How to open your own company. How to open a company

Hello, dear readers of the site ""! Today, our article will discuss the registration of an LLC and the nuances of its opening, namely, how to open an LLC on your own according to our step-by-step instructions. If you follow all the tips, recommendations and nuances of opening, then the process of creating your own Limited Liability Company will not take much time and effort.

Having decided to create his own organization, a businessman faces the question of choosing a form of ownership. The most popular are IP registration And creation of LLC. Each of the forms of ownership has positive and negative features.

From this article you will learn:

  • LLC - what is it: decoding and definition;
  • How to open an LLC on your own - step-by-step instructions for registration;
  • List of required documents and actions;

If you want to know the answers to these and more questions, then read our article below. So let's go!

Documents for registering an LLC - step by step instructions + tips and tricks

OOO(Limited Liability Company)— This form of ownership, which implies the creation of an enterprise, the founders of which can be 1 or more persons. LLC has a legal status.

The main features characterizing the Company are:

  • The authorized capital, which the company must have;
  • The number of founders. The Society can be created by 1 or several persons;
  • Distribution of responsibility. Members of the Society are responsible for organization issues only with funds included in the authorized capital.

Ownership has one significant difference from others. The level of risks and profits of the founder of the company depends from the amount of funds that were contributed to pay the authorized capital.

When, in the course of work, the organization has a debt to creditors and it needs to be urgently repaid, and the company does not have funds, you can take it from the authorized capital. If the amount to pay off the debt is not enough, the owners of the company duty will not be charged. They don't risk anything.

Society can be organized 1m a person who has the status of a natural person. The creator of the enterprise will be its sole founder. An upper threshold has been set for the Company in terms of the number of persons included in its composition.

As founders of the organization no more than 50 members can speak. If the statutory limit on the number of participants is exceeded, the Society will automatically be transformed into OJSC or PC.

The Charter of the Society serves as the main document regulating the activities of the organization. All creators should take part in its compilation.

Each member has the right to leave the organization without explanation. Opinions and views of other LLC participants will not be taken into account.

After a member's statement of withdrawal, the LLC is obliged to pay to the leaving member the cost of the component part of the enterprise that he owned.

If the organization does not have the funds to pay, it can give the required amount of property. The procedure must be carried out for 3 months from the time the participant left.

The authorized capital of a company may include Not only money. Members of the Society can use as investments:

  • Money capital;
  • Papers of value;
  • Rights that have been evaluated in monetary terms.

When the Articles of Association do not contain information to the contrary, the company will be organized without a period of operation.

2. The procedure for registering an LLC in 2019 - the necessary documents and actions for start-up entrepreneurs 📝

When the decision on the official registration of the company is made, the entrepreneur will need to transfer to the registrar list of documents. They must be issued in the manner required by law. The prescribed form must be strictly adhered to.

Then the novice entrepreneur will have to take and choose a number of legally significant actions.

1. Company name

Here, a businessman can show imagination. By the way, the name of the company can be tied to the type of business. (We recommend reading an interesting article about). There are a number of requirements for the name of the Society and they must be followed.

Otherwise, officially register the company as an LLC fail .

You can give the name only in Russian. It is allowed to use only characters of the Russian alphabet. If the owner needs, then numbers can be included in the name.

Have the same name 2nd organizations should not exist. If the company name matches an already existing LLC, the registrar will refuse to conduct the creation procedure. For this reason, the entrepreneur should go to the tax authority and find out in advance whether there is another organization that already uses this name in practice.

2. Legal address

Messages for the organization from state bodies will be sent to the address entered in the documentation. The tax inspectorate will also come there to carry out scheduled inspections.

The law allows using as the official address of the LLC the place of residence of one of the owners, who subsequently must take the place of the director.

But it is better to indicate the actual address of the office, where the management of the registered enterprise will be permanently located.

When it is planned to draw up a lease agreement for the office where the management will be located, then in order to create a legal address, it is required to transfer to the body conducting the procedure for registering the Company, letter of guarantee. Ownership of the registered address must be documented.

3. Activities

When creating an LLC, the entrepreneur will have to choose the types of activities. No more can be chosen 20 for one firm. The choice is made according to the OKVED classifier. It should be studied in detail.

The first code must match core business. When choosing taxation, the types of activities that the company carries out are taken into account. All modern organizations are multifunctional.

Therefore, it is usually necessary to select several OKVED codes.

4. Authorized capital

The registering body will not carry out the operation to create the Company if there is no authorized capital. Its size should be in 10 thousand rubles. To carry out the payment procedure, the name of the LLC will need to register a bank account.

After the beginning of the operation of the enterprise, it will be re-registered in the settlement account of the Company. When an organization is created by several founders, it is required to indicate the amount of the share of the capital of each of the members of the Society. Based on the amount of funds contributed to pay the authorized capital, the owners will be paid the amount of income that the company will bring in the future.

After depositing the amount established by law to the savings account, the founders of the LLC can dispose of the funds at will. However, if the authorized capital has been spent, it must be replenished by the end of the month.

3. Documents for opening an LLC - a list of documents for registration 📋

Having dealt with organizational issues, the entrepreneur must take up the procedure for collecting documentation. Registration of legal entities requires time and financial costs.

Documents for registering an LLC should be drawn up, guided by the requirements of the tax. If an error is found during the verification process, the businessman will be denied the creation of a company. The fee charged is non-refundable.

To create a Society, you will need:

  • Statement;
  • A documented decision to establish an organization;
  • A check confirming the payment of the state duty;
  • If the planned type of activity meets the requirements of the simplified tax system, a statement of the desire to make contributions to the state under the simplified tax system will be required;
  • Letter of guarantee;
  • Confirmation of the payment of the authorized capital or, if the capital is contributed in the form of property, a certificate of its sufficient level;
  • Selected OKVED codes.

The listed documents for opening an LLC can be prepared both independently and by contacting companies that deal with paperwork for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities for help.

💡 For example, after registering and providing the correct data, the service " my business " will prepare the necessary documents for registration absolutely for free. In the same place you can conduct accounting services in the future.

4. List of the main constituent documents of LLC

To start the functioning of an LLC, you will need the presence of constituent documents.

The list includes:

  • Charter of LLC;
  • TIN certificate;
  • OGRN certificate;
  • OKVED codes that fit the functions of the organization;
  • Extract from the register of organizations having the status of legal entities. When compiling it, one should rely on the 2016 model;
  • Information about the owners;
  • Minutes of the founders' meeting.

List of founding documents may need to be supplemented depending on the situation. If there are legal entities among the founders of the LLC, the list of documents will need to include photocopies their founding documents.

All the founders of the organization are involved in the development of the charter of the LLC. If there are difficulties in compiling, they have the right to contact organizations that provide assistance in completing the registration procedure. The charter of an already functioning Society can be taken as the basis of the document.

You can download a sample charter with one founder from the link below:

(docx, 185 Kb)

You can download a sample charter with several founders from the link below:

(docx, 140 Kb)

The document must contain information about:

  • The name of the LLC;
  • The order of exit of the founders;
  • Location of LLC and data for communication;
  • Information on the amount of funds in the authorized capital;
  • Information about the structure;
  • The procedure for making and implementing management decisions;
  • The order of exit of members of the organization;
  • The procedure for storing and providing information and documents about the founders of the LLC;
  • Information about the rights and obligations of the owners and members of the organization;
  • Information on the distribution of responsibilities between the divisions of the LLC;
  • The procedure for storing and providing information and documents about LLC participants.

The Charter may prescribe actions in the event of nuances that directly relate to the size of reserve funds. They regulate the sequence of decision-making that is associated with the conclusion of transactions for large sums of money. The Articles of Association shall stipulate the issues on the procedure for making amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company.

The next most important founding documents of LLC the minutes of the meetings of the founders of the organization are considered. They must be formatted correctly. Their formation directly depends on the LLC participants. The protocol will need to be submitted to the local government body that will deal with the procedure for creating the Society. It records all the important decisions that are made by the management of the LLC.

