Where mi helicopters are produced. Helicopter production - how helicopters are assembled at Rostvertol

LE BOURGE (France), June 15 - RIA Novosti. Russia has transferred the production of VK-2500 engines manufactured in Ukraine and installed, in particular, on Mi-8/Mi-17 helicopters, to the Russian base; 10 engines have already been assembled, Vladislav Masalov, general director of the United Engine Corporation (UEC, part of Rostec), told RIA Novosti on Monday.

"The transfer of VK-2500 production completely to the Russian basis has already been completed. Today, the composition of the "Russian" cooperation has been formed. We have already assembled 10 engines, two of them were presented to the customer for qualification tests, which ended in March, the report was agreed with the customer", - said the source of the agency at the international aviation and space salon Paris Air Show taking place in Le Bourget.

According to him, this "allows the start of serial production of engines according to design documentation at the cooperation enterprises." The minimum task this year is "to produce 60 serial engines entirely from Russian components," the head of the UEC noted.

UEC: a "revolutionary engine" is being developed for a helicopter of the futureThe revolutionary engine will embody a whole range of design and materials science innovations, including the widespread use of composite materials in the rotor parts of the engine, UEC Director General Vladislav Masalov told RIA Novosti on Monday.

"As for our Klimov enterprise near St. Petersburg, the first stage of construction of a design and production complex, implemented at the expense of our own and borrowed funds, has been completed there. All new production and administrative buildings have been put into operation, installation and commissioning of equipment have been completed" Maslov said.

Previously, these engines were supplied to Russia from the Ukrainian company Motor Sich, but military-technical ties between the two countries have now been completely terminated at the initiative of Kyiv.

The United Engine Corporation is an integrated structure specializing in the development, serial production and maintenance of engines for military and civil aviation, space programs and the navy, as well as the oil and gas industry and energy. One of the priorities of the UEC is the implementation of comprehensive programs for the development of enterprises in the industry with the introduction of new technologies that meet international standards. The holding's revenue in 2013 amounted to 158.9 billion rubles.

Rostec State Corporation is a Russian corporation established in 2007 to promote the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products for civil and military purposes. It consists of more than 700 organizations, of which nine holding companies have been formed in the military-industrial complex and five in civilian industries, as well as 22 direct management organizations. Rostec's portfolio includes such well-known brands as AvtoVAZ, KamAZ, Russian Helicopters and VSMPO-AVISMA.

Rostec organizations are located in 60 regions of Russia and supply products to the markets of more than 70 countries. Rostec's revenue in 2013 amounted to 1.04 trillion rubles, tax deductions exceeded 138 billion rubles.

How the Kazan Helicopter Plant works, where helicopters of the Mi family are produced

In contact with


Vladimir Laktanov

Kazan Helicopter Plant.

The Kazan Helicopter Plant, which is part of the Russian Helicopters holding company, celebrated its 75th anniversary in autumn. Today it is a world-famous manufacturer of Mi-8/17 family helicopters, which are operated in more than 100 countries around the world. "Russian Planet" visited the enterprise, got acquainted with its past and present, and talked with employees.

Every tenth military aircraft in the country

In 1930, in the Admiralteyskaya Sloboda, on the outskirts of the city, the Kazan Wagon Parts Plant No. 169 arose. In 1935, it became the main manufacturer of aviation skis in the country and soon completely switched to the aviation industry.

The turning point in the history of the plant was 1941, when, at the beginning of the war, the leadership of the USSR decided to transfer the most important defense enterprises from west to east. More than 70 enterprises were evacuated to Kazan, among them the Leningrad Aviation Plant No. 387 - 3 thousand people and hundreds of machine tools, on which the plant has been producing Po-2 aircraft in recent years. The metropolitan enterprise was placed on the territory of plant No. 169, people were dismantled into houses and apartments by local workers. The united plant was assigned the number 387, and the starting point was considered to be 1940 - the date of birth of Lenaviazavod.

Photo: Natalia Fedorova / Russian Planet

Photo: Natalia Fedorova / Russian Planet

According to the recollections of workers, during the war they did not leave the plant for weeks, they worked day and night, including women and children from 13 years old. During the war years, the enterprise produced for the front about 11 thousand Po-2 biplanes - this is every tenth combat aircraft produced by the aviation industry of the USSR. And when the Banner of Victory was hoisted on the Reichstag, it was from an aircraft manufactured at the Kazan plant that a picture was taken, which on May 4, 1945 went around all the newspapers of the world.

