Bakery business: bakery business plan - necessary equipment, cost calculation and SES requirements. Bread business: how to make money at a bakery and bakery How to start a bread baking business

In order to understand how to open a bread kiosk or store, you need to carefully plan all subsequent actions. With the right goals and objectives, the stall will consistently bring good profits.

After all, bread is a product that is always in demand.

Before, you need to study the future product, get acquainted with possible suppliers and competitors, find out the list of necessary documents. Perhaps, when planning this business, associates or assistants will be needed.

Choosing the right place to trade

As a rule, a bakery stall should be located in a crowded place. Usually in each residential area there is more than one such kiosk. Therefore, for these purposes, it is recommended to contact the administration of the city or the market to find out about the possibility of setting up your own stall. Places in the markets, next to stops, are the most successful for such a business.

Entrepreneurs' opinions on whether to buy or rent a tent vary considerably. Some believe that it is more profitable to buy a stall, and then equip it as you wish. Others think that it is better to rent a premise for sale.

In any case, the store must comply with all sanitary standards and regulations. After all, the sale of food products, which include bread, obliges entrepreneurs to comply with all the rules.

The advantage of the stall will be a bright sign that will attract customers. Also, the appearance of the kiosk should inspire confidence in consumers.

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Cooperation with suppliers

It is necessary to collect all data on bread producers or wholesalers. It is recommended to work directly with the manufacturer. After all, the markup on goods in this case can be done more than when working with resellers.

The supplier must be in good standing. This also applies to reviews of work with other stores. But first of all, beneficial cooperation in the sale of bread is distinguished by the good quality of the goods. No wonder you can find a number of shops selling bread in the vicinity. But a large queue gathers in one tent, and no one in the other.

Therefore, the high quality of bread, its pleasant taste sometimes play a decisive role in business development. Having once bought a product in a kiosk, the buyer will either return again and bring friends with him, or go to competitors.

It is profitable to work with bakeries and large industries, because. They arrange the delivery of the goods themselves. The task of the store is to order the right assortment.

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Store Organization

Store registration occupies a special position in business development. It is required to collect a lot of papers, documents for. Registration of your individual entrepreneur, documentary permission from Rospotrebnadzor, conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, medical registration of employees - these are the main documents that are required in order to open your tent.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the assortment of goods. It is recommended to monitor the products sold once every 1-2 months. You need to buy a variety of goods - from classic bread to various buns, baguettes, pies, pita bread, etc.

Store clerks must be friendly. Employees need to study the assortment well. To quickly navigate the product and offer something new.

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Financial component

The main financial expenses for a bread shop go to the purchase of a kiosk. Buying a stall will cost the entrepreneur from 150 thousand rubles. If the store is rented, then the prices will also depend on the region or locality.

Tent equipment costs about 20 thousand rubles. Showcases for bread, cash registers and much more are needed for the flourishing operation of the store.

Buying bread is also worth the financial expense. It can be about 25 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the markup on bread products in Russia is not high, no more than 30%, since the state maintains strict control over pricing.

Registration of all documents and coordination with higher services requires some costs. You also need to take into account the cost of the store for the salaries of employees.

Opening your own business in the field of nutrition is a noble cause, since the human body is designed in such a way that it needs to eat in order to maintain life. Therefore, enterprising people first of all think about opening a business in the field of cooking. A popular destination is a mini-bakery as a business.

Private small establishments are in demand, and many entrepreneurs put quite high prices on their products: often not for quality, but for the brand. Often, the taste and other characteristics of products leave much to be desired, so when opening such a line of business, think about whether you can provide the products with the proper quality, whether you are ready to make investments so that the enterprise works as it should.

A bakery is a great type of business in almost any region

Bakery business plan

It is he who acts as the main type of documentation before starting any activity. Many aspiring entrepreneurs ignore this document. With its help, you can identify the main goals, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the business, as well as determine financial costs, make an analysis of the market and competitors. At the end of the documentation, it is worth giving two main plans according to which events will subsequently develop: positive and negative.

Developing a goal is always a paramount component of a business plan in any business. You can mark not only material indicators, but also any others. Some entrepreneurs open just such a business because they are not satisfied with the quality of the products currently on the market. Someone creates a business with the aim of helping the poor, in any case, there is no need to set a limit to act only for profit.

