Preparing the hand for writing 6 7. Preparing the hand of preschool children for writing

Hello, dear colleagues and caring parents!

I conduct classes with older preschoolers in preparation for school. My classes are complex and of course, preparing my hand for writing is one of the important stages in my classes.

In my work, I use Olesya Zhukova's recipe “We are preparing a hand for writing. Learning to write. Personally, I really like this tutorial. Today, I want to introduce you closer to the inscription "We are preparing a hand for writing."

All copybook material is logically built and according to the principle “from simple to complex”. Each page corresponds to one lesson.

The first lesson in copybook is teaching the child to draw various lines: horizontal, vertical, lines at an angle, wavy lines.

The next block of classes “Learning colors. Colored Pages.

Each page of the recipe is educational and developing. On the pages of the prescription you will find many different interesting tasks: exercises for the development of logic, thinking, general outlook.

In the recipe "Preparing a hand for writing" there is a block of lessons on writing printed numbers from 1 to 5 and a block of lessons "Learning to write in cells."

Well, of course, the biggest block is “Learning to write letters” (printed, of course).

In order not to spend money on buying copybooks for each student, I print scanned copybook pages on a printer.

Today I will share with you all the scanned pages of Olesya Zhukova's copybook “We are preparing a hand for writing. Learning to write.

More importantly, I print pages in A4 format. For preschoolers, font size and picture size are very important.

It will be better when preschoolers trace letters and other pictures in large size, because the small muscles of their fingers are still weak and get tired quickly, especially when drawing or shading small pictures.

On the pages of the recipe, my preschoolers write and draw with soft colored pencils. I put cardboard sheets under the copybook sheet so that it would be more pleasant for children to write and draw.

To diversify your handwriting lessons, you can use simple but very exciting exercises.

Download prescription:

Julia Onokhova
Preparing the hand of preschool children for writing

1. Introduction.

2. Relevance.

5. Formation of elementary graphic skills

6. Conclusion.


In senior preschool age there is a rapid development and restructuring in the work of all physiological systems of the body child: nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal. The child quickly gains in height, in weight, the proportions of the body change. There are significant changes in higher nervous activity.

The physiological readiness of the child to study at school is formed.

Senior preschool age plays a special role in mental development child: during this period of life, new psychological mechanisms of activity and behavior begin to form.

Senior preschool age- a period of active development and formation of cognitive activity. By the end preschool age children give a clear preference for intellectual pursuits over practical ones.

During this period, there are significant changes in the structure of the content of children's activities.

The child develops psychological and personal readiness for systematic schooling.

Question preparing a preschooler for writing skills is part of the problem preparation for school which every year, in the light of changes in school programs, becomes more and more relevant.

Today, the task of teaching preschoolers writing does not have a unique solution. Some scholars and methodologists categorically oppose the inclusion letters to the preschool education program, even in preparatory groups, motivating his opinion by the insufficient readiness of the child's body for this type of activity, the high probability of deterioration in his health, not knowing the educational methodology of teaching letter. Others, on the contrary, believe that many of the difficulties in learning children writing in elementary school can be avoided when carried out purposefully preparatory work at the preschool stage.

Other authors suggest abandoning the task preparing preschoolers for school because, in their opinion, “denies the inherent value of living in the era of childhood”. It is difficult to agree with this. First, any period of a person's life has intrinsic value and uniqueness. Secondly, mental development is a staged process that has a cumulative (accumulative) character. This means that the transition to a higher stage of development is possible only when the necessary prerequisites for this are formed at the previous stage - age neoplasms. If by the end age period they are not formed, then in this case they speak of a deviation or developmental delay.

Hence, Preparation child to the school period of development is one of the most important tasks preschool training and education. Thirdly, the main condition for the full development in children's age is purposeful and conscious guidance on the part of adults - teachers and parents. And this, in turn, is possible only when work with the child is based on a clear understanding of the patterns of mental development and the specifics of subsequent age stages, knowing what age neoplasms are the basis for the further development of the child.


The practice of teaching in the 1st grade shows that the greatest difficulties for first-graders during the period of learning to read and write arise when performing graphic exercises. Causes this: firstly, lack of interest in mastering letters and performing graphic exercises; secondly, insufficient "maturity" small muscles of the hands; thirdly, the lack of experience in performing graphic exercises. In conditions preschool institutions, children acquire graphic skills in the visual arts, and small hand movements develop in the process of designing and in the performance of labor activities. As observations of children starting school show, this is not enough to preparing the hand for writing, a well-thought-out system of special classes and exercises for the formation of children graphic skills not only in preschool but also at home.

At children with a number of speech disorders, general motor insufficiency, expressed to varying degrees, is noted, as well as deviations in the development of finger movements, since finger movements are closely related to speech function. Such authors as N. S. Zhukova, E. M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filichev describe individual techniques for the development of motor skills in children. such scientists as E. M. Mastyukova, M. I. Ippolitova, L. A. Danilova give more detailed recommendations on the formation of motor skills and differentiated fingers.

Scientists who study the activity of the child's brain, the psyche children, note the great stimulating value of the function hands. Employees of the Institute of Physiology children and adolescents APN found that the level of development of speech children is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers (M. M. Koltsova).

Certain Initial Training Offers the letter was submitted by E. V. Guryanov on the basis of both laboratory experiments and experimental teaching in individual schools (suggestions to set only one task in the initial introduction letters, O letter without oblique mesh, etc.). As a result of the experimental in some schools and when checking the results of the experiment, E. N. Sokolova created a new methodology for teaching graphic skills letters.

It is quite natural that any new technique develops on the basis of

previous achievements. But in some periods of the existence of a methodology for teaching graphic skills letters there was not a creative application of it, but a dogmatic one, which could lead to a stagnation in learning or even cause it some harm. An example of this is the instruction that existed at one time that children should not be shown the erroneous image of letters and syllables. This instruction took into account only one feature children their imitation.

Another example of a dogmatic attitude to this method is the complete denial of the possibility of using the copying method.

The lack of scientific developments for checking techniques leads to the fact that

certain provisions are mechanically transferred from one methodological manual to another without taking into account the changing conditions of training, tools letters and others. So, for example, until recently, instructions were given in the methodology for letter hold the pen in your hand so that its upper end is directed to the right shoulder. This position has been put forward for the most convenient quill pen letters. When switching to letter ballpoint pen, such a requirement became completely unjustified. It's better to formulate it So: free end of a ballpoint pen letter at the beginning of the line is directed to the right of the writer. As the line fills up, it becomes more and more directed at the writer.

It is very important to conduct extensive research on the process of mastering skills. letters not only individual methodological techniques, but also the study of the influence of mastering a tool letters on the quality of the letter and its speed.

In order for there to be less dogmatism in teaching calligraphy and the use of methodological techniques, a certain culture of the teacher is necessary (knowledge not only of methods, but also of the patterns of skills formation in a certain age, in the future, knowledge of individual capabilities children, creative approach to the learning process, passion for their work.

Methodology for Teaching Calligraphic Skills letters is given to the teacher so that in certain specific conditions he can apply methodological techniques, taking into account the individual characteristics of individual students and the average level of the majority of students in the class. It's about speed most of all. letters and letter combinations.

