How to open your business for the purchase of used car batteries. Money from garbage: how much you can earn on old batteries

Battery disposal is currently poorly organized. There are practically no enterprises where the processing of batteries is organized in Russia. Few entrepreneurs risk running their own recycling workshop. And the state does not take special steps in this direction.

What are batteries used for?

People collect waste energy sources to save nature from pollution.

Why can't batteries be thrown into the trash?

This is due to the fact that harmful substances in batteries cause irreparable damage to the environment. They poison water and soil.

At the moment, all this stuff is thrown into garbage cans and taken to a landfill. There is garbage mixing. Then there is further burning. When burned, a number of harmful substances are released that poison the air. With precipitation, all this can be transferred to different territories and infect the area.

Therefore, in order for humanity to be healthy, it is necessary not to throw food sources into the trash, but to collect and take them to special collection points. But so far, few people care about it. People continue to look for cures for many diseases and wonder why they get sick. But in fact, looking for a solution by inventing pills is a road to nowhere. First of all, it is necessary to solve the issue of ecology and understand that the air that people breathe is very dirty and adversely affects the body.

It is difficult to cure a person of an illness when the etiological (that is, when the cause has not been eliminated) factor is constantly acting on him.

Collecting batteries for recycling

The collection of used batteries takes place according to a pre-planned action. A person, usually a volunteer or an entrepreneur, who wants to do this business, performs organizational activities. In addition, he must create several advertising campaigns, involve schools, kindergartens and other similar institutions.

How do you arrange battery collection?

The most difficult thing is to involve people and organize an active collection of used batteries. To start the flow of batteries into the desired containers, do the following:

  1. Contact the administration of schools, shops, shopping and entertainment centers.
  2. Agree with them that special containers will hang in their buildings.
  3. Talk to teachers, they can go to a meeting. In a special lesson, they can talk about why you can’t throw out power sources. In addition, it is quite possible to give the task to children to bring old unusable batteries and throw them into special boxes.
  4. Prepare special containers.
  5. Place them in and around buildings.
  6. It is necessary to hold special actions around the city like rallies. Engage the public and journalists.
  7. Create as many advertisements as possible. For example, use leaflets, radio, television, social networks, bulletin boards, connect environmentalists, etc.

Collection of batteries in the picture

Hand over the battery save the hedgehog

Under this slogan, an action is being taken to collect batteries in various cities and towns. This helps to instill respect for the environment in the younger generation. After all, it depends on it how much quality our life and the life of our children will be.

In this action, teachers usually tell that 1 power source can poison a place where there is one hedgehog, a couple of trees, several thousand earthworms and two moles. This helps to better understand the problem.

donate the battery save the hedgehog promotion poster

Sometimes they use a different slogan, which sounds like this: "Turn in the battery, save the planet." In fact, a large number of such chants can be used, but everyone has the same goal. It is to save nature from pollution and live in environmentally friendly conditions.

Selling batteries for recycling

Some people look for places where they accept used batteries for money. But you have to work very hard to find them. Because not every entrepreneur is ready to pay for the food sources you have collected. Most often, the collection is carried out absolutely free of charge, so to speak, for the idea of ​​​​cleaning up the environment.

How much does a kilo of batteries cost to recycle?

But at the factory, the recycling of batteries is carried out for money. That is, in order for the company to accept faulty power sources, you will have to pay about 140 rubles per kilogram. A couple of years ago, the price was only 70 rubles.

If you want to make money on batteries, become an entrepreneur, organize a collection and create your own workshop. Only in this case will the income go.

Where to dispose of batteries?

Most people believe that they should be thrown in the trash can, but this is not the case. Power supplies require specialized disposal. Their elimination is tantamount to fluorescent lamps, which must be taken to special points and paid extra. But luckily they take it for free!

How to dispose of batteries?

Actually, it is not necessary to throw out the batteries; they must be taken to special collection points. But you can’t run to the place of delivery because of one old battery. Therefore, people save them at home by putting them on a table or in a box.

It is best to take a plastic container with a tight lid and place the power sources in it.

Or buy specialized ones. The second picture shows boxes that cost about 90 rubles. Used batteries are stored until the case is full. After that, used batteries can be thrown into a special bin located in the supermarket. Usually there is a power source and an environmental badge.

If you think at what voltage to throw out the battery, then everything is simple here. When a technical device does not work from an old power source, you can safely throw it into a plastic box. By the way, you can also dispose of the battery from the phone in a plastic container, and then take it to the collection point.

Battery container

Above was a container for collecting batteries in which they can be stored until they are filled. Now let's consider those containers into which energy sources are thrown.

As soon as the place is filled, the accumulated batteries must be taken to the battery collection container. Typically, these boxes resemble an urn and are located in shopping and entertainment centers.

The container for used batteries is made of different materials. Most often it is polypropylene, paper or galvanized, polished steel. The surface is usually coated with a special powder, left as is, or painted. The color of the product can be any red, blue, orange, green. Some containers are transparent.

After the urn for collecting batteries is completely ready, conventional signs - stickers - are applied to it. As a rule, this is a sign of battery recycling, an ecological symbol, arrows and various environmental objects.