So, after setting goals, you need to start somewhere. Traditionally, this is the calculation of the amount that will be required to conduct activities. The main thing here is to prescribe everything to the smallest detail so that unforeseen circumstances do not arise. This will help a preliminary study of the labor market, the features of real estate leased for commercial activities. It will also be necessary to deal with the determination of the required production volumes for a certain time period. Next, we move on to the next stages of the bakery business plan.

Room selection

Since it will be necessary to provide for the placement of several elements in one room, it must be selected correctly and have the necessary area. It should contain a workshop, several warehouses and premises for workers. The administrative part is also given a certain place - this is the office of an accountant, manager and leader.

For a small bakery: all of these positions can be combined into one. Another factor that determines the peculiarity of the choice of premises is the purpose of opening a bakery. If this is a small establishment that only bakes fresh bread, then a room with a total area of ​​​​100 square meters will do. m. For a large factory, something more will be required. If you want to open a company store on the territory of a mini-bakery, then make sure that there are no competitors nearby. At the same time, the outlet should be located next to a large crowd of people, not far from some kind of business center, office space. The average room will cost 300,000 rubles per month.

You need to study the segment in which you plan to open a production line. A bakery business plan with costing assumes the creator's personal participation in the project, and you should not dump this responsibility on other shoulders for two reasons. Firstly, an independent approach will provide you with tremendous experience, and secondly, you personally will do better. Even if something does not work out, you will only have yourself to blame.


To start your business, you will need to hire qualified personnel. It is best to pay attention to specialists with at least a few months of experience, since baking bread is a rather complicated and somewhat problematic process. If a mistake is made at some step, this indicates that correcting the situation is not an easy task.

The number of people you need in production depends on the volume of the enterprise. If you plan to carry out the production of bread and bakery products in a mini-bakery, then you will need at least 1 employee for the production of pastries and 1 manager. The position of leader can also be combined with his role.

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In this case, you should not rush just to make things “go” as quickly as possible, you will need to find people who want to make money and at the same time learn something new. Only after you are convinced of their competence can you offer adequate pay for their work.

Note: the most important condition for the manufacture of food products is a sanitary book. It must be present, you should not take employees with illnesses.


Considering the question of how to open a bakery from scratch, consider the features of the equipment that should be present in it. It is represented on the market by foreign manufacturers, as well as domestic elements. To select the required unit, you may need the services of the company in which you are going to buy equipment. In addition, its own specialists should be involved in the delivery and installation of ovens, tables, shelves for storing bread. It would be good to make sure that this particular company is engaged in warranty service of the units: this will save you time, money and nerves.

In principle, starting a mini-bakery is possible even with a little over a hundred thousand rubles. This is a combination of the cheapest oven and a Russian-made dough mixer, but everything else will have to be done by hand. Nevertheless, such “startups” are justified when it comes to the need to bake up to 200 kg per day. Under the conditions of the market situation, such an enterprise can provide bread not only for a small settlement, but also for the work of two or three people. But the imperfection of technology in one bakery cannot guarantee a stable quality of baking.

If we are talking about a larger number of products and a wide range, the amount of investment in such production increases significantly. One of the recent projects of Khleb Oborudovanie is a small bakery with a cafe in one of the major cities of Kazakhstan. The owner's wish is 1000 kg of products per day, but at the first stage. To launch the bakery, it took about 600,000 rubles of investment in equipment, which should provide the main assortment - pan bread, long loaves, baguette, bakery products and pies. At the second stage, the order of specialized equipment - dividers and equipment for puff pastry - will be ordered.

When choosing equipment, the “first price” factor has long been the main argument for mini-bakery customers. The cost of entering the market is extremely important, especially for "small chains". Often this equipment is of very low quality, with a low resource and high operating costs. Such bakeries, as a rule, are constantly transported from one rented premises to another, which reduces the already low resource of equipment.Mini-bakeries built on the principle of “one-man business” are formed in a completely different way. Equipment for such bakeries is selected according to the principle of strength-functionality-price. Such enterprises may need re-equipment only in 15–20 years., while operating and depreciation costs are very low due to the long life of the equipment. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

If we imagine a bakery as a person, then, of course, the heart of the bakery is the oven, the skeleton is the dough mixer and the baker is the head.” As in the body, the resource of the heart guarantees it long life, so in the bakery, the design and reliability of the oven guarantee success. At the same time, not only the thickness of the metal or the "survivability" of the electronics is important for success, but also the availability of service and spare parts for the entire life cycle of the furnace. Today, no more than 10-15 manufacturing companies can guarantee this. Among them are FINES from Slovenia, Cimav from Italy, Irtysh from Russia.

