Own business: production of wooden barrels Sysoeva Liliya. Barrel production technology

Starting capital - 150 thousand rubles.
Profit per month - 100 thousand rubles.
Payback period - 2 months.

Ancient and already, it would seem, thoroughly forgotten crafts are being revived, sometimes bringing considerable profits to enthusiasts, for courage and perseverance. These forgotten crafts include cooperage - the art of making barrels, gangs, troughs, wooden buckets - in general, all the containers that our ancestors used.

Own business: production of oak barrels

Environmentally impeccably clean, no chemistry, no welding - everything that is necessary for the manufacture of an oak barrel is already in store for the benevolent nature! The organization of production makes sense where there is raw material - oak, which has grown for at least a hundred years, however, barrels can be both aspen and alder - although the manufacture of oak barrels suitable for wine aging in them is much more profitable.

Yes, and from the point of view of the necessary equipment, it is not so expensive - we are talking about mass production, and not a single handicraft (however, this has every chance of providing you with good earnings).

There is always a demand for such products in our country. If you like this activity, you can first try your hand at being a cooper (barrel maker). Training at the enterprise lasts 3 months and during this time you will master the production technology from "A" to "Z". However, it is much more profitable to hire experienced coopers, rent a room, purchase equipment, material for work (oak at a price of $ 350 per cubic meter or aspen is half the price) and start your own production.

Barrel making equipment

hydraulic wedge - for splitting oak logs into blanks.

A special machine for the final processing of assembled barrels to give them a marketable appearance (however, in this case it is quite possible to do with manual grinders).
Rolls for making hoops.

Steam generator for assembling a barrel for the second hoop.

Here, perhaps, is all the equipment for making a barrel - its price is 5-6 thousand dollars.

A suitable room can be located in any industrial area, or in adapted outbuildings, the only thing you should pay attention to is that the blanks for the manufacture of barrels must be dried for 5-8 months - this will allow you to produce quality products, please note that drying should take place in natural conditions without the use of drying equipment - a quick "distillation" of moisture will cause warping in the planks and make the material unsuitable for further work.

Let's start working

One tub or a tub of alder or aspen can be assembled without problems in 30 minutes, and this is about 500 rubles of profit. With barrels, of course, it is more difficult. For barrels, only oak material is used, and it requires special processing in the "old-fashioned way".

The main problem in the manufacture of oak barrels is to follow the traditional technology. First, the barrel is pulled together in a semicircle and sent to the park. After that, the material softens and can be twisted with hoops and fastened. Then the barrel goes through the firing stage in order to seal it, and this requires considerable experience and skill.

Finished barrels go to wine and vodka enterprises at a price no less than $160 apiece. And they buy such products not at retail, but in large wholesale. A small production that produces about a hundred barrels and a couple of hundred tubs per month can bring its owner from $6,000 to $8,000 in net profit per month.

Practice shows that the production of barrels has a profitability of 200%, and the payback period of production is from 2 months to 1 year. So, investing in this ancient craft is fully justified economically, especially since there is no sharp competition among manufacturers of oak barrels, and this despite the fact that the market constantly feels a shortage of this product!

Ancient and almost forgotten crafts are beginning to revive, sometimes bringing enthusiasts a good income for courage and perseverance. It is to such forgotten crafts that cooperage belongs - the production of barrels, gangs, troughs, tubs - in a word, all the containers that our ancestors once used.

Environmentally friendly, no chemicals and welding are used - everything that is needed for the manufacture of barrels has already been prepared by generous nature! It is desirable to be engaged in the production of barrels where there is raw material - oak, whose age must be at least a hundred years. Although both aspen and alder can be used to make barrels, oak barrels are still more suitable for aging wines in them, so this is a more profitable business. In addition, in-line production does not require expensive equipment.

Technology for the production of oak barrels + video how they do it

Such products are always in demand in our country. If you are interested in such an activity, then you can first test yourself as a cooper. You can study at the enterprise in three months. During this period, you will be able to master the barrel production technology from start to finish. But it is much more profitable to invite experienced craftsmen to work, rent a room, purchase equipment, raw materials and start your own production.

One simple tub or tub of alder or aspen is assembled in about half an hour. With barrels, things are more complicated. For the manufacture of barrels, oak is needed, which requires special processing in the old way. The main thing in the production of oak barrels is to follow the traditional technology.

