Growing broilers as a profitable business idea. Business plan for broiler breeding: how to easily recoup a poultry farm Growing broilers for 200 birds

There are many directions in the field of agriculture - entrepreneurs can choose a business “for every taste and budget.” And one of the most profitable niches is considered to be raising broilers at home for meat. This is completely justified - the costs are low, the investment soon pays off, no special knowledge is required, and the sales market in every region of our country is impressive. A great option for beginning farmers!

Broilers are not a separate breed of bird. This is a hybrid bred from meat breed roosters and meat and egg breed chickens, which is characterized by rapid growth rates and unpretentiousness in maintenance. Broilers reach their marketable weight within 1-1.5 months after hatching from the egg.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 20,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 5/10.

It is better to breed broilers for meat, not eggs, and for breeding. The fact is that the selection of this type of chicken is a very labor-intensive task - a beginner will definitely not be able to cope with it. Many features of raising and mating individuals make the task almost impossible in “handicraft” conditions - you need special equipment, feeding and a certain number of chickens of different breeds. But broilers themselves will not produce healthy offspring with the same indicators of weight gain and meat quality. Give up this idea right away - the profitability will be very low. We have another goal - to build a profitable business! Leave plans for selling chickens from eggs for later.

Anyone can start their own poultry farm. But the business will be especially profitable for those who have their own land plot - then the variable costs of doing business will be minimal. Of course, you won’t be able to immediately become the owner of a giant poultry farm, but why not start small! What items will be included in a business plan for raising broilers for meat?

Do I need to register my poultry farm?

The need to register a business will depend on the “scope” of the business. If your plans do not include cooperation with chicken meat wholesalers, then you don’t have to register the farm - the products will still be sold to friends and acquaintances. Since birds grow quickly, many begin raising broilers in the country in the summer, and closer to autumn they stop until next year. Not a bad part-time job if you spend a lot of time on a country plot during the summer season.

Raising broiler chickens at home to sell meat to retail customers will not bring enough profit. A more profitable business is a poultry farm with up to a hundred chickens.

If you decide to organize a larger poultry farm, you will still have to officially register the activity - wholesale buyers of chicken meat will not cooperate without concluding an agreement. The LLC form is suitable.

Growing broilers as a business will require regular receipt of veterinary certificates confirming the quality of the finished product. Large companies will only accept meat if it has certificates! Carcasses are inspected by SES specialists before being sent to clients. And if all quality indicators meet the standard, you are issued a certificate.

But branding of products for a small farm is unlikely to be necessary. This option is necessary if you plan to industrially raise broiler meat for the supply of large quantities of goods. In this case, the carcasses are packaged in individual packaging, which must contain the company logo - customers will remember the brand.

Preparing a chicken coop for keeping birds

In your business plan for raising broilers at home, be sure to include a point dedicated to choosing the optimal method for raising poultry stock. There are 2 technologies in total:

  • Keeping a chicken coop. This is floor rearing of broilers. In this case, all the chickens will live in one “house”. The poultry house will have to be prepared in advance, for which funds will be spent. The good thing about this method is that the chickens will have plenty of space here - they will choose their own roosts and will freely “walk” around the room.
  • Contents in cells. Cage rearing of chicks has only one drawback - it will be necessary to maintain a constant temperature in the enclosures (30-35 ˚С). The technique will significantly save space and is perfect for “dacha” business, when it is not possible to build a separate chicken coop - the cages can be placed in a warm barn. As practice shows, raising broilers in cages when organizing a business may require more finance at the start - it will be necessary to purchase the enclosures themselves.

All methods of breeding broilers have their place today. Considering the available possibilities, select the optimal one in a particular case.

One of the advantages of breeding broiler chickens is the ability to refuse to walk the birds. In the first weeks of life, individuals do nothing but eat food. And after a couple of months they can already be slaughtered for meat and sold. The area of ​​the chicken coop and cages is determined from the following calculations - 10-12 birds will “get along” well per 1 m2.

Any free space on the site is suitable for breeding broilers. You can use an “unnecessary” shed or garage. To run a business in the summer, you don’t even need to insulate the chicken coop. But if you plan to continue activities in winter, thermal insulation measures will have to be carried out.

The individuals will not get sick, and you will meet the rearing deadlines if you provide the chicks in the chicken coop with optimal conditions for growth and weight gain. The rules are:

  • The floor (this also applies to cages) should be covered with straw or sawdust.
  • The general light is dim. Light your eating areas better.
  • Electricity will be required to install heating and lighting systems.
  • Next to the chicken coop, it will be useful to stretch a mesh dug into the ground - this way you can prevent rodents from entering the barn.
  • Build perches (to save money, do it yourself).
  • Good ventilation is needed, but it is important to avoid drafts - the chickens can get sick.

How to equip a chicken coop?

Complex, expensive equipment for raising broilers will be required only if a poultry farm is organized - conveyors, climate control, air purification systems, refrigeration and freezing chambers, grain crushers, cages, industrial incubators. To equip a large enterprise, significant start-up costs may be required.

And all the necessary conditions for raising broiler chickens in a small poultry house can be provided with simple “equipment”:

  • heaters,
  • infrared lamps,
  • feeders and sippy cups,
  • thermometer.

Everything you need can be bought “from hand” - in this case, you can easily spend even 5,000 rubles. Not such large investments as in many other agricultural areas.

Purchasing chickens for growing

Raising broiler chickens can be done by purchasing eggs or chickens.

Eggs are much cheaper, but then you will have to buy an expensive incubator. However, these costs will fully pay for themselves in the future. Having chosen this particular method, look for a reliable farmer who sells only high-quality eggs - there is a high risk of purchasing defective ones, from which chickens will never hatch. Modern technologies make it possible to incubate eggs, but this process is fraught with many difficulties - the rules for “ripening” are quite strict. And home incubators offered by suppliers sometimes fail to cope with the assigned tasks.

