Who is Gref? Gref German Oskarovich: biography, family, personal life, photo

An outstanding figure of the Russian Federation, German Gref is a prominent government figure, president of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, and former minister of economic and trade development of the country. Today he is the Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia, a member of the boards of many influential companies and organizations in Russia.

Gref went through the entire difficult path from an ordinary legal consultant in a small village to leading positions in the country. He is a successful businessman, politician, and statesman, included in the list of the most expensive TOP managers in the country.

Height, weight, age. How old is German Gref

Citizens want to know everything about outstanding figures of the country such as Gref German Oskarovich. Any details of life and any information are of great interest, even such as height, weight, age, how old is German Gref. The politician was born in what is now Kazakhstan in the village of Panfilovo, in 1964. German Gref’s nationality is German. His parents are ethnic Germans who were deported from Donbass to the Kazakh Republic at the very beginning of the war. On the Internet you can find many versions that German Gref is Jewish, but after studying his family ties you understand that this is not so.

Biography of German Gref, head of Sberbank

The famous and active man was born in the small village of Panfilovo, which is located in the Kazakh Republic. February 8, 1964. In this village he spent his childhood and youth. German Gref was an exemplary student, a well-mannered and neat child. He differed from his peers in his determination, perseverance and pedantry. After receiving secondary education, he worked as a lawyer in the agricultural department of the village of Panfilovo. Later he was drafted into the army, where he served in the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Having repaid his military debt to the state, German Gref entered the State Law University in Omsk. He proved himself to be a very responsible, intelligent and intelligent student. And upon graduation, I received an offer to teach at my native university. In parallel with his teaching work, he entered Leningrad University for graduate school. But he was never able to defend his dissertation. Later in 2011, German Gref will still receive a degree from this institute.

While studying at Leningrad University, he met Anatoly Sobchak, who was his mentor and also the mayor of St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad).

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, in the early 90s, the rapid and successful career rise of German Oskarovich began. Working in the northern capital of Russia, he held many high and important positions. The biography of German Gref includes facts of his work in the Property Relations Committee as head of the department, manager, lawyer, etc. Even then, he was personally acquainted with the Presidents of the Russian Federation V. Putin and D. Medvedev.

In 1998, German Oskarovich began working at the Ministry of State Property and served as deputy head of the Ministry. Young, successful and promising German Oskarovich received new promotions, recognition and respect every year. He headed high-ranking officials at Gazprom and the Securities Commission. And after Vladimir Vladimirovich won the presidential race, German Gref worked in government bodies in the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Write a letter to German Gref at Sberbank

A new promotion and recognition awaited German Oskarovich in 2007. When he was appointed to the position of chairman of Sberbank. He was also the president of this institution. It was from this time that Sberbank began actively conquering the market. German Gref managed to choose the right strategy and tactics for the institution during the crisis in Russia. People began to use bank cards en masse and also mastered Internet banking.

The number of deposits, as well as the bank's lending operations, increased. Herman is open to new ideas and communication with people. Anyone can write a letter to German Gref. Sberbank of Russia is one of the largest and most successful financial institutions in the country. And German Oskarovich played not the least role in this.

Personal life of German Gref

While still at school in his native Panfilovo, German fell in love with his classmate Elena. The couple began a romantic relationship, and as soon as they received their education they immediately decided to tie the knot. This marriage produced a son, Oleg. But the couple was unable to maintain the relationship and soon broke up. German Gref's personal life improved in the 2000s. Already a well-known statesman, Herman re-ties the knot. His chosen one is the famous metropolitan designer Yana Golovina (maiden name). In his second marriage, German Oskarovich has two children. Herman is a lover of classical works, both literary and musical. Children are also taught to appreciate beauty from childhood.

Family of German Gref

German Gref's family is Catholic. The children were also raised according to all the canons of the Catholic Church. The family had three children - Elena, Evgeniy and the youngest German. From childhood, parents instilled in their children knowledge of two languages, Russian and German. Because it was the language of their ancestors. My father worked as an electrical engineer, worked in his native village and was responsible for supplying the entire village. Mother worked as an economist in the village council. When Herman was only 1.5 years old, his father died. The children of the Gref family were helped to raise by their own grandmother.

