How to open a bike rental in the city. Bicycle rental: a business plan for opening

Bicycle rental is a profitable business that has been actively gaining popularity in recent years. Such a business has its regular customers, it quickly pays off, and opening requires a few basic documents and a minimum of investment. To implement a business plan whose idea is to rent bicycles, you will need a capital of 230,000 rubles. The payback period for a business is 5 months on average.

Bicycle rental is a seasonal business, but quite profitable. The main activity is the rental of bicycles. In addition, various related products can be offered. Biking is considered the most suitable activity between April and October. During these 7 months you will be able to return your investments and get a good profit.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

How to open a bike rental and what needs to be done for this? It is especially necessary to pay attention to such moments: documentation, search for premises, purchase of equipment and selection of employees - this is the minimum necessary to open your own bike rental company.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

How to arrange bike rental? To organize this business, it will be enough for you to register with the IP tax office. This requires the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee - 800 rubles.

Bicycle rental refers to such a service sector in which you can work under the simplified taxation system (STS):

  • STS 6% - an individual entrepreneur must pay 6% of all money earned and contributions to the FFOMS, PFR;
  • STS 15% - an individual entrepreneur must pay 15% of the difference between income and expenses, as well as contributions to the FFOMS and the PFR.

List of documents you will need to start a bike rental business in 2018:

  • IP registration certificate;
  • passport of the enterprise and its details;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • a lease agreement for premises;
  • medical books of employees;
  • fire service permit;
  • permission of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Stage 2 - finding a room

Bicycle rental should be organized in crowded places. It is advisable to find a place near a park or some kind of tourist base. The area should be lively and popular with residents or visitors to the city. But first you need to find out from the city administration whether it is possible to ride a bike in the area that you have chosen. You will also need to rent a room, the minimum area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be 20 sq.m.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

You don't have to buy a lot of bikes at once. For starters, 10-15 pieces will be enough. In the future, if demand is high, it will be possible to purchase some of the most popular types. Basic requirements for bicycles:

  1. Frame size should be 18-20 inches;
  2. Durable, lightweight metal;
  3. shock absorbers;
  4. It is advisable to purchase street models, because they are comfortable, strong and with reliable wheels;
  5. It is necessary to have in assortment female and children's models;
  6. Cheap brands of bicycles break down quickly, while high-quality ones are more comfortable and will attract more customers to your point, so you should not save on this.

A good bicycle for adults costs 10-14 thousand rubles, and for children - 4-5 thousand rubles. This means that the purchase of bicycles will require about 160 thousand rubles.

It is best to buy the necessary equipment in winter, when manufacturers offer big discounts. You can also save money when purchasing several units in one place. It is imperative to buy tools for repair, because after each rental it is necessary to check the condition of the bike and carry out preventive maintenance.

Stage 4 - recruitment

When opening a company, two people will be enough to work with clients in shifts, one of which may be the owner himself. Often, bikes that are rented break down for one reason or another and need to be repaired. And since the ideal technical condition of a bicycle is the most important criterion for the success of this business, it is necessary to hire a bicycle repair specialist for a permanent job. To properly maintain financial statements, it is not necessary to hire a full-time accountant, this work can be performed by a contract specialist.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

In addition to renting bicycles, you can offer accessories and protective equipment to customers. It is advisable to install a refrigerator with drinks and make places to relax. Such techniques will increase the profitability of the business by 2 times.

  • bright sign;
  • banners;
  • leaflets;
  • ads;
  • creation of a website or group in social networks;
  • It is desirable to take part in the public life of the city.

Financial plan

Let's calculate the approximate costs required to implement a plan for 15 bicycles with a population of 350,000 people:

  1. Registration of IP and all necessary certificates - 10,000 rubles.
  2. Rental fee - from 10,000 rubles.
  3. Equipment - 160,000 rubles.
  4. The salary of two employees - from 30,000 rubles.
  5. Repair work - 15,000 rubles.
  6. Unforeseen expenses - 5,000 rubles.

As a result, the approximate initial capital for the implementation of the bike sharing plan will be approximately 230,000 rubles.

Possible risks

Bicycle rental business is accompanied by the following types of risks:

  • Theft. To avoid this, they conclude an agreement in which the passport data of the client is recorded, or the client pays a certain amount as a deposit. However, none of these methods can insure you 100% against fraud.
  • The dishonesty of employees who can give bicycles without signing a contract or indicate shorter terms, keeping the difference for themselves. Good wages and control will help to avoid such cases.
  • Weather. Rain and heat are not conducive to comfortable cycling, but you cannot influence this risk factor.