Raising broilers for meat is much “safer” if you buy week-old chicks. Many farmers buy one-day-old chicks - also a good option, but they often get sick due to weak immunity. Before you buy chickens, evaluate their appearance. Healthy individuals:

  • with clean feathers,
  • with an unclouded gaze,
  • react to extraneous sounds and light,
  • run fast
  • with a soft tummy.

A one-day chicken costs about 30-60 rubles/piece. Depending on the available space in the chicken coop, buy 20-50 chicks at once. As a result, you will spend from 600 rubles on purchasing “young animals”. In the future, you will get much more from meat sales!

What feed will chickens need?

Make sure in advance that you have a supply of feed for raising broilers. Chickens gain weight so quickly only due to intensive feeding. To save money, you can prepare food for your “pets” yourself. Many farmers also purchase balanced factory feed.

It is not possible to make an exact calculation of the required amount of feed - it all depends on the number of individuals, the chosen technology for raising them, and the diet.

Only a balanced diet will allow the chicks to quickly grow stronger and actively gain weight. Over the course of 1.5-2 months of life, individuals go through 3 age periods, during each of which the feeding of broiler chickens will be different. Pay close attention to these rules, since birds may be underweight by the time of slaughter. Overeating, however, also does not threaten anything good. The recommendations are:

  • Pre-launch period (age - up to 4 days) - corn, barley, millet, dry milk mixtures, soybean meal. The norm is 10-12 g of food per chicken.
  • Starting period (age - up to 30 days) - yeast, corn, fresh herbs, chalk, shells, milk powder, fishmeal. The norm is 90-120 g of food per chicken.
  • Finishing period (age - up to 60 days) - cake, corn, grass, fish and meat flour, yeast, wheat. The norm is 140-160 g per chicken.

Growing without feed is quite possible if you purchase all the necessary ingredients to prepare nutritional mixtures. Birds must have constant access to their feeders, so make all the “preparations” in advance. Purchasing special feed and vitamin complexes for faster growth can ultimately increase the cost of the finished product. On an industrial scale this will not be very noticeable, but for the average farmer this is an unconsidered risk. The technology for raising broilers does not prohibit feeding already grown individuals with table scraps. But such a diet should not become permanent - only as “supplements” and a slight reduction in feed costs.

Make sure there is always water in the sippy cups!

Everyone can master raising and feeding broiler chickens. The technology is not complicated, but a lot will have to be learned through trial and error. If there is such an opportunity, first talk with experienced entrepreneurs in this field - this way you can learn many useful points that will help in your business.

Rules for caring for broilers

Caring for broiler chickens is of great importance - and this despite the fact that they do not live long. Include a feeding plan in your business project. If you realize that you can’t do it alone, it’s better to hire a helper to help you. After all, in addition to feeding, you also need to monitor the cleanliness of the chicken coop. This is quite a troublesome matter.

Growing Ross broilers and their other subspecies includes the following rules for caring for individuals:

  • For chicks, it is necessary to ensure a temperature in the chicken coop of at least 30 ° C. As chickens gain weight, a decrease in temperature is acceptable. At the time of slaughter, keep individuals at 11-19 ˚C.
  • It is better not to take the chicks out for a walk. The cages and space of the chicken coop are the best living conditions for broilers.
  • It’s great if the chickens are examined by a veterinarian during this period.
  • Cage equipment and coop floors need to be cleaned regularly. The layer of sawdust or straw will gradually compact. Update it by adding a new portion of material.

Farmers, even beginners, rarely have any problems when running a small farm. Broilers are characterized by good survival rate and low susceptibility to disease.

In production, a special workshop is used for the slaughter of animals. In a suburban area, the process will have to be carried out directly on the street or in the chicken coop itself. It is important to supply high-quality products to the market, and therefore, pay special attention to the presentation of the carcasses - slaughter should be carried out with a sharp instrument to avoid damage to the skin. The feathers are removed from the bird, the carcass is then singed and gutted.

Sales of finished products

Raising Cobb broilers and their other subspecies, if all care rules are followed, will bring high income to the entrepreneur.

You will spend no more than 20,000 rubles to organize a small farm. But this is if you have your own country plot and an empty barn. Can’t boast of such “wealth”? Then more investments will be required - up to 500,000 rubles. To save money, do not buy new floor equipment - you can get by with used ones.

The exact profit will depend on the size of the farm. The average wholesale cost of 1 broiler chicken carcass is 80-120 rubles/kg. And this despite the fact that you bought chickens for only 30 rubles per piece. The weight of a carcass ready for sale is 1.5-2 kg. This means that from the sale of 50 birds you will receive at least 10,000 rubles. But you can breed a lot of such birds! As soon as you sell this batch of broilers, you can purchase the next one - this way the farm will generate a constant income. And if you are not limited in any way in free space, you can replenish the chicken coop with greater frequency!

Sell ​​not only meat, but also “by-products” - chicken droppings, feathers, heads and offal.

One of the clear advantages of private home ownership in a village is the opportunity to organize a small business in your own yard without any difficulties or approvals. Breeding broilers at home is one of the most popular business ideas today.

How and where to start a business?

The main advantage of such a mini-enterprise is that it does not require huge investments and special skills, although it is also impossible to do without expenses and acquiring basic knowledge.

You should not immediately outline grandiose volumes; it is better to start with a small farm as an experiment. Then you will have the opportunity, without much damage, to gain experience and adjust the business plan in accordance with the real numbers.

There are two options for raising broilers at home:

  1. Purchase of one-day-old meat breed chickens.
  2. Purchase of eggs and their hatching.

As a rule, farmers choose the first method because both costs and risks are lower. Eggs are much cheaper than chicks, however, purchasing incubators is an expensive undertaking. In addition, a certain number of eggs most often turn out to be “rejected”, that is, the chickens from them will never hatch.