The minutes should be drawn up by the secretary, who records the decisions that were made during the meeting. To simplify its task, it is recommended to create a letterhead for the organization.

The very first protocol approves the adoption of the Articles of Association of the LLC.

The document must be completed in the form:

  • The name of the Society is indicated at the top of the form;
  • Then the details of the LLC and contact details must be registered;
  • The document must contain a complete list of founders with their passport details and contact information;
  • Information on the amount of funds in the authorized capital must be present;
  • The presence of information on the appointment of persons to the position of chairman of the meeting and to the position of secretary is required.

When compiling the document, the issues submitted for discussion should be described in detail, as well as information about the final decision.

Step-by-step instructions on how to open an LLC on your own - 10 steps to registering an LLC

5. How to open an LLC on your own in 2019 - step by step instructions for registering 📑

Having thought about the problem of how to register an LLC on their own, in order to achieve the goal, the entrepreneur must perform a certain sequence of actions according to step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. Study the legislation on the basis of which the company must carry out its activities

Having decided to officially register the enterprise, the future owner must turn to the law. It will help to get an idea about the preparation of documents and the nuances of the work of the LLC.

A detailed study of the laws will allow the entrepreneur to find answers to the main questions of interest to him.

Step 2. Select activities

First of all, an entrepreneur must decide what he plans to do. Having chosen the type of activity, it is necessary to choose the appropriate OKVED code. The classifier can be studied by downloading it on the Internet. The entrepreneur can choose up to 20 matching codes. These must be specified when filling out. form No. P 11001.

The first should be the code corresponding to the main activity that the enterprise plans to carry out.

Step 3. Choose the name of the LLC

The choice of a suitable name for the enterprise should be done even before its registration. Here the entrepreneur is free to choose any name he likes for the company. However, the name can use only letters of the Russian alphabet.

The name of the enterprise should not repeat the names of other companies. To clarify this issue, the entrepreneur will need to visit the tax office.

The name should not be associated with the type of activity carried out. In the course of the functioning of the company, circumstances may develop in such a way that an occupation that does not bring profit will have to be changed.

A name reflecting previous activity in a new field might look like funny, and for re-registration it will be required amendments to a whole range of documents.

Marketers found out, which is best remembered for a name consisting of 1 noun and 1 adjective.

Step 4. Determine the number of founders

If an organization creates 1 owner, then during the registration operation he will have much less difficulties.

If an entrepreneur has the status of an individual, then upon registration he is automatically appointed to the position of director of the company and performs the role of its chief accountant. All profits from the activities of the enterprise will belong only to him.

In practice, in most cases it turns out that the Society decides to create 2 or more founder. The reason is the need to officially share the income of the organization among its members.

To create an enterprise, they will need to draw up the Charter of the Society with several founders. It must be included in the list of documents that are planned to be submitted to the registration authority.

Without the Charter, it will not be possible to go through the creation procedure. If there are no errors in the documents, the registrar will carry out the procedure for the official establishment of the Company.

Step 5. Form the authorized capital of the enterprise

Authorized capital - this is the amount of money and property that an enterprise must have to provide guarantees to creditors. Without it, state registration will not be carried out.

The amount of capital must be included in the information contained in the constituent documents. It is documented that the amount of capital should be equal to 10 thousand rubles. This value is the minimum. In practice, the company's capital is usually much larger. This is permitted by law.

When it is planned to carry out activities that fall into the list of types of functioning that require a larger authorized capital, the amount for registering an enterprise may significantly exceed the minimum threshold.

To carry out the procedure for paying the authorized capital, the following methods are provided:

  • Transfer of capital to the account;
  • Contribution to the payment of the authorized capital of property;
  • Depositing securities;
  • Payment of authorized capital by rights;

Before applying to the tax office for the official establishment of the Company, the founders must make a minimum 50 % from the authorized capital fixed in the current legislation. The rest of the founders of the company must pay within the established payment period, which is 1 year .

The countdown begins from the time of receipt of documents confirming the official establishment of the organization.

If the entrepreneur plans to use the recommended payment method, he needs to go to the bank and transfer the required amount to the company's account. In the future, the savings account will be converted into a settlement account.

Payment of the required amount must be made in Russian rubles. When the transaction is completed, the bank will issue a check to the entrepreneur confirming the payment. It should be attached to the list of documents as confirmation of the payment transaction.

If there is no check, the registrar will not accept documents for the creation procedure. If only half of the amount is paid during the procedure for paying the authorized capital, then the remaining part should be deposited into the company's account no later than 1 year since its inception.

The date of reference is the time of issuance of documents that are issued during the procedure for the creation of the Society and confirm its official registration.

The owners of the company have the right to invest, as payment for the authorized capital, the property, the owners of which they are.

For the operation can be used:

  • Equipment;
  • Property that can be sold;
  • Assets.

At the moment, the authorized capital is paid exclusively in cash.

Step 6. Choose a legal address

The law stipulates that the permanent place of residence of the executive body of the enterprise should be registered as the address of registration of the company. For society, his role is played by the person holding the position of the general director of the firm.

Company registration address must be present. Its presence is required so that, if necessary, the executive body can be quickly found. For example, if you urgently need hand over or get important documents.

If there is no address, the procedure for creating a company will not be carried out. The owner of the enterprise must take care of its availability before registering. As an address, you can register the place of residence of the director of the LLC or office.

If you plan to rent a room, registration requires that the package of documents included letter of guarantee. In addition, you will need to document his ownership.

If you can’t find a property for address registration, you can buy it. The provision of an address on a paid basis is carried out by companies that own premises suitable for registration. Finding companies that provide such services is easy. All of them have pages on the Internet. Therefore, it is enough to type the query "" in the search engine. The request should include the name of the city in which the organization will operate.

The cost of services is formed based on the region in which the place of registration of the address is located. Yes, for Moscow and other large cities for similar services will have to pay 1500 - 2000 rubles. The fee is charged monthly.

The legal address is acquired for a certain period. Usually its duration is 6 – 12 months. The longer the rental period of the address, the less you have to pay for 1 month. Buying in bulk is always cheaper.

Practice shows that Companies very rarely operate in the premises that were registered as the legal address. In the documents there are columns "legal" and "actual" location. For this reason, the premises that belong to the entrepreneur are suitable for indicating as the address of the registration of the company.

If it is missing, then you can ask friends who own suitable real estate. Surely they will make a significant discount.

Step 7. Prepare documents and send them for registration

Having dealt with organizational issues, the entrepreneur must:

  1. Submit an application, which is filled out according to the sample No. R 11001. The prepared document should contain information about the full list of founders and the planned activities. ()
  2. Fill in the permission of the founders of the Company to carry out the operation. It is required to transfer the original document to the state body.
  3. Provide a pre-prepared Charter of the Society. You will need 2 copies of the document.
  4. The list of documents must include a check, which is a confirmation of payment of the state duty for the procedure for establishing the Company. The businessman must pay cash, the amount of which is equal to 4 thousand rubles.
  5. If the simplified tax system can be used for the operation of the enterprise, it is necessary to attach a completed application about the desire to make deductions in favor of the state under the simplified tax system.
  6. The list of documents to create must include a letter of guarantee. In addition, documents will be required confirming that the legal address of the premises is owned by the lessor.
  7. If the creator of the organization contributed a sum of money to pay the authorized capital, a check confirming the operation must be attached. If the entrepreneur chose to contribute property, then an expert opinion is required.

The collected documents must be submitted to the body involved in the registration procedure.

If there are difficulties in collecting documents, you can contact organizations that provide services to assist in registering forms of ownership. For a certain amount, they will help resolve the issues that have arisen.

When paying for the operation to create an organization, the firm will take control of the documentation process and help complete it as quickly as possible. When using the company's services, there are more chances to go through the registration procedure. Otherwise, there is a risk of making a mistake and losing the amount paid as a state duty.

Step 8. Get documents

In the registration authority, a thorough check of the collected documents is carried out. If an error is found, the state registrar will require the oversight to be corrected.

