Promising direction of seasonal business. Spring earnings How to earn money in the spring

Spring is a unique season. Unlike summer, autumn and winter, it is spring that radically changes nature. Imagine, yesterday it was snowing, and a blizzard howled, and today the bird cherry blossoms and the sun shines brightly. In spring, people seem to throw off their chains, dress lightly, strive to be closer to nature, become happy and carefree, fall in love much more often than at other times of the year, lay the first stones in a new house, and make plans for the summer. Of course, all of them can become clients of a seasonal business and bring good money to the entrepreneur, of course, if he makes the right choice of spring business. We will tell you about how you can and should make money in the spring.

Organization of picnics

Soon May holidays, and many firms will decide to please their employees with corporate parties. Of course, you can have dinner in a restaurant, but it is better - in nature, where you can taste barbecue and dream on the lake. Despite the apparent simplicity, organizing a picnic is a troublesome business.

“I take on everything,” said the forum member KRASNOBAY. - Choice of location, mobile sauna, barbecues, cooler bag, music. And, if necessary, I even build a boardwalk. The main thing is to make colorful booklets and distribute them among companies.”

Vermicultivation or worms for sale

Vermicultivation is by no means the cultivation of vermicelli products. This is the cultivation of a worm for sale, for example, for fishermen. Perhaps, in the provinces, vermicultivation is not relevant, but in a big city, fishermen buy worms in stores. “It is better to breed either Californian reds or our production. "Prospector" breeds 300 times faster, and, accordingly, the fruits of their activity can be - vermicompost for beds or in a flower bed, ”advised forum member yakostro. They can even be bred at home.

Here is what Rimpelstilskin wrote about this from the same worm forum: “you take a bucket, in autumn you dig up worms there, half a bucket of earth and a quarter of a bucket of leaves or humus. From time to time you throw tea leaves from the kettle to feed them. And you can plant in a flower pot. You can store it anywhere. The main thing is that the earth does not freeze in the bucket. For those who decide to make money on this, the article by Sergey Polovits “Growing earthworms in the garden and in the apartment” will come in handy.

Houses for our little brothers

Dog houses, birdhouses, rabbit pens - all this can be a good spring business. “They love their pets and will love them,” says carpenter Alexander Vasiliev. According to him, for a good kennel measuring 1.2Mx0.9Mx0.9M for large dogs, the owner is ready to pay up to 10 thousand rubles. The peak of demand for wooden houses for our smaller brothers falls in the spring, when, oddly enough, people pay good money even for birdhouses.

Boat rental

If in your city there is a pond in the park or a river flows nearby, then it becomes an ideal spring business. Many city dwellers who take their families for a walk on weekends dream of a little river trip. And they are actively asking about it on the Internet.

“No one will tell you where in Yaroslavl you can take a rowing boat for 2-3 hours? When I was still at school (about 6 years ago), I took boats on the embankment, but there is nothing there already !!!”, - forum member Palitt yearns for relaxation on the water. Darkqwerty echoes him: “I really want to row with oars or at least a catamaran! Does anyone know where to rent it? So, there is no need to worry about the demand for these services. True, the boats will have to be registered with the Inspectorate for Small Vessels, which is not so expensive and troublesome. And, of course, get personal safety equipment on the water - life jackets.

Tents for lovers

“Making tents is easy,” Igor Iskrometny writes about his spring business, “all you need is a sewing machine, threading equipment, and a little imagination. In spring, tents for lovers are in demand, which are easily assembled in twenty minutes, fit in a small suitcase and give privacy somewhere on the river bank. You can make them in your apartment or in the garage, and without resorting to welding.

Drip irrigation

Installing drip irrigation systems is a real spring business, since it is advisable to install them at the same time as planting vegetables. “Water is becoming more and more expensive every year, just like vegetables at the market,” says Aleksey Ivanov, a specialist in the installation of such systems. - Yes, and it is not known how many nitrates are in market cucumbers. I started this business a few years ago and have no regrets. Demand is only growing, and the work is not difficult and labor-intensive.”

Paths in the garden

Previously, before the total introduction of paving slabs, paths in the garden were filled with mortar. Then the boom of beautiful and expensive paving slabs began, and this simple craft was forgotten. And, it would seem, forever. However, the arrangement of concrete paths is being revived again. And there are several reasons for this. The first and main thing is that the tiles began to be stolen. The second is that they are expensive, and if a mini-tractor runs over them, they are often destroyed. So the owners of summer cottages respond to the announcement “Capital arrangement of concrete paths in the garden. Fast and cheap."

This requires a concrete mixer and a little experience. Such paths turn out to be very beautiful and do not collapse for decades, thanks to special additives.