Children of German Gref

From his first marriage to his wife Elena, German Oskarovich had a son, Oleg. Happy parents doted on their son. But after being married for only a short time, they separated. Herman's second wife gave him two children. The children of German Gref were always surrounded by care, love and attention. German Oskarovich, even despite his enormous employment, put a lot of effort into raising his children. He followed their lives, education, successes and victories. He strives to give them the best and surround them with his love and care. He tries to see them as often as possible, even despite his busy work schedule.

The ex-wife of German Gref - Elena Velikanova

Very often, young people, without understanding their feelings, get married. Usually such marriages are not strong. This is exactly what happened in Herman’s youth. German Gref's ex-wife Elena Velikanova was his classmate in the village of Panfilovo. Herman was in love with her throughout his school years. The couple got married at a very young age. Soon their son Oleg was born. Problems in the relationship began almost immediately. The young people were not prepared for family life and all the problems that might arise. That is why their marriage fell apart very quickly.

German Gref's wife - Yana Gref

In 2004, the chairman of Sberbank of Russia marries Yana Vladimirovna. Their magnificent and chic wedding celebration was discussed on the Internet a year later. The event took place in Peterhof in the Great Hall. This is what gave rise to many rumors, negative reviews and gossip. Many were amazed how such valuable architectural monuments could be rented out. German Gref's wife, Yana Gref, was born on August 5, 1975. Yana is an economist by profession, but she didn’t work in her profession for long. Then I became interested in design and interior design. Today, Yana is the founder of an elite school in the capital.

Is German Gref gay and gay?

The life of German Oskarovich has always been shrouded in much gossip and speculation. At one time, articles appeared on the Internet that German Gref was gay. One can only guess what prompted the author to write such an article. A person occupying such high and important government positions is always interesting to the public. People begin to invent various gossip, stories and guesses in order to stir up interest in certain information resources. Such a “duck” on one of the sites was the information that German Gref is gay.

Instagram and Wikipedia German Gref

The President of the main credit institution of Russia, German Oskarovich Gref, is an outstanding strategist and analyst. He managed to set up and improve the work of many departments and organizations in which he worked. Despite his busy schedule, German is a good family man and a loving father. Instagram and Wikipedia of German Gref are filled with facts about his career ups, biographical data, as well as information about his personal life. The pages of the chairman of Sberbank on such networks as Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte are also actively being filled. A lot of useful information about the bank’s activities, politics, economics and personal interests can be found on Herman’s Twitter page.

Russian statesman, president and chairman of the board of Sberbank of Russia, former Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation (2000-2007). Chairman of the Board of the Center for Strategic Research. Member of the Yandex Board of Directors.


German Gref is married for the second time. His wife Yana Golovina- designer. Their wedding took place in the throne room at Peterhof. From this marriage a daughter was born in 2006, and a second child in 2008.

The mother of Gref's wife, Tatyana Golovina, has been running the Rus sanatorium in Gelendzhik, owned by a state company, since 2008. "Transneft". Since 2008, the Rus sanatorium has transferred its accounts to Sberbank.

Gref’s son from his first marriage, Oleg, graduated from Moscow State University in 2004 and works as vice president of a consulting company accredited by Sberbank. "NEO Center", which was noticed in a number of corporate conflicts of Sberbank.

Older brother Evgeniy Gref- businessman in Omsk, co-owner of the Tekhnosofiya and Sibir-Keramika store chains, Geomart and Letur shopping centers. In 2008, Sberbank issued him a loan in the amount of 500 million rubles.

Older sister of German Gref Elena Peredriy After graduating from the pedagogical institute, she married Sergei Peredria and moved to live in Nakhodka. Owns a large stake in the bank "Primorye" family owned Sergei Darkin, who has been the governor of the Primorsky Territory since 2001, and since 2012 the Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

Daughter of German Gref's sister, Olga Tyshchenko works as a chief specialist in the HR department of Sberbank. Niece (brother's daughter) Evgenia Gref has been working for the company since 2009 Krasnov design servicing Sberbank. The owner of the company, Boris Krasnov, was involved in a criminal case for racketeering in 2011; a number of defendants in this criminal case were arrested.

