Where does Smushkin live? Resort ups and downs

After graduating from the institute, he worked at the profile research institute "VNIIgidroliz".

Zakhar Smushkin, together with the Zingarevich brothers, founded CJSC Ilim Pulp Enterprise in 1992, which first worked as an exporter of pulp and paper products, and then became a major manufacturer.

Until 2001 - General Director, and from 2001 to 2007 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZAO Ilim Pulp Enterprise. He supervised the creation of Russia's largest vertically integrated timber industry corporation.

In 2006, half of the company was sold to American International Paper. With the proceeds from the sale of Ilim, Zakhar Smushkin began to develop the Start DIY chain of stores, which was then reformatted into the Domovoy chain. In addition, in 2007, Smushkin founded the Start Development company, which later became one of the largest land-owning companies in the North-West.

Since 2006 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Ilim Group.

Member of the Bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, member of the Board of Trustees of the St. Petersburg State Technological University of Plant Polymers and the Presidium of the Confederation of Timber Industry of the North-West.

He took 4th place in the "Rating of billionaires DP - 2015". The state was estimated at 105 billion rubles. Main assets: Ilim Group (21%), Start Development, Domovoy chain of stores.

He took 6th place in the "Ranking of billionaires DP - 2016". The state was estimated at 108 billion rubles. Main assets: Ilim Group, Start Development, Domovoy chain of stores.

He took 7th place in the "Ranking of billionaires DP - 2017". The state was estimated at 90.7 billion rubles. Main assets: Ilim Group, Start Development, Domovoy chain of stores.

He took 11th place in the "Ranking of billionaires DP - 2018". The state was estimated at 74.4 billion rubles. Main assets: Ilim Group, Start Development, Lesnoye breeding plant.

Name: Zakhar

Surname: Smushkin

Surname: Davidovich

Job title: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ilim Group

Zakhar Smushkin is one of the most successful Russian entrepreneurs. First of all, he is known as the founder and chairman of the board of directors of JSC Ilim Group, the largest pulp and paper concern in Russia.

Biography of Zakhar Smushkin

Zakhar Smushkin was born in Leningrad on January 23, 1962. He also received his secondary and higher education in his native city, and to this day lives in St. Petersburg.

In 1984, Smushkin successfully graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute of the Pulp and Paper Industry and decided to continue his studies by enrolling in graduate school.

Zakhar Davidovich conducted his scientific activity in parallel with his work as a researcher - he was sent by the institute to the NPO Hydrolizprom enterprise.

After graduating from graduate school, Smushkin received the status of candidate of technical sciences. In addition, today he is an honorary doctor and professor at two St. Petersburg universities: the S. M. Kirov Forestry Engineering University and the Technological Plant Polymers University, conducts academic activities, introducing new teaching methods and giving lectures to students of these universities. As an entrepreneur, Zakhar Davidovich Smushkin is actively interested in updating the personnel potential for his assets, providing students with places for practical training at the enterprises of the Ilim Group concern.

Smushkin managed to prove himself while working at Hydrolizprom, and as a result, in 1990, he received the position of head of the technical department at Technoferm-Engineering, a Soviet-Swedish company. Thanks to the efficient work and professionalism of Zakhar Smushkin, the company began to attract large investments and actively modernize production.

The knowledge gained while working in an international company helped Smushkin successfully start working on his own business. In 1992, Zakhar Davidovich, having teamed up with brothers Boris and Mikhail Zingarevich, classmates and colleagues at Technoferm-Engineering, founded CJSC Ilim Pulp Enterprise. In the new company, Smushkin took the post of CEO, and after restructuring in 2007, he became Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Initially, Ilim Pulp positioned itself as an exporter of pulp and paper products, however, very quickly moved directly to production in the forest industry.

The key transactions that made it possible to expand the business in a short time took place in 1994 and 2000: Ilim acquires the Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill, the Bratsk Timber Industry Complex, and later in 2002 the Ust-Ilimsk Timber Processing Complex became part of the company. It is important to point out that in the period after the collapse of the USSR and before integration into Ilim Pulp Enterprise, all these enterprises were either in the deepest crisis or on the verge of bankruptcy. Zakhar Smushkin quickly managed to improve their technical and financial performance, since by that time he was already an experienced and competent manager who knew the features of the forest industry well.

In parallel with the development of Ilim, from 1996 to 1998, Zakhar Davidovich was a member of the Supervisory Board of Vneshtorgbank, and in 2001 he joined the Expert Council for Economic Development and Investment under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District.

The rapid development of Ilim was also due to innovative management. Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich was the first in Russia to apply the technology of vertical integration of enterprises. As a result, at the beginning of the 2000s, Ilim became the largest company in the forest industry sector and entered the international market.

Zakhar Smushkin also promotes the possibilities and mechanisms for applying the principles of vertical integration, developed independently and tested on the example of Ilim, in the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

In 2007, the management decided to change the structure of the organization by merging subsidiaries. So, instead of CJSC Ilim Pulp Enterprise, JSC Ilim Group appeared, where Zakhar Smushkin currently holds the post of chairman of the board of directors.

