Ball plasticine what. How to make ball plasticine yourself at home? Application from ball plasticine

Natalia Shipilova

I work as a teacher in the 2nd junior group. For the development of fine motor skills in children, I chose unconventional molding method, namely molding with plasticine balls. Modeling from plasticine gives children joy and pleasure. Technique modeling with plasticine balls is very simple. We need to tear off small pieces from the general piece of the color we need and roll small ones out of them. balloons. Finished balloons laid out and pressed a little on a background prepared in advance with a silhouette image.

Mosaic from plasticine -

It's not a dream

And very exciting

Child Game.

From plasticine balls

We have fun sculpting

Then into fabulous pictures

They can be turned.

Below is a photo - a report on the manufacture of applications " Gold fish".

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Modeling is an exciting activity for both children and their parents. Working with plastic materials, in addition to the ability to mold a beautiful craft, also develops fine motor skills of the hands, which is important for young children. Today there are a lot of materials, modeling lessons with which the baby is interested. Among the recently appeared ones, one can note ball or granular plasticine. We will tell you in this article how to use ball plasticine correctly and what crafts you can make from it.

Types of ball plasticine

Ball plasticine is a lightweight foam balls that are interconnected with an adhesive substance. The substance itself is made either on the basis of glycerin, or on the basis of a special hardening gel. The characteristics of the plasticine itself depend on the adhesive component. Styrofoam balls in plasticine also come in different diameters.

Among the main types of ball plasticine are:

  • coarse-grained and fine-grained ball plasticine;
  • hardening plasticine and plasticine for reusable use.

The choice of plasticine according to the size of the balls depends on what kind of work they are supposed to do. So, it is best to fill stained-glass windows with small ones or draw pictures on a flat surface or make small details of sculptures and crafts out of it. Coarse-grained plasticine is also suitable for these purposes, but it will be inconvenient if it becomes necessary to work out small details.

Coarse-grained plasticine is better to choose for children aged 2 - 3 years, since the small details of crafts are not up to them yet. Reusable ball plasticine is not hardening. It does not stick to surfaces and clothes and is more suitable for working on flat surfaces or for sculpting small figures. Hardening ball plasticine dries up within a day.

How to sculpt from ball plasticine?

Before sculpting from ball plasticine, it must be prepared. To do this, all the balls must be thoroughly mixed with a sticky substance, bringing the mass to homogeneity. Some manufacturers sell plasticine ready to go right away.

Sculpting from ball plasticine is very simple. You need to connect the balls together, giving them the desired shape. If very small details are needed, then the children pinch off the balls of plasticine one at a time and attach them in the right place to the main figure.

How to work with ball plasticine?

Sometimes it is difficult to work with ball plasticine, but there are a few tricks that will help in mastering this material.

  1. If the plasticine is too dry and the balls do not stick together well, it can be sprinkled with a little water. The stickiness of plasticine will increase.
  2. It is difficult to make volumetric figures from ball plasticine; as a rule, they do not hold their shape. To do this, in the manufacture of figures, bases are used, for example, light plastic balls, eggs, or plain paper crumpled in the desired shape. The bases are pasted over with a thin layer of plasticine, and a sculpture is obtained.
  3. It is not worth playing with ready-made figures, even from a solidifying ball plasticine. They are fragile.

How to make crafts from ball plasticine?

Modeling a sculpture from ball plasticine

To make a figurine from ball plasticine, we need paper, adhesive tape, ball plasticine and ordinary plasticine. For the first time with a child, it is better to sculpt simple figures. We will sculpt a duck.

  1. We roll up the body and head of the future duck from paper. To make the paper hold its shape better, we fix the edges with tape.
  2. We wrap the head and torso with ball plasticine, attach them to each other. And we make ordinary plasticine paws, a beak, eyes and also attach them to a duck.
  3. The final touch will be duck wings made from ordinary plasticine. The duck is ready!

Application from ball plasticine

Modeling is a wonderful and wonderful activity for children. It develops fine motor skills, a sense of volume and understanding of the composition of different parts of a single whole. You can sculpt animals, toys, houses, mice and birds. And you can create applications from plasticine directly on paper. For this, it is very convenient to use ready-made black and white coloring pages. The only difficulty is that the plasticine must be very soft for children's fingers.

One of the popular varieties of plasticine is, of course, a soft ball-shaped sticky plasticine that has recently appeared on the market for sale. It is very convenient to sculpt not voluminous figures from it, but to do it exactly as a decor, for example, a glass or flower vases. But another kind of entertaining and exciting activities is crafts from ball plasticine in the form of a stained-glass window or application! They are incredibly easy to make!

Ball plasticine is a modern soft self-hardening plasticine for children of different ages. It comes in beautiful colors. And it is soft, which is very important for babies and their fingers.

What can be done from ball plasticine?

