Kazyaeva I.A. Factors affecting product quality

Section I. Fundamentals of the security of the individual, society and
Chapter 1. National security of Russia in the modern

1.1. Russia's national interests.
Russia's national interests.
The interests of the individual, society and the state in general
2.2. The interests of the individual, society and the state in general

Russia's national interests in
3.3. Russia's national interests in
domestic political, social, international and

in the military spheres of the country's life.
4.4. Measures to protect the population of the country from
Measures to protect the population of the country from
emergency situations of natural, technogenic and
social character as a component
Russia's national interests.
Russia's national interests.
5.5. Influence on ensuring national interests
Influence on ensuring national interests
Russia of every person.
Russia of every person.

is a set of balanced interests of the individual,
society and the state in the economic, domestic political,
social, international, informational, military,
border, environmental and other areas.
They are long-term in nature and define the main goals,
strategic and current tasks of internal and external
state policy.
state policy.

national interests
national interests
state power,
state power,
exercising their
exercising their
functions, including
functions, including
cooperation with
cooperation with
operating on the basis
operating on the basis
Constitution of the Russian
Constitution of the Russian
Federation and
Federation and
Russian Federation
Russian Federation

are in the implementation
are in the implementation
constitutional rights and
constitutional rights and
freedoms, in providing
freedoms, in providing
personal safety,
personal safety,
quality improvement and
quality improvement and
standard of living in
standard of living in
physical, spiritual and
physical, spiritual and
human development and
human development and

consist in strengthening
consist in strengthening
democracy, in the creation
democracy, in the creation
legal social
legal social
states, in achieving and
states, in achieving and
maintaining public
maintaining public
consent, spiritually
consent, spiritually
renewal of Russia
renewal of Russia

consist in the inviolability of the constitutional order, sovereignty and
territorial integrity of Russia, in the political, economic and
social stability, in the unconditional provision of the rule of law and
maintenance of law and order, development of equal rights and

mutually beneficial international cooperation.

The realization of Russia's national interests is possible only on the basis of
Therefore, the national interests of Russia in this area are
sustainable development of the economy.

 in maintaining stability
in maintaining stability
constitutional order, institutions
state power;
state power;
in ensuring civil peace and
in securing civil peace and
national consensus;
national consensus;
 territorial integrity;
territorial integrity;
unity of the legal space;
unity of the legal space;
law enforcement and process completion
law enforcement and at the end of the process

formation of a democratic society;
in the neutralization of causes and conditions,
in the neutralization of causes and conditions,
contributing to the emergence
contributing to the emergence
political and religious extremism,
ethnoseparatism and their consequences -
social, interethnic and religious
conflicts and terrorism.
conflicts and terrorism.

in ensuring a high standard of living for the people


consist in the preservation and strengthening of moral
values ​​of society, traditions of patriotism and humanism,

cultural and scientific potential of the country.

 in ensuring sovereignty;
in ensuring sovereignty;
strengthening Russia's position as a great
strengthening Russia's position as a great
powers - one of the most influential
centers of the multipolar world;
centers of the multipolar world;
in the development of equal and
in the development of equitable and
mutually beneficial relationship with all
countries and integration
countries and integration
associations, especially
participating States
participating States
Commonwealth of Independent States and

traditional partners of Russia;
in the universal observance of the rights and
in the universal observance of the rights and
human freedoms and inadmissibility
the use of double
the use of double

in compliance with constitutional
in compliance with constitutional
rights and freedoms of citizens in the region
information and
information and
use it;
use it;
in the development of modern
in the development of modern

telecommunication technologies;
in defense of state
in defense of public
information resources from
information resources from
unauthorized access..
unauthorized access

 to protect its independence, sovereignty, state and
in the defense of its independence, sovereignty, state and
territorial integrity;
territorial integrity;
 in preventing military aggression against Russia and its allies;
in preventing military aggression against Russia and its allies;
 in providing conditions for peaceful, democratic development
in providing conditions for peaceful, democratic development

 in the creation of political, legal,
in the creation of political, legal,
organizational and other conditions
to ensure reliable protection
state border
state border
Russian Federation;
Russian Federation;
 in compliance with established
in compliance with established
legislation of the Russian
legislation of the Russian
Federation of order and rules
Federation of order and rules
economic and
other activities in
other activities in
border space
border space
Russian Federation..
of the Russian Federation protection against emergency situations of natural and
protection against emergency situations of natural and
technogenic nature and their consequences, and in
wartime - from the dangers arising
during the conduct of hostilities or as a result of
these actions.
these actions.

