Where to start to open your business. We open a small business in trade and other areas: where can I start? How to start your own business from scratch: the registration process

How to start your business from scratch if you have no money and experience? Where can I find a working business idea to start a project? What kind of business to start in order to get the first profit tomorrow?

Hello dear friends! In touch Alexander Berezhnov, entrepreneur and one of the founders of the HiterBober.ru business magazine.

Today we will talk about how to start your own business from scratch. Is it really possible to do it at all? I answer unequivocally - YES!

Here I will describe a step-by-step technology for starting a business, and give examples from my own business practice, as well as talk about the experience of my entrepreneur friends who started their own business without money and other material assets in the form of premises, equipment or goods.

You just have to study this material and apply the knowledge gained in life!

Ready? Then let's go!

1. Why is it better for beginners to open a business from scratch?

Dear readers, this section of the article is very important! I sincerely advise you to study it carefully. I guarantee you won't regret it.

Here, the key points for starting a business for beginners will be explained in terms of entrepreneurial psychology.

Before you start a new project, be sure to think about what your desire is due to.

Understand yourself and your motivation to open a business, and my little test, compiled in the form of two blocks of different beliefs, will help you with this.

For example, a great way for a beginner to start a business would be to sell popular, in-demand products from China.

Belief Block #1.

With what thoughts you SHOULD NOT start your own business:

  • How to quickly earn a lot to pay off debts?
  • The idea that I have in my head will definitely work, but I need money to implement it;
  • Am I worse than others? Here my neighbor is engaged in business and everything will also work out for me;
  • Tired of these fool bosses, tomorrow I quit and open my own business!

Yes, friends, business is more psychology than technology. I'll explain why a little later.

Belief Block #2.

Conversely, you are READY to start a business if you think like this:

  • I am very good at doing a business demanded by the "market" and on its basis I want to open my own business;
  • I am aware that in the beginning large investments in a business are very risky, and only free money I can invest in a business, but I will not borrow it, since the risk of losing money without business experience is very high;
  • My business requires a lot of time, and in order to develop it, I must have a cash reserve or source of income until my project brings tangible income;
  • Having started my business, I will no longer have bosses and controllers who guide me in my work, and I need to become an organized person now enough to act independently and achieve success in entrepreneurship.

If you are dominated by beliefs from block number 1, do not rush to get into a fight. After all, most likely, such judgments indicate the emotionality of your decisions and underestimation of the risks that arise when starting your own business.

The beliefs that prevail in your head from block number 2 indicate that you are fully aware of what a business is and are going to take a responsible approach to its start and further development.

I already wrote above that business is basically psychology and only then - technology.

It is time to explain why this is so.

The thing is that our internal "cockroaches" and delusions prevent us from starting our project.

Here are just a few of the myths that hold back successful projects:

  1. Without money and connections, a business cannot be opened;
  2. Taxes will eat up all the profits;
  3. Bandits will take my business;
  4. I don't have a commercial streak.

Surely you are familiar with all these fears of beginners. In fact, if you overcome them, or rather, just score and do not think about all this nonsense, then your chances of success will increase MULTIPLE!

You can prepare documents for registering an LLC and an individual entrepreneur for free through the online service. At the exit, you will receive forms filled out without errors, which will be printed and submitted to the tax authority. So already at the first stage you save your money and time, insure yourself against the refusal of the Federal Tax Service, without delving into the complex language of the legislation.

2. How to start your business so as not to burn out - 10 iron rules!

Then I bought 2 terminals for receiving payments. You probably yourself have used the services of such terminals more than once when paying for a mobile phone. But this business cannot be called open from scratch, since at that time (2006) I invested about 250,000 rubles in it.

So, friends, perhaps you know both successful examples of business projects and examples where entrepreneurs with their “brainchild” failed.

By the way, basically everyone hears stories of great successes, but it’s not customary and even ashamed to talk about failures.

Like, here I am a fool, a loser, went bankrupt, lost money, got into debt. So what's now? And now there is nothing left to do, it remains to live on and step by step to get out of this situation.

So that you don’t end up in the place of this poor fellow, here are the simplest rules that will help you start a business with minimal risks and a greater chance of success.

How to start your business from scratch and not go broke - 10 iron rules:

  1. Never take loans to start a business if you have no experience;
  2. Before opening a business, take off your “rose-colored glasses” and ask yourself the question: “What will I lose if I fail” ?;
  3. Be prepared for different scenarios, consider both an optimistic scenario and a pessimistic one;
  4. In no case do not open a business with money intended for other strategic goals in your life (children's education, loan payments, medical treatment, etc.);
  5. Carefully study the market and your capabilities, that is, the resources you have to start your own business;
  6. Do not get involved with obscure or "super profitable" projects that require serious investments;
  7. If possible, talk to experienced entrepreneurs who are successful in business and take note of their advice;
  8. Start a business in a field you know;
  9. Plan the upcoming actions in writing and clearly articulate each stage that you have to go through to achieve the goal;
  10. Be optimistic and do not stop at the first difficulties!

3. How to start your own business from scratch - 7 easy steps using the example of a fictional aspiring entrepreneur Vasya Pupkin

For clarity, I propose to go through all 7 steps of the technology for organizing your business using the example of a fictitious entrepreneur, let his name be Vasily.

This is the hero of our story, who decided to open a business from scratch.

Step 1. Determine your value

Look, friends, I think you will agree that a business can be called an exchange of money for some value that you can give to your customers, that is, to solve their problem for money.

Let's say you're good at driving a car, or good at making beautiful designs on a computer, or maybe you have a talent for making DIY crafts - in all these cases, you have value that people are willing to pay for.

Let's get straight to the point and do a practical exercise that will help you start your business from scratch:


Grab a piece of paper and a pen, then write down a list of 10 things you feel you're better at.

Once this list is complete, consider what things you are good at that you really enjoy doing. Maybe you are currently doing this as a hobby.

The fact is that a person cannot do what he does not like for a long time, and business is a big creative process that requires you to be versatile in development, willpower and dedication.

For example, as a result of this exercise, you came to the conclusion that you like to teach something, explain, communicate with people and work with information, and most importantly, that you are good at it.

Then, by combining your abilities, you can become a private tutor, consultant or succeed in the network marketing industry.

This is a general principle.

So, Vasya lived...

Vasily decided to open a business, and responsibly approached this task.

Vasya made a list of his favorite activities and compared it with what he does best.

