How Burger King works. inside view

The Burger King restaurant chain is gaining more and more popularity among the Russian population, so buying a Burger King franchise can pay off in a fairly short time - only 1.5-2 years. Despite the fact that the conditions of this franchise are quite serious, the company offers powerful support to its owners, so the number of people interested in this network has only increased recently.

Burger King first appeared in suburban Miami in late 1954. Since then, the company has been successfully developing, and after half a century there were already more than 12 thousand restaurants of this chain all over the world. The Burger King network covers 76 countries of the world, and in 2010 Russia was added to this list - the first Burger King restaurant appeared in Moscow in the Metropolis shopping center. Today the most successful Burger King stores operate in Chelyabinsk, Nizhnekamsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, Samara and other cities.

For 3 years, the popularity of the network has increased, and as of September of this year, there were more than 120 Burger King fast food restaurants in our country. Burger King Russia, which is the holder of the general franchise for the development of the network in Russia, announced at the beginning of the year that it plans to increase the number of outlets in the country to 500 by 2016. And, according to experts, it is quite successfully moving towards its goal. Reviews about Burger King from both entrepreneurs and their customers are always positive.

Prices and menus at Burger King

The menu of the Burger King restaurant will please the most demanding client - here, of course, there is a wide range of beef, chicken and fish burgers, salads and snacks for lovers of lighter food, a special children's menu, as well as a large selection of drinks and desserts.

The highlight of this network's burgers is that the ingredients for them are passed through the grill, which creates a special, unique taste of the dish. As for prices, they are quite democratic and do not differ much from prices for similar products in other fast food restaurants (McDonald's, etc.)

Cost and terms of buying a Burger King franchise

The main conditions for buying a Burger King franchise are as follows:

  • initial investment - 21,610,000 rubles;
  • royalties - 5% of sales per month;
  • lump-sum contribution - 1,920,000 rubles;
  • a room with an area of ​​​​more than 300 square meters;
  • facade height - from 6 m, ceiling height - from 3 m;
  • at least 8 employees;
  • letter of recommendation from industry experts.

Thus, in order to open a Burger King restaurant, you need to have sufficient solvency, as well as experience in this field, since without it it is almost impossible to get a letter of recommendation. At first glance, it may seem that the conditions of the franchise are too complicated, however, as experience shows, they are quite feasible. If you compare them with the conditions for buying a franchise of the same McDonald's chain, you can see that Burger King is much less demanding of its future partners.

So what does Burger King offer potential franchisees? This:

  1. all kinds of assistance in starting a business;
  2. quality and timely professional advice;
  3. all necessary documents, equipment, recipes and professional "secrets";
  4. investment project and budgeting of the future restaurant;
  5. assistance in advertising and promotion of the product on the market;
  6. support in business organization and management;
  7. training.
  8. As you can see, the support from Burger King is very impressive, which significantly reduces your risks.

How to buy a Burger King franchise and open a restaurant in your city?

If you are sure that you can fulfill all the conditions for buying a Burger King franchise, then you should contact RusBurger representatives, whose contacts can be found on the website It is noteworthy that the company is no less interested in attracting new partners than future franchisees.

In this regard, she constantly holds various promotions aimed at getting more entrepreneurs interested in her franchise. For example, today there is a proposal, according to which the size of the lump-sum contribution is reduced by more than 3 times - to 600,000 rubles, and royalties - to 3%. The Burger King franchise price in this case is the lowest.

When opening a second restaurant, the lump-sum fee is not charged at all, and the amount of royalties is significantly reduced. RusBurger even offers a deferral of payment for the first product filling - in a word, everything to establish close partnerships with future franchisees. Moreover, the company seeks an individual approach to each new partner, which means that the conditions for purchasing a franchise can be changed depending on certain circumstances.

Summing up

So, if we briefly outline the results, then here's what we got - to open a Burger King restaurant, you must have:

  • financial assets in the amount of about 30,000,000 rubles;
  • experience in the fast food restaurant industry.