By 2007, Ilim Group's enterprises employ more than 17,000 people. The company produces 75% pulp, 20% cardboard and 10% in Russia,

The Ilim Group under the leadership of Zakhar Smushkin has made a great contribution to the development of the Russian economy. There are 3 branches, 2 corrugator plants and 3 representative offices of the company in the Russian Federation, and one more in China.

Representation in China is very important for the company, since most of the exports go to the Asian market. In particular, Ilim products cover 1/3 of the bleached pulp market in China, a country with more than one and a half billion inhabitants!

Zakhar Smushkin's company is also a leader in the implementation of technical, managerial and financial innovations. This allows us to maintain and increase positive dynamics even during periods of crises and fluctuations in the world market.

Since at the moment Ilim is the largest timber industry company not only in Russia, but also in Europe, it is very important for it to comply with all kinds of environmental standards. Zakhar Davidovich, holding a leading position, exercises strict control over this issue. Ilim maintains a positive balance when planting and clearing forests.

So, for example, Smushkin is a member of the Council for the Development of the Forest Complex under the Government of the Russian Federation and actively promotes ways to preserve and improve forest resources. The company itself assists in the implementation of international and state initiatives for nature protection.

The management of Ilim controls compliance with the standards, including at its own request, for this everyone is involved, among which may be volunteers, employees of non-governmental institutions, students and pupils.

In 2012, Ilim signed an agreement with the World Wildlife Fund, according to which it refused to develop unique forest areas on the territory. In addition, the company leases the territory of the Verkhnevashkinsky forest area (Arkhangelsk region), while not carrying out or allowing logging there. By itself, a unique natural monument is not protected by law, but in this way it can be preserved.

By 2007, in addition to restructuring the Ilim Group, Zakhar Davidovich Smushkin began running two more business projects.

At the end of 2006, in St. Petersburg, Smushkin opens a network of do-it-yourself construction hypermarkets, called Domovoy and later renamed Start. Stores specialize in the sale of goods for minor repairs, home and everyday life. At the moment, "Start" is a federal network of seven stores in five regions of the Russian Federation.

Zakhar Smushkin pays attention to the problems of people with disabilities. The companies he leads provide such people with jobs, technical and social support.

Other projects by Zakhar Smushkin

Another company founded by Zakhar Smushkin in 2007 is Start Development. She is best known for the large-scale construction project of the Yuzhny satellite city in the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg.

In a little less than 20 years, residential and commercial real estate with an area of ​​4.9 million square meters will appear on the area in 2012 on both sides of the Kyiv highway (M20 highway). m. and 1.5 million sq. m., respectively. Yuzhny will become one of the largest integrated development projects in Russia. The project is based on the principles of "green development", which implies the most favorable conditions for life, work and leisure with the least impact on nature. The city will be a single ecological space, and part of the electricity for street lighting will be generated by solar panels.

The area of ​​residential real estate is designed to accommodate more than 170,000 people, and the area of ​​commercial real estate will create at least 21,000 jobs.

About 100 infrastructure buildings will be built for the needs of new residents: 10 medical centers, 30 schools, 60 kindergartens. Housing will be low-rise, at a cost designed for the middle class.

The comfort of residents will be ensured due to the environmental friendliness of the project - the integration of all its elements into the environment. For convenience, a number of applications will be developed - for example, for tracking municipal transport routes.

For convenient and fast communication with nearby St. Petersburg, it is planned to develop a transport network - various transport interchanges, an increase in the number of lanes on the highway, motorways and electric trains.

The total investment is 176 billion rubles.

Another major project of Smushkin's company is the Donni-Verevo industrial park in the north of the Gatchinsky district of St. Petersburg. More than 30 enterprises specializing in production and logistics will be located on an area of ​​185 hectares.

Zakhar Davidovich's company is also engaged in other projects. Among them are Golden Keys - low-rise suburban buildings, Taiberry - preparation of sites and communications for summer cottage construction, sites in Gatchinsky and Pushkinsky districts. The company's land bank contains a total of more than 40 million square meters. m.

On behalf of Start Development, Zakhar Smushkin participates in investment projects.

So, under the decision of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, an innovation cluster will be created near St. Petersburg - laboratories, research centers, production and housing. The project operator is Highpark of the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.

The innovation cluster will become part of the Yuzhny satellite city project and will cover an area of ​​100 hectares. A campus will be located on the territory, where 3.6 thousand ITMO students will study.

Highpark will specialize in information technology, quantum technology, photonics, robotics, biomedical technology, cyber-physical systems and smart materials. More than 3,000 employees will work on the territory of the cluster. The project will allow creating promising developments, conducting research and testing technologies in the fields of smart cities and urbanism.

The infrastructure facilities of the Highpark will be used jointly with the members of the Innograd of Science and Technology cluster.

The total investment will amount to 41 billion rubles, of which 35% is private investment.

The entrepreneurial activity of Zakhar Davidovich Smushkin has a significant impact on stimulating the economy of St. Petersburg, the North-Western District and all of Russia as a whole.

The range of interests of Zakhar Davidovich is not limited only to entrepreneurial activity. As the owner of a large development company, he actively participates in events and discussions related to urban development.

In September 2016, the II International Space Development Forum was held in St. Petersburg. At this event, Smushkin outlined the importance of the polycentric development of the northern capital, due to the implementation of two large projects, referring to the public and business complex "Lakhta Center" in the northern part of the city and the "Southern" satellite city in the south, respectively. As Zakhar Davidovich noted, these projects are important not only because of their scale, but also because of their versatility - in the future they will provide jobs for a large number of St. Petersburg residents.

