Computer service business. How to open a computer repair service center

Nowadays, computers are vital items. It is already difficult to imagine the daily life of not only business, but also people without them. Literally ten years ago, not everyone could afford a PC. But at the moment, the market is overflowing with offers, from this the prices are getting lower. Consider a business plan - computer repair and the prospects for this niche.

Starting investments: RUB 175,000 The number of employees: 1
Planned income per month: RUB 200,000 Market competition: high
Estimated monthly expenses: RUB 130,000 Payback: high

The main service is computer repair and software installation. But don't stop there. Over time, you can hire additional masters and increase the range of services provided. You can also sell related products, such as licensed software for the corporate segment. The advantage of this niche is that it is possible to repair the equipment of both individuals and legal entities.

How can you provide services:

  • one-time (for individuals);
  • periodic maintenance (for the corporate sector).

What types of services can be offered:

  • PC repair;
  • Laptop Repair;
  • installation of antiviruses;
  • reinstalling Windows;
  • installation of licensed programs;
  • cleaning the system unit;
  • Refilling cartridges;
  • repair of printers, scanners, copiers;
  • replacement of components with more powerful ones.

What can be offered additionally:

  • licensed versions of programs;
  • assembly of the computer under the order.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

First of all, you should analyze the market for factors such as demand and the level of competition. This niche is very competitive. Starting in this area, be prepared to make the best offers to customers. Soberly assess your capabilities and qualifications.

Stages of starting a company:

  1. Market analysis.
  2. IP registration.
  3. Renting a room.
  4. Hiring.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

For such activities, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. For work, you can choose a simplified taxation system. Consider a list of documents that may be needed.

Required documentation:

  • IP registration certificate;
  • permission from the fire department;
  • contract for the lease of premises.

Stage 2 - finding a room

Best of all, the office is in a walkable location. But you can work in any office building. Based on the analysis of cases on the market, we can say that 10 sq.m. With the expectation that some work is done on the road. But it is better to place the workshop indoors, with an area of ​​at least 20 sq.m.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

You will need specialized equipment to work with boards and microcircuits. You also need to have teaching aids on the basics of programming. In the office, it is desirable to have a large table with a bright lamp, to be able to work with small details. Let's take a closer look at the list.

What you need from the tool, with prices in rubles:

  • soldering iron (10,000);
  • screwdriver set (10,000);
  • blank discs and flash drives (10,000);
  • licensed software, for installation by customers (15,000).

Soldering iron for PC (10,000 rubles)

Screwdriver set (10,000 rubles)

Licensed software (15,000 rubles)

Stage 4 - recruitment

Few employees are required to operate. At first, only one master. In the future, when the customer base is accumulated, it is necessary to expand. The average salary of a PC repairman in this niche is 25 thousand rubles.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

Attractive bonuses:

  • departure of the master free of charge;
  • delivery of repaired equipment to the customer free of charge;
  • every fifth repair is free;
  • when ordering a computer assembly, software as a gift.

Financial plan

The main expenses are tools and rent. Financially, this business is easy on the threshold of entry. Let's take a closer look at what exactly is needed.

Probable investments, in rubles:

  • personnel (25,000 monthly);
  • rent (70,000 monthly);
  • consumables (35,000 monthly);
  • equipment (45,000 one-time).

Total: 175,000 rubles.

Possible risks

The computer repair business is a field that is based on the knowledge of the master. Therefore, if the repair is of poor quality, it will cause negative customer reviews.

Computer technology has firmly entered our lives - now almost every family has 2-3 computers, laptops, tablets. Some people use computers for entertainment, others make money on them, others use them for communication and shopping. But equipment breaks down sooner or later and needs to be repaired. Computers break down much more often compared to other household appliances, since their performance depends on software. The user can install some kind of malicious program from the Internet or catch a virus, and the equipment has to be carried in for repairs. Therefore, the computer repair service will always be profitable.