Crafts from plasticine. Stained glass. Step by step master class

In order to make a stained glass window, we need stained glass paints and ball plasticine, as well as what we will make a stained glass window on - a transparent plastic base or glass. You can work simultaneously with stained glass paints and plasticine.

Step. 1. We apply the main contours of the picture on glass or plastic glass. This can be done with stained glass paints of the color you choose. In order for the contour to turn out to be even and neat, evenly beautiful, you can put a coloring of the necessary pattern under the glass and apply kennels along the finished lines. The contours must be completely frozen before continuing to work on the creation of stained glass. We paint over some parts of the stained glass with stained glass paint.

Step 2. Now we apply a little ball plasticine with our finger, and distribute it within the contours. Of course, in advance, we picked the colors necessary and opened the jars in front of the child.

Step. 3. We help ourselves with a pencil or pen - with their help we roll the balls evenly over the surface. Such a manipulation with a pencil will make the surface of the stained-glass window even and gently distribute the plasticine in an even layer. If the plasticine got on the contour somewhere, carefully remove it with a toothpick or a plastic knife.

Crafts from ball plasticine can be very diverse: paste over a glass, a candlestick, decorate a drawing with snow from ball plasticine, make an application or a figure - anything, it all depends on your imagination!

Good day!

I didn’t know what ball plasticine was until I looked into the Zhili Byli children’s online store, and since my daughter loves various creative activities very much, I ordered ball plasticine from two different manufacturers for testing. In this review I will tell you about Plasticine, which is called "Ball" by Lori.

What is a ball plasticine?

Ball plasticine is a mass of small foam balls that are fastened together with plastic acrylic glue. This glue is not visible and not felt, the balls do not crumble, do not stain hands and clothes. Plastein does not freeze in air.

The plasticine was packed in a strong cardboard box, inside which there were instructions and 6 jars of colored plasticine.

The instructions describe in detail the rules for working with plasticine. Of which, the most important in my opinion - After working with plasticine, you need to wash your hands with soap and water!

Each color is packed in individual packaging, plastic jars with a lid are quite convenient.

In a jar about 20 gr. ball plasticine. Their colors are quite bright. There is no smell from it.

When I first removed the plasticine from the jar, I didn’t have to explain to the child what and how to do with it, my daughter’s intuition did not let me down, she immediately began to tear off pieces of plasticine from the total mass and roll the balls.

Ball plasticine does not require prior skills in work, it is elastic, flexible, pliable, it is very easy to sculpt from it. You just need to give a piece of plasticine the desired shape with your fingers, and if necessary, the parts can be easily and simply glued together.

Plasticine does not stick to hands during operation, it does not need to be kneaded before use. From plasticine, you can sculpt any figure, both flat and voluminous.

My daughter is 2.5 years old, she easily copes with modeling from ball plasticine herself, of course, she cannot mold complex figures with small details, but she can mold a snowman or a cat without outside help.

My daughter also really likes it when various vegetables or fruits are molded from plasticine, she then cuts them with a toy knife with great pleasure and cooks soup from them in her children's pots or fries them.

Figures from this plasticine are quite stable and durable, but at the same time they can be easily broken, cut, and disconnected.

In the process of work, the colors inevitably mix with each other, so after some time blotches of other colors appear in the main color.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, a little later I generally want to combine all the colors into one, but until much mixing has happened, we put them in different jars.

Ball plasticine not only has a beneficial effect on fine motor skills of the hands, but also develops perseverance, patience and accuracy.

There is no need to limit yourself only to sculpting from this plasticine, because ready-made figures can be used in other games. Colored ball plasticine is an excellent material for games and development of children!

Producer - Yaroslavl (Russia)

Ball plasticine is a very interesting and versatile material for children's creativity. Working with him like not only children but also adults. It consists of foam balls that are connected to each other with thin adhesive threads. This is an excellent material for creative activities for preschoolers: the technique of working with it is simple, and the crafts are unusual, touching, fabulous and very colorful.

Ball plasticine is of two types - depending on the size of the balls - fine-grained and coarse-grained. You can conduct classes with this material only when your baby stops dragging everything into his mouth, since the balls are very easily separated from each other, and the baby can put them in his nose, ears or mouth, giving you a lot of trouble.

Ideas for activities with ball plasticine

1) The easiest and most accessible option for young children is decorating various interior items with ball plasticine - pencil holders, decorative vases or photo frames. The balls stick easily to almost any surface. Here, for example, is what you can do with your child (all photos are taken from the Internet):

2) Another simple way to work with plasticine is to make plasticine pictures or add any plasticine elements to the drawing. The complexity of the plot depends on the age and perseverance of the child:

3) Beautiful crafts are obtained from ball plasticine, and it is very simple to make them, the desired shape is obtained without much effort. There are even special kits for doing a certain type of crafts.