“85% of the Po-2 model is made of wood and covered with a special fabric,” says Valery Solomakhin, director of the Museum of Labor Glory at the plant. - A very unpretentious car, it could sit down and rise from any dirt road. When these machines appeared at the front, the fascist command did not pay any attention to them. German newspapers wrote that the Russians began to fight with "wooden planes", they called it "plywood", "coffee mill".

But when the Po-2 began to deliver very accurate and well-aimed strikes, Hitler issued a decree: whoever shoots down such a plane will receive 5 thousand marks and the Iron Cross.

After the war, the USSR was in dire need of agricultural machinery. The sky was forgotten for a while, and in 1946 at the plant number 387 for the first time they began to mass-produce the best self-propelled combine harvesters S-4 at that time in the world. In 1951, Mikhail Mil developed the first Mi-1 helicopter in Russia, its production was entrusted to the Kazan plant, which has since become known as a helicopter plant. The plant has produced the first domestic helicopter for export (Mi-4), and the most massive and popular of all helicopters of the family - Mi-8.

In the 1990s, with the collapse of the Union, the plant itself had to get orders, it survived due to exports. On the first income, their own design bureau was created, which soon developed the modern Ansat helicopter (translated from Tatar - “light”).

Photo: Natalia Fedorova / Russian Planet

Photo: Natalia Fedorova / Russian Planet

“In 2017, we will start serial production of the new Mi-38 helicopter - this is a project of the Mil Design Bureau. The most modern helicopter in the country. Blades made of composite materials, more aerodynamic fuselage, modern avionics, Russian-made engines. During the tests, he set several world records: both in flight speed and in the static ceiling, ”Solomakhin comments.

New life

By the mid-2000s, the physical and moral depreciation of the enterprise reached 80%. Since 2008, the plant has launched a modernization program worth more than 12 billion rubles, which is planned until 2018.

“In the course of modernization, most of the old Soviet machine tools have been replaced with modern ones. One machine today in terms of output replaces from 5 to 20 machines of the past. In the turning shop, for example, there were 112 machine tools, and now there are 48, - Nikolai Gordeev, head of the machine assembly shop for turning and milling, says to the RP. - Acceleration of work in comparison with old machines - by 60%. Production volumes have tripled, the amount of electricity consumed and the space occupied have decreased.”

In the shops of the Kazan Helicopter Plant

In the shops of the Kazan Helicopter Plant. Photo: Natalia Fedorova / Russian Planet

“What was here before? - Gordeev asks and answers himself: - Oil on the floor and machines, noise, dirt, metal shavings flew. For example, before there was no vestibule, and when a car entered the workshop in winter to unload, the person who worked next to this site on the machine put on a hat and padded jacket. Now we have double glazing, heating. When the car comes in, people work quietly even in winter in T-shirts. Dust-free floors, good lighting. Previously, the workers themselves cleaned up after themselves in the evening, now they only serve the machines. Cleaning company cleans up.

Now the plant has more than 100 divisions, where 7 thousand people work. The company's net profit in 2014 amounted to more than 12.7 million rubles.

There are many young sports guys behind the machines - the share of young people working at the plant exceeds 24%. In the machine-assembly shop of the turning direction, for example, the average age of workers before the reconstruction was 53 years old, and now it is 36 years old. At the same time, 60% of the plant's workers are people with higher education. The employees of the enterprise are also offered a wide social package (in 2014, its total amount was 368 million rubles) and special programs - for example, the provision of apartments for rent with their subsequent purchase.

“The most low-skilled worker receives at least 20-25 thousand rubles. The highest pay for workers reaches 60 thousand. The average salary at the plant this year is 38.3 thousand rubles,” notes Gordeev.

Veterans of the Kazan Helicopter Plant

Veterans of the Kazan Helicopter Plant. Photo: Natalia Fedorova/Russian Planet

On the airfield, helicopters “teach to fly,” Andrei Ivanov, deputy head of the flight test complex, figuratively expresses himself. Here, blades, a tail rotor hub are hung on the machine, they are filled with oil and fuel, and ground testing and flight testing begin. We climb inside the Mi-17V-15 helicopter, which will soon leave for India, but before that it must fly for eight hours under the control of test pilots.