Consider how to open a computer repair service center and what is needed for this. Computer repair is a profitable and promising business. The repair itself can be divided into two types:

  1. Program-block.
  2. Physical.

You must provide the maximum range of services to customers

The first option is the easiest and cheapest. It means restoring a computer with software (reinstalling the operating system, installing drivers, special programs, recovering data from a hard drive). In case of failure of any parts of the computer, they are simply replaced by whole blocks (memory, motherboard, video card, etc.), without repair and soldering.

Physical repair involves a soldering station and a circuit engineer who can resolder capacitors, change bridges, etc. This service offers a wider range of repairs, but does not always pay off the investment made in it.

Note:at the initial stage, we recommend acting according to the first scheme, providing software and block repair of computers. When you realize that many of your customers require physical repair of parts, then move on to the second scheme.

Service list

The wider the list of your services, the larger segment of the market you will cover. Do not limit yourself to just reinstalling the OS - provide other services that people need. Standard service usually provides:

  1. Installing and reinstalling operating systems.
  2. Selection and installation of drivers.
  3. Installation and configuration of various user programs.
  4. Setting up various modems.
  5. Installation of software on mobile phones, tablets, their flashing.
  6. Data recovery from the hard drive when reinstalling the OS or replacing it.
  7. Preventive services (dust removal, computer acceleration, virus removal).
  8. Replacement of burnt parts, their repair.
  9. Refueling of printers, their repair.

After working for 6-10 months, you will decide which services are popular in your city and what you need to focus on. Perhaps installing software or flashing tablets / phones will bring you more money than physically repairing microcircuits, so it would be better to focus on this particular niche.

Also, do not forget about the convenience for customers. Be sure to organize a "field technician" service - many people are afraid to give away their computer or they simply do not have time to take it to the service during business hours. The field master is paid at a special hourly rate + takes a certain coefficient for the speed of work, after-hours, holidays, etc.

Organizational matters

In order to open your computer repair business you must first come to the tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur. You can also choose the LLC registration form - this will allow you to open offices and work with corporate clients.

Block repair is much easier and takes less time

Research your competitors before opening. Find out what services they provide, what their price range is, and what consumer reviews they have. Very often, people develop a negative attitude towards services, since they massively do not comply with the repair deadlines, change prices in the process of restoring equipment, violate agreements in every possible way, etc. Therefore, the emergence of a new repair center will certainly be received with enthusiasm. The main thing is to comply with the agreed deadlines and always be loyal to customers, because they bring you money and leave positive feedback among their friends and colleagues.


At the initial stage of work on repairing computers and doing bookkeeping, you can do it. But then, due to the increase in the number of clients and the lack of free time, you will certainly need qualified staff. It will be necessary to hire two engineers who will deal with repairs in the service, one field technician, one or two circuit engineers, if necessary, and an inspector. In the future, staff will be adjusted depending on the number of orders. You may also need a system administrator if you want to fill the niche of serving small businesses that cannot afford to hire a good specialist. You can conclude an outsourcing contract with them - the administrator will simply maintain the equipment and fix serious breakdowns, but he will not be on their staff. One good administrator can serve up to 15 small companies or 5-7 large ones. With an outsourcing cost of 10-20 thousand rubles per month, such a specialist not only pays for itself, but also brings 50-70% of the company's net profit.

You need to conduct a competent selection of specialists - they must be not only competent, but also responsible. Also, all personnel who are in contact with the client (receiver, field master, administrator) should be as loyal and polite as possible. You need to quickly build a client base, so you need to work as responsibly and correctly as possible.

Requirements for premises and equipment

There is no point in renting too large a room - usually a room of 30-35 square meters is enough for a team of 5-6 people, especially since some employees will be constantly on the road. It must be divided into two parts - acceptance and the working area itself (it is desirable to separate it from customers). The location of your service plays a rather important role. It is advisable to locate it in the center of residential areas or close to key public transport stations.