Battery disposal container consists of:

  1. 4 side walls.
  2. Bottoms.
  3. Top cover.
  4. Battery-receiver with compartments for different diameters of used batteries.
  5. Pens. Mostly small boxes for collecting batteries have a similar device.

To save money, you can make a container for collecting batteries with your own hands. It is made from plain paper. You can use a plastic bottle for storage.

Battery containers in Europe

In Europe, there are containers for collection in front of almost every store selling batteries. Therefore, there are no problems with the disposal of batteries. People who dispose of unusable items receive discounts on the purchase of new ones. Usually, recycling boxes are painted in a specific green color. Sometimes it can be yellow and different. The shape of such containers, in the form of huge finger batteries. Sometimes you can find a giant container in the form of a Krona power source. The main thing is that it should be visible.

In Russia, people think it's right to just throw the power supply into a bucket and forget it. The collection system is only in its infancy. And few people make special containers.

Battery collection points

These institutions most often work in places where there are a large number of people. These are markets, shops, cafes, etc.

The main points where batteries are periodically accepted for recycling:

  1. Disposal of batteries media markt.
  2. El Dorado.
  3. Selling batteries at Ikea.
  4. Vkusvill.
  5. M Video.
  6. Auchan.
  7. Media market.

The device for receiving batteries is installed in front of the entrance, or inside the building. Sometimes, to attract people, it is made in the form of a power source.

In such a container it would be a pleasure to hand over a battery.

How to dispose of batteries?

Recycle power supplies in specialized private enterprises. Batteries are recycled by small companies. The process of waste disposal occurs in several stages, which will be discussed below.

How to dispose of batteries at home?

At home, such a process is strictly prohibited. Such an activity can be very hazardous to health. Some self-taught chemists take apart power supplies and try to properly dispose of batteries. For example, they extract zinc from cups and then melt it down. Zinc is then used to produce hydrogen from dilute sulfuric acid. The carbon core is used as electrolysis. This way you can reuse the batteries.

For ordinary people in Russia, the best disposal would be a special box or urn.

Battery Disposal Guidelines

  1. Place the items in a tight plastic bag, plastic bottle, or with a tight-fitting lid.
  2. After the container is full, and this usually happens after 10 years, take them to a collection point.
  3. Throw them in a special bin.

This completes all recycling at home.

Battery recycling plant in Russia

The very first who began to process batteries in Russia is the Chelyabinsk plant headed by Vladimir Matsyuk. The collection of used ones brings, albeit a small, but stable income. And therefore, doing such a thing is not only profitable, but also useful for the country!

Initially, the enterprise was designed for the processing of microcircuits, electrical engineering and other household waste. Part of the plant had to be converted to recycle power sources.

The main stages of processing energy sources at the plant:

  1. The first step is a manual search by element type.
  2. After that, they come from the containers to the crushing plant.
  3. Partially processed raw materials are placed under a magnetic tape. It separates large elements of the battery case.
  4. That part of the batteries that has been preserved is subjected to repeated crushing and extraction of iron.
  5. Now these are no longer power sources, but a certain mass containing an electrolyte that must be neutralized.
  6. Using hydrometallurgical technologies, finished raw materials are packaged into certain components and packed into containers.
  7. This beautiful factory is able to recycle up to 2 tons of batteries in one day!

The battery recycling plant charges about 110 rubles per kg. The enterprise can extract pure non-ferrous metals due to the previous modernization. At the moment, the plant can process up to 1000 tons of batteries per year.

In addition to all of the above, the plant launched a service for the production of boxes for BOXY power supplies.

Battery recycling technology

After a person has handed over a used battery to a special container at a collection point, they will then be transported to a recycling facility. For the processing of cadmium elements, hydro and pyrometallurgical methods are used.

Particular preference is given to vacuum distillation. It is characterized by low quality cadmium output. And it does not pose a huge danger to the environment. Batteries are recycled using sulfuric acid and ammonia. With their help, the quality of the raw materials obtained is improved. Due to sulfuric acid, the amount of useful materials obtained is reduced. This means only one thing, there is still a lot of work to be done on the technology for processing power sources. But there are other technologies, one of which is presented below.

The pictures show the one-stage processing of batteries by the pyrometallurgical method.

Step by step explanation:

  1. We throw it into the oven.
  2. Bituminous insulators and wraps degrade to hydrocarbons. Volatile substances burn out on a candle.
  3. The electrolyte sublimates and condenses in a special refrigeration unit with water. He dissolves into her.
  4. Cadmium and zinc evaporate and crystallize.
  5. Manganese concentrate is obtained from manganese oxides.
  6. The remainder is graphite, which separates manganese impurities.

This technology is relatively cheap to implement compared to everything else. Its cost is 45 million rubles. The installation is quite economical in terms of energy. The cost per 1 ton of batteries is 2000 kWh. The equipment does not harm nature.

This battery recycling technology allows you to quickly and cheaply get the desired raw materials!

Battery recycling equipment

  1. First of all, you will need a facility for shredding, recycling and disposing of batteries. For example, the FLEX 400 Industry hammer mill - 37 kW.
  2. Various kinds of containers.

Typically, the above setup includes:

  1. Unloading bunker.
  2. Control Panel.
  3. Magnetic separator.
  4. Belt conveyor.
  5. vibrating sieve.
  6. Special grinder.