After the barrel is pulled together in a semicircle, it goes to the park. The material becomes softer, it is twisted with hoops and fastened. Further, for sealing, the barrel is sent for firing. At this stage, the master will need considerable experience and skills.

Wine oak barrel is directly involved in the maturation of wine. For the manufacture of barrels, only high-quality oak is used. Wine aged in oak barrels becomes more transparent, and acquires an incredibly delicate bouquet of ancient wine. The oak barrel is of great importance in creating the taste of the drink. No wonder winemakers say that it is the barrel that makes the wine.

The choice of wood for the production of barrels

Basically, barrels are made from Caucasian alpine hardwood oak, which has a high density of wood. First comes the selection of straight-layered logs. Then they are cut into blocks along the length of the riveting with a small allowance for trimming.

Making rivets

At the first stage of making staves, oak blocks are split. Then they are split into sectors, from which the rivets themselves will then be cut directly. Riveting blanks are later used to assemble barrels. A rivet that is made in this way is called a radially split rivet, it has more attractive characteristics than a sawn one.


Ready-made rivets are stored under a canopy in the open air for at least two years. As a result, it is possible to minimize subsequent deformations of the finished product, for example, to prevent distortion, cracking, shrinkage and decay. As a result of this process, processing is greatly facilitated, and riveting is of better quality.

The production of barrels can be both industrial and traditional. In traditional production, exclusively manual manufacturing technology is used. Riveting for barrels is made manually or on special equipment, it depends on the purpose and volume of products. With the help of special equipment, you can make a lot of high-quality riveting. Such a combination of industrial and traditional technology in the production of barrels allows you to get quality products at an affordable price.

hydrothermal treatment

The skeletons of barrels from staves are assembled exclusively by hand. And in order for the fibers to become softer, they are preheated and then moistened. Due to this, breaking of rivets during bending is excluded.

For the manufacture of barrels, chipped sawn oak staves are used. To bend the skeleton, a brazier with an open fire is required. On the grill, the wood warms up for 45 minutes. Thus, it turns out to be more fragrant, since under the influence of fire, the caramelization contained in it occurs. And also the internal tension of the wood is removed, and the forms of the rivets are fixed. After that, set the bottom. Next, the surface of the barrels is carefully cycled.

A detailed video of how they are made on a cooperage:

To increase the service life and give them a special color, the surface is impregnated with hot beeswax.

There are business areas aimed at the manufacture and sale of non-mass production products. But this does not mean that the goods will not be in demand! On the contrary, if you take a firm place in one of the niches, you can run a profitable business. These areas include the production of oak barrels. How to start your own profitable business?

Wooden barrels are a specific product. But there is a consistently high demand for products of this kind. At the same time, the cost of barrels is quite high, since natural raw materials are used. There is practically no competition in this area - many consumers are forced to order products for their own needs in other regions. The sale of oak barrels, if properly organized, will bring a high income!

Start by drawing up a business project. In the plan, calculate the costs and planned profits, select equipment, outline a development strategy. And now you can start looking for customers interested in the products.

Our business valuation:

Starting investment - 600,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 5/10.

Legal registration of business

In terms of minimizing start-up costs, it will be easier to open the production of barrels at home - at least in your own garage. But in this case, you should not hope for high incomes - you can sell finished products, perhaps, to neighbors and acquaintances. Yes, and the Tax Inspectorate sooner or later may be interested in you.

A full-fledged business for the manufacture and sale of wooden barrels involves opening a workshop. And then you have to register a business. Choose any form of doing business - LLC or IP. Gather a package of documents and register with the Tax Office. In parallel with the collection of all the necessary papers, you can look for a room for a workshop and buy equipment for the production of barrels.

When applying for business registration, you will need to indicate the OKVED code. Suitable for: 20 - Woodworking and production of wood and cork products, except for furniture

To whom to sell wooden barrels

In order to start looking for potential buyers of finished products already at the stage of developing a business plan, you need to decide on the “range” of products that you will produce. Regardless of the type of products the company specializes in, the barrel production technology will be identical. The difference is only in their size and the raw materials used.

What barrels can be offered to customers?