Parents: Oscar Gref and Emilia Gref (maiden name Koch). The family of G. Gref's father was exiled to Kazakhstan in 1941 from Donbass, the mother's family was expelled from Leningrad. Gref's father was an engineer who developed the power supply system for his village. He died when Herman was only one and a half years old. The grandmother helped raise the children. Mother worked in the village council as an economist and was considered a good specialist and organizer. According to some information, her father, a philologist professor, came to Russia at the beginning of the century in St. Petersburg to teach Greek philosophy.


German Gref was born on February 8, 1964 in the village of Panfilovo, Irtysh district, Pavlodar region, Kazakh SSR, into a family of ethnic Germans. I studied at school with grades of three and four, and did not particularly shine with talent.

In 1981-1982 he worked as a legal consultant for the district agricultural administration of the Irtysh district of the Pavlodar region.

In 1982-1984 he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR, in special forces units of the internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Having benefits after the army, he entered Omsk State University.

In 1990, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University with a degree in jurisprudence. One of Herman’s teachers was Burbulis.

In 1990 he moved to St. Petersburg, where in 1990-1993 he studied as a graduate student at the Faculty of Law Leningrad University, but did not defend his dissertation in those years. He defended himself already in 2011 in Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation on the topic: "Development and prospects of structural institutional reforms in the Russian economy." In the 90s, German met the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak And Vladimir Putin, who worked at the mayor's office.

1991: was a legal adviser to the Economic Development and Property Administration Committee Petrodvorets(Saint Petersburg).

In 1992, he worked as head of the Petrodvortsovo district agency of the Property Management Committee of the City Administration of St. Petersburg, chairman of the Property Management Committee - deputy head of the administration of the Petrodvortsovo district of St. Petersburg.

1994 - Deputy Chairman - Director of the Real Estate Department, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for City Property Management of the Administration (KUGI) of St. Petersburg. Activities in KUGI (from 1994 to 1997) were harshly criticized by the opposition media. He was accused of failing to reform the housing and communal services in St. Petersburg, a sharp increase in rents and the illegal privatization of historical sites in the city.

In 1997, he became vice-governor, chairman of the Committee for Management of City Property of the Administration (KUGI) of St. Petersburg, member of the board of directors JSC "Lenenergo".

1998 Works as a member of the board of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation, first deputy Minister of State Property Russian Federation.

1999 - Member of the board of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, head "Center for Strategic Research". When forming the cabinet Kasyanova, German Gref was invited to the post of Minister of Economic Development created specifically for him.

This ministry arose through the merger of the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation. German Gref lobbied for Russia's entry into the World Trade Organization ( WTO). He was a member of the board of directors of many state-owned companies ( "Gazprom", "Svyazinvest" and etc.).

On February 24, 2004, Kasyanov's government was dismissed, and Gref also resigned as minister. As a minister, Gref served on the boards of directors and supervisory boards of a number of companies with state participation as a representative of the state.

On July 3, 2000, he was appointed manager from the Russian Federation in European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

At the beginning of March 2004, a government was formed Fradkova, in which German Oskarovich again headed the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. On May 7, just two months later, this government resigned. Newly elected V.Putin again appointed Mikhail Fradkov as prime minister, and in Fradkov's second government, German Gref retained his portfolio.

Minister of Economy and Trade German Gref was considered one of the most prominent representatives liberal wing in government. He was a supporter of radical market reforms and the withdrawal of the state from business.

It was to implement these ideas that V. Putin invited him to the government. In the government, however, Gref had to maneuver between various power groups more than other liberals. He was called the most controversial figure in the liberal government.

In the field of economics, among his achievements is the creation free economic zones, consistent support for electricity reform and tax reform (for example, before leaving his ministerial post, German Gref forecast a target VAT rate of 15% instead of the current 18%).

Gref's confrontation with Alexey Kudrin, who proposed not to rush into tax reform, but ex-Prime Minister Kasyanov pushed Gref towards greater radicalism.

The conflict of interests sometimes became so aggravated that Gref, despite the special confidence of the president, more than once resigned, but the president refused him.

