Ready-made business plan for a photo studio. Ready-made business plan: organization of an interior photo studio

  • The relevance of the business idea
  • What do you need to buy?
  • Payback and profitability
  • Paperwork

A photo studio is a business of the past or a profitable commercial activity. Calculations and marketing research show that this is a profitable investment. Ready business organization template help to avoid annoying mistakes and lay in your business an impressive potential for development. Next, we will consider a ready-made business plan for a photo studio with calculations for 2019.

The relevance of the business idea

Before starting to outline the business plan for opening a photography studio, it is necessary to give arguments for such an investment:

  • This niche of business in the Russian market is practically empty, so there is no serious competition, which is an excellent prerequisite for successfully implementing a business plan - to achieve a quick payback and high profitability.
  • Studies show that interest in photography is growing, and the active development of a business requires high-quality, large-scale images. Therefore, a photo studio, even without much effort, can quickly unwind with professional fulfillment of orders.
  • The development of technologies makes it possible to make business compact and multifaceted - to work in several thematic areas. Calculations show that a hyped studio with a professional staff can become a goose that lays golden eggs.
  • High competition in the production of photo studio equipment leads to a large selection of models and contributes to the democratization of pricing policy. Simply put, the market has plenty to choose from.

Here it can be argued that modern technical capabilities make any business plan for organizing a photo studio untenable and useless, because today every person can organize a workshop for the production of high-quality photographs and images at home.

But at the same time, it is worth considering that such a photo studio will require the user to have the skills to work with specialized software. In this case, contacting specialists will be an effective and quick solution to the issue, which will save time and allow you to easily get the desired result - a ready-made picture, banner, poster, clipart.

What do you need to buy?

Starting to implement a business plan should be with the search for a suitable non-residential premises. The photo studio should be located in a place where the ceiling height is at least 3 meters. This is necessary for the installation of lighting devices, without which high-quality photography is impossible.

The total area of ​​the photo studio should be at least 50-60 m2. The cost of renting such a room in 2019 will average from 24,000 to 90,000 rubles per month. It all depends on the region, locality, city and geographical location, rented premises.

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Also, to open you will need:

  1. Scenery. You can make them yourself or buy a ready-made kit for a photo studio. Self-production will save a significant amount, given that the cost of one set of scenery varies between 7300-8500 rubles.
  2. Professional camera and a set of equipment for it. For everything, you will have to pay from 40,000 to 160,000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the set of functions. For a beginner, in order to implement a business plan, a model averaged in terms of capabilities and cost is enough. You can buy a ready-made set of equipment, but it is better to purchase a camera and accessories for it separately, based on individual preferences and needs.
  3. Lighting equipment. This is at least 4 sets, which include: softboxes, honeycomb nozzles, exposure meters, curtains, stands. One such ready-made kit costs from 45,000 to 75,000 rubles.
  4. Office equipment - computer, professional printers. To expand the possibilities, it is better to buy several multi-format models. This will allow you to collaborate with advertising agencies by creating and printing large-scale images. A set of such equipment will cost 500,000 rubles.
  5. Furniture, household appliances necessary for organizing the work process - 100,000 rubles.

Calculations show that for photo studio opening you will need from 1,000,000 to 1,300,000 rubles.

Attention! A separate item of the business plan is personnel. These must be qualified professionals. But such workers need to pay high wages, which not all newcomers can handle. The best solution here would be independent work. In this case, with the right approach, the photo studio will quickly turn into a promoted author's brand. Find out about how to conduct a job interview, you can from our article!

Payback and profitability

To be successful, the advertising campaign must be launched before the opening of the photo studio. It can be done online at the lowest cost. At the same time, the stake should be placed on corporate clients - advertising agencies, companies, firms, as well as on the creation of a permanent client base.