Let's dwell on what problems are currently

debatable and how they are solved in different countries. The main problems in teaching methods at the present time can be considered following: a) how to teach writing children 5-6 years old; b) how to teach detachable and continuous letter; c) how to apply the line in training letter; d) how to teach direct or oblique letter; d) which hand to teach letter; e) what should be written font.

The most controversial issue is learning. children writing to

age 6. As is known, in this aged baby hand(small

muscles of the fingers, coordination of movements, incomplete ossification of the hand) is not ready for quick mastery by letter. children in this age can successfully master the process of reading, but slow development letters hinders the child's acquisition of literacy.

If training letter goes simultaneously with mastering reading, then the child masters reading better, consolidating what he learns in the classroom letters. At the same time, the child writes so slowly that he either fixes almost nothing of what he reads, or, if not rushed, he hurries from the very beginning and spoils the emerging handwriting. This contradiction prompted methodologists from different countries to search for a solution to the problem. So, in England, America, Germany, Sweden and a number of other countries in primary education instead of italic letters were entered in block letters, a font that includes a small number of elements; letter called the manuscript. However, this did not lead to a solution to the problem - speed and quality letters have not improved, and in addition, a special

concern was when and how to retrain children's letter in italics.

In some countries (for example, in Czechoslovakia, in order to facilitate the work of children and eliminate the most difficult finger movements during letters, first teach large written letters, then smaller and smaller. In Poland, teaching to read was practiced written script, thus the child first memorized a smaller number of designated letters.

In some US schools, instead of the original letters machine printing was introduced.

In Bulgaria during the transition to education children from 6 years old learning to write

behind learning to read. First they teach reading, and at this time they are preparation and for writing – writing elements, exercises for the development of finger movements.

Although there is much rationality in this search, the problem of learning children 5-6

years letter not resolved. Recently, questions have been addressed about the role of creating a visual and tactile image of a letter, attempts training motor skills before and during training letter. In our work, there were attempts of this kind (Yu. I. Fausek, N. G. Agarkova, E. N. Sokolova, N. A. Fedosova, N. A. Zaitsev). An introduction to the initial learning of machine typing, combined with other techniques, can speed up the solution of this problem.

Many authors believe that in the initial teaching of calligraphy children primary school process should be equipped not only with the application of samples letters in the form of prescriptions and display teacher's letters. It is also necessary to create an educational movie, a display showing the process letters, displaying erroneous spelling and others.

Further research and development of scientists in the field of graphic skills letters and the creative experience of the teacher will lead to the improvement of methods for the formation of calligraphic skills letters.

5. Three directions training child to learning technology letters

In order to reduce the costs of physical, mental, nervous forces, to reduce the psychological burden on the child, it is necessary to carry out a significant preparatory work.

To develop a skill, the learner must be prepared to learning that skill, with each skill requiring training their specific areas. Sometimes it can be formed only on the basis of another skill that has already been significantly formed.

What does a child need to be successful? by letter?

Very important for mastering the skill letters development of finger and hand movements hands. These movements develop in the child gradually throughout the entire preschool period. If the grasp of objects - a ball, a cube - is formed in a child by about 15 months, then graphic movements require more complex coordination. If you do not specifically exercise the child's hand, children even at the age of six have difficulty performing graphic exercises. beautiful letter necessarily requires compliance with not only the same height of letters when letter, but also constant distances between elements of letters and between letters, as well as certain distances between words on a line. That is why one of the requirements for mastering graphics letters the development of the child's spatial representations.

The main indicator of a good underline, in addition to its clarity, is smoothness, rhythm, lightness and speed. letters. Indeed, the rhythm letter relieves muscles from excessive tension, the hand gets tired much less, movements are easier. In turn, the rhythm of the writer depends on the speed letters. In this regard, according to scientists (A. R. Luria, E. V. Guryanov, O. I. Galkina, T. S. Komarova, I. N. Sadovnikova, M. M. Koltsov, for successful mastery of graphics letters are needed: coordination of movements, spatial representations. Sense of rhythm.

Skill acquisition process letters obeys the laws of formation of any motor skill. In this regard, the development of the motor component letters at preschool stage plays an extremely important role. The richer the motor experience of the child, the easier it is to form motor skills. this experience, aimed at a specific motor action ( letter, can be successfully acquired by performing specially selected exercises.

Exercises aimed at developing motor skills must be performed systematically for more effective, early correction of the child's speech and preparing his hand for writing.

Preparing children to learning calligraphy is carried out in several directions:

Gymnastics of fingers and hands;

Orientation on a sheet of paper;

Formation of elementary graphic skills (from 5-5.5 years old - recommended by physiologists and doctors).

The maturity of fine motor skills of the hands ensures the accuracy of graphic actions due to muscle control. This is the dexterity of the fingers and hands, the coordination of their movements. To develop fine motor skills of the hands, the following techniques are used and exercises:

o Massage of the hands,

o Finger gymnastics and finger games,

o Performing movements with small objects (mosaic, constructor, stringing beads, tying ropes, fastening buttons, cutting with scissors,

o Special exercises for preparing the hand for writing.

The development of motor skills is closely related to the development of the child's speech. Therefore, the sooner the child is offered games and exercises aimed at developing motor skills, the sooner the child will begin to speak correctly and clearly. There are many easy ways to develop motor skills preschool children.

lip exercises tongue exercises




Application - theatrical activity

Carving - plastic studies

Modeling - outdoor games

Drawing - games for the coordination of speech and movements

Hatching - logarithmics

Stroking - dance activity

Finishing the subject

Point connection

Collecting a pattern from objects

(beads, rice, buttons, etc.)

Finger theater

finger games

Finger gymnastics.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the formation of speech areas is carried out under the influence of kinetic impulses from the hands, or rather from the fingers. Performing various exercises with fingers, the child achieves a good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech (since this inductively stimulates speech centers, but also prepares the child for drawing, letter. The hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, which will further facilitate the acquisition of skills letters. "Finger games" are very emotional and exciting. They seem to reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During the "finger games" children, repeating the movements of adults, activate the motor skills of the hands. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control one's movements, to concentrate attention on one type of activity.

For exercises of the fingers and hands, you can use any manual on "finger gymnastics" issued in our country. Some manuals also have exercises to develop the child's ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Gymnastics for the fingers is divided into passive and active. Passive gymnastics is recommended as a preliminary stage before active gymnastics for children with a low level of fine motor development.

Passive gymnastics for the hands includes a massage of the hands, which should not cause discomfort in the child. It is advisable to use the following methods massage: stroking, light rubbing and vibration. Massage movements are performed in the direction from the fingertips to the wrist. Massage begins with stroking and ends with stroking (stroking is carried out slowly, smoothly). When performing the rubbing technique, a greater pressure force is applied than when stroking. Vibration consists in applying one after another blows with the tips of half-bent fingers. Massage is best done with one hand. The massed limb is fixed with the other hand. The duration of the massage is 3-5 minutes. Massage can be carried out daily or every other day 10-12 times, if necessary, the course can be repeated after 10-30 days. During the massage, you can listen to pleasant, preferably classical music. More details about the rules of massage, massage exercises can be found in the book by E. Krause "Speech therapy", 2003 and other scientists.

Active gymnastics includes games with objects, finger games with accompaniment of words, exercises without speech accompaniment.