Note:opening near a business center or office buildings is not a good idea. Usually large companies have their own IT departments that serve all the equipment. It is better to focus on private users.

The service engineer's workplace requires special equipment

From the equipment you will need:

  1. Post Card PCI Fault Tester, which allows you to diagnose a breakdown on a non-working computer.
  2. High quality digital multimeter.
  3. Professional soldering station (if you decide to repair equipment).
  4. Good digital microscope.
  5. Process simulator.
  6. Working tables, a set of screwdrivers, various consumables.
  7. Compressor for blowing dust.

In principle, you will not need anything else - having assembled this kit, you can already get to work. If you need something, then just buy the necessary equipment later.


If you do not plan to deal with soldering and replacing elements, then 70 thousand rubles will be enough for you to open a company. It will be necessary to spend about 100,000 more on the purchase of a professional soldering station with everything you need. That is, in total, you will need 170-270 thousand rubles to open.

Mandatory payments will be:

  1. Rent - 25 thousand.
  2. Utilities + Internet - 10 thousand.
  3. Advertising - 20 thousand.
  4. Consumables and other expenses - 15 thousand.
  5. Salaries for staff (6 people) - 150 thousand.

The main item of expenditure is wages. You can’t save on it, otherwise the staff will start looking for “earnings” and enter into the check those services that were not actually provided.

Now let's talk about profit. Compile a detailed computer repair business plan you can only know the real conditions in your city (rental cost, salary amount, number of customers). In small cities, 3 people can work in the service, and 10 people will not be enough in megacities.

On average, all investments made in the workshop pay off in 6-8 months. One qualified master brings a profit of about 70-80 thousand with a salary of 30. But in order to reach this level of earnings, you need to build up a customer base and get relevant reviews.

Computer repair is a profitable and promising business


Proper advertising is the key to a successful business. You need to use all possible options: launch “paper” advertising (flyers, ads, various coupons), create a good sign, create ads on city portals and social networks, develop your own website with a list of services and contact information. Also, do not forget about advertising in the media - radio, local TV channels. The more money you invest in advertising, the more you will earn in the end.

Also set up a discount system for your customers. You can get special cards or just enter them into the database by phone number - last name. “Bring a friend” promotions work well - the client brings you a new client, for which he receives a discount on subsequent repairs. But the main thing is that in order for the business to flourish, repairs must be of high quality. Call the client back about a week after the repair and ask if everything is working as it should. This will show people that you care about them, and they will most certainly come back to you in the next repair.

In contact with

* Calculations use average data for Russia

There is a computer in almost every home, and often users are faced with a breakdown of one or another part of their computer equipment. A distinctive feature of the computer sphere is that it can be divided into two components: hardware and software. Problems can arise with both, and most owners of home computers still perceive them as a complex unit, the repair of which is only possible for a professional.

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The profession of a programmer, or colloquially a computer engineer, is chosen by many people today, but even a more or less experienced user is able to solve a lot of problems that arise with a computer. After reading relatively little information and trying to test the knowledge gained on their computer, some people begin to help their friends in elementary computer maintenance. Sometimes it develops into a small business that is built by one person, even more rarely it becomes a professional activity. And all because today it is not enough for a user to reinstall the operating system, he also needs to solve more complex issues, and non-specialists do not have enough knowledge and experience for this.

An important point of entrepreneurship in the field of computer maintenance and repair is a very high level of competition. Having long understood that the average user is an absolute amateur and does not understand the principles of operation of computers, many programmers and computer specialists have occupied this niche, sometimes even doing work at home. Or with departure on the house to the client. However, not every company offers a complete list of services, and the level of professionalism leaves much to be desired.

But at first you should not count on the illiteracy of competitors, it is better to study the market, evaluate what services are offered and at what prices. Very often you can come across the fact that such firms charge unreasonably large amounts of money for their work, although there are, of course, exceptions here. In order to work as efficiently as possible and build up a client base as quickly as possible, it is better to start from everything at once, that is, to offer absolutely the entire possible range of services, this will allow you to win against a large number of competitors.

