Swot-analysis of the enterprise on the example of a store, school, cafe and bank. how to do swot analysis

We offer a simple and convenient case for compiling a SWOT analysis of an enterprise with a ready-made template in Excel format. The example of SWOT analysis discussed in the article is suitable for any manufacturing enterprise, manufacturing company or non-profit organization.

If your company is a point of sale, then this article on SWOT analysis using the example of an enterprise is not very suitable for you. We recommend that you go to an example designed specifically for the retail industry. An example of a shop analysis is suitable for both a stand-alone trading department, a pharmacy, a grocery store, as well as for a trading company and a large retail chain.

Comments from the author

This business SWOT analysis example includes a free sample to fill out. You can download the template at the end of the article in Excel format. The example is absolutely practical and will suit even a non-profit organization: it contains extremely practical tips for compiling. If you are not fully familiar with the SWOT analysis method, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with t.

This example of a SWOT analysis is purely demonstrative. The purpose of the example is to show the correct sequence of actions, to systematize the theoretical information about the method as much as possible and to help everyone compose their own SWOT analysis from scratch.

So let's get to the first step.

Features of the SWOT analysis of the enterprise

When looking for strengths, weaknesses, threats, or growth opportunities while doing your analysis, keep in mind the following differences between a manufacturing company and a trading company:

  • No or limited direct access to the buyer, there are intermediaries
  • Makes decisions about product positioning and can set requirements for dealers regarding the terms of sale of the product
  • May affect consumer qualities and product characteristics
  • May affect product packaging
  • Can adjust the price of the product
  • Has a budget to promote their product

Stage One: Finding Strengths and Weaknesses

The first step is to consider all options for strengths and weaknesses, and for each area, select at least 3 parameters by which you can assess the competitiveness of a business.

Table 1 An example of finding strengths and weaknesses when compiling a swot analysis

The second step is to conduct an additional generation of ideas of the strengths and weaknesses of the product by answering 6 questions:

  • What competitive advantages does the product have?
  • What are the main reasons for buying a product?
  • What characteristics of the product help to set a higher price?
  • Name the main disadvantages of the product
  • List the main reasons for product rejection
  • What prevents you from setting a higher price for a product?

Table 2 An example of additional generation of ideas for SWOT analysis of an enterprise

As a result of the first two steps, you will receive a list of possible strengths and weaknesses of the company.

third step analyze each selected factor:

  • note those factors that are key success factors in the market
  • Rank all factors according to the degree of influence on sales and profits of the company from 1 to ...
  • for each factor, compare your product with the products of key competitors: the parameters by which your product is better than competitors are the strengths of the product, and vice versa

Stage two: checking the importance of strengths and weaknesses

Not all of the listed strengths and weaknesses should be used in a swot analysis. Minor factors need to be ruled out. To do this, evaluate the importance of the selected parameters, evaluating the impact of each parameter on customer satisfaction and on the company's profit.

Table 3 An example of assessing the importance of strengths

Table 4 An example of assessing the importance of weaknesses

As a result of the check, all minor parameters will be eliminated and the final rating of strengths and weaknesses will be ready.

Table 5 The final list of strengths and weaknesses of the product

Stage Three: Finding Growth Opportunities

List possible sources of sales growth based on the information. Think of additional sources of growth by answering 2 questions:

  • How else can a company increase sales?
  • What are the ways to reduce costs?

Stage Four: Reality Checking Every Growth Opportunity

We exclude unnecessary opportunities that do not affect business profits and customer satisfaction:

Table 7. Checking for Growth Opportunities

Stage Five: Finding Business Threats

List possible threat options using the information. Think about additional business threats by answering 2 questions:

  • What other factors can affect the decline in sales of the company?
  • What other factors can affect the increase in cost or decrease in profit?

Table 9 Preliminary list of threats to the company's competitiveness

Step Six: Validate the Significance of Business Threats

We eliminate unnecessary threats to business that do not affect business profits and customer satisfaction for 5 years:

Table 10 Checking the list of business threats

Step Seven: Example of Compiling a SWOT Analysis Table

We transfer all factors to the table of our analysis, keeping the importance rating.