Gymnastics for the fingers and hands is carried out for 2-3 minutes at the beginning and in the middle of each lesson according to preparation for literacy. Children will memorize the words accompanying gymnastics with great interest if the game is related to the topic of the lesson or the material already covered. Therefore, I propose a collection of special exercises, which contains games aimed at developing general and fine motor skills on various topics.

Development hands also contribute to playing with mosaics and other small objects, modeling, drawing, weaving, rhythmic, physical education.

Complexes of finger exercises are offered. "Finger games" is a staging of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate in terms of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc., such games develop not only fingers and speech, but also form spatial-figurative thinking, sensory perception, creative imagination and logic of the child.

These games are very important for the development of creativity. children. If a child has learned any one "finger game", he will definitely try to come up with a new staging. Children over 5 years old can arrange games with a variety of props - houses, cubes, small objects, etc. Each lesson is advisable preparing to write, start with"finger games" to stretch the fingers, activate the motor skills of the hands for the children to successfully complete a variety of graphic exercises. Time of holding 3 - 7 minutes.

Games with cereals, beads, buttons, small stones.

These games have an excellent tonic and healing effect. Children are invited to sort, guess with their eyes closed, roll between the thumb and forefinger, press alternately with all fingers of both hands to the table, while trying to make rotational movements. You can teach a child to roll with one finger hands two walnuts or pebbles, fingers of one hands or between two palms a six-sided pencil. You can invite children to lay out letters, silhouettes of various objects from small items: seeds, buttons, twigs, etc. All activities using small objects must be under the strict supervision of adults.

Cutting with scissors.

The teacher pays special attention to mastering the basic cutting techniques - cutting skills in a straight line, the ability to cut various shapes (rectangular, oval, round). The task is to bring children to a generalized understanding of how to cut any objects. When explaining a task, you need to learn children not only to passively master the process of cutting out, but also to encourage them to give a verbal description of the movements of the teacher's hands when showing the ways of cutting out. Getting symmetrical shapes when folding paper folded like an accordion, children should learn that they are cutting out, not a whole shape, but half of it.

Elder preschoolers begin to master without preliminary drawing, training contour lines with silhouette cutting skills. When teaching silhouette cutting, the technique of tracing the contour of an object in the air is successfully used. The development of the ability to "see" an object in the air is facilitated by the systematically conducted games "Guess what I'm drawing?", "Guess, I'll guess" (children or a teacher outline an object in the air, guess). Before you start cutting out the silhouette, you should think about where, from what angle, in which direction of the sheet, to direct the scissors, that is, learn to plan the upcoming action.

The ability to confidently use scissors plays a special role in the development of manual skill. For preschoolers are hard requires coordinated movements. Symmetrical cutting, cutting out various figures from old postcards, magazines is a useful and exciting activity for future first graders.

Drawing, coloring.

Need to be taught children paint carefully, without going beyond the contours of the depicted objects, evenly applying the desired color. Coloring, as one of the easiest activities, is introduced largely for the sake of children learning the necessary letters hygiene rules. At the same time, it continues to be a means of developing the coordinated actions of the visual and motor analyzers and strengthening the motor apparatus of the writing hands. The child, doing the work of coloring, unlike the work associated with writing letters, does not feel tired, he does it with pleasure, freely, although his hand does the same manipulations as when letter. Since this work does not complicate the child, he can focus on the main task - the implementation of hygiene rules. letters.

Drawing with various materials (pen, pencil, colored pencils, chalk) requires varying degrees of pressure in order to leave a mark on the paper from the writing object. This also contributes to the development of manual skills.

Paper work. Origami. Weaving.

The development of precise movements and memory is helped by weaving rugs from paper strips, folding boats, figures of animals from paper. Need to introduce children with paper processing tools, show the techniques of folding and folding paper, give initial information about the types of paper (writing, drawing, newspaper, wrapping).

Having studied the special literature, based on the results of conversations with teachers preschool institutions and primary school teachers, I consider it appropriate to systematize work aimed at developing graphic skills in kindergarten. So, for example, various exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills should be used not only in classes specially designed for this (designing, modeling, drawing, but also in the process of studying the world around us, mathematics, speech development, literacy, in a separate line, make exercises aimed on the development of graphic skills in long-term and scheduling. (Application) It is also necessary to work among parents: advise, explain the importance of work aimed at developing graphic skills in preschool age, offer literature and special exercises.

6. Formation of graphic skills

Preparation for learning to write it is advisable to conduct simultaneously in all directions.

The formation of interest in graphic exercises should begin in the game activity, first putting the game in front of the child. tasks: "Draw a pattern by cells", "Draw an object by points", "Connect the Dots" etc. These game exercises provide hand training child and give them the opportunity to perform more complex tasks in the future.

Letter from the very beginning is a conscious act. Learning it is associated with the requirement of a correct and clear image. written characters, as well as with the education of perseverance, the desire to achieve the best results, the education of accuracy, respect for the notebook.

Education letter it is impossible without the development of attention, observation and such complex forms of mental activity as analysis and synthesis. Learning Success letter largely depends on how active the child is, which, in turn, is determined by the education of his correct attitude towards writing assignments.

Orientation exercises on a sheet of paper, as a rule, it is advisable to carry out at the end of the lesson.

In the book « Preparing for literacy» it is clearly told how the child should sit correctly when letter how to position a notebook, how to hold a pen correctly. Also, many workbooks and developing copybooks are currently being produced (edited by Sokolova E.I., V. Dmitriev "Magic Notes", S. E. Gavrina, N. L. Kutyavina "Learning to write and draw", Pushkov A. E. "Exercises for developing clarity of lines", Tatarinkova L. Yu. "Prepare the hand for letter» etc.) where the system of work on the formation of graphic skills is described in detail and, most importantly, practical material is given.

At the initial stage of education letter it takes a lot of time for children to realize the actions that they must carry out, and then consolidate their correct execution and bring them to automatism through repeated exact repetitions. Requirement "write faster" leads to the fact that the child does not have time to fix the correct way of drawing lines.

Each person has their own pace. letters. The desire of an adult to accelerate the formation of a skill at the initial stage letters without taking into account the characteristics of the child can lead to the opposite result. When developing a graphic skill, the correctness and thoroughness of the execution of each task are important, and not the speed of actions and not the amount of writing. The duration of the execution of graphic tasks should not exceed 5–6 minutes.

For preparatory graphic exercises originally used unlined paper. The sequence of tasks in the currently produced workbooks is based on the patterns of the formation of a graphic skill letters as a motor act. First of all, rhythmic circular movements are practiced. hands, which have a wide scope. For this, contour images of such objects as a snail, a ball of thread, a hose, etc. are given. Children circle, for example, "house" snails, start with the largest coil and, trying not to tear the pen from the paper, spend smaller and smaller coils. Wavy lines, semi-ovals, ovals, loops are arranged in the drawings so that the child moves from wide movements to smaller ones. It is advisable to precede lines on paper "rehearsal" upcoming movement in the air.

Then the children shade various geometric shapes. Hatching is a new stage in the development of the voluntary activity of a child of 6–7 years old. Children have to comply with quite strict rules. requirements: hatch without going beyond the outline of the picture, only in a given direction, keep the same distance between the lines.

The systematic performance of various tasks on unlined paper and hatching allows children to painlessly move on to letter in a student notebook. They learn to outline the working line, draw borders within it, and write elements of letters. In order to make it easier for a child to memorize graphic images of complex elements of letters, they are associated with real objects. (for example, straight with rounding - umbrella handle).