In 2016, Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich exhibited his private collection of arts and crafts by Japanese masters of the Meiji era “Perfection in details. Japanese Art of the Meiji Period (1868-1912)" in the Hermitage. The collection consists of more than 700 exhibits, it took the entrepreneur 7 years to collect it, and all of them were collected by hand at various auctions.

In an interview with one of the St. Petersburg publications, he noted that the city needs a non-state museum of contemporary art of the western level. Smushkin wants to open a museum in one of the buildings that would be vacant after the Smolny committees moved. On this topic, he is negotiating with Georgy Poltavchenko, the governor of St. Petersburg. Smushkin notes that a museum is needed where private collections of entrepreneurs would be exhibited, because, in his opinion, it is unacceptable to look at them alone, cultural heritage must be presented to society.

It is also planned to open a museum in the satellite city of Yuzhny, where part of the collections of Zakhar Davidovich himself will be on permanent display.

Achievements and personal life

Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich helps to develop all areas that affect his entrepreneurial activity - environmental, economic, educational. All the concepts that he proposes in various scientific and government communities work - which Smushkin demonstrates using the example of his own companies - Ilim and Start Development.

Zakhar Smushkin was born into an ordinary St. Petersburg family and independently managed to reach heights in business, science and social activities.

Smushkin founded the largest pulp and paper enterprise in the Russian Federation and Europe, in a difficult economic period he managed to effectively unite many enterprises in different parts of the country. Became an innovator in the management of large corporations, introducing vertical integration as a management tool.

In the ranking of successful businessmen, Smushkin is ranked 37th, and 52nd in the ranking in terms of capital. Forbes ranked the entrepreneur 114th in the ranking of the richest businessmen in Russia. The publication "Rating of Billionaires" put Zakhar Davidovich in 6th place with a fortune of 108 billion rubles. According to the City 812 publication, Smushkin takes 3rd place in the list of the most influential businessmen of St. Petersburg.

in 2014, General Director magazine ranked the top 100 businessmen who changed the Russian economy. Smushkin was also included in this list.

Zakhar Davidovich outside of work is a quiet family man. He has a wife and a son. The Smushkin family tries not to attract excessive media attention, does not shock the public, and leads a rather modest lifestyle. Therefore, journalists do not know much about the personal life of a businessman.

The Smushkins have several favorite hobbies. Among them are intellectual games, for example, chess, as well as sports - tennis. Zakhar Smushkin himself likes the paintings of Russian artists of the 19th and 20th centuries, he collects them. Especially for himself, Smushkin singles out the work of Mikhail Vrubel.

- a well-known Russian multimillionaire, one of the largest investors in the timber industry. The businessman heads the Ilim group, which produces the lion's share of Russian pulp, packaging materials and other industry products.

Zakhar Davidovich is a vivid example of a successful entrepreneur, he began his career as an ordinary researcher and was able to reach the level of the largest industrialist and developer. In practice, he demonstrated his ability to create large world-class industries, providing Russians with tens of thousands of new jobs.

The future chairman of the board of directors of the Ilim group was born in the winter of 1962 in Leningrad, his birthday falls on January 23. The family of the older Smushkins are representatives of the Leningrad intelligentsia, they lived on Ochakovskaya Street. In middle and high school, Zakhar studied well, teachers noted his diligence and perseverance in achieving his goals. The boy preferred the exact sciences, which determined the choice of a higher educational institution.

After graduating from high school, Smushkin decided to enter the LTI PPI (today - the Higher School of Technology and Energy). He successfully passed the entrance exams and brilliantly graduated from the university, after which he entered graduate school and defended his thesis.

Labor career

Zakhar Smushkin has always been attracted not only by science, but also by the practical application of the acquired knowledge. In parallel with his postgraduate studies, he got a job at Hydrolizprom, it was here that Zakhar Smushkin's work biography began. At his first place of work, he in practice mastered the nuances of managing timber enterprises, which was useful to him in the future.

From Hydrolizprom, the future owner of the Ilim Group moved to Technofirm-Engineering. The company specialized in the export of products of the timber industry complex, carried out the import of machine tools and technological lines. "Technofirm-Engineering" is an important milestone in the career biography of the future industrialist, it was here that Smushkin gained invaluable experience in managing production processes. The knowledge and skills gained in practice helped him establish the successful operation of his first business, Ilim Pulp Enterprise, and become a multibillionaire.

Founded by Zakhar Smushkin "Ilim" in the spring of 1992, it was a small company that specialized in trade and export activities. However, the entrepreneur soon began to invest profits from exports in the purchase of bankrupt companies in the industry and their reconstruction in order to be able to produce pulp, cardboard and paper himself.

The first enterprise to enter the future empire of the businessman was the Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill, the entrepreneur became the largest shareholder of this industrial complex. Then he began to form his own network of timber industry enterprises in order to ensure the supply of high-quality raw materials to the pulp and paper mill.

During the formation of the timber holding, Zakhar Smushkin had to develop and establish a system for effectively coordinating the activities of dozens of geographically distributed and heterogeneous enterprises. Smushkin was the first to come up with the idea of ​​using innovative methods of production management, which was one of the main factors in the successful growth of the businessman's empire.