As a result of the exercise, our hero decided that he would be engaged in computer design, since he has been working for several years at DesignStroyProekt LLC in the city of Chelyabinsk, which develops interior design and then finishes the room according to a 3D project.

Vasily appreciated his strength and decided that he would become a private interior designer, he already had a number of completed projects, positive customer reviews and an impressive portfolio.

Vasya loved his work and sometimes even took it home, as there were a lot of orders from the company.

Even then, our hero realized that, in fact, he was engaged in entrepreneurial activity, only the company buys his services at a low price, and customers pay much more for the design development to the company.

Here Vasily realized that if he could find clients on his own, then he would not have to go to the office at all, and his initial investment in the business would be minimal. After all, his design skills themselves are, in fact, a business.

And so the idea came to our newfound entrepreneur to start a business.

While working in the company, Vasya even received a small percentage of completed projects, which means he could influence his income level.

Fortunately, he lived in a large city, where he had quite a few potential customers.

Step 2. We analyze the market and choose a niche for a future project

In order to understand whether your business will be successful, you need to conduct an appropriate analysis of the market in which you will sell your products or services.

So, Vasya decided not to rush and carefully prepared for a new life stage, which was called "free floating in the world of business."

During the few years that our designer worked for the company, he learned that there are about 10 similar companies in the market of his city, and they all provide similar services.

He asked his friend Pasha to go to these companies under the guise of a client and identify their strengths and weaknesses in order to further develop competitive advantages by working for himself.

After commercial intelligence, Pasha named a number of strengths and weaknesses of these companies. Pasha arranged these sides in a table so that it would be convenient for Vasya to compare them.

Strengths of Vasya's competitors:

  • the interior designer of these companies makes an inspection and measurement of the object for free;
  • all companies provide a discount on the subsequent finishing of the apartment;
  • 7 out of 10 companies give a client a gift certificate for a 30% discount when ordering a design project from them again;
  • managers of 9 out of 10 companies talk attentively with the client, correctly ascertaining his needs.

Weaknesses of Vasya's competitors:

  • 8 out of 10 companies try to oversell too many additional products and services on their first meeting with a customer. This causes his negative reaction;
  • the interior designer in all 10 companies, at the first conversation with a potential client, conducts a dialogue in a complex professional language using a large number of special terms;
  • 7 out of 10 companies charge extra for editing computer-aided design projects.

Taking into account all the above pros and cons of competitors, our hero Vasily decided to design the interiors of houses and apartments in his city at a lower price. Similar companies on the market provide these services more expensively, since they spent a lot of money on maintaining a workplace and paying taxes for an employee.

The cost of the services of our designer was now one and a half times lower with the proper quality of execution of design projects.

This completed the second step of building your business from scratch with Vasily Pupkin.

Step 3. Decide on the positioning of your business and draw up a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

In order for your customers to understand what exactly you offer them and what makes you unique, you will need to decide on your positioning. In other words, in what light will you present yourself to your client.

Let's return to our fictional character Vasily, who wanted to open his own business and was at the stage of developing an offer for the customer.

Vasya already had a good portfolio and a number of testimonials from satisfied clients, but how to show all this to your potential customers?

Then Vasya said to himself: "I'm a designer!", and decided to create his own website on the Internet.

Here he posted his portfolio, reviews, information about himself and his experience, as well as his contacts, so that a potential client could easily contact him.

Vasily also formulated his Unique Selling Proposition (USP) *, which sounded as follows: “Creating the interior design of your dreams for a reasonable price. Creative. Brightly. Practical."

So Vasya began to position himself as a professional designer who, at an adequate cost, develops a good quality product for people with an average income level.

Step 4. We draw up an action plan (business plan)

In order to launch your business and avoid many problems, you need to be prudent and try to put your idea and action plan on paper in as much detail as possible.

You can briefly write down the main stages that you have to go through to organize and launch your project. Draw diagrams and drawings, make explanations for them.

Correctly, this stage of starting your business from scratch is called business planning. This is your instruction, following which, the chances of success are greatly increased.

I already wrote in one of the previous articles, be sure to check it out.

Now we return to our hero Vasily, who decided to become an entrepreneur and quit his job. Vasily has long wanted to open a business without investments, because he did not want to risk money. He understood that without proper experience, such an experiment could end badly and lead to loss of money.

As a result, Vasya decided that his actions would consist of 3 simple steps with subtasks and look like this:

  1. Create your own website with portfolio, reviews and contacts;
  2. Post your portfolio online on sites for remote workers;
  3. Inform the immediate environment about your new project (friends, acquaintances and relatives).

Stage 2. Getting the first orders

  1. Sign contracts and receive advance payments from customers;
  2. Fulfill orders;
  3. Get feedback and recommendations from the customer, add work to the portfolio.

Stage 3. Dismissal from work

  1. Write a letter of resignation;
  2. Work out the required 2 weeks, complete work projects and transfer cases;
  3. Agree on the supply of customers for repair and finishing work to contractors.

Now he was fully prepared for the first practical steps to transform himself from an employee into an individual entrepreneur.

Step 5. We advertise our project and find the first clients

In order to find the first customers, when you already have an offer for your services, you must first notify your acquaintances, friends and relatives. Tell them that from now on you are engaged in such and such an activity, and also try to conclude the first contracts with them.

If at the moment your services are not relevant for them, ask them for contacts of people to whom they could recommend you.

It's no secret that for a large audience coverage and automatic self-presentation, you just need to create a website for yourself.

In the meantime, the hero of our business story, Vasily, did not sit idle and developed a personal website for himself, created groups on social networks, notified the environment about the services he provided, and sent out commercial offers to his potential clients.

The first orders have arrived...

Step 6. Launching a business, earning the first money and building a brand

Having completed all the previous steps, you gradually approached the most interesting stage - the first orders, and therefore the first profits.

  • Isn't that what we strived for when we became entrepreneurs!?
  • “How to make money by starting your business from scratch?” Isn't that the question we asked ourselves?

If you show due perseverance and follow my recommendations, then you will certainly succeed. Just believe in yourself and do not give up ahead of time, be prepared for difficulties, because they will be, I tell you for sure.

So, our Vasily received and completed the first orders. As usual, he did it with his usual professionalism. The designer understood that it was not enough just to earn money, because he already knew how to do it at his office job in the company.

Possessing a strategic vision, Vasily decided that in order to develop his business and increase the value of his services, he needed to develop a name for himself, or, as they say in business circles, a reputation.