This approach allows you to easily grind zinc batteries and separate magnetic metals. Batteries caught on the line will have to go through several stages of processing.

  1. First, the energy sources enter the vibratory conveyor. This is required for distribution.
  2. Moving along the belt transport, they enter the mill for grinding. It allows you to make them a homogeneous mass.
  3. At this stage, the raw materials are separated from the common heap in a special separator.
  4. The remains in the form of a black mass are neutralized and taken away to a special place for burial.

Battery recycling presentation

The project was made in PowerPoint 2016. It consists of 6 slides.

What to do with used batteries?

It has already been said above how to deal with used power sources. The best solution would be to take them to the disposal sites or collection points. Here are some options for using old batteries:

  1. Pass.
  2. Make a craft, which is not very safe.
  3. Pick up a metal frame for your needs. Take the rest of the parts to the collection point.
  4. Charge. If they can be recharged.
  5. Build your business!

As a result, how to use old batteries is approximately clear. Any other ideas? Write in the comments.

Battery recycling as a business

The battery recycling business is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs. Profitability from such a business is not large, but you can draw organizational experience. If you collect and sort, then you won’t earn millions here. But if you start your own production, then you can get a good plus. Now this niche is not particularly busy, so you can build a battery recycling business.

The main stages of building your own business on old batteries

  1. You need to open LLC.
  2. Arrange with a shopping center, market, store or other visited point to place special containers for collecting batteries. The store benefits from environmental PR. The person who came to hand over the battery can buy something there.
  3. Purchase containers with appropriate environmental labels.
  4. Carry out advertising campaigns. Here you can attract fighters for the environment. Give interviews to journalists. You can also spend some finances on publishing ads in newspapers. Turn on television. Post ads.
  5. Rent a warehouse for the disposal of used batteries.
  6. Deliver power supplies to the enterprise.
  7. Perform processing.
  8. Sell ​​the resulting raw materials.
  9. Get profit.

If you do not know what is made from recycled batteries, then read below.

Here's what you get from 1 ton of recycled batteries:

  1. 240 kilograms of zinc.
  2. 288 kg of manganese.
  3. 47 kg of graphite.

In fact, batteries are good raw materials. The profit from which can exceed all expectations.

What can be the benefit of collecting batteries?

She's obvious! This is an environmentally friendly city and healthy people of the future! There is no commercial benefit from this. But on the other hand, you can collect batteries, take out the metal base and sell it for scrap. Here again the question arises what to do with the insides of the battery? Throw out? But this will not be beneficial for the environment and commerce.

The battery recycling business for the Megapolis Resource plant is quite profitable. This is due to the fact that the company is paid by retail outlets that have created a collection of batteries. For them, it is beneficial to have such power supply points, as it attracts additional buyers.

In Europe, in order for the recycling of lithium batteries and ordinary ones to work, the process of organizing the collection is paid by the state.

If you agree with the store so that he will pay you money for this same container, then the game is worth the candle. For example, there is evidence that some retail outlets pay 2,000 rubles for 1 kg of batteries.

What is the money spent on in this business?

In the presented table you will find the approximate costs for such a case.

Registration "LLC" 16,000 rubles.
Advertising is paid and free. Plus creating your own website. About 10,000 rubles.
Phone number 8800... Within 5000 r.
Premises for rent for a sorting station and a warehouse in the amount of 500 square meters. 250 000 rubles per month.
Additional technical equipment About 300,000 rubles.
Used autoloader Approximately 100,000 - 150,000 rubles.
Converted Gazelle to collect batteries from collection points 800 000 rubles
Paying staff sorters. There will be enough for 10 people. 20,000 rubles per month. Or 200,000 rubles.
Employees for acceptance - 2 people. 15 - 20 tons per month for each.
A warehouseman is a logistician who monitors how many products for processing are in stock. 40,000 rubles.
Accountant - 1 or 2 persons 30 000 rubles
Security guard 20 000 rubles
License for waste processing 1-3 class From 180,000 rubles.

As a result, for a serious business, you will have to fork out and allocate up to 2,021,000 rubles for the whole thing. Estimated monthly profit will be approximately equal to 2 - 3 mln rubles. The exit to the plus is expected for 4-6 months.

Thus, battery recycling as a business is quite the place to be. The main thing is to think over the whole process from beginning to end. And make sure the investment pays off.

Do batteries need to be recycled? And if so, who and how can make money on it?

One battery is 20m pollution ² soil and 400 liters of groundwater. A ton of batteries is a possible $5,000 compensation from the "Operator of Secondary Material Resources". Who, when and under what conditions can start a battery recycling business?

What's the question?

« Batteries? What is there to collect them, they are small!” - skeptics argue. Entrepreneurs and just people with an active position see this as an opportunity to earn money and improve the environmental situation in the country. The fact that the issue of collecting waste batteries is acute, says Anatoly Kalach, employee of the chemical safety and waste program of the Center for Environmental Solutions:

« Batteries at landfills are a problem in terms of ecology, and hence the country's economy. Last year's resolution of the Council of Ministers (No. 1124 of December 2, 2014) means a lot for its solution. The document requires all stores (regardless of what goods they sell) with an area of ​​​​more than 100 m- have a container for collecting batteries. There are more than 3,000 such shops in the country.

