How to open the production of kvass. Kvass production: list of equipment, description of manufacturing technology Equipment for the production of live kvass

Among the lines of business in the catering industry, the production of kvass is one of the most underestimated. This drink is popular and rightly considered a healthy alternative to sugary soda. It is really useful if it is made from natural ingredients by natural fermentation technology. We tell you whether such a business is relevant, what permits you need to obtain before starting work, how and from what kvass is produced.

Kvass is a popular drink, but the demand for it is seasonal. Sales are high in summer and drop to zero in winter. When planning a business, this factor must be taken into account. Advertising and marketing companies can slightly reduce losses during the cold season, but do not compensate them in full. From this point of view, it is more profitable to organize the production of sweet carbonated drinks or drinking water.

Quite often, a kvass enterprise is combined with a beer enterprise. The demand for beer changes little throughout the year. The technologies for the production of these two drinks are largely similar, and the equipment is similar.

An additional difficulty lies in the high level of competition. It will be difficult for a start-up manufacturer to compete with large enterprises operating under a well-known brand. Buyers trust them more. This shortcoming can be compensated by actively selling draft kvass through a network of mobile outlets and kiosks.

Demand for kvass is high in summer and drops to almost zero in winter

Room requirements and permits

Preparations for the launch of the enterprise will begin with the search for a suitable workshop and its arrangement. The workshop will have to pass the inspection of sanitary and fire inspections, so it is necessary comply with hygiene and safety criteria:

  • Recommended area from 70 sq.m.
  • The walls and floor are finished with ceramic tiles. The ceiling is painted with water-based paint.
  • Ventilation and connection to all communications.

Specialized food shops, former canteens are well suited. The room is divided into 3 zones:

  • production area;
  • warehouse of raw materials;
  • finished goods warehouse.

To get started legally, you need to register with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC and issue the following permits:

  • lease agreement or certificate of the owner of the premises;
  • positive conclusion of the fire inspection;
  • positive conclusion of the inspection of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • a certificate from the water utility confirming the quality of the water used in the production;
  • quality certificates for equipment;
  • technological scheme for the production of the drink, a description of the workflow, a list of products and recipes;
  • employment contracts with employees and their medical records;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for finished products from Rospotrebnadzor.

Legal registration of the enterprise will take several months. Count on money to bring the workshop to compliance, medical examinations for employees and other expenses. To prepare flow charts, recipes and similar documents, you will need to involve a professional food technologist.

Communication Requirements

The workshop must be connected to all communications. Heating provides employees with comfortable work, and products - the necessary environment for maturation and storage. All appliances run on gas or electricity. Water for kvass is taken from the water supply, which is why it is so important to connect it to drinking water supply. Water quality is confirmed by a water utility certificate.

Well if The shop will be located in a place with convenient access roads. The company will have to regularly bring in large quantities of raw materials and take away finished products. Choose a location with high transport accessibility for trucks.

Naturally fermented kvass is produced in fermenters

Equipment and raw materials

The basis of kvass production - fermenter. It is a vessel in the form of a cylinder and a hemispherical lid. In the lower part of the housing there is a yeast separator and a horizontal agitator. Carbon dioxide is removed through the pipeline. For business, it is recommended to choose devices with a volume of 100 liters or more. Modern models are equipped with a temperature sensor and a timer. The cost is from 23 thousand rubles.

In addition to the fermentation apparatus, the workshop required:

  • dosing container made of polyethylene with a volume of 100 liters or more (should correspond to the volume of the fermenter);
  • wort storage tanks;
  • packaging containers and a machine for twisting corks;
  • refrigerating chambers;
  • mobile barrels for kvass (if you plan to sell kvass in barrels) or kegs.

Equipment for the production of kvass will cost the owner about 60 thousand rubles. All equipment must have quality certificates, warranty cards. The capacity of such a production line will make it possible to produce 200 liters of kvass per day.

Raw materials for kvass:

  • clean drinking water;
  • sugar;
  • wort concentrate (from rye flour and sugar beets);
  • yeast.

The composition of the ingredients varies depending on the kvass recipe. For example, sometimes a drink is prepared on the basis of apples, pears, cranberries, cherries or lemons. This list refers to natural kvass. Now the so-called "kvass drinks" are common on the market. They are made from carbonated water, sweeteners and flavorings. Manufacturing technology does not imply fermentation, and the finished product is devoid of any benefit to the body.

Production technology and recipe

Consider what is the technology for the production of kvass. On the one hand, this is not the most difficult process; even workers without specialized education can master it. On the other hand, the quality of the finished kvass depends on many subtleties that are known only to specialists with specialized education.

Each manufacturer gains professional experience, proprietary recipes and nuances. Production for all consists of approximately the same stages, but differs in duration, the ratio of ingredients and other details. Below is a classic recipe for Soviet kvass from a barrel.

Business requires fermenters with a capacity of at least 100 liters

Water treatment

Preparation of a drink begins with the preparation of water. For kvass according to the technology of natural fermentation, only pure drinking water is suitable. She must match SanPin It must be boiled or treated with a filter with ultraviolet radiation. In such water there should be no pathogenic organisms that will damage the fermentation. Requirements for water sterility for kvass are very high. All containers are disinfected.

Water will most likely have to be purchased, although some manufacturers use drinking water. Spring, melt or mountain water will give the drink a richer taste and will be more beneficial to health than boiled tap water.

Wort making

Kvass wort is rye flour and sugar beets. Producers buy must concentrate ready briquettes. They are soaked in boiling water or boiled water 60-70 degrees (depending on the recipe with the addition of sugar. About 7.5 liters of water are required per 1 kg of briquette. All ingredients are mixed in a fermenter. Approximately 4 kg of wort will be consumed per 100 liters of the finished drink. Then warm water (about 35 degrees) and diluted yeast are poured into the mixture.

fermentation process

Fermentation is the most important stage in the preparation of kvass. It depends on how strong and rich the drink will turn out. The temperature should be above 24 degrees - watch the sensor on the device. The process will take approximately 12 hours. At lower temperatures, fermentation is slower and the end result is different than expected.

Keep in mind that in natural kvass, fermentation does not stop even after being bottled for 4–5 days.


After fermentation, kvass is not yet ready. The drink needs time to mature. From the fermenter, it is poured through filters into disinfected sealed containers. It can be plastic bottles, plastic food barrels and similar containers. It takes only 4 hours in a dark room.


Ripe kvass in kegs or other containers is cooled in a refrigerator. The drink is ready to drink and sell. It is advisable to sell natural kvass in the same container in which it matured. Therefore, if an entrepreneur plans to sell the drink at retail in plastic bottles, it is in them that kvass from the fermenter should be bottled.

Vending machines for kvass are usually filled with 50-liter plastic bottles. With this option of sale, the drink should be poured into these vessels. The quality of the product will be much higher, the taste will be more intense and full.


If it is impossible to avoid bottling into new containers, you will have to buy additional equipment: a line for the production of plastic bottles and a line for their sterilization. This will increase the cost of opening and likely adversely affect the quality of the drink. Therefore, it is recommended to initially pour the product from the fermenter into the container in which it will be sold.

To preserve the taste of kvass, it is poured under isobaric conditions. This means that the equipment must provide a constant pressure and mass to the gas. Thus, carbon dioxide is retained in the drink. If any of the technological stages is violated, butyric fermentation will begin. That is, not at all the process that kvass needs. The product will be damaged.

Required personnel

To set up the equipment and organize the production process, it is necessary food industry technologist. This specialist knows how to use the fermenter and other equipment with maximum efficiency, what ingredients and in what ratio to add. The technologist can be the entrepreneur himself or an invited specialist. His salary is not less than 35 thousand rubles.

The staff of the enterprise will consist mainly of line workers. Since they are in contact with food, everyone undergoes a medical examination and sanitary and hygienic training. They work in overalls and shoes. Profile education is desirable, but not necessary - it is enough to follow the technological map.

As long as the amount of work is small, it is permissible to deal with accounting on your own or entrust it to an outsourced specialist. The fact is that a full-time accountant will require a salary of at least 25 thousand rubles. This relatively small amount will still slow down the payback and net profit.

Previously, kvass in barrels was popular, but now buyers prefer plastic containers.

Financial calculations

When compiling a business plan for the production of kvass, it is important to make financial calculations: compare costs with potential payback. The purchase of equipment for the production of 100 liters of kvass per cycle (16 hours) will cost an entrepreneur an average of 60 thousand rubles. These are small volumes. For example, the capacity of a kvass barrel is 900 liters. To fill such a day's work, you will have to increase the cost of equipment by about 9 times - up to 540 thousand rubles.