In most cases, broiler chicken farming begins for the purpose of producing and selling meat. Some farms specialize exclusively in breeding one-day-old chicks, the demand for which is always high. Large farms combine these types of activities.

Rooms and conditions for keeping poultry

The area of ​​the poultry house depends on whether poultry will be raised in it for the sale of meat or eggs will be hatched in incubators. Beginners are advised to start with the least troublesome and costly method - purchasing chickens and fattening them.

It must be taken into account that this type of chicken grows quickly - in just a couple of months they will be adults, large individuals. The minimum required area is 1 sq. m. for 10 birds.

It is important that the required temperature is constantly maintained in the chicken coop. Heat is of particular importance during the initial period of growth - the temperature should not be lower than 24° C, then it can be gradually reduced by a couple of degrees per week. To maintain this mode, you will need an incandescent lamp and.

It is necessary in the chicken coop, but drafts are absolutely contraindicated. Broilers do not need bright light, with the exception of small chickens.

Features of feeding

When drawing up a business plan, you should take into account the special, phased and necessary feed mixtures for each period. This entire cycle is divided into three stages:

  1. Pre-launch.
  2. Starting.
  3. Finishing.

The pre-launch period lasts 14 days, when chickens should be fed the mixture of the same name, starting with 10 g per day and increasing to 25.

Then the bird is transferred to the “start” until the 30th day of life, not exceeding 120g per day. The final stage of feeding continues until the chickens reach 2 months of age, when they are completely ready for slaughter. The daily norm is 140-160g.

Ready-made mixtures () contain the optimal complex of nutrients necessary for the most effective weight gain during each period of growth. If you plan to raise broilers as a business, it is better to refrain from experiments and follow a proven system. You should also not violate the quantitative feeding norms.

Broilers are less susceptible to diseases. However, it is imperative to keep the bedding, feeders and drinking bowls clean. In addition, you need to dilute the birds' menu with fresh grass. At home it is not so difficult.

Costs of raising broilers

Despite the fact that as a business, raising broilers is not a very expensive undertaking, you will still have to spend money. You can calculate the costs for a mini-farm of 500 broilers, but it will be approximate. As a rule, in fact, all figures are slightly adjusted due to changes in prices and other factors. Prices are given in US dollars.

So, the first stage is buying chickens. It is better to buy chickens no more than a few days old, they are the cheapest. One meat chicken costs an average of $0.40. Thus, it will cost approximately $200 to purchase 500 pieces.

You can build homemade cages for a total of $150. USA.

The minimum growth period for a broiler is one and a half months, which means it will take not 2500, but 3750 kg. With an average price of $0.25 per 1 kg, the total cost of feed will result in $930. Another $125 or so over the entire period will have to be spent on electricity and various overhead costs.

Income from sales

One of the reasons why broiler farming as a business is highly attractive is because it provides quick results. After just a month and a half of proper fattening, the chicken is ready for slaughter for a full-fledged meat carcass.

You should not raise a broiler for more than two months, as this will be a completely fruitless waste of feed.. In addition, the quality of meat deteriorates over time.

The average weight of a processed carcass is 1.5 kg. If we take into account the market price of chicken meat of 3 dollars per 1 kg, one bird can be sold for about 4.5 dollars.

Returning to the costs included in the business plan, we can calculate that the following fixed costs were incurred per bird:

  • to buy a chicken – 0.4 dollars;
  • for fattening - $1.85.
  • for electricity and related expenses – $0.25.

We must not forget about the construction of cells. But the amount spent will pay for itself after the first sale of the product.

So, the total cost of raising one individual will be approximately 2.5 US dollars. Thus, at a price of $4.5 per carcass, each chicken will bring $2 in profit in one and a half to two months.

I must say, 44.4% is more than high profitability for a small business at home. Although, if we were talking about 100 chickens and fattening them, the profit would be only $200!

It is unlikely that this amount would be worth so much trouble and labor. But for 500 birds the profit is quite significant - $1000. If the outcome is successful, the second batch of chickens can be increased to 1000 pieces, and the income can already be 2000 dollars.

It turns out that, having decided to raise broilers for subsequent slaughter for meat, it is advisable to start not with small, but with medium volumes. With a competent approach to business, the risks are low, and most importantly, completely justified.

Among agricultural enterprises, poultry farms stand out for their fast turnover and return on initial investments. Artificially bred broilers rapidly gain weight and are ready for slaughter for meat at the age of one and a half months. A good income comes from the sale of one-day-old chicks, where the costs are only for the purchase of eggs and maintenance of the incubator. As in any business, there are risks and pitfalls in raising broilers that can lead the enterprise to ruin. The main thing is to maintain a healthy population. Diseases and pestilence will negate the efforts of the poultry farmer and cause losses that cannot be immediately compensated.

Breeding broilers as a business idea

Spending money, investing labor and making a profit is the ideal business enterprise model. Breeding broilers fits neatly into it, because a novice entrepreneur has a number of advantages:

  • The broiler breeding technique has been developed in detail.
  • Caring for poultry does not require significant labor costs or highly paid personnel.
  • Large poultry farms supply eggs and chicks at wholesale prices.
  • Ready-made food is widely available for sale. It is not difficult to organize the production of your own feed in your own enterprise.
  • The costs of setting up a chicken coop are minimal.
  • Almost guaranteed 100% sales of finished products.

It is difficult to find another business that offers a less gentle regime at the start. An entrepreneur, if he has not lived in a village and does not have the skills to care for poultry, should study the features of breeding and take into account the risks that are inevitable from the moment the chickens hatch from the egg to the sale of finished carcasses.