Graphic exercises and hatching.

Performed first on unlined paper. Contribute preparing the hand for writing. The development of fine motor skills is determined not only by the clarity and beauty of the image of the lines, but also by the ease and freedom: movements hands should not be constrained, tense. Correctly observing graphic proportions, writing smoothly and symmetrically is important for developing a beautiful and clear handwriting. The child should try not to tear the pen from the paper and not interrupt the lines. When drawing straight lines, the clarity of handwriting and confidence in movement are clearly visible. hands. The ability to freely draw smooth lines from left to right is important in the formation of handwriting.

The ability to write with an inclination from top to bottom and from bottom to top is necessary for the formation of handwriting. Graphic exercises also contribute to the development of accuracy of movements, attention and control over one's own actions.

Hatching is one of the most important exercises. Mastering the mechanism letters, children develop such confidence in the stroke that when they begin to writing in notebooks, they will do it like a person who wrote a lot.

Hatching Rules:

Hatch only in the specified direction.

Do not go beyond the contours of the figure.

Keep the lines parallel.

Do not bring the strokes together, the distance between them should be 0.5 cm.

Performing various exercises preparation for writing, the child and the teacher must constantly remember and follow the hygiene rules letters, bringing their implementation to automatism. Compliance with hygiene rules will help the child to overcome the difficulties of the technical side in the future. letters.

Education letter.

The development of correct posture, the inclined position of the notebook on the desk and the ability to hold a pencil and pen while writing and drawing.

preparatory exercises for the development of the eye, brush hands and small muscles fingers: tracing and hatching paths, connecting lines and shapes, drawing and painting patterns and borders in continuous motion hands. Line mastery. Preparation for writing letter elements.

letter elements letters: straight inclined short stick, straight inclined long stick, sticks with a rounded bottom, long stick with a loop, sticks with a rounded top and bottom, semi-oval and oval.

Letter- a complex coordination skill that requires coordinated work of the muscles of the hand, the entire hands, proper coordination of movements of the whole body. Skill Mastery letters- a long and laborious process, which is not easy for all children. Preparation for writing- one of the most difficult stages training child to systematic education. This is due to the psychophysiological characteristics of a 5-6 year old child, on the one hand, and to the process itself. letters, on the other side.

According to psychologists and physiologists, children of this age underdeveloped small muscles hands, imperfect coordination of movements, ossification of the wrists and phalanges of the fingers is not completed. Visual and motor analyzers, which are directly involved in the perception and reproduction of letters and their elements, are at different stages of development, at the very initial stages of learning. letter children do not see elements in letters. They cannot distinguish them from the whole letter, and they do not fully perceive the configuration of the letter, not noticing small changes in the elements of its structure.

The success of work on the formation of motor skills depends on its systematic and regularity. Classes for preparing the hand for writing are held 2 times a week, the duration of the lesson is 30 minutes. For children 5 - 7 years old.

Tasks should bring joy to the child, boredom and overwork should not be allowed.

Children are offered exercises that help develop the graphic skills of five to six year olds. children. Next, the child will have to learn to draw circles, semi-ovals, ovals, loops. A regular checkered notebook should be used here.


So, preparing children for school, to the successful fulfillment of their future social function of students is one of the most important tasks preschool educational institution.

IN preschool institutions are given attention preparing children for learning. Under the guidance of educators, children acquire the most necessary knowledge and initial skills in various types of educational work. They master the simplest actions of almost all disciplines of elementary school - draw, sculpt, sing, learn poetry, get acquainted with counting and letters, observe nature, and perform physical exercises. But only letter not included in the curriculum, as this age for most children it is not available.

Thus, a number of authors who have studied the problem of learning letter, recommends for preschool stage of education and training to actively use the available means. They highlight drawing, modeling, appliqué as the most effective activities for preparation of children to master graphics letters.

However, the movements made in the process letters, cannot be reproduced in full, neither in drawing nor in modeling - the closest to writing activities. Process letters involves other finger movements in the work, visual perception is also subject to other goals than in visual activity.

In the practice of teaching letter sometimes there is an undesirable transfer of some of the techniques learned by children in preschool drawing. For example, the techniques of holding a pencil are transferred to the position of the pen in the hand when letter. And they don't quite match. The habit of drawing straight lines leads some children to that that the requirement to write on yourself when the paper is tilted leads to a direct letter. The stick in any position of the paper is written perpendicular to the line of the line. Of course, not everyone has the same influence of past experience. However, special techniques are required to overcome this habit. (Zheltovskaya L. Ya., Sokolova E. N.).

Unfortunately, the use of special notebooks in which exercises aimed at developing graphic skills are published are not used in preschool institutions, due to the fact that they are not provided by the program requirements. Having studied the special literature, researches of scientists and teachers preschool institutions, as well as the opinion of elementary school teachers, I believe that it is necessary to make a separate line of exercises aimed at developing graphic skills in long-term and scheduling during training and development preschool children.


thematic plan

month week topic total

September 1 Introductory lesson. 2

2 Autumn. Hatching 2

3 Autumn leaf fall (work with beads). Outline 1

4 Migratory birds (origami). Hatching 1

October 1 Fruits (screen printing). dot tracing 1

2 House (modular application). Outline 2

3 Autumn tree in the rain (drawing). Hatching

4 Berries (screen printing). Outline 1

November 1 Pets (application). dot tracing 2

2 Tales (origami). Hatching 1

3 Mother's Day (plasticine picture). Outline 2

4 First snow (finger painting) Hatching

December 1 Winter . dot tracing 2

2 spruce branch . Hatching

3 Making a panoramic New Year's card Outline 2

4 Decorate the Christmas tree . Hatching 1

1 snowman (wire work). Outline 2

2 Patterns on glass (magic drawings).

3 Trees in the snow . Hatching

4 White birch (drawing with appliqué elements). dot tracing

1 Zimushka - winter (drawing). Outline 1

2 Polar bear admiring the northern lights (drawing and application). dot tracing 2

3 Clothing . Hatching 1

4 Tea service (application.) dot tracing 1

2 Kingdom of wild animals (working with threads). 2

3 Blooming spring (drawing). Outline 1

4 Spring flower (origami) dot tracing 1

April 1 Aquarium (3D application). Hatching 1

2 Cosmonautics Day . Outline 1

3 Lilies of the valley . dot tracing 2

4 First puddles (drawing on a wet sheet). Hatching 1

May 1 Spring rain (drawing splatter technique). 1

2 In the meadow (work with beads and groats). Outline 1

3 Insects (origami). Hatching 1

4 Insects (3D application) dot tracing 2

Section, topic

Goals and objectives, type of activity.

Practical activities.


Subject "Pictures in the Sand". To identify the level of formation of graphic skills in children,

The ability to trace the drawing point by point and color it

Identification of the leading children's hands

Check the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper,

Work on the development of coordination of movements with speech

Learn to connect the dots without lifting the pencil from the sheet, learn to control the force of pressure on the pencil.

Outlining a drawing by dots

2. Autumn drawing

"falling leaves"

Develop an aesthetic perception of color in nature and landscape art; learn to create a decorative composition, placing images over the entire surface of the sheet.

Develop color perception. Learn children see the borders of the picture.