To start an activity, you need to register as a business entity, it is better to become an individual entrepreneur than to register a legal entity - there are fewer difficulties. The activity code is fully covered by (OKPD 2) 95.11 Repair services for computers and peripheral equipment. No licenses, certificates or permits are required either. Such an undertaking rather refers to the field of small business, which is still developing, although it has existed for a relatively long time. Difficulties at the registration stage should not arise, and it is better to set aside 20 thousand rubles for it.

When the bureaucratic issue is resolved, you can look for a place for a future workshop. As mentioned above, some companies work at home, but then there will be no trust in the company as a professional, in the minds of consumers it is unlikely that the thoughts that the company is both good and at the same time works in someone’s apartment can coexist . An office is needed - this is a representative office of the company. At the same time, you do not need to rent huge areas, 20-30 m 2 is enough, although in the case of a large number of clients you will have to expand, but this will be necessary for additional employees, not equipment.

Some entrepreneurs even work on the principle of house calls, this is a good practice, but it is not always possible to solve the problem on the spot at the client. Therefore, calling the master at home can be a good additional service or service improvement, but by no means the only activity. In small cities, the cost of renting such a small room is unlikely to exceed 10 thousand rubles, but in large cities it will cost at least 20, especially if located in the center. The location itself is not so important, the main thing is not to be located on the outskirts or in industrial areas where it is difficult for customers to get to. In residential areas, the location will also be relevant (suitable for individuals), as well as in business areas (here the emphasis will be on office maintenance). But it is not always possible to make good money on servicing enterprises, because many companies today enter into agreements with large companies that offer IT outsourcing or hosting, and computer support is included in the work of these organizations as part of the services.

Ready-made ideas for your business

If the entrepreneur himself understands the computer field, then he will need two employees, but if - then three. Three employees are enough to provide service to all customers at first. The division of duties will take place as follows - two people are engaged in software, one - in hardware (the so-called "iron"). It is best if one specialist is equally well versed in both software and hardware. The distribution of responsibilities is as follows: one person is engaged in field work, and the other two are sitting in the service center. If there are no orders for the house, then all three do office work. Of the specialists who deal with software, one can be a real professional, the second can be taken less experienced. He will follow the work of the master and learn complex works, while doing light orders. The list of computer maintenance services can be as follows:

Software. This includes the simplest work that even a novice user can do, but many people are afraid to set up a computer on their own, entrusting this matter to professionals. This is the installation / reinstallation of the operating system, the installation of antiviruses, the configuration and installation of any kind of software. More complex work is the removal of viruses "manually", the restoration of a damaged system, setting up to work on the Internet, resetting the administrator password, cleaning and editing the registry. This also includes setting up the local network of the enterprise and delimiting access rights.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Mixed work. Necessary in the case when you need to properly install and configure the hardware and software. For example, in the case of installing new computer elements, which must not only be inserted into the slots intended for them, but also drivers must be installed on them. This category also includes almost all work with peripheral equipment: installing printers, scanners, copiers, custom sound and graphics systems, projectors and much more. Recovery of data from damaged media can be called a separate category. This often requires the availability of both special equipment and special programs. Data recovery work (most often you can find offers to restore a flash drive, although it is also important to work with other media, especially with HDD) are one of the most expensive in this area, and are often performed only by professionals.

Hardware repair. Only a professional who can deal with both data recovery and direct repair should be hired for the position of a hardware specialist. His duties also include replacing components in netbooks and laptops, although this cannot be called a repair. It is on these issues that they will be contacted most often, because the elements of such a PC are easier and cheaper to replace than to repair. An exception is a hard drive, which is important for stored information, but a person, as a rule, does not need the device itself, but the data itself is needed. However, you can provide yourself with additional income if you buy for a pittance or even accept broken computer parts for free. A specialist can restore them in order to later sell them at a low price to a new user.