As a minister, Gref actively participated in the promotion Sochi as the venue for the 2014 Olympics. Under him, the Ministry of Economic Development oversaw the federal target program “Development of the city of Sochi as a mountain-climatic resort until 2014,” which was later transferred to the Ministry of Regional Development.

On September 12, 2007, Prime Minister Fradkov turned to Vladimir Putin with a request for the resignation of the government. The President accepted the resignation of the government and Gref resigned along with the government.

From October 2007 to present German Gref - Chairman of the Board Sberbank of Russia. Former head of the bank Andrey Kazmin was transferred to work in Russian Post, which caused dissatisfaction among the bank's leading managers who voted against Gref.

The expensive rebranding of Sberbank, carried out by Gref during the economic crisis, caused a wave of indignation in the media. In addition, being a supporter of the idea of ​​privatization of state banks, G. Gref advocates reducing the share Central Bank in the authorized capital of the bank up to 50% + 1 share from the current 57.6%. However, so far the Russian government is in no hurry to privatize Sberbank.

In October 2011, German Gref was named by Forbes magazine as one of the nine most unusual Russian businessmen - madcaps, eccentrics and eccentrics.

2014: at a meeting in Public Chamber on energy issues, Gref said: " Sanctions have added negativity, but let's not blame everything on sanctions. We have a lot of our own problems; without any sanctions, next year we would have either zero or negative growth. Therefore, the question is in us, not in sanctions".

German Gref denied information that appeared on the Internet about speculation allegedly carried out by his bank on the foreign exchange market. He assured that twice a day he sends to the Central Bank a full detailed report on his operations on the international interbank Forex market, where large banks buy currency for their needs.

Thus, he came into conflict with the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukaev who stated: " All participants in the foreign exchange market speculate. One way or another, they open currency positions in order to make money. I guess it's called speculation".

On August 10, 2015, the Government Office redirected the deputy request Vyacheslav Tetyokina (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) V Ministry of Finance of Russia.

Earlier, on August 4, the deputy sent a letter to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in connection with the refusal of the head of the Russian Sberbank German Gref to recognize Crimea part of Russia.

"According to media reports, the head of the Russian Sberbank, German Gref, in an interview with the German radio station WDR 5, said that the department he heads did not plan and does not plan to enter the Crimean peninsula while it is part of the Russian Federation. In particular, when asked by the presenter why there are no representative offices of the Russian Sberbank in Crimea, Mr. Gref replied: “Because no, Crimea is the territory of Ukraine, from the point of view of the international financial sector, and we adhere to this position. To put it simply, for Sberbank Crimea is not Russia", wrote Tetyokin.

German Gref speaks Russian and German equally well, loves Goethe and the German Expressionists.


In May-June 2010, it became known that Gref became the owner of 0.0007% of ordinary shares OJSC "Sberbank of Russia", while its share in the authorized capital of the bank amounted to 0.0006%. Previously, G. Gref did not own shares in the bank. In October 2011, he increased his share of ordinary shares to 0.003%, and his participation in the authorized capital of the bank to 0.0031%.

In 2013, he entered the top 5 Forbes list (5th place) of the most expensive managers in Russia. His income over the past year amounted to $15 million. The share of shares of Sberbank of Russia owned by G. O. Gref: 0.003096% (package price - $2.19 million).

Scandals, rumors

While still the head of the State Property of St. Petersburg, German Oskarovich was involved in four criminal cases at once. Moreover, all these cases were associated with sums of millions of dollars: In one case, Gref was suspected of illegal privatization of a palace Prince Gorchakov, in the materials of another - they were accused of taking a bribe, but the criminal case was dropped because the only witness was killed. The third criminal case was related to Gref’s interference in the activities of the joint-stock company, and, finally, the fourth - to the “black” redistribution in the real estate market of St. Petersburg.

The media wrote a lot about a strange story: a week before the resignation of the Fradkov government, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, still headed by Gref, invested in a project for the production of integrated circuits at one of the factories near Moscow. The project itself is ordinary, but the amount is amazing - one billion euros, and the fact that the project was approved in just a week.

According to a number of media outlets, German Gref has “close business relations” with the recipients of the money, so a billion euros were considered “severance pay” for the minister.

