immediately by this number. But it is not so profitable to engage in independent transportation in its pure form. Basically, taxi drivers combine work. How much taxi drivers earn in Moscow depends on how many trips they make as scheduled by the dispatch service, and whether they find customers on their own. For example, this is necessary if at the moment there are no orders from dispatchers or the driver has been temporarily removed from the line.

What is a license

Any activity requires official registration, deduction of taxes, availability of necessary documentation and certificates. This also applies to taxi drivers. Not all drivers are licensed. Some prefer to take risks rather than formalize. In any case, the fine will be much higher than the cost of the necessary papers. A license to transport passengers is a really necessary document for a person who decides to constantly earn money by such activities. Cooperation with many dispatch services is completely impossible without the proper registration of a taxi driver and his car. The license to carry passengers is valid for five years. To obtain it, you must contact the Ministry of Transport and provide the following package of documents: duplicates of the passport and car registration documents, as well as a copy of the power of attorney (if any). The license will be issued within a month. In order to get it, you must go through all the points presented to the driver: driving experience of at least five years, the presence of taxi identification marks, a taximeter. The cost of the document is about five thousand rubles. In the largest cities, it can reach up to 10,000 rubles. Fine for driving without a license - 30,000 rubles.

Necessary things

The question of how to make money in a taxi can help solve some useful design changes. You can significantly save on fuel by equipping the car with gas. It is much cheaper than gasoline at about the same consumption. Get a navigator. Not necessarily the most expensive. The navigator will eliminate the need to circle in search of an unknown point on the map, help you avoid traffic jams, find the shortest path and not get lost in unfamiliar territory. In order to be able to carry passengers with children, install a child car seat or a special belt clip. The autoregistrar will help the driver in resolving controversial issues on the road. In addition, recordings from the DVR will have a greater effect when contacting the insurance company for damages. taxi driver in Moscow greatly increases when using these simple and convenient items.

What is important to the client

When calling a taxi for a client, the speed of his arrival is important. In most cases, taxis are called by those who are late for somewhere. In this case, the time count is in minutes. And the faster the driver arrives, the more chances to earn a good amount. Satisfied customers usually pay more than they were told when ordering a taxi, and they also leave change for the driver. The appearance of the car is also important. People who often use the services of taxi drivers want the car to be presentable and comfortable. Also, of course, how much taxi drivers in Moscow earn directly depends on the class of the car. An expensive car is assigned with a higher tariff rate than an economy class car. How much you can earn as a taxi driver in Moscow also depends on politeness and tactful communication with the client. Some people like to talk on the road, while others prefer silence and solitude. The driver must behave as required by his passenger. Sometimes you need to keep the conversation going, sometimes, on the contrary, leave the client alone. A polite, hard-working taxi driver in a good car may well earn about a hundred thousand rubles a month. And working with days off, a lunch break and not for days on end.

Innovations in the work of a taxi driver

Another issue is the use of modern technologies. Be sure to use useful technological assistants in your work. Special sites will tell you where accidents and traffic jams occurred on the roads, find the best route, and so on. Some technical means will help you notice hidden cameras and speed recorders in time. All these funds will help to increase earnings and avoid fines.

Women's Taxi

Recently, it has become quite fashionable to turn to a female taxi. In such services, only a female taxi driver will be behind the wheel. Such a service is popular with girls who do not want to risk traveling with strangers, as well as women with children.

Profession risks

Every job has its risks. Also, you are not insured against accidents and traffic accidents. Driving at night can be hazardous to the health and property of the driver. People can meet different, both decent and with criminal inclinations. There were times when customers just ran away without paying. This turn of events will not please any taxi driver. However, anything can really happen. Therefore, take care of the safety of your property and personal safety. In this case, by the way, cooperation with dispatch services is very useful, since they record the data of an incoming call.

The provision of services in the field of private transportation is one of the oldest ways of earning money. And undoubtedly this type of entrepreneurial activity, today is available to almost anyone who has a driver's license. The only snag that can stand in the way of financial success is the lack of a personal car. Therefore, the car rental service is rapidly gaining popularity from year to year.

Recently, the trend towards the disappearance of traditional taxi fleets has begun to progress, resulting in a large appearance of bomber parts and taxi ordering services (dispatchers). I would like to especially consider the last group.

Taxi Order Service (NWT)- an organization engaged only in finding customers and advertising its company, NWT passes all orders for execution to drivers, and they, in turn, are responsible for everything. That is, the "dispatcher's" responsibilities for comfort, safety, technical equipment, etc. do not carry, the performer is responsible for this.

