Business plan for a household chemicals store. Opening a household chemicals store: step-by-step instructions Advantages of working in the household chemicals industry

The business plan justifies the possibility of opening a household chemicals store. To substantiate the positive results of opening a store, the necessary amount of calculations was carried out, which can later be used as the basis for your business plan. The calculations performed made it possible to show the profitability of the business project and take into account the accumulated experience and results of work on other similar developments and take into account the features of the FCMG market. The calculations are made in Excel, which makes them easy to change. You will be able to independently assess the financial attractiveness of opening a household chemicals store, determine investment goals, payback periods and profitability. You will also be able to present your own business project to a banking or financial credit organization.


Objective of the project: launch of a household chemicals store in Ulan-Ude

Project objectives: launching a convenience store on the household chemicals market for a wide target audience of 14 years and older with low and average incomes relative to the region.

Initiator of the project

The initiator is a private entrepreneur who wants to open a household chemicals store. According to him, there are no convenience stores in the city with the main category of goods being household chemicals. The initiator has experience in trading in the non-food FCMG sector and believes that such a store will be able to generate income and pay for itself within an acceptable time frame.

Investment costs

Initial capital investment (in rubles):

  1. Registration with tax authorities: 14000 rub.
  2. Security deposit for renting retail space: RUB 36,000.
  3. Obtaining permission from sanitary authorities: 10000 rub.
  4. Finishing of the retail area: 150,000 rub..
  5. Making a sign: 25000 rub.
  6. Entrance refurbishment: 30,000 rub..
  7. RUR 267,800.
  8. Purchase of goods: 400,000 rub..
  9. Starting advertising costs: RUB 56,000.

Total investment: RUB 988,800, rounded to 1 million rubles

The work space is a one-room apartment on the ground floor of a residential building, converted by the owner into commercial real estate, with its own exit to the street. The reconstruction of the premises was agreed upon and carried out by the owner several years before the start of the project. The fire alarm required for household chemical stores has already been installed.

Project financing

Investments are planned in the amount of 1.5 million rubles. Capital expenses are 1 million rubles, working expenses are 500 thousand rubles. The initiator plans to invest in opening the store: 700 thousand of his own funds and 800 thousand rubles. receives in the form of a loan received from a bank at 14% per annum.

Project payback

Planned payback for a household chemicals store:

  • NPV - 5103.52 rubles;
  • The simple payback period for the store is 24 months;
  • The discounted payback period for the store is 25 months.

Suppliers and contractors

The rented area will undergo cosmetic renovations. The sales area and ventilation system are being updated, which is required to comply with SNIP. The renovation allows the interior to be decorated in the same style. The repairs are carried out by a team of builders selected by the project initiator.

Furniture and equipment will be purchased from a company that supplies equipment to commercial enterprises. The supplier was selected by the initiator, who had experience working with the supplier company, was familiar with its pricing policy and had discounts.


Main groups of products presented in the store:

  • Hygiene products (soap, shampoos, toothpaste, etc.)
  • Hygiene products for children
  • Products for washing and treating fabrics and leather goods
  • Fertilizers and reagents
  • Household goods, garden tools, disposable tableware
  • Packaging materials


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investment by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

Capital investments amount to 1.5 million rubles, of which:

  • working capital: 500 thousand rubles.
  • capital investment for opening a store: 1 million rubles. (rounded up from RUB 998,800)

Investments in capital funds are given below:

Name of works/products/services



Registration with tax authorities

Security deposit for renting retail space

Obtaining permission from sanitary authorities

Room renovation

Making a sign

Refurbishment of the entrance

Purchase of commercial equipment and furniture:

Cash register with bank card acceptance

Barcode reader

Storage Sections

Rear trade stands

Trade counters with showcase

Counter table


Purchase of goods

Launching a video on the radio

Group on VK and Odnoklassniki

Total investment

Investment work plan

The work and investments necessary for their implementation will be carried out according to the following schedule:

The amount to pay for the patent for the first half of the year is paid for 6 months. the amount is included in the calculation, but can be paid out of profit. All other patent payments are paid from profits.

Production plan


Work space - a one-room apartment on the ground floor of a residential building with a total area of ​​38.5 m², of which 12 m² is a sales area (room), 7.5 m² is an office space, 4 m² is a warehouse converted from a bathroom, 2 m² - bathroom There are two entrances: the main one from the street, the second from the yard, through the entrance of a residential building.


Equipping the store by purchasing the necessary equipment and furniture from a supplier company that professionally sells and supplies equipment for retail businesses. The purchase amount is included in capital investments.

Store time

The store will be open from 8.00-21.00 without breaks and weekends. On Fridays an inventory of goods is carried out.

Sales process

The procedure for selling consumer products classified as “Household Chemicals” product group for retail outlets is regulated by the provisions of Section 10 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods ...” No. 55 of January 19, 1998 (as amended on December 23, 2016) According to this document, it is mandatory to:

  1. Providing the consumer with complete information:
    • Name of product;
    • information about the manufacturer;
    • data on the chemical composition of the product and possible hazardous, potentially hazardous and harmful substances;
    • about the procedure for use;
  2. Certificate of conformity and technical certificate (for products with statutory requirements requiring confirmation of its suitability when used for construction purposes);
  3. Ensuring the required storage conditions for goods, with legally established special storage requirements.
  4. Products must undergo pre-sale preparation before display:
    • the container used during transportation is removed;
    • information about the manufacturer and composition of the product is checked;
    • goods are sorted by types and groups;
    • checking the integrity of packaging containers. For household chemicals in aerosol packaging, the functioning is checked;
    • the availability of instructions on how to use the product is checked;
    • quality is verified based on external signs;
    • price reconciliation against invoices and price tags.
  5. Providing merchandising. Arrangement into groups and types, according to the purpose of the products, and in order to ensure better visibility.
  6. Testing the functioning of products in aerosol packaging is prohibited in enclosed spaces.

