Drawings from polymer clay. A selection of photo tutorials on modeling from polymer clay

Hey! Do you love to sculpt? Today, modern handicraft materials are available to almost everyone and provide unlimited opportunities for making a wide variety of handicrafts with your own hands. For example, from polymer Clay Fimo, you can easily and simply make a lot of original products for yourself: jewelry (brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, beads, pendants) and for the interior of your home: paintings and various crafts, spending relatively little money - get exclusive things! Watch, get inspired and create!

Getting to work, you first need to knead the clay in your hands. If the clay is very soft, it will stick to your hands while working on roses and may even leave fingerprints. To avoid this, you need to put it for a while between two sheets of paper, hold it, roll it and leave it to lie down for a couple of hours. Excess plasticizer in the form of a greasy spot will come out and the clay can be used.

For roses, we roll up a sausage 4-5 mm in diameter, cut small pieces also about 4-5 mm long with the blade of a clerical knife. The first petal is a twisted bud. And we attach the remaining petals one by one, wrapping the bud. The top of the petal can be thinner and the bottom thicker. We apply all the petals of the rose and lightly press only the lower part. 5-6 petals are enough, or more if you want to make roses more lush. We bake (putting roses on sewing needles and pins) in the oven. 25 minutes at 110*. We stick needles into a regular sponge for washing dishes.

Such beauty will turn out if you assemble a bouquet from ready-made roses, put it in a vase, also made of polymer clay. To decorate the picture, use a soft silk fabric, which we drape beautifully.

Lovely pictures of home interiors.

Favorite cafe.

Rural landscapes.

Summer pictures with seascapes and flowers.

Very delicate bouquet in an oval frame.

Another bouquet in a round vase.

For a long time there were no reviews of master classes from the worldwide network, during this time I have accumulated finds. Of course, many of English language, but I will try to briefly describe each. When you click on the photo, you will automatically open the page with the original text of the lesson in a new window.

Here is an interesting lesson from Sculpey. The layer of clay is covered with acrylic copper paint, waiting for about half an hour until it dries. Then the top is covered with a mass of Kroma Crackle (craquelure paint) 1 mm thick, dries in a day. Using a felt cloth, we apply alcohol ink, after drying, they become lighter, the colors flow smoothly, dry for about 30 minutes. Cut out, bake on a convex glass surface. Then we fill the reverse side, smeared with liquid plastic, polymer clay, we use a small piece of clay instead of a bail. We also glue it on the reverse side with the help of a gel. On the front side, trim the edges, bake again.

When using other types of paint, you must, of course, experiment on small pieces, as the acrylic may not dry at all, or swell during baking. In general, if someone tries, write your reviews, which paints came up, which did not. I definitely didn’t fit the contours of the metallic Decola, it dries on clay Ladoga, Folk art, but I didn’t try them specifically in this technique:

This is a simple lesson, but so cute, I won’t describe it, it’s clear without words)

Here too interesting idea, did not find the full source, there is only a photo. Imitation of translucent clay:

I liked the next master class as the idea of ​​​​using a tube for filigree with a color transition, it turned out picturesquely:

I don't remember if there was a great lesson from Melanie Muir or not. But even if I repeat, the lesson is very high quality and good.

Mokume gane. Three colors of clay are stacked (one color repeats), thinly rolled out, stacked again (8 layers), then rolled out on a pasta machine to medium thickness. Using stamps, the texture is extruded on the layer. Then the protruding parts are cut off with a sharp blade. An interesting point - after cutting off the top layer, paper and pebbles were used instead of a rolling pin or noodle cutter to level the irregularities. Then beautiful places are selected and cut out. The master uses a plastic template and a sharp scalpel. If there are no such blanks, then cutters or paper templates can be dispensed with. After that, the sections are glued to a contrasting background and cut out with a larger mold. We increase the thickness to the required one by attaching the part to another layer of clay. We cut, bake, grind, polish, fastening for a lace is made after baking. We get excellent results. Do you remember what gorgeous work this master has:

Here is a lesson from self-hardening clay. Someone recently asked me about such plates for wedding rings. Everything is simple here - prints are printed on the layer with a silicone stamp with ink, then even circles are cut out and laid out inside the bowl until completely solidified. Baked clay, by the way, can also be done this way, just bake and take it out when it cools down. After hardening, you can slightly remove the bumps with a knife and sandpaper:

And in case there are no stamps, you can use a knitted napkin or beautiful lace.