In the case of the correct execution of the entire list of documents, he will accept them, issuing the appropriate receipt to the entrepreneur. The Society will be officially registered within 5 days.

By contacting the tax office, the entrepreneur will be able to get back all the documents that he submitted during registration, and certificate confirming the opening of the society. You will need it for printing.

The received documents must be carefully studied and checked for errors and inconsistencies. The human factor can play a role.

Therefore, it is worth carefully reviewing all the points of the received document. If no errors are found, the Company has passed the official registration procedure.

However, before the start of official activities, there are still several issues to be resolved.

Step 9. Order a print

After receiving the documents, the business owner must order a seal. This item is compulsory to start the functioning of the Company.

You can order a print in a company whose main activity is the sale of such products. The entrepreneur should take the constituent documents of the organization. Otherwise, the enterprise may refuse to manufacture the attributes of doing business.

To get a print, you may need:

  • TIN certificate;
  • OGRN.

Representatives of the selected company will offer the entrepreneur to choose the desired design from the existing product catalog. The appearance of the print does not play a special role. For this reason, the entrepreneur can choose any option he likes. You won't be able to get a print right away. Will have to wait. Along with the product, you should purchase ink for it.

The seal is required when making transactions, concluding contracts and in all other cases when an entrepreneur certifies documents on behalf of the Company.

Step 10. Open a current account for an LLC

The Company cannot operate without a current account. It must be opened immediately after the creation procedure in the body that performed the registration.

The choice of a bank must be made with all seriousness. He has to make an agreement with him. To do this, the entrepreneur will need to collect a list of documents. , we wrote in the previous material.

In order for an enterprise to acquire a current account, a businessman will need:

  • Help of a consultant;
  • A package of documents;
  • capital to pay.

Checking accountThis account of a legal organization, the main functions of which are:

  • Storage of funds;
  • Implementation of the cashless settlement procedure with partners.

The account greatly simplifies the implementation of many procedures related to finance. Its presence is obligatory Without an account, the company will not be registered.

At the time of opening, the account is assigned a unique number. It consists of a specific set of characters that will appear in many of the organization's documents.

Having an account with the Company allows it to:

  • Significantly simplify the calculation process;
  • Safely store and ensure the movement of funds;
  • The law states that the current account is included in the list of “demand deposits”.

When the reporting period is over, a certain percentage will be charged on the balance of the capital that has continued to be kept in the bank.

To create a current account, the entrepreneur will need to collect documents. Documentation required for issuing an account includes:

  • Application for the creation of a current account. It must be prefilled. The form is issued by the selected bank;
  • Sample signature of the director of the LLC;
  • A photocopy of the constituent agreement;
  • A photocopy of the Charter of the Society;
  • A photocopy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Sample signature of the chief accountant of the Company;
  • Photocopy of registration certificate;
  • Documented information on the appointment of the director;
  • Documented information on the appointment of the Company's accountant;
  • Print imprint.

All photocopies of documents must be certified by a notary . The bank will perform all payment transactions only if there are business attributes specified during registration.

After the implementation of the procedure for providing a complete package of documents, the procedure for concluding an agreement for servicing the account takes place between the bank and the Company.

It spells out:

  • Assigned account number;
  • Date of signing the contract;
  • The date on which the document will enter into force;
  • List of provided banking services and conditions for their use;
  • The cost of providing banking services.

The bank should be chosen responsibly.

A businessman must be guided by the following criteria:

  • Location of the main office of the selected bank and its remoteness from the LLC;
  • The cost of the services provided and the availability of commissions;
  • The reputation of the bank and its rating.

The entrepreneur must compare several institutions according to the selected criteria and give preference to a bank with suitable conditions. For example, are there additional , insurance and security payment, and so on.

Types of LLC taxation - taxes

6. Taxation of LLC (OSNO, USN, UTII, ESHN) - types and amounts of taxes 💸

During the procedure for the official establishment of the Company or within the established time limits after it, the entrepreneur must choose the taxation system according to which funds will be deducted in favor of the state. If a businessman does not select a suitable system, the new organization will automatically fall under BASIC.


A firm making payments under the OSNO must pay and report general taxes.

BASIC consists of:

  • property tax. The object of taxation is the property of the organization. The exceptions are movable fixed assets that were taken into balance after 2012. The amount of the tax is established by the subject of the Russian Federation. The number of payments to the state cannot exceed the amount in 2,2 % .
  • income tax. Payments are made from net profit. The amount of deductions in favor of the state is at the level of 20% . 2% from the tax will be sent to the federal budget, and 18 % transferred to the subject.
  • VAT. Income is taxed. The rate is at the level of 18 % . The legislation provides that the rate can be reduced to 10% or absent altogether. The level of VAT, which is included in settlements with partners, is deducted from the tax amount.

It is more profitable for large organizations that work with VAT to interact with suppliers who also pay this type of tax. A major customer will choose an organization that makes contributions to the state budget for OSNO.

However, for a small business, the taxation system disadvantageous And complicated. Its main negative features are:

  • Presence of strict VAT reporting rules;
  • Complex tax calculation system;
  • The tax burden is higher than with other types of taxation.

When close cooperation with large companies is not planned, BASIC better to refuse.

2. USN

When the occupation makes it possible to do this, the entrepreneur can choose the simplified tax system.

USN- a tax regime designed specifically for small business owners. The specialists pursued the goal of significantly reducing the tax burden and facilitating reporting. This was done by the state to encourage citizens to engage in small business. Because of this, the USN has a whole range of positive aspects. These include:

  • The presence of 1 tax, instead of 3 - x;
  • The need to transfer payments to the state 1 time per quarter;
  • The need to submit reports only once a year.

Taxation is carried out at 2 rates. These include:

  • Rate 6%. The object of taxation is the profit received by the enterprise. The rate is fixed;
  • Rate 5-15%. Its level may vary based on the location of the enterprise, the functions performed and a range of other reasons. The object of taxation is income. In this case, the amount of expenses must be deducted from them.

Based on the range of services provided or the functions of the organization, the entrepreneur can choose the appropriate tax rate. In both cases, the level of payments can be reduced by an amount equal to the amount of deductions FIU And FSS.

After studying the data of the calculations, the specialists were able to identify that:

  • If the expenses of the organization are at a level that will be less 60 % on the size of its profit, it is more profitable to choose a fixed bet equal to 6 % ;
  • If the spending level is more than 60% on the size of the profit of the organization, you should choose the second option of taxation.

The company cannot be taxed immediately 2 - different types of rates or change the option of the selected tax, if the reporting year has not yet ended. However, it is possible to change the chosen taxation system after its completion.

To carry out the operation, it is required to send a notification to the tax authority. The procedure must be completed by December 31st. At the same time, the level of profit of the enterprise for 9 months of operation should not exceed the bar in 45 million rubles.

Having chosen the appropriate tax rate, the entrepreneur must submit a notice of his decision. Requires a document in quantity 2 copies. The notification must be submitted at the time of the registration procedures.

When this is not possible, the decision to switch to the simplified tax system must be transferred no later than 30 days after the official establishment of the company. Otherwise, it will be possible to switch to the taxation system only next year.

There are restrictions on the use of the STS. Not all organizations fall under it.

Taxation under the simplified tax system cannot be carried out if:

  • The organization performs activities that do not provide for the implementation of deductions in favor of the state under the simplified tax system. The list includes organizations that perform the functions of banks, notary offices.
  • The company has a large proportion of other organizations. In order for a company to qualify for the implementation of deductions under the simplified tax system, the share of other enterprises in it should be no more than 25%.
  • The company has too many employees. An organization can make contributions to the budget under the simplified tax system if the number of employees does not exceed 100 people.
  • If the company's balance sheet contains residual funds, the value of which is 100 million rubles. Work on the simplified tax system can be carried out only with a smaller amount.

If the company's annual income exceeds 60 million rubles, multiplied by the deflator coefficient, the company loses the right to make contributions to the budget under the simplified tax system.