If the business plan is implemented correctly, then the photo studio will pay off in a year. After that, the optimal profitability will average 200,000 rubles - this is a net monthly income. The profitability indicator in this case will be 80%, which is quite a decent figure. But these are average calculations, in fact, hard professional work can pay off the costs much earlier and lead to a higher than indicated level of profit. This is possible provided that the business is organized by a truly enthusiastic person. An example of how a huge business grew from a small business is the Cross-Studio photo studio. Today it is a world famous brand that brings in huge profits.

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After the business plan is implemented and the photo studio is ready to start working, it is necessary to register it with the state tax authorities so that the activity is completely legal. There are 3 options for choosing a tax system:

  • The owner is an individual and pays 13% of income.
  • An individual entrepreneur is issued, where the tax is paid at choice from profit or income. In the first case it is 6%, in the second - 15%.
  • Creation of an LLC. Here taxes are deducted on an individual basis. If the annual income is less than 60 million rubles, then deductions are made according to a simplified scheme.
  • Finally, we recommend watching a useful video

Today, in the digital age, the world is experiencing a photography boom. However, there are few truly professional photographers, and photography is gradually changing its status: from a hobby, it is becoming a rather profitable business.

An increasing number of people get aesthetic pleasure from contemplating photographs of various genres: from ordinary portraits to postmodern landscapes. And if amateur photographers are quite able to capture a family picnic or a foreign tour themselves, then it is preferable to entrust the shooting of solemn events or artistic portraits to professionals. Let's try to prove by calculations the profitability and great prospects of the business in question.

The specifics of the photo business

The main features that distinguish a photo studio as a business project from others are low competition and, at the same time, the demand for its services. This is probably due to the fact that the business plan of the photo studio involves the provision by the company not only of professional shooting services for various events, but also the creation of a portfolio and advertising photographs, as well as the leasing of the studio itself and equipment. Some entrepreneurs along the way are engaged in making photos for documents, as well as printing photos from media and selling related products (photo frames, albums, etc.).

In almost all major cities, even in Moscow, establishments that provide all these services in one place can literally be "counted on the fingers." And such a low level of competition is by no means due to a lack of demand, but due to the fact that today it is difficult to assemble a truly highly professional team of photographers and photo designers. In addition, the initial investment in the case under consideration exceeds 2 million rubles, which is also a deterrent.

At the same time, with a well-designed business plan and the correct distribution of start-up capital, the profitability of the project will be 75-77% monthly. Let's try to prove it.

Overview of the costs of opening a photography studio

The first and most important item for evaluating profitability is the lease of the premises and the need to spend on its repair. It is important not to miscalculate here. The fact is that more than half of the trips to the photo studio, according to experts, are spontaneous. Accordingly, the premises of the photo salon are especially in dire need of being “discovered”, noticed. And this can happen, for example, when the studio is located next to the flower department in a hypermarket or in a separate building in a completely “random” neighborhood with a travel store. The problem is that you need to feel that very advantageous location, which may not be on the busiest street.

Next is the determination of the salary for the team, which will not have to be recruited quickly and, possibly, on the recommendations of good friends. An administrator, two professional photographers, a designer, an operator technician - these are the people who will make a name for your photo studio. Therefore, they should not only perfectly master their business, but also receive decent piecework wages.

When starting a photography business, you should remember that you may not have clients for a whole day, especially at first.

But this is not a reason to reduce the wages agreed with the hired workers. It is wiser to take on the difficulties of this period, and only then the team of masters, well-known in the city, will bring profit to you.

Up to a million rubles can cost professional equipment, scenery and accessories. Moreover, this includes not only cameras, lenses and tripods, but also special lighting devices, as well as equipment for the dressing room and installations for photo shoots. High-quality consumables are also expensive: up to 20 thousand rubles.

As for the direct "shooting tools" there are two fundamental points. First. Photo business experts believe that it is not worth buying a lot of expensive professional cameras at once, since a cool photographer will most likely come with his own camera, which he is used to and knows like the back of his hand.

The second noteworthy statement concerns the fact that more complex and expensive equipment should be purchased as you get involved in the business, the number and complexity of orders increase. So one of the principles of "lean production" will be observed, according to which the tool that required large purchase costs will not be idle.