Earn yourself a name that will help you earn everything else!

folk wisdom

To do this, Vasya did not just sit at home and watch TV, but methodically engaged in self-education, attended thematic exhibitions and seminars, went to creative parties of designers and entrepreneurs, where he could find potential customers and meet new partners.

A few months later, Vasya established a reputation as an experienced and punctual professional in the field of interior design. The average cost of his order was growing, and clients came to him already on the recommendations of their friends, to whom Vasya provided high-quality design services.

Step 7. Analyze the results and expand the project

When your business began to bring tangible income, regular customers appeared, and you began to be recognized in the business and professional sphere, it's time to sum up the intermediate results of work and outline new horizons. Simply put, it's time to expand your project in order to increase profits and your own "weight" (your name) in the chosen business area.

Vasily did the same, he analyzed his results, income, outlined possible ways to expand the business.

As a result, our designer drew up a new business plan.

Now Vasily could hire assistants for himself, who performed all the routine operations for him. Our entrepreneur opened his own interior design studio named after Vasily Pupkin. In it, he was now the leader and art director.

Thus, having gone from a novice designer and company employee, our now big boss Vasily proved to everyone by his own example that it is realistic to open a business from scratch and this does not require cosmic sums, and even more so loans that inexperienced entrepreneurs like to take.

Dear readers, perhaps someone will say that this is a fictional story and the issues of registering a company, proper negotiation with customers, legal issues and other subtleties are not disclosed here in detail.

Yes, this is true, but trust me, if you take these simple 7 steps as a basis, then starting a business for you will turn into an exciting journey that you will remember for a very long time. And as an experienced entrepreneur, you will share your practical knowledge with beginners.

I will say that I personally managed to open a business according to the described model.

I wish you good luck and I am sure that by approaching the beginning of your own project responsibly, after a while you will be doing what you love and getting paid for it.

Below you will find working business ideas for starting your own business from scratch, as well as real entrepreneurial stories about how my friends and I started our own business.

4. Things to do to Start Your Business from Scratch - Top 5 Business Ideas

The following business ideas will help you get started in business and feel like an entrepreneur in practice.

Some ideas will be related to making a profit with the help of the Internet, others will not.

You just have to choose the type of business you like and start diving into it.

Business idea number 1. Online store

Internet sales in Russia are growing every year - in the past 2018, the market grew by more than 150 billion rubles and exceeded 1 trillion in volume. Analysts' forecasts say that by 2023 sales will reach 2.4 trillion (!) Rubles. And the growth will continue...

It is not a sin to take advantage of this trend. However, the question is how to start? What product is really profitable to sell in online stores today? What investments will be needed? And so on.

Let's take a real example - Video-shopper online store:

  • the owner, Nikolai Fedotkin, is quite active in sharing information on the project;
  • the main product of the site - cell phones and accessories;
  • initial investment amounted to approximately 50,000 rubles (for the first version of the site and advertising, the goods were taken from suppliers “on order”);
  • now the average monthly attendance of the store is more than 500,000 people, the company already has more than 150 employees, the guys opened their own courier service, contact center, service center, full-fledged offline stores, and so on

Of course, it is easier to open a store not alone, but in a community of like-minded people. An important tip is to join the clubs of online store owners, go to specialized conferences, communicate and absorb information. So you will gradually find “your” niche.

The largest club of online store owners in Russia at the moment is Imsider. The community includes thousands of working and profitable sites.

Many started even with even smaller investments - an average of 10,000 - 15,000 rubles. This is the main highlight of the Internet business: you do not need to spend money on renting a full-fledged store, a sign, repairs and many other things.

Club members work in a variety of niches:

  • metal detectors,
  • irrigators,
  • knitted clothes,
  • expensive books and diaries,
  • goods for gardeners and summer residents,
  • Tula gingerbread,
  • fur coats,
  • childen's goods,
  • hunting, fishing and much more.

The club regularly hosts online and offline events. If you are just thinking about opening your online store, I advise you to attend the club's online webinar, specially designed for beginners - “6 Steps to a Profitable Online Store”.

The webinar is completely free, where you will learn how to look for a profitable niche, correctly evaluate your ideas, understand how to build a product delivery process, make a website and launch with minimal investment. The webinar is hosted by Nikolai Fedotkin, the owner of the Video-shoper online store, that is, all information is given "first hand". Personally, I was most struck by the fact that Nikolai openly shares the figures for advertising costs - how much and where it is invested, which gives the greatest effect. And all this is not in a theoretical mode, but on the example of our own project. There is nothing better for the initial start in RuNet now.

The main advantage of the club Imsider is that all coaches are active practitioners. Everyone has their own working online store. No water and naked motivation in the style of "it's time to get off the couch." Cases, figures, concrete launch ideas…

You can sign up for the Imsider webinar at this link - just click, registration will take 20 seconds:

Business idea number 2. Business with China

The sale of trendy goods from China is now a very relevant area.

You can sell such goods by pre-purchasing them directly in China via the Internet, through social networks, one-page sites and message boards.

I have my friend Alexei in Moscow, a retail and wholesale business of Chinese goods. At first it was watches, various “cool things”, things for the home.

Now this business brings him clean 350,000 rubles per month.

His scheme is simple and consists of 5 steps:

  1. Choosing the right product and testing.
  2. Buying goods in bulk in China.
  3. Advertising this product over the Internet in many ways.
  4. Sending the ordered goods to the buyer by courier in Moscow or a transport company in Russia.
  5. Scale your business and reward yourself.

And once Aleksey worked as a taxi driver and, as far as I know, he started with a debt of 30,000 rubles.

Its success lies in the study of the necessary information, you can start by watching a free webinar by Evgeny Guryev, an expert on the topic of Business with China, and then take the first steps to put this idea into practice.

Here is what Evgeny says about doing business with China - 3 topical issues:

If you want to start an effective online business selling popular goods from China, visit an expert in starting this type of business.

You will learn step-by-step information for starting a business right now.

Business idea number 3. Consulting and training

If you know how to do something well, then there will certainly be many who want to learn from your experience and knowledge.

Nowadays, online learning is especially popular. This is where you can find hundreds and even thousands of people who are willing to pay you.

For example, I have a friend Alexei, he lives with me in the same city of Stavropol and teaches foreign languages. A few years ago, Lyosha had to go to his students at home or invite them to his home. Now the situation has changed radically, everything has become much easier.