All these works can be performed by one universal wizard that can do everything from laying an Internet cable to recovering long-deleted files from media. However, the work of several people will help to avoid long lead times, which will positively affect the reputation. At the same time, it must be remembered that the field specialist must have with him not only special programs, but also a large package of all drivers, common software (because not everyone has the Internet to download something) and universal utilities.

You need to be able to work under different operating systems, because among the users there are both MAC OS and Windows adherents, and many enterprises today install Linux due to its free distribution. But it is not recommended to install commercial software from your media (forbidden by law), and you need to be more careful with proprietary software and find out the status of their licenses. But you also need to buy some programs for work for your own use, and if the drivers are always freely available, then a large number of software require purchase before legal use. However, for almost every paid program there is a free analogue, sometimes no worse or even better. Employees will help the entrepreneur in this matter if he himself does not understand this.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The office cannot be empty; furniture and equipment, as well as components and electrical tools, must be purchased there. Sometimes you even have to use a soldering iron. There should be at least two computers, while buying better powerful machines; not gaming, but computing. This is necessary when working with a large amount of data or when the process is heavily loaded with operations. An old Pentium on Windows Millennium will not be able to, for example, process customer media in the shortest possible time, and time delays in such a business often force the consumer to change the service. Furniture, shelves and simple equipment will cost from 50 thousand rubles, the same amount should be spent at least on two computers. As for consumables, they are needed for repair work, and this includes everything from rosin to thermal paste. Together with the tools, this is unlikely to require more than 10 thousand rubles. Thus, the total amount of equipment purchase will be 110 thousand rubles.

An important aspect of this business is advertising. You can conduct an advertising campaign through the media (local radio and television), and limit yourself to simply distributing leaflets on the street. It would be very good to create your own website so that people can stumble upon information on the Internet, and in this case they will already be potential customers interested in services. To save money, you can make a business card site, its development will cost 10-20 thousand rubles, but you can give the task to employees to make it, they must have sufficient knowledge for this. In such a business, advertising will need to be constantly supported, because new players are constantly appearing on the market.

You can significantly increase the number of orders if you establish cooperation with computer and peripheral equipment stores, that is, become a service center. Large stores are unlikely to agree to become partners, as they have their own repair shops, but small retail outlets that have recently opened do not have such capacities. Only if you have to work with equipment under warranty, then you should not count on large sums, but the store itself can send its customers to its partner or simply advertise it. Such an opportunity should be seriously considered and evaluated all the conditions that the store has to offer.

The most important thing is to reach a constant demand for your services as quickly as possible, and it needs to be stimulated not only by simple advertising, but also by offers that competitors do not have. For example, you can deal not only and exclusively with computers and laptops, but also diagnose and repair mobile devices and tablets. To do this, employees will have to acquire additional knowledge, but the possible costs of their training will quickly pay off.

The amount of starting capital is:

    Registration - 20 thousand rubles.

    Office rent - 20 thousand rubles.

    Equipment and programs for work - from 120 thousand rubles.

    Outsourcing of accounting and utilities - 10 thousand rubles.

    Salary (at the rate of 10 thousand per employee, who also receive a percentage) - 30 thousand rubles.

Total: 230 thousand rubles, monthly payments - 60 thousand rubles. The most frequent orders will be requests to install or reinstall the operating system and all similar simple operations. However, the demand for such services is gradually declining, the population is gradually learning to do it on their own, even though the need for specialist assistance in this matter is still far away. As a rule, the order consists not only of solving the issue with the OS, but also of the need to install additional software. The average user is not able to install drivers or all related software on a clean system, he also needs to set up the Internet, and for some even create shortcuts on the desktop. If the client has a disk with the operating system available, then only its installation will cost him from 500 rubles (depending on the version and the OS itself). All additional software is installed for an additional fee, so the income from such clients will be 1-1.5 thousand rubles.

