Roseltorg electronic platform. Unified electronic trading platform (Roseltorg) Eetp electronic trading platform 223 fz

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JSC "United Electronic Trading Platform" is the largest operator of electronic trading for government customers and commercial enterprises. JSC "EETP", founded in 2009, is a vivid example of a successful, dynamically developing company that guarantees its customers the most convenient and efficient work on the leading electronic trading platform.

The history of the company's development began in 2005, when the first electronic auctions were held to place state orders for the Government of Moscow, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, interregional companies of the Svyazinvest group and AFK Sistema holding. EETP JSC celebrated its official opening in 2009. The founders of the company are the Government of the City of Moscow - the highest executive body in Moscow, headed by the Mayor of Moscow (52%), and the Bank of Moscow - one of the largest banks in Russia, one of the ten leading banks in the Russian Federation (48%).

The United Electronic Trading Platform was one of the first to conduct an open auction procedure in electronic form in accordance with the new version of Federal Law 94-FZ as part of an experiment on the implementation of pilot electronic trading for state customers. Since July 1, 2009, by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 755-R, EETP JSC has been included in three sites authorized to conduct electronic auctions under Chapter 3.1. Conducting auctions on the "Single Electronic Trading Platform" allowed government agencies to significantly save budget funds: during the auction, the average savings amounted to 18%.

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 26, 2009 No. 428, EETP JSC became one of the winners of the competitive selection of electronic platforms and became the national operator of electronic trading under government orders with accreditation until 2015.

The modern economic model is based on competition between commercial enterprises. However, this does not negate the existence of a developed public sector. The interaction of the state and private companies is what allows you to maintain a balance and benefit all parties to the transaction.

"Roseltorg" - electronic platform, designed to provide reliable communications between state and commercial enterprises, as well as to optimize the document flow of ongoing transactions by converting it into digital form.

What is an electronic marketplace

The original purpose is to enable consumers and manufacturers to connect, and to provide bidders with a range of tools to facilitate their interaction. Simply put, an electronic trading platform is a site that allows you to conclude trade transactions in its space. The benefit is obvious for both parties. For example, the benefits of using ETP for customers are as follows:

  • Possibility of organizing open tenders
  • Sending price requests
  • Budget Optimization

Manufacturers also get the opportunity to participate in auctions at various levels and advertise their product.

There are several types of electronic trading platforms that have different purposes and are aimed at different categories of customers and buyers.

1. State. Designed to organize the interaction of government customers and commercial suppliers of products and services. They are selected within the framework of a special competition held at the state level. In the Russian Federation and only five.

2. Designed to sell the property of bankrupt companies. Created to simplify the process of selling confiscated property of debtors.

3. ETP for legal entities whose activities are provided for by law.

4. Commercial. The most common type allows you to become a member of any private enterprise. Such ETPs are of two types - specialized, created to meet the needs of a particular enterprise, or multi-profile, providing a wide range of positions offered for sale.

The history of ETP "Roseltorg" and the main principles of the company's activities

Roseltorg - electronic trading platform, officially opened in 2009 and since then has only increased the volume of transactions. The very idea of ​​creating a resource of this format arose ten years ago, in 2005, when electronic auctions were organized for the first time with the participation of government customers.

The founders of Roseltorg were the government of Moscow (they own a controlling stake, 52%), and the Bank of Moscow (48% of the shares).

The general development strategy of the company, outlined at the time of its foundation, included the creation of a mechanism that allows making the process of concluding transactions between the public and private sectors as open and transparent as possible, providing high-quality feedback to ETP participants, as well as full transparency of all processes occurring within the JSC "EETP".

Then, in 2009, Roseltorg officially received state accreditation for placing government orders in its space. This accreditation is valid until 2015.

The procedure for obtaining accreditation for "Roseltorg"

In order to become a member of Roseltorg, you must register. Because the Rosseltorg - electronic trading platform, working with the public sector, registration on it is more difficult than on other ETPs.

For starters, you need to have - without it, the company will not be able to conclude transactions on the basis of Roseltorg. Then, almost traditionally, go to the official website of the ETP and fill out the registration form, which can be found in the "Accreditation" section, "Suppliers" tab. To confirm your reliability as a potential partner, you will also need to provide a number of:

1. For individual entrepreneurs - a copy of the USRIP extract

2. For legal entities - a similar document from the database

3. Confirm your authority as a representative of the company (for example, provide copies of the order appointing you to your position)

4. Copies of documents confirming the authority of the head

5. Document confirming the conclusion of trade transactions by the registered supplier

Within five working days, the documents and data provided by you will be checked for authenticity, after which you will receive a notification from the administration of Rosetorg informing you either about your receipt of accreditation or about the reasons for refusal, indicating the legislative norms, the violation of which became the basis for making such a decision.

The whole process from start to finish takes about a week.