LLC can make payments to the state and according to UTII. The entrepreneur must pay 1 tax instead 3rd. Its size does not depend on the amount of profit, but is calculated based on other indicators:

  • The type of activity carried out;
  • The size of the area where the activities for the sale of goods are carried out;
  • The number of employees.

UTII is levied only on certain activities. The list includes:

  • Retail sales of products;
  • Functioning in the field of public catering;
  • Performing household chores.

Accounting should be kept for each type of activity separately.

The calculation of the size of UTII is carried out based on the formula:

UTII = BD x FP x K1 x K2 x 15%.

DB - basic profitability by type of activity carried out,

FP - actual indicator,

K1 - coefficient 1,

K2 - coefficient 2.

DB And K1-2 are at the same level for all organizations. The actual indicator is the one by which the tax is calculated. This may be the type of activity, the number of employees, the area where the sale of products takes place, and so on.

Tax reporting is provided by organizations that make payments to the state under the UTII system, quarterly. Payments must also be made once per quarter.

Not every firm can make deductions in favor of the state for UTII. There are a number of restrictions. UTII is not suitable for a company if:

  • The type of activity carried out does not fall under the taxation system;
  • The company employs more than 100 people;
  • The share of other enterprises is more than 25%.

It is possible to change the method of deductions from OSNO to UTII throughout the current year, and from the simplified tax system only when the next one begins.


Another type of taxation for which an LLC can make payments to the state is UAT. According to the ESHN calculation, it is similar to the USN. The system can be chosen by an organization, 70% of whose income was received through the sale of agricultural products. The benefits of the ESH include:

  • Ease of tax calculation;
  • Ease of reporting.
  • However, there is also a number of shortcomings .

    You cannot choose a taxation system if:

    • It does not include activities carried out;
    • The scale of production exceeds the allowable level.

    What is better to choose an individual entrepreneur or LLC

    7. What is better to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC - pros and cons 📊

    Having decided to choose a taxation system, an entrepreneur often finds it difficult to make the final choice. AND IP, And Society have a number benefits And shortcomings. Thinking about the choice of form of ownership, the entrepreneur must be aware of them.

    The procedure for creating an IP implies the creation of a business, in which an entrepreneur who has the status of an individual must go through a registration operation. Officially obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur and starting to carry out activities is much easier than creating an LLC. We already wrote about how to register, what documents are needed in the article -. However, the form of ownership has a number of negative features.

    IP advantages

    The positive aspects of the procedure for creating an IP include:

    • Simple registration procedure. Having decided to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur, the entrepreneur will be able to collect the entire list of required documents on his own. You don't need to contact a lawyer.
    • Low cost. For going through the procedure for creating an IP, a future entrepreneur will have to pay only 800 rubles.
    • Minimum list of documents. Receiving the status of an individual entrepreneur, a businessman must provide: an application for state registration, completed in the form P 21001; photocopy of TIN; a photocopy of the passport; a check confirming the payment of the state duty; if a businessman plans to make payments to the state budget under the simplified tax system, upon registration he will need to fill out an application about the desire to make deductions in favor of the state under this system;
    • Much easier reporting. A businessman who has been registered as an individual entrepreneur should not keep accounting records. It does not require the presence of an accountant in the organization and the acquisition of specialized expensive programs.
    • Profit can be used without logging. The decision on its application is made by the businessman independently.
    • Attributes for doing business, such as a seal, current account, etc., are desirable, but not necessary.
    • Type of ownership does not require the presence of authorized capital and charter.
    • Individual entrepreneurs not subject to UST. The state does not oblige them to pay 9% of their income. The innovation allows you to significantly reduce the waste of money.
    • If you need to liquidate a business, procedure is much easier than a similar enterprise in organizations that have the status of legal entities.
    • There are fewer problems with employees. When liquidating, an enterprise registered in the form of an LLC must pay compensation to employees. IP is exempt from payments in the event of termination of operation. But when the opposite is stated in the contract between the employee and the entrepreneur, then you still have to make payments upon liquidation.
    • No geographic restrictions. An individual entrepreneur has the right to operate without the need to register branches.

    Cons of IP

    However, the form of ownership also has a number of disadvantages. These include:

    • Individual entrepreneur responsible for all property about your own business. If the form of ownership is liquidated, financial issues will not be removed from the individual. You will still have to bear responsibility for the debts of the business.
    • Business is carried out alone. Investors for a company whose owner is an individual entrepreneur do not have the right to become co-founders of the business. The property of a business includes only the property of its owner.
    • Business cannot be sold or assigned as owner to another person. If the enterprise does not make a profit, then the law provides only for the procedure for its liquidation.
    • Payouts to the pension fund, whose size does not change over time. Payments are made regardless of the amount of income. Even in the case of a negative profit, the IP will be required to send a fixed amount to the pension fund. When a businessman makes a profit above the level of 300 thousand rubles, he must direct 1% of the income to pay deductions in favor of the state. The amount is charged in excess of the established amount.
    • There are restrictions on the types of activities which the IP is entitled to carry out. No registration procedure individuals fail to: produce products that contain alcohol; provide insurance services; repair pyrotechnics; engage in the sale of military equipment.
    • Some types of activities are subject to mandatory licensing. The list includes: activities for the implementation of passenger transportation and transportation of goods; activities for the sale and manufacture of pharmaceutical products; organization of the functioning of the agency for the implementation of the investigation.
    • You can go through the procedure for obtaining a license only after receiving the documents, confirming the official creation of the form of ownership.
    • Some types of activities require permission from the authorities jurisdiction over these matters.
    • Possible problems in the implementation of cooperation with other organizations. Many large companies have a restriction on cooperation with individual entrepreneurs. Large firms prefer not to interact with individual entrepreneurs.

    The form of ownership has many advantages, but it is not able to bring the business to a high level. If a businessman plans to create a large-scale business, then it is better for him to immediately think about creating a Society.

    The society is registered for 1 or several creators. It is endowed with the status of a legal entity. The company has its own property and can dispose of it.

    Advantages of LLC

    The positive aspects of registering an LLC include:

    • The organization is liable for debts to creditors only with the authorized capital. The property of the founders is not the property of the company. If the LLC is liquidated, then the responsibility of the businessman is removed.
    • Opportunity to expand the business. Attracting new members to the Society increases the amount of capital and allows the organization to increase its sphere of influence.
    • The founders can control the functioning of the enterprise, based on the size of the available shares (in OJSC). The more of them, the more significant the opinion of the founder ().
    • There is no upper threshold for capital. This allows the organization to rapidly expand and expand its spheres of influence. Property can act as capital.
    • The founders have the right to leave the composition of the leaders. Funds contributed to the capital of the enterprise must be returned to the investor who leaves the Company. 4 months are allotted for the implementation of the organization procedure.
    • Establishing an LLC increases the credibility of customers.
    • The income of the enterprise is distributed among the participants of the LLC, according to the amount prescribed in the charter. The distribution can be carried out in equal shares or in proportion to the amount invested in capital.
    • The form of ownership allows you to exercise control over the sale of shares. A member of an LLC may prohibit the sale of the part that he owns.
    • If the business is making a loss, or if such an opportunity may occur in the near future, it can be sold or the owner can be reassigned to another person.

    Cons of LLC

    The disadvantages of creating an LLC include:

    • Difficulty of registration. A businessman will need to collect an extensive package of documents.
    • High price. To register an LLC, you will need to have an authorized capital. A state duty is charged for the creation of the Society, which currently amounts to 4,000 rubles.
    • There is a limit on the number of organizers. More than 50 owners cannot be present in the management of the company at once. Any change in composition requires an adjustment to the bylaws.
    • Some types of taxation that LLC falls under will require the installation of specialized accounting software. Programs will have to be purchased.
    • There is a need to make additional tax payments if the company uses specialized equipment.
    • Ownership requires a lot of reporting. Must be an accountant.
    • The procedure for liquidating an enterprise is lengthy and fraught with difficulties. Employees must be paid cash, the amount of which is stipulated in the contract. Requires referral to specialists.