Ten years after the start of formation, the corporation of Zakhar Davidovich included dozens of combines and forestries, his holding rightfully took a leading position in its industry. As the corporation grew and developed, it became clear to Smushkin that it was necessary to introduce new effective management schemes, so the closed joint-stock company was transformed into Ilim Group JSC. Zakhar Smushkin became the chairman of the board of directors of the holding.

In fact, Smushkin was able to revive the timber industry in Russia, which was in a state of stagnation and bankruptcy by the mid-90s, making it globally competitive.

In all periods of growth and development of the corporation, Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich considered the introduction of innovative production technologies to be one of the most important tasks. According to the multimillionaire, the modernization of production is the most effective way to increase profitability. In addition, Smushkin believes, this is also a tool to reduce the environmental burden and minimize occupational injuries.

During the large-scale renewal of the production base, advanced equipment is installed, often it has no analogues in the industry at the time of installation. Reconstruction and modernization projects, emphasizes Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich, do not stop for a single day, because technical progress does not stand still and new highly efficient technologies regularly appear. The business plans for the development of Ilim include a set of projects aimed at further improving the material and technical equipment and introducing advanced industry developments.

Production safety is an area to which the entrepreneur pays close attention. Zakhar Smushkin regularly introduces innovative technologies that minimize the risk of injury in the production process and meet the most stringent requirements of international standards.

Zakhar Davidovich is convinced that it is possible to reduce the number of accidents at work only by involving each employee in solving issues related to the safety of work. Ilim Group enterprises implement many programs that train employees to identify hazardous working conditions in order to prevent injuries. Another of the projects that the businessman is rightfully proud of is the large-scale training of personnel in the methods of providing first aid in case of critical situations and the rules for performing emergency rescue activities.

A program of 100% wastewater treatment has been introduced at all the businessman's factories and advanced equipment has been installed that captures and neutralizes up to 85% of harmful emissions. The billionaire is developing programs that help save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Among the socially significant projects of Zakhar Davidovich is the reconstruction of the Ust-Ilimsk airport. The entrepreneur entered into an agreement on social and economic partnership with the government of the region and allocated 100 million rubles for the purchase of the latest navigation and refueling equipment, as well as the modernization of the terminal building. The businessman expects that the social initiative will initiate a global reorganization of the regional airports, because the launch of large industrial projects is operating infrastructure.

Smushkin's fortune and assets

Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich takes the 98th step in the TOP-200 of the Forbes rating. His fortune in 2019 is estimated at $ 1,000 million, it is growing every year despite tightening economic sanctions.

The multimillionaire owns the following businesses:

  • timber holding "Ilim";
  • development firm "Start Development";
  • retail chains "Domovoy" and "Start".

Smushkin's main asset is the Ilim Group. Today it is the largest Russian timber holding, which produces three-quarters of the total volume of pulp, and the total annual output exceeds 3 million tons. The holding supplies pulp and other goods to Russian consumers, and also exports its products to 70+ countries. The holding, headed by a billionaire, is also one of the largest Russian employers, Zakhar Smushkin's enterprises employ 17,000+ employees.

The entrepreneur also owns Start Development, which is the second most important asset of a multimillionaire. The company carries out complex development and construction activities. To date, the land bank of the entrepreneur has more than 40 million square meters. The businessman has already implemented a number of residential and commercial real estate projects, from drawing up an architectural concept to construction and infrastructure development. Among them are low-rise residential complexes, cottage settlements and other objects.

The largest investment project is the design and construction of the Yuzhny satellite town. The project received federal status, it is the largest such construction in Russia today, and tens of thousands of jobs will be created during its implementation. Zakhar Smushkin and Start Development have already invested more than $250 million in the project. The authorities of St. Petersburg will also take part in financing the development of urban infrastructure.

On the territory of 2000+ hectares, the businessman plans to build over four million square meters of comfortable energy-efficient housing. Also, preschool and school institutions, medical centers, shopping malls and other infrastructure facilities necessary for comfortable city life are being built here. In addition, the new city should become one of the largest science cities in Russia. An "Innograd of Science and Technology" with scientific, educational and social infrastructure will be built here.

Being a socially responsible entrepreneur, Zakhar Davidovich used energy-efficient solutions and "green" technologies in the concept of the satellite city project so that the impact of development on the environment was minimal. Infrastructure facilities are designed using the principles and technologies of green-development, for example, it is planned to generate electricity for street lighting using solar panels.

In addition to the satellite city of Yuzhny Zakhar Smushkini, Start Development is actively engaged in the launch of the Donnie Verevo industrial park in Gatchina. On an area of ​​185 hectares, several dozen manufacturing firms and logistics companies will be located. The businessman plans to create a large number of new jobs, which will contribute to the growth of the economy of Northern Palmyra.

The activity of the developer and his company has been marked by many prestigious awards. For example, Start Development was recognized as the best management company of the year, and was also nominated for an award for the best project of a low-rise residential complex.

The third major asset of the entrepreneur is the Domovoi federal chain of hypermarkets for household goods, construction and repair. The entrepreneur took up retail activities relatively recently, in the early 2010s, and today Domovoy is one of the largest chains in Russia in its segment. Smushkin's hypermarkets offer tens of thousands of goods of domestic and foreign brands for construction and repair, interior decor. The St. Petersburg billionaire is also the owner of the Start chain of DIY stores.