Finally, advertising and administration costs, including the creation and maintenance of a good selling site. The key to a good profitability of a photo studio is a comprehensive and accessible portfolio for many to see, which is most convenient to place on the site. As for the position of administrator, it should be occupied by a creative person, able to advise the client something, to interest him in acquiring a particular service.

In general, the costs of organizing a photo studio and the costs of maintaining its performance during the first three months are presented in the table:

Cost item Nature of expenses Amount, in rubles
Room rental + utilities monthly 50000
Designer renovation lump sum 100000
Administrative expenses (opening an individual entrepreneur, permits) lump sum 10000
Basic equipment (photographic equipment, lenses, tripods, apparatus for processing and printing photos, etc.) lump sum 750000
Auxiliary equipment (lighting, scenery, photography backdrop, etc.) lump sum 150000
Furniture, equipment of personnel workplaces lump sum 100000
Consumables monthly 12000
Advertising, including the creation and development of the site monthly 15000
Salary and deductions in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the team of the photo studio monthly 190000
Income taxes (6%) monthly 32700

In total, it will take about 1.37 million rubles to start a business, and then every month it will be necessary to cut out about 300 thousand rubles from the profit for current expenses.

What is profit made up of?

Calculations of approximate profit during the first three months of operation of the photo studio (the period when the full load of production facilities and staff will not exceed 3-3.5 hours a day) are presented in the table. It is assumed that to generate such income, the studio works six days a week for a month.

The total income in the first three months of work will be approximately 455 thousand rubles per month. Net profit in this case will be 455-300 = 155 thousand rubles per month. Accordingly, the invested funds will fully pay off in about 11-12 months. By that time, with the right advertising campaign and a good set of circumstances, studio employees will be able to work almost at full capacity, and monthly profits can increase to 200-220 thousand rubles. In this situation, it makes sense to refuse to work with "third-party" orders and trade in paraphernalia, and then focus on more profitable income items.

Conclusion: owning a photo studio is a fairly highly profitable business, which, with the right approach to business and dedication to it, can pay off very quickly and then bring a good, stable income.

Do you like photography and dream of making money from your hobby? Do you want to know how to open a photography studio and what is the profitability of this business? Let's analyze the key issues related to the creation of your own photo studio and calculate the expected profit.

How to register

Everything is traditional here - you can register an individual business or an LLC. Individual entrepreneurs are much easier to work with and tax, while LLC opens up additional opportunities for cooperation with large clients and advertising studios.

The most important thing in a photography studio is the equipment.

Photo studios do not need licenses or any separate documents, so you can get registered in just a few days. You will also have to obtain permission to open at the fire inspection - it is issued for the existing premises.

Types of photo studios

There are several options for photo studios. We list the key ones:

  1. Photo salon. This is a highly specialized institution that deals with urgent photographs for passports, driver's licenses, etc. The salon also provides photo printing services.
  2. Photo studio. Here they offer photo salon services, plus they organize thematic shootings for everyone. Typically, a photo studio has several specially designed rooms and various "exit" decorations.
  3. Photo studio. This is a professional institution, ready to fulfill any wishes of its customers. Here you can hold a full-fledged photo session, hire a photographer for a wedding or other event, order a subject photo shoot.

A classic salon practically does not require investments and a professional team - anyone can take photos and print them. It is more difficult to organize a photo studio or photo studio, but these establishments bring more profit.

What services does the photo studio provide?

If you want to know how to open your own photo studio from scratch, then first check out the list of services provided by such establishments:

  1. Wedding service (photo and video).
  2. Off-site photo shoots (including thematic ones).
  3. Studio photography.
  4. Object shooting.
  5. Making photographs for documents.
  6. Conducting advertising photography.
  7. Children's photography.
  8. Family photography.

A good photo studio needs professional photographers

Additionally, the studio can provide the following services:

  1. Creation of a special hairstyle and makeup.
  2. Arrangement of premises for shooting.
  3. Creating a thematic image.
  4. Organization of outfit rental.
  5. Post-processing and printing of photographs.
  6. Creation of “photo pictures” (inserting photos into frames).
  7. Restoration of old photos.