    When comparing forms of ownership, one can notice significant differences:

    • An individual entrepreneur makes fixed payments. In an LLC, tax is paid on a percentage of the amount paid to the director and other employees. Cash flows are taxed at a rate of 6% on the simplified tax system.
    • An individual entrepreneur has restrictions on activities, while for an LLC they are absent.
    • An individual entrepreneur can make contributions to the state under the patent system, while there is no such possibility for the Company.
    • An individual entrepreneur may not be involved in the accounting procedure. The state obligated the LLC to maintain accounting records.
    • The procedure for creating an IP is based on the registration of the entrepreneur. The company must have a legal address.
    • IP belongs to 1 person, while up to 50 persons have the right to be owners of an LLC.
    • Investors rarely cooperate with individual entrepreneurs due to the lack of specific responsibilities. LLC is attractive for investors, because. additional obligations can be entered into the company's charter, the fulfillment of which is necessary for investors.
    • IP is subject to small fines. The maximum amount of payments for violation is 50 thousand rubles. An LLC may be subject to penalties up to 1 million rubles.
    • There is no possibility to appoint a director, while the LLC makes full use of all aspects of this opportunity.
    • An individual entrepreneur manages the profit himself and makes all economic decisions. In an LLC, it is possible to receive part of the capital from a current account only for certain needs. The procedure for making decisions on issues of economic importance is recorded.
    • It is not possible to sell or re-register IP. The company can be sold or registered in the name of another owner.

    The choice of the form of ownership should be made on the basis of the intended type of activity.

    IP should be registered if a businessman plans to:

    • Carry out retail sales of products;
    • Provide various services to individuals;
    • Open a company operating as a catering establishment.

    If you plan to organize a large enterprise that plans to cooperate with other companies, then it is better to register the Company.

    How much does it cost to register an LLC this year?

    8. How much does it cost to open an LLC in 2019 - the estimated cost of registering a Limited Liability Company 💰

    Having decided to open an LLC, a novice entrepreneur must understand in advance that a certain amount of money will be needed to open it. If you have no money at all and there is no way to take it from the bank, then we recommend reading the article -. There we examined the main ways of how and where you can "find" money urgently.

    To find out how much it costs to open an LLC, you must first decide which registration option to use.

    An entrepreneur can:

    1. Try to register an LLC on one's own. He will need to pay a state fee. In 2019, it is at the level V 4 000 rubles (since 2019, when registering an LLC in electronic form, stamp duty may not be paid). Photocopies of documents may need to be notarized. In this situation, you have to pay for notary services, the cost of which is at the level V 1 thousand rubles . If all the founders were present at the transfer of documents in person, then certification is not required. Self registration LLC will bring invaluable experience and save money that had to be spent on paying for the services of registrar firms. But there is a risk of making a mistake in the execution of documents and losing money paid as state duty and for notary services. When a company does not have an address for registration, a businessman will have to find a premise for his registration on his own.
    2. Register Society with the help of registrars. Prices in specialized organizations vary greatly. You have to pay in different cities from 2 thousand - 10 thousand rubles . The businessman will have to deposit money on his own as a payment of the state duty and pay for the services of a notary. Going through the procedure with the help of registrars will protect against possible errors and save time. In addition, the registrar will assist in finding an address that can be registered as a legal one, if it is not available. However, the use of such services is fraught with additional costs and will cause the businessman to superficially know his own constituent documents. There is a risk of dishonest use by the registrar of a businessman's personal information.
    3. Buy an LLC (Shelf Companies). The minimum price of an already established organization is at least 20,000 rubles . In addition to the purchase, the businessman will have to pay the state duty. The amount is set at V 800 rubles . More to be paid 1000 rubles for notary services. Buying a ready-made LLC allows you to acquire an organization with a history and lifespan. This opens access to functions that become available only after a certain period of operation of the LLC. For example, participation in tenders. However, there is the risk of buying an LLC with existing debts. The fact can be revealed only after a certain period after the purchase.

    When it is decided to go through the registration procedure without outside help, you should prepare in advance for the following expenses:

    • Payment of authorized capital. Under current law, you must pay 10 thousand rubles. Since 2014, it is prohibited by law to replace part of the authorized capital with property. It must be paid in full in cash.
    • Obtaining a legal address. If a businessman does not have his own suitable premises and he cannot rent the required space, an address can be purchased. The initial fee for providing an address is from 5,000-20,000 rubles.
    • Payment for notary services. If the founders are not present in person when submitting documents, their signatures in the application should be notarized. The notary will have to pay for the services. 1000-1300 rubles.
    • Payment of state duty. It is set at the level 4 000 rubles.
    • Making a seal. To purchase it, you will have to spend about 1000 rubles.
    • Getting a current account. You have to pay for the procedure from 0-2000 rubles.

    In total, a businessman will have to spend about 15 000 rubles.

    Questions about registering an LLC

    9. Frequently asked questions on opening (registration) LLC 📖

    Consider also the issues that concern novice entrepreneurs.

    1. What is the reorganization of an LLC?

    Reorganization is often confused with liquidation. These are different concepts.

    Reorganization is not always carried out at a time when the company is incurring losses. The procedure can be performed when expanding the organization. Reorganization can be carried out in different forms.


    • In the form of attachment. The responsibilities of one organization are completely transferred to another. After completing the procedure, the number of rights and obligations for employees of the affiliated company increases. The reason for the reorganization may be the presence of debt from the enterprise. The reorganized company voluntarily joins another. Only 1 organization ceases to exist.
    • in the form of a confluence. Both legal entities cease to exist at once. A new company will be created to replace the former organizations. The rights and obligations of firms are combined.
    • By selection. Before the operation, there was 1 enterprise. After the reorganization, a new company is spun off from it. The first firm continues to exist in its original form, but at the same time loses some of its responsibilities.
    • By division. The original organization is split into 2 new ones. At the same time, it ceases to exist. New enterprises need to be registered with the local tax authorities.

    A businessman should not forget that when it was decided to reorganize the company, must be notified immediately :

    • local tax office;
    • Lenders;
    • extrabudgetary funds.

    Creditors of the organization must be notified of the planned procedure in advance. They can continue to cooperate with the businessman and become creditors of the new LLC. However, if they refuse, the law allows them to demand early repayment of obligations.

    Issues that have arisen with creditors must be resolved, otherwise the reorganization process cannot be carried out.

    LLC founder may claim to receive a share of the capital in a new enterprise or sell a part that belongs to him. At the same time, he will no longer be considered the founder of the organization.

    For help with the reorganization process, you can turn to experts. Experts will help to minimize the problems that arise and help in resolving issues. However, they will have to pay.

    2. What is the registration of a turnkey LLC?

    The turnkey registration procedure consists in contacting a company that will help a businessman with the creation of an organization. The Company requires a wide range of documents.

    If a businessman plans to go through the registration procedure on one's own, then he will need knowledge of the law. There are strict requirements for the package of documents.

    If the entrepreneur makes a mistake, the registration authority will refuse to create an LLC. The form of ownership is popular. For this reason, very often, in order to obtain the required documents, an entrepreneur has to endure long queues.

    Registration on a turnkey basis simplifies the creation process. The firm will be engaged in the preparation of documents in the required form - registrar. However, you will have to pay for her services.

    The firm will help the businessman in:

    • Preparation of a list of documents. The organization will bring the documentation in accordance with the prescribed form. The price for the service is 900 rubles.
    • Submission of pre-prepared documents and independent receipt. The price for the service is 1000 rubles.
    • Obtaining notary services. Their cost is 2100 rubles.
    • Opening an account. You will have to pay 2 thousand rubles for the service.
    • Buy a print. The cost of the service is 450 rubles.

    The total price of the service for performing the turnkey registration procedure is at the level at 13,300 rubles. It includes the amount of state duty.