Hobbies and life position of a businessman

The businessman successfully combines entrepreneurial activity with teaching, works in public structures, is fond of sports and art. Little is known about the personal and family life of the Russian billionaire, the entrepreneur is happily married and has a son. The Smushkin family leads a non-public life, not posting family photos on the Internet.

Among the sports hobbies of a businessman, two main hobbies can be distinguished: tennis and chess. He has been faithful to them since childhood, making time for training in his busy schedule.

Smushkin Zakhar Davidovich is seriously interested in Russian painting of the 19020s, in his private collection there are many paintings by artists of that time - well-known and not very well-known. Another hobby of a businessman is the Japanese arts and crafts of the Meiji era. Its collection of sculptures, prints, ceramics and other items from the Meiji era includes more than 700 items that were purchased at auctions. According to his idea, exhibits from private collections, which are not available to the general public today, will be exhibited in it.

Zakhar Davidovich also conducts teaching work, finding time for this in his busy schedule. He is an honorary professor at several universities in St. Petersburg, where he lectures and conducts seminars. The businessman offers promising senior students to do an internship at the plants and factories of the Ilim Group.

Being a major developer and investor, Zakhar Davidovich regularly participates in forums and open discussions where issues of urban planning, investment and entrepreneurship are discussed. The businessman takes an active part in discussions and shares his experience. At one of the forums, Zakhar Davidovich expressed the idea that the future of Northern Palmyra lies in polycentric development. The entrepreneur believes that the presence of several points of growth is a way to solve many urgent problems of the metropolis, while the traditional model of urban planning has completely exhausted itself. The scheme of polycentrism, according to Zakhar Davidovich, is the fate of any large city, and St. Petersburg is no exception.

As a co-owner of Ilim, Zakhar Davidovich Smushkin constantly finances reforestation activities and allocates significant funds for environmental protection activities. Every year, the employees of the holding plant the same number of trees as were cut down, which ensures the safety of the forest fund. An environmental management system has been introduced at all plants and factories of the multimillionaire, which made it possible to minimize the negative impact of logging and production processes on the natural environment.

At the initiative of the timber merchant, the Ilim holding and the World Wildlife Fund (the world's largest independent environmental organization) signed an agreement on the protection of the Verkhnevashkinsky (Kotlassky) forest area. This area of ​​undisturbed wilderness is located in the southeast of the Arkhangelsk region and is characterized by high biological and landscape diversity. The natural value of the Verkhnevashkinsky old-growth forests was confirmed by a WWF expedition organized in the summer of 2010. Zakhar Davidovich voluntarily refused to carry out logging in this area, introducing a moratorium on logging until the end of the lease period. Thanks to the voluntary refusal, it was possible to preserve the unique forest system in its original form, preventing the extinction of many dozens of especially valuable Red Book and rare species of flora and fauna.

The multimillionaire makes large investments in the enterprises of the socio-cultural infrastructure of the regions where his enterprises are located. Zakhar Davidovich's external programs are aimed at maintaining social stability in all segments of the population. At the expense of incoming funding, kindergartens, schools, medical centers, children's and youth sports complexes, cultural facilities, and recreational areas are being built and reconstructed. For existing social institutions, modern medical, educational and laboratory, stage equipment is purchased.

The entrepreneur devotes a lot of time to the struggle for the rights of small and medium-sized businesses. He advocates increasing taxes for large entrepreneurs and reducing the tax burden for medium and small companies. According to Zakhar Davidovich, such an approach would allow small firms to grow and develop more actively.

GKU "Petersburg Property" draws up documents for a long-term (49 years) lease of two plots on Lesnaya Street in Komarovo.

In 2010, Smolny transferred these and two more allotments for the construction of a geriatric center to an individual entrepreneur Ekaterina Tsarapkina, wife of Zakhar Smushkin, chairman of the board of directors of the Ilim group. On two sites with a total area of ​​1.5 hectares (to the west of the intersection of Osipenko and Vodopyanov streets) in 2016, a private boarding house "Sputnik" was opened. The land under it was privatized. Ekaterina Tsarapkina, the territory cost 5.4 million rubles, or 36,000 rubles per hundred square meters - this amount was set by the city in the contract of sale. It is calculated according to the city law on setting the price of land plots with a coefficient of 0.25 of the cadastral value, the KIO explains.

Two more spots along Lesnaya Street (also 1.5 hectares) were included in the general land portfolio for the project of the geriatric center. The first allotment is located at the intersection of Lesnaya and Ilyich lane. The second one is north of the intersection of Lesnaya and Ozernaya streets. They are separated not only by Ozernaya, but also by an impressive territory of about 5800 sq.m (owned by the city and reserved for a kindergarten), the plots have no common borders. The investor built structures for inventory storage (55 sq.m), board games (65 sq.m) and several pavilions (22 sq.m each). The structures were registered as capital construction projects and put into operation in the State Construction Supervision Service with little or no objections from officials. In 2016, the Property Relations Committee filed a lawsuit to recognize the IP’s ownership of the buildings as missing. However, he himself withdrew the application a few months later. The court considered the document signed by the former deputy chairman of the KIO Vladimir Filanovsky convincing and terminated the proceedings. The company applied for privatization, but Smolny refused, citing the disproportionate size of buildings and plots. But no one objected to the provision of sites for long-term lease.