  • For alcoholic drinks. This is the most requested type of product. Alcoholic drinks (whiskey, wine, cognac) are stored and “ripen” in wooden containers. As a rule, wine producers use oak barrels. According to experts, the production of whiskey barrels, if wholesale customers are found, will bring the highest income.
  • For pickles. Finished products are sold mainly to private traders. Barrels are used for cooking sauerkraut, and tomatoes, soaked fruits and berries, for marinating meat before smoking. Wooden barrels of various sizes are in demand among buyers. There are even food companies that sell pickles in just such a container - you can try to establish a partnership with them to supply wooden kegs.
  • For couples. What is a steam room without wooden barrels and basins? The production of barrels for baths will be profitable, since products quickly fail during careless operation - you constantly need to buy new ones. Products are in demand both by private traders and owners of baths and saunas.
  • For interior decoration. Authentic products can become an interior decoration and serve as a basis for the production of decorative products (piggy banks or decorative containers, for example).

The production of wooden barrels will bring more profit, the more customers you find interested in the products. Focus on both retail and wholesale buyers! Try to establish contacts with enterprises for the production of pickles and alcoholic beverages, with the owners of baths and saunas, with private designers.

Manufacturing technology of wooden barrels

It’s great if you yourself have basic knowledge in the cooper’s craft - then you can make wooden barrels with your own hands. If you are far from carpentry, you will have to hire specialists - this is the key to producing quality products. But in any case, try to learn more about the technology yourself - it will be easier to work in the future.

It will be difficult to find experienced employees - this direction is not very popular. There is sometimes only one way out - to independently teach students the basics of cooperage.

In general, the manufacture of wooden barrels with their own hands takes place in several stages:

  • First, wooden planks are harvested - these are riveting. It is them then that will need to be tightly docked with each other and “fastened” with hoops. Rivets need pre-treatment - heating and drying. They become flexible and do not break during operation.
  • Further, the manufacture of oak barrels with your own hands involves the assembly of individual elements. Moreover, it is done by hand - just like 100 years ago! The product is given the desired shape, the rivets are joined and fastened into a single structure with hoops, the bottom and the lid are inserted.
  • The finished barrel is polished and coated with a special compound.

The main raw material that will be used in the workshop is boards for the production of barrels. They can be made from different tree species - it all depends on what kind of container is planned for release. For example, oak barrels are used for aging alcoholic products, cherry or linden barrels are used for pickling food. To make your own production of wooden barrels as a business less expensive, conclude a wood supply agreement with a private sawmill located near the workshop. In addition to wooden raw materials, other consumables will be required - metal blanks, fasteners, varnish to cover finished products.

What equipment is needed to equip the workshop

It is impossible to open a mini-factory for the production of barrels without special equipment for wood and metal processing. To make the process go faster, automatic machines will be required.

What can you not do without in the workshop?

  • Hydraulic wedge.
  • Automatic band saw.
  • Grinding machine.
  • Rolls for the manufacture of metal hoops.
  • Dryer.
  • Additional tools - chisels, files, planes, hammers, hacksaws.

The price of equipment for the production of wooden barrels depends on many factors - the power of the machines, the manufacturer, the degree of automation. Considering the minimum, it will take 500,000 rubles to equip a small workshop. Of course, when purchasing equipment for dozens of jobs, the costs will be many times higher. But you can always save money by buying used equipment.

A woodworking machine for the production of barrels and other equipment can be placed in a small workshop - 30 m 2 is enough. But a much larger building will be required, since additional premises are needed - warehouses for storing raw materials and finished products, rooms for staff. It is not necessary to look for a building for a workshop within the city - renting premises on the periphery will cost much less!

Business development for the manufacture of wooden barrels

In general, the launch of a mini-production of wooden barrels will require from 600,000 rubles. Investments will be used to purchase equipment and raw materials, rent premises, and register a business. A home business can be started with less money - you only need to purchase boards. In this case, you will do all the work yourself.

A full-fledged production of oak barrels will begin to make a profit only when you establish contacts with regular customers of the finished product. And in this case, you need to think over a marketing strategy! We have to invest in advertising, think about what favorable terms of cooperation to attract customers. The production of barrels is a specific niche, where not every advertising tool will give a good return. Retail buyers can be attracted by advertisements in newspapers and the Internet. And wholesale buyers should be "search" by calling, at thematic fairs and exhibitions.