    Firms involved in helping to create the Society are able to carry out other activities. For a businessman it will be useful:

    • Registration of a package of documents;
    • Assistance in choosing the type of activity;
    • Assistance in choosing a unique name for the organization;
    • Assistance in the choice of taxation;
    • Assistance in passing the procedure of certification of documents by a notary;
    • Assistance in carrying out the operation for the payment of state duty;
    • Assistance in the production of the company's seal;
    • Assistance in the process of filing documents.

    Lawyers of the registration company are able to advise a businessman on all issues, including offshore registration (What is an offshore and what are we wrote in our previous material).

    Registration on a turnkey basis greatly simplifies the procedure for creating a new organization, however, it will entail additional costs.

    3. State duty for registration of an LLC in 2019

    From January 1, 2019 you can register an LLC with the tax office for free(in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 234-FZ, which the President of the Russian Federation signed on July 29, 2018). But it should be borne in mind that entrepreneurs registering a legal entity in electronic form are exempted from paying the state duty.

    When registering an LLC in paper form (submission of documents not through an electronic signature), the amount of state duty in 2019 is 4 thousand rubles.

    Based on the article of the Tax Code, if an LLC is registered by several founders, then the state duty should be divided between them in equal parts. Everyone must contribute part of the amount to pay it. So, if the Society is created by the 2nd, then they will have to pay 2 thousand rubles.

    Practice has revealed statistics that the state duty is paid only by one of the founders of the organization, which is responsible for performing registration actions. This method is not recommended for implementation.

    In the letter, the Federal Tax Service informs that the payment of the state duty should be distributed among all the founders of the new organization. Punishment for neglecting the condition is not provided, but it is better to follow the prescription.

    When paying the state duty, the entrepreneur must take into account that the date indicated in the receipt confirming payment it is forbidden prescribe before making a decision, which is the beginning of the procedure for creating an organization. Such a document will be considered invalid, and the registration authority will refuse to accept it. Payment will have to be made again.

    The validity of the receipt, which is a document confirming the payment of the amount as a state duty, is not limited in time.

    However, a business owner must consider:

    • If the payment of the state duty was made, but the Society was not registered, the money can be returned. But the operation must be carried out within 36 months from the date of depositing the capital as payment of the state duty.
    • If by the time the documents are submitted for registration, the amount of the state duty has increased, the entrepreneur will have to pay the difference.

    You can get the details for paying the state duty at the tax office. It is possible to pay online.

    To do this, a businessman must switch to the service of the Federal Tax Service. It can be found by searching the internet.

    If the registrar, in the process of studying documents, discovers error, incompleteness or inconsistency of information, entrepreneur will be denied in carrying out operations for the state registration of the Company. The reasons for refusal should be presented to the applicant only on paper. Oral explanation of refusal is unacceptable. In this case, return the amount paid as a state duty, it will be impossible.

    State bodies are guided by the fact that a businessman is charged not for registering the Company, but for carrying out legally significant operations, the list of which includes:

    • Acceptance of documents;
    • Verification of documents.

    However, Article 333 of the Tax Code states 2 cases in which the state duty must be returned. These include:

    • Payment of a state duty in an amount that exceeds the amount fixed by law;
    • Refusal of persons from carrying out the registration procedure until the transfer of documents to the body conducting registration operations.

    FTS refuse entrepreneur in the return of the state duty, when the documents have already been sent to the tax office. The opportunity to return the funds paid is present if the businessman has given up the desire to create a Society before he submitted the list of documents to the tax authority.

    When a businessman is firmly convinced that he was refused to return the paid state duty unreasonably, he can file a complaint against the actions of a state body. A businessman should apply to the court, where the filed application will be considered.

    If violations are revealed in the actions of the registration authority, it is obliged to re-accept the documents without re-payment of the state duty. The probability of successfully completing registration is increased.

    Watch the video - How to open an IP - step by step instructions? Which is better Sole Proprietorship or LLC?

    10. Conclusion

    The creation of the Society opens up additional opportunities for the entrepreneur. Despite the complexity of the registration process and an extensive package of documents, the creation of the Society is beneficial for a businessman.

    LLC is a form of ownership for those entrepreneurs who plan to create a large business. Partners are more willing to cooperate with LLC. IP is less credible.

    The LLC has the opportunity to expand by attracting participants and capital. For a company, you can choose a profitable taxation system based on the activities carried out. Passing the registration procedure of the Company is one of the main steps that a businessman must overcome in an effort to create a business that brings high income.

    Now you know how to open an LLC on your own, our step-by-step instructions covered the most detailed information on registering and opening a limited liability company, including all the necessary documents and actions.

    P.S. If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments after the article.

    Starting your business, you can organize your office or be a co-founder in it. So, I worked as a sales director of a branch network (a hired director).

    Choosing the second option, you can pull the whole company on yourself. But, while you are a hired director, without a documented option - a share in the business, at any time you can be denied access to CRM, change the locks and say: "boy, go rub."

    It worked for me as a replacement on a Mac, but you get the idea.

    Thinking about this possibility prompted me to register an organization (legal entity) and for more than a year formed (debugged) the processes for organizing the work of the company.

    My first year expenses were as follows:

    1. The state duty for registering an LLC is 4,000 rubles.

    2. Opening a company through an office - 11,000 rubles if a legal entity is registered. We opened through the office on Kurskaya, this is a good option. They can also propose a Charter, now the rules have changed in terms of LLC

    3. Provision of a legal address - 10,000 rubles.

    4. Office - room 2 by 2 meters. We have, for example, 6200 rubles a month.

    5. Mail - how is it for anyone. They bring it to us for free directly to the building - it's very convenient.

    6. Contribution to the charter - 10,000 rubles.

    Total: 41200 rublesonopening.


    1. You will need to hire an employee (he is also the general director and he is also an accountant). It will cost you 15,000 rubles a month.

    2. You pay for office rent. It costs us 6200 rubles a month.

    3. You will need an accountant who will work remotely. He will also solve personnel issues, deal with salaries, and advise on legal issues. It will cost 13,000 rubles per month. Our company uses the possibilities of remote accounting, cooperating with "Prime Audit"(Tver city), our Bitrix24 clients. We organized interaction with them by inviting their employee to our corporate portal as a full-time employee. Cooperation is carried out according to the approved regulations for servicing a current account, bookkeeping for both companies, personnel management and reporting.

    4. You will have to open an account with Sberbank - 1250 rubles per month.

    Total: 35450 rublesonmonthlyexpenses.

    Thus, the cost of opening your own company is 41,200 rubles. In addition, you will have to take into account the monthly costs of maintaining the company about 35,450 rubles.

    Everyone chooses his own way in business. But the costs, in my opinion, are nothing compared to such a risk of working in a large foreign company as the risk of hearing one day the following: "Boy, go to ter".

    So the question is about opening your business is a safety issue. You plan profit, calculate risks, costs. The main thing is to make a decision about your status in business as early as possible, so as not to invest in a deliberately losing option. If you open a company without expecting a serious profit, at first you can make one or two transactions per month in order to earn 35,000 rubles for the maintenance of the company. This is already not bad: the company is working, and you are mastering the procedure for working with documents.


    1. A person who has his own business can easily make himself any certificate for a trip abroad and draw any salary for himself. Passport is also, by the way, much easier to do.

    2. You can provide transaction management and support services for other companies and individuals and charge an average of 3% of the transaction for these services.

    3. Make corporate cellular communications for yourself and your company's employees. Transfer numbers from an individual to a legal entity. In our company, all numbers are transferred to the personal account of the Megafon legal entity. Payment is 3000 rubles for 5 rooms per month. In addition, the company pays for the calls of each employee (1000 rubles per month), so they all have unlimited opportunities to communicate with customers. Communication services include Internet packages. Of course, the entire range of communication services is bought by the company and charged to its costs.

    4. If you are planning to buy a car, then, having your own business with an annual turnover of 10 million rubles a year, you can easily lease a car in 3-4 years. That's how we took the car for trips to the suburbs and other needs. The payment for such a purchase is charged to the company's expenses. This, among other things, allows you to reduce the payment of VAT by the amount of VAT paid by the lessor. Maintenance of the machine is paid by bank transfer and is written off as an expense. In the same way, we write off the cost of buying gasoline. We buy gasoline by bank transfer through Magistral Avto.