At the first stages of work, this is completely optional. Producing even 100 liters per day, you can count on a good profit. To the cost of the equipment, add the rent of the premises, the cost of raw materials and transport, as well as the wage fund for the first 2-3 months. The total investment can fit in 300 thousand rubles.

How quickly will they pay off? If you sell a drink at retail, the price of 1 liter will be at least 70 rubles. 100 liters - 7 thousand rubles. Add to this value 2-3 rubles per container, which is also sold with a large margin. Thus you can earn a little more than 7 thousand rubles per day, and 210 thousand rubles per month. Of course, this is not pure income. We need to continue buying groceries, renting, paying utilities and paying salaries. It will take 3-4 months to recoup investments for a small production line.


For small businesses with investments up to 300 thousand rubles, a small kvass production enterprise will be an excellent start-up. The payback of all initial investments will take only 3-4 months, after which the entrepreneur will begin to receive a net profit and will be able to invest in increasing turnover. The demand for this drink is highly seasonal, which must be taken into account when planning a business.

Kvass(cf. Russian. sour) - a traditional Russian drink with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol of not more than 1.2%, made as a result of incomplete alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation of the wort.

Kvass is easy to prepare both industrially and at home. For the preparation of yeast kvass at home, yeast, crackers (or rather, kvass wort) and sugar are usually used. Berries, mint, hops, apples, pears, raisins and other products are also often added to kvass to give the drink special flavors. A separate group of non-cereal kvass (the raw materials for which are beets, sea buckthorn, etc.) are used mainly in cooking and folk medicine. The medicinal and dietary properties of such kvass were studied and described by B. V. Bolotov.

Kvass is prepared from various types of flour and bread, water and malt and is a product of lactic acid and partly alcoholic fermentation of sugary substances formed from starch contained in the raw materials. Flour is used rye, barley, wheat, buckwheat and oats; they take both rye and wheat bread; malt is mostly rye and barley. Sometimes kvass is made without the addition of malt. The most common is bread kvass.

For the preparation of non-alcoholic kvass, almost any vegetable product is used, poured with water and left for a day (for example, for rare kvass - grated radish).

The essence of the traditional methods of preparing kvass is as follows: a mixture of malt, rye, wheat or any other flour, taken in certain proportions, varied for different varieties of kvass, is poured into a wooden tub and brewed with boiling water; when brewing, they usually take about 1/10 of the total amount of water that has to be used for kvass. The resulting thick pasty mass (mash) is mixed with an oar until a sweet taste appears in it; after that, the mash is transferred to cast iron and the latter are placed in a Russian, pre-heated oven for a day. After this time, the cast iron is removed from the furnace and the mash is transferred to large vats, then diluted with water, left to stand for 2-3 hours and the settled liquid, after adding yeast to it (no more than 1% of all starting materials), is poured into prepared barrels. Fermented rye bread is sometimes used instead of yeast. Barrels of kvass are placed on a glacier or in a basement, generally in a room with a low temperature.

There are a huge number of recipes for making kvass. The difference between them lies both in the quantities and varieties of starting materials, and in the details of the cooking technique itself; for example, both cold and hot water is taken to dilute the mash; the residence time of the mash in the oven and the wort in the vats is different in different ways. Some varieties of bread kvass are flavored with sugar, hops, mint, raisins, molasses, honey, vorain (honey residues obtained as a by-product when making candle wax from honeycombs) and so on before bottling into barrels.

Technology of production (preparation) of bread kvass

Bread kvass production technology consists of:

Preparing white sugar syrup
- wort preparation
- preparation of starter cultures of microorganisms,
- must fermentation,
- kvass blending.

The guaranteed shelf life of bread kvass is 2 days at a temperature not exceeding 12 °C.

With a variety of methods for preparing bread kvass, the essence of the chemical changes occurring in this case in general is as follows. As already mentioned, the mixture of flour and malt with water, the so-called mash, is kept for a long time at a moderately high temperature in the oven, as a result of which the starch contained in flour or bread, under the influence of the unorganized enzyme diastase, which is found in malt, is converted at this time into sugar and dextrin. When the dough is subsequently diluted with water in vats and after the addition of yeast, the resulting sugar and other soluble parts of flour and malt are fermented under the influence of mainly two types of organized enzymes: alcohol fermentation fungus and lactic acid fermentation bacillus, resulting in the formation of alcohol and lactic acid. Since the mash is not boiled, the wort is kept at a low temperature for a long time and the cooling is slow, this provides all the conditions for the acidification of the wort, that is, for the development of lactic acid fermentation; despite the addition of yeast, alcoholic fermentation in the wort occurs only to a weak degree, since the alcoholic fermentation fungus does not withstand the above conditions for the preparation of the wort, under which lactic acid fermentation is predominant and proceeds so vigorously that it prevents the strong development of alcoholic fermentation.
According to a recognized expert in the field of beer and soft drinks based on bread, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ya. Sviridyuk, this is exactly what distinguishes kvass from beer - the starting materials for both drinks are the same, but the method of preparation is different: when making beer, everything is directed in order to prevent the occurrence of sour fermentation, for which the mash is heated to a higher temperature and cooled as quickly as possible, so that alcoholic fermentation in beer is predominant, while in the preparation of kvass, the opposite occurs.

In addition to the substances mentioned, lactic acid and alcohol, other by-products appear during fermentation, such as carbon dioxide, acetic acid, formic acid, etc., then mannitol, dextrin, acid esters with alcohol, etc. substances that give kvass its peculiar taste. After pouring kvass into barrels and bottles, fermentation in it does not stop. The formation of lactic acid occurs most vigorously during the first 4-5 days, and then acetic acid fermentation occurs; subsequently, the more the percentage of lactic acid in kvass increases, the slower lactic fermentation occurs and acetic acid fermentation comes to the fore. The higher the room temperature of kvass barrels, the faster the development of acetic acid.

When preparing kvass, hygiene standards must be observed: barrels and vats must be thoroughly steamed, boiled water should be taken to dilute the wort - otherwise, along with the formation of lactic acid, butyric fermentation occurs, and such kvass, when consumed, produces and enhances the development of butyric acid in the intestines and can serve cause severe digestive disorders. Storage of kvass should be furnished with the best possible conditions - a clean, well-ventilated room, clean barrels. Rationally prepared and carefully preserved kvass can remain unchanged for 2-3 months. With careless storage in kvass, decomposition processes soon begin; acetic acid fermentation comes to the fore, and kvass acquires an unpleasant sour taste. Sometimes kvass acquires the properties to stretch into threads, which depends on the formation of a special gum substance; often kvass is covered with mold fungi. In such kvass, Dr. Georgievsky found a fatty acid of the highest order, reminiscent of caproic acid in smell.

In recent years, "live" rye kvass has significantly strengthened its position in the food market, confidently crowding out various carbonated drinks and its synthetic counterparts. Drink consumption is constantly increasing, steadily giving an increase in monetary terms of about 10% per year. Therefore, investing in a “kvass” business is a win-win option for entrepreneurs.

Advantages and disadvantages of "live products"

There are many delicious varieties of natural berry kvass - apple, cranberry, pear, etc. But the most popular was and remains a bread drink obtained by natural fermentation of rye wort under certain temperature conditions.

The shelf life of such a product is no more than 7 days. A short period of realization of "live" kvass requires a special approach to the organization of sales of products. Before opening a production workshop, it is desirable to have established channels for selling the finished product through retail outlets. You also need to decide in advance on pricing and promotional activities that will help attract the attention of potential buyers.
The main competitor of bread kvass, the artificial “kvass” drink, has a shelf life of about six months, and its health benefits for the consumer are in great doubt.

How to start the production of kvass?

To open a "kvass" production, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents, the composition of which must be further specified in the relevant government agencies.

The next step will be the selection and equipment of the production area. The premises for the location of the workshop must meet the requirements of standards for food enterprises:

  • Have at least three zones - technological, for aging and storing the finished product (with space for 2-3 refrigerators);
  • Have category D (water supply, high fire and explosion safety).
  • For small-scale production, a room with an area of ​​60-70 sq.m. is suitable.
Necessary equipment for the production of kvass

The technological process of kvass production requires a mandatory minimum set of equipment:

  1. The fermenter is a metal tank with various capacities (from 100 liters). All devices are equipped with thermostats and timers for programming the fermentation process.
  2. Dosing container for bottling in PET containers, devices for tightening caps (screwdrivers, etc.).
  3. Refrigeration equipment for storage of finished products.
  4. Barrel for concentrated rye must.
Technology for obtaining a "live" drink

The technological process of obtaining rye kvass is quite simple and includes several stages. All procedures are carried out under strict control over the sterility of products and raw materials.