The next master class is very high quality and interesting. Another option for using an extruder:

An ingenious and simple idea is to use a sponge for dishes as a texture for chips.

And one more lesson - how to make polymer clay earrings unusual shape. I won’t say that it’s quite simple - a lot of tools were used, a color transition. In addition, making even geometric shapes is always more difficult than with patterns and textures. Although in finished product you may not see it later. See the site for yourself in more detail, the lesson is in French, everything is clear from the photo:

Have a nice weekend! Sculpt every day for a good mood)

See also our other reviews.

Modeling is considered interesting, but at the same time a simple matter with which you can create a variety of gizmos.

Such products are great for original interior design, presented as surprises for various holidays.

How exactly to work with the material intended for modeling and what kind of crafts can you create with your own hands from polymer clay?

For beginners

So, polymer clay is a synthetic material, reminiscent of plasticine in properties, but hardening. This material is called plastic, or cernit, as well as thermoplastic.

Beginners who plan to make clay crafts should know that this material can be of several types - one has the properties to harden exclusively during the baking process, the other does not require firing.

Before choosing clay crafts, you need to decide on the material used.

What is required for modeling

During modeling, improvised materials are used in order to facilitate the working process with clay as much as possible and contribute to giving it the required shape.

For those starting out with DIY clay crafts, there is no need to purchase many tools as many of them may not be required.

For work you will need:

  • special surface for work;
  • knife, as well as a razor blade;
  • toothpicks to create holes;
  • cylindrical rolling pins;
  • cutters;
  • gloves, and wipes.

How to sculpt?

After complete solidification, the clay resembles gypsum, which is why the product is processed in a special way. Under the influence of high temperature conditions, the baked material resembles plastic.

Clay is sold in a specialized store. It is preferable to start creating crafts for kids made from clay with buds, as well as jewelry.


To create a rose, a ball is initially made, which is shaped in the form of a drop - this is the core of the bud. After that, you should roll up a couple of balls, and then flatten them to turn into petals.

Alternately, they need to wrap the core to create a beautiful bud. Leave the first few petals in a straightened position, while bending the extreme ones.


Crafts from polymer clay - original jewelry, which are easy to do with your own hands, even in the absence of modeling experience. Each beginner can make a bracelet, a ring using a simple technique.

To begin with, it is advisable to choose a simple product, for example, create beads. For these purposes, it is necessary to roll out the clay, cutting out squares of the same size for rolling into small balls. Thus, the beads will be the same size. After that, holes are made in the beads with a needle.

Master class for children

Modeling allows kids not only to know what surrounds them, but also contributes to the active development of finger motor skills.

The scope for creativity in this case is unlimited, however, when choosing a master class for making clay crafts, it is preferable to start with elementary forms. For example, you can fashion food for your favorite dolls or animals with your child.



It is not difficult for a baby to fashion any fruits or vegetables. Visually show the baby how to create a veined apple leaf with a needle, give required view pear.

Gradually master the modeling methods, given that kids always strive to achieve a positive result faster. In order to interest the crumbs in modeling, explain in advance that crafts are created gradually.


In order to create animals with the help of modeling, it is advisable to use a variety of pictures with a schematic representation of animals.

Focusing on them, it is easy to choose a craft for future modeling and it is easier to figure out how to give the elements the required shape.

For very small animals, large pieces of fabric can be used, while large figures should be created according to the hollow element method using special molds. To complete the nose, as well as the eyes, use beads.


Clay products

How to properly prepare polymer clay for further sculpting?

Before starting the working process, the clay should be thoroughly kneaded to give it plasticity.

When using red or white clay, when heated, it is necessary to maintain the required temperature regime, which is reached 110 degrees, since with a large temperature regime clay often loses its created shape, changes in color. To verify this, look at the photo of clay crafts on the resource.

Can you make your own baked clay? It is possible, however, to create it, you will need to find natural clay. High Quality, which should be burned as competently as possible without equipment.

Therefore, it is possible to produce this material on your own only through trial and error.


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