Sales are carried out in the following sequence:

  • Greeting and establishing contact with a possible client;
  • Clarification of needs;
  • Offering products that can satisfy needs;
  • Overcoming objections;
  • Making a sale;
  • Farewell to the buyer.

Cost of services

The margin on goods is set at 40% of the sales price.

Marketing plan

To promote the store starting from 2 months. From the beginning of the project the following marketing tools are used:

  1. Launching a video on the radio
  2. Group on VK and Odnoklassniki
  3. Advertisements in local newspapers
  4. Preparation and distribution of advertising leaflets

In the future, SMM promotion, direct marketing and distribution of leaflets and advertising booklets are carried out.

The target audience

Target audience: residents of nearby houses. Mostly family women over the age of 18, married and with children (80%), men over the age of 18. For the latter, a special group of products is being introduced into the assortment: car cosmetics.

Below you can see the seasonality graph:

Competition and location

A residential area with a high population density.

The main competitor is convenience stores that are part of federal or regional chains. The problem is that chain stores have the opportunity to receive goods with a minimum margin, received directly from manufacturers with a minimum margin, and a wider range. This approach makes it possible to implement a dumping policy and provide profitability due to sales volumes at lower prices. An example of such stores is Magnit-cosmetics, Fix-price, etc.

The emergence of a chain store, especially one that is part of a federal-level chain, significantly worsens the competitive situation. Individual stores have the opportunity to compete with chain stores only if their assortment includes high-quality, inexpensive products from brands that are not represented in chain stores of household chemicals.

Range of services

The sales structure of a household chemicals store is shown in the figure:

Note. The sales structure does not include goods classified as household chemicals and used in construction work, such as, for example, paints and varnishes and various adhesives for construction purposes. Products classified in these categories are reserved and if diversification of the assortment is necessary, this category will be introduced first. Another direction for expanding the range could be mass-segment cosmetics, primarily deodorants, mousses, etc.

Price policy

Average price level, close to the boundaries of the lower price segment. The products are designed for people with low and middle incomes who are prone to visible savings. Therefore, it will be necessary to introduce preferential programs, periodic temporary discounts, sales, etc., i.e. It is necessary to use every opportunity to attract customers and ensure loyalty.

Volume of sales

The number of buyers per day is planned at 50 people, on average buying 4 items.

Below you can see the plant's load chart:

Sales volume is presented in the table

Product groups

Average unit cost

Quantity per month

Sales amount per month (thousand rubles)

Household chemicals for cleaning the premises

Hygiene products (soap, shampoo, toothpaste)

Hygiene products for children

Detergents for washing and treating fabrics and
leather goods

Air fresheners, repellents, disinfectants

Fertilizers and reagents

Cleaning equipment and workwear

Household goods, garden tools,
disposable tableware

Car cosmetics and chemicals for cars

Packaging materials

Adhesive materials (glues, tapes, etc.)


SWOT analysis


  • Close location to potential buyers
  • Product quality
  • Presence of brands not represented in online retail
  • Wide range of household goods


  • Low margin
  • Ensuring sanitary and fire safety conditions
  • Small warehouse area
  • Heterogeneous product range


  • Additional items in the assortment;
  • prompt response to customer requests
  • customer retention
  • Discounts and other forms of customer retention
  • Selection of products that meet consumer needs
  • discounts and loyalty programs
  • search and expansion of the assortment due to high-margin goods
  • storage optimization through logistics

Difficulties and threats:

  • low customer demand
  • the arrival of chain discounters in the “close to home” format, including those specializing in household chemicals
  • limited number of well-known brands
  • sanitary requirements
  • increasing advertising, which focuses on discounts and benefits for the buyer
  • use of brands not represented in online retail
  • consider the possibility of selling “catalog” brands (for example, Amway)
  • carrying out external examination for compliance with sanitary and fire requirements
  • monitor the assortment of “network stores” and conduct discount promotions on those goods whose prices are higher in network stores

Advertising strategy

Provide widespread advertising in your area. The main direction is mass direct mail. To do this, you need to consider the possibility of cooperation with the post office. The second direction is distributing leaflets. If possible, introduce a system of discount coupons for repeat purchases. If your business develops and additional retail outlets open, you can introduce a system of savings cards.

The website and support of the group on the social network is secondary. It is possible to organize additional discounts for customers and group members who make advance orders online and delivery services. Website and group maintenance is outsourced.

Organizational plan

Form of doing business

The main form of doing business as an individual entrepreneur with a patent system. The patent form for a household chemicals store allows you to save on costs during the first year and simplifies taxation and filing reports with the Federal Tax Service.

The cost of the patent is 30,500 rubles. in year. In the first year, a third of the cost of the patent is paid in the first half of the year and the rest during the 2nd. Starting from the 2nd year, the cost of the patent is paid in equal installments.

Personnel and staffing structure

The initiator is the director of the store and carries out management.

The structure of positions and salaries is as follows:

The store director has irregular working hours.

There are 2 sellers in the store, working on a 2-by-2 schedule.

The store manager receives goods, monitors the store's workload, ensures its smooth operation, controls the sales schedule, interacts with customers in case of complaints, monitors advertising, accepts orders via the Internet, makes deliveries, provides information about stores and purchases of supplies and equipment.

The process of organizing sales of household chemicals:

  1. The decision to purchase and receive goods for sale is made by the store director;
  2. Delivery is made by the store director or the supplier's delivery service;
  3. The received goods are arranged by the seller together with the store director;
  4. Direct sales are carried out by the seller, who, after selling the product, pushes it through the cash register.
  5. The director receives a sales report daily.
  6. The inventory is carried out by the director together with the seller at the end of the seller’s 2nd shift and before his replacement leaves.
  7. The results of the daily report and periodic inventory are sent to the accountant.

Financial plan

Project financing

Initial investments are planned in the amount of 1.5 million rubles, of which:

700 thousand rubles. own funds.

800 thousand rubles. bank loan at 14% per annum for 5 years secured by an apartment.

