Mytishchi brewery. Tour of the brewery - free beer for the people

If you love beer as much as I love it 😎 or just love excursions, go to excursion to the Moscow brewing company, which is located near Moscow, 3 km from the Moscow Ring Road, in the city of Mytishchi.

About the fact that the Moscow Brewing Company conducts free tours, and even with tasting, I knew for a long time, but somehow there was no time (or desire) to sign up and attend this event. But last Saturday I decided: “That's it, we need to go” and we went to see the beer factory and, of course, taste it.

Excursions to the plant of the Moscow Brewing Company are held on weekends: Saturday at 13:00, 15:00, 17:00 and 19:00, V Sundays at 13:00, 15:00 and 17:00. The tour is free, but you must pre-register on the website. The tour of the plant itself with the story of the guide lasts an hour and you are given an hour to taste beer and other non-alcoholic drinks that are produced at the same plant.

How to get to the plant of the Moscow Brewing Company

The plant of the Moscow Brewing Company is located at: Mytishchi, Volkovskoe highway, possession 12. We were driving by car, there were no problems finding the plant. There is also a place to park, there are many parking spaces at the entrance to the territory of the plant.

If you are without a car, then for your convenience a free bus runs from Medvedkovo metro station. Bus departure times 12:30, 14:30, 16:30 and on Saturdays at 18:30. Travel time to the plant is 20-30 minutes.

Our review of the excursion to the Moscow Brewing Company

We arrived a little earlier than the start time of the tour, waited a little in a cozy hall on sofas, wrote down our data and passport number in the registration book (documents are needed to visit the plant, but in fact no one asked them). Very soon a group gathered - about 20 people, there was even a family with a child, and we went on an hour-long tour of the plant.

First, the guide told us about the history of the Moscow Brewing Company, about what types of beer they brew and warned that at the end of the tour there would be a quiz with prizes, so that we would diligently listen and remember the information. As a result, we memorized all the dates, but it turned out that we had to remember the name of the workshops and the names of the beers 😎

The plant of the Moscow Brewing Company began its work in 2008 with the production of Zhiguli Barnoe beer, which is currently number one in sales in Moscow. Now the plant supplies more than 30 brands of beer and soft drinks and is one of the ten largest beer producers in Russia.

Since 2012, the plant of the Moscow Brewing Company began production of Khamovniki beer - as a continuation of the history of one of the oldest breweries in Moscow - the Khamovnichesky plant, built 150 years ago.

Now the brand "Khamovniki" has 7 varieties of beer: "Khamovniki Pilzenskoye", "Khamovniki Munich"(I have it in my fridge right now) Khamovniki Vienna, Khamovniki Wheat, Khamovniki Kegovoye, Khamovniki Grand El, Khamovniki Table. Of all these varieties, I liked Kegovoe the most. Grand El is fine too, but I don't really like Eli.

Tour of the brewery workshops

After a short story, we were taken to the workshops of the plant. First we got into brewhouse. In this workshop, the wort is brewed, 6 huge boilers are used for brewing.

Take crushed malt and mix it with water. A mash is formed, which is kept at a certain temperature, constantly mixed. The malt starch is converted to sugar, then the mash is filtered and the wort is obtained. And water for cooking is taken from 4 wells, which are located on the territory of the plant. Since ancient times, it has been believed that here, in Mytishchi, there is delicious water.

The wort is then boiled with hops. The brewhouse is very hot and stuffy.

Then in yeast department(where outsiders are strictly forbidden to enter and therefore we were not allowed to go there) yeast is added to the wort and this mixture enters the fermentation shop.

IN fermentation shop after 7-10 days of fermentation, young beer is born. Then the beer is still kept for 1-2 weeks at a temperature of 1.5 degrees. It is very cold in this workshop, take warm clothes with you 😎

Fermentation shop - it's very cold here 🙂

Then we visited filtration shop, passed by laboratories(in order to put the beer on sale, you need to do 150 tests!) and ended up in beer bottling shop.

We also learned that the brewing process is monitored around the clock by 5 people: the shift supervisor and four operators. The whole process is fully automated.

A short video from our tour of the brewery

Beer tasting at the plant of the Moscow Brewing Company

After an hour of walking through the stuffy shops of the Moscow Brewing Company, we went down to the first floor to the buffet, where the beer tasting took place. To be honest, I didn’t even expect such an excellent tasting: each visitor is given an empty glass, and you can go to the bar counter for beer as many times as you like within an hour.