With the advent of the Internet, my friend began to teach people English and German via Skype. I myself used his services for a year. During this time, I managed to learn English from scratch to a conversational level. As you can see, it works.

You can also start your own home based business from scratch teaching or advising people over the Internet.

Nowadays, many lawyers, accountants and teachers earn good money in this way. But there is an even more advanced option for making money on your knowledge, it consists in creating and selling your own training courses via the Internet.

To make a profit in this way you need:

  • choose a topic in which you understand;
  • write a training course on it;
  • start advertising this course online in many ways and earn income from sales

The advantage of this type of business is that you record your course once and sell it multiple times.

In general, the sale of information on the Internet in the form of methods and guidelines is called infobusiness. You can also open it and make it your main source of income.

Business idea number 4. Earnings with the help of the social network Twitter (Twitter)

Today, almost every person has their own profile in any of the social networks. But few people know that here, in addition to entertainment and communication, you can earn good money.

One of these opportunities is the usual for many Twitter - a social network for exchanging short messages up to 140 characters.

Ordinary people spend their time and money here, while smarter people have turned this social network into their source of permanent income.

It's no secret that wherever people hang out, there is money.

After all, our Internet users are an active solvent audience. So why don't you get some of their money. Moreover, it is absolutely legal and does not require outstanding knowledge.

It is enough just to make a few RIGHT actions and get the first profit. We have previously written about how to start your own business on Twitter and earn income comparable to the average salary in Russia. Read our article "" and implement the methods described in it.

Business idea number 5. We are engaged in mediation - we earn on Avito.ru

Earnings with the help of electronic bulletin boards is the easiest and most affordable for most people.

You are required to have minimal computer knowledge, a few hours a day and a desire to work for yourself.

With the help of sites that specialize in posting free ads, you can build your very profitable business.

This can be done in 3 steps:

  1. Find what to sell
  2. Place an ad on the site
  3. Get a call from a buyer and sell a product

As a site for placing ads for sale, we will use the most popular Avito board (avito.ru).

Hundreds of thousands of ads are posted here every day, and the active audience of the site has tens of millions of users.

Can you imagine how many potential buyers for your product can be found here?!

First, you can start here by selling unnecessary things that you have at home, and then post ads for the sale of goods and services that you don’t even have in stock.

Do not believe that this is possible and want to know how it's done?

I myself tried to earn quick money with the help of Avito, I won’t say that I became a millionaire, but I managed to earn several thousand rubles in a week.

Business idea number 6. Grow from an employee to a business partner

If you are currently employed, it is not necessary to quit your job and start your own business. You can do this within the company you work for.

If your company is not too big, and you are one of the key specialists there, then under certain conditions you can get a share in the company's business. This will allow you not only to receive a salary, but to become a full-fledged managing partner on a par with the current owner - your main manager.

This is possible if you can directly influence the increase in the company's profits by your actions.

Become an indispensable specialist and it is quite possible that the owner of the company himself will offer you to become his business partner.

This method is offered by the legendary Russian entrepreneur Vladimir Dovgan. Yes, you will have to work hard here, but on the other hand, you will become a co-owner of an already operating company without any risks and really from scratch.

Dovgan himself cites as an example a guy who became a co-owner of a large chain of restaurants in Moscow, and before that he was a simple cook in one of the restaurants.

This young man really liked what he was doing, he was professional in cooking and courteous with the guests of the establishment.

The owners, seeing his passion for work, first promoted him to a restaurant manager, and then offered him a share in the business for developing their network of restaurants and training staff.

I don’t remember the name of this person, but now he has become a dollar millionaire, without actually opening his own business, but starting to develop someone else’s.

This is also a good way to start your own business, especially if you have a good career in a small or medium commercial company.

Business idea number 7. Building your business online

If you are good at computers, know how to create Internet projects, or at least understand the principles of their functioning, then you should consider the Internet as a way to start your business from scratch.

There are two main ways to start an online business:

1. Freelance. This is the business of providing paid services to you over the Internet. If you have professional skills, such as drawing beautiful designs, writing texts professionally, or knowing programming languages, then you can easily make money on the global web. More precisely, it can rather be called work for yourself. Although successful freelancers earn from 500 before 10 000 dollars per month.

You can start earning in this way on the popular exchanges for freelancers Freelance (fl.ru) and Workzilla (workzilla.ru).

2. Classic business on the Internet. It is not so easy to build a full-fledged online business on your own, it is best to follow the beaten path.

To do this, just read my article. There I talked about how you can make money on games, on social networks, on selling information from 50,000 rubles a month and gave examples of real people who are already doing this.

This concludes my review of business ideas. I hope that they will help you move forward and start earning your first money.

5. My own experience of starting a business from scratch in the service industry

As I wrote earlier, I opened my first business at the age of 19 - it was a vending business (terminals for accepting payments). Yes, it took money. Then I had several more projects. All of them had nothing to do with the Internet.

And so, about 3 years ago, my current friend and business partner Vitaliy and I opened our own website creation studio without a penny. We ourselves learned to make Internet projects literally on the go, but in the end, after a few months, we earned about 500,000 rubles at our website creation studio.

Naturally, I often had to work with legal entities that transferred payment for services by bank transfer. To do this, you had to either open your own company or work through someone.

We chose the second way, having agreed with our current business partner Evgeny Korobko. Zhenya is the founder and head of his own advertising agency. I interviewed him, you can read him in an article about, the material is published on our website.

Our first clients were familiar entrepreneurs.

We approached our business responsibly, and fulfilled orders with soul. Soon the word-of-mouth effect kicked in as our satisfied customers started recommending us to their friends.

This allowed us to get a continuous flow of customers, and sometimes we even could not cope with orders. This experience helped us to believe in ourselves, and today we have a complete picture in our head of how to start a business from scratch and make it successful.

I want to note that with the development of information technology in the world, your sales market today is the whole planet!

There are no more distances, any information is available, and now starting a business is much easier than even some 10 years ago.

I hope that all the materials in this article will help you take the first step towards your dream - your own business, which will eventually turn from a small home project into a huge company with a worldwide reputation.

Therefore, dear readers, I assure you, everything is in your hands, just act, because the city takes courage!

6. The real story of how my friend Misha worked as a security guard and became a businessman

Here is one of my favorite stories about a real entrepreneur who started a business from scratch. After all, I promised in the article to give examples from life.

Do you want to know how Mikhail became an entrepreneur from a laborer, opened, bought a foreign car and an apartment?