1.1. What are national
What are national
Russian interests?
Russian interests?
What are the interests of the individual, society and
2.2. What are the interests of the individual, society and
states in the general content of national interests
3.3. What are the national interests of Russia in
What are the national interests of Russia in
domestic political, social, international and

military spheres of the country's life?
4.4. Are components of the national interest
Are components of the national interest
country measures to protect the population from emergency
situations of natural, technogenic and social
What is the impact on ensuring national interests
5.5. What is the impact on ensuring national interests
Russia can be provided individually by each person and
what does it express?
what does it express?


This article discusses the factors affecting the level of product quality. The whole set of these factors is divided into external and internal. The human factor stands out in a separate group. The characteristics of the elements of each group of factors are given.


Kazyaeva Irina Alekseevna
Mordovian State University named after N. P. Ogarev
4th year student of the Faculty of Economics

In this article the factors influencing the production level of quality are considered. All data set of factors shares on external and internal. The human factor is allocated in a separate group. The characteristic of elements of each group of factors is introduced.

The quality of products is the most important indicator of the enterprise, as it largely determines its survival in the market. Producing quality products is one of the surest ways for a firm to secure a path to achieving and maintaining high profits.

The quality of products is influenced by a large number of factors. A significant degree of their influence on ensuring high product quality falls on the product design stage (80%), then on the process of control and regulation of technological processes (15%) and on the process of quality control of finished products (5%).

In the work of E.A. Shatsky factors affecting product quality are presented in the form of 2 large blocks: external factors and internal factors (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Factors affecting product quality

Thus, the author considers the factors of both the internal and external environment of the organization. Environmental factors are the basis for the formation of quality in the conditions of market relations. As the author notes, competitive factors are of particular importance among these factors, which enterprises should pay close attention to. The enterprise cannot influence the factors of the external environment, however, timely taking into account their actions in order to predict possible fluctuations can ensure a faster adaptation of the organization in a competitive environment.

    technical factor is the foundation of product quality. It involves the introduction of new equipment and technology, the use of the latest materials, which are the basis for the production of competitive products.

    organizational factor- a factor related to the solution of issues in production, which include the organization of labor and management, increasing responsibility for the quality of products, operational production planning, ensuring a culture of production, staff development, etc.

    economic forces due to the costs of production and sale of products, to ensure the required level of product quality, the pricing policy and the system of economic incentives for personnel for the production of high-quality products, the liability of employees for the manufacture of low-quality products;

    social factors characterize the qualifications of employees, their level of education, the socio-psychological climate in the team, the professional structure of personnel, advanced training, personnel motivation, etc.;

    operational factors- factors affecting the quality of the product during its operation. These are the factors of current, scheduled and overhaul, routine maintenance, compliance with technical documentation;

    factors of production- factors that arise in the production process and aspects of their prompt elimination;

    information efficiency factor- this is a factor designed to ensure the timely receipt of all necessary information to persons designed to prevent the occurrence of marriage.

The division of factors into external and internal allows a more comprehensive approach to the issue of studying and minimizing their possible negative impact on product quality. Also, in some sources, special attention is paid to the human factor and a proposal is put forward to consider it as a separate group. Since in the current economic conditions there is a competitive struggle between enterprises for highly qualified personnel, this proposal, from the author's point of view, is appropriate (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Groups of factors affecting product quality

External and internal factors in this classification retain their characteristics and division into constituent elements. More emphasis is placed on the fact that if enterprises have the same equipment and technology, supply them with the same materials and components, it is the human factor that will be decisive. This factor includes: qualifications, experience, professionalism, staff interest, activity and initiative, exchange of best practices, mentoring, etc. .

In the textbook N.S. Sachko, a set of factors affecting product quality is presented in the form of an Ishikawa diagram (“fish skeleton”) (Figure 3).

It follows from the diagram that the author focuses on the factors of the internal environment of the organization. In his approach, he arranges them sequentially, in the order of product passing through the stages of its life cycle within the enterprise (from left to right): design (product design, raw materials), production (equipment, people), product control (control methods, quality level measurement) . Each of the presented elements has a great influence on the quality level of products, however, other things being equal, much attention should be paid to the human factor as the basis for the competitiveness of goods and products in modern economic conditions.

Figure 3 - Factors affecting product quality

In the textbooks of E.O. Ermolaeva and G.I. Sheveleva suggests dividing the totality of factors into 4 groups: technical, organizational, economic and social (Table 1).