Funds in the amount of 600 thousand rubles. There are initial investments, consumables, which the bank credits in payments of 200 and 400 thousand rubles. within 2 and 3 months, another 200 thousand rubles. for working capital in the 4th investment month.

The project initiator spends funds on registering an individual entrepreneur

Calculation of loan payments differentiated (equal payments for the loan body and interest on the total balance) for 5 years

Return of own funds to the project initiator after repayment of the loan within 2 years. in equal shares taking into account inflation, but without interest, starting from the 3rd year

Project payback indicators

Calculations of the return on investment for a household chemicals store were carried out for a 10-year period. Basic indicators:

  • contributions to social funds 30% of the payroll, of which the Pension Fund - 22%, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund - 5.1%, social insurance - 2.9%;
  • patent rate 30,500 rub. in year;
  • annual inflation 10%.

Payback of the project without discount (simple) - 24 months.

Efficiency indicators were calculated at a discount rate of 16.85%:

  • NPV - 5103.52 rubles;
  • IRR - 5.9%;
  • The payback period taking into account the discount is 25 months.

Risk analysis

Calculations have shown that the business project of a household chemicals store is interesting for both the initiator and the investor. The investor can receive a return on time, and the project initiator can receive a salary, and after repaying the loan, a refund taking into account inflation.

When implementing a project, it is necessary to highlight difficult-to-predict changes in economic conditions, the assessment of the impact of which on a business project has certain difficulties. These include the following risks:

  • decrease in purchasing power. The population is cutting costs, and the cost of utilities and rent will continue to grow at the same pace. Risk countermeasures: control of costs and price levels, focus on cheaper goods that allow maintaining the planned margin;
  • opening of chain stores of household chemicals in the same area. The biggest problem is created by federal networks. Price competition will increase sharply. The task is to diversify the business in a timely manner: introduce brands that are not available at the competitor’s outlet; use loyalty programs; expand the range with new product items (mass segment cosmetics; household chemical products used in construction, etc.).


Calculations have shown that the opening of household chemicals stores in Ulan-Ude shows positive planned indicators, allowing return of investment to both investors and the initiator, as well as obtain additional profit. The level of risks is assessed as increased, because associated with the low level of purchasing power of the population and the development of network retail. This requires significant organizational and marketing work.

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Business plan

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The current business plan for a household chemicals store can be implemented in any locality, since these products are in demand everywhere and always. Washing powders, shampoos, creams, cleaning products and detergents - the assortment of such stores usually satisfies any customer needs. It is only important to properly organize the operation of the outlet and make sure that popular products are always in stock.

You can use the document to organize the household chemicals department immediately after studying it. The first thing you need to do is find premises in a separate building or within a shopping center or supermarket. In the second case, rent will be cheaper, but the premises themselves may be small. At the same time, it is very important that the majority of goods are visible, preferably within the reach of each buyer.

When implementing a document on organizing trade in household chemicals, keep in mind that it is very important to have certified and high-quality products for any income. Not only expensive imported products, but also their domestic analogues and preferably several brands at once. It is a large selection that becomes the key to a quick payback for such an establishment. It is also important to find polite, competent employees who would help customers make choices.

The idea of ​​opening a household chemicals store from scratch may well be the starting point on the path to becoming a successful businessman. Thanks to the consistently high demand for household chemicals, you do not risk going broke during a crisis. The goods go quickly, filling your wallet with hard cash. All this is true, if not for one “But”. To achieve a similar result, you need to approach the process of opening a household chemicals store very competently.

The budget for this will not be so huge - about 100 thousand dollars if we are talking about a full-fledged store, and significantly less if you plan to open just a small department at first. True, such a business selling household chemicals can hardly be called promising, since competition in this market segment is considerable. And the greatest prospects are for those entrepreneurs who immediately focus on large-scale business.

It’s also not worth taking on such a task spontaneously. It is necessary to carefully analyze the market situation in your region, study the level of competition, and understand what you can compete with your main competitors.

The success of your business directly depends on how well you choose the premises for your retail outlet. Before you open a household chemicals business from scratch, you need to analyze the degree of competition in the area where you are going to open your store. Pay special attention to retail outlets that are within walking distance. Study the assortment in nearby household chemical stores; perhaps this will allow you to reconsider your plans for purchasing goods.

The optimal location for a household chemicals store is a densely populated residential area, preferably at some distance from shopping centers and supermarkets. When determining the area of ​​the premises for a store, assume that the sales area will require at least 12 sq.m., in addition, about 10 sq.m. should be allocated. for storage space. Whether it will be a lease or a buyout of the store depends on your goals and financial capabilities. If you are planning to open a chain of stores, it is more profitable to buy the premises.

As for the first purchase of goods, you first need to find a supplier. As a rule, their choice in any city is quite extensive, and you just have to choose the most profitable option for cooperation. Differences may lie in the size of the wholesale markup on household chemicals, the volume of discounts, and the presence of any bonus programs. When developing the assortment of your store, pay attention to the most popular products - washing powders, soaps, shampoos. Their choice should be as rich as possible.

A professional business plan for a household chemicals store will help you become more familiar with the specifics of preparing household chemicals for sale and other nuances. It examines step by step the process of opening a household chemicals store, taking into account the specifics of this type of business. On no other forum will you find so much advice regarding business related to a household chemicals store. Trust the advice of professionals and things will go well for you.

Washing powder, dishwashing and window cleaning products, bleaches and various detergents are all products that are always in constant demand. The household chemicals business is not subject to any financial crises. The absence of strict requirements for storage conditions, a long shelf life, and excellent presentation, regardless of how long the product sits on the shelf - there are many advantages to selling household chemicals. Unless, of course, you take into account the specific smell that hovers both in the sales area and in the warehouse where finished products are stored.