A few years ago, my friend Mikhail worked wherever possible: as a laborer at a construction site, as a loader, and as a security guard.

In a word, he was engaged in not the most monetary and intellectual work. It all started with the fact that my friend was guarding a company selling building materials. One day a client came to them who wanted to buy a large batch of building insulation, but it was not in the assortment.

Misha knew that literally 100 meters from the company he was guarding, there was another hardware store where there was definitely such a heater. Taking a contact from a potential client, he went to this store in the evening and agreed that he would bring them a large client if they would give him a percentage of the purchase made from them. The management of this store agreed and Misha worked as a freelance sales manager, earning about 30 000 rubles for just one trade (recommendation).

And it was an amount equal to his monthly salary!

Mikhail thought that this was an interesting business, and the financial result of the transaction gave him confidence. So he quit his job and started by negotiating with various firms that he would sell their products. Since Misha already worked as a laborer and security guards in a construction company, he also chose construction goods for sale: windows, doors, fittings, roofing, and so on.

My friend just walked around the construction sites of the city and offered his goods. Some were bought from him, some not. As a result, Mikhail formed an assortment of the most popular goods and understood how to properly negotiate with foremen at construction sites.

After 2 years, Mikhail opened his own company selling building materials and connected his brother to this business. Prior to that, his brother Kostya worked at Gorgas and received the usual small salary. Now the guys are quite successful in sales and earn good money.

By the way, I have been to their office more than once and have known Misha for several years. He told me this story himself.


By opening a business from scratch, you avoid the risk of losing money, and this is the most important thing. Also, starting without material resources teaches you to make better decisions in order to earn money. After all, if you manage to make a profit without investing, then with money you can even become a successful entrepreneur.

See you in the next articles and good luck in your business!

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You can create a new business at any time. There is no adverse circumstance, period or age. What matters is your attitude and determination.

What thoughts indicate that you are not ready to open a business:

  • This idea will definitely work, but I need money for promotion.
  • You need to earn more and quickly to pay off your debts.
  • There is no strength to endure the tyrant of the chief. I quit immediately and start my own business.
  • Vaughn has his own firm. Am I worse or dumber?

What thoughts indicate that you are “ripe” for your business:

  • I am doing very well, and now this product (service) is in demand on the market.
  • There is not enough capital to start, but I will not borrow - the risk of losing everything is still too high.
  • Until the business begins to generate a stable income, it is necessary to create an additional source or a reliable reserve.
  • When I leave work, no one will control and direct me. It is necessary now to become more organized and disciplined.

If your thoughts are in harmony with the first block, you are not ready to create a business. Entrepreneurship requires a sober calculation and a responsible attitude to business. But most of humanity is in the grip of delusions. It is because of this that there are so many bankruptcies among newcomers and so few successful projects. Main myths:

  1. It is impossible to start a business without big money and connections.
  2. Bandits will take everything.
  3. Paying taxes is unprofitable.
  4. I have no entrepreneurial talent.

These fears are probably familiar to you. In reality, all this is easily overcome. All that matters is the right attitude and basic financial literacy.

Iron rules for those who are determined to create a successful business:

Do not take out a business loan if you do not have experience.
- Prepare for failure, try to foresee all options.
- Tune in to win, but think over your actions in case of defeat.
- Do not use funds raised for other important purposes to create a business (NZ for an emergency - case, loan payments, education of children).
- Study the market conditions in as much detail as possible and analyze your resources.
- Chat with experienced and successful entrepreneurs.
- Do not invest in suspicious projects.
- Choose the area in which you are a professional.
- Make plans for your actions, clearly describe each stage.
- There will be failures, but don't give up after the first difficulties.

“7 Essential Steps to Starting a Business”

Every business is unique. But there are basic and common stages for all, which must be passed.

1. Decide on the direction

It is extremely important to remember that customers will only be willing to pay for a quality solution to one of their problems or the satisfaction of some need. So, you need to determine what you can offer them.

In business, consistency is important, this stage should be approached with particular seriousness. Make a list of ten activities that you are best at. Do not analyze whether it is realistic to make money on this, and how much money is needed to organize a business. So far, only your talents or skills. You can probably make this list in five minutes. It is not excluded that the reflections and analysis will take a month. This will be a very important fruitful period, because you are reviewing and analyzing very important things.

Everything, the list is ready. Now select the items with activities that you enjoy. Perhaps you did not even think about making money on it, and considered it solely as a hobby. But it is these areas that should be considered as an idea for a business. No one is able to give all the best in an unloved business.

2. We study the market and choose our niche

Having decided on the direction, study the situation in your city. First, find out the number of potential competitors. You can ask friends to visit each or part of the companies as a client. This will give you a clear idea of ​​the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. All data must be recorded on paper and systematized in comparative tables. After a clear analysis, you will be able to enter the market with more attractive conditions for customers.

3. Create a Unique Selling Proposition

It should be short, but as accurately as possible demonstrate your occupation and main advantages. Example: “Translation Bureau. We work quickly, efficiently and at a reasonable price.”

Such an offer can be placed on the Internet, booklets or announcements can be printed and distributed. Be sure to include your company's contact information. When interested customers contact you, you can discuss the terms of cooperation in more detail.

4. Write a business plan

Many consider this most important of the stages a mere formality, necessary only to obtain loans or attract investors. This is a serious misconception. The business plan consists of a description of the starting position, market analysis, prospects and a clear planning of steps to organize and develop the business. Each of the points requires careful analysis and a sober assessment of the factors. Without this, creating a successful business is impossible. This is an instruction and a roadmap for your activity.

A good business plan will help you foresee the main risks and prepare for the obstacles that are sure to arise. It is important to choose the main actions that will have the greatest impact on success, and to concentrate maximum efforts and resources on them. First steps:

Get ready for the first orders.
Advertising. The most accessible and effective at the start are a website or page on the Internet, ads in your area, informing the immediate environment.
Active actions to receive the first orders. Offer preferential terms.
Fulfillment of the first orders in the best possible way. Ask the client for feedback and recommendations.

5. Get to work

Organization preparation can take several months. But having gone “to a low start”, do not delay the process, do not postpone and do not hesitate. You need to act decisively and quickly.

You already have a unique selling proposition. It is enough to attract the first customers. Start advertising your services with a circle of close people. If your services are not in demand among your friends, ask them to recommend you and provide contacts of those who need them.

Go online. Do you have funds? Order a decent website from a good company that specializes in this. Do you have the necessary skills? Create a website or page yourself. Advertise yourself on social networks - this is a very powerful and effective resource.