Table 12 SWOT analysis table

Stage eight: writing conclusions on the conducted SWOT analysis

We draw conclusions on the analysis carried out using the recommendations.

Table 13 SWOT Analysis Conclusions

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Detailed video course

Have questions about drafting? Watch our best video course on SWOT analysis methodology. The video course contains detailed information on how to prepare a SWOT analysis from scratch, write high-quality conclusions and present the work done to management.

Part one: SWOT analysis, determination of the strengths and weaknesses of the product

See and download an example of a SWOT analysis, as well as detailed instructions for conducting it.

SWOT-analysis is a convenient tool for determining the most important directions of the company's strategic development. In literal translation, this abbreviation stands for:

  • strengths (Strengths), the advantages of the company relative to its competitors, what will allow it to achieve established strategic goals;
  • weaknesses (Weaknesses), shortcomings of the company, what it loses to its competitors, what prevents it from achieving strategic goals;
  • opportunities (Opportunities), favorable external factors for the work of the company;
  • threats, negative external factors that pose a potential danger to the enterprise.

To conduct a SWOT analysis, the following is required.

1. Identify, classify and rank the factors that represent the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as the opportunities and threats of the external environment. From each group, select the most significant (10, no more).

2. Consistently study the combinations of these factors:

  • "Possibilities/Powers". Reflects the potential of the company and allows you to answer the question of whether it has competitive advantages and external favorable factors on which the strategy could be based;
  • Threats/Weaknesses. Reveals a combination of potential external negative factors and the weakest internal factors of the company, which must be dealt with in the first place;
  • Opportunities/Weaknesses. Allows you to identify the internal factors of the company, which should be strengthened in order to take advantage of favorable opportunities in the external environment in the future.

For greater clarity, it is more convenient to present the intermediate and final results of the SWOT analysis in tabular form. It is also better to compare factors using tables.

Let's analyze the swot analysis method using the example of APLEONA HSG, where I work.

An example of a SWOT analysis of an enterprise

Choosing an object of analysis

For swot-analysis, you can select any object: a manufactured product, a business sector, a business, a competitor, and so on. The main thing is to clearly fix it and not scatter attention to adjacent objects. APLEONA HSG provides comprehensive commercial property management, technical control and audit, and infrastructure management services. The company is present in six large regions of Russia: Central, Northwestern, Southern, Far Eastern districts, in Siberia and the Volga-Ural region, as well as in Kazakhstan. For example, let's conduct a swot-analysis of the service "comprehensive management of commercial real estate" in the Central region.

We appoint experts

Experts can be top managers of the company or middle managers, but they must be well-versed in information in their field. They must operate not only with personal opinion, but also with dry figures.

Table 1. Experts to conduct a SWOT analysis of the organization

Expert No.

Job title

Deputy General Director for Property Management


Commercial Director

HR Director

Technical Director

We identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

At this step, it is necessary to systematically and as realistically as possible determine with each expert the strengths and weaknesses of the company, the threats and opportunities of the external environment. All indicators must be recorded in groups. You can write down as many factors as you like, but here the rule of greatest efficiency comes into force, the meaning of which is to make a selection from significant indicators, ignoring insignificant ones. This means that you can use your time effectively.

The internal strengths (S) of the business include:

  1. Great accumulated work experience.
  2. Highly qualified personnel.
  3. Customized production and business processes.
  4. Good marketing policy.
  5. High quality of manufactured products.
  6. Corporate culture ( what a CFO needs to know about corporate standards ).
  7. The innovative component of the business.
  8. Other.

Internal weaknesses (W) include:

  1. High business debt.
  2. Lack of a development strategy.
  3. Inefficient use of production assets.
  4. Narrow range of products.
  5. And so on.

The possibilities of the external environment (O) include:

  1. Government support for the business sector or region.
  2. Low competition in the business niche.
  3. Growth in demand for products.
  4. Increasing the availability of resources.
  5. And so on.

The threats of the external environment (T) include:

  1. Unfavorable economic situation in the region of presence.
  2. Permanent competitive advantage over competitors.
  3. Unfavorable shift in exchange rates.
  4. Tightening tax laws.
  5. And so on.