Opening a household chemicals outlet as your own business requires an initial investment of at least $100 thousand. But experienced players advise focusing immediately on opening an entire network of stores or departments, since otherwise it will be difficult for you to withstand the competition. In addition, the presence of several retail outlets at once will allow you to count on deeper discounts from wholesalers, since purchases of goods from you will increase significantly.

One of the factors influencing the amount of profit in a household chemicals store is the correct choice of premises for a retail outlet, as well as its proper design. An entrepreneur must choose one of the formats for organizing the trading process - trade over the counter or self-service. If you prefer the second option, the design of the household chemicals store should be carried out taking into account this format.

The buyer should be able to freely approach any counter, pick up the product and examine it carefully. Therefore, it is very important to purchase high-quality equipment for the store - comfortable and durable shelving, display cases, and all of them should be of such a height that anyone can reach the top shelf without experiencing inconvenience. Trading only over the counter is less convenient for visitors to the outlet, but it allows you to minimize the possibility of shoplifting.

The most convenient option is a combination of these two formats, when most of the goods are freely displayed, and the most expensive products are stored in a closed display case. The display of goods in the department of household chemicals and cosmetics should be carried out very carefully, since boxes of powder, packages of soap and bottles of shampoo piled up in one pile do not encourage the buyer to make a purchase, rather, on the contrary. To attract visitors, you need to carefully consider signage options that are ideal for a household chemicals store.

Running a business such as selling household chemicals has its own nuances. It will be much easier for you to take them into account if you use a professional business plan for a household chemicals store. When planning to open your own household chemicals store, carefully study this document to avoid possible mistakes. With the help of a competent business project, opening a household chemicals store will not cause you problems and will allow you to actively develop your business.

To open a household chemicals store from scratch and achieve high profitability, you need to analyze the market and competitors, create an assortment of products, and select a suitable premises. It will take a lot of time to register an enterprise and obtain permits. In many ways, efficiency and profit levels will depend on the ability to find wholesalers who supply products at discounted prices. Proper display of goods, carrying out advertising campaigns - all this affects the amount of income received. Therefore, you need to understand all this in detail.

The relevance of opening a household chemicals store

Many aspiring entrepreneurs want to open a household chemicals store in a small town. This is not surprising, because such products belong to everyday goods. Every person makes purchases in such stores with different frequencies every month.

As a result, only one family spends from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles per month. Some people spend significantly more, preferring branded products.

Modern citizens are accustomed to making their own purchases, so it is better to spend a little more money, but give customers the opportunity to choose the products themselves and pay for them at the checkout. Having a sales consultant will be an additional plus.

Benefits of working in the household chemicals industry

An aspiring entrepreneur, before opening his own business, must figure out whether the direction he has chosen is profitable or not. To do this, you need to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the idea.

Selling household chemicals is an idea that can bring good income. The prerequisites for this are the following advantages:

  • high demand for products, and for the most part it does not depend on the economic situation in the country and in a particular family;
  • ease of starting a business - there is no need to license your activities or have any specific education;
  • long shelf life of products makes it possible not to constantly monitor demand - this can be done once a month or less often, the main thing is to ensure that the most popular product is always in stock.

In terms of demand among the population, a household chemicals store can only be compared with grocery stores. People go to them for shopping very often. Therefore, there is no doubt about the profitability of such a retail outlet. At the same time, storing household chemicals is much easier than storing food.

One of the disadvantages is the high level of competition - it will not be easy to win your place in the market. In many ways, the level of income will depend on the correct choice of location and marketing strategy. To attract your customers, you can offer a system of discounts or loyalty programs, exclusive products.

Registration moments

Opening a household chemicals store from scratch will require registering your business. It should be noted right away that this type of activity does not fall under the licensing law. This means that you will not have to obtain the corresponding document. But you won’t be able to completely avoid paperwork. You will have to get the following documents:

  1. permission from SES;
  2. permission from the fire department;
  3. an official lease agreement for the premises (if it is owned, an appropriate certificate will be required);
  4. quality certificates of conformity for the supplied products (you need to request them from your wholesale suppliers);
  5. agreement for garbage and solid waste removal, recycling of fluorescent lamps, if available.

It will be impossible to do without officially registering your activities. The organizational form here can be any. But in a small town it is more appropriate to use an individual entrepreneur, especially if a new businessman opens a store. When registering in the application, you will need to indicate OKVED code 47.75 - “Retail trade in cosmetics and personal care products in specialized stores.”

Choosing a tax system is an equally important stage. The level of profit received and tax deductions will depend on it.

If the store area is less than 150 m2, then you can choose UTII. Otherwise, you should stick to the simplified tax system “income minus expenses.” This is the simplified version that you should choose, because the markup in this area is not too large, and there are other costs.

Premises for a household chemicals store

Sometimes even experienced entrepreneurs don’t know where to start opening a household chemicals store. One of the most important points is choosing the right location for trading. The store must be located in a crowded or residential area. The last option is acceptable if there are a large number of residents nearby and there are no competitors. The most successful placement methods are considered to be the following:

  • on the first floors of residential buildings in houses and areas with a large number of residents;
  • on the first floors of large shopping centers.

Entrepreneurs are often afraid to open household chemicals outlets near supermarkets. They explain this by the fact that such establishments already have the corresponding goods. But in fact, it turns out that supermarket visitors actively buy household chemicals from nearby stores as well. This demand is explained by a much larger assortment and a more favorable price.

If you plan to open a small store, then a room with an area of ​​100 m2 will be enough. On them it will be possible to place the sales floor itself with shelving, a warehouse and a room for staff and their belongings.

Purchase of equipment

As such, expensive equipment for a household chemicals store is not required. It will be enough to purchase the following:

  • racks and shelves;
  • showcases;
  • KKM (1 - 2 pieces will be enough);
  • storage chambers;
  • carts and baskets.

If you plan to open a self-service store, then you should additionally think about installing CCTV cameras and a panic button. This will protect against theft and illegal intrusion into the premises.