1. Water treatment according to SanPiNa (boiling and cleaning with a UV filter).

2. Preparation of the wort by the infusion method from special kvass briquettes. Raw materials are poured with boiling water in a fermentation container, warm water, sugar, yeast mixture and fermented malt concentrate are added according to the recipe.

3. Fermentation of the must in a tightly closed apparatus under conditions according to the recipe.

4. Maturation of the drink. The fermented strained semi-finished product is poured into PET containers, barrels or kegs, hermetically sealed and left for 4 hours in a room without access to light.

5. Storage and cooling. Ready-ripened kvass with naturally dissolved carbon dioxide is placed in a refrigerator. Fragrant "live" drink is ready for sale!

"Kvass" production, even on a small scale, is a cost-effective measure and, in conditions of well-established sales, makes a profit in a month. The profit from only one fermentation plant, producing 200-300 liters of drink per day, is able to provide the company with a monthly profit of at least 70,000 rubles. The expansion of production and the establishment of a stable sales market makes it possible to have a stable business that brings profit all year round.

Video - basic production of kvass
  • Permissions to open
  • Taxation system

Consumption of kvass has only increased in recent years. The annual growth of the kvass market, according to some data, is 15-20% per year and its pace will continue in the coming years. Kvass always occupies a leading position among the sold soft drinks.

The main task of real kvass since Tsarist Russia is to invigorate the body and compensate for the spent nutrients. Live kvass quickly relieves thirst, fatigue and nervous tension. Everyone drinks it - healthy and sick, old people and children. In ancient times, kvass was taken with them to hard work: plowing, mowing, harvesting. Live kvass was mandatory included in the diet of an early soldier, because it contributed to a faster recovery and restoration of spent strength.

The kvass that is sold today in hypermarkets consists of a set of chemically pure substances - dye, carbon dioxide, sweetener, acidifier and flavoring. The benefits of such a drink are highly questionable. The caffeine and stimulants included in its composition only spur the nervous system for a short time and do not give such a positive effect as real live kvass.

Therefore, a significant proportion of consumers in the hot season buy kvass in bulk. After all, it is tastier, rich in vitamins B1, B2, does not contain preservatives and dyes.

The production of real live kvass in the summer is a good seasonal business. Modern equipment allows you to create a mini-production of live kvass with a capacity of 200 liters per day. At the same time, one should not be afraid of competition from large producers in view of the fact that live kvass has a short shelf life and its transportation to other regions is not profitable. Live kvass is a business for small businesses within the region.

What equipment to choose for the production of live kvass:

How much money is needed to start a business for the production of live kvass

The cost of purchasing equipment will amount to a little more than 50 thousand rubles. Such a set of equipment will allow to produce up to 200 liters of live kvass per day. To do this, it is enough to attract no more than 2 employees, or it can become a good family business.

Live kvass production technology

The technology for the production of live kvass has remained unchanged for a long time and includes the following steps:

  1. Obtaining malt (enzyme preparation) and fermentation of kvass dough. This dough is then baked to give the kvass a dark or red hue. If this is not done, kvass will turn out white with a peculiar taste, more suitable for summer okroshka;
  2. Getting kvass wort - extraction of water-soluble substances;
  3. The last stage is the fermentation of the wort, obtaining the finished product.

Various variations are possible at each stage of kvass production, but in the end the drink is obtained with a characteristic sour taste and aroma of bread.

What documents are needed to open a business for the production of live kvass

In order to produce kvass, in addition to registering an individual entrepreneur (or LLC), the following documentation is required:

  • The protocol of product analyzes, issued by the Center for Hygiene and Nutrition;
  • Certificate of Conformity for kvass of your production, issued by the Center for Standardization;
  • Conclusion of SES on the premises where kvass is produced;
  • The technological instruction for the production of kvass in the conditions of your production is approved by the head of the enterprise.

It usually takes 2-3 weeks to collect and prepare such a package of documents.

How much can you earn from a kvass business

The main raw materials for the production of kvass are kvass briquettes, kvass wort concentrate, aromatics, sugar, and yeast. The cost of production of 1 liter of classic kvass is about 8 rubles. The recommended selling price is 35 rubles per liter, including PET containers (3 rubles). Total profit from one liter - 25 rubles, from 200 liters - 5000 rubles per day. Of course, you still need to take into account transportation costs, the lease of the outlet and the salary of the seller, that is, minus 30% of the specified amount.

The main ways to sell live kvass (read the article: Trade in kvass):

  1. Realization of live kvass in barrels or kegs in highly passable places from April to September;
  2. Wholesale deliveries of kvass to trade enterprises - points of sale of draft beer;
  3. Realization of kvass in the period from October to March in shopping centers, canteens, cafes, baths.

The range of kvass sold can be very diverse with various natural additives. Kvass can be sold in bulk, with the option to consume the product at the point of sale or buy a bottle to go. The approximate period of promotion of one outlet is 1 month.

Step by Step Plan to Start a Live Kvass Business

1. Register a business (individual entrepreneur or limited liability company).

2. Make a detailed business plan. 3. Rent a room for a production workshop, conclude a lease agreement.

  1. Buy equipment.
  2. Purchase raw materials and consumables.

6. Obtain from Rospotrebnadzor a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion for the premises and the same conclusion for kvass. 7. Obtain a quality certificate, if necessary. 8. Obtain permission to conduct activities from the fire department.

  1. To study the markets for products (as an option, open several points for the sale of kvass in kegs).

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

OKVED 15.98.2 - production of soft drinks, except for mineral waters.

What documents are needed to open

It is necessary to register a business entity - it is an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. Prepared documents are submitted to public authorities or to multifunctional public service centers (MFCs). Since the business entity is a legal entity, it is necessary to open a bank account. It is also necessary to register with the Pension Fund, Social and Medical Insurance Fund. When hiring employees, the entrepreneur is responsible for paying insurance premiums.

Permissions to open

To start the production of live kvass, it is necessary to obtain a number of permits. When registering an enterprise in the types of activity, it is necessary to indicate the production and sale of kvass. In order to obtain a permit for the production workshop, it is necessary to prove that the premises in which kvass will be produced comply with the standards of Rospotrebnadzor and the sanitary and epidemiological service, the water from which kvass will be produced complies with the norms of SN IP. To this end, the IP sends a message to Rospotrebnadzor, then receives the appropriate permission for production. For confirmation, he provides a production program with a list of assortment.

The commission inspects the premises and, if it complies with the standards, issues a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion. The same conclusion must be obtained for the manufacture of kvass, for this a trial batch is sent to the laboratory and, if it matches, Rospotrebnadzor issues a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. If you plan to supply kvass to retail outlets, then you must have a quality certificate, it is issued if the enterprise has technical conditions (TU) and technical instructions (TI). TU can be replaced by GOST, but, while TI, you need to develop it yourself. In addition, all employees of the production process must have medical books. You must also obtain permission from the fire department.

Taxation system

If an enterprise is engaged in the production and retail trade of kvass, then you can choose a simplified taxation system (STS) or a single tax on sane income (UTII). The law exempts from the purchase of a cash register (CCA), since kvass belongs to a group of goods that exempt the seller from providing the buyer with any documents when selling goods on tap. If the enterprise is engaged in production and wholesale trade, then it is necessary to choose the general taxation system or the simplified tax system.


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Kvass is called the traditional national drink of the Eastern Slavs. It has been known since the times of Kievan Rus, more than 1000 years.

In those days, kvass was a low-alcohol drink. Distinguished kvass created and unfulfilled kvass, i.e. poorly prepared, which contained a large amount of fusel oils and had an intoxicating effect.

Kvass was used not only as a drink to quench thirst. It served as the basis for the preparation of many dishes: okroshka, botvinia, fish soup, etc. Until the 18th ... 19th centuries, ordinary peasants consumed kvass only as a drink, up to 5 liters per day.

In Russia, there were many varieties of kvass. The main raw materials for the preparation of kvass were rye, barley, wheat dry malts, wheat, buckwheat, barley flour. A feature of the artisanal kvass technology was the use of various types of crushed grain products in the form of coarse flour, not suitable for baking, literally waste, bran, leftover sour dough. Fermentation was carried out in open containers, which were filled with new wort, without clearing the old yeast. Thanks to this, a perennial sourdough was created, which was a mixture of microbial cultures.