6. First orders. How to manage profit

Needless to say, the first customers should be served at the highest level? This approach is also necessary when working with the 10th, 100th, 500th, 1,000,000th client. But the first ones are the most important. Their assessment of your service, recommendations and reviews will either force you to radically change the approach to doing business, or allow you to grow wings behind your back and confidently go on a triumphant flight. Fulfilling the first orders, you set a certain bar for quality. You can't lower it, you have to raise it.

First profit. It is strictly forbidden to spend it on meeting personal needs. Experienced financiers and entrepreneurs recommend not to withdraw profits from the business at all and use it exclusively for development and payment of current expenses until the payback is reached.

What is meant by development? It all depends on your type of activity. If this is a trade, expand the range. In the service industry, profits are invested in improving service. Are you in production? Purchase of raw materials, equipment, new employees. If you have worked hard to create a business plan, you have a good idea where to invest the first profit of your business.

The concept of development also includes the improvement of skills. Look for every opportunity for personal training and for your employees. Take part in trainings, exhibitions, conferences, buy books. There is no limit to skill level. An additional bonus is new acquaintances with the best representatives of your field of activity. As a rule, they lead to profitable partnerships.

7. Conduct an unbiased analysis of the results and start expanding

Analyze the results and summarize the intermediate results should be constantly. This allows you to find errors and quickly fix them. Focus on evaluating the effectiveness of business practices. Discard without regret what does not bring income and only absorbs resources, pay more attention to effective ones.

If you have already reached a certain level of income, the business is working confidently and stably, it is time to expand.

You can’t stand still, otherwise a younger and bolder or larger competitor will offer customers more interesting conditions, and you will begin to lose profits. Expansion is the hiring of new employees and the introduction of additional services, the organization of new branches and offices, the expansion of the range, the acquisition of innovative equipment and the entry into new markets. Only being in constant motion and development is it possible to get a successful business that will provide a comfortable and comfortable old age for you and a reliable base for your descendants.

Do you think these tips are too simple and trivial? Then why are only 4% of business start-ups successful? Economist research shows that most newcomers do not adhere to the basic business rules necessary for sustainable development and prosperity. As a result, myths about the incredible complexity of starting your own business are spreading around the world.

The model described above does not affect all aspects and nuances of doing business. Each area has its own characteristics, but they are taken into account in the process of drawing up a business plan. This model indicates and describes the most important stages on the way to creation, everything has been tested many times in practice and really works. Failure to complete at least one of the stages is fraught with failure. Use the knowledge of those who have already managed to organize a successful business and create your own.

Business acumen is a hallmark of all successful businessmen and includes a whole set of personal qualities that make a person a successful leader in his segment of activity. The inner voice says: “I want to start a business”? First, make sure you have the necessary personality traits.

Making money is a risky business! Are you destined to be a businessman?

A businessman is an enterprising person who wants to freely realize his professional potential. Business involves the construction of economic relations, the achievement of clearly defined goals (profit), through the performance of certain actions - the provision of services, the production of products.

Starting a business is worth every person who:

  • Ready to take risks (personal time, finances, forces);
  • Has a high level of self-organization;
  • Has developed analytical thinking;
  • Understands the behavioral psychology of people;
  • Is a professional in his field of activity;
  • Focused on achieving material results.

The nature of this type of activity involves a high level of financial risk, which requires a person to fully concentrate on their work. Starting your own business is not a problem. The problem starts when you have to manage it. Especially if the opening required a tidy sum borrowed from investors.

Starting capital - own savings or investor funds?

Starting a business is full of promise and risk. Even a brilliant commercial idea can be destroyed due to lack of elementary experience! Therefore, it is better to take the first steps towards big business very carefully - open a business that does not require large investments at first. If possible, it is better to use your own funds, because there is always a risk of burnout! It is one thing if you lose your own money, another thing is the money of investors. In the first case, at least you will not owe anything!

What to do if you don't have your own savings?

No equity capital? Do brilliant ideas and the desire to open a business never leave your imagination? Will have to take!

Starting capital can form:

  • Relatives and friends. In a situation where a small start-up capital is required, it is wiser to seek help from people to whom you are dear - relatives and friends. Usually this category lends money disinterestedly (without expecting a percentage of future profits), but in small amounts and for a short time.
  • Paying friends. A good option is to take money from solvent acquaintances who want to play investors. This category is often able to provide impressive loans against receipt, but also often asks to enter into a share or receive a small percentage of profits in the future.
  • professional investors. Large projects require impressive financial investments. A successful business plan is able to attract the attention of business sharks who are ready to invest tidy sums in promising projects. Often, this category of investors sets strict requirements - for several years after the launch of the project, they will have to work solely in order to repay their debt. Not everyone can withstand such "prospects".
  • Employment Service(state assistance). An interesting way to start your own business is to apply for an employment service. The state offers support programs for individual entrepreneurs and offers to pay the unemployed a one-time annual allowance amount. This money may be enough for a modest project, but at first you risk getting bogged down in bureaucratic delays!

How to calculate the amount needed to start a business?

The initial capital is formed on the basis of the stages necessary for the legal opening of your own business:

  • Official registration of the enterprise (opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC);
  • Premises rental (the amount increases if repairs and furniture purchases are necessary);
  • Acquisition of the necessary equipment;
  • Initial purchase of products/resources;
  • Organizational expenses;
  • Payment of wages to employees;
  • Marketing strategy, advertising.

The calculation of the required start-up capital is made when creating a business plan. The main rule: "Every waste must be necessary." If you can completely do without something, delete it from the business plan. Need to rent a space? Look for profitable options that can quickly pay for themselves! It is better to start a business in a simple room with a minimum set of equipment and stylish little things than to start beautifully and quickly burn out!

In what field of activity should you start a business?

You can succeed only in the kind of activity that "burns" your soul!

  • Hobbies turned business. The most successful world projects were born in a situation where a business was created on the basis of a hobby! Therefore, to begin with, analyze: “What kind of hobby can benefit financially?”. What hobby is worthy of becoming a life's work?
  • Business based on knowledge. Powerful companies can be built in the segment of your professional interests. Have you received a good higher education and are in love with your profession, but are you tired of being an employee? Open your own business in this industry - you will be most interested in the development of the project, which means you will surely achieve good results.