Table 1 - Classification of factors affecting product quality

Factors affecting product quality
Technical Organizational Economic Social

    Type of manufactured products and serial production

    Status of technical documentation

    The quality of technological equipment, tooling, tools

    Condition of test equipment

    Quality of measuring and control instruments

    The quality of raw materials, raw materials, components

    Provision with materials, raw materials, etc.

    Maintenance equipment, tooling

    Planned and rhythmic work

    Organization of work with suppliers

    Organization of information support

    Scientific organization of labor, culture of production

    Catering and recreation

    Forms of remuneration and wages

    Award for high quality work

    Hold for marriage

    The relationship between product quality, cost and price

    Organization and conduct of self-financing

    The state of educational work

    Selection, placement and movement of personnel

    Organization of studies and advanced training

    Organization of leisure outside working hours

    Relationships in the team

    Housing conditions

Therefore, the approach presented by these authors also considers the factors that affect quality from the standpoint of the organization of the internal environment of the enterprise. However, in this case they are presented as enlarged groups of factors. Of particular importance in the formation of the internal quality assurance infrastructure are the condition of the equipment, the type of products produced, the availability of materials, the quality of labor resources and material incentives / punishment for personnel.

Based on the above approaches to the classification of factors that affect the level of quality of products manufactured by an enterprise, we offer a generalized version of the division of all factors, highlighting the main large blocks and detailing their constituent elements (Table 2).

External Human factor Internal
Technical Level of development of engineering and technology Qualification Technical Type of manufactured products
R&D performance, frequency of innovation Education Equipment condition
Other General erudition Material quality
Socio-cultural Type of consumer culture Experience other
Standards of living Attitude to work Organizational Planned, rhythmic work
Demographic situation Floor Organization of work and rest
Other Age Provision of materials
Economic Population income level Other Other
Research funding Economic The amount of wages
Business support programs Holds for marriage
Other Production cost
Social Recruitment
Staff development
Housing conditions

The proposed classification retains the division of all factors into internal and external, with the allocation of the human factor in a separate block. For each block, the characteristics of the elements that make it up are given. This approach in general terms represents the whole set of factors that can influence the level of quality of products and allows you to visually represent some of them.

The national interests of Russia are a set of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state.

National interests determine:

  • the main activities of the individual, society and the state, which contribute to the strengthening of the existing state system in our country and create conditions for the prosperous life of each individual and society as a whole;
  • conditions for the safe life of the individual, society and the state in all spheres of their life (economic, domestic political, social, international, informational, military, border, environmental, etc.).

National interests are of a long-term nature and determine the main goals, strategic and current tasks of the state's domestic and foreign policy. National interests represent a set of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state, therefore, they must be ensured by the cumulative actions of all citizens of Russia, individually by each in his field of activity, by the entire Russian society and state.

Only in an optimal, harmoniously balanced distribution of duties and responsibilities for the observance of the national interests of Russia can success in the formation of Russia as a great power, capable of realizing its potentialities given to it by nature and provided by the activities of previous generations, follow.


Only the concordance of views and actions of the population and power structures on the observance of national interests can ensure the advancement of our country towards common well-being. This unity of views and actions of each individual, society and state determines the level of the general culture of our society in the field of security.

What are the interests of the individual, society and the state in the general content of the national interests of Russia?

The interests of the individual are determined by the ability of every citizen of Russia to exercise their constitutional rights and freedoms in ensuring personal security, in improving the quality and standard of living, in physical, spiritual and intellectual development as a person and citizen.

The interests of society are ensured by the strengthening of democracy, the creation of a legal social state, the achievement and maintenance of social harmony, and the spiritual renewal of Russia.

The interests of the state are determined by the inviolability of the constitutional order, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, political and economic stability, the unconditional provision of law and order, the development of equal and mutually beneficial international cooperation.

Everyone should know this

The national interests of Russia in the domestic political sphere are:

  • in maintaining the stability of the constitutional system, institutions of state power;
  • in ensuring civil peace and national harmony, territorial integrity, the unity of the legal space, the rule of law;
  • in the completion of the process of establishing a democratic society;
  • in neutralizing the causes and conditions that contribute to the emergence of political and religious extremism, ethnic separatism and their consequences - social, interethnic and religious conflicts, terrorism.

The national interests of Russia in the economic sphere are to ensure:

  • dynamically developing production and market;
  • high standard of living of the peoples of Russia.

The national interests of Russia in the spiritual sphere are to preserve and strengthen:

  • moral values ​​of society;
  • traditions of patriotism and humanism;
  • cultural and scientific potential of the country.