  • Broilers are artificially bred meat hybrids. They gain weight quickly, but are not in good health. You should not expect egg production or valuable offspring from them.
  • A broiler older than 2 months loses its profitability. The costs of feeding and maintaining such birds are not justified. Their meat loses the taste and tenderness of one and a half month old chickens.
  • In order for a bird to reach its maximum weight before slaughter, its feed must be balanced in strict accordance with the recommendations.
  • The chicken coop creates a relatively crowded environment in which infection can easily be transmitted from one sick individual to another. Poultry farmers should monitor the health of their flock and immediately cull birds showing signs of disease.
  • It is necessary to organize sales by the time of slaughter, otherwise there will be additional costs for storage and freezing.
  • Incubating and raising day-old chicks for sale can be an addition to a chicken coop or a separate business. What is important here is primary control over the condition of the eggs before laying and maintaining the microclimate in the incubator necessary for the development of the embryo into a healthy chicken.

When risks are foreseen and prevented, the poultry farmer has the right to count on a return of funds with a profit that allows compensation for the initial investment within six months.

Broilers are a general name for meat chickens of many different types. In Russia, hybrids are popular and available, which are obtained by crossing Cornish roosters with White Plymouth rock hens. Two roosters and two hens are enough to open a breeding farm. But this method requires knowledge, skill, qualifications and the ability to control the mating order of roosters and hens. The matter is initially difficult for a beginning entrepreneur. But he has several options for developing poultry farming.

Which model to choose: analysis of benefits and risks

Buying eggs and raising chickens in an incubator (table)

Advantages Flaws
The initial investment is only for the purchase of an incubator, the current investment is the purchase of eggs and payment for electricity.The incubation period is 19–21 days, which cannot be interrupted.
The hatched chicks are ready for sale on the first day.Some embryos will not develop. Among those hatched there will be those that are not viable. Those that are not sold will have to be fed, incurring additional costs.
The second and third incubators do not significantly increase the overall maintenance labor costs, but produce larger broods and allow shorter chick hatching periods.Dependence on egg suppliers and prices for wholesale quantities. The need to quickly sell chickens often leads to sales at prices close to cost.

Purchase of one-day-old chicks (table)

pros Minuses
No hassle with removal. Possibility of culling weak and sick chickens at the time of purchase.The need to purchase in bulk to receive discounts.
One-day old chicks grow quickly and gain weight.The feed must be balanced in all respects. The lack of one of the components slows down development and leads to unnecessary costs.
Grown chickens are already a commodity for which there is demand.Such chickens are not yet ready for slaughter. They are of interest to a limited circle of poultry farmers.
After a month and a half, the broilers are ready for slaughter. This time is enough to organize sales.Unslaughtered chickens are the cost of feed; slaughtered and unsold chickens are the cost of storage and freezing.

Purchase of grown broilers (table)

Chicks up to 1 month old are considered mature.

Each of the three options is attractive in its own way. If the size of the farm and labor resources allow, then do all three at once. In this case, the advantages of some will diminish the disadvantages of others. The entire enterprise will benefit from harmony and balance.

Poultry farm step by step

Preparatory stage

If poultry is raised not only for personal consumption, but for sale and profit, then even before opening a business, it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur and choose a taxation system.

  • Simplified, 6% of income.
  • Imputed, 15% of profit.
  • Patent, with annual patent purchase.

Which one is best is up to the entrepreneur to decide after consultation with a tax specialist. At the end of the financial year, you can switch from one to another.

In addition to individual entrepreneurs, other forms of business organization are possible. It is enough for a legal entity to make changes to the constituent documents and notify the tax office. It’s even easier for a registered peasant farm (peasant farm): its status allows the breeding of poultry and domesticated animals. Registration of a peasant farm is similar to the registration of an individual entrepreneur: application + fee + choice of taxes + agreement of participants of the peasant farm (not required for an individual owner).

The arrangement of the incubator and chicken coop (poultry farm) must comply with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor in terms of compliance with sanitary standards and Rostekhnadzor in terms of fire safety and labor protection rules.

To sell chickens and eggs, veterinary certificates and certificates of conformity will be required; they are requested from the local offices of the State Veterinary Control. Depending on the type of cargo transported, 3 types of certificates are issued:

  • Form 1 - when transporting live animals, as well as biological objects used for their reproduction.
  • Form 2 - for food products and raw materials of animal origin.
  • Form 3 - non-food products, technical raw materials and animal feed.

For deliveries outside the Russian Federation (except for the countries of the Customs Union), export veterinary certificates are obtained at border veterinary points.

It should be noted that in the regions of Russia there may be local rules for the supply of poultry to meat processing plants, public catering, markets and trade organizations. Information about permits must be obtained from the executive authorities before opening a business.

What should a chicken coop be like?

06/03/2006 The Ministry of Agriculture issued an order detailing the rules for keeping poultry.

The basic requirements are as follows:

  • construction of a fence and mandatory water drains;
  • isolated walking areas;
  • a room made of easily cleaned materials;
  • bedding made of straw, sawdust, shavings;
  • natural and forced ventilation (without it, chickens get sick);
  • the length of the feeders within bird access is 4–5 cm for young birds, 6–8 cm for large birds;
  • The length of the drinkers is 1–3 cm per bird.

The chicken coop is a production facility and will require permits from local authorities to open. Its location should not conflict with the housing sector and nearby businesses. Standard projects have been developed; you can order a ready-made turnkey chicken coop. When self-building or when re-equipping a suitable room, the following must be provided:

  1. For four birds you need 1 m2, that is, for 100 broilers - 25 m2.
  2. It is permissible to build from boards; in this case, it is necessary to insulate the walls. On average, the construction and equipment of a chicken coop with an area of ​​25 m2 costs 80,000–90,000 rubles.
  3. Inside the chicken coop you need: perches for each chicken 30 cm wide, a sloping floor to drain dirt, lime on the walls (it prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microbes and bacteria), natural lighting through windows and electric lighting in short days and cloudy weather (birds need a lot light), a fenced enclosure for walking.