Mint leaves, strawberries, raspberries, currants, hops, raisins, honey, roots, herbs were added to kvass as flavoring additives. They prepared not only bread kvass, but also apple, pear, cherry and other fruit kvass.

The profession of a fermenter was widespread in Russia. Kvass producers specialized in the production of one of the types of kvass. Accordingly, they were called: “barley fermenters”, “pear fermenters”, “apple fermenters”. The volumes of production and sales of kvass were quite large by the standards of that time, for example, in St. Petersburg at the end of the 19th century only bottled kvass was sold up to 2 thousand bottles per day.

According to the encyclopedist D.V. Kanshina: “After water, the most common drink in Russia is kvass. We even think that they drink it more than water.”

DI. Mendeleev loved kvass “with its acidity and healthy hearty taste”, “grew up on kvass” and wrote: “Russian residents will someday stop disdain with their kvass tastes and take care to achieve such methods that would provide not only a variety of taste, but also nutritional value. , preservation and hygienic value that are inherent in kvass.

Indeed, kvass has a good balanced chemical composition. The nutritional value of kvass is due to the fact that it is made from grain raw materials, from which soluble substances pass into the must: carbohydrates, vitamins, dietary fiber, mineral components. The carbohydrates of the wort are fermented by yeast and lactic acid bacteria, during the life of which biologically active compounds are accumulated: amino acids, vitamins, volatile aromatic substances.

Production of kvass by 1986 in the country amounted to more than 40 million decalitres per year. Over the following years, its production fell by more than 13 times. In the XXI century, the production of kvass in Russia is 6.3 ... 7.5 million decalitres per year. This is due to a change in the structure of beverage consumption in general due to an increase in the production of beer, low-alcohol, non-alcoholic drinks.

Outdated primitive equipment for the production of kvass, seasonality of production, fluctuations in quality, lack of the main raw material - kvass wort concentrate - led to the fact that it became unprofitable to produce kvass.

Recently, the interest of producers and consumers in kvass and other national drinks (sbitnya, mead) has increased again. A technology has been developed for fermented kvass, pasteurized, bottled with a shelf life of up to 2 months, which eliminates the seasonality of its production, allows you to more clearly regulate its quality. In addition, bottled kvass is convenient for the consumer. All of the above allows us to hope for the revival of domestic kvass brewing and an increase in the value of kvass as a traditional, very healthy drink.

1 . Raw materials for the production of kvass

1.1 Rye as the main raw material for kvass brewing

Rye is the main raw material for the production of malt, kvass wort concentrate, sour kvass. It is used in the form of: rye flour; rye fermented malt; rye unfermented malt.

Rye is the most Russian of all cereals. It gives stable yields even under adverse weather conditions, including in the northern regions of Russia.

The structure of the rye grain is similar to the structure of the barley grain. The difference in the structure and chemical composition of rye grains lies in the fact that rye is a naked crop, its chaff and seed coats are removed during threshing. This determines the differences in the composition of rye and barley and the peculiarities of rye processing. Grains of rye of different varieties are yellow, green, brown, purple, which is due to the presence of pigments. The endosperm is mealy and semi-glassy. Grains with a green varietal color are usually large, they have a thin shell, the volume occupied by the endosperm is relatively large, therefore rye varieties with green grains are considered the most suitable for kvass brewing.

The average chemical composition of rye grain used for the production of kvass: starch 57.7 ... 63.5%, non-starch polysaccharides (pentosans, -glucan, fructosans) 24 ... 26%, protein 9 ... 20%, minerals 1.5 ... 2, 0%. For comparison: in barley, non-starch polysaccharides are 14 ... 16%.

Rye grain proteins contain relatively many essential amino acids - lysine, threonine, phenylalanine, which makes them more nutritionally valuable than wheat and barley grain proteins.

During the hydrolysis of non-starch rye polysaccharides during malting, a large amount of low molecular sugars accumulates: pentose, glucose, fructose. When drying malt, pentoses most actively, in comparison with other sugars, enter into the reaction of melanoidin formation, as a result of which volatile intermediate products of a certain composition accumulate: aldols, ketones, aldehydes, which give the malt a specific aroma of a rye crust of bread, as well as a large amount of coloring substances - melanoidins . The must obtained from rye grain products is very fragrant, has an intense color.

That is why rye is the main grain crop for the production of kvass, which no other cereal can fully replace.

Rye for the production of rye malt must meet the following basic requirements: humidity - no more than 15.5%; the content of weed and grain impurities - no more than 5%; germination ability - not less than 92%.

In addition, the protein content in it must be at least 12% to obtain coloring and aromatic substances in the malt, the extract content is not less than 70%.

Baking rye flour is used in kvass production 95% wholemeal grind, i.e. without bran selection, from whole grains, with a flour yield of 95 ... 97% of the grain mass.

Organoleptic indicators:

Color - grayish-white with noticeable particles of shells of grain;

Smell - characteristic of normal flour, without the smell of mold, mustiness and other foreign odors;

Taste - characteristic of normal flour, without sour, bitter and other extraneous flavors;

Mineral impurities - when chewing flour, there should not be a crunch on the teeth.

Physical and chemical indicators:

Mass fraction of moisture is not more than 15%;

The mass fraction of ash content is not more than 2%, but not less than 0.07% of the ash content of pure grain before grinding;

Grinding size - the residue on a metal-woven sieve No. 067 is not more than 2%; passage through a silk sieve No. 38 not less than 30%;

Metal impurities per 1 kg of flour, not more than 3 mg;

Infection of flour with granary pests or the presence of traces of infection is not allowed.

1.2 Characteristics of rye malt

Rye malt is used to obtain the main semi-finished product of kvass: kvass wort concentrate.

It is produced in two types: fermented and non-fermented. Non-fermented malt is obtained using a technology similar to that of barley malt. Dry at a maximum temperature of 60°C to preserve the accumulated hydrolytic enzymes.

A feature of the technology of fermented malt is the stage of languishing (or fermentation) after germination. Freshly sprouted grain of rye with a moisture content of 52…55% is placed in heaps for warming or heated in beds, while due to intensive breathing, the temperature rises to 55…60°C. The enzymes accumulated during germination catalyze the hydrolysis of starch, proteins, non-starch polysaccharides with the formation of sugars and amino acids, from which coloring and aromatic substances are formed during drying.

Organoleptic characteristics of dry rye malt in grains and ground (non-fermented and fermented):

Appearance. Homogeneous grain mass free of moldy grains or milled malt mass free of mold.

Color. Light yellow with a grayish tinge (for unfermented) or brown to dark brown with a reddish tint (for fermented).

Smell. characteristic of this type of malt. Not allowed - the smell of rot and mold.

Taste. Sweetish (for unfermented) or sweet and sour, reminiscent of the taste of rye bread. Not allowed - burnt, bitter, etc. (for fermented).

Dry rye malt, in grains or ground, is packed by weight of 50 kg - 1% in fabric bags, which must be clean, dry, odorless, not infested with pests. Shipment of dry malt in grains in bulk is allowed.

1.3 Other types of raw materials for kvass

In the production of kvass, in addition to rye malt and rye flour, other grain products are used: dry barley malt as a source of enzymes, barley and corn flour as unmalted raw materials.

Corn flour has a high extractivity, but it is not considered a full-fledged replacement for rye flour, since it does not provide the necessary taste characteristics for kvass obtained using it. Cornmeal can be coarse or finely ground. It should be white or yellow in color, smell typical of normal flour, no moldy smell. Moisture content of corn flour should be no more than 15%, ash content no more than 1.3% for coarse flour and 0.9% for fine flour, fat content no more than 3% for wholemeal flour and no more than 2.5% for fine flour.

Enzyme preparations of microbial origin are used as sources of enzymes in the production of kvass wort concentrate, for example, such domestic enzyme preparations:

* cytolytic - Celloviridin G20x, Cytorosemin P10x, Xyloglucanofoetidin P10x. They are used to increase the extract yield, reduce the viscosity of the mash and wort, accelerate the filtration of the mash; consumption of drugs grade P10x - 0.020 ... 0.025% by weight of raw materials, gradation G20x - 100 ... 180 g / t of raw materials;

* amylolytic - Amilorizin G10x - to increase the content of fermentable sugars in the wort, consumption - 200 ... 280 g / t of raw materials; Amylosubtilin G10x - for thinning the mash, facilitating and accelerating the saccharification of starch, consumption - 240 ... 280 g / t of raw materials.