We have already been to the brewing museum in Lviv, there was also a tasting of Lviv beer, but then we were given two small plastic cups with beer. Well, I thought that it would be the same at the Moscow Brewing Company 😎

Here, at the Moscow Brewery, one could taste 7 types of fresh beer! In general, who needs it, you can nagustrovatsya very well! So come on a tour without driving! Who doesn't drink beer without snacks (nuts, chips, crackers) - take it with you 😎 You could also try soft drinks: kvass, energy drinks, sweet water.

The beer was really delicious. Especially Khamovniki Kegovoe and Zhiguli Velvet (dark).

On the territory of the Moscow Brewing Company there is a shop where, after tasting, you can buy all the products. Sold as beer in bottles and on tap. But, unfortunately, the store is open until 9 pm, we had to leave the tasting early and run to the store, but we didn’t have time to buy draft beer, we had to be content with bottled beer.

I advise all beer lovers to go on an excursion to the Moscow Brewing Company! We loved it, we'll be back! 😎

I came across the website of the Moscow Brewing Company, which invited me to a free tour, and even with a tasting. It was enough to fill out the proposed form and select any Saturday or Sunday in the calendar.

The X hour has come - at the Medvedkovo metro station (exit from the last car) there was already a comfortable bus waiting for beer lovers who had signed up. Sitting in a comfortable chair and looking around, I realized that the tour was already starting unusually: the bus was mostly filled with men, which is completely uncharacteristic for excursions, which are 90% women.

The bus leaves every two hours on Saturday and Sunday - 12.30, 14.30, 16.30. Saturday also at 18:30. Be sure to have your passport with you.

In 20 minutes we were already at the factory. It is located in Mytishchi, Volkovskoe highway, 12.

At the entrance we were met by a cheerful group of sightseers with flushed faces. I still thought to myself: “Here they are drunk! How uncivilized! But at the end of the tour, I already had a different opinion ...

A friendly guide immediately began to introduce the history of the plant, which began just in September 2008. The Moscow Brewing Company consists of the most modern plant and its own logistics and distribution centers. More than $200 million was invested in it, and Sberbank and the Detroit Investments investment fund acted as partners. I don't know if this is a lot, but the guide gave the following figure for the plant's capacity - 2.5 million hl per year, and the plans are up to 6 million hl. He also immediately emphasized that the purpose of the tour is not only to introduce the production of high-quality beer, but also to arouse interest, and in the future to instill a culture of drinking beer in Russia. So he said. By the way, on the Night of Museums in May, there are annual night “foamy” excursions here.

The company already has not only licensed brands (Faxe, Cervena Selka, Oettinger, etc.), but also its own brands - Khamovniki, Zhiguli, Moskvas and Mospivo. In the small factory museum, I noticed such imported brands as Budweiser Budvar, Radeberger, Erdinger and many others. In addition to beer, by the way, energy and soft drinks and water are also produced here.

For the production of beer and drinks, environmentally friendly water is used, because on the territory of the plant itself there are 5 own artesian wells, located at a depth of 190 and 320 meters.

My ideas about the production of beer were peculiar - it seemed to me that everything in the shops should have boiled, boiled and smelled unpleasant. Imagine my amazement when I saw the sterile cleanliness and fully automated production process. Around some fantastic containers, pipes, pieces of iron, sensors and control devices. Everything is on the machine - the processes of fermentation, boiling, filtering and bottling. I was also struck by the fact that there were no particularly workers in the shops, although it was stated that almost 3 thousand people work in the company.

As I understand it, the most modern equipment makes it possible to produce high-quality beer and drinks, and to control their quality in the laboratory. Moreover, if the beer by some parameters does not correspond to the declared quality, then the entire batch is rejected. The view of the plant's workshops personally inspired me that world-class quality products are produced here.

After walking through the workshops, seeing how specialists work in the laboratory, we finally came to the tasting. The tasting room is made like a cafe, where there are many tables and a queue for branded beer. Pour decently, you can approach many times. And then it became clear to me the fun of that company at the entrance. The fact is that the tasting takes place without snacks ...

Two hours passed imperceptibly, and I had to go to the company store, where the plant's beer is sold in bottles and on tap. I immediately bought a couple of branded mugs as a souvenir, so pot-bellied, as in Soviet times. The store has a lot of different souvenirs with the symbols of the plant - T-shirts, openers, baseball caps, etc. And a free bus was already waiting on the street to return us from the "foamy world" to the ground.

Before, I didn't even consider buying domestic beer. And now the eyes are looking out for drinks from the Moscow Brewing Company on the shelves. Sometimes I even buy. The tour didn't go well...