In our example SWOT analysis of the firm The Deputy General Manager for Property Management noted the following factors:

  • S - the presence of a central dispatching service increases the quality of services by 15%, and the quality of accident elimination by 50%;
  • W - belonging to a large international corporation imposes additional non-production tasks on reporting and compliance with policies on production. This reduces productivity by 12.2%;
  • O - the development of real estate management technologies allows you to make a better product with less labor costs;
  • T - the technical base of most commercial buildings and structures is becoming obsolete, new equipment is rarely put into operation. As a result, the risks of insured events increase.

The CFO noted the following indicators:

  • S - the organization does not use loans in its work, as a result of which net profit is more by 2 - 4% per year;
  • W - the additional burden of compliance with policies and regulations increases overhead costs by 10% per year;
  • O - the volume of purchases and high competition in the markets of suppliers make it possible to obtain favorable conditions for the purchase of raw materials and services. For example, increase the payment terms up to 90 calendar days;
  • T - tightening the tax policy carries an additional burden on the formation of reporting for each EP. The threat can be estimated at 2 million rubles. annually.

The commercial director noted the factors:

  • S - the image of the company as a conscientious and professional service provider helps to win tenders for large contracts for complex property management;
  • W - at the same time, the price of the company's services is above the market, which scares away some customers. The share of such clients is 35%;
  • O - APLEONA HSG has a good chance of getting an international contract for servicing offices and factories of transcontinental customers operating in the Central region of Russia;
  • T - due to the difficult state of the economy, the commercial real estate market in the Central region is stagnating. Contract prices are falling, often below cost.

The Human Resources Director noted the indicators:

  • S - high qualification and low turnover of "blue collars" increases labor productivity by 10%;
  • W - remuneration of personnel is on average higher than the market, which gives additional costs for the payroll of 50 million rubles. in year;
  • O - thanks to the "white" terms of contracts, the company has a wide choice of specialists in the labor markets;
  • T - the general decrease in the qualifications of specialists in the labor markets affects the company.

The technical director noted the factors:

  • S - the presence of the CAFM system - an innovative tool for managing commercial real estate - allows you to increase work efficiency by 20%;
  • W - material engineering base does not allow for a full range of maintenance services;
  • O - customers have increased need for the constant presence of highly qualified engineers at the facility;
  • T - competition in the market of engineering companies has increased, part of the market has been occupied by highly specialized companies with direct contracts with customers.

How to Use a SWOT Analysis for a CFO

SWOT analysis can be useful for making almost any managerial decision. Look at specific examples of how to use this technique correctly in your current work and when developing a strategy. In the article you will find examples of a SWOT analysis of a project using factoring services, building a SWOT matrix for a machine tool plant, as well as a SWOT analysis of a jewelry company.

Compiling a table and a SWOT analysis matrix

After you have written out the indicators in four lists by category, assign each indicator a significance. Use the opinions of experts.

table 2. Example of a project SWOT analysis table


Points (from 1 to 5)

Sort the indicators within the categories from largest to smallest and fill in the swt-matrix

Based on the collected and ranked factors, the following SWOT analysis matrix was obtained (see Figure 2).

Drawing. Example of a SWOT Analysis Matrix

Analyzing the results

At the last stage, we identify the relationships between the indicators, in other words, we conduct a scenario analysis. To do this, all the factors of the internal environment are compared with the factors of the external environment. The intersection of indicators is a set of scenarios for the possible development of events for the company.

The following swt-analysis matrix is ​​compiled (example):

Scripts are written:

  • "Weakness and Opportunities" - pay attention to how to correct the weaknesses of the business with the help of the opportunities of the external environment;
  • "Weakness and Threats" - what needs to be done first of all so that threats from the external environment do not harm the business;
  • "Strength and Opportunities" - how to maximize the use of competitive advantages in a favorable external environment;
  • "Power and Threats" - how to maintain competitive advantages in the face of unfavorable developments.

The obtained results of the analysis can be safely introduced into the strategy of the organization's behavior and used in daily work.