The Kazan plant is the only company with a full cycle of helicopter technology: from development and serial production to after-sales support, personnel training and repairs. Almost all components of the helicopter, including avionics, are produced here, except, of course, primary raw materials and motors.

Open Joint Stock Company "Kamov" (former experimental design bureau "Kamov, Ukhtomsk Helicopter Plant") is a design bureau of the Russian Helicopters concern. Known as a designer of coaxial rotor helicopters. In addition, helicopters of a more traditional layout (Ka-62 type) are being designed.

The Kamov Design Bureau was founded in early October 1948. This design bureau is located near the capital of our state in the city of Lyubertsy. There is also a museum dedicated to the legendary designer and his projects. This enterprise is part of the largest holding in our country, Russian Helicopters. Since the beginning of its formation, this enterprise has been engaged in the design and manufacture of helicopters of a wide variety of designs and purposes. A feature of all air vehicles of this company was that almost all of them were equipped with coaxial propellers. They were most effectively used by this company. In addition, helicopters with standard propellers were developed. The most successful project was the civil helicopter Ka-62.

The plant is named after the general designer N. I. Kamov. Since 1992 it has become an open joint stock company.

It is located in the city of Lyubertsy (between the railway stations Lyubertsy and Ukhtomskaya).

OKB "Kamov"- Moscow region Russia

The main activities of OKB Kamov

This organization was created to design and further create multi-purpose helicopters with a wide range of applications. First of all, they were planned to be used for the Navy of the Soviet Union. Taking into account this factor, the designers decided to use a coaxial propeller arrangement on aircraft. It allowed to achieve greater maneuverability and excellent handling with the small dimensions of the machine itself. The most successful models were helicopters of the Ka-27 type, which were designed to destroy surface objects. The Ka-29 model was made as a transport and combat vehicle that can perform many tasks. For marine radar, the designers designed a machine of the Ka-31 type.

The most successful models were machines that were manufactured in the 80s of the last century. First of all, these were attack helicopters of the Ka-50 type with the name "Black Shark". This single-seat vehicle could perform many combat missions due to its very high flight performance and great combat power. On the basis of this model, an even more perfect one was developed under the name "Alligator", or Ka-52. These devices were mass-produced at the Progress enterprise.

The bureau was engaged in the manufacture of civilian helicopters. The most successful and high-quality machine for civilian use can be called a multi-purpose helicopter of the Ka-32A type. It was rightfully appreciated by international organizations and awarded with international certificates such as EASA and FAR. In this class, the Ka-32A had the best flight characteristics and a payload of 5 tons. A very versatile machine was also made for use in various climatic conditions, it was the Ka-226 helicopter. This modular machine could be effectively operated in highlands, densely populated settlements or over water bodies.

One of the most successful models of recent times has been a passenger helicopter with a capacity of up to 15 passengers. It can also carry up to 2.5 tons of cargo inside the cabin or on an external sling. This model is equipped with only one main rotor and at the same time meets all international quality and safety requirements.

The history of the creation and development of the Kamov enterprise

The day of the establishment of this enterprise is October 7, 1948. This organization was headed by a successful designer and innovator Nikolai Ilyich Kamov. A feature of this company is that the designers developed prospectively helicopters with coaxial propellers, which were subsequently mass-produced. No other company in the world has been engaged in such production in series.

Five years after the foundation of the Kamov bureau, one of the most successful coaxial helicopters was produced, which was the first to be put into mass production. He had the designation Ka-15 and in 1953 became the first helicopter with this type of propeller structure, which was mass-produced. And three years later, the Ka-18 helicopter was created on the basis of this model. After the manufacture of this device in 1956, he was awarded the Gold Medal at an exhibition in the city of Brussels. This award was given for a very original design of the machine body.