The national interests of Russia in the international sphere are:

  • in ensuring sovereignty;
  • in strengthening Russia's position as a great power - one of the influential centers of the multipolar world;
  • in the development of equal and mutually beneficial relations with all countries and integration associations, primarily with the CIS member states and Russia's traditional partners;
  • in the universal observance of human rights and freedoms and the inadmissibility of the application of double standards.

The national interests of Russia in the military sphere are:

  • in protecting its independence, sovereignty, state and territorial integrity;
  • in preventing military aggression against Russia and its allies;
  • in providing conditions for the peaceful, democratic development of the state.


The most important component of the national interests of Russia is the protection of the individual, society and the state from terrorism, including international terrorism, as well as from natural and man-made emergencies and their consequences, and in wartime from the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions.

It should be noted that the national interests of Russia in the modern world are primarily aimed at ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state from external and internal threats of a natural, man-made and social nature in all spheres of their life.

The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2009 approved the National Security Strategy until 2020. It is the basic document for planning the development of the national security system of the Russian Federation, which sets out the procedure and measures to ensure security. This document is the basis for constructive interaction between state authorities, organizations and public associations to protect the national interests of the Russian Federation and ensure the security of the individual, society and the state.


Russia's national interests can be most fully realized with a significant rise in the general culture in the field of security of the entire population of our country.


  1. What are the general national interests of Russia?
  2. What are the interests of the individual, society and the state in the general content of the national interests of Russia?
  3. What are the national interests of Russia in the domestic political, social, international and military spheres of the country's life?
  4. Are measures to protect the country's population from natural, man-made and social emergencies a component of Russia's national interests?
  5. What influence can each person individually exert on ensuring the national interests of Russia, and how does this express itself?
Please translate the essay into Romanian: Each person is different,

each person is an individual. And we are all necessarily different from each other - otherwise
it can not be. How am I different from others? character, appearance,
behavior, lifestyle, attitude towards people. That is, everything that we are all
we differ from each other. I think that first of all I'm different from
others with your thoughts. I have my own point of view and always express it.
I think there are many more people in the world with this quality. I don't smoke, I don't drink
liquor and don't go to clubs. This makes me different from most of my peers.

help me please

11.What provisions characterize a democratic political regime?
1) the formation of state power on an elective basis;
2) the existence of a single, obligatory ideologist"
3) implementation of the principle of separation of powers;
4) the presence of political opposition, ideological pluralism;
5) guarantees of human rights and freedoms;
6) the presence of civil society;
7) state regulation of all spheres of public life.
12. Choose from the listed definitions of the state the most accurate:
1) the state is a set of organizations and institutions that implement management functions in a certain territory with the help of established legal norms;
2) the state is a system of bodies and institutions exercising power on the basis of the rule of law, separation of powers and recognition of equality and freedom for all participants in public relations;
3) the state is the central institution of the political system of society, created to organize and manage the life of the population in a certain territory with the help of public authority, which is binding;
4) the state is a universal system of legal norms established by political authorities.
13. Highlight the main features of a political party:
1) availability of an activity program;
2) the presence of a social base;
3) the principle of democratic centralism;
4) the presence of an organizational structure;
5) struggle for political power;
6) the presence of a fixed membership.
14. What is included in the structure of political culture?
1) political experience;
2) political behavior;
3) political symbols;
4) political socialization;
5) political consciousness.
15. What is "political socialization"?
1) the impact of the state on the economy;
2) the activity of the party in the conquest and exercise of power;
3) other involvement in political values;
4) the process of upbringing and education.
16. What is a political ideology?
1) a system of political ideas and ideas that reflect the interests, worldview and ideals of individuals and social groups;
2) stable, non-critical, emotionally colored images, ideas about political events, phenomena and processes;
3) the impact of individuals and social groups on the political system, its elements, as well as the process of making political decisions.
17. What is a political conflict?
1) the contradiction between the process of differentiation and the ability of the political system to integrate;
2) the confrontation of differently directed political forces in order to realize their interests in the face of opposition;
3) the process of changing the political system, due to its internal needs or external impulses.
18. What is world politics?
1) a system of relations between states;
2) interaction of various subjects of politics in the international arena;
3) system of interstate relations;
4) practical implementation of the national interests of the state.
19. What is international relations?
1) a system of economic, political, social, legal, military and cultural ties that arise between the subjects of world politics;
2) political activity of the subjects of the global political process, aimed at developing mechanisms for coordinating their interests;
3) the art of exercising influence, manipulation or control of some social groups over others.
20. What is geopolitics?
1) the method of political science research, based on the comparative characteristics of political systems;
2) the political concept of international relations, which studies the conditionality of political processes by territorial-spatial and economic-geographical factors;
3) a political concept that uses the ecological imperative in global international processes.

