Nemtsov's wealth will be divided among themselves only by his legitimate children. How Nemtsov could earn a billion dollars Boris Nemtsov left his children a billion dollars

First of all, how many billions of dollars he had there, we will never know. Information is carefully hidden. In official declarations, sometimes 183 million, sometimes 18 million. Property is also constantly changing. But Zhanna Nemtsova drove off abroad and easily abandoned her expensive apartment in favor of the son of one of Iftodi's wives, Boris, who is five years old, at least two older children - Zhanna and Anton with their young wife and son - constantly live abroad, in Germany. The "heirloom" is not only real estate for a billion, but also many, many accounts, enterprises and assets abroad.

Boris Nemtsov left no will. But the official wives and children knew exactly what to share: three apartments in the center of Moscow, one in Yaroslavl, as well as company shares and bank deposits. The total "hereditary mass" is classified as secret. The official heirs knew about each other and about all the money left by Boris Nemtsov, and calmly agreed on everything right away. But after the death of the politician, those women and children began to claim their rights to his capital, the existence of which no one even knew.

There were originally five official heirs. Daughter Jeanne from the first (and only official) marriage of a politician with Raisa Nemtsova. Two - Anton and Dina - from a relationship with Ekaterina Odintsova. Sophia, who was born by the last civil wife of the oppositionist Irina Koroleva. Also in the heirs of the first stage was Nemtsov's mother Dina Yakovlevna.

But immediately after what happened on February 27, 2015 on the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge, at least three more candidates declared their rights.

A certain Kristina Vasilenko, raising Zlata (now the girl is 11 years old). The woman's lawyer brought an irrefutable document to the court - a birth certificate, in which in black and white: "Father - Boris Efimovich Nemtsov." Thus, the unknown girl Zlata stood on a par with the official contenders for millions. What kind of girl is this and where she lives is unknown. At the place of registration in Naro-Fominsk near Moscow, no one knows people with such surnames.

Without any documents, but with underage children, very similar to Boris Nemtsov, two more women came. Designer from Nizhny Novgorod Anna Lesnikova, who suddenly announced that she had been raising Nemtsov's son Danya for 17 years. True, she did not have any official papers on this subject, only an old photograph where she and Boris Yefimovich were. As the woman stated, even Nemtsov himself did not know that his son lived somewhere there. Moreover, Dani has an official father, the husband of this same Lesnikova. Having once declared herself and received a refusal from the court for the posthumous establishment of paternity, Anna disappeared from sight.

But Ekaterina Iftodi, a tall and stately employee of the bank, burst into the inheritance business swiftly and irrevocably. In 2017, the Supreme Court heard Iftodi's pleas and ordered the UK to issue DNA samples for examination. “On September 1, 2017, I received a paper from the laboratory. 99.99998% probability that Boris Nemtsov is the father of my Borechka. It was a victory! True, then for some time the official heirs disputed this examination, but I didn’t even follow "This. And she received a new birth certificate for Borechka - already with the name of her father. Now he is Boris Borisovich Nemtsov." The boy easily got an apartment on Tatarskaya Street (this is a prestigious district of Moscow - Zamoskvorechye, not far from the Kremlin). Ia the most, in which Zhanna once lived (the eldest daughter of Nemtsov). "And I don't need more. The lawyers of that side offered a settlement, I immediately agreed. Although, they say, there were still some accounts abroad, but I was not even going to find out and bite anything. The main thing is that my son bears his father's surname" .

They say that Nemtsov almost has his own diamond and gold mines in South America, and he is also an intermediary in arms deals with Ukraine. In any case, he always lived in a big way. The assassin was never found. But all the greedy performers who bought with very little money for the murder of a politician were taken into custody. They thought they were big. Most likely, they tried to make a “sacred sacrifice” out of Nemtsov, but under the slogans “Boris, fight,” the Revolution did not happen in Russia. Because he was never the "opposition number one", which he diligently tried to present himself.

An investigative film "The Exhumation of Nemtsov" was aired on the NTV channel. Ekaterina Eftidi, the mother of the ex-premier's last child, was left penniless. Relatives of the oppositionist refuse to consider her son Boris' heir.

Nemtsov was always distinguished by his love of love and did not make a secret of it. Even on his last fatal walk, he went with his then mistress, Anna Duritskaya, although at that time his last child was barely a year old. In his passions and legitimate and illegitimate children, the devil himself will break his leg. Apparently, for this reason, the statement of Ekaterina Eftidi that she is the mother of Nemtsov's last son, Boris Borisovich Eftidi, did not become a sensation. More precisely, this statement did not attract the attention of ordinary Russians. Numerous mistresses, ex-wives and children of the politician were not happy with this news. They do not recognize Nemtsov's widow Eftidi.