Assortment definition

The level of income and profit will depend on two components - the breadth of the product range and the price of the product. You should not inflate the cost, since the level of competition in this niche is high. It is better to focus on average market prices. The list of products sold should include the following categories of goods:

  • hair care products (including shampoos, masks, conditioners);
  • shower gels and soap (liquid and bar);
  • oral care products (toothbrushes and pastes, mouth fresheners);
  • baby products (diapers, creams, etc.);
  • napkins, toilet paper;
  • detergents and sponges, rags;
  • laundry detergents (powders, bleaches, conditioners).

Additionally, the store can display products from related categories - perfumes, stationery, underwear, hosiery and costume jewelry.

When deciding on an assortment, you need to think not only about product categories, but also about their prices.

It is better to make the cost of popular products less than that of competitors, since buyers usually remember the prices for such products. But cheaper products can be sold at higher prices.

Where to buy products?

It is very important to find wholesale suppliers of goods. You can purchase products at wholesale stores or from private traders. It is important that they provide quality certificates. They may be needed by buyers or regulatory authorities.

The markup on household chemicals ranges from 10 to 35% on average. Moreover, the number of items usually varies from 5,000 to 10,000 varieties of goods.

You can try to arrange the supply of goods directly from manufacturing plants. Then the size of the markup will be even more impressive, which means the store’s profit level will also increase.

Advertising: the most effective methods of promotion

The correctness of the marketing strategy will largely determine the attitude of potential buyers towards the store and their interest in the newly emerged outlet. The more advertising there is, the more clients will appear, but here you also need to know when to stop. The greatest emphasis should be placed on the following promotion formats:

  1. distributing leaflets near the store;
  2. posting posters nearby;
  3. posting advertisements on the Internet - on city forums, in local groups;
  4. advertising on TV.

The last promotion option is more appropriate for large stores, so it is not advisable for small retail outlets to use it.

You can additionally attract customers by developing your own loyalty program. It may involve the accumulation of bonuses, the issuance of discount and savings cards, and the holding of promotions.

The specialty of the store could be the sale of a separate line of products. It may be a well-known brand that is loved by Russians. You can give it a separate stand or stained glass window and offer the most favorable prices.

Financial results

Opening a small store will require an investment of 300,000 - 500,000 rubles in a small town. For large cities, the starting capital may be 2 - 3 times higher. The profit level per month can reach 100,000 - 200,000 rubles and more. The profitability of such a business is about 15 - 20%. Payback on average can vary from 6 months to 2 years.

The correctness of the strategy and respectful attitude towards the client are the keys to success, which can multiply the entrepreneur’s profit. And coupled with high quality service and the presence of loyalty programs, you can acquire regular customers in just a few months.

Production of household chemicals: classification of means + where to start your production + renting a workshop + how to build an advertising campaign + who to hire + production technology + purchasing equipment + cost calculation.

Our mothers and grandmothers had only two detergents for household purposes - powder and laundry soap. Even shampoo was rarely used, and if it was used, it was herbal and not chemical-based.

Today we are presented with a wide range of household chemicals from brands from all over the world: dishwashing detergent, household and industrial washing powders, tablets for cleaning washing machines and dishwashers, etc. Every housewife today has 5-10 different cleaning products in the house and kitchen.

Despite the fact that there are many brands that have become famous throughout the world, a start-up enterprise still has a chance for success. After all, the production of household chemicals includes more than 40 products that can be produced and sold on the Russian market.

Household chemicals and their classification

Chemicals for use at home (household) are products that are used to remove dirt from fabric or any other surface (glass, stoves, cars, wooden tables, etc.)

Household detergents are based on a synthetic substance, which is supplied to the production plant in the form of an aqueous solution.

All household chemicals are divided into 4 types (according to their state of aggregation):

  • liquid;
  • pasty;
  • powder;
  • hard.

If we talk about the product range itself, it is currently very wide.

Let's name the most popular types:

  1. Dishwashing detergents.
  2. Powder or gel for washing.
  3. Household soap.
  4. Glass cleaning liquid.
  5. A product for removing dirt from tiles.
  6. Gel or powder for carpet cleaning.
  7. Spray or gel for cleaning in the kitchen (for each type of dishes there is a separate type of household chemicals - for stainless steel, enamel surfaces, hoods, ovens, stoves, etc.)

Powdered chemicals are in greatest demand, because they have the highest concentration, so they easily cope with their direct task - removing dirt in everyday life. In addition, powder for any purpose does not require expensive packaging - a cardboard box or plastic bag is enough.

The liquid product does not contain enzymes, alkaline salts or chemical bleaches, so such substances are considered safer. They are less likely to cause allergies in the consumer.

Household chemicals in the form of a paste are almost identical in composition to powder ones, but there is no chemical bleach among the ingredients.

Solid chemicals are sold in tablets, but are not in great demand on the market. It has several layers, which, depending on the temperature and time of interaction with water, dissolve gradually. First, chemical enzymes dissolve at a minimum temperature, followed by a layer of bleach, which contains oxygen.

To create household solid chemicals in production, you will have to purchase additional equipment, which at the final stage of production will dry the tablet under high temperature.

As you can see, the range of household chemicals is very wide. We suggest that you initially cover only the most popular options and implement them on the market. Choose one direction or several (TOP 5).

It will be cheaper to produce only household powder or dishwashing detergent, but the consumer likes to have plenty to choose from. In addition, this way you will reach a larger audience and be able to generate income from production in a shorter time.

For example, focus on the kitchen. Produce household chemicals for cleaning hobs, washing dishes, tiles, hoods, caring for stainless steel surfaces, etc.

Getting into business - where to start producing household chemicals?

According to the law of the Russian Federation, any business must be registered and make monthly contributions to the state treasury. To act according to the law, you will have to seek help from a tax inspector. He will tell you which organizational and legal form to choose for your production of household chemicals.