Video "Bicycle rental: a business idea"

You will learn more about the type of activity considered in the following video.

In this material:

Writing a business plan for a bike rental company is becoming a very hot topic for many entrepreneurs. The popularity of this 2-wheeled vehicle is due to its practicality, convenience and mobility. In addition, riding on it has a beneficial effect on the body. Unfortunately, not every person can boast of having their own bike, but there are a lot of people who want to ride it. Taking into account all these points, businessmen have a desire to open a bicycle rental. Such a business will not only give pleasure to fans of riding, but also allow you to make good money.

Drawing up a bike rental business plan

Despite the fact that bike rental is a seasonal business, it is very profitable. The main activity is the rental of bicycles. The most suitable period for this is from mid-spring to mid-autumn. During this time, it will be possible to return the invested funds and get a decent profit. This requires:

  1. Business registration. The first step is to register the business in order to be able to pay all taxes. This will require permission from the city authorities.
  2. Bicycle purchase plan. It is very important that the equipment is of high quality. This will allow customers to enjoy the ride, and not worry that at any moment the hair can break and injure them. It is not necessary to purchase expensive models. Today you can find reliable "iron horses" that will pleasantly surprise you with price and quality. You can also provide for the rental of scooters, gyro scooters, roller skates and seats for children, which are mounted on the trunk of a bicycle.
  3. The target audience. It is necessary to clearly understand for whom bicycles are purchased - for children, students or adults. Another important point that should be taken into account when developing a business plan is the location. It is about where customers will ride and what roads they will drive on.
  4. Personnel selection. Bicycle rental requires the following staff: rental representative, PR manager, equipment repair mechanic, security guard, accountant.
  5. Room rental. After acquiring bicycles and hiring staff, you need to start choosing a business premises. Less expensive will be a small room located near the parking lot, where it will be possible to place “iron horses”.
  6. Advertising. One of the most important things is to attract customers. To do this, you need to take care of good advertising. A great idea is to organize a spectacular show, during which professionals will perform tricks on bicycles. This will not only interest people, but also demonstrate to them the excellent quality of your equipment.

The cost of starting and maintaining a business

The main part of the costs when starting a bike rental will be the purchase of equipment and advertising. The entrepreneur will have to invest about 400 thousand rubles in his business. These funds will be spent on:

  • purchase of bicycles;
  • purchase of equipment, inventory, tools and equipment;
  • rental of premises for storage of all of the above;
  • renting a plot for a rental shop.

In terms of running costs, these include:

  • employee salaries;
  • rent of premises and land;
  • payment of taxes;
  • bike repair costs.


The main part of the profit will be brought directly by the rental of bicycles, which are issued on bail. As a last resort, the client can leave a passport or any document that proves his identity. Rental payment by the hour. For example, the cost of 1 hour is 100 rubles, and 2 hours - 200 rubles. If the client breaks down the vehicle, he is obliged to buy it back or pay the full cost of the repair. Additional income includes advertising, organizing bike quests, excursions and bike tours. The average monthly profit from such a business can reach 120 thousand rubles, of which about 60 will be spent on expenses. In total, the net profit will be from 60 thousand rubles per month.

Payback period

The profitability of the bike rental business is high - in the range of 45-55%. In this case, the payback period is 3-6 months. Bicycle rental is a new, interesting and popular type of business activity, thanks to which you can not only make good money, but also introduce people to a healthy lifestyle. Such a business is socially significant.

It is necessary to take into account possible force majeure, breakdown of equipment, etc. To cover unforeseen expenses in the first year of work, set aside some part of the earned funds to the stabilization fund. This will avoid unexpected financial troubles.

Investments: from 2,500,000 rubles.

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Until quite recently, it seemed that the number of people willing to rent expensive things was reduced to almost zero. But quite unexpectedly, a new trend appeared on the market - bicycle rental, which not only managed to survive the "fashion syndrome", but also steadily occupied its niche in the service market. Bicycle rental today is quite a worthy and promising type of business, designed for people who like to ride, but do not have the opportunity to purchase a bicycle or simply do not have the necessary space to store it.

The demand for modern bicycle models makes it possible to make this business almost year-round in the southern regions of the country (from April to November). In large cities, the number of people who are ready to transfer to this type of transport is growing due to traffic jams and the trend towards an active lifestyle.