In our sample swot analysis for APLEONA HSG, the following scenarios are considered and behavioral strategies are adopted:

I. Weakness: additional non-productive tasks in production

Opportunity: a wide choice of specialists in the labor markets

The impact on business is average.

The strategy is to improve the work of personnel services in order to find only highly qualified young personnel who are able to work quickly and solve various problems.

II. Weakness: the price of the company's services is higher than the market.

Threat: stagnation of the commercial real estate market.

The impact on business is heavy, close to critical.

Behavior strategy - search for new sales markets, including entry into the markets of the CIS countries.

III. Strength: High blue-collar skills and low turnover.

Opportunity: the need for the presence of engineers on site.

The degree of impact on business is average.

The strategy is to allocate additional savings to the customer from the presence of qualified personnel at the facility when concluding an agreement with the customer.

IV. Strength: the image of the company as a conscientious and professional performer

Threat: increased competition in the engineering companies market.

Business impact is moderate.

The development strategy is to constantly train the engineering staff, modernize the technical base in order to provide a full range of technical services to customers.

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Table 6. Analysis of the internal environment


Weak sides


Availability of innovations and development of innovations;

· equipping with new high-tech equipment;

high quality of services provided;

lack of quality control of service;

· the share of low-income social transport;


· developed marketing system;

· market share of transport services;

· price policy;

lack of feedback from consumers;

The end of the table. 6

the possibility of reducing costs;

profit planning;

change in the composition of shareholders;

moderate prices;

Insufficient investments;

· the results of operations are subject to the influence of changes in the currency and financial markets;


· developed management structure;

· corporate governance;

complex implementation structure;

high qualification and experience;

effective staff motivation;

staff turnover and absenteeism;

high costs of training.

Organizational culture

prestige and image of the organization;

high cohesion of the staff;

motivation and support of employees;

Reduction of staff due to financial difficulties;

Based on the table. 6, we can conclude that Russian Railways successfully exists in the transport services market, which is due to such features as net profit growth, highly qualified personnel, high quality control, and more. But there are also parties that can adversely affect the organization. Thus, when drawing up a strategic plan, managers need to pay attention to these factors in order to increase the competitiveness of Russian Railways in the transport services market.

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is one of the most important stages of a marketing plan. It is carried out for the activities of the company as a whole, as well as for certain products, market segments, geographical areas. By conducting a SWOT analysis, a manager can focus on the facts without wasting time on functional issues.

Let's conduct a SWOT analysis on the example of Russian Railways. Before compiling the SWOT matrix, we will form a summary table for analysis (Table 7).

Table 7. Summary table of SWOT analysis


· growth of quality of services;

· improving long-term efficiency and financial sustainability in order to increase the scale of transport production in Russia;

· Creation of international transport corridors;

stability of the economic situation;

· increasing the economic responsibility and interest of all employees in improving the financial and economic results of the corporation through a new motivation mechanism;

Improving the legislative framework in terms of regulation of transport services and tariffs

· good prestige of the organization;

effective cost management based on information technology;

aggravation of competition and loss of highly profitable customers and markets;

The exodus of highly qualified personnel;

limited effective demand of the population;

Lack of tariff regulation;


Weak sides

Availability of innovations, development of innovations;

quick customer service;

Cost containment due to the scale of production;

a competent organizational structure;

· Highly qualified personnel;

positive opinion of customers;

· a high proportion of low-income social transportation and fixed costs;

high depreciation of fixed assets;

Insufficient volume of current investments;

· undeveloped feedback system;

Based on the pivot table, we will create a SWOT matrix in which we compare strengths and weaknesses with opportunities and threats.

Table 8. SWOT matrix



Improving the quality of services offered to enter new markets;

· using highly qualified staff of the marketing department, to expand the network of consumers.

· to improve the customer awareness system with the help of information technologies;

· with the help of new technologies to create international transport corridors;

· with the help of information technology and qualified personnel to improve the efficiency of cost management;

increase the flexibility of pricing policy;

· Using long-term experience in the market, to attract young specialists to the enterprise.