There are two options - an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

If you are new to business and want to take your first steps in the production of household chemicals in small volumes, then an individual entrepreneur is suitable. To register, you need the minimum - a passport and TIN, a completed application (form No. P21001), an application to pay taxes according to the simplified tax system + you will also have to pay a state fee (800 rubles) and present a receipt.

Within 5 days you will receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and a certificate of registration. The data will be transferred to the Pension and Insurance Fund by the inspector.

Registration of an LLC is associated with many difficulties that a beginner may not be able to overcome on his own (this includes drawing up the Charter, having a registered legal address, and an open bank account. Before submitting documents to the tax office, a meeting of participants must be held and minutes drawn up).

If you still want to choose exactly this form for your production of household chemicals, then ask for help from a specialist who, in a short time for a fee, will be able to collect all the documents for the Tax Inspectorate.

Be sure to indicate the activity code for the production of household cleaning chemicals when filling out the application:

In addition to the business registration document, there is another important one - a quality certificate for chemicals and detergents. You will receive it only after all production samples have been tested in a special laboratory.

The cost of such a procedure differs in the regions of the country, and, of course, depends on the number of submitted samples of household chemicals. Without this certificate you will not be able to enter the market. Also, the presence of the document will prove to the consumer that the product is not harmful, safe for the environment and can be used by people when cleaning the house.

The declaration of raw materials must also be present in your package of documents. It can only be obtained from the supplier. The document is valid for 1-5 years.

We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that to maintain records in the production of household chemicals, you will need the 1C program, which costs about 20,000 rubles.

Workshop rental

While the documents are being prepared, we advise you to start looking for premises for a production workshop. Its area largely depends on the dimensions of the equipment itself.

On average, for a small mini-factory for the production of household chemicals you will need to rent an area of ​​300 m2.

On the territory there will be a warehouse for finished products, components for the production of household chemicals, containers, a production workshop, several offices for staff, a locker room for workers and a bathroom with showers.

The average cost for such an area is from 150,000 rubles per month, but the price depends on the region and the condition of the building.

In addition, there are a number of requirements for the technical condition of the future premises for a household chemicals plant:

  1. The wiring must withstand a voltage of 380 Volts.
  2. Serviceable water supply, sewerage and heating.
  3. Strong hoods.
  4. It is desirable that the workshop has windows and is well lit.
  5. Cleanliness and order should always be in the workshop.
  6. Every quarter you need to check for harmful chemicals in the premises.
  7. Ideally, the floor and walls should be tiled (at least in the production workshop).
  8. Each worker must receive personal protective equipment that meets GOST 12.4.011 - 89.

Do not forget that before starting work, the enterprise will undergo inspections: by the Fire Inspectorate, SES, and environmental supervision (after all, household chemicals can be harmful to the environment).

To avoid paying a fine for non-compliance with standards, before the inspection begins, find out what requirements the plant must meet in order to obtain a permit.

You need to have a fire protection system, good ventilation and exhaust hoods, working equipment, cleanliness and order, an evacuation plan, and comply with labor safety standards. Do not forget to appoint one of the workers responsible for conducting safety training at the enterprise.

Among other things, documents will be checked that confirm the fact that the workshop was rented or purchased by the owner of the enterprise.

Detailed technology for the production of household chemicals

Synthetic detergent and its mixtures are the main component of household chemicals.

Surfactants (surfactants), which are also included in detergents, consist of the following components:

  • amphoteric;
  • anionic substances;
  • cationic;
  • non-ionic.

The main feature of the surfactant and all its components is the ability to clean any type of pollution, and at the same time biodegrade without harming the environment.

To create liquid household chemicals, the following additional components are needed:

  1. Amplifier.
  2. Concentrated detergent.
  3. A bio-enhancer that is capable of removing biological contaminants.
  4. Alkali.
  5. Bleach with oxygen.
  6. Finishing agent.

Each type of household chemical has its own recipe - some components are added, others are replaced.

The technology for producing liquid household cleaning products is simple - all the ingredients are mixed according to the recipe in one container, and then packaged in bottles.

Each bottle must have a label describing the product, listing all components, expiration date, precautions, country of origin, GOST, barcode.

The production of household powders has a different technology:

1. Surfactants are mixed with other beneficial substances that help remove contaminants, depending on their further purpose.
2. At the first stage, it is impossible to ensure that the consistency is uniform. To do this, at the second stage the mixture is passed through a mill (also called a colloid machine).
3. The powder can be converted from liquid to dry using spray drying at high temperatures (250-350 °C). Here you will need a drying bath, where drying will take place under a pressure of 30-50 atmospheric amperes and high temperature.
4. This is how we get granular powder, which needs to be packaged in cardboard or plastic packaging.

There are several other technologies that are used in the production of granular household chemicals:

As you already understand, the cheapest way is to produce liquid chemicals for home use. To produce it you need a mixer and a strain gauge. The finished raw materials go through pipes directly to the packaging machine. The automatic line is capable of measuring down to the gram how much and what components are needed to obtain the original household chemical product.

The production of household powder will be more expensive (high utility bills for using ovens) + you will have to purchase additional powerful drying chambers and use a lot of packaging.

Equipment for the production of household chemicals

You need to purchase equipment after you have decided on the assortment. In our business plan, we propose to consider 2 options: purchasing a line for the production of liquid household chemicals and for powder for various purposes.

You can buy equipment in Russia or Europe. It all depends on how much capital you have to start a business. Another option is to purchase turnkey equipment in Russia.

a) Equipment for the production of liquid chemicals for home LZhMS-2.

The equipment is capable of producing the following liquid chemistry:

  • dishwashing detergent;
  • household soap (liquid consistency);
  • soap with added glycerin;
  • household detergent (universal), which is even added to the solution when building houses.

Along with the kit there are 4 more recipes for the above products, technological instructions and a database of suppliers of chemical components for detergent.

There must be documentation for the equipment - State registration certificate + declaration of compliance with standards and technical specifications of Russia.