In the middle lane, where the cycling season lasts from March-April to October-November, the prospects for high profitability of bike rental are also becoming more obvious, due to the growing demand for bike rental as a profitable, simple and convenient means of transport.

Integral indicators

The goal of the project is to create a bike rental point in a city with a population of about 1 million people. Project objectives:

  • Promotion of cycling.
  • Meeting the needs of the population in cycling as the most convenient means of transportation in large cities.
  • Organization and dissemination of new forms of family recreation using bicycles.

The main target audience is young people aged 14-35, families with children, tourists and city guests.

The project does not require large investments and is characterized by a low level of potential risks.

Most organizational and functional activities are carried out directly by the founder - an individual entrepreneur.

The value of the total cost of the project RUB 2,492,574
Discount rate
In year Per month
5% 0,407%
Estimated time to reach the payback point / including discounting 17 months / 17 months
profitability ratio 8,16%
Yield index 3,32
Internal rate of return 7,40%

Market analysis

The project is designed to create a small business entity for a city with a population of about 1,000,000 people, rich in historical sights, cultural and recreational facilities. The presence of this business facility in such a locality is an appropriate solution in terms of its profitability and efficiency in achieving the declared goals.

As the analysis shows, bike rental is becoming an increasingly popular and popular type of business. Its market share is constantly growing. At the same time, against the backdrop of a rapid increase in interest in bicycles as a means of transportation, the intensity of their sale into ownership is also growing.

However, for a number of groups of the general target audience, renting a bicycle is more preferable. These include:

  • Those who do not want or do not know how to service this vehicle.
  • Low-income people who cannot afford an expensive bike.
  • People who use this mode of transport periodically.
  • People who have nowhere to store a bike.
  • Families with children who believe that it is inappropriate to own a bicycle while the child is growing up.

As statistics show, in settlements with a similar population throughout the entire cycling season, on average, from 18 to 25 rental facilities are actively working. Their location is not always dictated by the optimal conditions for business development, which significantly reduces its profitability.

Description of the object

The project provides for the organization of a bicycle rental point located in a place where the urban infrastructure allows the active use of this vehicle for movement and recreation.

The bike rental point is located in a rented room with an area of ​​20-25 sq. meters, equipped with a branded rack, racks for temporary storage of bicycles, a workplace for a cashier-operator.

The entrance to the premises and the counter at the bike rental shop are designed in a modern style to attract potential customers and familiarize them with the services provided. Design development is carried out by specialists.

The car park is calculated based on the proportion:

  • Universal bicycles for men and women - 60%.
  • Teenage bikes - 20%.
  • Special ladies bikes - 10%.
  • Children's bicycles - 15.

For customer service, only new machines of modern models are purchased.


The point provides car rental for various categories of users as a main service. The rental period is from 1 hour to several days. The contract for car rental is drawn up directly by the administrator, the bike is provided to the client on the security of a passport or other document proving the identity of the tenant. It is also permissible to conclude a lease agreement without a pledge of a passport, with the presentation of a photocopy of the document.

In addition, customers are charged a security deposit in the amount of 3 thousand rubles, which is returned to the tenant in full after the end of the lease term. If technical malfunctions or damage to the car are found at the time of its return to the rental point, the costs of restoring and repairing the vehicle are reimbursed from the deposit. The amount of compensation is calculated according to the cost of repairing or restoring the bike.

It is envisaged that when signing a lease agreement, the client must familiarize himself with the price list of services for the repair of the most common types of damage to equipment.

The following prices for bicycle rental services are set:

Type of service Price
Name of service Basic Medium
Bicycle rental for adults and teenagers 130 rub. in 1 hour 110 rub. in 1 hour
Children's bike rental, 1 hour 100 rub. in 1 hour 90 rub. in 1 hour
Duration of bike rental Discount amount
12 hours (day/night) 20%
24 hours (day) 50%

Considering that over 80% of users prefer to rent bicycles for no more than 3-4 hours, the provision of discounts will be episodic.

In addition to bicycles, for a fee, tenants will be given a full or partial set of protective attributes: a bicycle helmet, knee pads, shoulder pads, etc.

The bicycle rental agreement provides that in case of violation of the terms for returning the cars without prior notice, the client is charged a penalty in the amount of 10% of the cost of the rental period, equivalent to the delay period (rounded up to the nearest hour).