Oh, early, the guard gets up

A child comes from school and tells his parents: "tomorrow we have a trip to the places of military glory" or "a trip to the zoo." Dads and moms become anxious, especially when they find out that only one teacher is traveling with the class. Whether she will keep track of naughty and restless students is far from an idle question. But when it turns out that two instructors are traveling with the class, whose responsibility is to ensure the safety of children, the situation changes. For this, parents are willing to pay 500 rubles per trip, or 15 thousand per class. Guards not only monitor the children, but also record the trip on a video camera. “There are a lot of such excursions in the spring,” says security guard Vitaly Ivanovich Kolomiets, “the demand for our services is always high.” It is difficult to offer such services directly without having a special license, but it is quite possible to use a private security agency as a “roof”.

Whether in the garden, in the garden

Another spring business is dacha escort. It's no secret that not all owners of country houses and household plots are ready, rolling up their sleeves and standing in the position of a crane drinking water, to dig in the ground from morning to evening. But I want to come for the weekend to enjoy the rows of beautiful flowers, well-groomed and whitewashed trees. For this, many are willing to pay good money. “We organized a brotherhood of gardeners,” Yury Marmeladov from the Moscow region shared his experience, “and in early spring we conclude contracts for maintenance of suburban areas. It's a profitable business."

Saturday!? For your money

After winter, the adjacent territories need serious cleaning. They need to be cleaned of debris, children's swings should be painted, benches should be repaired. Usually, residents of the house start a subbotnik, but not everyone is ready to spend a day off with a broom or a brush in their hands. Students of a Rostov university phoned homeowners associations and management companies with a proposal to hold a paid subbotnik. And, oddly enough, they received orders.

This real spring business can generate income, and without high start-up costs. He is of interest to those who specialize in seasonal work, for example, serving tourists on the Black Sea in the summer, harvesting in the fall, and in the winter - lounging around with pleasure somewhere in Thailand.

Alexander Sitnikov
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Spring is for walks, adults and children spend a lot of time outside the home. Taking their leisure time is not such a difficult task, but at the same time profitable. Here are some spring business ideas offered by our authors and readers.

  • Sale of balloons. The positive demographic situation in the country contributes to making money on the sale of balloons. Points of sale can be equipped in many places: shopping centers, central streets and squares, or using bulletin boards.
  • Growing seasonal vegetables in greenhouses. The first vegetables and greens for salads quickly find their customers, entrepreneurs can only count their profits.
  • Children attractions. With the arrival of warm weather, parents try to spend time with their children on the street as often as possible, so in the spring, children's attractions bring excellent income to businessmen.
  • Tyr. A popular entertainment that requires a minimum of costs for existing and start-up entrepreneurs.
  • Soda/coffee/tea machines. Cars do not take up much space, so the cost of rent will be negligible.
  • Sale of cotton candy. Favorite childhood treat can bring you a decent income.
  • Implementation of popcorn. Simple spices will help increase sales: salt and sugar.

Oleg, Moscow region: Every spring, near crowded intersections with pedestrian traffic lights, we put small 2x2 meter booths with kvass and lemonade. 1 person works, we sell glasses (small and large) and liters.

Kvass is the same as it used to be in barrels, so not only those who are waiting for their traffic lights stay here, but also lovers of delicious kvass come with 3-5 liter bottles. Lots of regular customers. The hotter the day, the more sales. The biggest sales are at the point near the city park.

Spring is a time of inspiration and good mood. many want to remember these moments for a long time - photography business is very positive and you can start with a small investment.

  • Body art. Not everyone decides to decorate their body with a tattoo, but there are plenty of people who want to try body art. However, the tattoo parlor is also a good business.
  • Growing and selling flowers. An interesting business idea for flora lovers.
  • One-time home cleaning. In the spring, people especially want to get rid of excess garbage, trash and dust, so busy people are increasingly resorting to outside help. Become a professional in this business or hire a staff for this and you are provided with a business at no cost, but with a guaranteed profit. A popular service in the spring is window washing.

There are more people on the streets, seasonal street businesses appear, which I have seen lately:

You know what's good about spring? Flower birds - this is understandable, but not only that. The resurrection of nature always gives strength to decide on something more, to improve your life, to realize a long dormant dream. Here the entrepreneurial vein is sitting in you - in the spring it's time to give it, finally, to pulsate to the fullest. That's just here without business ideas can not do. We have found those win-win options, thanks to which your spring startup will definitely give fruitful results.

Business in the spring: 12 ideas of the best startups

Entrepreneurship is always a risk, but it will be justified if you choose to implement such spring business ideas!