The studio is good precisely because it can provide related services, which, with the right approach, bring up to 50% of the total profit.

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How to choose a room

Where is the best place to organize a photo studio? Our step-by-step instructions will give you the answer to this question. It is best in the central areas of the city or on the main street. The minimum area of ​​the room is 65m2, the ceiling height is at least 3 meters. A big plus is the parking nearby. In the room itself, you will need to organize a dressing room, a dressing room and a wardrobe for storing costumes. The average rental price of such premises is about 40-45 thousand rubles per month. If you plan to carry out thematic photography in the scenery and with makeup, then you should equip the studio with a full-fledged bathroom and shower for visitors.

How to furnish a room

Try to design your photo studio discreetly and monotonously, avoiding unnecessary variegation and bad taste. All attention should be drawn to the model, not the walls or decoration. Most professional photo studios simply paint the walls white/beige to get maximum contrast and post-processing. But it is more correct to use color combinations. You should have a white (light), black, green, gray and pink background for various photo shoots. Fabric, paper, plastic, silk screen printing can be used as a material. Red brick is well suited to create an industrial style, so do not rush to make repairs and cover the walls with plaster.

No need to decorate the photo studio with colorful colors and patterns - everything should be strictly

Necessary equipment

For a professional photo studio, you need professional equipment, because you plan to take not only photos for documents, but also to conduct subject / thematic shooting. Most of the money you will spend on the purchase of equipment. You will need to purchase:

  1. 2-3 professional cameras.
  2. A set of lenses.
  3. Softboxes.
  4. Tripods.
  5. A set of backgrounds, decorations, costumes.
  6. Curtains and reflectors.
  7. Sources of light.
  8. Reflective umbrellas.
  9. Flashes with wireless triggers.
  10. Nozzles, diffusers, filters, etc.

Note: buy cameras and lenses from the same company so that they are interchangeable. So you will save in the future on equipment, changing only the “carcasses”, and not the optics.

Additionally, you will need to purchase furniture - a couple of sofas, armchairs, chairs, tables. In the dressing room you will need a large mirror, a manicure set, a table, a hanger, an iron.

Be sure to bring the internet into the studio, get a few computers and appropriate photo editing software.


Who to hire in your studio? It all depends on the size of your business and your preferences. There are photo studios in which the owner takes care of everything - he shoots, deals with taxes, looks for clients and processes photos. But this approach is only possible if you have few customers.

The photo studio should be large enough

The second option is to involve third-party photographers. This is usually done if the studio receives a lot of orders for events, but does not cope with them itself.

Photographing today is not only a hobby for many people, but also a form of income, both additional and basic. Many do it individually, taking pictures on the road, and someone does it in their own photo studio. Of course, the second business format is more profitable and stable, but it will take a lot of effort to create it.

How to do it? Let's talk about this in more detail.

The relevance of this type of business

Today, the relevance of this type of business is very high.

Corporate events, parties in clubs, birthdays, photo shoots, weddings - all this I want to capture, so to speak, documented, in the form of colorful and memorable images.

If we analyze the photography market recently, it becomes clear that over the past five years this type of business has been steadily progressing and gaining momentum. This is mainly due to the competent popularization of photography.

If we remember the Soviet times, we used to take pictures only on big holidays and on special occasions, which, of course, was not a good opportunity for photographers to develop their business. Due to the improvement in the general well-being of the population, we can conclude that the better we live, the higher the relevance of photography.

Analysis of the photo services market and competitors

Recently, competition in the market for photo services can be regarded as incredibly high. However, the offers of photographers are not always profitable, which you can play on by opening your own business in a similar format.

At the moment, the Internet and social networks are the most voluminous resource for advertising their services for photographers. Now offers for the provision of photographic services are rarely seen on television, radio and in the media.