It should be noted that this is not the first time that Smolny is giving away plots in the elite Komarovo inexpensively or simply for free. So, in April last year, the State Unitary Enterprise "DO" Prigorodnoye "sold 13 acres at Pogranichnaya Street, 10 for 2.832 million rubles (about 215,000 rubles per hundred square meters). The buyer was the adviser to the governor Georgy Poltavchenko Valeria Sokolova. And in June, the city handed over 47 acres to the street for free. Vasilyeva, 4 St. Petersburg diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. This is the territory of the summer residence of the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Varsonofy. KIO, in response to public complaints, stated that the dacha was used for religious purposes. And the prosecutor's office added that the house is involved in the religious activities of the diocese, in particular, it serves "to accommodate the clergy and pilgrims in order to ensure liturgical activities."

It is not the first time that entrepreneurs use investment agreements to obtain state land and then resell it profitably. So, yesterday the structure of the company





Area of ​​interest


In 1984 graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry, remained in graduate school.

Simultaneously with his postgraduate studies, he worked in NPO Hydrolizprom.

Since 1990 worked in the St. Petersburg company "Technoferm-Engineering" as the head of the technological department.

April 30, 1992 Ilim Pulp Enterprise CJSC (IPE) was registered, in which 50% of the shares belonged to the Tekhnoferm-Engineering company, 40% to the Swiss company Intertsez, and 10% to the Ust-Ilim LPK (Irkutsk region). CJSC "Ilim Pulp" was a small company engaged in the export of paper products. As established by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Intertsez was registered in Switzerland on July 1, 1991. with an authorized capital of 50 thousand francs. According to numerous media publications, the owners of the company are Zakhar Smushkin, Boris and Mikhail Zingarevichi.

From 1992 to 2001 Smushkin is the General Director of ZAO Ilim Pulp Enterprise.

At the same time, Zakhar Smushkin began the formation of a timber holding. “Soon, the owners of Ilim Pulp realized that they couldn’t make big profits on petty trading. Their eyes turned to the forest. Timber industry enterprises then were distributed practically free of charge. Over the course of several years, the holding managed to acquire ownership of about 30 logging enterprises” (“Kommersant”, 2002).

Managers of Ilim Pulp were primarily interested in the Ust-Ilimsk CPP. However, IPE managed to buy it only after 8 years. In 1994, the Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill became the first large plant to be taken over by IPE, and the second was Bratskkompleksholding (Bratsk LPK).

In 1994 Ilim Pulp received a state-owned stake in the Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill. According to media reports, taking advantage of the illness of the director of the plant, Zakhar Smushkin and the Zingarevich brothers are buying up shares of the pulp and paper mill. Then an investment competition was held, the only participant of which is Ilim Pulp. Under the obligation to invest more than 180 billion rubles. in production, the partners receive a state block of shares in KPPM.

In 1997 it was the turn of the Bratsk LPK. The well-known St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Varvarin (killed in 2000) has been living with him since 1990. was a joint Russian-American company "Orimi-Wood", which was considered the leader in the production and export of lumber in the North-West of Russia. By 2000 Orimi included about fifty companies, many of which worked in the timber industry, the company owned more than 30% of the shares of the fraternal plant. Zakhar Smushkin offered Dmitry Varvarin an exchange of these shares for a stake in Ilim Pulp, Varvarin agreed. As a result, an additional issue was carried out, and the package of the new partner was diluted.

Since January 2001 Zakhar Smushkin - Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZAO Ilim Pulp Enterprise

Since April 11, 2001 - Member of the Expert Council for Economic Development and Investment under the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North-Western Federal District.

At the end of 2001 the team of Vladimir Krupchak, who controls the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill, made a fundamental decision to merge with the IPE. It is assumed that Krupchak will receive at least 25% of IPE shares in return. But then the process slowed down, and soon Vladimir Krupchak sold a large stake in APPM to the Saint Petersburg Banking House, and the merger became irrelevant.

Soon, the confrontation between Ilim Pulp Enterprise and the structures of Oleg Deripaska began for the largest components of the Ilim Pulp holding - the Bratsk CPP and the Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill.

December 21, 2001 at the suit of a private individual, Liana Oganesyan, satisfied by the court of Nizhny Novgorod, bailiffs, with the help of armed guards, removed the general director of the Bratsk timber industry complex, Sergei Khvostikov, from the leadership of the Bratsk timber industry complex, and former director Georgy Trifonov was reinstated in his place. The seizure of power at the plant was followed by a lawsuit by Irkutskenergo, whose major shareholders are the owners of Russian Aluminum, about the bankruptcy of the Bratsk LPK. The reason was the termination by Trifonov of the agreement on the restructuring of debts of the timber industry complex to the energy company in the amount of more than 750 million rubles. for a period of 12 years. The management of Ilim Pulp accused the structures of the Siberian Aluminum group (now Basic Element) of the forceful seizure of their enterprise and filed counterclaims in the courts. At the same time, active negotiations began between the companies. The conflict was resolved on January 15: the Bratsk City Court recognized the actions of the bailiffs as illegal, the next day Ilim Pulp regained control over the Bratsk timber processing complex.