With a large number of livestock, it is better to abandon perches in favor of cages.

The industry offers standard cages for 10, 20 and 30 heads, all of which are equipped with automatic feed and water supply systems. The design of the cage is simple: by purchasing profile corners, metal mesh and sheets of tin, you can make the cages yourself. Size for 10 heads: 75 cm x 75 cm x 40 cm. Requires a pull-out tray for collecting litter. It is placed under the mesh floor. The cages are mounted in 3 tiers. An area of ​​0.75x0.75 m will accommodate 30 broilers.

Increased crowding requires constant monitoring of the atmosphere. Concentrations should not exceed:

  • ammonia - up to 15 mg/m³;
  • hydrogen sulfide - up to 5 mg/m³;
  • carbon dioxide - 0.35% by volume.

This is ensured by ventilation at an optimal speed of 0.2–0.4 m/s.

Personnel and equipment

Working in a poultry house is difficult; you need poultry-friendly staff. For a population of 500–1000 broilers, 1 electrician-fitter, 2 poultry workers, and 1 caretaker-handyman are hired.

The set of equipment is standard; the set is ordered immediately when preparing the chicken coop.

Table: sets of equipment for outdoor broiler rearing and cage breeding

Chickens and eggs are purchased from poultry farms and specialized farms. When choosing an incubator, not only the price and the number of eggs laid are important. The industry offers many models that are similar in their parameters. You should pay attention to customer reviews, especially regarding the reliability of climate control, the egg turning mechanism and the presence of an emergency battery. To check the quality of eggs and the condition of the embryos, an ovoscope device is purchased.

The ovoscope device illuminates the eggs and allows you to see all the contents

Care and feeding

Feed is purchased from wholesale suppliers with direct delivery or pickup. By concluding a long-term contract, you can achieve deferred and installment payments, as well as purchases on credit through a bank. Compound feeds are produced in the form of premixes for different ages of birds. The life of broilers is short, so they are usually ordered:

  • PK-5–1 - from birth to 10 days;
  • PK-5–2 - from 11 to 24 days;
  • PK-6 - from 25 days before slaughter.

The composition of the feed is indicated on the container and in the accompanying documents. In different proportions there will be corn, grain meal, wheat, barley, bone meal, fish meal, feed yeast, green feed and grass cuttings, ground chalk and fats. Knowing the ingredients, you can make the food yourself to save costs. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor how well the broilers eat homemade feed and gain weight so that the savings do not turn into losses from delayed development.

It has been proven that broilers gain weight faster on premixes, but this increases the cost of meat. In addition, in the first 2 weeks, chickens must be given vitamins either in mixtures, or they prepare their own complementary foods from fermented milk products, chopped eggs, grated carrots, crushed dandelion, and nettle leaves.

Chickens eat 5–6 grams of feed for up to 5 days, then it increases to 20 g by the 10th day. 11-day-olds are fed 6 times, after 20 days they switch to 4 meals a day with an increase in the volume of feed. Monthly animals are transferred to fattening mode and prepared for slaughter.

Slaughter and preparation for sale

Slaughter requires a specialist. Either a permanent worker who combines slaughter with other duties, or a temporary one who is hired for a few days every month and a half. Feeding is stopped 8–12 hours before slaughter. The bird will no longer gain weight. In addition, an empty stomach and intestines make cutting the carcass easier.

There are technological lines on which most of the work is automated, and the entire process takes a few minutes. First, the bird is caught, being careful not to injure it, and hung by its legs on a cutting conveyor.

Broilers ready for slaughter

What happens on the conveyor:

  • stunning, slaughter and bleeding;
  • scalding, plucking and singeing;
  • gutting and washing;
  • packaging and labeling;
  • cooling and freezing.

The last element can be changed according to consumer requests. Selling fresh slaughter without refrigeration or freezing reduces operating costs and production costs, and reduces production time.

Sales determine profit

Until the products are sold, it is impossible to predict the financial results of the enterprise. The ideal option is when purchasing organizations purchase broilers directly from the poultry farmer. Otherwise, you need to organize storage, transportation and transfer to retail chains or public catering. Marketing options must be worked out before slaughter.

An entrepreneur has several sales channels:

  • rented place on the market;
  • own retail outlet;
  • online store;
  • supplies to retail chains or purchasing organizations;
  • participation in fairs and regional poultry support programs;
  • supplies to catering establishments;
  • sales directly from your poultry farm.

As production develops, related products will appear, the sale of which will bring additional income.

  • day-old and grown-up chickens;
  • organic fertilizers - bird droppings and rotted bedding material;
  • raw materials for feed production - eggshells, waste from carcass cutting;
  • feather and down.

If production facilities and capacities allow, laying hens and breeding roosters are raised to supply eggs for incubation and for regular sale. When purchasing feed at wholesale prices, some are fed to their own poultry farm, the rest is sold at retail in small quantities to personal farms. There is always a demand for feed.

Advertising is never superfluous

The success of sales largely depends on how informed potential buyers are about poultry farm products. In the business plan, and then in the enterprise budget, advertising costs should be a separate line. The services of advertising agencies are not cheap, but they often carry out promotions to attract advertisers. There are other ways to promote a product to consumers without the ruinous costs of agencies. The poultry farmer will have to master the basics of the advertising business so that the consumer learns about the excellent quality of the poultry farm’s products. It is possible to use all suitable channels for disseminating information:

  • newspapers and free classifieds websites;
  • paid advertising printing;
  • installation of banners and distribution of leaflets;
  • website on the Internet and registration on social networks;
  • poultry breeding clubs and forums, public business events;
  • help from relatives, friends and acquaintances (word of mouth).

Financial component of the matter

You cannot start a business without calculating future costs. It is necessary to determine, at least as a first approximation, what the investments will be used for. The calculation for a poultry house with 1,000 broilers is presented in the table below.