Who works for taxi dispatchers

1. Drivers with their own personal car that meets the requirements for the transport of passengers, who have issued a license for transport services and registered with the tax authority as entrepreneurs. As a rule, they give about 10-15 percent of the total amount of completed orders to NWT.

2. Drivers with a rented car.

Most motorists simply regret using their personal car for a taxi. The reasons for them are, of course, understandable, this is a lot of wear and tear on the car, pollution of the interior, violation of personal comfort, etc. Therefore, many novice taxi drivers resort to car rental services.

It is also worth referring to this category those drivers who do not have their own car for personal use. To work in the field of transportation, they also draw up a lease agreement and receive a car equipped with everything necessary for passenger transportation.

What are the advantages of renting a car for a taxi:

No need to spend money on buying your own car

As a rule, at the place with the car, the tenant receives a license and additional equipment.

The rented car is serviced by the lessor.

Psychological ease of using the car (lack of worries about your car)

You do not need to pass a technical inspection yourself and draw up an OSAGO policy.

Disadvantages of renting such a car

Less income than working on your car.

Psychological arrest and a constant sense of duty.

It is not always possible to cover the cost of rent.

Limited daily mileage.

There is a risk that all the shortcomings of the car will be hung on you

What reviews are given by taxi drivers who have worked on rented cars

After conducting a large-scale analysis and survey of drivers who used a rental car, we found out that the situation here is more economic than aesthetic.

So, for example, the cost of renting a Hyundai Solaris car, previously prepared for work on the line, is about 1,500 rubles per day. In the meantime, the landlord gives a mileage margin of 400 kilometers per day and 1 free day per week, the necessary documents, a navigator and a child seat.

What needs to be done to recoup the cost of the rental

In order for the driver to recapture the car rental, he needs to fulfill the revenue plan in the region of 3500-4000 rubles. Let's take a look at the costs:

1. Subtract 10% for the dispatcher. – 350 rubles

2. With an average price per trip of 150-200 rubles, we will get 18-20 orders, which by and large is considered a redistribution of physical capabilities for the driver.

3. The length of one trip is approximately 5-10 km. Gasoline consumption, taking into account downtime and traffic jams, is 700-1000 rubles.

4. Internet and mobile communication are constantly required for work. Around 50-100 rubles a day.

5. Daily car wash and interior cleaning is about 300-500 rubles.

6. The cost of fines and paid parking.

7. Windshield washer fluid, in the rainy season from 1 bottle per day.

8. Meals + toilet at own expense

As can be seen from the detailed calculation, the amount that you can earn on a rented car may not always be positive. But like everywhere else, here a lot depends on the skill and diligence of the taxi driver himself, because there are a lot of cases when drivers on rental cars earn 2-6 thousand rubles a day. Many drivers begin to develop their own taxi secrets in practice, practicing them from month to month.

As for the total amount of revenue, here it is necessary to show skill and professional activity. So, for example, if in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg the daily revenue of a taxi driver can be 7-15 thousand rubles, then in provincial regional centers this figure is 2.5-5 thousand rubles. Based on this calculation, conclusions should be drawn whether you can rent such a car.

How to rent a taxi profitably

1. Use a rented car for two drivers. Many landlords allow you to use the car for several drivers. Their data is immediately entered into the contract, and car insurance is unlimited. Thus, one driver works 12 hours, after which he is replaced by a partner who is already working his shift. As a result, we get the amount of rent 2 times less per person, and, accordingly, a large profit of 750-1000 rubles per day.

2. Take a car for rent with subsequent redemption. Some companies and individuals rent a car to work in a taxi, with the possibility of subsequent redemption of the car at the residual value. Such an agreement simply serves leasing service, which has already received not a little popularity among the people.

If you look at the economic side of the component, then the driver rents a car in 2-3 years, while still earning money for himself. After that, he successfully sells this car and thereby covers the costs for the years of owning a rental car.

Why do many taxi drivers speak negatively about renting

Working in a taxi has long ceased to be a specialized profession. Now in a private cab, everyone who temporarily needs a part-time job or cash support is working. About 95 percent of people who come in a taxi do not have experience in this area and have never encountered it. Hence, it turns out that a novice driver cannot earn a certain amount to cover all costs and, as a conclusion, is not able to pay the cost of car rental.

At first, newbies start rushing and trying to make as much money as possible. The result of these actions in most cases is deplorable. Hurry leads to minor accidents, and not deliberation of the route and choice of orders only increase costs.