To date, about 30 tons of batteries have been assembled in Belarus. Those collected in Minsk are stored at the Ecores enterprise, in the regions - at the regional enterprises of Belresurs. In the near future, it is expected that they will be exported abroad for processing.».

The legislation paid attention not only to the collection of batteries, but also to their importation into the country: for almost 3 years, Presidential Decree 313 has been in force, introducing the principle of extended responsibility, when manufacturers and importers of certain products compensate for the processing of imported goods in the future.

Is it possible to make money on this?

In theory - yes, in Belarusian practice - not yet. The state in any case earns - actively (by collecting taxes from importers of batteries and electronics) or passively (by saving money on environmental initiatives). Can private traders make money?

Maybe, I think Dmitry Kuchuk, director of the waste sorting station "Zapadnaya". " Collecting and recycling batteries is beneficial for both private companies and the state. We - battery assemblers - can receive compensation of 75 thousand rubles. for 1 kg. A kilogram of batteries is not much, because they are quite heavy. It is cost effective for any company with an extensive collection system.».

But “we can receive” is not the same as “we receive”. Natalya Grintsevich, the director of the "Operator of Secondary Material Resources" - an organization that must pay compensation for the collection of batteries, said that the money has not yet been paid. " We are an organization that coordinates the actions of the participants in the process, but does not collect, neutralize or recycle batteries. We do not yet recycle batteries, which means that we cannot compensate those who collect them.».

What is the interest of a private company?« Most of the projects related to the environment are unprofitable, - Natalya Grintsevich dispelled our thoughts about the possibility of earning "money on batteries". - All over the world, these projects are funded by the state, which takes funds from taxes paid by importers of equipment and batteries. In Belarus, the importer has a choice: pay 100% of the potential cost of disposing of batteries (potential, since only a small fraction of them will be collected properly) or collect 15% of the volume of imported batteries on their own».

A recycler who accepts batteries for recycling can also make money. Alas, not ours. We do not yet have our own production for the processing of batteries. Now the question of what is more profitable is being worked out: to build your own factory or to export batteries abroad, paying for the work of a processor. The decision depends on what volumes of batteries can be assembled in the future - it is irrational to build your production with small volumes.

Batteries and mobile phones collected for recycling at the Finnish company Akkuser:

« I believe that we should not build our own enterprise for the processing of used batteries: the process is complex, and the potential danger to the environment is high, - Anatoly Kalach argues. - Belarus does not generate such volumes of used batteries to build its own enterprise, especially since it will cost a lot of money. For example, in Finland, before the launch of such a plant, they accumulated about 100 thousand tons of batteries - so that the plant would work without stopping».

Some of the processed products are utilized after the extraction of potentially harmful substances, and some are sold to metallurgical enterprises. From a ton of recycled batteries, a large amount of heavy metals are available for recycling. The same amount of needed metals is contained in a whole railroad car of iron ore.

What prevents "making money" on batteries

Dmitry Kuchuk believes that in general the state has created conditions for the collection and recycling of batteries, but some questions remain. For example, a monopoly on the part of the "Operator of secondary resources". " It is important that the interests of private business and government bodies be represented at the same level, so that all participants in the process have the opportunity to influence it. This is much better than the directive decisions of a minister or the head of a monopoly enterprise: they are not always familiar with the situation from the inside.. - says the expert.

The environmental initiative intersects here with the commercial considerations of "private owners" and the state. The founder of the Secondary Resources Operator is the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, and it directs most of the funding to state organizations, while active private business is on the 2nd plan. If the initiative for the collection and recycling of batteries is not supported by the Operator, and the payment of compensation is not established, the process will stall. It is necessary to establish a dialogue between the state and private companies».

Maybe we don't collect enough batteries? Enough for its place and time - experts are sure. " It is impossible to say that we collect few batteries. We began to actively use electronics with batteries not so long ago. But the consumption of technology is growing - quantitatively and nomenclature - which means that the volume of collected batteries will grow.”- Anatoly Kalach predicts.

Discussing the similarities and differences in our approach to recycling “energy waste” in Europe, Dmitry Kuchuk says: “ Belarusian and European legislation in this area adheres to one principle: whoever pollutes, he pays. In this we are similar to Europe. We differ from the West in that we have a monopoly enterprise that collects money from importers. There is no monopoly on this activity in different countries of Europe, it is a collective decision. Conditions have been created there that allow any initiative group to start work and put it on a business footing. Recycling of batteries and accumulators in Western Europe is also considered in terms of resource recovery and recycling».

As the practice of other countries shows, in the processing of batteries, household appliances, waste paper, private enterprises turn out to be more mobile and efficient. In the housing and communal services system, this is done for accountability: they are not stimulated by either the financial or the environmental component.

The fight against batteries in Russia

In Russia, the collection of batteries was officially launched in the fall of 2013. Then the readiness to accept and recycle used batteries was expressed by the Chelyabinsk plant "Megapolisresurs". Until that time, in some cities there were only private initiatives: local public organizations held actions where people could bring batteries and other hazardous waste. Everything collected was stored until “better times” or exported abroad. Often - to Finland, where a network of reception points is developed, processing enterprises operate. It was convenient for Moscow and St. Petersburg to work according to this scheme, and in other cities the topic of collecting and recycling batteries was rarely raised.