What will we get in return?

  • permission to operate under the world famous Burger King brand;
  • wide demand and stable profit;
  • support of almost any kind from RusBurger.

The benefits of acquiring a Burger King franchise are clear. This is especially true now, when the network is in its infancy in our country. Therefore, if you have enough funds and desire, buying a Burger King franchise will undoubtedly be a profitable investment.

Useful articles

Over the weekend I visited the kitchen, the utility room and the freezer of Burger King - a premium chain, as explained during the tour, fast food. I watched with interest how everything is arranged from the inside, how burgers are prepared, potatoes are fried and cola is poured. From the usual view, most of the process is hidden by cash desks and a counter with ready-made products, but here an opportunity presented itself and questions that boiled over to ask, and to see from the inside with your own eyes. Let's say I was very intrigued by the fact that in Burger King they cook without gloves, and I received an exhaustive answer why it is done this way and not otherwise.

Detailed photo report under the cut.

On the other side of the counter, it turned out to be unusual - you are standing, and on the contrary, people come up, make orders, look at you with a camera a little, but not too surprised. If I saw a group in sterile gowns and with SLRs in a fast food place, I would probably show more amazement. Here the process goes on as usual, as if nothing is happening.

Burger King, like all fast food chains, has its own recognizable feature, a branded product - the so-called "whoppers". This word, which comes from the English Whopper ("whopper"), refers to very, very large burgers, some of which are much larger than the capacity of the human mouth, I believe. According to Wiki, the whopper is one of the most recognizable hamburgers in the fast food industry. From time to time, whoppers with a non-standard taste appear on the menu, for a change.

The reason to gather bloggers was another addition to the menu - "Big King Extra" - also a rather big hamburger for a reasonable 85 rubles. I don’t know how the tour began with other bloggers who visited the kitchen that day, and the one who was late (almost an hour, by the prayers of my beloved Russian Railways) was immediately handed one to me for tasting. Regular readers of my blog will probably remember how I recently conducted a survey about where the most delicious burgers are, and you advised me to try them in a variety of chains. Liked the option at Burger King.

I looked up the recipe for this sandwich in the kitchen. At the top is a 4-inch "top of the bun" (quoted here and hereafter, and at the end of the post there will be a flowchart), then 7 grams of Big King sauce, under it 14 grams of Iceberg lettuce and 7 grams of onions. Then there are two slices of pickles. All this is laid on a "hamburger patty" that is toasted over an open fire, and it is laid on the middle part of at least a 4-inch bun. Under the middle part is another "hamburger patty" lying on a slice of cheese and seven grams of onion. The entire structure rests on 14 grams of Iceberg lettuce, 14 grams of Big King sauce, and the bottom of a 4-inch bun.

So, the whole burger is added up completely in the wrong order in which I listed. And not even the other way around. Everything is very tricky there, as it turned out, and all kinds of machines take part in the process.

To see the cooking process, we were invited to the staff area. Here, everyone changed into special bathrobes and shoe covers to comply with hygiene standards. We left all outerwear in advance in the hall, under the supervision of a security guard. They took with them only bags with lenses for SLRs.

Through the refrigerator you can get into the freezer, where the temperature is maintained at -20 degrees:

The maximum allowable time limit that the product can spend outside the freezer during the unloading process is 30 minutes. In practice, machines unload much faster. In general, there are a lot of time limits in Burger King. For example, a cutlet after frying should lie no more than an hour in a special container that maintains temperature. The same applies to all other products - if they were not used or used up in the right time, then they are thrown away. The canons of fast food imply that it is more expensive to risk expired products - lawsuits in which case can be monstrous.

Fresh greens were found on the adjacent shelves, already outside the freezer. Some products arrive at the warehouse uncut, while others are fully prepared.