Repair, as mentioned above, is often impractical, so you will have to repair mainly products under warranty (if there is cooperation with the store), restore non-working hardware for subsequent sale (there will be no serious profit), as well as install and modify laptops and netbooks. This is what has become a fairly popular service, because buying a new laptop due to lack of RAM or an outdated video card is expensive, and it's easier to buy a new component. It is much more difficult to independently install it than in a conventional computer. Here the price tags start from one thousand rubles and can reach 6-8. In offers of this kind, it is best to periodically arrange promotions and discounts in order to attract customers.

The most expensive thing for the client is data recovery. If the necessary file was accidentally deleted from the flash drive, but the device itself was not damaged, then it is unlikely to cost more than 500 rubles (because, in fact, this issue is solved by free programs that are easy to find on the Internet). Another thing, if it is a hard drive, it will take a little longer to deal with it.

But if the device is physically defective, then the master will have to restore the damaged media for a long time and carefully in order to remove the data stored on it. In this case, the client is provided with free diagnostics, but repairs and restoration (although either only repair or only restoration is usually possible) cost from 3 thousand rubles and can reach 40 thousand depending on the complexity. If we take the average price tag equal to 5 thousand rubles, then only 12 clients per month will fully cover all expenses. Therefore, if you conduct a good advertising campaign, then in the first month you can get, albeit small, but profit, which will subsequently grow. Under favorable conditions, such a project can be recouped in no more than six months.

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When thinking over a computer repair business plan, it is worth considering many little things, including the location of the repair point, the type of services provided, and the cost of equipment and software. If you have never worked in this area, it will be unrealistically difficult to open an enterprise and get a big income from it in the first month of work, but for this you have us. We'll walk you through the ins and outs of working in the computer repair industry, explaining how you can cheat and spend less money on repair hardware and software. When you have some problems, and they will, you need to keep moving on, try to develop. This is a very good business with a constant influx of new customers, because computers break down very often, and if you get on your feet, you can safely call yourself a successful businessman.

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We need to immediately decide what services your repair shop will provide. It will be unrealistically difficult and expensive to cover the entire range of services, so we will select the main tasks and work only on them. We will choose services where you do not need to use expensive equipment - installing an operating system, installing additional software, diagnosing a computer, replacing damaged parts, assembling a computer from scratch. To perform these services, we need to spend some money on the operating system and find a supplier of parts.

Where to look for a computer repair shop

We need a small room to set up some tables, a cabinet and diagnostic computers. A room of 15-20 square meters is suitable, preferably with a facelift - so as not to spend money on this. Rent of such premises will cost us 20 thousand rubles. This is the first expense of a computer repair business. Try to find a room near some well-known building, so that it would be easier to describe on the business card and on the website how to get to your office. At the same time, you should not try to rent a room closer to the city center, since the closer you are to the center, the more expensive the rent. A novice businessman can not afford rent for 200 thousand a month.

Many entrepreneurs in this field, when compiling a computer repair business plan, are looking for a room for two rooms - one for receiving orders and the second for the repair itself. We don't have the budget to rent the floor of the house, so let's solve this problem in a simple way - we fence off part of the room with a showcase from an opaque back wall on which anything can be sold, and thus we get two rooms. So you kill two birds with one stone, because you don’t have to spend money on expensive rent and at the same time get the opportunity to sell mice or keyboards for your computer.

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Computer repair business plan: personnel search

Not all businessmen understand computers and know how to repair them, so you won’t be able to do this work yourself. You need to find a specialist who can perform a wide range of work, order parts from a supplier for installation on a non-working computer. You may be a little disappointed that a specialist in this field will require a salary of about 60 thousand a month, which is simply an unbearable amount for us. We will go the other way and find a specialist who does not require such a large salary.