1961 brought Kamov's company another high-quality and reliable car, which was recognized all over the world. It was a military helicopter of the Ka-25 type. This combat vehicle was designed for use on ships, and the main task that it had to perform was the destruction of enemy nuclear submarines. A feature of this type of helicopter is the installation of a circular radar station on it, which helped to navigate over the vast sea areas. It can be said that the installation of a large number of on-board equipment and complexes contributed to the high-quality performance of combat missions and military missions. In addition, all the equipment made it possible to fly in rather difficult meteorological conditions and at any time of the day. It should be noted that this device can be used in any climatic conditions.

The next rather successful prototype of the Kamov company was the Ka-27 combat helicopter, it is also adapted for operation on ships of the Navy. An export version of this machine was also developed, it had the designation Ka-28. It differed from the original one in a more powerful strike complex. These devices can effectively carry out combat operations against enemy submarines and any other surface objects. The helicopter of the Ka-27 model was the last helicopter, on which the great designer N.I. Kamov. The preparation of the apparatus for mass production was carried out by the followers of Kamov. Since 1974, the post of general designer was taken by a student of Kamov, namely S.V. Mikheev.

On the basis of Kamov's developments, a whole line of very high-quality helicopters for various purposes was created for both the military industry and for civilian operation. So, the following machines became the most famous helicopters of this company:

    shipborne vehicles such as Ka-28 and Ka-29;

    for radar surveillance, the Ka-31 model was made;

    civilian helicopter for the transport of large cargo or passengers under the designation Ka-32.

It should be noted that the Ka-32 has found application in the civil economy: in construction, expeditions and rescue operations. In addition to the operation of this machine in the CIS, it is used on other continents of our planet. This unit is marked with quality certificates in Europe and America. Ka-32 was used when lowering sensors into the destroyed nuclear reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This device was manufactured in the Union, the production of the Ka-32 and its modifications was also carried out by the Cameroon aircraft manufacturing plant.

One of the most recent and successful helicopters of the Kamov Design Bureau was the Ka-226. It has a modular design, which greatly improves performance. A machine of this type was developed in a variety of options, among which there are: transport, patrol, rescue, passenger, fire, etc. The transport version is equipped with a powerful power plant, which includes two Arrius engines, which provides thrust of one thousand horsepower. All this makes it possible to operate the helicopter in rather difficult climatic conditions and at high altitudes.

At this time, Kamov's company is one of the most famous and developed in the field of helicopter construction on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond. The entire staff has extensive experience and knowledge in building quality aircraft for multi-purpose use. Among them are a large number of doctors of sciences, professors and simply brilliant designers who have excellent technical education. This enterprise has been marked by many high state awards for a long history. At the moment, the company is part of a huge holding company called Russian Helicopters.

Holding uniting all helicopter-building enterprises of the country

Russian Helicopters Holding is the only developer and manufacturer of helicopters in Russia, as well as one of the few companies in the world with the capabilities to design, manufacture, test and maintain modern civil and military helicopters.

General Director of the Russian Helicopters holding Andrey Ivanovich Boginsky.

Holding history

Russian Helicopters was founded in 2007 and is part of the Rostec State Corporation. The holding united the assets of all Russian helicopter manufacturing plants; enterprises for the production of components; companies providing after-sales support for helicopters in the Russian Federation and abroad. The research and development work of the holding is carried out in the two largest schools of world-class helicopter engineering: the Moscow Helicopter Plant. M.L. Mil and OKB im. N.I. Kamov. The number of employees of the holding is about 40 thousand people.

The need to consolidate the industry, develop unified technological processes and adopt unified solutions for civilian and military products became the reasons for the creation of the holding.

By 2011, under the leadership of the State Corporation Rostec, the process of merging assets was completed. During this time, Russian Helicopters has strengthened cooperation with foreign partners by increasing the amount of equipment supplied abroad. In addition, the holding got the opportunity to exchange the best innovative developments.

Russian Helicopters today

The company is among the world leaders in the most promising and dynamically developing areas, including in the segments of medium-heavy, super-heavy, and attack helicopters.

The products of the Russian Helicopters holding occupies 90% of the Russian helicopter market, in world sales the company accounts for about 10%. The enterprises of Russian Helicopters produced 22% of the world fleet of military helicopters, while the holding's products account for 32% of the world fleet of combat and 42% of medium military transport helicopters. In the global fleet of civil helicopters, the products of the Russian Helicopters holding account for 49% among heavy helicopters and 65% in the class of medium helicopters (with a takeoff weight of 7 to 20 tons).