Gref is often accused of having a non-traditional sexual orientation. "The head of Sberbank of Russia Gref is a person of homosexual orientation", - the leader of Gay Pride said about him Nikolay Alekseev.

Many scandals arose when Gref was a banker. Thus, the Sberbank electronic system installed last year, the most expensive and largest in Russia, fell several times. Moreover, the latest failure coincided with the launch of new and widely advertised software. The reason was an extremely expensive, and at the same time, incompatible product from different manufacturers.

In 2008-2009, entrepreneur Vachevskikh received a number of loans from Sberbank totaling more than 700 million rubles. The money was not returned on time and the accounts payable were recognized as a “problem asset.” The relevant department of the Srednerussky Bank of Sberbank was entrusted with solving the problem.

In the summer of 2012, a mediator reached out to the Vachevskys - Denis Vasekha, who said that he had serious connections in Sberbank and offered him to “settle” the debt for 100 million rubles. Vachevskikh agreed for the sake of appearance, and he himself turned to FSB with a statement of extortion. Further conversations with Vasekha and Sberbank employees were under the control of operatives and recorded. Upon receiving a copy of the payment order for the transfer of the first tranche of 60 million rubles, the extortionist was detained right at the head office of Sberbank on Vavilova Street in Moscow. Later, his accomplices, bank managers, were also captured.

Formally, Sberbank took a neutral position in the case of the detention of its managers. But, according to some reports, he provided them with unspoken support. At the end of last year, the head of Sberbank, German Gref, appealed to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the capital police with a statement to initiate a criminal case against Konstantin Vachevskikh for the theft of 700 million rubles, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs refused to initiate a case. As a result, the management of Sberbank was forced to admit the fact of harm to the credit institution from the actions of its own regional managers.

According to experts, the problems of Sberbank of Russia are caused not so much by low-quality software or scammers in regional branches, but by the complete incompetence of senior management.

As you know, German Gref is not an economist by training and had not worked in banking structures for a day before his appointment, but he changed all the top managers at the bank. Instead, business partners, or simply Gref’s relatives, were appointed to responsible positions in the bank or its affiliated structures.

All close relatives of German Oskarovich are very well settled: his wife, Yana Golovina, runs a joint business with her ex-wife Dmitry Kozak and top manager of the corporation AFK "Sistema". His sister is the business partner of the ex-governor of the Primorsky Territory Sergei Darkin. Her husband was the vice-governor of Primorsky Krai, but resigned in 2006 due to a scandal involving audits of housing finance. It turned out that utility payments received from the population of the region were transferred to the accounts of the governor’s wife Larisa Belobrova, Vice Governor Sergei Peredria and his wife Elena Peredriy.

Gref's older brother is one of the largest retailers in Omsk, having loans from Sberbank for any amount and on the most favorable terms. The niece organizes corporate parties at exorbitant prices for bank employees, and even the mother-in-law once entered into a work conflict with the daughter of the Saratov governor Pavel Ipatova.

German Gref's son Oleg is a co-owner of the consulting company NEO Center, which is a partner appraiser at Sberbank. A number of high-profile scandals are associated with this company, primarily with NEO Center deliberately underestimating the value of pledged assets and selling them for next to nothing in favor of the Gref family. All these schemes, unlike ATM software, work flawlessly.

German Oskarovich Gref- Russian statesman, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation (2000-2007), president and chairman of the board of Sberbank of Russia. Co-chairman of the board of trustees of the Mariinsky Theater, member of the board of trustees of the Russian International Affairs Council and chairman of the board of trustees of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, chairman of the board of trustees of the foundation for supporting the deaf-blind “Connection”. Chairman of the Board of the Center for Strategic Research. Member of the Board of Directors of Yandex. Member of the board of directors of the American banking holding Morgan Stanley.

Family of German Gref

German Gref was born on February 8, 1964 in the village of Panfilovo, Irtysh district, Pavlodar region, Kazakh SSR, where his family, ethnic Germans, was deported in 1941.

Herman's father, Oscar Fedorovich Gref, worked as an engineer. German Gref's ancestors, German colonists, settled in Russia more than two hundred years ago. Paternal ancestors initially lived in Western Ukraine, in the Volyn province, but during the First World War they were resettled in the Donbass.