help translate into Tatar: My dearest person, mother. …. Mom gave me the first life lessons about how important a real friend is, what

you can’t leave in trouble, that you need to respect the elders and always help the younger ones. When my mother's warm hand touches me, all troubles and sorrows go away, as if she pushes them away from me with her hand. There is a magical power in the hands of my mother: as soon as she puts her hand, it becomes easier, the pain recedes, peace and tranquility come, sound sleep. And when I wake up, I don’t remember what bothered me. When I get sick, my mother always treats me, she does not sleep at night and spends this time by my bed and is very worried about me. She works in a factory, she has a very hard job. I see how tired she is, but she never complains. After work, she has enough strength to do household chores: cook, wash, clean and much more. She always tries to make everyone something pleasant, good. ... I try not to upset her, to solve some problems myself, because it is already difficult for her. I’ll go up to my mother, hug, say warm words and see such kind and happy eyes. Grateful children are the best reward for our mothers. They will give everything for us to be real people. I love my mom. I am happy that I have a mother. I see her every day, I love her, I help her. ... My mother's name is Raisa. She is the best in the world in my opinion! I love her with all my heart. I love her for what she is, for her kindness, affection, tenderness, care, severity .... I love just going up to her, hugging and kissing her. No matter how old you are, five or fifty, you always need a mother, her affection, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the happier and brighter life. How nice it is when mom just comes up, pats her head, and wants to scream to the whole world “I love you, mom, I want this to last forever! ... Mom is the sun that illuminates our life with light, warmth, love , tenderness, caress. We must always cherish and appreciate her, because no one in the world can replace my mother!

MILITARY THOUGHT No. 4/2009, pp. 35-43


Retired Lieutenant General S.A. BOGDANOV,

doctor of military sciences

THE MODERN military-political situation in the world continues to be extremely unstable. No qualitative improvement in relations between Russia and the West is foreseen in the near future. The formation of the military-political situation is significantly influenced by: the desire of the United States to establish or consolidate its dominance in a number of regions of exceptional economic and military-strategic value; armed conflicts, acute social problems in a number of countries of the world; terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Under these conditions, Russia's defense capability remains the most important element in ensuring its national security. The experience of the first two world wars, local wars and armed conflicts of recent decades suggests that the material and technical basis of the defense capability of the state is the economy, which reflects the military power of the state and has a multilateral influence on the development of the armed forces, on the forms and methods of armed struggle, on the nature of war and its duration, course and outcome, as well as the possibility of localizing emerging armed conflicts.

In military theory and practice military power is defined as the totality of the material and spiritual forces of the state, society, armed forces and their ability to mobilize to achieve the goals of war. IN summarized military power expresses the degree of the state's ability to conduct an armed struggle to protect its national interests while exerting all the material and spiritual forces of society and is directly embodied in the armed forces, in their ability to wage war .

The main indicators of the military power of the state are: the quantitative characteristics of the armed forces, their compliance with the economic opportunities and goals that are assigned to them by the state; a qualitative assessment of the armed forces, namely, the structure, the ratio of types and types of troops, the level of equipment with modern equipment and weapons, the degree of combat readiness and controllability of the troops; the presence of a sufficient number of military-trained reserves.

By ensuring the improvement of the means of armed struggle, the economy thereby determines the development of military art, forms and methods (methods) of conducting modern wars and armed conflicts in general. With the advent of new means of armed struggle, the organizational structure and combat formations of troops (forces), as well as methods of influencing the opposing side, are changing. New means of armed struggle have a significant impact on increasing the pace of offensive operations and developing the theory of defensive actions. The economy is one of the factors containing in a hidden or open form the sources of contradictions leading to clashes between social groups and states. The immediate causes of wars and armed conflicts are rooted in the sphere of politics, while the roots of conflicts and antagonisms are ultimately determined by economic motives. In the modern world, the economic factor has become one of the constituent elements of war. The forms and methods of economic struggle are becoming more and more closely intertwined with armed struggle.

The specific manifestations of the relationship between war (armed conflict) and the economy are constantly changing, since over time there are significant changes in the economy and in the art of war, and, consequently, V methods of economic support for combat operations of groupings of troops (forces) and production capacities of the military-industrial complex during the war. All this modifies the relationship between economics, politics and war (armed conflict). The war (armed conflict) should be replaced by a policy that would be aimed at improving interstate economic relations, contributing to an increase in the living standards of the population.