About how batteries are collected and disposed of in Russia today, the site told the portal Anna Zhevachevskaya, director of Ripe Berry. Ecological programs for business”.

« In Novosibirsk, we stood at the very beginning of the development of the project. And we are proud that we managed to create an effective system that is beneficial for all participants in the process, and in many ways inspire colleagues from different cities of Russia. Our project is called "Step 2: Green Goal", and its idea is to enable Novosibirsk residents to safely dispose of used household appliances, electronics and batteries.

But where to organize such a collection? Where can I find funding for the organization of the project? Where to send for processing? In this regard, we are very lucky with our partners. A few months before the start of the project, I was approached by the owner of a chain of electronics stores with a request to help organize collection points for used batteries and mercury lamps in his stores. At that time, neither they nor we did not really consider this idea as a business project, we simply did not know how all this could be organized.

Soon we signed a contract with a Finnish battery and electronics recycler - the companyAkkuser, and thanks to this they were able to open official battery collection points. We have found a good partner for electronics recycling as well. People can donate batteries, accumulators, phones, chargers, cameras, etc. to our containers. The whole process of collection, storage, shipping and processing is absolutely transparent. Every person who donates batteries knows where they will go, where and how they will be recycled, and what new products they will receive. Every winter we send at least 1.5 tons of batteries to Chelyabinsk (we never had to send them to Finland, because a factory appeared in Russia). This is one of the largest indicators in Russia, although we do not have many reception points - about 10.

Do Russian companies earn on the processing of batteries? Anna Zhevachevskaya says no, and adds: “ The most important thing is that all participants have nothing to lose, everyone has their own benefit. Stores receive publicity based on positive ideas of environmental care. We, as an operator that allows the system to function effectively, have a small financial benefit, but this is still a direction of social business.

But processors earn, yes. Our only factory that accepts batteries for recycling charges a recycling fee. If for 1.5 years it was 72 rubles per kg, now the price has doubled. Their business is processing and, accordingly, they set the prices for their services themselves. In addition, this enterprise is a monopolist; batteries are brought here from all over the country, as well as from neighboring states. And in terms of profitability, the company has one huge plus - they did not create a battery recycling plant from scratch, they simply adapted one of their existing lines specifically for batteries.

It is gratifying that the principle of extended producer and importer responsibility in Belarus is partly a matter of national pride: it does not exist in Russia. It operates only in a number of companies and covers a minimum range of commercial enterprises. Basically, these are large foreign companies operating according to their charter, ready to implement the principles of "sustainable development".

According to Anna Zhevachevskaya, in Russia, the recycling tax is applied at the enterprises of the paper industry. However, it is not known to what extent the norms of the law are enforced there. most of these enterprises use criminal schemes to pay taxes. So far, commercial companies are finding ways to avoid liability for improper disposal of equipment. control and supervisory authorities prefer to look at such cases “through their fingers”, and unauthorized emissions to landfills of waste to be processed are practically not stopped in any way.

Russian perspective

How different are our realities from Russian ones - in scale and specifics? " If we talk about the processing of batteries itself, then today it is too early to talk about the profitability and success of the participants in the recycling market. The fact is that the bulk of the "green initiatives" of the business are rather short terms for the implementation of projects that require "long money" and interest in the processed product. The leverage for such projects can be 3-5 years without positive profitability, and considerable investments are required, says Anna.

Not every investor is ready to invest money for such a period of time for projects that can pay off, for example, in 50 years. As for commercial companies, they often have nowhere to get money to develop an environmental business related to recycling or recycling. This is usually possible if there are additional financial opportunities for the entrepreneur or enterprise, as a "side" business. As for ecology in general, the state must certainly be an active investor in the field of environmental protection, because without the active participation of the state in environmental protection, projects for the processing of solid waste, enterprises face bureaucracy and a lack of interest in this business.

For Russia, especially given the current difficult economic situation, the topic of ecology is gradually relegated further and further to the background. We have less and less to rely on attracting investments in our sphere and on assistance and participation from the state».

Even airplanes can be properly disposed of!

Dispose of batteries properly!

Today we will talk about a business that does not require huge investments, but at the same time, is popular among entrepreneurs due to the demand for a product group.

This article will focus on the business of selling batteries, accumulators, extension cords and other components for electronic devices.

Business Format

An outlet of this type is most advantageous to open in shopping centers or kiosks, which are located in places with high traffic. In fact, almost everyone needs batteries for various devices, for example, in a TV remote control, electronic scales or watches. There can be a huge number of examples, the main thing is that the goods are in demand, and the choice of a place of trade is of great importance. An excellent solution would be to rent a shopping island in a popular shopping center, or a kiosk near a public transport stop.

Typically, the sale of batteries and accumulators is not limited exclusively to this group of goods, and is carried out in combination with other areas, for example, cheap watches, or inexpensive electronics (radios, players, etc.).

The size of the premises should be selected small in order to minimize rental costs, only in this way you can earn good money.