German Gref's mother, Emilia Filippovna, worked as an economist in the village council - she comes from Volga Germans. There were three children in the family (Herman is the youngest son). When Herman was one and a half years old, trouble happened in the family - his father died.

Education of German Gref

German Oskarovich studied well at school. The young man was involved in Komsomol work and was a class Komsomol organizer. In high school, German had a dream - to continue studying in Moscow. German Gref dreamed of entering MGIMO. But when he asked for a Komsomol reference at his home school, they explained to German that given his biography (or rather, pedigree), they could not give him a referral to such a prestigious university.

Then German Gref went to Omsk to enter the law faculty of Omsk University. But I failed to become a student. One teacher advised him to serve in the army, and thereby acquire the necessary work experience. Gref did just that.

German Gref served in the city of Chapaevsk, Kuibyshev region, in the 28th division of the Directorate of Special Units of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, which guarded sensitive defense facilities. At the end of his service, German Oskarovich received a recommendation from the command to enter a university and, having retired to the reserve, in 1984 he entered the preparatory department of the Faculty of Law of Omsk University, and in 1985 German Gref became a student.

In 1990, German Oskarovich graduated from the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University with a degree in jurisprudence and remained there as a teacher.

Students of the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University, class of 1990: German Gref (bottom row, first from left) (Photo: superomsk.ru)

In 1990-1993, Gref studied at the graduate school of the Faculty of Law at Leningrad University. His scientific supervisor was Anatoly Sobchak, to whom he came on the recommendation of the dean of the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University S. N. Baburin.

In 2011, already as the head of Sberbank, German Gref defended his dissertation at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Work and career of German Gref

While studying in graduate school, German Gref simultaneously worked in St. Petersburg in 1991 as a legal adviser to the Committee for Economic Development and Property of the Petrodvorets Administration. In 1992, German Gref’s biography includes working as the head of the Petrodvoretsky district agency of the Property Management Committee of the St. Petersburg city administration. In 1992-1994, German Oskarovich Gref was the chairman of the Property Management Committee, deputy head of the administration of the Petrodvortsovo district of St. Petersburg.

In 1994, German Gref became deputy chairman and then first deputy chairman of the City Property Management Committee of the St. Petersburg City Hall.

In 1997, German Gref became vice-governor and chairman of the City Property Management Committee of the Administration (KUGI) of St. Petersburg. At the same time, Gref became a member of the board of directors of JSC Lenenergo. In 1998, German Gref joined the board of directors of the Sea Port of St. Petersburg company and the board of directors of the Petersburg - Channel 5 company.

German Gref was appointed Chairman of the City Property Management Committee of the City of St. Petersburg (KUGI) (Photo: Ivan Kurtov/TASS)

While working in the administration of St. Petersburg, German Gref met Vladimir Putin, Alexei Kudrin, Dmitry Kozak, Dmitry Medvedev. German Oskarovich and Vladimir Putin (then deputy mayor) were consultants and members of the advisory board of the German real estate company SPAG, created on the initiative of the mayor's office of the northern capital.

German Gref and his work in the government

In 1998, German Gref became a member of the board of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation and first deputy minister, and in 1999, a member of the board of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, head of the Center for Strategic Research.

When the government of Mikhail Kasyanov was formed, German Gref was invited to the post of Minister of Economic Development. German Oskarovich held this position from 2000 to 2007.

German Gref was the main lobbyist for Russia's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO). Also, at various times, he was a member of the board of directors of many state-owned companies (Gazprom, Svyazinvest, etc.). On February 24, 2004, Kasyanov's government was dismissed. Gref also resigned from his post as minister.

In the next government Mikhail Fradkov German Gref again took up the post of Minister of Economic Development and Trade. As a minister, German Oskarovich acquired a reputation as a “die-hard” marketeer and liberal, ready to implement the most unpopular reforms at any cost. He believed in private property and the need for the state to withdraw as much as possible from the economy.

In 2007, President Putin accepted the resignation of the Fradkov government.

German Gref and his work at Sberbank

Since October 2007, the biography of German Gref has been associated with Sberbank. German Oskarovich holds the position of Chairman of the Board of the largest bank in the country - Sberbank of Russia.