Mechanisms for issuing an electronic digital signature

To obtain an electronic digital signature required for accreditation of your enterprise within all five state ETPs, you need to use the services of any Certification Center of your choice.

To start the process of obtaining an EDS at the selected Certification Authority, you must fill out an application that includes information about your company, as well as information about the employee you want to sign - it can be anyone from the management of the company.

The EDS issuance service is not free. The single price for obtaining a signature in all Certification Centers is 6900 rubles - this price is set by the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms.

After your application is accepted, the manager of the CA will contact you by phone or by e-mail, and all your further interaction will take place with him. This manager will provide you with a list of required documents confirming the information specified in the application, issue an invoice for payment for the services of the Certification Center, and also act as a consultant, ready to clarify for you all the problematic aspects of the procedure for obtaining an EDS.

Pros and cons of using the Roseltorg ETP

Like any other system, Roseltorg has its pros and cons. There are many benefits for both customers and suppliers. For example, the customer gets the following options:

  • Optimization of working time - all the necessary actions can be performed without leaving your own office
  • Reducing procurement costs
  • A wide arsenal of built-in tools, allowing you to perform more than 40 different procedures
  • Transparency of ETP operation schemes
  • Large number of accredited suppliers ensuring healthy competition
  • To organize procurement, it is not necessary to be in Moscow and even in Russia
  • The ability to search for a contractor to meet the needs of any orientation and level of complexity
  • System for generating reports on completed transactions

Suppliers participating in trade at Roseltorg also do not remain without their own benefits:

  • Ability to track orders for each specific direction
  • Reducing advertising costs
  • Get More Sales Opportunities
  • Open access to any auction without restrictions
  • No need to be in the same region as the customer
  • A set of tools that allow you to conduct a full-scale analysis of the levels of demand and competition in any business area

Among the disadvantages of this resource it is worth mentioning that the procedure for obtaining accreditation and participation in the auction is often excessively bureaucratic. And if for obtaining registration it is justified by the fact that Roseltorg - electronic trading platform, which provides access to government orders, then the difficulties that arise in the process of applying for , are often explained by the lack of a developed system and interfere with the effective interaction of the supplier with a potential customer.


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EETP is the first portal where electronic auctions were placed and held. Roseltorg is one of the largest platforms for public procurement.

Also, it was the starting one, based on the results of which it was later decided to conduct purchases through the form of electronic tenders.

Description of the EETP

Despite functioning since 2005, the official opening was in 2009. The founders of JSC "United Electronic Trading Platform" are the Bank of Moscow and the Government of Moscow. The decision to create this type of tender organization, as a result, showed significant savings in the organization of open auctions and a reduction in corruption in the conclusion of government contracts.

EETP is one of the eight sites that has the right to place government orders and conduct purchases on them.

On the ETP site, purchases are carried out not only for municipal and state needs, but also purchases under 223-FZ and property tenders are carried out on it.

Securing an application at the Roseltorg site

To participate in the tender under 44-FZ at the Roseltorg site, it is necessary to make a security for participation. According to the new requirements of 44-FZ, this requires a special account in one of the banks authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

We provide financial support to participants in the state order and provide tender loans at all sites. We transfer funds within 2 hours immediately to your special account. You can learn more about this in this section.

EETP sections

At the moment, the number of ETP participants is one of the largest and is growing every year. It is worth noting that the auctions of VTB and Mosgortrans are held exclusively here, they have their own sites for placing orders.

As mentioned above, the EETP holds trading in various directions:

    purchases to meet state and municipal needs, regulated by 44-FZ, the site of a single electronic trading platform - ;

    commercial purchases under 223-FZ are carried out on;

    Agricultural site Roseltorg -

    Corporate online store (KIM) —

    Branch section of Regional operators FKR MKD —

Accreditation at ETP Roseltorg

From January 1, 2019, to participate in purchases under 44-FZ, it is impossible to pass accreditation on the site separately. Now the algorithm for obtaining accreditation at federal sites is different: first, the supplier needs to register in the unified information system, and accreditation at state sites is assigned to him automatically after confirmation of registration in the EIS.

The data that the participant fills in when registering with the EIS is quite enough to apply for participation in the procurement after receiving accreditation at the EETP. But the personal account of the ETP has more fields for filling in data about the participant, so if you wish, you can also fill them out.

Automatic accreditation at the Roseltorg site must take place within 1 business day after successful registration in the EIS.

Because the unified information system does not notify the user about the correctness of filling out the documents, as well as about the result of registration (successful or not), then you can use the register of accredited organizations and the unified register of participants for verification.

Important: in order to register in the EIS, the user (head of the organization) must first be authenticated in the ESIA (State Services Portal). If the supplier does not have registration on this portal, then you must first register with the ESIA.

Applying for the Single Electronic Trading Platform

After that, you just have to choose the auction you are interested in and apply for participation. How to do it correctly is described in detail in the video, which was prepared for you by the tender specialists of the RusTender company.

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