There are sauces nearby, and as I understand it, they are not subject to freezing. Some sauces can be stored refrigerated, while others are specifically kept at room temperature. For example, mayonnaise sauce and ketchup are stored strictly in the refrigerator, as it should be according to the recipe. The temperature in this room is -2 degrees, that is, it is a full-fledged refrigerator.

We moved to a warmer room. Drink cups and other disposable tableware, bottled water and teas, buns (which come frozen and thaw at room temperature) are stored here. Of the sauces on the shelves, I drew attention to the "barbecue" - apparently, it does not require extreme cooling. Also, burger sauce does not require refrigeration, which should be warm at the time of "assembly" of the sandwich.

And this is a three-phase "standard" dishwashing - well, that is, in the first phase, the dishes are soaked and stubborn dirt is removed, in the second they are washed with chemicals, and in the third, rinsing occurs. I also noticed in the photo that a disinfecting lamp is hanging on the right, it didn’t catch my eye during the shooting:

Personnel with access to products are required to wash their hands according to a special system. We were clearly shown how this is done, when I upload the video I will show it. Here's the secret why Burger King doesn't use gloves.

It turned out, according to research, much more bacteria accumulate under gloves than on specially cleaned hands and it is more hygienic to work without gloves. For this, hands are washed very seriously - first carefully and using a brush with a special gel, which is washed off with running water. They wash not only the palms, but entirely up to the elbows, as in surgery.

Then a special chemical composition is applied to the hands, and carefully rubbed into the skin up to the very elbows. As we were explained, this is a disinfecting cream used in medicine. As a result, after such a powerful processing, the products can be safely touched with bare hands.

Of course, the processing is not enough for a whole shift, and according to the standard, hands are washed as they get dirty, but at least once an hour. Hygiene is a critical thing for chain fast food.

But, before it comes to the assembly, which is shown in the frame above, many more steps are required. It all starts with frozen cutlets, which must go through the crucible of a grill with an open fire. It's practically a conveyor belt - frozen plates are placed on top and one at a time, gradually, are fed through the flame. Grill with open fire "know-how" Burger King, due to this frying, a greater juiciness of the cutlets is achieved.

Cutlets are made from Russian products in Odintsovo, and are fried at a temperature of about 400 degrees. Inside it looks like this:

Below, under the grill, cutlets fall into special containers with handles. After the container is filled with a certain number of cutlets, it is removed from the grill pan and transferred to a special thermal cabinet, where a stable temperature is maintained at a little over 100 degrees:

In this cabinet, with electronic notes "where is which cutlet" the product can be far from being forever. If my memory serves me right, the limit is 60 minutes, and there is a color indication - if the meat starts to approach the limit, a special light comes on, calling for attention. If the time limit is passed, then the tray with cutlets goes to the trash. I don’t know if this happens in fast food, where a whole system of issuing popular items to the buyer has been developed in practice.

Another angle on the same cabinet. Those who want to see the inscriptions can enlarge the image in the browser, as always, I upload pictures like this, . The cabinets themselves are installed above the "assembly line", where all the manipulations with burgers are made. At the top you can see prescription labels. The one in the right corner, with the recipe for that same "Big King Extra" I will show at the end.

When the first cutlets appeared in the oven container, it comes to buns. Some of them are thawed in a warehouse with a low temperature, and then transferred in pallets to the burger conveyor hall:

If necessary, the buns are taken out of the sealed package and thrown into a special mega-toaster:

At the exit from it is a soft, but nicely toasted bun:

Buns come in two-section, three-section, and are divided by "inches" - I already wrote above that Big King Extra requires the top, middle and bottom parts of a 4-inch bun. Here, in front of my eyes, they began to collect one of the burgers:

Please note that the greens were first placed on top of the bun. The one closer to you in the frame is the lower one, and first they put two cutlets on it, and then a piece of cheese. I've always wondered how it turns out that some of the food on a burger is cold and some is hot. If you heat up a finished burger in the microwave, the result is completely and much worse in taste than what they give in Burger King.