High-quality dough science is also a fundamental condition for the production of excellent products, and here, alas, the domestic manufacturer has practically nothing to offer those who wish to open a mini-bakery. In the segment of dough mixers with a load of 2 to 40 kg of flour, Italian companies are unambiguous leaders, but their quality varies greatly. The price cannot be a marker of reliability either, there are examples of highly overvalued equipment.

In the segment of small dough-cutting equipment, the situation with inexpensive domestic equipment is even sadder. Our industry still ignores this part of the market, this niche is occupied by European manufacturers. The most popular middle-class manufacturers are the Italian MacPan technology: dividers, rounders, seams, dispensers that provide excellent results for relatively little money. Those who wish to purchase more serious equipment can be offered equipment from the Dutch company DAUB. In its class, this equipment has practically no equal in quality, and even more so in price. Not without reason, many technological solutions of this company received major awards at major international exhibitions.

To summarize, you will need the following equipment:

  • dough mixing machine - do everything with your own hands for a long time, the price of such a machine is from 150,000 rubles;
  • dough rolling machine - 20,000 rubles;
  • a cabinet for raising the dough before proceeding directly to the baking process - 50,000 rubles;
  • a baking oven - in it you can bake not only bread, but also bakery products, cakes. The cost will be about 600,000 rubles;
  • cooling system - with its help, bread products can retain their nutritional properties for a long time. Usually the bread is chilled before being sliced;
  • packaging machine - for a mini-bakery in the early stages it is optional, but over time you will have to take care of buying it;
  • means for sifting flour - its cost is 10,000 rubles;
  • additional elements of professional equipment - racks, tables, hoods, molds, knives and other items.

Part bake or incomplete baking technology is what, according to market experts from the capital, will soon be waiting for all of us instead of the traditional roll or loaf. The manufacturer's margin in this intriguing business ranges from 5 to 50% (depending on whether the bread is a premium product or a modest but very fresh and always crispy bun).

In Russia, according to statistics, the demand for ordinary, familiar bread is decreasing every year. And this is not a joke - many old-fashioned bakeries have already closed for this very reason. Its production is unprofitable. Ingredients - rise in price, and technologies - below any criticism. It turns out that they only spoil the flour, and even demand state support for it. The situation is just the same as with AvtoVAZ. At the same time, the state artificially restrains the rise in prices for this “social” product, but this cannot continue for a long time, analysts say.

However, for an innovative bread product, as well as for confectionery, the demand, on the contrary, is growing.

What is the reason for this trend? Firstly, the quality of traditional bread is steadily declining - only biased people deny this, and only while sitting on the air of Ekho Moskvy. Simply put, people cannot eat this bread. Secondly, many people have bought very inexpensive household bread makers and enjoy the fruits of their creativity almost daily. Thirdly, many people have given up bread as part of the transition to a healthy lifestyle, well, they don’t eat carbohydrates! Fourth, many people can afford other baked goods - and buy them. Fifthly, the migration flow brought us a new demand for flour products - cakes, lavash, etc. Those who have not mastered the innovations are late.

The fact that the traditional loaf may soon completely disappear from the shelves is a fact. In this regard, business rushed to study global trends and what demand could become in the very near future.

One thing is clear, since the age of monster bakeries is coming to an end, mini-bakeries will win, which will be able to quickly and mobilely respond to fluctuations in demand and delight with quality products (competition!) and an unusual assortment.

One of the newest trends is the technology of frozen bread. It is very beneficial for entrepreneurs and therefore such a stir arose around it.

The crunch of a french bread

What is frozen bread? This is a semi-finished product (either raw, then its cost is 30% cheaper, or partially cooked), which is brought to the point of sale (most often these are restaurants, cafes or pretentious supermarkets) and there, at the point of sale, it is prepared. After that, the buyer sees “hot, fresh pastries”, which one wants to immediately buy and take home.

In the West (where this idea came from), the frozen bread market accounts for 80 to 90% of all bakery products.
The production of frozen bread is higher both in terms of profitability and quality than the production of traditional bread, experts believe.