Moscow Brewing Company entered the Russian beverage market with products of its own production in September 2008.

history of the company

2016 Release of beer "Khamovniki Kabinet" and the second seasonal variety "Trekhgornoye Spring Pilsner". Start of production of Finnish beer Lapin Kulta. The first bottling of Zhiguli Barnoe Non-Alcoholic beer.

2015 Release of licensed soft drink IRN BRU. Awarding beer "El Hairy Bumblebee" with a gold medal at the international competitions Monde Selection and International Brewing Awards. Rewarding beer "Trekhgornoye" with a silver medal at the Monde Selection. The victory of "Zhiguli Barnoe" in the competition "ABSOLUTE BRAND 2015" for the skillful reincarnation of the Soviet brand. Start of production of beer "Mug". The first bottling of the beer "White Ale Hairy Bumblebee". Launch of new varieties "Hamovniki English Ale", "Hamovniki Bok-Bir" and "Hamovniki Irish Stout". Rewarding at the Baltic Beer Star competition: "Khamovniki Pilzenskoye" - a gold medal; "El Shaggy Shmel" and "Trekhgornoe Original" - silver medals, "Zhiguli Barnoe" - a bronze medal. Release of beer with after-fermentation in the bottle "5 Ocean". Production of the first seasonal variety "Trekhgornoye Rozhdestvensky El".

2014 Rewarding beer Khamovniki Pilzenskoe with a gold medal and Zhiguli Barnoe with a DLG silver medal; gold medals Monde Selection "Khamovniki Pilzenskoye" and "Khamovniki Pshenichnoye" and three bronze medals of the International Beer Challenge. Launch of Khamovnicheskoye and Trekhgornoye beer. Start of production of beer "Old Master Smoky", "El Shaggy Shmel", "Mospivo Slavyanskoe". Start of licensed production of Hollandia beer.

2013 Production of beer "Bochkove" according to the recipe and under the control of TzOV TVK "Persha Privatna Brovarnya", Ukraine. Development of the project for the production of eco-beer "Losiny Bereg". Start of sales of Yakhont kvass. The first bottling of Zhiguli Barnoe Velvet beer. Awarding a silver medal "Zhiguli Barnoe" and bronze medals "Khamovniki Pilzenskoe" and "Khamovniki Munich" at the international competition International Beer Challenge 2013 in London. Awarding of the Khamovniki brand with a bronze medal at the Pentawards international packaging design competition. Rewarding with a silver medal "Zhiguli Barnoe" at the DLG tasting competition. Launch of Carling beer in collaboration with Molson Coors Brewing Company, USA.

2012 Opening of the logistics center. Start of the Nestle Pure Life water bottling project. Creation of premium beer brand Khamovniki. Release of the first liter can of Zhiguli Barnoe, designed by artist Valery Barykin in the pin-up style, which marked the beginning of the legendary collection series. Awarding of Zhiguli Barnoe beer with a gold medal at the tasting competition Monde Selection 2012. Victory of the Moscow Brewing Company in the nomination "High quality products" in the competition "Company of the Year - 2012".

2011 Start of production of juice drinks Derevnya Antonovka and Mintberry. Launch of the second stage of brewing production with the output to the planned capacity of 4 million hectoliters of beer per year. Start of production of Japanese beer Kirin Ichiban. Zhiguli Barnoe beer was awarded a gold medal at the European Beer Star competition in Germany. The victory of the Moscow Brewing Company in the nomination "High quality products" in the competition "Company of the Year - 2012".

2010 Establishment of the Non-Alcoholic Drinks Division within the Moscow Brewing Company. Start of production of Gorilla energy drink and Austrian Pago juices. Start of production of Danish beer Bear Beer and American beer Coors Light. The victory of the brand "Zhiguli Barnoe" at the competition "Brand of the Year / Effie".

2009 Start of production of own brands Zhiguli Barnoe, Mospivo, Moskvas, Červena Selka beer. Start of production of the Danish beer FAXE Premium, the French drink Orangina and the German energy drink effect®.

2008 Completion of construction and commissioning of the first stage of the brewery with a planned capacity of 2.4 million hectoliters of beer per year. Start of production of German beer OeTTINGER.

2007 Establishment of the Import Beverages division within the Moscow Brewing Company. Inclusion in the portfolio of imported brands of beer and drinks, such as Perrier, Vittel, Pago juices, beer Budweiser Budvar, Erdinger Weissbier, Clausthaler, Harp, Bombardier and others.