More than 8,000 Russian-made helicopters are operated in more than 100 countries around the world.

Products of Russian Helicopters

The model range of products manufactured by Russian Helicopters mainly includes medium and heavy class civil and military vehicles. In the near future, the holding plans to increase the production of light class models, which should help expand its presence in the international market. In particular, we are talking about such models as Ansat, Ka-226T. The holding's novelty in the light segment is the VRT500 single-engine multi-purpose helicopter.

The novelties of the middle class are Ka-62, Mi-171A2, Mi-38. At the moment, the following models are in serial production: Ka-226, Ka-27, Ka-29, Ka-31, Ka-32A11BC, Ka-52 Alligator, Ansat, various modifications of Mi-8/17, Mi -26(T), Mi-35M, Mi-28N Night Hunter.

The newest attack helicopter Mi-28NM and combat trainer Mi-28UB are being serially produced.

Development and innovation

Russian Helicopters is actively re-equipping and modernizing its enterprises, and is working on a number of promising projects. Key areas of development: safety, efficiency, environmental friendliness, the intellectual component and the development of basic technologies that will be in demand when creating new helicopters.

At present, Russian Helicopters has started implementing the innovative Unmanned Systems program, which provides for the creation of a model range of competitive unmanned helicopter systems for civil and military (special) purposes of medium and long range.

Much attention is paid to the formation of the innovative infrastructure of Russian Helicopters, in connection with which the National Center for Helicopter Engineering was created in Tomilino, near Moscow, on the basis of two eminent design schools, Mil and Kamov, where experimental research, pilot production and flight test centers are already operating today.

The holding includes:

JSC Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mile"
JSC "Kamov"
JSC "Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant"
PJSC "Kazan Helicopter Plant"
PJSC "Rostvertol"
JSC Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise
PJSC AAK "Progress" them. N.I. Sazykina
JSC Aviation Gearboxes and Transmissions - Perm Motors
JSC "Stupino machine-building production enterprise"
JSC Helicopter Service Company
JSC "Novosibirsk Aircraft Repair Plant"
JSC 356 Aviation Repair Plant
JSC "419 Aviation Repair Plant"
JSC "810 Aviation Repair Plant"
JSC "150 Aviation Repair Plant"
JSC "12 Aviation Repair Plant"
JSC "99 plant of aviation technological equipment"
VR-Technologies LLC
LLC Center for Procurement and Logistics of the Helicopter Industry
JSC "HeliVert"

The creation and production of helicopter technology in Russia began in the twenties of the twentieth century and was focused on meeting the interests of the state and its executive bodies. During the existence of the USSR, the main one was the serial production of medium and heavy helicopters, which were in the service of the armed forces and were used in some sectors of the national economy. Light helicopters were produced in Soviet times in extremely limited series and were significantly inferior in their technical characteristics and quality to their foreign counterparts. At present, the situation has changed dramatically. Now Russian-made products have an enviable competitiveness and are ready to conquer world markets.

The article will consider some models of small helicopters that are produced in the Russian Federation.

Where are light helicopters used?

Currently, Russia is used in the following tasks:

  • patrolling extended pipelines, high-voltage power lines, highways and highways;
  • conducting work on environmental monitoring;
  • delivery of small cargoes and postal items;
  • provision of business flights and civil flights;
  • pilot training in flight schools.

This is not a complete list of industries in which the use of helicopters is appropriate, as the number of areas of their application is growing every day.

Today, lungs are gradually replacing heavy and medium air transport from the listed areas of their use. This is due to the fact that its operation in comparison with small machines is not economically feasible.

"Mi-34" - the first light helicopter in Russia

The production of small Mi-34 helicopters dates back to 1993, when the Mi Light Helicopters Production Association was established. The initiators of this were the leading Russian companies involved in the construction of air transport, such as the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M. L. Mil, the Progress plant of the Arseniev Aviation Company, the Vyatka Machine-Building Plant Avitek, the Agregat company and other organizations. The purpose of the company was to develop and further serial production of Mi-34 light helicopters and their modifications, to search for potential buyers, to establish after-sales service, to repair such machines, to organize an educational process for pilots and engineering staff, to develop new types of small helicopters.