The equipment of one point for heating and selling frozen bread will cost 300 thousand rubles. Not so expensive, but there would be a plant nearby that directly produces frozen bread. But the plant is much more expensive - $ 3 million. But we already produce such bread (the market volume is 18% of all bakery products in the country). If there is such a plant nearby, then opening a post-baking point is not a problem. The margin of such an outlet is 40% or more.

What is the point of freezing? Why can't fresh bread be baked and sold on the spot? The bottom line is logistics - frozen bread can be transported to the other end of the country. A store that sells this perishable product does not need to write off huge amounts. The store bakes as needed. In addition, a fashion has now been established - to bake (or rather, warm up - now we have already understood this) bread in supermarkets - to attract gullible buyers with a homely and rustic smell. They say that regardless of whether a person approached the shelf with such bread or did not, his average check will increase by 20%!

However, real chefs (in the same France - the birthplace of frozen bread) despise a semi-finished product that has undergone shock freezing. They believe that this product is relevant only in the segment of undemanding, mass demand, that it has no place in restaurants with high culinary traditions and even in expensive supermarkets. And indeed, if we compare Russian bread made using the freeze-thaw technology with Russian bread baked using the classical technology, then the former will turn out to be much higher in price, and much lower in quality (from the point of view of a specialist chemist). So why pay more? Fashion and still unsettled market.

The bakery has not yet been buried, and mini-bakeries are already rummaging through its chests, quarreling for market shares. The main enemies in this legacy dispute are the innovators-freezers and the mini-bakeries that oppose them, defending the priority of natural fresh pastries according to traditional Russian recipes. The dispute between these "Westerners" and "Slavophiles" is still going on, so you have time to weigh all the pros and cons and join one or another camp of entrepreneurs.

Nazarenko Elena
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  • Product Description
  • Room selection
  • Recruitment
  • Bakery marketing plan
  • Business risks
  • Financial plan
  • Technology of production of bakery products
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening a bakery for the production of bread and bakery products with a production volume of 400 kg of finished products per shift.

How much money do you need to open a bakery

according to the preliminary plan, to open a bakery in a rented premises, you will need to invest about 970,000 rubles:

  • Cosmetic repairs of the premises - 150,000 rubles.
  • Acquisition and delivery of a turnkey bakery - 350,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials and materials - 70,000 rubles.
  • Approvals and permits, obtaining declarations of conformity for products - 150,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other organizational expenses - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.

Step by step plan to open a bakery

At the start of the bakery business, the plan provides for the following actions:

  1. Conduct marketing research of the intracity market of bread and bakery products;
  2. Find sources of project financing;
  3. Search for a suitable premises for a bakery;
  4. Work out preliminary sales channels for products;
  5. Register business activity;
  6. Conclude a lease agreement for the premises;
  7. Make appropriate repairs;
  8. Purchase the main and auxiliary equipment;
  9. Hire staff;
  10. Work out the recipe for bread and bakery products;
  11. Launch an enterprise.

Product Description

Our bakery plans to produce the following types of products:

  • Shaped bread (0.5 kg) - 150 pcs.
  • Sliced ​​loaf (0.3 kg) - 180 pcs.
  • Bagels (0.3 kg) - 100 pcs.
  • Pies with filling (0.2 kg) - 1200 pcs.

The production volume will be 400 kg per shift (8 hours). The main part of the products will be baked during the night shift in order to ship hot bread to retail outlets by morning. The bakery will work seven days a week in shifts (2/2). The average selling price for bread and bakery products will be 44 rubles per kilogram. Thus, the daily turnover will be 17,600 rubles, and the monthly turnover will be 528,000 rubles. For all types of manufactured products, a declaration of conformity will be received, indicating that the product is prepared in accordance with all norms and rules, does not contain GMOs and other prohibited additives. Without this document, it will not be possible to sell products to stores.

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Room selection

For organizing a business, it is planned to rent a room with an area of ​​115 square meters. Lease payments will amount to 60 thousand rubles per month. The high rental price is due to the good condition of the premises. All conditions for the production of food products have been created here, and the layout and composition of the equipment comply with the requirements of the SES and fire safety. There is hot and cold water supply, ventilation and sewerage system, walls and ceiling are painted with non-toxic paint and partially tiled. The dimensions of the room allow it to be divided into a production workshop, a warehouse for finished products and a warehouse for raw materials (flour), a staff room, a toilet with a bath and a utility room.