    5. It is also convenient to make regular purchases in Komus through your personal account. It is clear that purchases from Komus are needed not only for the office (from paper to the microwave), but they will also come in handy at home (for my daughter to draw, for example). The main thing is that any purchases can be attributed to the company's costs to the maximum. Gradually you get used to this way of saving, and any work or home purchase is checked in terms of the criterion: is it possible to save by writing off costs.

    6. An example of such mini-openings in the field of shopping: we purchase water and a cooler / pump for each employee at home by bank transfer and write off all this as expenses.

    7. A recent example from my experience is business trips: I bought tickets to St. Petersburg by bank transfer, visited the exhibition and wrote off the travel expenses as expenses.

    8. The moment arising from all of the above. You have the amount of expenses that you make as an individual. A certain part of them can be safely presented as "costs" of a legal entity. For example, a children's party can become a "corporate event for employees."

    In this article, only a few points from the system of our work. My idea is that the path to freedom begins with simple and thoughtful decisions. I would appreciate feedback on the article.

    A practical guide on how to open a limited liability company (LLC) on your own, step by step.


    The process of registering a company in the form of a "Limited Liability Company" (LLC), in comparison with registering an individual entrepreneur, requires the collection of more documents, but in general it cannot be called difficult.

    1. The first step: study of normative documents.

    Before you start registering a company on your own, you need to study the regulatory documents governing the work of an LLC. The main documents are:

    • Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies" No. 14-FZ dated February 8, 1998
    • Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs" No. 129 dated 08.08.2001
    1. Second step. Preparation of documentation for the future LLC

    Before starting the preparation of constituent documents, it is necessary to determine:

    • with the type of activity;
    • with the number of founders (an LLC can have no more than 50 participants);
    • with the size of the authorized capital;
    • with the company name;
    • determine the legal address.

    The above information must be documented in the following documents:

    • Constituent documents (if there is one owner, one memorandum of association is required; if there are more than one owners, a protocol of the founders is required);
    • Society's charter.
    1. Third step: submission of documents for registration of the company

    To open an LLC, the following package of documents must be submitted to the Tax Inspectorate:

    • application for state registration of a legal entity, form No. Р11001 (download).

    Important point! The applicant's signature must be notarized. The name of the company in the application must match the name in the founding documents.

    • decision on the establishment of the Company, (decision of the sole founder or minutes of the general meeting of founders). The document is submitted in an original copy;
    • LLC charter. The document is submitted in two original copies;
    • receipt of payment of the state fee for registration of the Company in the amount of 4000 rubles.

    An important point: a payment order for paying the state duty can be generated using the IFTS online service, then make a payment in any Bank.

    • Application for the application of the simplified taxation system (download).
    • Letter of guarantee from the owner of the legal address. The document is provided in an original copy. By law, this letter is not included in the mandatory list of documents required for registration of the Company, but the Tax Inspectorate has the right to verify the legal address for authenticity and, if the data does not match, refuse to register.
    • Document confirming the payment of the share capital. Original payment document or independent appraiser's report.
    1. Fourth step: Receiving documents

    The tax inspectorate reviews the documents within 5 days, after which documents are issued confirming the registration of the Company (OGRN certificate, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, charter with the stamp of the Federal Tax Service), or a refusal to register.

    An important point: upon receipt of documents in hand, it is necessary to check the correctness of the data indicated in them (passport data of the founders, name). If there are errors, submit the documents for correction.

    1. Fifth step: Obtaining additional documents

    After the documents on registration of the Company are received, it is necessary:

    • Apply to the statistical authorities to receive an information letter about the statistical codes assigned to the Company.
    • Order a seal of the organization.
    • Get registered with extrabudgetary funds

    Addition: Leave an application for opening a current account with Sberbank.

    In practice, the process of preparing all documents for opening a Limited Liability Company takes 3-4 weeks. You can prepare all the documents necessary for registering an LLC on your own or contact a company specializing in registration (the cost of services is about 10-15 tr.).

    Currently, a number of online services ( have appeared in Runet, offering to prepare the documents necessary for registering an LLC for free. The preparation of documents using these services is fully automated, the user needs to choose from the proposed text options, and the formation of documents occurs automatically, in connection with this, the number of errors in the preparation of constituent documents is significantly reduced.

    There are many people who want to open a company, but not everyone succeeds. One idea and desire is not enough, there must be a great desire, focus on results and, of course, initial capital.

    First of all, you need to decide which type of economic activity to choose, and the method of opening a company is also important. You can buy a ready-made business and continue to develop it in the same direction, but the cost of this pleasure is too high. Alternatively, buy a franchise (trademark, business methods). Or organize your company from scratch - in this case, you need to plan everything in detail and choose what to do. Select the form of ownership: it can be a private enterprise (IP), OJSC, LLC, CJSC. Most often, new firms are opened on behalf of the PE, and in the future, with a good course of development, they are converted into an LLC. The choice depends on many factors: financial situation, number of employees, type of enterprise, taxation. If you cannot figure this out on your own, you need to consult a lawyer and an accountant.

    The choice of taxation system is also an important point: it can be general or simplified (single tax). It is necessary to collect a package of documents, submit it to the tax office, and in five days receive a company registration certificate or a reasoned refusal.

    The company must have a legal address, and a full package of constituent documents is also required: a certificate of state registration, a certificate of tax registration, a protocol on the appointed head and his passport data, as well as a charter. A seal is required, otherwise it will not be possible to open a bank account.

    Come up with a name, but do not use well-known logos, otherwise it threatens with a fine. It should be original, memorable and relevant to the type of activity.

    Along with the red tape about the collection of documents and their execution, you need to draw up a business plan. Thanks to him, all kinds of profit options and obstacles are taken into account, as well as ways to solve problems. It describes the activities of the firm, its functioning, the assessment of expected profit and loss and competitive advantages. The last and one of the most important points is the start-up capital. Success can be affected by both insufficient investment of money and excessive investment (it may not pay off). The source of funding can be friends, relatives or financial institutions. There is a concept - a business loan, but it is very difficult to get it. You definitely need a business plan and collateral, and this does not provide him with a 100% positive answer. It is better then to apply for a consumer loan, the amount, of course, will be much less, but a minimum package of documents will be required, and in this case, the approval will increase. Having your own funds is the best option.

    The most important thing when opening your own company is to think through everything to the smallest detail, and also try to reduce initial costs. It is better to spend money on business development and advertising (you can also place it on free websites, in newspapers). Very often, at minimal cost, the result exceeds expectations.

    One of the most popular organizational and legal forms of doing business in Russia is a limited liability company. How complicated is the registration procedure for this type of organization? What documents are needed to open an LLC? What needs to be done on your own in order to register a branch of the organization? How to open a company bank account?

    The legislative framework

    The procedure for registering a limited public company is regulated by two main legislative sources. Firstly, this is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: it explains the essence of this organizational and legal form of doing business, sets out the main differences between an LLC and other legal entities. Secondly, it is the Federal Law "On State Registration of Legal Entities". It, in turn, explains the nuances that reveal how to formalize the activities of an LLC in the most correct way.

    There are also many subordinate legal acts that disclose the details of the procedures specific to the registration of business entities of this type.

    What is an LLC?

    Before deciding what documents are needed to open an LLC, we will study the essence of this organizational and legal form of doing business. A limited liability company is created by one, two or more persons with the mandatory formation of an authorized capital (its minimum volume is 10 thousand rubles). The LLC participants, according to the law, are not liable for the official obligations of the created enterprise (but they operate, realizing the risk of possible losses within the financial values ​​that reflect individual shares in the business).

    Is liability limited in an LLC?