2. Kvass production

2.1 Characteristics of production schemes for kvass wort concentrate (KKS)

KKS is a product obtained by evaporation and heat treatment of kvass wort from rye malt, rye flour or other grain products. KKS is the most suitable type of raw material for the production of kvass. Benefits of using KKS:

It is produced in specialized factories or workshops, due to which it has a relatively stable composition;

Has a long shelf life;

Can be transported over long distances;

Minimal losses during its use in the production of kvass.

Traditionally KKS was made from rye grain products: rye fermented and unfermented malts and rye flour. However, the desire of manufacturers to improve the efficiency of KKS production has led to the fact that barley and corn flour began to be included in the recipes. All these types of grain products are allowed by the current standard for KKS.

Currently, kvass wort concentrate is produced by a large number of enterprises according to various schemes, differing in the set of raw materials, technology and equipment for its production, and, consequently, the product is obtained with different composition and characteristics.

The most common 2 schemes for the production of KKS:

From freshly germinated rye malt and rye flour;

From a mixture of dry grain products: rye and barley malt and rye flour; it is allowed to replace rye flour with corn or barley flour.

Cornmeal contains few proteins and non-starch polysaccharides, so the concentrate obtained with its use, as a rule, has insufficient color, empty taste. Such a replacement of rye flour with corn flour cannot be complete.

2.2 Features of mashing grain products in the production of KKS using various types of raw materials

Stages of production of KKS:

a) preparation of grain products;

b) mashing grain products;

c) filtering congestion and boiling the wort;

d) evaporation of kvass wort;

e) heat treatment of KKS;

f) bottling KKS.

Features of the preparation and mashing of grain products depend on the set of raw materials used in the production of KKS. Consider two main schemes:

1) from freshly germinated rye malt,

2) from a mixture of dry grain products.

According to the first scheme, the composition of grain products includes 50% freshly germinated rye malt and 50% rye flour. For the hydrolysis of starch and non-starch polysaccharides of raw materials during mashing, Cytorosemin Hx and Amylorizin Hx are added at 0.5% by weight of raw materials; other enzyme preparations with amylolytic and cytolytic activity can be used.

Malt is obtained according to the usual scheme: it is soaked for 24 hours at a temperature of 18...20°C to a moisture content of 45%, germinated for 3...4 days at a temperature of 14...18°C, then the grain is transferred to the languishing chamber, where the temperature is maintained with the help of a heater 55...60 °C or the temperature is increased by self-heating by increasing the layer of malt. Simmering is carried out for 3…4 days, then the malt is fed for crushing in a hammer mill or top and mixed with water (1: 3…4) in a mash tun.

Rye flour is not prepared for the action of enzymes, so it is pre-boiled. Flour is mixed with water (1:4), a suspension of enzyme preparations is added for liquefaction, a pause is maintained for 20...30 minutes at 70°C and boiled for 30...40 minutes in a mash kettle or at an overpressure of 0.3...0.4 MPa, which corresponds to temperature around 130…140°С.

Boiled flour is transferred to the mash tun, cooled to a temperature of 75...80°C and the malt mash is pumped. With stirring, enzyme preparations are added and pauses are maintained: 50 ... 52 ° C - 40 ... 60 minutes, 63 ° C - 1.5 ... 2 hours, 70 ° C - 1.5 ... 2 hours, 75 ° C - 30 ... 40 minutes , check the completeness of saccharification and transfer to filtration.

According to the second scheme, the composition of grain products includes 35...42% rye fermented or unfermented malt, 50% rye flour, 8...15% barley malt as a source of enzymes. Rye flour for 40 ... 50% can be replaced with corn or 25% barley flour.

Crushed grain products are mixed in 3 adjustable vats with a water ratio of 1:4. 10% of the calculated amount of barley malt or enzyme preparations are added to the mash from rye flour, kept for liquefaction for 20 ... 30 minutes at a temperature of 70 ... 72 ° C, and then boiled under a pressure of 0.3 ... 0.35 MPa. The studies of Kyiv scientists have shown that boiling under pressure can be replaced by boiling when treating unmalted mash with enzyme preparations Amylorizin II and Cytorosemin II or other preparations containing amylolytic, proteolytic and cytolytic enzymes. In this case, the mash from rye or corn flour is boiled in the mash kettle for 20-30 minutes.

Rye fermented malt is mashed separately at a temperature of 15...20°C. The prepared mash from the unmalted part is pumped into the mash tun with fermented rye malt distillation, the temperature after mixing should be set to 80°C. Similarly, unfermented rye is mashed together with barley malt and added to a mixture of boiled unmalted raw materials and fermented rye malt. In the combined jam, all the pauses described for the first scheme are maintained.

The technological mode of mashing can be adjusted depending on the composition of raw materials, production conditions, equipment installed at the enterprise.

A feature of mashing in the production of KKS is also a lower degree of starch hydrolysis than in the brewing industry. It is recommended to carry out saccharification until the mash turns yellow-brown with iodine so that the wort does not contain a large amount of sugars, from which excessive alcohol is formed during fermentation. At the same time, more dextrins accumulate in the wort, which create a full, "nutritious" taste in kvass.

2. 3 Methods for obtaining kvass wort

Kvass wort is obtained in several ways, depending on the raw materials used: infusion, rational and from kvass wort concentrate.

Infusion way it is obtained from kvass bread and dry kvass. The method is mainly used in small enterprises. From crushed kvass loaves or dry kvass, dry substances are extracted three times with hot water in an infusion vat. The infusion vat is a cylindrical apparatus with a decanter for removing the wort, a coil or jacket for heating and a paddle mixer, the speed of which is not more than 40 ... 50 per minute. Raw materials are poured into an infusion vat filled with hot water at a temperature of 80 ... 90 ° C, based on the receipt of the first wort in the amount of 1/3 of the specified volume.

After 30 minutes of stirring, infuse for 1.5 ... 2 hours. The settled first kvass wort is removed by a decanter, cooled in a heat exchanger to a temperature of 25 ... 30 ° C and pumped into a fermentation apparatus. The remaining thick is poured with water at a temperature of - 60 ... 70 ° C in an amount equal to the volume of the first wort, stirred for 20 minutes, insisted for 1.5 hours. The second wort is also cooled and combined with the first. For the third bay, the remaining amount of water is taken to bring the volume of the wort to the calculated one. A mixture of grounds and water is stirred for 20 minutes, infused for 1 hour and pumped into the total volume of the wort.

The infusion method is very time consuming, lengthy: the total time of employment is about 8 hours. In addition, the loss of dry matter is high - up to 15%, waste is formed - thick, which is difficult to sell, since its quantity is small.

rational way kvass wort production involves mashing rye malt, pre-boiled rye flour and barley malt using standard equipment of breweries of breweries. The method is energy-intensive, requires additional equipment - steamers for boiling rye flour under pressure, in the classic version it is practically not used.

However, research is currently being carried out and technological modes for obtaining kvass wort from rye and barley malts with the addition of rye flour are being developed according to the modes of brewing production.

Getting kvass wort from kvass wort concentrate- a more progressive method with minimal loss of dry matter. The wort for fermentation is prepared using 70% of the concentrate of the calculated amount, the remaining 30% is added after fermentation to flavor the kvass. The kvass wort concentrate (KKS) is first diluted in a preliminary dispensing vat with water at a temperature of 30 ... 35 ° C in a ratio of 1: 2 ... 2.5, then pumped into a fermentation apparatus, where it is adjusted with water to a mass fraction of solids of 1.4 ... 1 .6%. Sugar syrup is also added here in an amount of 25% of the calculated one in order to prevent excessive accumulation of alcohol during fermentation. The content of solids in the wort is not less than 2.5% for bread kvass and 1.6% for okroshka kvass.

The concentrate of kvass wort is poorly soluble in cold kvass, so the wort is often obtained from the entire amount of KKS.

kvass wort rye malt

2. 4 Ways of fermentation of kvass wort and blending

Getting kvass is carried out in 2 stages: fermentation of kvass wort and kvass blending. Depending on how these stages are carried out, fermentation can be carried out in fermentation tanks, a fermentation blender or cylindrical fermenters.

In a fermentation tank, which is an apparatus with a cooling coil or jacket, kvass is fermented. Blending devices with agitators are used for blending. Wort is prepared in a fermentation tank, sourdough or yeast is added and fermentation is carried out at 25 ... 30 ° C until the mass fraction of solids is reduced by 1% and the acidity of 2 ... 4 cm 3 of an alkali solution with a concentration of 0.1 mol / dm 3 per 100 cm 3 of kvass is reached . The temperature is controlled by cooling with brine. The duration of fermentation under these conditions is 14...16 hours. Then the kvass is cooled to 6...7°C to settle the yeast and pumped into the blending apparatus. To separate the yeast, a drain cup is installed on the drain hole before filling the fermentation tank.