At the same time, Ilim Pulp agreed to buy out the Ust-Ilimsky timber processing complex from the shareholders of Rusal, control over which Rusal received in the fall of 2001.

April 2002 The federal court of the Zavodskoy district of the city of Kemerovo considered the complaint of a citizen Sergei Melkin, who did not agree with the execution of the agreement "On the implementation of investments in OAO Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill", concluded in 1994. between the Russian Federal Property Fund (RFBR) and ZAO Ilim Pulp Enterprise. The plaintiff demanded to recover damages from non-performance of the contract in favor of KTsBK. According to the press service of Ilim Pulp Enterprise, at the time the lawsuit was filed, Sergey Melkin acted as a shareholder of KPPM, although he was not one. Nevertheless, the judge, without subpoenaing the defendants, levied execution on a 36% stake in the enterprise. The package was returned to RFBR.

June 4, 2002 The North-Western branch of RFBR sold the withdrawn block of shares for 1.8 billion rubles. The buyer was CJSC Baltic Financial Agency (BFA), associated with CJSC Banking House St. Petersburg. At the same time, the Petersburg Central Registration Company (PTsRK), which held the register of shareholders of the PPM, transferred the register to a new registrar - the Central Moscow Depository (CMD), but its employees did not get access to the register. BFA stated that it is the nominal holder of the block of shares of KPPM.

"Ilim Pulp Enterprise" in June 2002 appealed the decision of the Kemerovo court and secured a ban on operations in the register of shareholders of the KPPM. However, at the end of the same month CJSC "Depository Clearing Company" (Moscow) wrote off another 25% of the shares of KPPM, which were pledged in one of the Moscow banks. "Depository Clearing Company" motivated its actions by the execution of the Kemerovo city court's decision on the complaint of a minority shareholder, Sergei Melkin.

July 5, 2002 an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of the KPPM was held, announced by the BFA. The meeting was held in the Leningrad Region on the territory of the Lomonosov Poultry Farm, controlled by CJSC Banking House St. Petersburg. The meeting re-elected the board of directors of the KPPM, whose chairman was Yury Sverdlov, Vice-President of the Banking House. The new general director of the plant was Semyon Kravinsky, who was unable to take up his duties, because he was not admitted to the plant management of the plant.

Representatives of Ilim Pulp Enterprise appealed to arbitration courts, as well as to courts of general jurisdiction in different regions of Russia, with a request to recognize this meeting as illegal. The courts adopted rulings prohibiting the meeting of shareholders.

July 24, 2002 participants in the conflict met in the administration of the Arkhangelsk region. On the one hand, Zakhar Smushkin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Ilim Pulp Enterprise; on the other hand, Oleg Deripaska, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Basic Element Company LLC; house "St. Petersburg" Vladimir Kogan. Both sides publicly identified themselves as the owners of a controlling stake in KPPM and could not agree on a resolution to the conflict. Nevertheless, an agreement was signed on non-initiation by the parties of the process of bankruptcy of KPPM, non-use of force in resolving the conflict, and also on non-use of the labor collective to resolve the situation.

Subsequently, the parties accused each other of violating the agreement. At the same time, Oleg Deripaska announced the creation by the end of 2002. Russian timber company with a turnover of up to $800 million, noting that it will include KPPM and Arkhangelsk PPM.

"Ilim Pulp Enterprise" during the second half of 2002. challenged in court all the actions of the opposite side, which, in turn, consistently appealed against court decisions taken not in its favor.

December 13, 2002 In St. Petersburg, another extraordinary meeting of KPPM shareholders was held, at which the Board of Directors, elected on July 5, 2002, was re-elected. The new board of directors included the same people, including 4 representatives of the Saint Petersburg Banking House, 5 representatives of Basic Element and Continental Management. However, according to representatives of Ilim Pulp Enterprise, by decision of the Federal Court of the Nevsky District of St. Petersburg, the shareholders of Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill were forbidden to vote at this meeting. This decision was made by the court on December 6, 2002. in connection with the statement of claim by Aleksnadr Bass, a member of the Board of Directors of the Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill, elected at the annual meeting of shareholders in April 2002. He asked the court to declare illegal the convening of an extraordinary general meeting of the company's shareholders on December 13. In addition, the Amur Arbitration Court also declared this meeting invalid in advance.

December 18, 2002 representatives of "Basic Element" and "Continental Management" came to the KPPM to start managing the plant, but were not allowed to enter its territory.

January 21, 2003 The appellate instance of the Moscow Arbitration Court rejected the complaint of the St. Petersburg Central Registration Company and the Baltic Financial Agency against the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated November 19, 2002. By the decision of the appellate instance, the agreement between the PCR and OAO Kotlas PPM was declared terminated from June 3, 2002, and, accordingly, from that time on, the PCR was not entitled to conduct any operations in the register of shareholders of OAO Kotlas PPM. According to the current legislation, the decision of the appellate instance of the Moscow Arbitration Court came into force from the moment of its issuance.