It is social networks that have become the most powerful tool for promoting your business in this field of activity. However, this does not mean that only the best photographers have offers on social networks, this is actually far from the case.

A huge number of offers suggests that you can run into non-professionals on the Web, and this is much easier to do than to find a worthy photographer. In addition, if you carefully consider social networks for such offers, you can be horrified by how many of them there are: almost every fourth advertising offer contains information about the possibility of providing photography services.

And this, in fact, is not good, since it is quite difficult for those who are true professionals to find themselves in this highly competitive world and win the fight against everyone else for a place in the sun. That is why we advise you not to resort to this method of advertising as the initial one.

Watch the video for an example of creating a business plan for a photo studio.

What do you need to open a photography studio?

The very first thing you need to open a photo studio is, of course, a room. Many photographers do not hesitate to open a photo studio at home, adapting their living space as a workplace.

But this format of work scares away many clients, since a well-registered photo studio inspires much more confidence than a well-equipped room in a residential building. Therefore, it is best to rent a small room.

When opening your own photography studio, you must be prepared for competition. The photography business is not the most costly of all possible business activities, although the achievements of certain photographers increase the chances of opening your own studio.

But many of them cannot meet the requirements of customers, and it is on this that you can play well when opening your own photo studio. The legal form of the enterprise also needs to be well thought out.

The best option is to open an individual business, since with this format of the enterprise you will pay much less taxes, and you will not need to issue a special license.

Renting a room will cost you no more than 20 - 25 thousand rubles. It makes sense to choose a production site that will be removed from the city center, as this can significantly reduce the cost of rental costs.

If the premises do not have a presentable appearance, then this should not be immediately abandoned either, since this nuance will also affect the rent.

Particular attention should be paid to the design. It shouldn't be very bright.

It would be much better to give the photo studio a more gloomy and dark look. It is better to use pulsed sources as light sources.

Constant lighting will be much more efficient to use, but pulsed sources perform their function much better. Lighting power should directly depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

You will also need different backgrounds. For this, a woven fabric of different colors is usually used.

Photo studio services

The range of services provided by your photo studio will directly depend on how highly qualified the photographer himself is. Also, everything will depend on how well equipped your studio will be.

To function properly, you will need a computer and a good image processing specialist.

In general, modern photo studios provide a large number of services.

Here is a sample list of services for a potential photography studio:

  1. Framing Workshop.
  2. Registration of mirrors in a baguette.
  3. Registration of a photo and painting in a baguette.
  4. Design of embroidery.
  5. Photography.
  6. Photo printing.
  7. Recover old and damaged photos.
  8. Photomontage in the image.
  9. Photo collage.
  10. Sale of photographic goods.

Let's take a look at each service.

An oil portrait on canvas (framing workshop) is a rather memorable gift that can be passed on from generation to generation. To order a similar portrait, you just need to take a photo and listen to the client's wishes.

It will take a little more than a week to finish and process the photo. In some urgent situations, this can be done in 3-4 days, while this service can be provided for an additional fee.

Decorating mirrors in a baguette is also not difficult to manufacture, but the cost of such works of art is quite high. Also, paintings and photographs can be finished in exactly the same way, the main thing is to know the exact dimensions of the paintings.

Photography, of course, will be a key service in your studio, this service should be fundamental. Here you can present several shooting options to choose from - studio, location, sessions, advertising shoots, passport photos, children's and family photos and much more.

Accordingly, professional photographic equipment is required to provide such services, otherwise the competition will be outright lost by you to other enterprises.

Also, after filming, it would be rational to offer printing of photographs, now these services cannot be separate at all, since without one there cannot be another in the modern world. Printing must be carried out on the highest quality photographic paper, photographs will definitely need to be corrected both in light and in color.

Printing of photographs can be provided both for individual clients and for photo exhibitions.

Removal of defects in the photo image is the most common among the new services for photo studios. Elimination of cracks, spots, scratches, loss of color, emulsion peeling - all these services are very relevant today for those photographs that were taken in Soviet times or were previously damaged.