The line can easily be operated by 3 people. The equipment occupies up to 50 m2. The package also includes a packaging machine. Liquid household chemicals are poured into plastic bottles (volume from 0.25 to 5 liters). The output can be 1 ton per hour of production. The cost of equipment is from 1,250,000 rubles.

The set of equipment for the production of liquid chemicals includes:

  1. Mixer.
  2. Pump.
  3. Technological reservoir.
  4. Filter.
  5. Pipeline.
  6. Dispenser.

b) Equipment for the production of household powder chemicals.

In an hour of work, you can actually get 1 ton of powder or any other granular cleaning product. Mixing homogeneity is up to 98%.

To reduce the cost of the product, a device was installed into the equipment to remove liquid that binds the components. There is no expensive thermal oven here. Instead, specialists improved production technology. When screening out the powder, the granules are crushed again and repeated granulation is carried out.

Specialists who sell such installations are usually ready to “go to the site”, install the equipment, carry out explanatory work with the staff, and provide a recipe for obtaining chemicals for the home.

A set of equipment for the production of household chemicals consists of:

  1. Mixer-granulator.
  2. Stations for introducing liquid components into SMS.
  3. Bunker.
  4. Vibrating screens.
  5. Hopper with vibrator and shutter for finished powder.
  6. Disintegrator.
  7. Return feeder.
  8. Metal constructor.
  9. Aspiration.
  10. Feeder feeder.
  11. Packing machine up to 50 kg (with dispenser, clamp and table).

The approximate cost of the set is from 2,400,000 rubles (floating price).

How to make successful sales in the household chemicals industry?

There are many companies involved in the production of household chemicals that have already managed to win their audience and are successfully thriving in this business. To catch up with competitors, you need to work hard and especially on creating an advertising campaign.

It is advisable that this be done by a marketer or other specialist in this industry who knows the methods of influencing the buyer and can persuade wholesale buyers to conclude a deal.

Let's name the main points that you should pay attention to when planning an advertising campaign:

  1. You must create a brand, a whole image of the company, for example, like Mr. Proper, but only something unique and new. We recommend registering a trademark, coming up with a unique logo and an easy-to-remember name. For example, “Housewife”, “Clean House”, etc.
  2. Make a catalog and list all your products in it. The same catalog should contain information about the composition, volume in packaging or bottle, advantages, areas of application, wholesale price.
    You will send this catalog to all potential wholesale buyers - shops, supermarkets, hotels, kindergartens and schools, etc.
    Your main client is a wholesale buyer. Only through it will you be able to trade in such a way that you don’t have to invest all your strength into the process and still get a decent profit.
  3. As a rule, household chemicals are of interest primarily to women 25-55 years old. This doesn't mean others don't use dish soap and detergent. It’s just that this category devotes more time to choosing household chemicals.
    They rely on price, quality, read the ingredients, and look for a product that does not cause allergies, especially in children. This is important information to consider when creating a television commercial.
    Advertising must attract a potential buyer. Involve children and animals in the video. According to the scenario, they can stain the whole house, and your household chemicals will come to the aid of the housewife. The plot is simple, but it works and helps.
  4. In-store promotions will help complement television advertising. Sell ​​samples for a minimal price, distribute leaflets, balloons, etc. If your product is really good, then next time the client will come for it.
  5. When starting a business, it is better not to inflate the price of household chemicals. Offer your partners favorable conditions so that not only wholesalers buy your chemicals, but ordinary people can afford them.
  6. At first, work only in your region. This will reduce the cost of producing household chemicals. If there is demand, you can safely expand the boundaries.
  7. Buy a website and sell the product to a retail buyer. Create an open discussion on your portal where people can easily leave feedback about household chemicals. Accept criticism and try to correct shortcomings right away.
Expense itemAmount (rub.)
TOTAL: 792,000 rubles
1. Creation of logo, packaging design and name25 000
2. Advertising on television (regional television, advertising 30 seconds, 20 times a day)From 700,000
3. Shooting a commercialFrom 40 000
4. Buying a website and filling it outFrom 9 000
5. Creation of an online catalogFrom 15 000
6. Business cards (1,000 pcs.)3 000

Personnel for work in the chemical production workshop

The equipment is fully automated, so the number of line workers will be minimal. You will need 3-4 workers at the machine who will produce household chemicals, and 2 people to package the products.

You can’t do production without loaders. You will definitely have to hire a technologist who will ensure that the components are connected correctly. He will also check finished products and raw materials brought by the supplier.

You don’t have to hire an accountant, but pay for the services of an outsourcing company. The cleaner may come at the end of working hours or be on site throughout the working day.

You definitely need to hire a driver (part-time is enough) with a personal truck who will deliver products to stores.

As we wrote above, you cannot do without a competent marketer. For him to really try to increase sales of household chemicals, offer him a rate + a percentage of sales.

Job titleQuantityTotal salary (RUB/month)
TOTAL: 144,000 rubles/month
1. Equipment adjuster1 16 000
2. Line worker5 70 000
3. Technologist1 20 000
4. Marketer1 14 000 + %
5. Driver½ rate10 000
6. Cleaning woman1 6 000
7. Outsourcing services1 8 000

Production of laundry soap as a business idea.

What is needed to implement this idea? Start-up investment.

Calculation of costs and income from the production of household chemicals

Let's summarize. According to our calculations, in the first month of household chemicals you need to spend about 5,000,000 rubles.

This amount includes the following costs:

Expense itemAmount (rub.)
1 Workshop rental150 000
2 Preparing the premises, purchasing furniture and equipment for workers, purchasing special uniformsFrom 120,000
3 Collection of documents and purchase of accounting softwareFrom 35 000
4 Communal paymentsFrom 15 000
5 Wage144 000
6 Equipment3 750 000
7 Advertising792 000

We did not include one important item in the expense item - the purchase of raw materials. The fact is that this expense item completely depends on the choice of household chemicals that you are going to produce.