Mixing paint right on the leaves.

Subject "Autumn".

Autumn forest


Learn to make a base from plasticine, lay out a pattern from beads.

Development of fine motor skills

To acquaint with the method of creative work by laying beads Creating a pattern using different materials.

4 Birds (migratory) origami The development of fine motor skills.

Continue learning to follow verbal instructions

Introducing the Art of Origami Origami Bird

Practice stencil printing techniques; develop teamwork skills.

Introduce a new method - stencil printing. Develop a sense of rhythm.

Creating a pattern using a stencil.

6. Modular application. We will build a house ourselves

Continue to work on the development of general and fine motor skills, exercise in the coordination of speech with movement

Train arm muscles

Learn how to use modular applications.

Learn to cut paper along the contour To form the ability to plan work and technologically implement a creative plan

Modular application

7. Drawing "autumn tree in the wind and rain"

Exercise in the ability to build their activities according to verbal instructions.

Learn to draw a tree in windy weather.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands, exercise in the coordination of hand movements.

To consolidate the skills of working with colored pencils (hatching, maintaining vertical lines, curved lines with different pressure, without lifting the pencil from the paper

Drawing "Berries" The development of imagination of fine motor skills, aesthetic taste.

Learn to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Learn to control movement hands, brush, control the force of pressure.


9. Pets (application). Develop a sense of color and composition. Continue learning to navigate on paper. Learn to perform a plot application consisting of two characters. applique

10 Tales (origami). Create interest in preparing mini performances based on familiar fairy tales.

The development of fine motor skills, continue to learn how to complete the task according to the model Working with paper, continue to learn how to fold paper according to the sample, carefully, calculate the strength of the brush when smoothing the paper

11 Mother's Day (plasticine picture). Development of imagination of fine motor skills of color sense.

Acquaintance with the type of painting - portrait Keep learning children work with plasticine, learn to proportionally draw parts of the face with a pencil, select the contrasting color of the beads

Modeling drawing, work with beads

12 First snow (finger painting) The development of the imagination.

Continue to teach orientation on a piece of paper.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands

Introduction to finger painting techniques Finger painting

13 Winter (drawing with appliqué elements). To arouse interest in the image of a winter landscape. Emotional response to poetic images.

Use a cold range of colors when conveying winter color.

Arm muscle training Learn to use the drawing technique - poke (drawing with a hard semi-dry brush, and spraying

Adding birch (3D application) by gluing Drawing with paints. applique

14 Spruce branch (drawing with cotton swabs). Development of visual-spatial perception.

Creating a festive mood, a positive emotional response.

Learn to draw needles at a certain distance from each other Acquaintance with an unconventional drawing technique - with cotton buds Drawing by an unconventional method

15 Making a panoramic New Year's card (application with design elements) The development of visual-motor functions, exercise in orientation on the sheet. Creating a festive mood, a positive emotional response.

Learn how to make greeting cards - homemade with a surprise. Application with design elements.

16 Decorate the Christmas tree (application using cotton pads). Learn to perform actions according to the model, learn to use glitter, cotton pads in the application.

The development of fine motor skills, attention, imagination. Learn to work with glue, cotton pads, glitter. Monitor the accuracy of the work.

Application using cotton pads.

17 Snowman (wire work)

Learn to work with wire, familiarity with safety precautions

Bulk work. wire product

18 Patterns on glass (magic drawings). Creating a festive mood, a positive emotional response.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Learn to paint over, evenly placing one tone of paint on the sheet Drawing - a surprise. Paint work

19 Trees in the snow (work on a plasticine basis and with cereals). Call at children interest in depicting a winter landscape, to learn to reflect the impressions received when observing winter nature. Learn to make a plasticine base 2-3 mm thick. According to a given contour, press the grits one by one, so that a silhouette of a tree in the snow would be obtained.

Picture - plasticine

20 White birch (drawing with appliqué elements). Learn to create a plot composition, depict a winter (silver) birch tree based on the poem.

Work on the development of motor skills and visual perception.

Harmoniously combine different visual techniques.

Drawing with appliqué elements.

21 Zimushka - winter (drawing). Learn to reflect the impressions received when observing the winter landscape.

Exercise in orientation on a plane, work on the development of visual-spatial perception

Continue learning to use non-traditional drawing techniques Drawing

22 Polar Bear Watching the Northern Lights (drawing and application).

The development of fine motor skills, imagination.

Improve graphic skills and abilities. Learn to create a plot composition using the collage technique Drawing with appliqué elements.

23 Clothing (decorative drawing with appliqué elements). The development of the imagination.

Hand muscle training, development of visual-spatial perception.

Consolidate knowledge children seasonal clothes. Learn to create original images based on the silhouette of your hands Decorative pattern with appliqué elements.

24 Tea service (application.) Development of general and fine motor skills.

The development of aesthetic perception, to learn to apply the same ornament

The development of logical thinking imagination.

Learn to perform the application by cutting off.

Learn to select and distinguish between warm and cold tones for composition Application

evoke positive emotions.

Development of fine and general motor skills. Learn to control your actions, monitor the accurate performance of work. Volumetric postcard

26 Wild Beast Realm (working with threads). Continue to work on the development of general and fine motor skills, train the muscles of the hands.

Acquaintance children with the application technique - gluing the silhouette with finely chopped threads to convey the effect of fluffy fur.

Learn to apply glue to the base evenly, in a thin layer. Application

27 Blooming Spring (drawing)

The development of imagination, fine motor skills.

Finger drawing technique fixing. Drawing

28 Spring Flower (origami)

Development of motor skills, logical thinking. Learn to perform actions according to the model, learn to fold paper, press, smooth.

29 Aquarium (3D application).

Development of imagination, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills, visual-spatial perception. Continue to learn how to cut along the contour, teach how to twist the paper. Volumetric teamwork

30 Cosmonautics Day (application made of colored paper, fabric, foil). Learn to observe color contrast, complement the drawing with compositional lines that create a beautiful rhythm and accent.

The development of imagination, fine motor skills. Continue to learn to cut along the contour, Learn to select and distinguish between warm and cold tones for the composition Application

31 Lilies of the valley (picture - plasticine work with beads)

Learn to make a plasticine base 2-3 mm thick. According to a given contour, press the beads one by one Picture - plasticine

32 First puddles (drawing on a wet sheet). Continue to work on the development of general and fine motor skills, train the muscles of the hands.

Development of attention, imagination.

Learn to perform actions according to the model Figure

33 Spring Rain (drawing splatter technique). Use a range of colors

Continue to work on the development of general and fine motor skills, train the muscles of the hands.

Acquaintance and learning a new drawing technique Learn how to create original images based on a silhouette Learn how to create a plot composition

34 In the meadow (work with beads and groats). Development of imagination, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills, visual-spatial perception. Hand muscle training, development of visual-spatial perception.

Learn to make a plasticine base 2-3 mm thick. According to a given contour, press the beads and cereals one by one Picture - plasticine

35 Insects (origami).

Arouse interest in working with colored paper, origami.

Development of motor skills, logical thinking Learn to perform actions according to the model, learn to fold paper, press, smooth. Origami

36 Insects (3D application) Development of imagination, logical thinking, general and fine motor skills, visual-spatial perception. Learn to control your actions, monitor the accurate performance of work. Application



All children who enter school have to write. And not everyone, unfortunately, does it equally well. The fact is that writing is a difficult skill that requires good preparation of the small muscles of the child’s hand to perform clear, well-coordinated movements, as well as the ability to control their own actions for quite a long time.