The main indicators characterizing the economic opportunities of a number of leading countries of the world are shown in Table 1.

The possibilities and abilities of the economy to meet the necessary needs of the state (including the military) in material goods and services are expressed in such categories as economic potential and economic power, military-economic potential and military-economic power of the state. The state of these categories, their quantitative and qualitative parameters have a direct impact on the defense capability of the state and the protection of its national interests.

Table 1

Indicators of economic opportunities of several countries of the world

defining element economic potential is the level of industrial production, especially heavy industry. Heavy industry, with its core - engineering, is the backbone of modern economic potential. The provision of troops with military equipment and everything necessary depends on its level of development.

As scientific analysis shows, the change in the nature of the armed struggle makes ever higher demands on heavy industry (Table 2). Further development of military equipment and the latest types of weapons should be carried out with due regard for the highest achievements of science. At the same time, one should proceed from the fact that the need for weapons and military equipment, fuel, and ammunition is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, is increasing.

Heavy industry, based on scientific and technical thought, should give the army even more maneuverable and at the same time powerful weapons, provide it with small-sized, light, high-speed and high-performance earth-moving mechanisms, mobile vehicles, reinforced concrete and steel structures for defensive structures.

table 2

The growth of production of the heavy industry of the USSR

The great significance of science and technology in the development of the economic potential of the state is evidenced by the experience of the Great Patriotic War and the pre-war years, when in an exceptionally short time, on the very eve of the war and during it, new combat weapons were created in our country and old ones were modernized.

Soviet tanks T-34, KB began to enter service in 1940. The T-34 medium tank was modernized during the war. Its 76mm cannon has been replaced by a more powerful 85mm cannon. Since 1944, the army has been receiving an IS tank with a 122 mm gun. During the war years, self-propelled artillery mounts SU-76, SU-85, SU-100, SU-122, ISU-122 and others were created, which, together with tanks, became a formidable weapon of the Ground Forces.

In the same years, the entire Soviet aviation was actually re-created, new artillery systems of various calibers and purposes appeared.

During the Great Patriotic War, deposits of oil, coal, gas, various ores of strategic importance were discovered, new ways were found to produce acetone, various alcohols, plastics for transparent armor, etc.

Economic potential is not an arithmetic sum of separate disparate parts, from which a certain number of elements can be subtracted or to which a certain number of elements can be added. All elements of the economic potential are internally interconnected and mutually dependent. Therefore, no matter how important individual elements are, they cannot be used to judge the power of the economic potential of a particular country. For this, it is necessary to take the entire set of economic elements and consider them in interconnection. For example, the weakness of transport can put the troops of the front under the threat of starvation, despite the abundance of food in the rear. So, during the First World War, the Russian army experienced an acute shortage of bread, although in the deep rear there was enough bread at that time. The lack of human resources during the war can nullify the country's production capacity. The low level of science and technology will inevitably lead to backwardness in industry and stagnation in the armament of the army, etc.

In modern conditions, the level of economic development, the magnitude of the real economic power of a given state determines what part of it can be allocated to ensure its defense capability and what military power it can possess, i.e., what quantity and what quality of personnel and weapons it can give armed forces, for how long it can withstand military tension.

The history of wars shows that the aggressor always prepares for war in advance: he prepares his people and the world community, the national economy and the armed forces. The opposing side, in turn, prepares to repel aggression: it takes measures to mobilize the defense industries and the armed forces of the state; uses a set of diplomatic, political and information-psychological measures to prevent aggression in order to more effectively repel an attack. In preparing for the conduct of hostilities, the opposing sides make maximum use of their economic potentials, which form the basis of their defense capabilities.

The economic potential of the state reflects its real ability to meet the needs of society, as well as the production of everything necessary in case of war. These opportunities depend on the quantity and quality of material and personal (human) factors of production. Therefore, indicators of economic potential are the quantity and structure of labor resources, production assets, mineral resources, fuel, energy, etc.

The experience of the First and Second World Wars showed that the provision of military production with labor resources during the war is one of the most difficult tasks. War requires the withdrawal from the national economy of an ever-increasing number of the most healthy and able-bodied people. As a result, the vast majority of the population is involved in hostilities. So, 36 states participated in the First World War (67% of the population of the entire planet), and in the Second - 61 states, that is, four-fifths of the population of the entire globe.