In the blending apparatus, the remaining 30% of kvass wort concentrate and 75% of sugar syrup are added to kvass. After mixing, they are sent to the measuring tanks, from where kvass is poured. The sourdough is not reused, since lactic acid bacteria do not settle when the kvass is cooled, but remain in the kvass, the ratio of microorganisms is disturbed. In addition, there is no way to store the starter or yeast, it is impossible to rinse thoroughly enough.

Fermentation and blending apparatus is intended for fermentation of kvass wort and blending of kvass. It is a cylindrical container mounted on supports. , with a spherical lid, hermetically sealed by a hatch, with a conical bottom, in which there is a yeast separator chamber (used to settle the yeast and is separated from the main volume of kvass by a valve and a damper). At the bottom of the apparatus there is a propeller mixer, a cooling jacket or coil is used to control the temperature of the product. The device is also equipped with fittings: for for removing air from the apparatus and jacket, for supplying and removing brine, for supplying wort, for introducing sugar syrup, for draining kvass .

Fermentation is carried out under the same parameters as in fermentation tanks. After cooling the kvass and separating the yeast, blending is carried out with the remaining amount of KKS and sugar syrup in the same apparatus. It can also be used for bottling by squeezing with carbon dioxide.

Application cylindrical-conical fermenters TsKBA allows you to significantly increase the productivity of the kvass department.

KKS before or after dilution is pasteurized for 30...35 min at a temperature of 75...80°C, then cooled to 28...30°C and pumped into the TsKBA through the lower fitting. Starter and yeast are added to the 2nd portion of the diluted KKS. Sugar syrup is added with stirring using a pump. Fermentation is carried out with periodic circulation by pumping "on itself" with a centrifugal pump every 2 hours for 30 minutes to prevent yeast from settling.

At the end of fermentation, all cooling jackets are connected, kvass is cooled to 5 ... 7 ° C. The sediment of yeast that has settled in the conical part of the apparatus is drained, determining the end of the drain visually through the sight glass. After separating the yeast, kvass is blended by adding the remaining amount of KKS and sugar syrup while stirring with a pump.

The duration of fermentation in the TsKBA with a volume of 50 m 3 is 10 ... 12 hours, cooling is 6 ... 8.5 hours, in the apparatus for 100 m 3, respectively, 16 ... 18 hours and 8.5 ... 10 hours.

2. 5 Technological scheme for the preparation of kvassfrom KKS

The production of fermented bread kvass and okroshka kvass consists of the following stages:

preparation of raw materials and semi-finished products;

preparation of kvass wort;

must fermentation;

cooling and blending kvass;

pouring kvass into containers.

The preparation of kvass and drinks by blending can be divided into the following stages:

water preparation;

preparation of sugar syrup and color;

preparation of kvass wort concentrate and other types of raw materials;

preparation of blended syrup;

blending and carbonization;

packaging in consumer and trade containers.

Line begins with a set of equipment for the preparation of raw materials and semi-finished products (pumps, measuring tanks, collectors, heat exchangers, filters, etc.).

The next is a set of equipment for the preparation of kvass wort, consisting of infusion apparatus, steamers, mash apparatus, heat exchangers and filtration apparatus.

The leading set of equipment of the line are fermentation-blending cylindrical-conical and fermentation apparatuses for fermentation of kvass wort.

The final stage is the equipment of the line for packing kvass in thermo-tanks and barrels or bottles.

In accordance with Figure 1, the kvass wort concentrate delivered to the plant in tank trucks 1 is pumped by pump 2 through the measuring tank 4 into collection 3. When the kvass wort concentrate arrives in barrels 5, they are installed on a tray 6, rinsed with hot water and the concentrate is pumped through pump 7 through dipstick 4 into collection 3 for storage. Sugar (liquid refined), delivered in tankers 11, pump 2 through a heat exchanger 12 and a measuring tank 14 is fed into collections 13 with bactericidal lamps 15. When the sugar-sand packed in bags 16 arrives at the plant, the latter are removed from the car onto a pallet, 18 by a forklift 19 and transported to storage. As needed, sugar is weighed on a 20 scale, loaded into a 22 hopper by a bucket elevator 21 and fed into a 23 syrup boiler, where water is preliminarily poured. The finished sugar syrup is pumped through the filter 24 and the heat exchanger 25 to the collector 17.

The water used for technological needs is sent to an intermediate collector 36. From there it enters the sand filter 37 and from it through the collector 35 is pumped to the ceramic candle filters 39 for fine filtration. The filtered water enters the collector 40.

1,11,28 - tank trucks; 2,7,9 - pumps; 3,8,13,17,26,29,35,40 - collections; 4.14 - measuring cups; 5 - barrels; 6.18 - pallet; 10,12,25 - heat exchangers; 15 - bactericidal lamps; 16 - bags; 19 - forklift; 20 - scales; 21 - bucket elevator; 22 - bunker; 23 - syrup boiler; 24 - filter; 27 - fermentation and blending apparatus; 30 - apparatus; 31.32 - apparatus for preparing a pure culture of yeast; 33 - apparatus for preparing mixed sourdough; 34.38 - devices for preparing a pure culture of lactic acid bacteria; 36 - intermediate collection; 37 - sand filter; 39 - ceramic candle filters.

Figure 1 - line for the production of bread kvass from kvass wort concentrate

To prepare kvass wort, the kvass wort concentrate is pumped by pump 2 through measuring tank 4 into collection 8, where it is diluted with hot water. From collection 8, the diluted concentrate of kvass wort is pumped by pump 9 through heat exchanger 10 to fermentation and blending apparatus 27. The calculated amount of sugar syrup is also supplied from collection 17, water from collection 40, and mixed yeast and lactic acid starter from apparatus 33.

The pure culture of yeast is prepared in apparatuses 31 and 32, and the pure culture of lactic acid bacteria in apparatuses 34 and 38. Then the pure cultures of yeast and bacteria are pumped into apparatus 33.

The kvass wort fermented in the apparatus 27 is cooled, the settled yeast is withdrawn into the collection 26, and the calculated amount of sugar syrup and color, which is prepared in the apparatus 30 and kept in the collection 29, is again introduced into the fermenter and blender. The blend of kvass is thoroughly mixed and sent for bottling in tank trucks 28. When packing in barrels or bottles, the scheme provides for the use of isobaric filling machines.

2. 6 The quality of fermented kvass

Currently, in Russia, kvass quality indicators are standardized by technical conditions. Physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of the most common varieties of kvass "Khlebny" and "Kvass for okroshka" are standardized by OST 18-118-82.

Physico-chemical parameters of bread kvass and for okroshka are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Physical and chemical parameters of bread kvass and for okroshka

According to organoleptic characteristics, bread kvass should have a brown color, a sweet and sour taste, and an aroma of rye bread. In okroshka kvass, the color is lighter. The mass fraction of carbon dioxide is not standardized and is taken into account during tasting as "sharpness". When tasting kvass, the appearance is evaluated, color - 7 points, taste, aroma - 12 points. Kvass of excellent quality should have a total score of 16 ... 19, good - 14 ... 16, satisfactory - 10 ... 13.

2. 7 Diseases of kvass

Industrial kvass, as a rule, contains a significant amount of sucrose, therefore they are a favorable environment for the development of numerous microorganisms.

A number of diseases of kvass are known, as a rule, leading to its irreversible deterioration, therefore, in the production of kvass, preventive measures play an important role in preventing the development of foreign microflora.

Mucus of kvass. It is caused by the mucus-forming bacteria Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Bacillus mesentericus. As a result of their development, kvass acquires a dense texture and high viscosity. Sweetness in taste is sharply reduced. Such kvass is unsuitable for consumption. The main source of mucus-forming bacteria in the production of kvass is granulated sugar. It must be carefully monitored for the absence of mucus-forming bacteria, and when preparing sugar syrup, boil the syrup in a hot way for at least 30 minutes. Mucus-forming bacteria cannot withstand the high acidity of the environment, therefore, if signs of mucus are found, it is necessary to increase the acidity of the fermented wort and kvass to the upper limit allowed by the kvass technology. All pipelines and technological equipment, in which the mucilaginous kvass was located, must be disinfected. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to replacing pipelines, since it is not possible to ensure complete suppression of mucus-forming bacteria in them.