Children attractions

“No” to the flu roaming around crowded places - “yes” to crowds of cheerful children. Give them in the spring what they have been deprived of all winter, and they will bring their parents to you again. This is a good business idea that will give undying income throughout the spring.

Worms for sale

Surely you will be surprised, but growing worms for sale is recognized as one of the leaders of spring startups. That's what to do in the spring business is recognized as one of the most profitable. The idea is called the mega-complex word “vermicultivation”, but the essence here is much simpler: you grow worms for yourself in the spring for fishermen and not only, and you get your hard-earned money for it.

One-time home cleaning

In the spring, we all try to do a general cleaning, here's an idea for you! Help the population to become one step closer to perfect cleanliness, offer them a general cleaning of their homes. This seasonal business has to contend with quite strong competition from cleaning companies in the spring, but if you come up with some kind of trick, you can easily squeeze into this business.

Sale of shawarma

It's amazing, but it is this seasonal business that simply blossoms in the spring. People leave their homes in search of new experiences, emotions and, of course, they do not interfere with a bite to eat. This is where the idea for a business selling hearty, tasty, easy-to-eat shawarma comes to the rescue.

Growing flowers

Well, it's purely natural spring business. The people missed the gentle aromas of nature caressing the freshness of flower stems. And there are plenty of reasons to give flowers in spring. This spring business is a real goldmine.

Applying images to flowers

In the topic of the previous idea, you can come up with a separate branch for business in the spring. Decorate flower petals with drawings, that's what business to do in the spring! This is done using a special ultra-thin film with a pattern made on it. This business market has not yet filled, a novelty, one might say. Master this technique, and the spring of 2017 business will delight you with stable income and the creation of an extensive client base.

Growing seasonal vegetables, herbs in greenhouses

Business in the spring without vitamin friends is simply unimaginable. The sooner you give people the opportunity to enjoy young natural products, the more this idea will make you earn in the spring.

Sale of balloons

Here the situation is as follows: people are tired of wintering, they want a holiday, and holidays are certainly associated with balloons. Yes, in the spring, any outing from the house can be accompanied by them! It has been proven that on sunny and warm days of spring, balloons snap open just instantly, and at this time there will be a lot of such days! Here is what business in the spring deserves your attention.

Boats for rent

Do you live near a forest or at least some seedy river and do you have your own boat or boat? Great, here are your business ideas for the spring - rent them out, there will always be those who wish.

Organization of picnics for corporations

This option is consistently included in business ideas for spring and summer. Companies need to raise their corporate spirit, and this is best done in nature. But this business also provides for serious costs in the spring. Landscaping, snacks, drinks and entertainment - all this is the responsibility of the entrepreneur.

Basement drainage

Here is a start-up in the spring that will allow you to get a decent income in one season. The business has its own characteristics: you will have to purchase professional equipment, chemicals, attract equipment and quickly deploy an advertising campaign, because this is a seasonal business in the spring, you have 2 months for everything. And most importantly, such business ideas should be implemented in the spring if, in principle, there is a problem of flooding in your area.

body art

In winter, we all go wrapped up, well, purely multi-layered cabbages. But in the spring we begin to slowly expose ourselves and startups cannot get past this. You can focus on body paintings, you can suggest modifications, but this will be relevant for St. Patrick's Day. At this point, what spring business ideas do you have enough abilities for.

Startups for spring are so diverse that everyone can choose the direction in business that suits them. But remember that a good startup will be the key to success in the spring if you provide quality products and services, otherwise all your ideas and endeavors are worthless. Try, develop and let your business grow big and healthy in the spring.

Choosing a direction for developing your own business is a purely individual matter, someone wants to create something big and stable, someone is interested in being mobile and unloaded, and someone just wants to get additional income.

From the position of additional income, seasonal business ideas are the most interesting, on the one hand, they provide high profitability due to their specific features. On the other hand, the owner is not loaded during the whole year. Examples have already been given on the pages of the resource, though it was about summer ideas. You can read more about such areas for making money in the summer, here and here, let me remind you that not only examples were given, but even full-fledged business plans for directions,.

Today we’ll talk about another direction of seasonal business for the spring.. When you wonder what to do in spring? Then only ideas related to agriculture come to mind, for example, growing flowers or just. But there is an alternative in the form of dehumidification.

Russia is a huge country and every spring the news chronicles are full of reports of rivers flowing out and flooding of settlements. But the news avalanche is just the tip of the iceberg; in practice, you can find flooded basements and even houses in almost every town and village located near rivers. After the water leaves, the owners of flooded houses and basements have a question about draining the basements. Whoever has not encountered a problem, I can say that drying the basement is a very troublesome business, the fact is that with insufficiently fast and effective drying, mold and fungus start up, and consider that the case is a “pipe”. The most effective way to quickly solve the problem is to use industrial dryers, plus treating the walls with special chemical compounds (to eliminate the possibility of mold and fungus growth).