Preparation for school. Hand position.

Not all children, for various reasons, have strong and developed arm muscles. That is why it is necessary to take certain actions from an early age to “set the hand” of the child. You will be surprised, but you can start as early as 3 years of age. The favorite toy of all kids - the spinning top - will help you with this.

Yula is inexpensive, but brings incredible benefits to the crumbs in strengthening muscles. Yula can teach several ways to grip her handle, which will later come in handy in the process of learning to write. During the game with the spinning top, the crumbs need to strain their arms and perform certain power movements at a rather fast pace. If you see that your three-four-year-old child is having a hard time playing with the top, beware. This means that the baby's muscles are weakened, possibly formed incorrectly, and without certain preparatory exercises, the child will have difficulty learning to write.

Therefore, before teaching children to write, you need to prepare their hand for the actual process of writing, since these tasks are completely different from each other. Various assistants can help in this matter - books, toys, manuals, which can be purchased both on the manufacturer's website and in stores.

Preparing a hand for writing involves several steps:

  • learning to work with hands (various kinds). This means: the development of motor skills, the eye, spatial orientation, attention, the ability to work carefully, finish any business, and not leave it halfway.
  • the formation of a sense of rhythm - learning to coordinate movement and words in compliance with a certain rhythm;
  • learning drawing and graphic works - coloring, drawing by cells, hatching, etc.
  • formation of the correct orientation in space - orientation on the working surface (for example, on a paper sheet).

Hand exercises in preparing the hand for writing

There are a number of effective exercises to prepare your baby's hand for the writing process. Here are some of them.

Exercise "Pianist"

The kid puts the pens on the hard surface of the table, palms down. It is necessary to raise the fingers in turn. First we raise the fingers of one hand, then the other. We repeat the exercise in reverse, i.e. from the other hand.

Exercise "New wave"

The baby's hands lie on a hard surface, as in exercise 1. Only now you need to raise your fingers one after another on different hands at the same time. You should start with the little fingers.

Exercise "Paperclip"

The kid should strain the middle and index fingers and squeeze the pencil between them so that it does not slip out. Then you need to lower and raise your fingers, trying not to slip the pencil.

Exercise "Magic Wands»

Counting sticks, pencils, tubes, pens in the amount of 10 or 15 pieces are laid out on a hard surface. It requires dexterity from the baby in order to collect all the sticks in turn, using only one hand, and then lay them out again in turn on the work surface. It is important to collect and lay out the sticks exactly one at a time. And you can't help yourself with the other hand.

Exercise "Dexterous steps"

Tighten your middle and index fingers again and squeeze the pencil between them so that it does not slip out (as in exercise 3). It is better to hold the writing set at the level of the second phalanges of the fingers. Now with this pencil, so that it does not fall, we make very small movements (steps) on the working surface of the table with our fingers. You need to “go through the entire available surface within the territory where the baby’s hand reaches.

Exercise "Mill"

Tighten your index and middle fingers again and squeeze the pencil between them, but only its very tip. The baby is required to turn his hand so that he can grab the other, free, tip of the pencil with his other hand. The pencil seems to rotate. In this case, the direction of the writing instrument should be observed from the chest. It is necessary to ensure that the baby makes at least 7 revolutions. But the more the better.

Exercise "Ball"

The kid needs to use his imagination and imagine that he has a small ball in his palms. Now this imaginary ball needs to be rolled from side to side.

Very often, when learning to write, children experience the so-called "writer's spasm." This is when, in the process of writing, their fingers begin to go numb and painful conditions appear, which discourages the future first grader from learning to write at all. This phenomenon can be prevented with a simple exercise.

Exercise "Friendship"

In a sitting position, the baby should put the handles at eye level, connecting the palms with each other. Then one palm must be moved a little down, and the fingers of the other hand should be bent and, as it were, hug the fingers of the palm moved down. Before performing such manual “hugs”, we inhale through the nose, and exhale directly during the exercise. You need to do the exercise with two hands in turn, 10-15 times.

We also consider it necessary to mention that, before teaching your baby, it is necessary to determine his leading hand. Now left-handedness or hidden left-handedness is much more common than it was before. This is important because left-handers have a completely different distribution of functions between the hemispheres of the brain.

What is hidden leftism?

This term characterizes children who write with their right hand, but their leading hemisphere remains the right one, as in those children who write with their left hand. It is the hidden left-handers who, most often, experience difficulties in learning at school.

Right-handed or left-handed?

There are many ways to determine a child's dominant hand. For example, you can ask the baby to unscrew the cap on the bottle, erase something with an eraser, give him a spoon or some object and ask him to take it, use scissors, transfer something from one box to another. Experts advise giving kids unusual and unexpected tasks for them that they were not taught in order to see a more natural reaction from the children. That is, it is assumed that in an unprepared situation, the child will perform the task in a way that is convenient for him.

The hand with which the baby will perform such tasks is his leading one.

Left-handed children, hidden left-handers and those who use the same right and left hands require special attention in the process of preparing and learning to write.

It should be remembered that exercises with preschoolers must be performed using a simple pencil where it is required.

What helps prepare your hand for writing?

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of the most effective activities in preparing your baby's hand for writing:

  • mosaic games;
  • constructors (especially those where you can screw various screws and nuts);
  • work with paper, wire (beads, crafts, garlands, origami, etc.);
  • weaving of bracelets, laces, beadwork, etc.;
  • crocheting and knitting;
  • embroidery;
  • sewing and sewing (buttons, for example);
  • cutting with scissors;
  • the use of coloring books, drawing (including chalk);
  • manual labor: burning, sawing, modeling,.

How do you know if a child's hand is ready or not ready for writing?

Your child has not yet received sufficient training if:

  • does not know how to hatch images without going beyond the drawing;
  • cannot repeat the drawing of a circle after you: depicts an oval with many trembling broken lines or it turns out to be a small circle;
  • fixes the brush motionless on a sheet of paper;
  • constantly flips images.

If you see that the child is not ready for the process of learning to write, continue to perform regularly with him the exercises that we offer in this article.

How to hold a pen

It is also important to pay attention to how to hold the pen correctly. Invite the child to write something and watch how he takes the pencil. False if the child:

  • holds her fingers as if she wants to salt food, i.e. pinch;
  • clamps the pen in his fist;
  • the writing set is located on the surface of the index finger, instead of the middle one;
  • the end of the writing instrument points to the side, and not to the shoulder of the writer;
  • the child's fingers are located at the wrong distance from the stylus (close or, conversely, far from it).

A distorted hand position when writing will interfere with the correct development of this important process, so it is necessary to start training to correct the situation. We bring to your attention a very effective corrective exercise for such a case called "House for Letters".

Exercise "House for letters"

An adult needs to take the pen correctly, but only move his fingers a little higher from the stylus (approximately 2 cm). After that, you need to release the index finger so that the pencil is held only by the middle and thumb. And the index at this time can perform any free movements and even tap on the surface of the writing instrument. Have your child repeat the same. We are sure that such visibility will be the most understandable for the child, and the problem will be removed before it appears.