Looking for the idea of ​​​​a narrowly focused store, maybe you will find an interesting option for trading in auto accessories. Location, premises, equipment, assortment and suppliers, business calculation.

What should be in the range?

In fact, the choice of various small things that can be sold along with batteries is simply huge, let's highlight only a part of the goods that are perfect for such a trade.

Range list:

  • batteries: standard (1.5V - 9V), clock, high-voltage (6V - 12V), disc batteries (3V), hearing aid rails (1.4V);
  • batteries: standard, lithium, powerbank;
  • charging device;
  • Power supplies;
  • audio equipment: radio receivers, computer, mp3, headphones and headsets.
  • lanterns
  • household goods: calculators, lamps, extension cords, etc.;
  • various accessories.

This is just one of the options for a range of products that can be combined with the sale of batteries and accumulators.

Also, as an additional service, you can start a business for replacing batteries, for example, in watches, and other electronic devices. Often, people themselves do not risk spinning, for example, watches, and bring them to such outlets, where, for a small fee, a store employee changes their battery for a new one. For example, it is this type of service that can advantageously distinguish you from competitors.

What do you need to trade batteries?

Firstly, it is to rent a good retail outlet and buy showcases with lighting and other commercial equipment.

Secondly, register as an entrepreneur and pay taxes.

Thirdly, to purchase goods, a possible assortment option is given above.

Fifth, constantly expand the range.


If we talk about a battery-powered business, then the best advertising options would be:

  • bright signboard
  • good location
  • creation and promotion of your own online store, with the connection of contextual advertising.

Also, after opening, you can try handing out leaflets near your location, for example, with some kind of promotion from your store. And also, post ads in the local bulletin board.

How much money do you need to start?

In fact, the amount will depend on the range and cost of rent, but we will give approximate figures that you can adjust for yourself.

  • Room rental - $100 - $150
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salary to the seller - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods - $3000 - $4000
  • Purchase of equipment - $700 - $900
  • Advertising - $150 (+ advertising on the Internet).

How much can you earn?

As we wrote above, how much your battery sales business will bring will depend on your location and the choice of goods provided in the assortment.

The average markup on conventional batteries is 90% or more.

On batteries - from 70%.

We have indicated these figures so that you can estimate the approximate level of earnings.

Conclusions. A store of batteries, accumulators and other accessories can be a great solution for a first business. It does not require a large start-up capital, and the product itself is in high demand among the population.

Is there anything to add to this content? Looking forward to your comments below.

There are several ways to make money on batteries. The average car battery lasts from 1 to 3 years. It all depends on the intensity of use of the car and its operating conditions. High-quality and expensive batteries can last up to 5 years. Then, in most cases, the old battery is thrown away and a new one is purchased.

Looking at the life cycle of each battery, there are at least three ways to make money: , recycling old batteries, and repairing and maintaining existing batteries.

How to start a battery recycling business

For start-up entrepreneurs, the idea may seem quite attractive, since, special knowledge or skills, equipment, and even hired personnel. All operations can be performed by only one person.

The business idea is to buy old batteries from private car owners and resell them to wholesale dealers, or even better, to a factory where they will be processed into new batteries.

It is most profitable to look for old batteries in large garage cooperatives, garage arrays. Most private car enthusiasts do not want to take 1-2 old batteries to a factory for recycling. Bypassing garages and offering everyone to sell old unnecessary batteries, you can purchase them at a price of 100-150 rubles apiece. At the factory, they can be resold for 300-500 rubles, depending on the mass.

Transportation of old batteries can be arranged by private car, bicycle or even a handcart. The tedious process of bypassing garages is replaced by posting advertisements. Sometimes it is useful to look at the waste dumps that accumulate near garages and car companies. Some car owners simply throw out used batteries in the nearest trash heap.

A significant nuance: an enterprise that accepts old batteries for processing is not interested in working with small batches. We will have to accumulate goods until the minimum lot established by the enterprise is reached. Then wholesale transport this batch, which automatically leads to the need.

What kind of room do you need?

It is not recommended to store old batteries in large quantities at home. They release toxic substances that can seriously harm your health and even lead to problems with the law. To store batteries, a warehouse is needed that can be organized.

The garage itself can either be rented or purchased. The second is preferable, since not every lessor will agree that potentially dangerous goods are stored in his property. In addition, an owned garage is a valuable asset that can always be sold in hard times or if you want to leave this business.

How to make your battery recycling business more profitable

Have a desire to expand your business? No problem! It is possible to organize several points for receiving old batteries by opening them in the largest garage areas, on the sides of intensive highways, not far from serving cars.

It is possible to offer services for the removal of used batteries to large car enterprises, car parks, service and technical centers. Many of them have to solve this problem themselves, while it is possible to outsource it.

What documents are needed to start a business

It is beneficial for the vast majority of legal entities to work not with private traders, but with the same legal entities. Therefore, you will have to register as a private entrepreneur, which leads to additional difficulties.

In addition to the mandatory registration of an LLC or an individual entrepreneur and the execution of relevant documents, a mandatory licensing of a battery-powered business is required. Given the fact that old batteries are hazard class 1-4 waste, obtaining a license will not be easy. Before obtaining a license, be sure to pass an inspection for the suitability of the premises from employees of the SES and fire supervision.