Acetic acid souring of kvass. It is caused by acetic acid bacteria. As a result of their development, kvass yeast and lactic acid bacteria are suppressed, the acidity of kvass sharply increases, but it is sharp and unpleasant due to the specific taste of acetic acid. The mass fraction of ethyl alcohol in kvass decreases, since acetic acid bacteria convert ethyl alcohol into acetic acid. The stability of kvass during storage decreases. A thin film may appear on the surface of "sick" kvass.

The source of acetic acid bacteria getting into kvass is poorly washed apparatus, hoses, pipelines, air of the production room, therefore, in order to prevent acetic acid souring, it is necessary to maintain a good sanitary condition of production.

Acetic acid souring can be observed in mixed sourdough. In this case, the starter culture cannot be used in the production of kvass and must be replaced by a new starter prepared starting from the laboratory breeding stages of pure yeast and LAB cultures.

A characteristic sign of the development of acetic acid bacteria is the appearance of a fruit fly in production facilities. The fly can carry acetic acid bacteria into open apparatus with wort or kvass. Closed devices protect kvass from contact with flies.

Acetic acid bacteria are aerobes, oxygen is required for their normal life, therefore it is preferable to use closed rather than open type apparatuses in the production of kvass.

Acetic acid bacteria do not form spores or protective colloids, so they are very unstable to disinfectants, making it easier to fight infection.

Spoilage of kvass caused by putrefactive thermobacteria. The optimal temperature for the development of putrefactive thermobacteria is 30...37°C, but they grow well at lower temperatures and die only at 90°C. The source of entry of thermobacteria into the production of kvass is cereal grains and flour.

Kvass wort and kvass, affected by thermobacteria, acquire a putrefactive odor, the wort sours before sowing with mixed sourdough due to the formation of acids that are not typical for kvass. Such kvass is unsuitable for consumption.

Measures to prevent spoilage of kvass by putrefactive thermobacteria are disinfection of equipment, pipelines, premises, pasteurization of the KKS solution used for the preparation of wort, sowing the wort with yeast or mixed sourdough immediately after preparation of the wort (yeast fermenting the wort weakens the viability of putrefactive thermobacteria).

Spoilage of kvass caused by ingestion of wild yeast. The source of wild yeast is air, grain, malt, fruits, berries, poor quality baker's yeast.

Wild yeasts are aerobes, they can form a film on the surface of kvass, they do not form spores. They die under anaerobic conditions. Wild yeast does not cause alcoholic fermentation; it assimilates ethyl alcohol and organic acids, decomposing them to water and CO 2 and thereby worsening the taste of kvass and making it unsuitable for sale.

Measures to prevent the entry of wild yeast into the production of kvass are maintaining a good sanitary condition of the production, careful control over the absence of wild yeast in pressed yeast and mixed sourdough, the use of closed technological equipment that provides anaerobic conditions during fermentation. Mixed sourdough and pressed yeast should not show more than 0.5% wild yeast by microscopy.

Mold infestation. Sources of fungi entering kvass production are: grain, malt, kvass loaves, kvass wort concentrate, industrial premises air, poorly washed equipment, hoses, barrels with wort and kvass residues.

Mold fungi as a result of their development give the wort and kvass a moldy smell and taste, making kvass unsuitable for sale. Some molds release toxins.

Most often found in the production of kvass are fungi of the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhizopus.

Molds for their development need oxygen, high humidity, the presence of nutrients, primarily carbohydrates and amino acids. Cannot withstand anaerobic conditions. Vegetative forms of mold fungi do not withstand heat treatment, while spore forms are resistant to it.

To prevent the development of mold fungi in the production of kvass, it is necessary to regularly disinfect, clean, bleach and paint production facilities, using paint and whitewash, to which fungicides are added. Regular cleaning, washing and disinfection of equipment and pipelines is required. The rooms should be well ventilated with clean, preferably depleted, air. The presence of grain dust, moldy kvass bread, moldy kvass wort concentrate is not allowed. It is recommended to pasteurize the KKS solution used for the preparation of the wort. The wort must be prepared, fermented and blended in closed equipment.

3 . Microorganisms used in the production of kvass

3.1 Characteristics of kvass yeast and lactic acid bacteria

Until the 20s of the last century, kvass fermentation was carried out with starters, which were a mixture of various types of yeast, acid-forming bacteria adapted to life in kvass wort. These starters had a variable and indefinite composition, which did not allow obtaining kvass standardized in quality, it was difficult to provide a large number of such starters for large-scale production.

The use of pure cultures of microorganisms for the production of beer, kvass, wines and other beverages has significant advantages: it is possible to ensure the constant composition and properties of the culture, its microbiological purity, to obtain the required amount of microbial culture by multiplying it under optimal conditions.

Pure yeast cultures were introduced into brewing in the 1980s by Emil Christian Hansen at the Danish brewery Carlsberg. The introduction of pure cultures at other breweries, which previously used spontaneous starter cultures in the production of beer, was facilitated by the massive infection of beer with foreign microflora, while at the Carlsberg plant, beer of normal quality was obtained.

Unlike the production of wine and beer, the production of kvass requires not only pure cultures of yeast, but also pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria. They were identified in the late 1920s by L.I. Chased from the best samples of Russian handicraft kvass. The yeast race, called M-kvass, was assigned to the species Saccharomyces minor (according to the modern classification, they should be attributed to the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae), races 11 and 13 of lactic acid bacteria were assigned to the species Betabacterium (according to the modern classification - Lactobacillus fermentum).

M-kvass yeast has optimal conditions for reproduction: temperature 26…30°С, pH 4.5…5.5. The average cell size is 6.3…7.5x5…7 µm. Well ferment glucose, sucrose, weaker - maltose and raffinose. Currently, other races of yeast (C-2, 131-K) are also proposed for fermentation of kvass, but they do not have a significant superiority over the M-kvass race. Race C-2 was selected for the production of kvass, while race 131-K is a hybrid intended for the production of Velvet beer.

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) races 11 and 13 are heterofermentative, that is, during fermentation, in addition to lactic acid, they form acetic acid, ethanol, and volatile aromatic compounds. The average cell size is 1.2…2x0.5…0.6 µm. They have an optimum breeding temperature of 30°C, they also ferment glucose, sucrose, and maltose.

During co-cultivation, both types of microorganisms are in symbiosis: lactic acid bacteria create the acidity of the environment, which is optimal for yeast, and the yeast secrete amino acids and vitamins into the medium that are necessary for bacteria. At the same time, with unregulated reproduction, yeast and lactic acid bacteria compete for nutrients. As the concentration of solids decreases and acidity increases, better conditions are created for lactic acid bacteria, too high acidity inhibits both yeast and LAB, and the development of foreign microorganisms is possible.

It should be noted that kvass wort is not a complete medium for the propagation of yeast and LAB: there is little nitrogen for yeast, and a lot of carbohydrates for LAB.

Proposing to use the M-kvass race, L.I. Chekan believed that the wort should contain as little fermentable carbohydrates and assimilated nitrogen as possible in order to reduce the fermentation activity of the yeast. However, in this case, fermentation slows down and favorable conditions are created for the development of extraneous microflora in the fermenting kvass wort, especially when using open fermenters.

In order to balance the activity of yeast and lactic acid bacteria, it is necessary to separate propagation of pure cultures under optimal conditions, controlling the acidity of the medium for breeding lactic acid bacteria, and the accumulation of yeast cells for breeding yeast. Introducing pure cultures of yeast and lactic acid bacteria into the fermented wort is considered expedient separately, and not in the form of a mixed starter culture, as suggested by the technological instruction of 1987. In this case, it is possible to flexibly adjust the ratio of yeast and lactic acid bacteria in the fermented wort depending on their physiological state.

The patterns of joint development of yeast and LAB under the conditions of kvass production are little studied, the main modes of their reproduction are determined empirically. It is necessary to explore the possibility of using other types of LAB and yeast, to choose simpler conditions for their use, for example, in the form of dry cultures based on the experience of winemaking.

The possibility of using other types of lactic acid bacteria for the production of kvass was studied at the Kemerovo Technological Institute of the Food Industry. It is shown that a sufficiently high fermentation rate of kvass wort and good organoleptic characteristics of kvass were obtained using preparations of lactic acid bacteria: "Bifilakt-D", Lactobacillus plantarum and acidophilus bacillus.

3.2 Propagation of mixed sourdough for kvass fermentation

Propagation of a mixed (or combined) sourdough of yeast and LSD is carried out in 3 stages:

Laboratory stage;

In the department of pure cultures (ChK);

Production stage.