Finished products can be sold directly from the shop - let private buyers come for products to production. But opening your own retail store selling wooden barrels at first may be unprofitable for novice entrepreneurs - capital investments are too high. But for the development of a successfully functioning workshop, the idea is quite suitable.

Wooden barrels are not only convenient, but also beautiful. Despite the fact that today it is easy to find other dishes, they still continue to be used for water and bulk substances, pickling vegetables. Modern technologies for making barrels according to drawings from wood of various species have stepped far ahead, but in many respects have remained true to the traditions of antiquity. In this article, we will share our experience and talk about how to start mastering cooperage at home. Perhaps soon you will make the first barrel with your own hands.

A bit of history

According to some researchers, the ancient Greeks knew about cooperage, who kept water, wine and oil in large barrels. However, there is little information about that era, and actual evidence refers to a later period - 1-2 centuries. ad. The first reliable data that allows us to talk about the cooper business in Rus' date back to the 8th century AD. e. At the same time, scientists suggest that the beginning of this craft was laid much earlier.

Throughout history, coopers have been highly valued, because even now there is no full-fledged alternative to wooden utensils.

Cooperage traditions

From time immemorial, this work was considered the lot of men. This is due to the fact that it requires remarkable strength. Even now, when the master can use the achievements of science and technology, there are practically no women in the craft.

Another tradition is connected with the fact that cooperage has changed so little over time: it does not recognize anything artificial and synthetic. Any wood product today can be reliably glued with special harmless compounds and covered with a layer of a substance that protects the material from moisture and other external influences. However, none of the above applies in the case of cooperage. Like several centuries ago, only natural wood is used in it. For reliable fastening neither glue nor metal hoops are required, any connection can be made using wooden dowels.

Be careful: cooperage products in the traditional view can only be made of wood.


It is the basis of cooperage. Wood is selected according to the product. Not only its physical properties, but also its composition depend on the source. In addition, experienced craftsmen take into account the season of harvesting the tree and the conditions in which it grew. They knew how this or that factor affects the plastic properties of wood, because it was important that the wood was easily chipped, cut, and bent when steamed. All this influenced what type of dishes could be made from it.

What wood do coopers use?

For many centuries, craftsmen have chosen those trees that have the best properties and are most suitable for crafts. They are considered the most convenient, and products from them - the highest quality:

Deciduous trees:

Oak. For many craftsmen, its wood is considered unsurpassed. It is heavy and strong, like the tree itself, and in terms of hardness it is comparable only to ebony. It cuts with difficulty, but it pricks easily. If the oak wood is well steamed, it will become flexible, and for the manufacture of barrels this is the main characteristic. For a long time, masters have noticed an interesting pattern: the more severe the climate in which the oak grew, and the worse the soil, the better the wood, and therefore preference is given to trees grown in northern latitudes. Even today they are valued much more than others.

Oak wood is not afraid of drying, but does not like it if they try to artificially speed it up. Masters dry the tree only in natural conditions. To give the wood a decorative look, it is immersed in water for several years. To achieve this effect with the help of varnishes will not work - they will leave ugly spots. Over time, the oak in the water will not crack and will not be affected by the fungus, but on the contrary, it will only become stronger.

Wells were built from such wood, as a result, the water in them always remained clean and cold. Piles were also made from them, which did not rot even after decades. Barrels made of such material are expensive and heavy, but they will serve you faithfully for more than one year.

make the first barrel with your hands.

Aspen. This is the second most common tree in Russia. It yields only to birch. Its wood is similar to poplar - it has a high density and uniformity. It is easily cut and processed on a lathe, easily splits, but almost does not crack. Aspen cookware is light and durable. It is also important that wood is great for decorative carving, and therefore you can create real works of art from it. Aspen is not afraid of water, therefore it is used for the manufacture of barrels. People have long noticed that in such a tub cabbage retains its white color and elasticity for a long time. After prolonged exposure to water, the wood swells, but in cooperage this is considered an advantage, since the planks eventually close together so that it becomes difficult to distinguish them.