“Borya, forgive me, but I will go to the end,” says Eftidi, standing at the Troekurovsky cemetery with a shovel. The fact is that she has nothing to raise her son, and Nemtsov’s relatives refuse her not only to inherit, but also to obtain DNA material to analyze the relationship between Boris Borisovich and Boris Efimovich. According to Eftidi, it's all about the money. Nemtsov managed to amass a decent capital, and his numerous widows and children are in no hurry to share it.

“Borya, what do you consider the rear of your life? He said: these are my assets, these are finances, ”Ekaterina Eftidi said on NTV. After the death of the politician, the media estimated his fortune at 180 million rubles. According to Eftidi, the above amount is not even ten percent of his fortune.

“The amount is about a billion dollars in offshore accounts and about 200 million rubles in Russian assets. I cannot guarantee that this is the whole amount,” Eftidi says.

Despite the figure with a staggering number of zeros, Nemtsov's official widows are in no hurry to share money with the unofficial one, stating that the child is from another person. Moreover, political associates of the ex-premier, who repeatedly had the honor of talking with Eftidi, who is in a situation in Nemtsov's apartment, now declare that they do not know this lady. Thus, Ilya Yashin, Kasyanov, Nemtsov's driver, have already declared their loyalty to the "lawful widows".

“The Nemtsov clan is taking revenge on me for my political views,” Eftidi says. The fact is that, despite the fact that she shared a bed with a politician, she did not share his views. “He asked not to advertise our relationship,” says Eftidi.

Material for a DNA test could be obtained from the politician's grandmother or from his legitimate children, but Nemtsov's widows are in no hurry to meet. According to Ekaterina, one of the reasons may be that one of the politician's official children may actually have nothing to do with Nemtsov.

The exhumation of the body of the oppositionist could put an end to the dispute, but his penultimate mistress could not disturb her lover's peace. Apparently, she will still have to seek DNA material for analysis from the official relatives of Boris Efimovich.

Who does not remember these cries of the "Great Blind" Panikovsky, when he "spud" the notorious Mr. Koreiko from the immortal "Golden Calf"!

Classic - nothing to say!

But here the same classics suddenly “smelled” in the following - somewhat “unusual” - situation:

Division of B. Nemtsov's inheritance...

The fact is that B. Nemtsov turned out to have a bunch of heirs.

As an interesting man, he was always in the center of female attention, so it is not surprising that different women at different times gave birth to children from Nemtsov. Moreover, today no one can say for sure how many heirs Boris Nemtsov has left.

The eldest daughter Zhanna was born in a marriage with Boris's first wife, Raisa. For some time the girl studied in New York, after which she returned to Moscow, where she graduated from MGIMO. Already in 2005, Zhanna Nemtsova became an active participant in the liberal youth movement of the Russian capital.

Two more children - the son of Anton and the daughter of Dina politician were born by the socialite and journalist Ekaterina Odintsova, whom Nemtsov met in Nizhny Novgorod. The couple had a free unregistered relationship, and soon after the start of the novel, Odintsova moved to Moscow, where she got a job as a TV presenter.

When the youngest daughter of Nemtsov and Odintsova was two years old, the politician had another daughter, Sophia. The mother of the fourth child of the oppositionist, Irina Koroleva, worked as his secretary.

32-year-old Ekaterina Iftodi came to the funeral of Boris Nemtsov. For the past few years, the woman has been in a relationship with a politician, and gave birth to a son, Boris, from him. According to Ekaterina, Nemtsov was going to recognize his little son after the baby was one year old, but he did not live to see this day for only a month. As it became known, Ekaterina Iftodi appealed to the Presnensky court of the capital with a statement recognizing that the murdered politician was the father of her son Boris. The defendants in the application are the officially recognized children of Nemtsov - Zhanna, Anton and Diana. Ekaterina Iftodi plans to claim part of the inheritance after the recognition of paternity.

However, the list of direct heirs of the loving oppositionist does not seem to end there. Friends of Anna Lesnikova say that the late politician has another son in Nizhny Novgorod, who is also 17 years old. The guy is brought up in a poor family, but neither he nor his official father know the truth. The boy's mother is afraid of ruining her son's life, so most likely she will not sue for the inheritance, although the family is in dire need of money. Boris Nemtsov, according to the woman's friends, sent money to her. Naturally, after the fatal shot on the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge, the cash flow stopped.

For what legacy did all the fuss flare up? B. Nemtsov himself, while still alive and healthy, constantly positioned himself as an altruist and a silver-free man, an independent and honest politician who did not take money from anyone and was not involved in any financial scandals and frauds.