    As we said above, LLC members are not personally responsible for the obligations of their business. That is, if the company has large debts, then they have the right to collect them only from the authorized capital of the company. However, the creditors of the LLC have the legal right to initiate the bankruptcy process of the company, in which the participants of the LLC can still be held liable, expressed in a vicarious form. During court hearings, it may be established that the LLC became insolvent due to the conscious actions of its founders (or, conversely, the lack of a proper response on their part). And then the owners of the company will be responsible personally (at the expense of property).

    We pass from theory to practice. Before us is the algorithm recommended by experts, following which an entrepreneur (or a group of them) can register a limited liability company. We will study what documents are needed to open an LLC and what are the nuances of interaction with the competent state authorities in the course of giving the business an official form.

    LLC registration: coming up with a name

    The first step is to come up with a company name. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, it must be in Russian (or transmit a foreign word in transcription, for example, "Beautyful Entertainment Systems"). LLC can have two names - full and abbreviated. If the company is registered in one of the Russian republics, then both names can also sound in the national language of the subject of the federation.

    In some cases, the name of the company must include the type of activity. In particular, this applies to businesses involved in certain types of financial transactions (such as, for example, the purchase of precious metals, the organization of electronic payment services). Experts do not recommend including the words "Russia", "Moscow", "Olympic" in the name of the company.

    Need an address

    A mandatory attribute of an LLC is a legal address. If the company does not have an office, the address of registration at the place of residence of one of the co-founders is quite suitable. The list of documents for opening an LLC, intended for registering a company, includes:

    1. a letter of guarantee from the owner of the property (apartment, office) stating that he is ready for the company to be registered at the facility;
    2. certificate of ownership (if the company is registered specifically in the apartment);
    3. a copy of the passport (required with a page on which there is a registration stamp).

    Choose an activity code

    The next step is to decide on the so-called activity code. In Russia, there is a general federal classifier of types of economic activity (OKVED), which contains these same codes. You need to select a code (one or more) that most closely matches the intended type of activity of the LLC. We write down the numbers corresponding to it.

    Main documents

    Let's move on to the "paper" component of the company registration process. What documents are needed to open an LLC in the first place?

    These include, first of all, the decision that the company is established. If there are several founders of the LLC, then the collegial minutes of the meeting will also be required. What is the structure of the document in question? It must reflect:

    • the name of the LLC (both full and abbreviated, written in the languages ​​of the national republics);
    • address;
    • information about the charter of the company;
    • information about the head (name, term of office).

    The list of documents for opening an LLC, as we remember, may also include the minutes of the meeting of co-founders. It should contain information on the solution of a number of issues. Namely:

    • on approval of the organizational and legal form of business;
    • about the name of the LLC, about the address of the company;
    • on the amount of the authorized capital;
    • on shares in the ownership of the company;
    • about the charter;
    • about the head of the company.

    The decision of each issue must be based on a vote. The fact of unanimous adoption of any wording shall be included in the text of the protocol. Then several copies of this document are created: one for each of the co-founders, for the firm's archive, as well as a copy for the registering agency.

    Should an agreement on the establishment of a company be included in the package of documents for opening an LLC? Experts note that it is optional in terms of correct state registration of the company. This agreement is needed for the co-founders themselves (it reflects their mutual agreements regarding the conduct of business).

    In turn, the charter is included in the list of documents for opening an LLC that are critical. Many experts call it the most important in terms of the procedure for registering a company. Information that is indicated within the framework of the standard structure of the charter:

    • name, address, period of activity of the company;
    • information about the founders;
    • the purpose of the establishment of the company, types of activities;
    • legal status of the company;
    • information about the branches of the organization;
    • information about the authorized capital, about the procedures for changing its value;
    • rights and obligations of co-founders;
    • the procedure for the exit of LLC participants from the business;
    • the procedure for transferring a share in the ownership of the company to third parties;
    • inheritance of shares in a business;
    • distribution of revenue;
    • firm management structure;
    • information about the general meeting of founders;
    • information about the executive bodies in the management structure;
    • information on revision (audit) functions;
    • company liquidation procedure.

    We fill out an application

    Having decided on what documents are needed to open an LLC, we proceed to the practical steps for registering a company. You must complete an application form P11001. This is the main document for registering an LLC. The most important thing is not to make mistakes in filling it out. There is a requirement: the font must be uniform, of the same type (it is impossible for some letters to be typed, while others must be written by hand). Also, many territorial structures of the Federal Tax Service ask entrepreneurs to fill out the P11001 form in Courier New font in size 18.

    As soon as all the necessary information is entered into the application, it must be signed by all the founders of the LLC. If they are present at the office of the Federal Tax Service at this moment, then notarization is not required. If they sign the document in absentia, then an appropriate visa is needed.

    At the notary

    If the co-founders still have to contact a notary, then he will also need some papers. These, as a rule, include already existing documents necessary for opening an LLC, namely the decision to establish a company and its charter. You will also need the passports of the co-founders of the company.

    Taxation: advantages of the simplified tax system

    After the application is submitted to the Federal Tax Service, it is possible to determine the taxation system. Many entrepreneurs prefer to work under the simplified tax system, that is, under a simplified taxation system. It is, in fact, a separate tax regime. The attractiveness of the simplification is obvious: the amount of tax when working with it is quite small - 6% on revenue or 15% on net profit. At the same time, taxes can be reduced by the amount of mandatory payments to state funds - the PFR and the FSS.

    When to switch to USN?

    Experts recommend switching to the USN directly during the registration of a company. An application for simplified taxation is submitted by submitting a form of type 26.2-1 to the Federal Tax Service (best of all, simultaneously with the rest of the documents). However, if the entrepreneur forgot to apply for the simplified tax system (or decided to think about it), he has 30 days after registering the company in order to have time to do this.

    Checking account

    We found out what documents are needed to open an LLC, register a company and choose the optimal taxation regime. The next most important step is to open a bank account. Of course, it is possible to start and run a business without it (the law does not prohibit this), but it is quite difficult in terms of reporting and paperwork.

    What documents are required to open an LLC bank account? A typical list is as follows:

    • certificate of registration of the company from the Federal Tax Service;
    • minutes of the meeting (or decision to establish a company);
    • order on the appointment of the company's management, chief accountant;
    • information about the founders;
    • a copy of the charter (necessarily certified by a notary);
    • a letter from Rosstat (stating that the company is registered);
    • an extract with information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (preferably received no earlier than a month before the date of contacting the bank);
    • documents from the FIU and the FSS.

    Directly at the bank, the entrepreneur fills out the documents in accordance with the internal requirements of the financial institution (such as, for example, a form with sample signatures, an agreement, various applications, etc.). You may also need to notarize some banking documents.

    Authorized capital

    According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the authorized capital can be deposited into the company's account after its registration (but no later than 4 months later). Its minimum volume is 10 thousand rubles. Deposited exclusively in cash, additional - can be property. It is desirable that a specific figure reflecting the amount of the authorized capital be a multiple of the number of co-founders of the company (divided without rounding). If we are talking about replenishing the balance sheet with property, then it must first be assessed by contacting independent experts, the result of which, in the form of a special act, the founders then sign.

    Opening a branch

    We have studied the main nuances that characterize the opening of an LLC. What documents are needed, we also now know. But our business is growing and expanding. It is likely that we will have to open other offices under our own brand. What documents are needed to open a branch of LLC? Here is a typical list:

    1. decision to create a new division of the company (based on the general meeting of the co-founders of the organization);
    2. updated charter of the LLC (it should contain information about the new territorial structures of the company);
    3. the regulation on the branch approved at the general meeting;
    4. power of attorney for the person who will manage the unit.

    The process of making changes to the main constituent documents of an LLC is carried out in the course of mandatory interaction with the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration of the head office of the company. Therefore, it is not necessary to carry out additional registration procedures for a branch company. If it is decided to open a separate bank account for the representative office, then upon receipt of it, it is necessary to notify the local divisions of the PFR and the FSS about this. According to experts, registration of a separate account in a financial institution is not necessary for branches. Such decisions are the prerogative of the heads of the head structure of the company.