Linden . There are more than 50 varieties of this tree, which are found throughout Russia. The properties of linden have been known for a long time. Coopers know the ease with which this wood lends itself to processing, its delicate sheen and uniform white color. Linden is easily cut, splits both along the layers and in the radial direction. It is flexible, almost does not crack, weighs little and perfectly retains heat, so it is used for the manufacture of barrels and tubs for baths and other products that do not require special strength. Lovers highly appreciate the fact that linden wood is not affected by microorganisms, as well as for its pleasant aroma.

Larch. Its wood is stronger than oak at almost the same density, which is one of the main advantages. At the same time, it makes serious demands on processing. Due to its density, it cannot be kept in water for a long time, as strong stress will occur in the wood during drying. It is almost impossible to impregnate it with protective compounds, and the high resin content makes it difficult to work even with a professional machine. At the same time, the demand for larch has been and remains high. Products from it are considered elite and are expensive, but professional companies and cartels usually work with such wood.

Pine . This tree is one of the most common not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Good indicators of density and hardness make it an extremely convenient material for processing. Only the low flexibility of wood can complicate the work. It is also important where the pine grows. Trees from the northern latitudes are more durable, and therefore they are preferable for the production of cooperage products.

Cedar. Cooperage masters love its wood because it is easy to work with it, and the result is excellent. It is soft and pliable, easy to cut and process, practically does not rot. Separately, it is worth noting the pleasant color and aroma, saturated with resins. Barrels come out of it strong and beautiful, not afraid of changes in temperature and moisture. It is not necessary to process wood with any compositions, and therefore it retains its natural color and aroma for a long time.

Why do we pay so much attention to wood? Because real craftsmen know that each tree affects the quality and properties of the finished product. For example, durable oak is not suitable for making barrels for honey, because it darkens in them, acquires an extraneous aroma. But for the storage of cognac, wine and whiskey, such cooper products are perfect, because they allow you to discover new flavors and shades in alcoholic beverages.

If you decide to learn a new craft for you, in addition to knowledge, you will also need equipment.


Without them, the master is like without hands. Today, tools can be bought at any store, but many coopers, as in the old days, prefer to make them themselves so that they fit like a glove. We will not discuss which option to choose, this is a personal matter for each master and depends on his skill, amount of free time and his own preferences. Let's talk about what you need to get started.

  1. Joiner's workbench. Make sure that it is equipped with a vise and tool boxes, and also suitable for your height.
  2. Jointer. It is a planer with a double knife and serves for the final processing of wood.
  3. Edge planing tool.
  4. Machine-gate or chain coupler. Useful for tightening rivets.
  5. Strug, scraper.
  6. Clamps for assembling the skeleton.
  7. Tuesday.
  8. Heels.
  9. Cooper's bracket.
  10. Own patterns and templates.

Cooperage products are made from boards, which are called staves or frets. Their shape will determine the parameters of the future product. The complexity of the work will depend on the desired result and the selected wood.

Another important point is the choice of material for the hoop, which will tighten the frets so that the barrel does not fall apart and does not leak. You have two options: metal and wood. The first one is stronger and easier to work with, and the wood allows you to get the same result and make the barrel even more beautiful, especially if you choose it correctly. The choice of material is also up to you.

Once all the tools are prepared and the materials are selected and purchased, it is time to start making your first barrel. You can work both at home and in the workshop. Just make sure that the room is spacious and it is easy and convenient for you to collect garbage.

Work process

Let's start by deciding on the shape of the barrel. Not only your personal preferences are important, but also practical considerations.

  • The traditional shape for barrels is grooved (the walls of which are curved along a parabola). It is easy to use, but the process of making it is difficult for a beginner.
  • A cylindrical barrel is easier to make but harder to use. Firstly, it is difficult to connect the rivets with hoops of a constant diameter, and secondly, when the wood dries out, they will no longer hold the frets. As a result, such barrels are rarely used.
  • The shape of the cone is the golden mean - they are easy to use and impose fairly democratic requirements for production. Using the example of such a product, namely tubs for pickles, we will analyze the instructions.

Making a barrel step by step

Step 1: Blanks.

You must prepare and process all the components of the tub. Let's go in order.

1. Rivets. The success of your work depends on their quality. Usually they are gouged out with an ax from a sawn tree, usually from its lower part. The process of work is almost the same and slightly differs depending on the wood. Oak is the most commonly used, but you can choose another wood based on what we have discussed above.