For the main part of the target audience, the sale of services is carried out in a passive mode. The main resources for attracting consumers and increasing the reputational status of an enterprise, first of all, are:

  • Eye-catching design of the room and reception desk, made in an urban style.
  • Attentiveness, sensitivity and correctness of the staff.

The most important competitive advantage of the company is the location of the bike rental point and the technical condition of new models of cars issued to customers.

Maintenance of the bicycle fleet in a technically sound condition is ensured by their regular maintenance, cleaning and washing.

The bike rental point is positioned on the service market as an enterprise of the middle price segment with the provision of one class of cars for rent - city walking bikes. At the initial stage of business development, this circumstance should be considered an advantage, since it makes it possible to unify the pricing policy.

Production plan

Modern models of bicycles are the main means of production of rental services. They are purchased in bulk in the amount of 30 pieces according to a given range of machine types.

The demand for bicycle rental services has a pronounced seasonal dependence. The peak of sales falls on the spring-summer and early autumn periods. Bicycle rental is most actively used in the evening, on average for 3-4 hours.

In winter, the equipment undergoes maintenance, lubrication and storage. In the spring, it is re-preserved.

For the repair of components and parts of bicycles, qualified specialists of the appropriate profile may be involved. It is recommended to invite such a specialist to the state, then, in addition to bicycle rental services, you can offer services for minor maintenance and repair of bicycles, including for owners.

This business plan for renting bicycles with calculations provides for the following amounts of revenue:

Services list Average monthly plan for the implementation of services
Unit price Planned revenue
1 Adult bike rental, 1 hour 2 340 110 rub. 257.4 thousand rubles
2 Rent a children's bike, 1 hour 360 80 rub. 28.8 thousand rubles
Total: 286.2 thousand rubles

These are the maximum figures for the summer period. Due to seasonal fluctuations, revenue is expected to fall by 30-70% in the spring and autumn months, depending on the weather. Off-season months: December to March. If the region allows, it is possible in the future to open snowmobile and ATV rentals for the winter months. The service will be used by hunters, fishermen and outdoor enthusiasts.


The founder of the enterprise is the main administrator of the bike rental point. Accounting support of the project is outsourced. If necessary, 1-2 more seasonal hired workers are involved to work as an administrator.

Operating mode - shift (two days after two), from 10:00 to 22:00 hours.

Staff costs:

Job title Salary Number of units Payroll value
1 Bike rental administrator 22 thousand rubles 3 66 thousand rubles
Total: 66 thousand rubles
The amount of social contributions 19.8 thousand rubles
Total 85.8 thousand rubles

Financial plan

An example of this business plan is designed for a 5-year period of operation of the enterprise.

The total investment is 455 thousand rubles, including 325 thousand rubles - the entrepreneur's own funds. The missing amount is a bank loan for a three-year period at 18% per annum.

The main expenditure items of the project:

  • Purchase of bicycles.
  • Rental equipment.
  • Payment for services for the development and promotion of the site.

There are no variable costs in this business plan, since it is not possible to accurately calculate the costs for 1 hour of renting a bike.

Depreciation is calculated over 5 years using the straight-line method, taking into account the cost of fixed assets.

The calculation of fixed costs for 1 month is presented in the table:

Potential risks

The most obvious potential risks for this business are:

  • Relatively small fleet of bicycles, which has a negative impact on sales.
  • A slightly higher price level at the initial stage of the project.
  • High competitive environment and use of dumping by competitors.
  • Failure to fulfill the sales plan for services.
  • Bicycle breakdown.
  • Unfavorable weather conditions.
  • The emergence of similar business facilities in the immediate vicinity of the bike rental point.

Based on the SWOT analysis of the project parameters, the overall risk level is assessed as medium.


The main advantages of this project should be recognized:

  • Low level of investment.
  • Good location for bike rental.
  • A new fleet of modern bike models.
  • Having your own website to promote services on the Internet.
  • Possibility to ensure high consumer loyalty through the use of new bicycle equipment in the rental.
  • Possibility of further expansion of the enterprise.

These advantages make it possible to ensure high profitability and efficiency of the project, which is clearly confirmed by the calculations.

The estimated payback period is expected during the first season. During the 2nd and 3rd season, you can earn, according to the weighted average, about 200 thousand rubles in the seasonal months. From the 3rd season, a gradual renewal of the bike park begins. In the future, this process will be continuous. Every year it is planned to purchase new bicycles, increasing the fleet, and withdraw from circulation 30% of the most worn ones.