· use new methods of motivation in order to attract new and retain existing highly qualified personnel;

Expand the client base with the help of IT technologies;

Weak sides

Updating equipment to use new technologies;

· Increasing the level of profitability to enter the international market;

attract investments;

transition to a more favorable policy of the organization to reduce the threat while increasing the costs of costs;

· instability of foreign policy relations can lead to the loss of foreign assets;

Analyzing the SWOT matrix of Russian Railways, we clearly see:

1. what strengths can help to use the opportunities that arise in the external environment and counteract threats;

2. what weaknesses can prevent the use of opportunities arising in the external environment and counteracting threats to the environment.

An assessment of the company's strengths and weaknesses and its external opportunities and threats is called SWOT analysis. This analysis allows you to quickly assess the strategic position of the company. The general principle is that when developing a strategy, it is necessary to ensure that the internal capabilities of the company (i.e., the balance of its strengths and weaknesses) are consistent with the external situation (i.e. industry and competitive conditions, the company's market opportunities, specific external threats to profitability and the company's market share). ). The strategy should be aimed at the most efficient use of the company's available resources, the use of market opportunities and the avoidance of threats.

Analysis of the internal environment is aimed at understanding what strengths and weaknesses the organization has. Strengths serve as the basis on which the organization relies in the competitive struggle, and which it must strive to expand and strengthen. Weaknesses are the subject of close attention from management, which must do everything possible to get rid of them.

An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise in relation to the opportunities and threats of the external environment just determines whether the company has strategic prospects and the possibility of their implementation. It is clear that in this case there will be obstacles (threats) that must be overcome. This implies a reorientation of methods for managing the development of an enterprise based on results already achieved, mastered goods and technologies used (internal factors) to study the limitations imposed by the external market environment (external factors).

Let's start the strategic analysis of the internal environment with an analysis of the company's finances.

1. Production.

The company has its own testing center, which is accredited for technical competence.

OJSC "First Bakery" consciously adheres to traditional technologies in the production of its products and is a supporter of recipes that have been tested for centuries. High-quality bread made on the basis of natural ingredients, after an expert evaluation, the products enter the table of buyers.

Every year, the assortment line at the bakery is updated. Constant work is underway to improve the taste characteristics of products and their design. New original recipes are being developed according to European technologies.

An analysis of the functional areas of the enterprise divisions showed that the enterprise has all the necessary functions, but some are beyond the competence of the functional divisions, namely:

- development, design and introduction into production of new types of products are carried out by the sales department, and must be carried out by marketers;

− the absence of a department of contracts, resulting in a long chain of processing consumer orders.

Consider the personnel activities of the enterprise. The labor resources of OJSC “First Khlebokombinat” are the most important factor of production, the quality and efficiency of use of which largely determine the results of the enterprise's activities.

The Human Resources Department is responsible for the selection of personnel at the enterprise. When applying for a job, you must pass an interview with the head of the personnel department and the head of the department where the employee is hired.

The main condition for working at the enterprise is vigor, the presence of special professional education. Preference is primarily given to people who take an active life position, endowed with analytical abilities.

There is a low staff turnover at the plant, which is a consequence of a significant improvement in working conditions. Salaries, tariff rates and piece rates are established and approved taking into account the complexity of work at each workplace.

The company has a system of bonuses for employees for the results of work, a one-time bonus, additional payments for working conditions, night work, for combining professions, as well as the possibility of obtaining material assistance.

The system of recruitment / selection of personnel is practically absent, as a rule, for working specialties, if there is a vacancy, they accept anyone who wishes as a student, who then undergoes individual training.

The study of the immediate environment of the organization is aimed at analyzing the state of those components of the external environment with which the organization is in direct interaction. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the organization can have a significant impact on the nature and content of this interaction, thereby it can actively participate in the formation of additional opportunities and in preventing the emergence of threats to its further existence. The elements of the microenvironment include: suppliers, consumers, competitors, labor market, infrastructure.

1) Consumers. The products of JSC "First Hlebokombinat" are sold on the territory of Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region. The main consumers are shops, wholesalers and private entrepreneurs.

The sale of finished products is carried out:

Through its own retail network - 25.6%;

Through the retail network of the city and private buyers - 74.4%.