Tips for parents: "Preparing the hand for writing in children 6-7 years old"

Writing is a complex coordination skill that requires the coordinated work of the muscles of the hand, the whole arm, and the correct coordination of the movements of the whole body. Mastering the skill of writing is a long and laborious process that is not easy for all children. Preparation for writing is one of the most difficult stages in preparing a child for systematic learning. Psychologists note that in children 5-6 years old, the ability to assess spatial differences, which determine the completeness and accuracy of perception and reproduction of letter shapes, is not sufficiently formed. In addition, children find it difficult to navigate in such spatial characteristics necessary for writing, such as the right and left sides, top - bottom, closer - further, under - above, near - inside, etc.

The accuracy of graphic actions in children aged 6-7 is ensured by muscular control over fine (fine) motor skills of the hands. This is the dexterity of the fingers and hands, the coordination of their movements. The development of fine finger movements can be judged by observing how the child draws or paints over the details of the picture. If he constantly turns the sheet, cannot change the direction of the lines with the help of subtle movements of the fingers and hand, then the level of development of fine motor skills is insufficient.

Thus, the process of writing requires from the child not only physical, intellectual, but also emotional efforts. All kinds of overloads and the overwork associated with them have the most negative impact on the mastery of graphic skills and, moreover, on the development of the child's body. Therefore, at preschool age, it is the preparation for writing that is important, and not teaching it. It is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, and to develop manual skills.

Develop perseverance, diligence of the child, the ability to bring things to the end

Form his mental abilities, observation, inquisitiveness, interest in knowing the environment. Make riddles for your child, make them together with him, conduct elementary experiments. Let the child talk aloud.

If possible, do not give the child ready-made answers, make him think, explore. For example, if he claims that trees die in winter, you can cut a branch with him and put it in the room. After a while, leaves will appear on it.

Put the child in front of problem situations, for example, invite him to find out why yesterday it was possible to sculpt a snowman out of snow, but not today.

Talk about the books you read, try to find out how the child understood their content, whether he was able to understand the causal connection of events, whether he correctly assessed the actions of the characters, whether he is able to prove why he condemns some heroes, approves others, etc.

Special mention should be made of the specifics of teaching a preschool child. It is “oral” in nature, that is, from mouth to mouth. When teaching in kindergarten, we do not use texts, the printed word. Learning is by ear with the use of visual game methods.

A special place in the preparation of children for school is occupied by the mastery of some special knowledge and skills - literacy, counting, solving arithmetic problems. The acquisition of literacy and elements of mathematics at preschool age can influence the success of schooling. It is important that the child is able to hear the sounds of the word, to be aware of its sound composition. Reading should be continuous or in syllables. Letter-by-letter reading will complicate the work of the teacher, since the child will have to be retrained.

One of the most important tasks of preparing children for school is the development of the child's "manual skill" necessary for writing.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Game methods and techniques for the development of fine motor skills and preparing the hand for writing in children

These game techniques will help improve the coordination of finger and hand movements, teach you how to navigate on a sheet of paper, prepare your hand for learning to write, develop accuracy, graphic skills, ...

Good day, friends! Some mothers and fathers, while preparing the child for school, pay close attention to whether the child can read and count. And they completely forget about other aspects of the process. For example, about the development of fine motor skills. But the success of a child's education in school directly depends on this. I hope you do not belong to the category of such negligent parents. And today I want to tell you about how my favorite teacher Artemka and I develop a hand for writing.

In general, I would not put an equal sign between the concepts of “development of fine motor skills” and “preparation of the hand for writing”. I would put the sign "about right". The development of motor skills is a broader concept. After all, motor skills are not only needed for writing, they also affect speech.

Any motor skills exercises prepare the child for writing. But some tasks for preparing for writing to motor skills have nothing to do.

Lesson plan:

Hand preparation plan.

So, let's figure out how to make small hands withstand the load that will fall on them at school?

  1. It is necessary to prepare the small muscles of the hand for work. In order to hold the handle and at the same time make many small movements, the muscles must be strong. What makes muscles strong? Workouts of course!
  2. You need to make your fingers dexterous, able to handle small objects. You need to teach the brain to give the right signals to the fingers. Try to remember your feelings when for the first time you used not the usual fork and spoon, but Chinese chopsticks for eating. If this hasn't happened to you yet, you should definitely try it. And understand what a small child is experiencing. Fingers do not obey. Not because they don't want to, but because they don't know what is required of them. But if you give them work constantly, they will quickly learn.
  3. You need to teach your fingers to hold the pen correctly. And as soon as possible. And also explain to the child how to sit at a desk, how to place a notebook in front of you.
  4. Performing graphic exercises will definitely benefit the future first-grader. Allow him to get used to the new activity.
  5. A simple piece of paper in a box is an excellent exercise machine for preparing for school. It is necessary to teach the child to navigate it.

Well, now more about what exercises we do with my youngest son Artemka, who will also go to first grade in the new academic year.

Develop arm muscles

All the simulators necessary for the development of hand muscles can be found in any home, these are:

  • plasticine;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • wire;
  • dough;

The list goes on, but sometimes even these simple things won't be needed.

Our classes are divided into:

  1. Ordinary, habitual, creative work.
  2. Finger gymnastics.

Typical creative work is:

  • paper cutting;
  • applications;
  • work with the test;
  • wire modeling;

Artem knows how to sculpt and loves to sculpt from plasticine. So there is no need to force him. I buy the most ordinary plasticine. To stretch it, to warm it, you have to try. And that's all we need.

Scissors are also a great exercise machine. Albeit a dangerous one. The main thing is to show the child how to use them correctly. For a long time it was not possible to cut the Theme. But we tried, trained and now he has already learned. And it also happens that we do not cut paper, but tear it with our fingers. From such torn paper, beautiful unusual applications are obtained.

When our grandmother cooks self-made dumplings, and she is a real expert in this, she is Artyom's covenant to help. He gladly helps her. And there always remains a piece of dough for Artyom's personal use, with which he then plays, sculpts, rolls, kneads.

Interesting to work with wire. You can do a lot with it too. Various rings and figurines. Artem first makes a frame, and then covers it with plasticine from above. It turns out nice.

Finger gymnastics

I think there are hardly any parents who have never heard of her. There are many different rhymes under which this gymnastics is done. But Artyom said that he was already too big for such nursery rhymes. I had to come up with something more modern. And we got the system "Super - fingers!"

Super Finger System

In fact, this is such a strange story-role-playing game. The main participants are my hands and Artem's hands. We put our hands on the table and they come to life. They talk to each other with our voices. Sometimes, as soon as they blurt out something, then you laugh for half an hour, you can’t calm down. In general, although a strange, but very fun game.

My hands are trainers, and Temins came to the fitness club to do sports. The trainer shows what to do, the rest repeat. Everything is like in life.