You can also, if you have the equipment, convert black and white photographs to color and retouch them.

Also, a fairly common service is the collection of individual photos into collages. This can be done both for certain groups of photographs by subject, and for those that will simply be relevant in order for them to be collected together, for example, for one chronological event.

A photo collage is a display of a beautiful story in several photographs, and for today it is very valuable to see several photographs on one canvas.

In addition to providing services, you can also engage in the sale of photographic products. They can be photo frames, albums, accessories for pictures and frames, hanging fixtures for frames, as well as a picture hanging system.

How to open a photo studio: step by step instructions

So let's start with a good business plan. It should reflect such information as the legal form, costs and possible approximate profit, the choice of premises, competitor analysis, recruitment (if necessary), marketing activities, etc.

First you decide on the place of the studio, then you register as an individual entrepreneur. After that, you need to start dealing with the design of the lease or purchase of premises for work.

Then you should think about how the interior of your room will look like, take care of its safety. Usually photo studios rarely have a lot of valuables, so installing an alarm and hiring security for the initial stage of establishing a business is an extra and useless waste of money.

If you do not know how to edit photos yourself, then you will need a computer scientist, a photoshopper who will handle images with high quality and skill.

The most important thing is to analyze the competition in the city and study the range of services that they provide.

In accordance with this, it will be necessary to consider the cost and availability of your own range of services.

After that, it's time to work on the marketing and advertising campaign of your future enterprise. It is better to launch advertising through the media and television, only then it will be possible to make advertising offers on the Internet, after the enterprise has gained some momentum, at least after six months of operation.

Costs and profits: calculations

Costs and profits are the most important and responsible article of enterprise planning, which should be reflected in detail in the business plan. Costs include quarterly, annual and monthly.

All categories will include costs for personnel, rent of premises, materials, equipment, consumed energy, etc. Also, a separate article should be prescribed the cost of taxes.

They can only be calculated approximately, since with an individual entrepreneur it would be better to use the simplified taxation system - a simplified taxation system. There is an opportunity to pay income taxes, and therefore, in order to calculate taxes, you will need to know the approximate income.

If we consider in general all operations for opening a photo studio, we can say that this business will not have super profits at the initial stage, but later, with proper marketing, it will be possible to create entire networks of studios and gradually move to other cities and regions.

Therefore, starting with one photo studio, you should not stop - you must always go forward!

In contact with

With the development of digital technology, the market for photo services is expanding. Thematic photo shoots in nature and in the studio, family and individual, are becoming popular. Today, any creative person can open a photo studio and turn photography from a hobby into a business - it is enough to follow the developed plan.

Choice of business concept

For a photographer, a studio is a way to combine hobby and work, the ability to shoot regardless of weather conditions, to vary the surroundings for interior photo shoots. If you have achieved recognition as a photo artist, opening a photography studio will be a prospect for development.

When planning a business, take one of the existing concepts as a basis:

  1. Interior photo studio. For productive work, you need to rent or purchase a room and decor items. In the absence of a stable request from clients for interior photography, the studio pays off only by leasing it to novice photographers and providing related services (stylist, hairdresser, make-up artist, and others).
  2. Home photo studio. The possibilities of a photo lab created on the basis of an apartment are limited to portrait photography.
  3. Photo salon. A small room with a minimum of equipment for making photographs for documents.
  4. Children's photography room. The concept is designed for loving parents who want to capture their babies in professional pictures.

Photo gallery: types of studios

Create a list of services in accordance with the requests:

  • individuals (family and individual photo shoots, shooting events);
  • commercial companies (photos for printing on souvenirs, shooting goods for advertising catalogs, corporate events).

Additional sources of income:

  • cooperation with glossy magazines, shooting branded products;
  • photo shoots with novice models for portfolio;
  • artistic processing and retouching of the best shots;
  • services of a hairdresser and makeup artist;
  • instant photo;
  • release of souvenir products;
  • master classes and lectures on image processing;
  • hourly studio rental during downtime.
Souvenir products with a photo - an additional way to earn

At the beginning of your creative journey, form a set of additional services in accordance with the budget. Choose ideas that do not require huge costs and specific equipment.