Here is an example of calculating the cost of liquid soap in a 5-liter bottle:

  1. You need to purchase components for 9 rubles to produce 1 liter of soap. For 5 liters of soap - 45 rubles.
  2. The cost of a plastic bottle with a handle and cap (5 liters) is 17 rubles.
  3. Gluing a label will cost 2 rubles.
  4. Total – 64 rubles.

The cost of household soap on the market will be at least 100 rubles (and this is for a wholesale buyer). We will be able to produce 154 tons of household chemicals per month, i.e. approximately 30 thousand bottles of 5 liters, subject to work 7 hours 5 days a week.

Approximate income excluding raw material costs is 1,080,000 rubles, subject to full sales.

Do not forget about paying taxes, fuel costs, delivery of chemicals and many other unforeseen costs that may arise when creating a household chemical production facility.

The business will be able to pay for itself within two years, but you need to work hard to develop this business from scratch.

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  • Trading format
  • Suppliers
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  • Staff
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  • Which OKVD to indicate when registering a household chemicals store?
  • What documents are needed to open a household chemicals store?
  • Which taxation system to choose for registering a household chemicals store?
  • Do you need a permit to open a household chemicals store?
  • Business technology
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Investments to open a household chemicals store start at $50 thousand. The size of the investment largely depends on the format of the point and the area of ​​the room. According to experts, a retail outlet begins to make a profit after just six months of operation and amounts to at least $5 thousand per month. And this despite great competition among market players.

Trading format

In many ways, the concept of a household chemicals store will depend on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur. The most profitable stores are those that operate in self-service mode. According to some reports, open display increases product sales by 40-50%. However, the costs of opening a self-service store are several times higher than the costs of opening a counter-type outlet.

Some experts recommend combining self-service with trade over the counter. At the same time, such goods as personal hygiene products, household chemicals, all kinds of accessories and gift sets should be freely available. Perfumes, cosmetics and small items are traditionally kept closed, that is, behind the counter. In this way, you can protect the store from many petty thieves, as well as preserve the presentation of an elite product - according to Vladimir Ilyin (Business Petersburg newspaper), many buyers damage the packaging of goods due to negligence.

How much money do you need to start a business when opening a household chemicals store?

The primary costs when opening a household chemicals store are associated with finding suitable premises. It’s good if you get a ready-made, completely renovated room (for example, in a shopping center). Otherwise, get ready to shell out at least 200 thousand rubles to create a more or less normal design for your sales area (walls, ceilings, lighting). If you take a ready-made premises, what is called “drop in and sell”, then the owner will most likely require an advance payment under the lease agreement. In other words, a rental deposit (this is what most shopping centers do). And here the amounts can vary greatly, depending on the size of the premises, the traffic volume of the outlet, and, in the end, the “owner’s appetite.” The amount of 50 - 150 thousand rubles for 30-50 m2 should not be a surprise to you.

Next is the product. This is perhaps the biggest cost, and the more you invest in a product, the more variety you will have. The costs of creating a product line start from 500 thousand rubles. The total number of product items in a household chemicals store can be 10-15 thousand items. Ideally, a store should have a wide range of household chemicals, related products, personal hygiene products, decorative cosmetics and perfumes. The main thing is that the assortment includes goods for all income levels of the buyer, that is, both expensive and cheap. In general, experts do not recommend purchasing expensive and exclusive goods (for example, Chanel perfume). Expensive goods are sold out slowly and in most cases cause negativity among those who buy cheap goods. The assortment can be supplemented with all sorts of related products, such as hair accessories, underwear, toys, pet supplies, and home furnishings. On holidays, the assortment increases, since people buy some goods as gifts, says Vladimir Ilyin.

The best-selling products in the household chemical store

  • Washing powders;
  • Perfumery;
  • Hair care products;
  • Body care products;
  • Ladies' tights;
  • Body care products;
  • Shaving products;
  • Decorative cosmetics;
  • Gift Baskets;
  • Kids toys.

What equipment to choose for a household chemicals store

A certain part of the costs is associated with the purchase of equipment. The main equipment that needs to be equipped with a sales area includes: shelving, a cash register, a counter, a cabinet under the cash register, a bag, a stepladder, a stool. The estimated cost of purchasing equipment for a sales area of ​​30 m2 is 50-100 thousand rubles.

Other start-up costs include the cost of purchasing software to facilitate working with the product. The well-known 1C program will cost around 15 thousand rubles. Registration of a business (individual entrepreneur) and registration of all permits (fire departments, SES) will cost another 15 thousand rubles.


The issue of choosing suppliers should be approached very carefully. Henkel, Benckiser and Procter&Gamble are traditionally the leaders among suppliers of household chemicals. Among perfumery and cosmetics, these are, of course, LOreal, Colgate-Palmolive, Lumene, Kalina concern and others.

What to name a household chemicals store

Here are just a few examples:
  • "Mine to the holes"
  • "Cinderella"
  • "Easy Life"
  • "Brownie"
  • "Mistress"
  • "Snow White"
  • "Clean house"
  • "Cosiness"
  • "Hotabych"
  • "Shine"

And here it is important to maintain a balance between the presence on store shelves of well-known manufacturers and products of small companies. The thing is that the price of well-known brands is usually higher than the price of goods from little-known companies, which also sell out very well. This is especially important for those stores that intend to sell competitive goods at reduced prices. The main thing when working with small companies is quality control of imported goods. Products must be certified and have the Rostest badge on the labels.

However, most stores still try to work with large suppliers who offer free retail equipment along with the goods, in return dictating their own conditions: displaying only their goods, etc.


The number of staff in a household chemicals store depends on a number of factors, including the size of the premises, the format of trade (counter or self-service), and the availability of a warehouse. On average, the staff of a small store consists of 6-8 people, including cashiers, a warehouse manager, an accountant and a store director. The monthly salary of salespeople, as a rule, consists of salary and bonus and averages 20-30 thousand rubles, depending on the region. Portrait of an ideal salesperson at a household chemicals store - a middle-aged woman with a higher education.