Table: initial investment

If you don’t have your own premises, then you need to add the costs of renting or purchasing. Prices for ready-made poultry houses (fully equipped according to a standard turnkey project) vary from 9,000 to 11,000 rubles per 1 m2. The premises for 1,000 heads will cost 2 million rubles.

As an option, you can order a prefabricated hangar at a price of 600 rubles/m2. The price of an empty hangar will be 150,000–200,000 rubles. The cost of converting it into a poultry farm is approximately the same amount. Total expenses: 350,000 rub.

Table: monthly expenses

Based on the results of the first month, the entrepreneur will spend 600,000–700,000 rubles. But already in the second, slaughter will begin and the first income will appear.

Table: calculation of profitability of 1 thousand broilers with an average bird weight of 1.8 kg

In fact, financial indicators will be better, because in six months stable sales of related products will begin - organic fertilizers, raw materials for feed, eggs, feathers, and so on.

Video: raising broilers at home

Many articles have already been written on our website, a large series about raising broilers has turned out. From it you can understand what problems the poultry farmer will encounter and what new knowledge he will have to acquire. And you can even figure out what the costs of creating a small poultry house are.

It remains only to clarify one thing for yourself: Is it profitable to raise broilers? at all. And divide this question into two:

  1. Is it profitable to grow for personal family consumption?
  2. Is it profitable to grow for income?

It’s not necessary once at a time, or an inevitable risk

Chick There are two differences between chickens - this is a fact that everyone who decides to get chickens needs to know. Sometimes the purchased broiler chicks are very strong; not a single one will die for some unknown reason. There are clear and understandable reasons for the poultry farmer's oversight: they bought low-quality food, allowed the cat to look into the shed, left the kids unattended, and the magpie stole several pieces. While the chickens themselves are strong and healthy.

However, we must understand that the death of the entire livestock is possible precisely for some unknown reason. Here's an example. Wholesalers brought broiler chickens to the village, and everyone bought them. And for everyone who bought it, all the chicks died in the first three or four days. That is, there must be an understanding that the costs may not be justified. It’s good if only ten kilograms of feed were purchased for the broilers, and there weren’t many birds themselves. What if you bought four tons of wheat, and there were two hundred chickens in the brooder? Setting up a brooder also cost a pretty penny...

Cost optimization

It’s worth calculating and writing everything down. It is important to understand how much a kilogram of chicken produced on your site will cost, and compare the price of “your” kilogram and a kilogram in the store. You need to keep in mind what the price of chicken (of any type, even a whole carcass, even breast) is at poultry farms. After all, meat does not come to the store from a factory conveyor: it passes through several wholesale trading enterprises, and each adds its own percentage to the price. The poultry farm sells its goods in large wholesale, “shipping by wagons.”

For example, in a store a kilogram of a carcass costs one hundred rubles. This means that the poultry farm sold this kilogram for about sixty. The remaining forty are the income of intermediaries. This is the manufacturer's selling price that we should strive for.
  • Buy young animals only from poultry farms and independently, in order to exclude the participation of intermediaries and resellers.
  • Buy grain feed from producers (farmers), grow plant-based grass feed yourself.
  • Do not take into account your own labor costs.
If the resulting cost is equal to the price of a kilogram in the store, that’s not bad. The first result may not be entirely successful, but it is a start. This is gaining experience, establishing relationships with colleagues, finding food suppliers at reasonable prices.

More often than not, the price ratio is in favor of home-raised poultry even in the first year. The main thing is not to do all the necessary work in an emergency: buy food in advance, prepare the brooder in advance, sow wheat in time for green feeding.

Why broiler and not piglet

From a tiny chick, a large bird grows in three or four months. The timing calculation is approximately the following: purchase at the end of April, completion of slaughter no later than the third ten days of September. The timing of slaughter is important, because the poultry house must be cleaned before winter and disinfected while it is warm outside. And it’s easier to process carcasses outside by building temporary countertops. In addition, this work is quite laborious: in a day, it is sometimes impossible to pluck, gut, and wash a dozen carcasses by hand alone.

But it’s only four months! AND rooster ear can be cooked much earlier, for example, two months after purchasing the chickens. The flock will not even notice that sometimes the chicken disappears. it needs to be raised for nine months, and you can’t cut a piece off the ham for a roast.

The first carcasses will weigh a kilogram, and the last ones, those from September, will already weigh four or five. When raising one hundred broilers, you can get three hundred kilograms of chicken; this amount of meat provides two families. Three kilograms is taken here as an average number. After all, there are carcasses of both a kilogram and four kilograms.

And then there are the giblets. These are chicken livers, chicken hearts, and poultices (the muscular stomachs of birds). There are paws that make wonderful jellied meat. There are heads that dogs love. It is advisable to calculate all this when determining the price of a kilogram of homemade chicken.

Conclusion: raising broilers for your own table is profitable!

Broiler business and its pitfalls

The forerunners of any business are reflections on the readiness to do it. Every housewife cooks soup for her family, and she does it very well. But can she just as easily cook borscht in a dining room for two hundred people? It’s unlikely... It’s the same with the poultry business.

Equipment, buildings

Poultry houses, brooders, drinking bowls, paddocks and other details have already been discussed in the articles of the series. It is clear that for a dozen chicks a large box can serve as a brooder. To raise five hundred chickens, you cannot do without a real serious brooder. And a small yard near the porch of the house will also not be enough: you need walking areas, preferably with a grass lawn.

The costs of creating infrastructure will be high; they will not be able to pay off in the first year of cultivation. Therefore, having decided to raise broilers as a business, you should understand that you will have to do this for more than one year until you receive income.