The bottom line here is that only part of the food is heated, a significant part of the burger (salad, sauces) is not subjected to heat treatment. When you heat up a whole burger in the microwave, in principle, this effect cannot be achieved, moreover, the bread loses moisture and quickly becomes dull, it becomes tasteless.

Then hot cutlets are placed on the toasted lower part, from the same cabinet where the temperature is maintained, and cheese is placed on top:

After that, the lower part of the burger goes into a special oven, where the cheese is melted. Everything is clear on a timer, in a conveyor mode. While part of the burger is there, the chef works on the top element, finishing it with tomatoes.

And when the lower part with melted cheese comes out of the oven, it is decorated with bacon and complemented with signature sauce:

And add something else. By the way, "about the hands" - for some types of ingredients, special grips are used:

Finally, the top is carefully placed on top of the bottom, and the finished burger is wrapped in a special paper that allows it to stay at the right temperature.

Now let's see how everything happens on the example of a completely different burger model. Since the process is generally similar, I will not comment on each step.

Let me draw your attention to one point - the top of the bun is smeared with a special sauce, using a special tool. This is something like mayonnaise, as I understand it:

Where did the second bun go? Of course she went into the oven to melt the cheese. Moreover, I noticed that in addition to cheese, there was also bacon on it. It is also heated and browned while the ingredients are placed on top:

But the bottom of the burger is back:

A little more finishing on the top:

Sauces and ingredients on the bottom:

And now the neat closure of the structure:


Paper wrapping:

Second hands take the wrapped burger...

To put it in a special tray, buyers can already see it from the back. Everything is logical here - burgers are sorted by type, there are inscriptions like "gam", "dv.cheese", "cheese" - we all perfectly understand what they mean.

Lastly, potatoes. I paid attention to the oven with a timer. Waited a long time for time to run out...

At this time, potatoes were boiling inside. As soon as the timer went to zero and the stove squealed, the container was taken out and hung up so that the oil would drain. As explained, the oil in these furnaces changes as it oxidizes, and this is determined instrumentally. That is, as soon as the oil ceases to meet the norm, it is replaced with a new one. As a rule, draining occurs after the shift, because this procedure is "dirty", and hot oil is not the easiest substance to use.

And here are the recipes that I spied on the assembly line. "BBQ Chicken Rap" is this thing in a wheat tortilla:

And here is the recipe for the new Big King Extra burger, still a black and white photocopy, because the day of our visit was the first time it appeared on the menu:

And a couple of photos of people in the end:

part 2

And the material serp : here he is

P.P.S. Asked to send a table of caloric content of Burger King products. Sent.

Fast food Burger King straightened his shoulders, and this fast food chain is already in many Russian cities. Because fast food is one of the most promising business areas today.

What is Burger King?

Fast food Burger King is an American company. The full name is Burger King Corporation. The company is headquartered in Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA.

This company owns a global chain of fast food restaurants. For example, a few years ago, Burger King announced that it had 13,000 outlets in 79 countries. This company specializes in hamburgers (mostly whoppers).

Burger King is a chain of fast food restaurants.

In Russia (as well as throughout the world) Burger King operates through a franchising system. Franchising, in simple terms, is an opportunity to open your own store, but under the guise of a well-known company. At the same time, they will help you find a suitable room, staff, help with repairs, goods. It is clear that for all this it will be necessary to pay on time.

The first chain restaurant in Russia was opened on January 20, 2010 in the Moscow shopping and entertainment center "Metropolis", and the second - in the Moscow shopping center "European". As of September 8, 2017, 466 Burger King restaurants are open in Russia.

The term "fast food" refers to food that can be quickly prepared and served to the client. Americans have long been a fast food nation. This western style of life, a quick and inexpensive meal, has become a part of the lives of many Russians.