Benefits and Risks

The cost of photo studio services varies from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles per hour, and additional costs are minimal. The profitability of a business is high if possible risks are prevented:

  • increased competition;
  • seasonality of demand (probable downtime);
  • low liquidity (impossibility to sell the studio in case of collapse).

In a competitive environment, do not overcharge for services. Look for an individual approach to customers - develop a discount system for regular customers, come up with bonus student programs. To minimize risks, provide professional services, collect and offer portfolios to clients. During downtime, host contests for free photo shoots and distribute gift certificates. Hire a team of qualified employees who can work in your absence, ensuring the stability of the company.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a photo studio from scratch

To open a photo studio from scratch, a novice entrepreneur needs to go through five stages:

  1. Business registration.
  2. Room selection.
  3. Purchase of equipment.
  4. Studio decor.
  5. Personnel selection.

Business Registration Documents

You can register the activities of a photo studio in the form of a limited liability company (LLC) or an individual enterprise (IP). The advantages of an LLC are the possibility of expanding, creating a network of branches and attracting financing from external sources. The positive aspects of IP are a simplified registration process, no need to keep accounting records, the ability to spend the proceeds at your discretion.

Documents for registration of IP:

  • notarized application form No. Р21001;
  • certified copy of the passport (all pages);
  • receipt of payment of the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles.

By default, when registering an individual entrepreneur, a general taxation system (OSNO) is established. If you have chosen another type (simplified system or single tax on imputed income), file an application to change the tax system (notification form 26.2-1).

Documents for registration of LLC:

  • application form No. P11001 certified by a notary;
  • articles of association;
  • the minutes of the meeting or the sole decision of the founder on the establishment of the company;
  • certified copies of the identity cards of the founders;
  • receipt of payment of state duty 4000 rubles;
  • if necessary, an application for a change in the taxation system (notification 26.2-1).

The minimum authorized capital of a limited liability company is 10,000 rubles.

When registering a company, select the types of planned economic activity in accordance with the OKVED classifier. Possible options for a photo studio:

  • photography activities (74.81);
  • printing activities not included in other groups (22.22);
  • other publishing activities (22.15).

After sending the documents to the registration authority, proceed to the choice of premises.

Studio location and space requirements

The success of a photo studio depends on its location. When choosing a room for a future studio, analyze the factors:

  • remoteness from competing companies;
  • convenience of accommodation for clients, remoteness from public transport stops, availability of parking spaces;
  • the possibility of installing outdoor advertising structures near the building.

The minimum height of the room for the installation of lighting equipment and the podium is 3 m, the optimal one is 3.7 m. The width of the pavilion for shooting is from 5 m, it is necessary to place a paper background. The length is calculated as the width multiplied by two.

The gray background reflects the light evenly and softly without interfering with shooting

In addition to the stylized pavilion, the studio should have:

  • screen;
  • dressing room;
  • shower cabin;
  • foyer with reception desk;
  • technical room equipped for printing photos and providing related services.

If funds are available, additionally equip a relaxation room with a tea table and a vending machine with drinks.

Photo shoot equipment

Having chosen a room, proceed to the technical equipment of the studio. Install four or five light sources and attach softboxes to them. Additionally, purchase:

  • reflective umbrellas;
  • classic hard light reflectors;
  • racks for light sources;
  • portrait dish;
  • herons and holders;
  • flashmeter for measuring exposure;
  • nozzles in the form of curtains and honeycombs;
  • paper backgrounds with mount;
  • flash synchronizers;
  • interior items, props;
  • mirror and steamer in the dressing room;
  • computer and photo retouching software.