Five hundred broilers will be covered in manure; it must be disposed of somehow. Where to put it? You can negotiate with the nearest garden centers. Will it be profitable if there is a large industrial complex nearby that is also happy to sell litter? Enterprises have more opportunities: it is easier for them to organize packaging, labeling, and track quality. And their price will be lower, because they have more “good”.

So far (I’m not sure, however) a quality certificate is not required, but I can’t say that this is the case everywhere. The document must state that the product does not contain pathogens dangerous to humans. It seems that legislators will also have their turn to deal with chicken manure.

You can roughly guess in advance how much litter the chickens will produce if a minimum of 17 kilograms of grain feed is required to raise a broiler up to two months of age.

Wage labor

Raising hundreds of chickens for your own table requires constant attention. One person is capable of raising such a herd, but he will be tied to it for the entire growing period. But it’s difficult to grow five hundred of them without helpers. We need a hired worker, he will have to pay a salary. And for the duration of the slaughter, several additional assistants will be required. And freezing units that can freeze or cool quite a large number of carcasses or kilograms of meat at once.


Now a private owner who has raised a pig or a bull can only sell the meat at the market, where sanitary doctors will check its quality. However, no one will allow you to trade there yourself, because all the places have long been separated. Therefore, you will have to hand over your goods to an individual entrepreneur without forming a legal entity, who sells supposedly peasant goods in one or two leased retail spaces.

A knowledgeable poultry farmer will immediately see that there are very few real village chickens there. The private owner always has them of different weights, and on the counters lie the carcasses of birds raised in industrial poultry houses, slightly heated by the flame of a blowtorch or gas spray: they are calibrated and laid in a certain way.

Organic food stores

There are small shops that sell peasant products. This is where you can try to sell your product. However, how profitable is it? If we talk about the price, then it’s not profitable at all. As an example, the organic food store closest to me sells carcasses of domestic chickens for 220 rubles per kilogram, and accepts them from private poultry farmers for 180 rubles. At the same time, the price in retail chains for broiler breasts (at the time of writing) is 160 rubles per kilogram. Few buyers find this interesting...

Retail networks

Now trade is in the hands of networks, they dictate the laws. It was they who introduced unified requirements for food products, including broiler meat. Carcasses must be of standard parameters, which require all sorts of certificates. For enterprises this is not difficult, but for a private owner with his five hundred carcasses, they are beyond their strength.

Markets where summer residents can officially sell excess strawberries, cherries or potatoes have almost disappeared. Such markets are spontaneous; they are formed in crowded places. There are vegetables and berries on the ground, on boxes, on newspapers. But you can’t sell meat like that, it’s dangerous for people’s health.

Licensed slaughterhouses

The state has the function of protecting the population from low-quality products. That’s why we sometimes hear about a ban on the import of something due to excessive content of harmful substances, for example, nitrates. The situation with meat is similar. Therefore, the issue of licensed slaughterhouses, which must have veterinary and sanitary doctors and examination specialists, has already been considered. Only after slaughter at such specialized enterprises, having an official document on the quality of the product, will it be possible to sell your goods.

However, the law has not been adopted. How long has it been unaccepted? He is important and needed. However, licensed slaughterhouses are rare; they exist at large meat producing enterprises. And it is not at all profitable to take thirty chickens to this slaughterhouse (and will they even be allowed there for reasons of veterinary sanitation and hygiene), and it is difficult to find a wholesale buyer for poultry from a peasant or backyard farmstead.

All that remains is private trade, as milkmen do now. They have found their clients and are delivering milk and cottage cheese to offices and doorways. This is also an option.

Conclusion: raising a sufficiently large number of broilers to sell chicken meat is profitable. But!

It is necessary either to immediately create a fairly large farm, or to use or adapt existing buildings. So to speak, repurpose it for growing broilers. Start with a hundred pieces, study, study, study again. Then add another 50 pieces. See what happens. If there are clients, then add such a number of young animals every year so that sales are guaranteed. This may take several years, during which there will be no profit at all, or it will be small.

And slowly, gradually create your own infrastructure, increase your herd exactly by increasing your clients. This is also not a bad option - creating your own mini-business and trading without intermediaries.

An increasing number of our compatriots are seeking to organize their own business. This makes it possible not to depend on the mood and financial viability of employers, which happens quite often. An entrepreneur’s income largely depends on himself: if you work hard, then you get quite a good income. Plus, to the monetary component it is worth adding the opportunity to do interesting work and receive satisfaction from the work done.

Naturally, at the initial stage the question arises: what kind of business will be in demand and, accordingly, will make a profit? One of the most promising areas is food. People always want to eat, which means the demand will be constant. In this regard, raising broilers and then selling them is a fairly good option. The purchase price is low, the cost of meat is several times higher, and such birds grow quickly. If you establish a constant sales market, you can earn quite a good income.

For starters, it's worth it. Since your business is just starting out, it doesn't make any sense. You can, of course, not register and simply pay income tax, which is 13%.

But registering as an entrepreneur has undeniable advantages. Thus, tax deductions are often slightly lower than for an individual. And many supplier companies simply do not work with “physicists”; you need to at least be an individual entrepreneur. By registering with the Federal Tax Service, you get the opportunity to enter into contracts with large suppliers, transfer money by bank transfer for the purchase of feed and equipment, and obtain loans from banks on more favorable terms.

In order to register as an individual entrepreneur, you will need:

  • passport and its copy;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • copy of TIN;
  • application for registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • application for the application of a simplified taxation system.

Bring all these documents to the tax authority at the place of your registration, hand them over to a specialist and in five days come to receive a certificate of registration, a certificate of state registration, an extract from the register, a certificate of registration with the Pension Fund and a notification from Rosstat.

What will you need for the job?

Naturally, in addition to all the formalities, it is necessary to prepare what the entire business will actually be built on. That is, the breeding room, the pets themselves, food and equipment. The quality of your product and the amount of losses will depend on how responsibly you approach this stage.