The speed of preparation and consumption is the main advantage of these dishes. Compared to a restaurant, Burger King or another fast food chain is much cheaper in cost. For example, Burger King is aimed at visitors with an average income, so eating at Burger King will be cheaper than at McDonalds, not to mention ordinary cafes and restaurants.

The main reason for visiting is convenience. Good service.,This is a place where you can eat tasty and inexpensive.

Given the fast pace of life in big cities, citizens willingly consume fast foods. There is evidence that every second resident of Moscow consumes fast food at least 2 times a week, the average check in an institution of this type is 650 rubles. Here are the largest fast food chain companies:

  • "McDonalds"
  • burger king
  • "Sub way"
  • "KFC"
  • "Teremok"
  • "Stardog"
  • "Tea spoon"
  • "Little Potato"
  • "Wokker"

Impact on human health

People go to Burger King and other fast food places. it means they like it. it means it's delicious. Visit Burger King and similar establishments. according to statistics, persons from 14 to 65 years.

The main reason for visiting is convenience. good service, this place. where you can eat tasty and cheap. Even the size of the wallet is not in the main place here. Parents with children, young people, students, working residents of the capital, people of age. everyone visits Booger King and other fast food places.

Everything is delicious and beautiful. but the status of "dangerous" food has been assigned to fast foods. Why? To feed a large number of people, it is necessary to prepare a large number of semi-finished products, which may contain various food additives.

Caesar roll

After all, a product that has deteriorated not only loses its appearance, but is also inedible. In order for the products not to spoil so quickly, various preservatives and antioxidants are added to them. Nutritional value of foods is enhanced by food additives.

Onion Rings Burger King

For example, it is impossible to do without emulsifiers and stabilizers in the manufacture of ice cream and mayonnaise. Otherwise, these products will simply fall apart into their component parts. Most of these food additives adversely affect the state of the body and health of both children and adults.

Hot brownie Burger King

M Many foods are prepared using hydrogenated fats (margarines). With the frequent use of such products, human immunity is impaired, the risk of developing diabetes, cancer increases, and the amount of testosterone decreases. Let me remind you that the main male hormone.

The danger of gaining excess weight from fast food is very high. Of course, you can count calories and limit yourself in this diet, but not everyone can do it.

Even from fast foods, you can quickly gain weight. But here are the nutrients. needed by the body, may not be enough from such nutrition. Therefore, everyone who eats in fast food faces the task of how not harm your health, and how not to gain excess weight, because all food is high in calories.

Burger King calories

Main dishes and appetizers

Mass of products

Energy value (Kcal.)













double whopper






triple whopper






Whopper with cheese






Bopper Mini






Triple Whopper with Cheese













122, 3





Big King






Big King XXL






Double Cheeseburger






Double Cheeseburger XXL












Long Chicken






Long Chicken with cheese






Crispy Chicken






Crispy Chicken with cheese






Caesar Chicken Rap(roll)






Grill Chicken Barbecue


















Fish King






Fish King with cheese






Wings King (4)






Wings King (6)






Wings King (9)






King Free






Onion rings (6)






Crispy Chicken Salad






Village potatoes (small portion)






Rustic potatoes (standard portion)












Beer Efes Pilsner












hot brownie






Hot brownie with ice cream

















Ice cream twix






Triple Whopper from Burger King

As you can see from the table, sorting out with food is very simple. A double or triple whopper, brownies with ice cream, a couple of glasses of Pepsi - that's your daily energy rate. Everything superfluous will be deposited in your sides. Therefore, always keep a cool head on your shoulders.

Wings King

It is interesting that 20-30 minutes after a plentiful and high-calorie lunch, a feeling of hunger appears. This is the other side of fast food. This is due to the low nutritional value.

Potato Rustic Burger King

From frequent visits to fast food, it is possible to acquire obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, gastritis, and ulcers. Therefore, always listen to your body, and think about what is best to order.