What equipment to choose for a bakery

For baking bread and bakery products, the business plan provides for the purchase of a set of equipment with a capacity of 50 kg of finished products per hour. It is planned to spend about 350 thousand rubles for these purposes. The kit will include:

  • Baking oven HPE-500 (40 thousand rubles)
  • Proofer ShRE 2.1 (22 thousand rubles)
  • Flour sifter PVG-600M (24 thousand rubles)
  • Dough mixer MTM-65MNA 1.5 (63 thousand rubles)
  • Ventilation umbrella ZVP 10*8 (9 thousand rubles)
  • Single-section washing bath (3.5 thousand rubles)
  • Confectionery table SP-311/2008 (17 thousand rubles)
  • Wall table SPP 15/6 ots - 2 pcs. (9 thousand rubles)
  • Scales CAS SW-1-20 (4 thousand rubles)
  • Rack SK 1200/400 - 2 pcs. (17 thousand rubles)
  • Trolley for HPE TS-R-16 - 2 pcs. (45 thousand rubles)
  • Hearth sheet for HPE - 12 pcs. (7 thousand rubles)
  • Bread form 3L10 - 72 pcs. (41 thousand rubles)

This equipment is placed on an area of ​​30 square meters. m. and is intended for baking wheat bread, rye-wheat hearth and tin bread, bakery products from yeast dough. This equipment will allow you to perform all the necessary operations for the preparation of raw materials and direct baking products:

  • Sifting and loosening flour;
  • dough kneading;
  • Cutting and shaping dough pieces;
  • Proofing of blanks in a proofing cabinet;
  • Baking bread and bakery products in the oven.


As a bakery staff, it is planned to employ an experienced technologist, bakers (5 people), drivers (2 people), a handyman (1 person), a sales representative (2 people) and a cleaner. The accountant will be employed on a part-time basis (under an outsourcing agreement). The wage fund will amount to 135 thousand rubles per month.

Which taxation system to choose for a bakery

The organizational form of the enterprise will be an ordinary individual entrepreneurship registered with the local tax service. As a taxation system, it is planned to use the simplified taxation system (“simplified”). This is one of the most profitable taxation systems for a bakery. The tax will be 15% of the organization's profit.

Bakery marketing plan

Sales of products are planned to be carried out in trade enterprises and public catering points of our city. There are about 300 such organizations in the city. More precisely, wholesale buyers will be:

  • Specialized trade kiosks and pavilions for the sale of bread, pastries and confectionery products;
  • Intracity trading networks (grocery stores);
  • Cafes and restaurants;
  • Municipal institutions (hospitals, schools, kindergartens).

A sales representative will be hired to conclude contracts with potential buyers. In the future, with the development of production, it is planned to open its own retail outlets for the sale of freshly baked bread and bakery products.

Business risks

The risks of doing such a business are as follows:

  • Increasing competition in the market
  • Lack of government support for the industry
  • Growth of requirements for production, complication of state price regulation (maximum trade margin)

Financial plan

Let's move on to the calculation of the main business performance indicators. Business monthly expenses

Total - 408,000 rubles.

How much can you earn by opening a bakery

According to the business plan, the net profit per month will be 102,000 rubles. The profitability of the bakery is 25%. Such indicators can be achieved only if 100% of the sale of all manufactured products. In practice, the situation may be different (returns, deferred payments, etc. are possible), so the final profit can be safely reduced by 25 - 30%. But even with this calculation, you can count on a return on investment already in the 13th - 15th month of the operation of the enterprise.

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What OKVED to indicate when registering a bakery

When registering a business for the manufacture and sale of bread and bakery products, the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities provides for codes 15.81, 15.82, 52.24, 55.30 - depending on the intended range of products and methods of implementation. In addition, you should select codes such as 52.24 - Retail sale of bakery products; 51.36.3 - Wholesale of bread and bakery products.

What documents are needed to open a bakery

First you need to register as an individual entrepreneur, select the form of taxation and provide Rospotrebnadzor with a certificate of commencement of activity with a certificate of registration. You can use an LLC as a legal form, but an individual entrepreneur will be cheaper and easier to register and list the necessary documents. In addition, it is necessary to conclude agreements on disinfection, disposal of industrial waste, develop a production control program, documents confirming the maintenance of ventilation systems, medical examination of personnel with the issuance of sanitary books.

Do I need permits to open a bakery?

The following permits are required for the production and sale of bakery products.