Implementation in the Ural region and the region is carried out through: Yekaterinburg, Snezhinsk, Ozersk, Kyshtym, Zlatoust, Miass, Chebarkul, Kopeysk, Korkino, Troitsk, Yemanzhelinsk.

For a bakery, by and large, there is no single target market segment, since all segments of the population are buyers of bread.

2) Suppliers. A feature of the market is that grain - the raw material base of the baking industry - is an object of government control in terms of pricing.

Full name of the suppliers of JSC "First Bakery Plant":

OJSC MAKFA - share in the total volume - 16%;

Golden grain - share in the total volume - 48%.

3) Competitors.

The structure of the market in the city is as follows:

The main local manufacturers of bakery products (OJSC Khlebprom, OJSC Mary, OJSC Soyuz-Pishcheprom), whose share is over 80% of the total production of bakery products, of which 56% belong to OJSC First Khlebokombinat;

Own production in chain stores, private mini-bakeries;

Regional producers (Satka, Yemanzhelinsky, Kopeysky, Kyshtymsky, Chebarkulsky, etc. bakeries);

Federal manufacturers (Harris, Khlebny Dom).

The main competitors of JSC "First Bakery" are JSC "Hlebprom", JSC "Mary", JSC "Soyuz-Pishcheprom". Competition with these enterprises occurs mainly in terms of prices and product quality.

The products of the bakery are competitive. The high quality of products is achieved through the introduction of advanced production technologies, the use of high-quality raw materials and the availability of equipment that allows the production of a wide range of bakery products.

The internal market and the activities of the organization are constantly influenced by political events and decisions, and the management of the organization must follow the decisions and laws made not only by the government, but also by local authorities in whose territory the enterprise operates.

The most important economic factors that have strong both positive and negative effects on the activities of the organization include the amount of inflation.

Tough competition in the market forces the company to constantly think over and calculate various moves in order not only to maintain its position in the market, but also to increase existing production volumes. JSC "First Hlebokombinat" applies a growth strategy, which is based on the search for new markets, changing and expanding the range, improving the consumer characteristics of products, using advanced production technologies, increasing the level of consumer loyalty, attracting new customers, expanding the functionality of products, conquering consumers of competitors.

The results of the analysis are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of OJSC "First Khlebokombinat"

Strengths Weak sides
1. New equipment 2. Existence of a well-established sales system 3. Efficient use of resources 4. Relatively young staff 5. Practical experience of management personnel 1. Unstable financial situation 2. Low level of education at the enterprise 3. Lack of development and research 4. Low level of managerial training of managers
Possibilities Threats
1. Geographical proximity of the consumer 2. Opportunity to obtain raw materials from the Regional Fund 3. Stabilization of grain prices 4. Availability of permanent consumers-enterprises 5. Development of new technologies and recipes 1. The presence of a strong competitor 2. Consumer sensitivity to quality 3. The need to purchase grain in other regions 4. The complexity of introducing new technologies and equipment

We can talk about a wide field for activity and development. The position of JSC "First Hlebokombinat" has been unstable for a long time, however, after analyzing the factors of the external and internal environment, it can be noted that the enterprise will be able to increase profits and modernize.

As a result, it is possible to identify the main factors influencing the enterprise.

The SWOT analysis matrix is ​​presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Comparison of SWOT analysis results

Possibilities Threats
Strengths 1. Sufficient publicity will facilitate entry into new markets. 2. Expansion of the product range and improvement of its quality through the use of new technologies. 3. Using highly qualified management personnel to expand the network of suppliers and consumers 1. Fame will protect against substitute products and add competitive advantage. 2. Keep buyers from switching to a competitor by using a flexible pricing policy and increasing product quality
Weak sides 1. Diversification of activities. 2. Increasing the level of education of the staff 1. The bakery understands that price increases are inevitable, so it is necessary to develop technologies that will reduce production costs. 2. An emerging competitor can offer the market products similar to ours at lower prices.

Thus, the strengths of the company (new equipment, well-established sales system) will serve as the basis for achieving competitive advantages in the future through the use of external opportunities (in particular, the use of new technologies and recipes) and will compensate for internal weaknesses (to solve the problem of no level of education of workers) and eliminate threats (high competition in the market).