Chicken fries booger king

Fast food chain customers appreciate delicious, fast food and profitable marketing promotions, thanks to which you can eat at restaurants for free. If you do not know how to get a burger at Burger King for free, use our methods.

Use of points

You can get a free burger, fries or a drink using a special one for iOS and Android.

Follow instructions:

  1. Download and install the application on your mobile device.
  2. Enter the welcome promo code and get 1 point.
  3. Enter the city name, phone number for identification.
  4. Collect points, get additional privileges.

Points are earned by completing simple tasks:

For example, for five points you can eat a Whopper. To receive, you need to activate the program on your phone and tell the cashier the secret code.

Free food at Burger King with coupons in 2019

Here's what you can get absolutely free at Burger King. But first you have to spend some money. Then use the coupon and take your freebie!

Coupon number: 10912 Coupon number: 10760 Coupon number: 10754 Coupon number: 10767

You can get discounts in one of the following ways:

  • in the Burger King mobile app;
  • at information desks in network establishments;
  • from the promoters of your city;
  • at cashiers BK.

To get a free whopper or a discount, you need:

  1. Make an order.
  2. Notify the cashier about the coupon.
  3. Name a 4 or 5 digit promo code.
  4. Wait for the information to be verified.
  5. Receive your order with a coupon deduction.

Coupon offers are constantly updated.

Promotions from partners

Burger King partners who constantly launch new bonus programs and discounts will help you eat for free:

  1. Sberbank - when paying with a bank card, cashback and points are accrued from each purchase (1 point = 1 ruble). Lunch for free is available with the accumulation of 249 points.
  2. "Crossroads" - when paying with a club card, 3% of the order value is returned in points. You can write off any number of points.

How to eat for free with a Burger King card - no longer working

With each payment, present the bonus card to the cashier and get additional points to the account.

To get a free burger, BK CARD holders need:

  1. Make a purchase with a bonus card in the amount of at least 300 rubles.
  2. Register the card in your personal account on the website
  3. Get 100 rubles to your account.
  4. Spend money on your favorite food.

To become the owner of the card, you just need to ask for it at the checkout when ordering for any amount.

Privileges for employees

Another surefire way to eat for free is to work for a company.

Each employee has the following privileges:

  • free meals and training;
  • medical insurance;
  • premiums;
  • holiday gifts and more.

If you are young, active and love whoppers - just for you.

Marketing promotions "Burger King" 2019

BK restaurants are distinguished by constant monitoring of customer preferences and launching interesting promotions.

In 2019, the following are relevant:

  • "Happy Hours" - the time when you can buy the usual set (for example, 2 burgers and french fries) for only 199 rubles;
  • "50% discount on burgers" - when paying with a MasterCard bank card, you need to pay only half of the order;
  • “The second one is free” - when ordering one glass of beer, the second visitor receives it completely free of charge.

Video: How to eat for free at Burger King in 2019.

Burger King is a place for those who love delicious food and know how to save their own money.

How to Get Free French Fries at Burger King in 2019

So, do you like free food? Then this tip is for you. Not so long ago, bookmakers updated their application for iOS and Android. Now everyone who installs the application on their gadget can get french fries for free. Then continue to accumulate so-called E-points and eat at half price or even without money. We will write a separate article on how to get a lot of free E-points. And by the way, having bought French fries for the first time for 1 ruble, you are already starting to accumulate bonus E-points, which will allow you to save significantly.

Here are the details of this promotion (French fries for 1 ruble):

So, how do you still snatch free french fries at Burger King:
1. To get started, download the Burger King app for your gadget:


2. During installation, enter the promo code: WA7R9X
3. Click "Profile" and be sure to confirm the mail and get a bonus card, otherwise the coupon will not be sent.
4. Then click "Coupons" - Personal and get french fries at any restaurant.

If you invite your friends to the app, then again you can get 100 E-Points (which corresponds to 100 rubles) for each friend who started ordering food through the app.