So, let's get to the punch. It comes in single row and double row. The first type is suitable for thin blocks, the second - for more massive decks. The steps in both cases are the same: it is necessary to split the ridge in half so that the line passes through its middle, then divide each of the resulting blocks into equal parts, then split the quarters again. The result should be eight blanks. For thin chumps, this is enough, and you can move on to the next step. If you are working with a large deck, then you will have to resort to a two-row punch. To do this, split each of the eight blanks in half along the annual ring. The resulting logs are called coopers gnatinniks. Each of them must be split in the radial direction, while 1-2 blanks are obtained from the smaller one, and 3-5 from the larger one. After that, it remains only to prepare the resulting blanks: remove the wedge-shaped protrusions and sapwood, and then dry. This can be done naturally, in which case the process will take about three months depending on the wood, or the drying process can be accelerated with special equipment.

After the blanks are completely dry, riveting can be made from them. To do this, you will need templates and patterns that you can make yourself in accordance with the parameters of the product.

  • mark blanks;
  • round and bevel the outer surface with an ax;
  • process it with a straight plow, a planer is also suitable;
  • plan the inside with a fillet or a humpback staple;
  • trim the edges of the frets with an ax;
  • use a jointer to level all surfaces.

The result should look like this:

How many rivets will be needed? Let's count. First you need to find the largest perimeter of the tub. To do this, the diameter of the wide base must be multiplied by 3.14 (number 𝝅). This will give you the sum of the widths of all the rivets. But they don't always turn out the same! In order not to waste time measuring each, we recommend setting aside a straight line segment on a flat surface equal to the sum of the width, and laying rivets on it until it is completely filled.

2. Hoops. We will consider the simplest option, for which we need hot-rolled steel strip. We work according to the following scheme:

  1. We measure the required length of the tape. We calculate the perimeter of the tub at the location of the hoop, add the double width of the strip.
  2. We bend the strip into a ring, the ends overlap. You can use a hammer for this. We make two holes 4-5 mm, install rivets.
  3. We flare one edge of the hoop from the inside with hammer blows.

For a small barrel that we make, two of these hoops are enough.

Step 2: Assembly. When all the blanks are assembled, it remains to connect them together. For an experienced craftsman, this process may take several minutes, but you may need more. The procedure is as follows:

  1. We take a small hoop and attach three rivets at an equal distance. We get a tripod, which we then put in a vertical position.
  2. We insert the remaining frets one by one, filling the space between the rivets.
  3. We take a heel and a hammer, with their help we upset a small hoop so that it securely fixes all the details.
  4. We put on the lower hoop and upset it in the same way.
  5. With a thickness gauge we draw a line at the ends, sawing along it.
  6. We remove irregularities inside the skeleton. This is easy to do with a bracket.
  7. We process the ends with a planer-humpback.
  8. We remove the chamfer inside the core from the side of the ends. A straight plow will help you with this.
  9. With the help of a morning timer, we cut a groove where the bottom will be inserted.

Step 3: Installing the Bottom. For this part, the widest and thickest workpieces will come in handy, as there will be fewer joints. The procedure will be as follows:

  1. We joint the edges of the boards, assemble and combine them on a workbench.
  2. Determine the radius of the bottom. To do this, put the legs of the compass in the groove-chime and select a solution that divides the perimeter into 6 parts.
  3. We draw with it a circle on the combined planks.
  4. Within the circle, we put marks for installing studs.
  5. We release the boards and drill holes in the designated places, insert the studs.
  6. We join the boards on the studs as tightly as possible.
  7. We cut the bottom on both sides.
  8. Draw a circle of the same radius from the center.
  9. We cut out the bottom with a circular saw, leaving a margin outside the circle.
  10. We chamfer on both sides with a straight plow.
  11. We loosen the fastening of the rivets, turn the tub over, insert the bottom and fill the large hoop again.

At this stage, our barrel is almost ready - all that remains is to check it for leaks, make a lid and a circle. These tasks are not difficult, so we will not describe them in this article.

That's it, your first barrel is ready to pickle vegetables for the winter.

One of the most interesting ideas that can be put in the basis of a successfully developing business is the production of barrels. They have found their application since ancient times, when they played the role of a vessel for storing wine and water. In addition, they were also used as bathtubs.