Successful businessmen actually work around the clock! They voluntarily give up holidays, legal days off and even short vacations. The first years of the company's development almost never see their own family! Your own business will become a brainchild that will eat up virtually all of your life resources. Have you decided that the sacrifice is worth the desired result? Start creating a business plan.

Business plan - a strategy for achieving success

The business plan allows you to clearly structure the concept and goals of the project, determine the development strategy, and foresee potential problems and risks. And also think in advance how to effectively solve them, calculate the necessary costs, and indicate the expected profit. A well-written business plan is able to attract investors and provide a reliable financial base for the business. A bright idea, which is the basis of the future business, gives a chance to life to your project.

A real business plan - points of "assembly"

To draw up a quality business plan, ingenuity and luck are not enough. You need to familiarize yourself in advance with a huge amount of specialized literature in the specialty "project management". To write a high-quality business plan on your own, you will have to make tremendous efforts to collect information and analyze the market. But you will be vitally interested in the result and create a viable project!

Some businessmen order ready-made business plans from third-party companies, which allows them not to waste time collecting information and analyzing the market. This approach works for large projects worth millions of dollars. At the initial stage, you are unlikely to pay for the services of such companies, or you will receive a clumsily written business plan from unfortunate developers.

The main thing in the business plan is the profitability of the project!

Start-up companies need to clearly state the value of their idea, its payback in monetary terms. It is not enough just to beautifully design the concept of the future business - pay key attention to calculations, building development schedules, and identifying potential risks.

Legal registration of business - opening of IP

Doing business within the law is necessary, but sometimes quite difficult. Many novice businessmen doubt whether it is necessary to bother and open an IP? Or is it possible to find loopholes for running a private business and do without state registration?

Why is IP registration required?

Registration of IP is necessary for an entrepreneur who plans to maintain economic relations with other companies. All financial transactions are carried out under state control and are regulated by the current legislation.

Would you like to do business? So, by law, you are required to take responsibility for the timely payment of taxes - most of his property may be subject to confiscation if he fails to fulfill his obligations (to clients, the state, contractors).

How to register an IP?

You can register an individual entrepreneur only at the place of residence, then with any changes in the specifics of the declared activity, it is necessary to make adjustments to the State Register.

There are two methods for registering IP:

  • Self registration. The future entrepreneur independently collects a package of necessary documents and draws up an IP in the tax office. Financial investments will be minimal - payment of state duty (about 800 rubles).
  • Opening IP through an intermediary. Do not want to waste time and nerves on going through the authorities? You can contact an intermediary organization that will help you quickly issue an IP. Often, intermediaries offer to issue an IP in a week and require about 3,000 rubles for their services.

Starting a business is a tough time that requires full dedication. Be ready for difficulties and patiently overcome them. Success comes only to courageous people who are able to tirelessly and put their hearts into work for the fulfillment of their own dreams!

The phrase "Open a business from scratch" does not call for much confidence. For some reason, it seems that behind it are offers such as playing on the stock exchange or participating in network marketing. How to open your business from scratch, having no free money, no goods, no resources? Is it possible?

You can, you just need to take a fresh look at the resources you have. How to start your business from scratch? With an assessment of the available opportunities - education, skills, work experience, connections and acquaintances, the time that you are willing to spend. And add here a computer, phone, car. Already a lot. But what about the money, the same start-up capital? The fact is that start-up capital alone does not ensure success in business. If the measure of entrepreneurial success was only the money invested, then it would be much easier to achieve it. So, besides money, you need something else.

What kind of business to do

The business is built on meeting the needs of customers and customers, and the one who can offer the best combination of price-quality and good service gets the profit. So, in order to open a business from scratch, you need to understand for yourself what value you can offer to the consumer. Moreover, working as a hired worker, you provide this value, only between you and the consumer is the employer. This is a businessman who has chosen a niche in demand, hired the right employees and organized a sales or service cycle. But, perhaps, the same question was before him: “How to start a business from scratch without money?”, Only he has already answered it, but you have not yet.

Thinking about how to open your business from scratch, decide for yourself which direction is closer to you: services, trade or production? In each of these areas there are hundreds and thousands of ideas. No matter how trite it may sound, but everyone will have their own recipe for commercial success. There is not a single 100% guaranteed that, without exception, will work with a bang. And vice versa - there are ideas that are considered by many as failures, but they have more than one example of successful implementation.

If you want to start a small business from scratch, then answer yourself the following questions:

  • What and where did you study, what skills do you have well developed or have you dreamed of learning for a long time?
  • What activity do you enjoy? If in your full-time job you have to do something that does not bring pleasure, then you should not build a business on this.
  • What are your needs as a consumer? Perhaps you know how to provide this service in the best possible way?
  • Is there a formed demand in your chosen niche in your locality?
  • Is it possible to sell the selected product or service several times to the same consumer or is it a one-time sale?
  • What will it take to make a profit from one trade - what time and effort?
  • Can you start your own business while still being employed?
  • Do you know people who are ready to start with you without requiring payment for their labor at the initial stage?

Provision of services

It is generally accepted that the least cost is the provision of services, but this is not always the case. Indeed, if a service requires only a certain education, qualifications, and skills from the performer, then such an activity is a good answer to the question: "How to create a business from scratch." And there are services for the provision of which skills and knowledge alone will not be enough, you will also need equipment, consumables, and premises. The scale of the organization of services also matters. For example, to do nail service or hairstyles on your own, it is enough to purchase professional tools and a small supply of cosmetics. You can serve the first customers at home. If you dream of opening your own or, then serious investments are already needed here, from one million rubles.

Here is a list of services that you can start providing without investment or using personal property.

  • In the business sphere - legal, accounting, consulting;
  • IT-services - creation of sites, setting up and repairing computers, programming;
  • Needlework - tailoring and knitting to order;
  • Informational and educational - writing texts, translations, tutoring, organization of courses and trainings;
  • Repair - household appliances, housing, footwear, clothing, furniture assembly;
  • Housekeeping: cleaning, cooking, caring for children and the elderly;
  • Drawing paintings and portraits to order;
  • Advertising - setting up contextual advertising, creating selling texts, developing business cards and booklets;
  • Leisure - organization and conduct of holidays and events;
  • Express delivery;
  • Design and decoration of premises and open space;
  • Mediation for the sale and rental of housing;
  • Cooking - making cakes and ready meals.

Of course, the provision of services, if you do it personally, is not a full-fledged business, but it is a good experience to receive money directly from the client, and not through the employer.