Everyone has their own hobby. Someone loves online games, someone likes to go on vacation to the sea, others collect stamps. And if your favorite thing also brings earnings, then that's great!

I have three hobbies: hiking, photography and cycling. One fine day I decided to open a bike rental. So to say, two in one: and for the soul - to teach people to healthy recreation and sports, and to earn money.

Now about the main thing. The first costs were as follows:

1) Opening IP. I prepared all the papers myself, the state duty is 800 rubles. Then for the year you still have to pay 20,727.53 to the pension fund. This figure is for 2014. Plus income tax.

2) Rent of premises. I was looking for a room for a long time, but I found it on the main street of the city, not far from the park. Square area 15, rent 8,000 per month, entrance from the yard, located in the basement.

3) Buying bicycles. Decided not to skimp on quality. I bought Mongoose brand bicycles in the amount of 8 pieces for 13,500 rubles. Total: 108,000 rubles

The season started in April and ended in October. Much in this business depends on the weather, if it rains, then no one will go to the rental, but here you can’t guess. Gradually, bicycles wear out and it is necessary to monitor them, carry out repairs, and it is better to be able to do it yourself, otherwise it will cost a pretty penny. There is a small minus that the season is not all year round, and the rent of the premises must be paid constantly. It is possible as an option to arrange a skate rental, but for this you need to flood the skating rink nearby. Another option is to rent skis and snowboards, but these are more expensive investments, at least for me.

The first season worked averagely, but the next year there were not enough bicycles! For a year I bought a tandem bike (not in great demand, everyone is probably afraid, but the image of the company!) And roller skates. I plan to expand!

The most important thing is to leave a good impression on customers. And then word of mouth will start working for you, and money will flow in a stream. Several times I used Biglion to expand my audience. With their help, I attracted new users of my bike rental, although for this I had to make 50% discounts.

If we talk about profit, then on a good day it reaches 4000 rubles, given that there are only eight bicycles. The first year I worked for a business, now I work for myself.
In addition to renting, I repair bicycles, you don’t even have to look for customers to come. I also opened a rental shop, and I take goods on the EBAY website: bike racks, gloves, cycling computers, helmets, glasses, etc.

And do not forget to get help from the employment center for business development. It is necessary to register with them before opening a company, provide a business plan and receive 58,000 rubles for development. There are a few additional conditions: you must not officially work anywhere, provide a report on the money spent and employ one person.

According to a study by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, the bike rental market is set to grow rapidly in the coming years, averaging 20% ​​per year. To properly organize such a point, you will need a detailed bike rental business plan.

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Bicycle rental provides bicycles and related products for rent for a period of one hour to several days.

Administrator functions: arranges rental and issues bicycles.

The bike is issued after:

  • familiarization with the price list;
  • signing a lease agreement;
  • leaving a cash deposit.

It is important to remember that the requirement to leave documents as collateral is illegal.

After the bike is returned, the deposit is returned to the tenant, provided that the bike is not damaged.


Relevance is determined by the fact that:

  • an increase in demand is expected;
  • business quickly pays off;
  • bike rental does not require large investments;
  • a minimum package of documents is required for registration of rental;
  • taxation is carried out according to a simplified scheme.

Due to the small number of risks and average competition, this business is suitable for experienced businessmen, as an investment of free funds, and for novice entrepreneurs.

Description and analysis of the market

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are state-owned bicycle rental points and are serious competitors for private entrepreneurs.

The number of state-funded bike rental points in Moscow increased from 290 to 380 in 2017. In St. Petersburg in 2019, the idea of ​​bicycle sharing will come true. Residents of the northern capital will be able to leave a rented bike anywhere in the city and find them using a mobile application.

But there are no official plans to open state-run bike sharing in other cities of Russia yet.

The number of private bike-sharing outlets across the country is rather low:

  • Yekaterinburg (19 points);
  • Krasnodar (19 points);
  • Perm (14 points);
  • Novosibirsk (11 points);
  • Ufa (10 points);
  • Sevastopol (7 points);
  • Veliky Novgorod (6 points).

The target audience

Often, when opening a bike rental, entrepreneurs make the mistake of not using the entire range of the target audience and the range of products provided.

This business has an extensive audience, as there are several types of cycling:

  • for preschool children;
  • for younger students;
  • for teenagers;
  • for adults.

The audience of cyclists includes both residents of the city and tourists who rent a bike to save on transport and see the city.