Yes, and his associates, associates and fans (and admirers too) also promoted with might and main non-possessiveness, downright crystal-clear honesty and adherence to principles in monetary matters of the murdered politician.

However, stock traders know that Boris Nemtsov has been investing his money in the Russian stock market for many years. Before the 2008 crisis, he once boasted that he had invested $1 million in shares of domestic enterprises, and Nemtsov's maximum daily profit, by his own admission, was 200,000 rubles. The most successful investment turned out to be Gazprom shares, which Nemtsov bought in the late 90s, when they were practically worth nothing - 10 cents apiece. In the future, the paper grew 100 times!

But in 2008, the exchange luck changed Nemtsov. He already had to admit that he "failed, like the whole market." During the crisis, the politician lost 75% of all his funds on the stock exchange.

By the way, I lost a lot in the market,” Nemtsov said in an interview. - But now I'm learning to work in the current conditions. I lost 75%. I won't say how much it was. But now I have learned to work in a volatile market. I can tell what my logic is. My logic is that when the market destroys all ideas about economics and finance, the only safe haven is precious metals. These are gold, platinum, silver and palladium. And you need to invest in them. I think that gold will definitely be more expensive than $1,000 an ounce. Or in the shares of gold mining companies - Polyus Gold and Polymetal. Which is what I did. In addition, I have just speculative money that I can earn during the day. On average, I can earn 10 thousand rubles a day.

The politician's latest investments were quite successful - judging by the list of his shares, he made the main bet on the electric power industry and "blue chips" and did not lose. Nemtsov's portfolio included shares of OAO TGK-14, Chita; JSC "VTB", Moscow; OAO Kuzbassenergo, Kemerovo; JSC Inter RAO UES, Moscow; JSC FGC UES, Moscow; RAO "Energy Systems of the East", Khabarovsk; JSC RusHydro, Moscow; OAO Mosenergo, Moscow; OJSC Polyus Gold, Moscow; OAO Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel, Moscow - and two dozen more companies and enterprises!

Well, let's add something foreign to all this, as was said above by the lawyer Karabanov. “A billion dollars of Boris Nemtsov is not a suitcase of money. These are assets: deposits in foreign banks, shares in companies that are engaged in the development of deposits in South America,” Karabanov explained.

Boris Nemtsov was shot dead on the evening of February 27, 2015 on the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge in the center of Moscow.

And in conclusion, I wish: we all should live so honestly and well! Only now I don’t want to be shot at all ...

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov /

It took Yekaterina Iftodi, one of Boris Nemtsov's lovers, more than four years to prove that the influential politician was the father of her child. Despite the fact that she was refused in the first instance, she did not stop there and continued to fight for the inheritance of the deceased.

According to Iftodi, she was in a relationship with Nemtsov for two years, after which she informed him that she was expecting a child. After the birth, the politician was going to recognize his son and give him his last name, but in February 2015 he was killed in the center of Moscow.

“All this time I lived like a string - now you can exhale. I am one of those people who like to get things done. Boris Efimovich promised me that we would give his last name to the child, so I could not leave it like that, I am not weak-willed. When I “dived” into it, I didn’t understand that I would sink, but then I pulled myself together and did it, ”Ekaterina admits.

According to her, she faced the indifference of Nemtsov's relatives, who did not want to share the inheritance. But after a DNA test, which showed that Boris Nemtsov is 99.9% the father of Iftodi's child, they had to give in.

“We got my father’s apartment on Novokuznetskaya and now Borechka will live there. I didn't encroach on anything else. I must say right away that it did not work out in equal shares, but they gave us an apartment and everyone calmly dispersed. But this is not even the point, because now the child has a surname,” Iftodi said.

According to her, she does not pretend to anything else, although news about the fabulous state of the politician appears in the media every now and then. So, all his real estate is estimated at 300 million rubles - Iftodi confirmed this in an interview with reporters. In addition, she said that there could be up to a billion dollars in offshore accounts. “But I didn’t touch the offshore part and never asked about it,” Ekaterina added. She suggests that this money did not disappear without a trace, but went to the beloved daughter of the politician Jeanne, who has an economic education and is a well-known journalist.

Most of all in this story, she was surprised by the inaction of other people. She went to the reception to Pavel Astakhov, who, in her words, “slipped away like a hedgehog without even listening.” Then Nemtsov's relatives and friends came to court, who supposedly had never seen Iftodi. She called Ilya Yashin a "mean, cowardly and hypocritical" person and was surprised how he could "be on the same team with Borey." At the same time, she does not hold a grudge against Ekaterina Odintsova and even congratulated her on the birth of her grandson.

As Catherine admitted in the New Russian Sensations program, after all the litigation, she intends to come to grips with raising a child who now officially bears the name Nemtsov.