The press service of Ilim Pulp Enterprise reported in connection with this event: and entry into the register of the new owner were committed unlawfully.” According to representatives of Ilim Pulp, litigation over 61% of the shares of Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill is over. However, Aleksey Drobashenko, head of the public relations department at Basic Element, told AKS that Basic Element still considers itself a bona fide purchaser of Kotlas Pulp and Paper shares.

February 7, 2003 at the suit of IPE, Interpulp Limited and Alkaria Limited, the court invalidated the contracts for the sale of registered shares of OAO Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill (KPPM) owned by IPE and Interpulp Limited, as well as shares of OAO Bratskkompleksholding (BKH) owned by the company Alkaria Limited, concluded between SZO RFBR and BFA.

April 2003 "Ilim Pulp Enterprise" and "Continental Management" held alternative meetings of shareholders of the Bratsk LPK and Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill.

And May 7, 2003. The Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region upheld the appeals of CJSC Baltic Financial Agency (BFA), the Russian Federal Property Fund (RFBR), CJSC PTsRK and CJSC Investment and Financial Company Fourth Dimension against decisions of arbitration of the previous instance.

Both sides continue to insist that they are right, not intending to concede.


Ilim Pulp Enterprise CJSC is the management company of the Ilim Pulp Enterprise Timber Industry Group. According to the press service of Ilim Pulp Enterprise, the company is among the top ten world leaders in terms of market pulp production, own timber reserves and logging. The enterprises belonging to the Ilim Pulp Enterprise LG produce 61% of Russian pulp and 77% of boxboard.

The Ilim Pulp Enterprise LG includes: Kotlas PPM, Bratsk LPK, Ust-Ilimsk LPK, St. Petersburg KPK and 42 logging enterprises in the Arkhangelsk and Irkutsk regions. The group also includes the trading company PetroBoard Trading, the Ilim Gofropak factory, the Fintrans logistics company, the Kommunarvtorresursy company, which harvests waste paper, and the Plzenska Papirna factory in the Czech Republic. In total, the corporation employs 47 thousand people.


According to some reports, Zakhar Smushkin is supported by representatives of the "Moscow Petersburgers" who are now working in the administration of the President of the Russian Federation. According to the media, Zakhar Smushkin is personally acquainted with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the Minister of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation Ilya Klebanov since the latter worked in the administration of St. Petersburg.


Boris and Mikhail Zingarevich, with whom Zakhar Smushkin started a business. Boris Zingarevich is now a member of the Coordinating Council of CJSC Ilim Pulp Enterprise, Mikhail Zingarevich is a member of the Board of Directors of Ilim Pulp


The main opponent of Zakhar Smushkin is Oleg Deripaska, whose companies have been fighting for control over the Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill and the Bratsk LPK for almost 3 years. He is also the main competitor, since the goal of Oleg Deripaska, by his own admission, is the creation of a large timber holding.

In 1994 Vladimir Kogan, now the president of the Saint Petersburg Banking House, and then the head of the Industrial Construction Bank (St. Petersburg), was a co-founder and a major shareholder of Ilim Pulp. The holding and the bank were closely connected: PSB structures provided IPE with loans, banking services, insurance and financial services. In a few years, Zakhar Smushkin has become the largest Russian timber merchant, and Vladimir Kogan's bank has entered the top twenty leading Russian banks. Probably, it became crowded for entrepreneurs under the roof of one business, and gradually their paths began to diverge: in early 2001. Kogan sold his shares to Ilim Pulp. And later, in the summer of 2002, Oleg Deripaska publicly announced the creation of a timber holding together with the structures of Vladimir Kogan.

Area of ​​interest

Taking back control of the enterprises

The main task of Zakhar Smushkin's company is undoubtedly the establishment of sole control over the companies, over which he is arguing with Oleg Deripaska.

Holding restructuring and entering the stock market

The redistribution of property taking place in the forest industry did not affect the plans of Ilim Pulp Enterprise to restructure and make the company open. The chairman of the board of directors of Ilim Pulp Enterprise, Zakhar Smushkin, is confident that the well-established scheme for the redistribution of assets with the help of courts of general jurisdiction will be put to an end, after which the company will list its shares on the stock market. “Before the company enters the market, the company's development strategy was prepared, which implies several structural changes in the CJSC. The transition from the geographical principle of management to product lines is the path that all Western companies follow, because it allows us to solve the issues of reducing production costs.

Now we use the boiler method of accounting, and we really do not understand the cost of individual types of products, because all fixed costs are charged to highly profitable types of products. In this sense, managerial efficiency in decision-making is simply impossible, because we cannot clearly regulate profitability and manage costs. The division by product lines also allows solving the issues of product sales. In this case, sales managers are not responsible for selling all products, but specialize in a particular product. To date, three areas have been identified, but in the future there will be five of them: pulp, cardboard, logging, timber processing, and packaging” (“Vedomosti”, 2002).

Acquisition of trading companies

“We are going to buy trading companies, one or two in Europe. We have even more sales volumes in Asia, and perhaps there will be something open there. Asia has its own specifics of business: Asian contracts are poorly funded by banks, and they are difficult to sell. The volume of deliveries to Asia is very large. If we take the import of pulp to China, then the Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk mills supply about a third of all bleached pulp from hardwood and softwood supplied to China” (“Vedomosti”, 2002).

Personal life

Married, has a son.

Among his hobbies he names chess and tennis.