Competitive advantages

When developing a bike rental business plan, it is important to research nearby rental locations. As a rule, they have a number of disadvantages.

The competitive advantage will be:

  • favorable territorial location of the rental point;
  • availability of bicycles for children and teenagers;
  • equipment: helmets, gloves, knee pads;
  • drawing up a lease agreement and using a cash deposit;
  • competitive prices;
  • advertising campaign;
  • high quality bikes.

Advertising campaign

To grab the attention of customers, use:

  • bright signboard, eye-catching design of the reception desk;
  • leaflets;
  • creation of accounts in social networks, such as: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram;
  • promotions and discounts.

Step-by-step instructions for opening

To open a bike rental you will need:

  1. Prepare the necessary documents. Start-up entrepreneurs are primarily registered as individual entrepreneurs. Then a package of documents necessary for registering a business is drawn up.
  2. Choose a bike rental location, a place where bikes will be stored at night and a warehouse for storing equipment in the winter.
  3. Select and purchase equipment and inventory.
  4. Hire staff with the necessary skills.


To organize a bike rental, you will need to register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur.

For this you will need:

  • application (form No. Р21001);
  • a copy of the Russian passport;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee (800 rubles).

Registration is carried out within three working days.

The list of documents that will be needed to open a bike rental business in 2019:

  • IP registration certificate;
  • passport of the enterprise and its details;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • a lease agreement for premises;
  • medical books of employees;
  • fire service permit;
  • permission of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Location and premises

The best place to open a bike rental point will be:

  • embankment;
  • a park;
  • amusement park;
  • squares and city gardens.

Bicycle storage is best done at the rental point or nearby. At night, bikes and the reception desk will be cleaned there (if necessary).

After the end of the season, the bikes are stored in the warehouse. To prepare for this, you will need a specialist who will carry out conservation: cleaning and lubricating the nodes, loosening the cables, installing bicycles on special stands. In the spring, repeated maintenance and diagnostics of bicycles will be required.

Equipment and inventory

Experts advise starting with a minimum: seven bikes. It will be easier to assess the demand in the selected area. With high demand, it is easy to buy the right amount of bikes.

The purchase of bicycles is the main item of expenditure. It is recommended to buy reliable standard models of transport bikes and equipment - helmets, knee pads and gloves.

Photo gallery

Bicycle for children 1.5–3 years Stels Arrow 14 5000 rub Bicycle for children 3–5 years old Cube Kid 160 20900 rub Bicycle for children 5–9 years old Giant Adore C/B 12 16000 rub Bicycle for a teenager Merida Matts J24 Marathon 20500 rub Bicycle female Stinger Barcelona 21000 rub Bicycle adult Merida Crossway 5-V 21000 rub

Gloves VG 924 200 RUB Protective helmet for children Casco RUN 1000 rub Helmet protective adult MTV16 1500 rub Explore Magnum protection (knees, palms) 500 RUB


For the operation of a bicycle rental point, only an administrator is required, who will conclude a lease agreement, monitor the condition of the bicycles, and clean the storage room at night.

Aspiring entrepreneurs can do the admin work themselves or hire two people to work on a 2:2 schedule. To perform this work, you will need to find a polite and sociable employee, with basic skills in handling bicycles.

On the video - a story about how the first bike rental in Vladivostok "Your own bike" was opened. Filmed by the grink-city channel. en

Financial plan

An important advantage of opening a bike rental point is that the initial capital is relatively small and you do not have to turn to investors.

How much does it cost to open a bike rental?

The calculation of the necessary investments includes the costs of documentation, equipment and advertising.

Recurring costs

Monthly expenses are calculated based on the salaries of employees, the rent of the premises and the maintenance of bicycles in the event of a breakdown.


Revenues are calculated based on the hourly cost of the equipment and the average number of hours per month for which the equipment is rented.

Calendar plan

Strict adherence to the calendar plan will allow opening a bike rental by the beginning of the season.

Risks and payback

The main risks of opening a bike rental point include:

  • equipment theft;
  • equipment damage;
  • low attendance.

The first two risks scare start-up entrepreneurs, but drawing up a rental agreement and registering bicycles will reduce these risks to a minimum.

A high-quality advertising campaign and a good choice of location for the rental point will help you always have a large number of visitors. The good condition of the bikes and the friendliness of the administrator is a guarantee that people will come back to you again to rent a bike.

The average payback time for a bike rental point is 4 months.