Everything is very simple! There is nothing difficult in this! But still, if you have any problems or difficulties - write in the comments, we will definitely explain everything for you and help! Bon appetit!

Burger King establishments are ready to provide high quality products, specialties, a varied menu, pleasant pastime and pleasure for the whole family. What ups and downs the company experienced on the way to popularity in the fast food business, about the race for brand leadership with McDonald's, read on.

Prerequisites for founding a company

The consequences of World War II and the sediment of unpleasant memories subsided, the crisis was successfully overcome, and a population explosion was brewing in the United States. Most of the entrepreneurs made big bets on these forecasts, investing in the development of family-type restaurants. A similar idea caught fire and James McLamore with David Egerton, they opened the first fast food restaurant Burger King.

The basics of fast food, the technique of making hamburgers, the manner of service - James McLamore studied all this in detail using the then popular McDonald's as an example and successfully applied it in his own network of similar establishments. To focus the attention of couples on their establishments, the founders of the brand added cutlery to the service. True, they were plastic and inconvenient to use, as intended.

The beginning of the brand's popularity

The history of Burger King differs markedly from its competitors in the fast food industry with numerous ups and downs. The company has changed 4 owners in its history.

December 4, 1954 - Insta-Burger King opens in Miami. It resembled McDonald's, but had significant features. At the institution, the prices for products were fixed, somewhat overpriced compared to competitors(at McDonald's, a hamburger cost the customer 15 cents, and at a new restaurant, 18 cents).

The manner of cooking also stood out. The brand insisted on preserving the nutritional, vitamin values ​​of the burger beef while grilling it, without the use of oil. This indicated concern for the health of customers.

After 3 years, the company adds the original Whopper dish to the menu. A huge sandwich instantly fell in love with visitors. Since 1958, the brand has rapidly stepped into popularity. To reinforce the success of the business, the founders decide on an original marketing move - to shoot an advertising video about the company and the Whopper. For Burger King, this is not the only way to go on television, the brand regularly creates new advertisements and launches them for everyone to see.

Each new video significantly raises the rating of the company. 1959 - A new restaurant opens in Florida, and then management decides to franchise. Franchises, in their opinion, are a budget option for expanding a chain of fast food restaurants. Indeed, it took only 8 years to open 274 establishments under the brand logo.

Burger King and the Pillsbury Corporation

The next important step in the development of the brand is the change of ownership. In 1967 Burger King becomes the property of the Pillsbury Corporation. The purchase to the new owners cost $18 million.

The change in ownership was followed by an accelerated pace of new restaurant openings. The brand management, engaged in the sale of franchises, almost forgot about quality and service. Promised in the commercial, the constancy, the identity of the atmosphere, the equality of the cost of products in all establishments of the network were not respected. The company was on the brink of bankruptcy.

Donald Smith, the former manager of McDonald's, managed to correct the situation. The leadership promised Donald absolute freedom of action, the embodiment of bold ideas in the development of the brand. Smith tightened control over establishments, introduced their unscheduled inspections, directed all his efforts to standardize restaurants. And in 1974, visitors are pleased with the novelty in the organizational process, the Do-It-Yourself technique. Now the client is given the opportunity to independently compose their favorite additions to the sandwich.

For 10 years of presence in Donald's company, the network of establishments has been expanding in the United States and in 30 countries around the world.

  • 1975 - the company takes a bold step, establishes King Auto windows. Now motorists order their favorite dishes without leaving the car. Convenient, high quality, timely - the main tasks of management.
  • 1977 - Burger King gives each client toy present to the main purchase. This bonus attracts even more customers.
  • 1978 - the brand goes to a new level in cooking, expands the menu. Now customers are offered sandwiches for every taste (with chicken, fish, ham).
  • 1980 - another bold marketing move is being introduced, in the form of win-win lottery. In the same year, Donald Smith leaves the company, the brand's business begins to deteriorate.