It is worth noting that the business is mostly seasonal with a peak of activity in the spring, after the water drops.

Why is it worth dewatering basements to make money?

  • - Relatively low cost of starting a business. By and large, 2-3 industrial dehumidifiers will be enough to carry out the work (the cost of equipment is about 50-60 thousand rubles), a pair of fan heaters (heat guns) (the cost is approximately 15 thousand rubles per pair) and of course professional chemistry to protect against fungus.

Regarding chemistry, I can say from personal experience that professional products are many times more effective than conventional ones, while the purchase is only in large volumes from specialized suppliers. You can’t just buy it on the market, but when you translate its cost per square meter, it is an order of magnitude cheaper.

  • - ease of organization of the business itself. Actually placing the equipment and cleaning the walls with subsequent processing is not a tricky enough business.

Cons of a seasonal business for draining basements and premises.

  • - the business is mostly temporary, which requires an active advertising campaign before flooding occurs. Roughly speaking, advertising should be started from the beginning of spring.
  • - 90% of earnings are formed at the expense of one or two months. As a result, if the season is not set, then the equipment will lie dead weight until next year, in any case, we are not talking about its 100% payback.
  • - the need to attract a vehicle. Actually, one of the main items of expenditure in such a temporary business will be transport.

Although such an idea can bring a small income throughout the year if you provide mold and fungus removal services, especially if you add another type of activity - sealing basements.

Spring is the beginning of flowering and the awakening of not only nature. It's time for new plans in the works. New business ideas are born at this time of the year. Spring is the time to make money!

How to make money in the city in spring?

Spring is the time for love! Learn how to make love horoscopes. Many people dream of finding out as soon as possible what the stars in the sphere of love portend for them next week.

Rent out a room to visiting tourists. That's how a lot of people make money these days. Try to become a business person.

Trade lottery tickets and cotton candy at bus stops. An outdoor workplace is a real treasure!

You can earn money in the village in spring

Grow quail. Quail is a dietary food. They are most often used in the preparation of various delicacies. This means that they are great for selling to restaurants.

Make a ditch. Fill it up with clean water. Buy algae bulbs or offshoots. Wait for the algae to grow and give them for money to any pet store.

Follow the example of Vladimir Bogdanov, who became a real businessman with the help of goose droppings. After all, it contains an incredibly useful substance for plants - phosphorus. Great fertilizer, right?

Accompany school field trips and hikes. Parents will give you a cash reward in gratitude for ensuring the safety of their children.

Keep a few goats in your household. The whole benefit is that you can sell goat milk for a very high price.

Earnings in the countryside

Engage in the installation of a drip irrigation system. You will help the villagers save water and supply it directly to the plants.

Concrete garden paths. Tiled coating, firstly, not everyone can afford. Secondly, there are a lot of "wishing" to steal such a beautiful property. And with the help of concrete, you can give the paths any shape and create the most intricate decorations.

Dedicate yourself to floriculture. The peak of sales awaits you on Women's Day if you learn how to create beautiful and unusual bouquets.

Open your own sawmill. First you need to build a hangar where the equipment will be placed. Then there are several warehouses. In one of them you can store raw materials, and in the other - finished products (bars, pallets, boards).

Breed guinea fowl. Guinea fowls are chicken relatives brought from Africa. In summer, these birds feed on pasture, as they are completely unpretentious in food. Sell ​​dietary meat and tasty eggs of these birds.

Earn money in the spring, living in a private house

Rent a house to fishermen. People who love fishing are happy to rent it from you until the evening. Provide them with a rooming house (for a fee), if they ask you about it.

Bread is a food that is always needed. Open a mini bakery. You will be able to sell not only fresh bread, but also various fragrant pastries.

Read good literature on rabbit breeding. Experienced rabbit breeders claim that it was not in vain that they contacted this business.

Become a famous car mechanic if you are good at agricultural machinery. Buy all the necessary equipment and a huge amount of auto parts.

How to make money in the spring for a teenager?

Walking your neighbor's dogs is a great idea to make money. An elderly couple, for example, will never refuse such help, which will be useful to their beloved dog.

Putting up ads is a symbolic income plus excellent physical activity. The only drawback is that every day you have to wake up very early.

Any teenager who wants to work simply must muster up the courage and go to the nearest post office. Vacancies of postmen often wait for their "finest hour". After all, wages for postal workers leave much to be desired.