Photo gallery: equipment and props

If necessary, buy a SLR camera and a set of lenses. When choosing a camera, contact manufacturers specializing in the manufacture of photographic equipment - Canon and Nikon. Do not read advice on the forums - be guided by the technical parameters of the device and your own needs. List of important features of a professional camera:

  • matrix size;
  • matrix resolution - from 13 MP;
  • ISO matrix sensitivity - from 10 to 25,000;
  • the ability to manually change settings;
  • dimensions and weight.

Studio decoration

When designing a studio, consider the general requirements for the premises for filming. Paint the walls and ceiling in neutral gray, and lay hard-wearing matte linoleum of the same shade on the floor. If the studio has a window, install a curtain rod over it and hang blackout curtains.

Equip the pavilion with ventilation and air conditioning systems, consider the location of outlets that is convenient for moving equipment. There are three options for the design of the studio:

  • a simple gray room without decorations;
  • hall with colored backgrounds;
  • themed room.

When using the last design option, do not forget to change the scenery depending on the time of year. In winter, set up a Christmas tree, lay a fluffy carpet on the floor and scatter artificial snow. In summer, decorate the room with flowers or style according to the beach theme.

Studio decoration for the new year

In light pastel colors, design an area for shooting children and couples in love - it will be popular with studio tenants and clients, increasing the profitability of the business.


The photographer is the main "weapon" of the photo studio. If you have realized as a photo artist and plan to work independently, do not hire employees at first. Having successfully worked for two or three months and received the first income, invite an administrator to maintain a client base and a cleaner.

If you are opening a photo studio as a business, not doing photography, pay attention to the selection of a photographer. At first, it will be he who will form the image of the studio.

Having formed a client base and promoted the studio, hire specialists on a contractual basis to provide additional services:

  • make-up artist for applying makeup;
  • hairdresser to work on hairstyles;
  • stylist to create an image;
  • seller for the sale of related products.

The make-up artist forms the image of the model

A photographer, make-up artist and stylist can not only provide services directly, but also conduct master classes for beginners in shaping the image of a model, correct lighting or image processing.

Promotion and advertising of photo studio services

To attract customers, advertise the studio's services on available resources. Create a website or social media group and upload a portfolio of your best work. Think about how much your services will cost, place the price list in the public domain.

Sign contracts for the maintenance of large corporations - they will invite you to shoot their own events. Other advertising opportunities:

  • discount system;
  • Gift certificates;
  • promotions and sweepstakes;
  • installation of banners near the studio;
  • advertising on television and radio.

To form and maintain the image of the studio, participate in creative exhibitions of professionals.

Financial plan - expenses and projected income

When opening a photo studio, plan for one-time and monthly expenses and try to predict income. Approximate calculations are summarized in tables.

Table: calculation of initial investment

Table: monthly expenses

The average cost of a photographer's services is 1,000 rubles per hour. The average daily employment is 3–4 hours. The rest of the time the studio is rented out at a price of 900 rubles per hour on weekdays and 1200 rubles per hour on weekends. The average daily employment is 3 hours.

Table: projected monthly income

Is it profitable to open a photo studio: reviews of entrepreneurs

At first, you will work at a loss to yourself. But if you manage to develop the project and develop a customer base, ensuring the full loading of the premises, the photo studio will begin to make a profit. This is confirmed by the feedback from entrepreneurs from business forums.

A successful photo studio should have a “chip”. It should not be just a room where you can take pictures, but a stylized salon with a thoughtful interior design and interesting photo zones. Creating a creative space requires financial costs.


I have been following trends in the photography business since 2011. There are more than 40 studios of various types in St. Petersburg, and 1-2 of them close or change direction every year. A studio is a good option for the established photographer who wants to save income during the winter. If it is possible to attract 20-30 customers per month and rent out the premises, the studio will pay for itself.

In the work of a photo studio, a range of services can lead to success: photo for documents + on-site shooting + photo processing + sale of souvenirs. In other cases, it will be difficult to earn bread and butter.

Video: how to open your own photo studio

The business plan contains approximate figures that you can adjust depending on the region, your own needs and the request of the target audience. Before you open a photography studio, calculate your own business plan based on the proposed one and act in accordance with it.