  • Room. The minimum size of territory required for comfortable housing of birds is about one square meter per broiler.
    • the light should be sufficient: above the feeders - brighter, in other places slightly dimmed;
    • good ventilation, but without drafts;
    • the room should be warm with the possibility of gradually decreasing the temperature - in the first month of the bird’s life - about 25 0 C, after - 15-19.
    • coat the walls with lime to prevent the spread of infection;
    • The floor in the barn should be made sloping so that waste does not accumulate, it will be more comfortable for the chickens and it will be easier for you to clean.
  • Equipment. This can include feeders and drinkers, which should be sufficient for the entire livestock. By the way, there are automatic feeders on sale, which will make caring for broilers much easier for you. Plus, it’s worth adding UV lamps for young animals and heating devices if a heating system is not provided in the room.
  • Bird. You can buy both newly hatched chicks and those already two weeks old. In the first case, you get the opportunity to save significantly, and in the second, you get strong pets that no longer require intensive care.
    It is worth purchasing broilers from trusted farmers or poultry farms, where the risk of acquiring sick chicks is minimal. But still, when purchasing, it is worth carefully inspecting all the livestock. So, chicks should be active, with clear eyes, clean plumage and anus, straight legs and a full crop. Do not be lazy to examine each individual, so as not to be upset later because of the high mortality rate.
  • Feed. Chickens should have a plentiful and varied diet, then they will gain weight faster. It is worthwhile to immediately purchase the required amount of grain so as not to leave the chicks hungry later. Don't buy very cheap feed, which mostly consists of chaff and husks. It will not be possible to raise broilers suitable for sale on this basis. It is better to purchase separately millet, oats, corn and other grains or ready-made mixtures from trusted suppliers.
    Plus, you will need cottage cheese, boiled eggs, bone meal, chalk, grass, meat waste, milk powder, worms, snails. All this is necessary to ensure that broilers receive the necessary minerals and vitamins in the required quantities. Be sure to disinfect the feeders every three to five days and sometimes add a little potassium permanganate to the water. The amount of feed in the first five days of the chickens’ life should be about 15 g, by the month it should already reach 115 g.

If you organized everything correctly and purchased high-quality feed, then the death of the bird will be minimal. And within a couple of months the chickens will be ready for further sale.

You can watch all the nuances of this field of activity in the following video:

Business risks

It is clear that raising poultry is impossible without some risks, such as disease, death, and predators. All this can be minimized if you initially purchase healthy chicks, feed them correctly, on time and with good food. In addition, be sure to monitor their condition, and at the first sign of illness, be sure to call a veterinarian. Signs of concern should be:

  • pale scallops;
  • lethargy;
  • ruffled feathers;
  • dirty anus;
  • refusal of food and water.

Predator attacks are an unlikely prospect unless there are foxes and wolves in your area. Cats can only drag away small chicks; they certainly will not attack adult chickens. In order to eliminate this risk, it is worth equipping a secure room and sealing all manholes and holes. As an option, you can also equip an alarm system if you are afraid of thieves breaking in. But this is an additional expense, and, in addition, it can be activated by the chickens themselves.

Poultry slaughter and sale

Broilers are good because you don’t have to spend long months growing them. Already at two months of age, chickens reach a weight of approximately 2.5 kg and can be sold. It is best to decapitate a bird with an ax in order to minimize trauma to the skin. Carcasses are immersed in boiling water before plucking. This will make it easier to remove the feather and maintain the integrity of the skin.

After the chickens are plucked, they are singed over an open fire and gutted.

Setting up sales is quite simple. Moreover, it is not necessary to rent a point on the market or negotiate with stores. It is enough to offer the products to your friends or write an ad on the city forum. As practice shows, meat sells out quite quickly with this option. Moreover, consumers are more willing to buy chickens that are raised at home rather than industrially. Let the price be a little higher.


Any sane person is interested in how much he will spend on his business and what benefits he will receive. It's quite normal. It’s worth saying right away that broiler breeding is a highly profitable business. From the very first livestock you will get a good profit.

So, let's take 100 goals as a starting point. We will assume that you already have a suitable room. Therefore, we only consider the purchase of poultry, feed and equipment:

  • Bird. To purchase this quantity you will need about 7,000 rubles if you take two-week-old chickens. Their cost varies from 40 to 120 rubles depending on the breed and age. As for breeds, they do not exist as such. Broilers are a genetic mixture of different breeds of chickens and are divided into crosses, which differ in characteristics. The standards are considered the best today ROSS-308 and 708, broiler-61 and COBB-500. The first two are distinguished by fast growth and unpretentiousness in food, but the skin color remains pale. The second two grow a little slower, but manage to acquire a pleasant pinkishness to the carcass.
  • Feed. It’s good if you have your own garden, this will allow you to significantly save on feed. In the first month, it is necessary to feed the bird with compound feed, the cost of which is about 30 rubles per kg. Afterwards, you can safely add herbs and vegetables to your food. For the entire livestock you will need about 40 kg of feed, plus bone meal, protein and the like. In total, you will spend about 2,000 rubles on feed for two months for the entire livestock.
  • Equipment. If you need to purchase heaters and lamps, it will cost you about 3,000 rubles. But this is a one-time expense; in the future you will only need to change the lamps. If you decide to buy automatic drinkers and feeders, it will cost you about another 20,000 rubles.

That is, the initial costs will be about 32,000 rubles. In the future, every two months you will need about 10,000 to purchase feed and chickens.

Considering that the cost of meat is about 150 rubles per kilogram, and a broiler ready for sale weighs about 2.5 kg, you get about 35,000 rubles from the sale. Of course, it doesn't seem like much considering the costs. But you will only need to buy lamps and feeders once, and in the future you will receive three times more than you spend. If the livestock increases, then the profit will increase significantly. In any case, you definitely won’t be left in the red.