The result of the activities of this enterprise was the creation of the first certified light helicopter Mi-34S in Russia. Such a helicopter is used to transport passengers and cargo, organize air patrols, educate and train pilots, assess the consequences of emergencies and solve operational problems by public utilities and municipal services of cities.

The first light helicopters of Russia "Mi-34S" even today are competitive both in the domestic market and abroad.

Ansat light helicopters

The Ansat light helicopter was created by the engineers of the design bureau of OJSC Kazan Helicopter Plant. The employees of the enterprise took up the development of this model of the helicopter back in 1994. The first car took to the skies in 1999 and was equipped with an electronic remote control system. Mass production of Ansat began in 2004.

Depending on the configuration, the helicopter can be used to solve rescue, sanitary, patrol and training tasks.

This helicopter has the ability to transport cargo weighing up to 1,300 kilograms and is capable of carrying up to nine passengers. The helicopter has fairly good flight performance: its flight range can be 520 km, cruising speed reaches 240 km/h, and the maximum height is 6,000 meters.

Light helicopters of Russia "Ansat" are in service with the army and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

"Ka-226" - the basis of the helicopter fleet of the Russian Federation

The Ka-226 helicopter is a product of a deep modernization of the Ka-26 and Ka-126 light helicopters. This one retained the best characteristics of its "parents" and acquired higher rates in terms of fuel economy and transport quality.

At present, the Ka-226 can be called the "workhorse" in the line of Russian light helicopters. After all, he received a new beam-type fuselage, consisting of aluminum alloys and fiberglass. The cockpit has become more comfortable. It has new equipment that allows you to fly day and night, regardless of weather conditions. The transport cabin is a removable element. This layout allows you to install additional passenger seats with a total of up to 9 pieces, equip the helicopter with a medical module, and organize a special compartment for transporting goods.

Helicopters "Ka-226" can be used for various purposes. For example, it uses such helicopters to provide emergency rescue operations, as well as ambulances and fire engines. Municipal authorities of cities use this transport as an ambulance, to ensure law and order and transport passengers. In many technical parameters, the Ka-226 light helicopter is superior to foreign-made counterparts.

"Berkut" - a new round in the helicopter industry

The light helicopter "Berkut" was developed by the private company "Berkut Aero" and is a direct competitor to Western small helicopters. The main difference between the Russian car and its foreign rivals is the use of a coaxial scheme, which involves the use of two rotors instead of one.

The flight range of such a helicopter can be 600 km, the cruising speed reaches 170 km/h, the maximum flight altitude is up to 3500 meters.

Light helicopters of Russia "Berkut" today are highly competitive in the market, as they have a lower acquisition cost, do not require high operating costs and can become indispensable and versatile assistants in various industries and businesses.

"Afalina" - the latest ultralight high-speed helicopter

In 2015, Russian engineers created the newest Afalina helicopter. This model belongs to the light two-seat single-engine helicopters, which use a twin-screw coaxial scheme and a tandem arrangement of pilots. The bottlenose dolphin can cover a distance of up to 750 km and has a maximum speed of up to 250 km/h.

According to the assurances of the developer company, such light helicopters have no analogues either in Russia or abroad. "Afalina" can be refueled with conventional automotive fuel and is a universal assistant to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other government agencies of Russia.

Russian light helicopters in service with the army

Russian light helicopters can be seen in service with the armies of both the Russian Federation and the countries of the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The military appreciates these vehicles for their versatility, affordability, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to use them in confined spaces.

Light helicopters are also in service with the naval forces as combat units during rescue operations and evacuation of the sick, wounded and injured.


In Russia today there are several dozen craftsmen who assemble small helicopters at home. These people invent and design such machines, post drawings of light helicopters on the Internet and share their experience on special forums. For example, one of these masters is Dmitry Dmitriev from the city of Togliatti.

Currently, Russian light helicopters are gaining more and more popularity and are becoming universal assistants in various fields. With low operating costs, they successfully replace medium and heavy machines, which are not always effective in solving certain tasks. Thanks to the rich experience in the helicopter industry, Russian light helicopters are highly competitive in the domestic market and beyond.