Currently, wooden barrels are not as popular in use as they used to be. The explanation for this is quite simple - the fact is that the production process of these products has become much simpler after the advent of cheap modern technologies and materials.

As a result, barrels are now made even from metal and various types of plastics. Be that as it may, the production of barrels has not completely disappeared. Moreover, modern craftsmen are able to create exact copies of specimens that were produced by our ancestors. As practice shows, you can also make good money on this.

Barrels for liquor

One of the most common applications of wooden barrels in our time is the storage of alcoholic beverages. Most often they are wine, cognac and whiskey. In this case, oak is considered the most successful material for them, since this tree allows you to preserve the aroma and taste of the drink. It is in such containers that elite and expensive wines are stored. In this regard, the production of oak barrels as a type of entrepreneurial activity looks very promising.

Barrels for pickles

Salting is the second most popular area of ​​application for these vessels. They perfectly preserve sauerkraut, pickled tomatoes and cucumbers. Moreover, in such containers it is very convenient to soak the meat before smoking or curing it.

In this case, you can use both small kegs and more impressive vessels in which a large number of products are placed. In any case, their unforgettable taste is achieved precisely through the use of wooden barrels, and not glass jars.

Barrels in design

The production of barrels for interior decoration is a relatively new idea. Many modern designers who think creatively install such containers even instead of the well-known familiar bath.

Such an idea seems to take a person into the past, because it was the barrels that many years ago were used in the form of a bathing container. Especially such containers are in demand in cottages located outside the city. Be that as it may, an oak barrel placed on a personal plot, in a living room, kitchen or other room, looks unusual and original.

Basic knowledge in cooperage

In order for the process to really bring good profit, first of all, this activity must be liked. And it needs to be understood. For which, in turn, it is recommended to acquire certain skills in cooperage. Do not be sorry for this time, because the lack of understanding of the subtleties involved in the manufacture of oak barrels will not lead to the desired result.

You can get them by learning from a professional cooper or by getting a job for a while at an enterprise that specializes in this field of activity. As practice shows, in order to thoroughly study this process, it is necessary to independently assemble at least a few dozen wooden barrels.

Workshop opening

In order to be engaged in the manufacture of wooden barrels as a business, you first need to register your company. In this case, you can get the status of a legal entity or a private entrepreneur. In addition, it is necessary to become registered with the tax authorities.

To open your own enterprise, which specializes in the production of barrels, you need a room, the size of which depends on the planned production volumes, a warehouse for storing finished products, as well as material. The role of the latter is wood and metal hoops, which are necessary for fastening the barrels. Among other things, you will need staff.

When organizing this type of entrepreneurial activity, the most difficult thing is to find qualified specialists who will fulfill orders at the enterprise. As practice shows, in some cities there are often cases when it is either impossible to find them at all, or craftsmen from neighboring settlements simply do not agree to move. There is only one way out of this situation - to train your employees yourself.

Where does production start?

The manufacturing technology of oak barrels is quite simple. At the initial stage, a riveting is made, which is a small plank that has a rectangular shape and a particularly pronounced texture. Oak is most often used as a raw material for them.

Along with this, it should be noted that, depending on the scope, other types of wood are often used. Based on the technology, each of the staves must be dried under an open canopy for at least two years. Thanks to this, the barrel will be durable and of high quality.

Barrel assembly

At the second stage, the container is directly assembled. Some special equipment for the production of wooden barrels is not used - just like two hundred years ago, they are assembled by hand. Based on the technology, it is first necessary to send the riveting for a while to a steam room specially designed for this. After the wood is moistened and warmed up in it, it will become more flexible. Due to this, the risk of its breakage during assembly is leveled.

The final stage of production

The last stage in the manufacture of wooden barrels is the assembly of the skeleton. In this case, the boards are joined, as a result of which the product receives its shape (dozens of its variants are read). After the lid and bottom are exposed, the structure is fixed by using metal or wooden hoops. Next, the barrel is fired for about 30 minutes on fire, after which it is polished and opened with specially designed compositions.


In words, the production process of wooden barrels looks a little easier than it actually is. It is not so difficult to learn this craft - for this you need only desire. Such products are currently in high demand on the market. At the same time, it is not so easy to find a professional master. In this regard, you should not delay opening a business, because, having taken a free niche in the market so far, you can make good money.