Setting up a battery repair business

Often, when a battery fails, the car owner throws out the old battery and buys a new one. Moreover, modern high-tech batteries are not serviced or repaired. But not everyone has such top-class batteries. Most car enthusiasts have simple lead-acid models that lend themselves well to repair and restoration. Moreover, after restoration, they can last for quite a long time.

The most common battery failures are:

  • short circuit of the plates is eliminated by replacing the electrolyte and repeatedly washing the battery;
  • wear of the side plates is treated by replacing them with a simultaneous renewal of the electrolyte;
  • sulfation of the plates is removed using a desulfating mixture, which is added to the battery.

The service of battery recovery using pulsed currents, training cycles, adding additives, charging batteries with reverse currents is in great demand. Such procedures give the old battery new life, and the quality of these procedures becomes an occasion to give the consumer a limited warranty on the remanufactured battery.

Special starting-charging and recovery equipment for batteries is not among the expensive and hard-to-find. By the way, in the days of the Soviet Union, many craftsmen collected such devices in their garage from improvised means. Of course, in the absence of extensive knowledge and skills in installing electronics, it is easier to buy the right device.

You can also organize a service point and make money on batteries by performing all the operations yourself. It is only necessary to spend time and effort on learning all the processes and acquiring practical skills.

According to the experience of many service stations, this service is in stable demand among the population, especially in winter. On the other hand, not all service centers are engaged in battery maintenance, so there is little competition in this area. The reason is the low prospects of the business in the long term. Nowadays, more and more batteries are not disassembled, not subject to repair and restoration.

How to Start a Battery Recycling Business

To start a business for the disposal of used batteries, it is necessary to register an "LLC" in state authorities. Organize advertising - create a business card website, as well as organize telephone communication on the hotline 8800.

The location of the battery storage and sorting point should be in an industrial area, away from the human factor. You can rent a warehouse of at least 500 m². The room must be equipped with special equipment, grinding plants, etc. It is worth getting a car to transport raw materials. Next, you need to hire 10-15 employees. Employees must be highly qualified and have a specialized education. They must comply with all technical and hygienic standards, as well as observe safety rules in the process of recycling batteries.

If you have the opportunity and desire, in parallel, you can invest in cars. Car rental is profitable if you approach the organization of the business in the right way. See about profitable investment in cars maybe you want to make money this way too.

What documents are needed to open a business

To obtain a license to recycle used batteries, you must:

  • certificate of registration "LLC";
  • expert opinion, which confirms compliance with sanitary norms and rules;
  • SE conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • expert opinion on the equipment on which the disposal takes place;
  • license for the transportation, processing and disposal of hazardous waste of the 2nd class.

To obtain all the necessary documents and certificates, you can contact a special company or get them yourself.

What taxation system to choose for business

In accordance with the Tax Code, article 149, paragraph 25, subparagraph 2, if taxpayers have a license to transport, neutralize and dispose of hazardous waste, they are exempt from taxation.

Do I need a permit to dispose of batteries?

Disposal of used batteries requires a Class 2 Hazardous Waste Transportation, Treatment and Disposal License.

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Why lead and sulfuric acid?

Often buyers ask the question - are there any more modern batteries for sale? Why do sellers offer only "traditional" lead-acid batteries, invented back in 1859? And why didn’t more modern nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride, lithium-ion batteries come to replace them? They are more capacious, they do not contain toxic acid and lead.

The answer is simple - they have disadvantages that are unacceptable for car batteries. Nickel-cadmium has a high level of self-discharge, a “memory effect” that makes it difficult to recharge, and a greater toxicity of cadmium than lead. Nickel-metal hydride batteries have a higher self-discharge rate. Lithium-ion batteries are explosive, expensive and lose their charge at low temperatures. Charging a lithium-ion battery is not easy: you need a special charger that works according to a certain algorithm.

So "by the sum of indicators" it is lead-acid batteries that today remain the best option of all possible.

Calcium or "hybrid"?

Buyers are scared by the word "hybrid" on the battery label. And the seller cannot always explain what this “hybridity” is.

A standard battery consists of six battery "cans" connected in series in one case. In each jar, positive and negative electrode plates alternate, covered with a layer of active mass - for the positive ones from lead dioxide, for the negative ones - from spongy lead. Electrodes (they are made in the form of gratings) are made of lead alloy. But pure lead is a fragile material, and therefore it is alloyed - small portions of antimony or calcium are added to the alloy.

There are practically no “pure” antimony batteries today - antimony is a catalyst for the electrolysis of water, and such a battery often “boils”. To solve the problem of boiling over, antimony was replaced with calcium.

So now the market sells either "hybrid" batteries (positive electrodes with the addition of antimony, and negative ones with the addition of calcium), or purely "calcium" ones (all electrodes are made of a lead-calcium alloy). The "calcium" battery has its advantages - in particular, low self-discharge (loss of 50% capacity in 18-20 months) and minimal water consumption due to evaporation (1 g / Ah). However, they have a drawback - after two or three deep discharges, such a battery cannot be charged. The "hybrid" battery does not have such problems. But the water consumption in it is one and a half to two times more than that of the "calcium" - the presence of antimony affects. And the level of self-discharge is higher (loss of half the capacity in 12 months). But at the same time, “hybrid” batteries also do not require “maintenance”, that is, adding distilled water to the electrolyte.