In the First World War, about 70 million people were put under arms, during the Second World War, ON million people were drafted into the army (excluding the partisan movement), of which: in Germany - 17 million, in the USA - 14 million, in England - about 12 million, in France - about 11 million people.

In modern conditions, there will obviously be more states and populations participating in a large-scale war than in the Second World War. By the beginning of the 21st century, the population of the largest states of the world was: China - 1.2 billion people, the USA - 270 million, Russia - 147 million, Germany - 82 million, France - 59 million, Great Britain - 59 million. In terms of natural resources, Russia surpasses any country in the world.

The economic potential characterizes the theoretically calculated "ceiling" - the upper limit of the economic capabilities of the state, which can be realized under emergency conditions, with the full use of resources, the production apparatus, with the activation of all, including hidden, usually not used means.

The totality of such opportunities is determined by the socio-economic structure of society, the availability of human labor resources and the level of their training, the availability of a raw material base, the degree of development of industry, agriculture, transport and communications, material reserves and reserves, as well as the level of development of science and technology. In general, the economic potential is expressed in the amount of national wealth, the total social product, the level and volume of production, the pace and possibilities of its growth, as well as the possibility of mobilizing and effectively redistributing all funds in the interests of solving the problems facing society.

The economic potential characterizes the real state of social production of the state, and its economic power is an economic potential in action, a functioning economy expressing a real ability to satisfy the diverse needs of society at the moment. The more fully the potential opportunities are realized, the higher the economic power. The economic potential and economic power of the state usually have quantitative and qualitative certainty. Generalized indicators of the economic power of the state are the gross domestic product (GDP), production volumes of the most important industrial complexes and industries in tons, meters, pieces, rubles (dollars), etc. By the beginning of the 21st century, the GDP of the largest countries in the world reached in the USA - 8 $2 trillion, Japan $4.2 trillion, Germany $2.1 trillion, France $1.1 trillion, Great Britain $1.36 trillion, China $902 billion, Russia $447 billion.

The qualitative certainty of the economic potential and economic power of the state is manifested through the sectoral structure of social production and the living standards of the population (Tables 3 and 4).

Table 3

Indicators of the military-economic capabilities of a number of countries at the end of the 20th century

An important component of the economic potential is the national wealth of the state - a set of consumer values ​​accumulated by society over the entire period of its production activity and explored natural resources.

Table 4

Mechanical engineering and metalworking in industrial production

Military and economic potential represents a part of the economic potential, which reflects the military-economic capabilities of the state, its ability to meet the immediate needs of the armed forces. The ratio between economic and military-economic potentials must necessarily be justified, taking into account the objective limit of the use of economic resources for military purposes.

Usually, the growth of the economic power of the state lags behind the growth of social needs, so the problem of its effective use is always relevant. With regard to the defense capability of the state, economic power is in two ways: On the one side, as a problem of maintaining a sufficient level of military power in peacetime, and with another- as a problem of maximum military-economic tension in war conditions. This is where the concepts of military-economic power and military-economic potential come from.

When making decisions on strengthening the defense capability of a state, not only the economic potential as a whole is usually taken into account, but also that part of it that is intended to meet specific defense needs.

During the period of preparation for a military action and in the course of hostilities, the opposing sides carry out an economic struggle - they carry out a complex of versatile measures of an economic and military nature aimed at achieving economic superiority over the enemy. This set of measures is generally one of the forms of struggle of the opposing sides in the war. The content of this struggle includes, on the one hand, the accelerated mobilization and development of one's own economy, its protection from the forceful influence of the enemy, and, on the other hand, a set of measures and actions to weaken the economy of the opposing side.

The ratio of the economic potentials of the opposing sides and the dynamics of their development in the course of the struggle in the economic sphere can change significantly. Usually, when comparing economic potentials, the focus is on identifying and calculating their main components. At the same time, it seems very important to take into account the influence of political, socio-economic, purely military and organizational factors. All of them in one way or another affect the actual value of the economic resources that the opposing sides have at their disposal. In addition, the real significance of the economic potential (its weight in the overall balance of forces of the parties) depends on many conditions: the nature of the war, its scale, duration, physical and geographical conditions, etc.

As the history of wars shows, there are situations when an economically strong power is not able, under certain conditions, to use its superiority in material resources to achieve victory in an armed conflict. An example is the US defeat in the war in Indochina.

When evaluating the economic potentials of the opposing sides, it is expedient to take into account the fact that the volume of resources (especially in the course of a war) does not remain constant, and therefore the ratio of their economic potentials also changes. The dynamics of the development of the economic potential of Germany and the USSR during the Second World War can serve as confirmation.