In big cities there are always technical universities that teach computer engineering, network engineering or programming. The students of these universities can do everything we need - reinstall the operating system, clean the computer, recover deleted files, replace computer parts. Go to these universities and leave leaflets about the search for a worker, describe the requirements and wages. For 20 thousand rubles a month, you will have a line of people who want to work, you just need to weed out non-professionals. In the future, when income rises to a certain level, you can hire a professional, but for now we will manage with students.

How to start a computer repair business

We decided to deal with the repair of computers and laptops, and not the restoration of video cards and motherboards, so we do not need any expensive equipment. The maximum that we need is a soldering iron - to solder the fuses on the motherboard. Let's add here a screwdriver with different nozzles - to unscrew the cover of a computer or laptop, and a dust cleaning kit. That's it, the equipment costs will end there.

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Another thing is the purchase of software. Aspiring entrepreneurs are eager to immediately buy several licensed Windows discs, not realizing that this disc can be used to install the operating system on 4 computers. It will probably be a discovery for you that pirated copies are installed in service centers with the installation of a hacked key. Installing an OS in a service center can cost you 800 rubles, while the license itself costs 4,000. It is worth asking your customers if they want a license for 4 thousand or a pirated copy for 800 rubles. All other software, such as codecs, drivers, is available on the manufacturer's official websites in the public domain.

We equip our premises with two tables, a showcase and a cabinet for consumables. One table will be used in the reception area where you will receive a computer or laptop, write down the type of breakdown and all contact information, the second will be used by an engineer to repair computers. Two tables will cost us 2.4 thousand rubles. The showcase will cost 2 thousand rubles, it will perform two functions at once. A cabinet for storing equipment and consumables will cost 1.5 thousand rubles. Let's add here another 8 thousand rubles for the purchase of two computers.

Advertising is the backbone of any business

When creating a computer repair business plan, you need to clearly understand how you will advertise your product. We will have three ways of advertising: advertising on the Internet, distribution of leaflets and word of mouth.

Let's start with advertising on the Internet - this is the cheapest and at the same time the most effective way of advertising. Choose a couple of the most visited Vkontakte groups in your city and buy advertising posts from them with the address and phone number of your service. You can also create a page in this social network with a description of all the services of the company. It is better, of course, to have your own website, but if you cannot create it yourself, then you should not do it at the initial stage, because web building professionals will ask for a considerable amount for creating a website. Advertise your company on all social networks, do not stop doing this, even when you have a constant flow of customers.

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The second way to promote your company is to distribute leaflets. Surely, many people have some kind of problems with computers, but they do not know what to do with it and where to carry their "pet". Distribute leaflets in crowded places, near shopping centers, offices. Even if one person out of a hundred who received the leaflets comes to you, this will already pay off the advertising campaign. In addition, you can distribute leaflets with a coupon for free cleaning of your computer from viruses. For example: "Repair your computer and get free virus cleaning for free."

Think about how many of your friends have computer problems? Probably many. Advise them to visit your service, promise a discount and serve them at the highest level. These customers will recommend the service to their friends, those to theirs. Word of mouth creates a customer base many times faster than any other advertising. In addition, customers who liked your service will come back for more.

Costs and potential income of this business

As we promised, the costs of a computer repair business will not be high. We need to buy computers for taking orders and diagnosing breakdowns for 8,000 rubles, two tables for 2,400 rubles, a cabinet for 1,500 rubles, and a showcase for 2,000 rubles. All one-time expenses will amount to 13,900 rubles. The expenses for the operation of the enterprise will be a little more - 20 thousand for renting premises and 20 thousand for staff salaries. As a result, 40 thousand per month for the work of the company.

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The potential income of a computer repair business is difficult to calculate due to the fact that it directly depends on the number of customers. But, we will try to calculate how much the most popular service in service centers costs - cleaning the computer from dirt, reinstalling Windows and installing basic programs. All together it will cost the client 1800 rubles, while we do not spend a penny on consumables.