Liquid or gel?

The battery electrodes are placed in an electrolyte, in a solution of sulfuric acid. Accordingly, there are two types of batteries: with liquid electrolyte and "non-liquid" electrolyte. The most common batteries with liquid electrolyte are simpler and, accordingly, cheaper. In addition, the energy reserve in them is enough for all consumers in a standard car.

As for batteries with a "non-liquid" electrolyte (sometimes they are all mistakenly called "gel" in a crowd), the question is more complicated. Batteries in which the electrolyte is really brought to the state of a gel using silica gels are currently used extremely rarely: only in motorcycles, and even then exclusive ones. In batteries with a "non-liquid" electrolyte, all the free space between the electrodes is filled with microporous material, which is impregnated with electrolyte. This is AGM (Absorbed Glass Material) technology, which provides an increase in the efficiency of the active mass due to better acid absorption, which gives higher starting current, deep discharge resistance, and durability. It is these batteries that are best suited for vehicles with a Start & Stop system and a brake energy recovery system. But they are not "gel" ...

On the market today, batteries with an "intermediate" technology - EFB (Enhanced Flooded Battery) are in demand. It is also called "wet electrode technology". In such a battery, a kind of microfiber “envelopes” are put on the electrodes. They also retain the electrolyte, which provides stability to cyclic discharge. But the battery itself is filled with liquid electrolyte.

Polarity - Asia or Europe?

Before offering the battery to the buyer, it is worth asking him in which country his car was assembled. Because Asian and European cars are designed for a different arrangement of terminals on the battery.

Simply put, “straight”, it is also “European”, polarity is when, with the battery position “terminals closer to you”, the positive terminal is on the left and the negative terminal is on the right. For a battery with a “reverse”, that is, “Asian”, polarity, everything is exactly the opposite. In addition, the diameter of the contact terminals may differ for "Europe" and "Asia". For example, on the Euro (Type 1) type, the “positive” terminal is 19.5 mm in diameter, and the “negative” terminal is 17.9 mm. And for the Asia type (Type 3), the “plus” has a diameter of 12.7 mm, and the “minus” has a diameter of 11.1 mm. Therefore, it is still possible to install a Japanese battery on a European car (by the way, this includes the “Koreans” assembled in Russia): there are adapters from thin terminals to “thick” European ones.

In addition, there are several types of batteries. And it may well be that the "Asian" simply will not take its regular place due to the fact that it is smaller or larger ...

What really matters

Sellers say: the buyer almost always does not know what he really needs. And because he has all these questions about "calcium", "gel", "lithium-ion", "Japanese" batteries. That is why it is important for the seller to explain to the buyer what he wants - and why he wants it!

So, the most important for the battery are three parameters.

1. Rated electrical capacity (Ah), it is determined by the energy output of a fully charged battery during a twenty-hour discharge. For example, the designation 6ST-60 means that the battery will deliver a current of 3 A for 20 hours and at the same time at the end the voltage at the terminals will not drop below 10.8 V. However, this does not mean at all a linear dependence of the discharge time on the discharge current. The battery will not be able to consistently give energy for a whole hour.

There is also an "unofficial" parameter - "reserve capacity". It is measured in minutes - how long the battery can work for itself and for the generator. For example, the reserve capacity of a passenger car battery with a load of 25 A and a voltage drop of up to 10.5 V should be at least 90 minutes.

2. Rated voltage - for a passenger car battery, it is 12 V. It can decrease when the battery is discharged and the current load is high. But experimenting by installing a battery with a higher voltage is not worth it ...

3. Cold cranking current (CCA - Cold Cranking Amperes). This parameter is especially important in Russia: it represents the amount of current that the battery is capable of delivering at a temperature of -18 ° C for 10 seconds, with a voltage of at least 7.5 V. The higher the cold scroll current, the easier the engine will start in winter.

All these parameters are in the marking on the battery case.

What to talk about with the buyer?

First of all, the seller must listen to the fact that the client does not shine well, spins weakly and for a short time, and not everyone has wires for “lighting up”. And then ask:

a) How old is the car?

b) Country of manufacture?

c) Does the buyer travel in winter or does he put him on a leash in cold weather?

d) Is the vehicle equipped with Start&Stop and Brake Energy Regeneration?

e) Is the car parked in the garage at night or “under the windows” in the yard?

f) Has the car been tuned, has additional electrical equipment been installed on it: heaters, emergency lighting equipment, etc.?

g) And the most important question - how much does the buyer expect to buy?

If the buyer has an “older” or tuned car, then it is worth recommending a battery with a larger capacity, for example, instead of 50 Ah, take 55 Ah. But do not "overdo it" - generators have a strictly defined power and it is not recommended to overload them. Yes, and forcing the buyer to pay extra money is also not worth it.

If the car is an “SUV” or “SUV” and fans of country trips drive it, then they should recommend an AGM battery. These batteries have a fairly high, up to 135%, cold scroll current, higher cycling stability and a very high deep discharge capability.