Opposing parties in the economic confrontation try, as a rule, to prevent a noticeable change in the existing balance of power. At the same time, the restoration of the disturbed balance is carried out in various ways, sometimes as a result of acute conflicts, military clashes and international crises. The military-political leadership of the state, when developing strategic plans for military operations, must take into account the economic capabilities of a potential adversary.

These possibilities must be taken into account, on the one hand, in order to determine the foreign policy course and military-political plan of possible aggressive actions of a potential enemy, what kind of armed forces he may have, the proportion of types and branches of troops, the possible timing of the transition of the economy to a wartime mode of operation. , the most vulnerable places in his communications. On the whole, this provides certain opportunities for studying the composition of enemy troops, determining the balance of forces with him and the possibility of the scale of armed struggle.

On the other hand, the study of the economic resources of the enemy makes it possible to establish the weaknesses of his economy, the geographical distribution of his productive forces, transport links and other parameters necessary for the military command to determine which economic objects (regions), at what time and by what means it is more expedient to conduct armed influence.

The experience of wars and the art of war shows that errors in assessing one's potential capabilities (and especially those of a potential adversary) lead to serious miscalculations in the development of military-strategic plans and the correct forecasting of the course and outcome of a war.

The scale and nature of future wars and armed conflicts will be determined solely by the economic and military capabilities (military and economic potentials) of the opposing sides, the effectiveness of their foreign and domestic policies, as well as the measures taken to prepare and conduct them.

In modern conditions, rivalry between states is increasingly moving into the development of new technologies, on the basis of which in many economically developed countries there is a continuous improvement of military-industrial complexes, the creation of new models of weapons and military equipment. To this end, special long-term programs supported by financial resources are being developed.

The development of the scientific and technological base is ahead of the design of military-technical means, including those based on new principles. For a long time, economically developed countries have been paying great attention to the creation of non-traditional means of warfare. Unlike traditional, focused on the destruction and incapacitation of personnel of groupings of troops (forces), weapons and military equipment, means of target designation, guidance of weapons and command and control, new means can provide the greatest effect due to the impact on vital human organs, aggregates weapons, military equipment and physical fields accompanying their functioning.

Non-traditional means basically use beam energy, electromagnetic pulse, microwave radiation, infrasound, aggressive chemicals and biological formulations and are used as an addition to traditional types of weapons. In the future, they may become preferable to any currently existing types of weapons, including nuclear ones. It is no coincidence that defense spending has increased significantly in highly developed countries in recent years.

The historical experience and practice of conducting combat operations by groupings of troops (forces) in wars and armed conflicts confirm that it is practically impossible to wage war and armed conflicts due to weapons and military equipment produced by industry in peacetime. In this regard, it is expedient to carry out the preparation of military production for increasing the output of military products in advance.

Military-economic power can be more or less significant depending on changes in the international situation and the intentions of the state, i.e., on the basis of economic power, it is possible to maintain the necessary military power of the state, changing the military-economic power, the degree of military-economic tension accordingly.

For example, the military and economic power of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War amounted to more than 50% of GDP, in the 1980s - about 20%, and currently amounts to 3-5% of gross domestic product.

The military-economic potential of the state expresses its objective economic capabilities, which can be used to solve the problems of the country's defense capability under maximum military-economic tension. Maximum military-economic tension requires minimizing all non-military needs of society.

The requirements for the military-economic potential, its structure, technological level, and personnel are constantly increasing. This is an objective process driven by the increasing complexity and cost of armaments and military equipment. A World War II bomber cost about ten times less than a fighter-bomber used in the Vietnam War, and almost 400 times less than the latest Stele fighter used in the Gulf War. A World War II aerial bomb cost eight times less than a cluster bomb used in the Vietnam War, and almost 90 times cheaper than the latest laser-guided guided bomb used during Operation Desert Storm.

The most important comprehensive indicators of the military-economic potential are: the presence of a scientific and technical base that ensures technological and information security in wartime; the level of production of weapons and military equipment; the amount of qualified human resources needed by the national economy and the armed forces; the degree of functioning of industry, transport, communications and other essential components of the economy in the conditions of hostilities.

Thus, in order to create a powerful and sustainable economic potential of the state, it is necessary to proceed from the complex phenomena of the socio-economic development of the country and not allow one-sidedness in the development of its dynamic strength. The development of the economic potential depends mainly on the state of heavy industry and its core - machine building, which is the basis of the entire national economy and military power of Russia.

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