Reproduction of microorganisms in laboratory stage is carried out at the beginning of the production season of brewing, and then regularly according to the schedule during the season or outside the schedule if infection of the mixed (combined) sourdough or excessive weakening of the fermentation activity of pure cultures is detected.

The pure culture of yeast is supplied to the plant in test tubes on wort-agar, and the pure culture of LAB is delivered in sealed test tubes in beer wort with grains, in which chalk is added. The pellet creates a wort pH favorable for LAB, and the chalk neutralizes the acids formed by bacteria. Storage of pure yeast is allowed up to 1 month without reseeding, pure microbial yeast - no more than 10 days.

In the laboratory stage, sterile kvass wort with sugar with a solids content of 8% is used as a medium. The temperature of cultivation at each stage 30°C, duration 24 hours.

Lactic acid bacteria of races 11 and 13 are first propagated separately. The contents of three ampoules with a pure culture of each LAB race are transferred to 250 cm 3 flasks. At the 2nd stage, pure cultures of races 11 and 13 are combined and further cultivated together.

The resulting cultures of yeast and LAB are transferred to the department of pure cultures.

breeding stage in the department of pure cultures(ChK) can be carried out in two ways: A and B in accordance with Figure 2. They differ in that according to method A, pure cultures of yeast and LAB are propagated separately and mixed only at the production stage, and according to method B, pure cultures of yeast and LAB are mixed and cultivated together at the last stage in the department of the Cheka.

Figure 2 - Scheme of reproduction of NK yeast and LAB in the department of pure cultures

For the breeding of pure cultures, Hansen or Grainer plants with two fermentation cylinders are used: for yeast ChK and for KKB.

Kvass wort with a solids content of 8% is sterilized at atomospheric pressure for 1 hour, cooled to 25...30°C, and transferred to reproduction of a pure culture of microorganisms.

According to method A, the reproduction of pure cultures begins with the cultivation of the ChK IBC. The layout of the ChK ICB in the amount of 4 dm 3 is sown in a collection, which contains 36 dm 3 of sterile kvass wort with sugar cooled to 30 ° C and propagated for 48 hours at a temperature of 28 ... 30 ° C. Then the entire volume of wiring of the ICD is transferred to a collection with a volume of 400 dm 3. Taking into account that the reproduction of yeast occurs within 24 hours, and LSD - 48 hours, at this stage, LSD is grown in 2 collections of 400 dm 3 each, working with a time shift of 24 hours. To do this, after 24 hours of reproduction of the ICD from the 1st collection for 400 dm 3, 40 dm 3 wiring is transferred to the 2nd collection for 400 dm 3. The wort is added to the first collection and the propagation of the ICB ChK is continued for another 24 hours, after which 360 dm 3 of the ICB ChK are transferred to the combined starter collection along with 18 dm 3 of the yeast ChK yeast distribution. The remaining 40 dm 3 of the distribution of the ChK LAB is topped up with wort and the next cycle of cultivation of the LAB is carried out. From the second collection with 400 dm 3 wiring ChK ICD 360 dm 3 wiring is transferred for reproduction of the combined starter on the next day. Remaining in the second collection of 40 dm 3 distributing ChK MKB topped up with kvass wort to a volume of 400 dm 3 and carry out the next breeding cycle. The readiness of the ChK ICB is controlled by the increase in the acidity of the wiring, which should not be lower than 6.8 ... 7.0 cm 3 of a sodium hydroxide solution with a concentration of 1 M / dm 3 per 100 cm 3 of the wiring.

After a day of reproduction of the first portion of the distribution of the ChK IBC with a volume of 400 dm 3, the distribution of the ChK yeast in the amount of 2 dm 3 is transferred to the collection, where there is 18 dm 3 of sterile wort, cooled to 30 ° C, propagated for 24 hours and 18 dm 3 of the distribution of the ChK yeast are transferred to the production stage into a collection of mixed sourdough with a working volume of 4000 dm 3 . The remaining 2 dm 3 ChK yeast is added with 18 dm 3 kvass wort and the next cycle of reproduction of ChK is carried out.

According to method B, similarly to method A, a distribution of NK yeast (20 dm 3) and NK LAB (40 dm 3) is prepared, and the entire volume of pure cultures of yeast and LAB is transferred to a collection of pre-mixed sourdough, into which 540 dm 3 of sterile kvass wort is poured with sugar. Reproduction is carried out for 24 hours, after which a yeast dilution of 20 dm 3 is added, which was multiplied for 24 hours. After another 24 hours of co-propagation, 540 dm 3 of the pre-mixed starter are sent to the mixed starter collector with a working volume of 4000 dm 3 . Kvass wort is added to the remaining 60 dm 3 of the pre-mixed starter to a volume of 600 dm 3 and the next breeding cycle is carried out for 48 hours. fresh from the lab.

The main condition for cultivating a pre-combined starter is strict control of the acidity of the medium, which should not exceed 8 ... 9 cm 3 of an alkali solution with a concentration of 1 mol / dm 3 per 100 cm 3 of the medium. With a higher titratable acidity, LAB will predominate in the starter, since the vital activity of the yeast is suppressed.

Reproduction of mixed sourdough at the production stage is carried out in a collection of 4000 dm 3 according to different modes, depending on the method of reproduction of microorganisms in the department of pure cultures.

According to method A, the distribution of yeast 18 dm 3 and MKB - 360 dm 3 is added to the production kvass wort with sugar syrup, the total volume of the medium is 4000 dm 3 , the mixed sourdough is propagated for 6 hours. Then the entire volume is transferred to the kvass fermentation apparatus. The consumption of combined starter for fermentation is 4% of the volume of kvass wort.

According to method B, the pre-combined sourdough is prepared for 48 hours, therefore it is allowed to carry out the volume-topping process directly in the mixed sourdough collection. To do this, after 6 hours of fermentation, 50% of the contents of the collection are transferred to fermentation, which is 2% of the volume of kvass wort. In this case, the fermentation apparatus is first topped up with wort by 50% of the volume, after 8 ... 10 hours of fermentation it is topped up to the full working volume and fermentation is carried out to the normative indicators of kvass.

The remaining 50% of the mixed starter is added to the full volume and the next cultivation cycle is carried out, after which the entire contents of the combined starter collection are transferred for fermentation to the kvass fermentation apparatus, while the kvass wort is fermented in full working volume.

When cultivating microorganisms according to method A, a larger number of collections for propagation is required, however, this method is simpler, it is easier to control the composition of the starter, the ratio of yeast and LAB. In addition, according to method B, it is required to replace yeast and LAB cultures after 14 days, starting from the laboratory stage.

3.3 The rate of growth and reproduction of cells

If at the beginning of the process there are x 0 cells per unit volume of a growing culture of microorganisms, then after n divisions in time t 1 -t 0 the number of cells will reach:

To express the total number of cells, most often they use not absolute numbers, since they reach huge values, but their logarithms. Taking the logarithm of expression (1), we obtain lgx 1 = lgx 0 + nlg2, whence the number of generations (the number of cell divisions):

Dividing the number of generations n by the time t 1 -t 0, we find the average number of divisions (or budding) of each cell (n) per unit time, which characterizes the reproduction rate:

In unicellular microorganisms, there is a distinction between growth, which is expressed in an increase in cell size, and the growth of an entire culture (population), which means an increase in its total biomass not only due to their reproduction (by division, budding, etc.)

The reproduction rate of unicellular microorganisms is judged by how often they divide or bud.

The length of time during which an isolated young cell grows and becomes capable of division (or budding, respectively) is called the duration of generation. It varies depending on the species of microorganisms, the availability of nutrients, environmental conditions and growth phase.

If during the time t 1 - t 0 n cell generations are replaced, then the duration of one generation (g) on ​​average is:

From equation (3), it follows that n \u003d n (t 1 -t 0). Substituting its value instead of n into the denominator of equation (4), we obtain

g = 1/n, and vice versa n = 1/g (5)

The rates of reproduction and growth of individual cells do not coincide. In addition, a population of microorganisms always contains a certain number of defective cells that are not capable of dividing. Therefore, the duration of generation determined is a weighted average for the entire crop.

Substituting in equation (5) instead of n its value from equation (3), we obtain the formula for the average generation duration:

In the process of development, the cell increases significantly in size, but after each successive division or budding, it returns to its original state. In populations where cells at different stages of their development are simultaneously present, the average mass of one cell remains constant (but only until the composition of the environment changes). Therefore, the total mass m of the culture (biomass) is directly proportional to the number of cells:


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