Our workout plan:

  1. "Warm-up". She is the first. Three palms together to warm up before training. Three until warm.
  2. "Training fingers." Starting position - palms on the table, fingers extended forward. And one - swing up with the little finger of one hand, and two - swing with the nameless of the same hand, and three - swing with the middle finger. And so we reach the little finger of the second hand, and then back. Next, we begin to wave with two little fingers, two ring fingers, etc.
  3. "Barbell". Let's move on to strength training. Palms on the table, fingers extended. We hold a pencil between the second phalanges of the index and middle fingers. And we try to hold the pencil with our fingers and lift it up.
  4. "Walking" The index and middle fingers are like legs. Between them, again, a pencil is clamped. Holding the pencil, we begin to walk on the table with our fingers. Running in this position is impossible. The steps are very small.
  5. "Rollers". Where are the videos in the fitness club from? We will discuss this issue later. Until then, let's ride. Plastic bottle caps work well with the role of rollers. “We put on” the rollers on the index and middle fingers and went to ride on the table. Be careful, this is a very fast sport. Sometimes the hands collide with each other, fall, lose their rollers, cannot get up for a long time, kick their legs and shout something unintelligible. And such moments can not but cause laughter.
  6. "Exercises with the ball." Instead of a ball, we use containers from under the kinders. We pour salt into them so that they are heavier. And just roll from one hand to the other.
  7. And last but not least, some fun. We arrange spider races. A little preparation, we lay out the paths from the counting sticks along which our spider hands will run. We put the handles on the start. The palms from the table are raised resting on all five fingers, well, so that it looks like spiders. Attention! March! And the spiders ran, sorting with their legs, in a hurry. Sometimes they forget, crawl onto the walls and even on our heads.
  8. Training is over! You can go home! Stop! What about "cleaning"? Sticks are scattered all over the table! We collect sticks with one hand, one at a time.

finger dexterity

In order to learn how to handle small objects, you need .... small items.

Beading, knitting, embroidery - all this has a great effect on the development of motor skills. Once I bought Artyom a set for making a frog from beads. But my son said that it was not a man's business to weave beads and advised me to give the set to Alexandra. Sasha is his older sister. So I did. Sasha was happy! Artem too!

Well, for Temka, they bought a Lego constructor with small details. He loves to play with him very much, he can sit for hours and build something. And he does it so well! Takes pride!

We also have such an iron constructor, as we used to have. Theme also makes from it. Either he screws some screws, then he unscrews the nuts, then he attaches the wheels. Basically different machines are obtained.

Well, for the development of finger dexterity, the child can be offered:

  • string beads on a string;
  • tie shoelaces and bows on ribbons;
  • wind threads on a ball;
  • sort out the grains or lay out pictures from them.

What is the point? Find something small, come up with a game and offer it to the child.

Holding the pen correctly

What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax!

And what is written with a simple pencil will be easily erased with an eraser.

That is why we do not carry pens for preparatory courses at school. The pencil case contains only simple and colored pencils and an eraser. As the teacher explained, this is necessary so that the children do not worry much about mistakes and can correct them. They say that it will be the same in the first class.

Pay attention to how your child holds the pencil while drawing.

Correct hand position. The pencil is held by the middle and thumb fingers, and the index finger covers the pencil from above. The little finger is pressed to the paper. The palm is turned to the table. Hold the pencil at a distance of 2 cm from the lead. And the free end of the pencil looks at the shoulder.

If you see that the child is holding the pencil incorrectly, then this must be corrected. You can't close your eyes to this. Otherwise, at school, he will write very slowly.

You will find five different ways to teach a child to hold a pen correctly.

In order for the child to understand exactly how to hold the pen correctly, it is recommended to stand behind his back, correctly put the pencil in his hand, take his hand in yours and write together.

You also need to take care of your posture. Make sure the child is seated correctly. The back is straight, the body is slightly forward, but does not lie with the chest on the table. Legs do not hang, are not pulled up on a chair, but stand on the floor. The thighs are parallel to the floor. The left hand is holding a notebook. Lefties have the right.

The notebook is placed in front of the child at an angle, at an angle. We put the lamp on the left for right-handers, on the right for left-handers.

Graphic exercises

Graphic exercises include:

  • hatching;
  • coloring;
  • stroke;

To perform graphic tasks, you can purchase special, copybook, coloring. There you will find a lot of tasks for the development of graphic skills.

It is better to color pictures not with felt-tip pens, but with colored pencils. They are more useful in terms of the development of fine motor skills. Since when drawing with pencils, they have to be pressed. Make sure that the picture is painted neatly, evenly, without protrusions beyond the lines.

Coloring pages, by the way, can also be used for hatching exercises. You need to hatch the pictures in different directions. Vertically, horizontally, diagonally. Supervise the child while hatching. Notice if it flips the sheet when it goes from vertical to diagonal hatching. This is mistake! You need to learn to control your hand, not a sheet of paper.

They perfectly develop the accuracy of the movement of the hands of the task, where it is proposed to circle something. For example, a picture that is shown with a dotted line.

A lot of graphic exercises can be found in children's magazines. Do you buy magazines? We are now "addicted" to the "Extracurricular Journal". This is a very young edition. In March of this year, only 4 issues appeared on sale. In addition to hand exercises, there are many interesting tasks for the development of memory, attention, and thinking.

Paper Orientation

For the development of orientation, we use a sheet in a large cell.

First you need to explain to the child what a cell is. What do you mean when you say this word. Show where the cell has the top side, bottom, right and left. Try to count the cells.

The same goes for a piece of paper. Where is his center? Where are the top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right corners? Offer your child tasks like this, draw some shapes in the center and in three corners, and leave one corner empty. Let the child draw something in this corner. Ask him in what part of the sheet is his drawing?

Three more cool exercises:

  1. Cell drawing.
  2. Copying patterns.
  3. Mirror painting.

Cell drawing

For kids 6 - 7 years old, that's it. Put a dot on the paper. This is the beginning of the drawing. The child puts a pencil at the point. And you say where he needs to go. For example, 2 cells down, one to the left, three up, etc. You talk, the child listens and draws.

Want to try? Let me dictate, and you draw:

  • one cell up
  • one cell to the right;
  • one up;
  • one to the right;
  • six cells up;
  • five to the left;
  • one up;
  • one to the right;
  • one up;
  • one to the right;
  • one up;
  • one to the right;
  • one up;
  • two to the right;
  • one up;
  • one to the right;
  • one down;
  • two to the right;
  • one down;
  • one to the right;
  • one down;
  • one to the right;
  • one down;
  • one to the right;
  • one down;
  • five to the left;
  • seven down;
  • one to the left;
  • one down;
  • two to the left.

Finished the exercise! Please tell us in the comments what kind of picture did you get?

Patterns are also drawn in cells. You can add creative elements to them, all sorts of circles, waves, dots, crosses. The task of the parents is to start the pattern, the task of the child is to continue it according to the pattern. Well, or you can find samples of patterns in copybooks.

Mirror drawing

This is when one part of a symmetrical pattern is drawn and the other is not. The child, relying on the drawn part of the picture and counting the cells, must draw the whole picture.

Well, that seems to be it, friends.

Oh! Almost forgot! We also have the game "Twister". Only not the one on which you stand with your feet, but a special one for the fingers. The tasks are as follows: thumb on red, middle finger on blue, little finger on yellow, etc. It just seems that everything is simple. In fact, during the game, the fingers get up so that you can only wonder!

And let's, friends, be amazed together! From how beautiful handwriting our kids have, and how wonderful everything is at their school! But for this now you need to work hard. But what kind of work is that? Sheer fun and fun games!

And here is also a video on how you can have fun teaching a child to hold a pen correctly.

Now that's all for sure. Wishing to express their point of view, as always waiting in the comments. Thank you for your attention!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.