How to start a business from scratch with no money in trading? What to sell if you do not have money to purchase goods and open a store? The first step in such a situation is mediation in quality. Find buyers and sellers, connect with each other and get rewarded.

How do you know what buyers are looking for? Query analysis can be done using the Wordstat.yandex.ru tool. Select queries with the word "buy in bulk", select 30-50 products that you are looking for, and find manufacturers on the Internet. Study the product price list, make a commercial offer, place it on bulletin boards or send it to wholesale buyers if you find their contacts. Interested in a buyer? Then contact the manufacturer and let them know that you can sell a batch of goods on the terms of a certain percentage. Of course, you can answer that manufacturers have their own sales departments and there is no point in even trying to offer their services as an agent. But to think in this way is the same as not daring to go out to sea for a catch in a rubber boat, because there are already a lot of big fishing trawlers there.

The possibilities of sales departments of manufacturers are limited by the number of managers, in addition, you can be more convincing in negotiations with the buyer. Try again and again. Imagine that this is your own product, and you need to return the investment as soon as possible.

Another option is to take the goods for sale and offer them for sale at an existing outlet on a commission basis. Yes, it is not so easy to find such options, but they also exist. Think about what connections and acquaintances with manufacturers you could attract? They would not give products for sale to an outsider, but they will give you, because you are a matchmaker, brother, godfather or just a good friend.

The third trading model without money is dropshipping. Here you bring together a manufacturer or a large supplier not with a wholesale buyer, but with the end consumer. The disadvantage of this model is that the buyer is required to pay in advance, but there are sellers who agree to the terms of cash on delivery.

In the book "Wholesale" we have collected sites with current offers from manufacturers and suppliers and other important information. You can access the book at .


How to make your business with minimal investment if your choice is production? It is unlikely to succeed completely from scratch, because. production already requires raw materials, tools, equipment. First of all, these are the ideas of home production:

  • souvenirs, accessories, bijouterie;
  • soap and bath balls;
  • agricultural tool,
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • wooden and wicker products;
  • household items and decor;
  • Knitten things;
  • bags and other leather goods;
  • screens and curtains to order;
  • handmade postcards and boxes;
  • advertising structures;
  • bouquets of sweets and toys;
  • photo printing on clothes;
  • cultivation of mushrooms, flowers, vegetables, fruits, berries.

If you have no idea how to build your business from scratch, because in the chosen niche you cannot do without premises and equipment, then explore the possibility of getting what you need in terms of payment for the products produced.

Do you have a working idea for the production of a sought-after product or even a patent for an invention? Reach out to business angels or venture capital investors. Make a commercial offer with cost and payback calculations and post it on bulletin boards and specialized forums. If the idea is really worthwhile, and only money is required to implement it, then you will definitely find it.

To summarize: where to start your business from scratch, if there are no free funds for it yet, but you are ready to invest time, effort, use personal property and acquaintances?

  1. Decide which area appeals to you the most and pick a few ideas that work.
  2. Become a member of thematic groups on social networks, they are full of examples of failures and inspiring stories. When someone has already walked the path you have chosen, it is easier to see mistakes in the implementation of the idea and its hidden potential from the outside.
  3. Let's advertise services and products on free channels, such as local newspapers and bulletin boards. Call on the ads of customers or buyers yourself.
  4. Without a financial reserve, you should not leave work for at least six months, so choose an activity that will require you to do no more than 20 hours a week. In the round-the-clock mode, you will not last long, plus the quality of your work duties will suffer.
  5. Involve family members, friends, associates, like-minded people in your business with the condition of payment for their work in case of success.
  6. Do not stay long in the position of a lone freelancer, invest the money you receive in development, hire employees, enter into partnerships.

Get the experience of entrepreneurs who have already made a breakthrough in money, life and business at a free master class on July 19 at 19:00. Live participation in Moscow and online broadcast.

Everyone would like to become the owner of their own business and gain financial independence. However, before you start your business from scratch, you need to prepare.

Small business is a good start

The best start to financial independence and independence is given by small business. Now there are many varieties of it. And you can start your business from scratch with minimal investment, practically without leaving your home.

At the same time, it does not matter which business to start from scratch. The main thing is to come up with an idea that can make a profit, draw up a plan, find funds to get started and overcome all the obstacles that will arise on the path to success.

In any case, starting your own business from scratch must start with an idea. The main condition is that it must be sufficiently original and correspond to personal interests.

To create your business from scratch, you need to overcome many obstacles. You can only do this if you are really interested in what you are doing.

Some effective ideas to help you start a business from scratch

One of the options for starting a business from scratch is to make small souvenirs with your own hands. You can sell them through stores (with a percentage of the sale) or via the Internet. Or open your own stall in the market.

Great ideas are quilling (making pictures, photo frames, invitations and similar products from twisted paper). At the same time, the cost of production is minimal - only paper and glue. And the cost of the finished product is determined by the skill of the manufacturer.

For those who want to start a business from scratch, news sites throw up ideas. For example, the advent of glow-in-the-dark paper has led to glow-in-the-dark fridge magnets. Let's calculate the profitability of such an idea:

It is necessary to purchase paper ($ 3.07), from which 11-12 blanks can be made; molds for a magnet ($ 0.24 for small wholesale purchases). The image is applied on an inkjet printer ($1 per sheet). The total cost of the magnet is $0.62. The cost of the finished magnet in retail is $1.22. Thus, a business from scratch brings 100% profit at minimal cost and a good turnover.

Starting a business from scratch, ideas can come to mind at any time. For example, at night you can come up with a luminous hourglass. By filling an hourglass ($1.6) purchased in an online store with phosphor ($1.9), we get an original souvenir worth $8-$10.

For many craftsmen who want to start their business from scratch, ideas can be suggested by a tool lying at home. Those who understand construction can not only renovate apartments (which is rather banal), but also rent out their own construction tools.

And flower lovers can organize the production of phytowalls - metal lattices with plants, boxes for soil and tubes for automatic watering. This design is fashionable, original, in demand. But most importantly - requires minimal investment for manufacturing. And this business can be started from scratch by any novice florist.

It turns out that there are many directions and types of activity. When thinking about how to start a business from scratch, you need to focus on your own preferences. But when planning your business from scratch, ideas need to be developed based on some kind of knowledge base.

To get special knowledge on how to develop a business from scratch, the Business Youth training course will help. After all, you don’t just need to invent your own business. It needs to be developed and made profitable. A team of like-minded people led by experienced teachers will help you achieve success.