At Sberbank, German Gref first carried out a purge of management. According to media reports, German Gref also raised the salaries of Sberbank top managers. German Oskarovich himself is among the top five highest paid managers in Russia. In 2013, Gref entered the TOP 5 of the Forbes list (5th place) of the most expensive managers in Russia with an annual income of $ 15 million. The share of shares of Sberbank of Russia owned by G. O. Gref: 0.003096% (package price - $ 2 .19 million). In 2014, he again found himself in a similar Forbes ranking in 4th place with an income of $16 million. In 2015, German Gref was on the list of the most expensive company executives of the same publication, taking 6th place with $13.5 million. at the end of 2016, Gref is in third place with an income of $11 million.

In 2016, German Gref’s arrival in one of the Sberbank branches in a disabled person’s costume made all the news; the head of the bank tried to get a loan incognito. To feel like he was in the shoes of a disabled person, Gref was dressed in a special expensive specialized suit from Gert, which simulated various physical limitations. According to the top manager, wearing glasses he saw only blurry outlines of faces and large numbers. Based on the results of the experiment, the head of Sberbank noted that service to clients with disabilities should be improved.

The head of Sberbank German Gref (in the foreground) in a specialized GERT suit (Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS)

Many Russians did not understand why they needed to spend money on Gert suits to improve service for disabled customers. There is probably a lot of free money in the bank; at least in eight months of 2016, according to Gref, Sberbank earned a record profit for all the years of its existence.

On May 29, 2015, at the annual meeting of shareholders, the powers of German Gref as head of Sberbank were extended until December 2019. German Gref noted that he intends to manage the largest bank in Russia until the expiration date of the current contract with shareholders.

Scandals and loud statements of German Gref

At the same time, there are difficulties in the Russian economy outside of Sberbank, according to ex-minister German Gref. Gref’s statement at the January 2016 Gaidar Forum caused a great resonance, in which he noted that Russia had already lost competition in the global economy and was included in the list of downshifter countries.

German Gref during a speech (Photo: Viktor Chernov/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

Gref's words caused a lot of negative reaction. Vice Speaker of the State Duma Nikolay Levichev called on German Gref to resign. Member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Igor Morozov called Gref a “complete brute” for this, recalling German Oskarovich’s statements that it was easier for him to buy 100 Boeings than to give this money to Russian manufacturers.

Assistant to the Russian President for regional economic integration Sergei Glazyev said that “if Russia lost the competition, it was thanks to Gref and his colleagues,” who “formed an anti-Russian model of the state in the 90s.” Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said on this occasion that the Kremlin “does not join one or another camp” in the discussion between presidential adviser Sergei Glazyev and the head of Sberbank German Gref.

Gref named the condition for returning to the government Head of Sberbank Hermann Gref would only return to government in the event of a “super emergency.” In case of an emergency, he would go to work “where needed.” Gref I previously gave myself a B for my work as head of Sberbank... it doesn’t measure up.” In early spring 2019, it became known that Hermann Gref agreed to remain as head of the organization. Gref announced a “surgical” purge of oligarchs from power under Putin ... Nailei Asker-zade" on the channel "Russia 1" was expressed by the head of Sberbank Hermann Gref. This is how he commented on the presenter’s remark that the chairman of the board... . “Do you think this has hindered the development of our economy?” - I asked Gref Asker-zade. “You know, I... faced the so-called oligarchs... to power, and the problem is when the state begins to engage in entrepreneurship,” summed up Gref. In the period from 2000 to 2007, the banker held the position... Gref reported cases of fraud involving Sberbank employees ... these are the biggest cyber risks - not external, but internal, I’m sure Gref. Head of Sberbank Hermann Gref stated that the biggest risks in cyber fraud... the problem with cyber risks is not external risks, but internal ones,” he assured Gref, noting that there are also times “when scammers outside and inside... “are allowed and operating in all systems.” However, from Sberbank, I’m sure Gref, “it’s impossible to steal something without [the credit institution] talking about it... Gref announced the authorities' lack of interest in creating a new airline ... said the head of Sberbank Hermann Gref, RIA Novosti reports. “We showed the project to the Ministry of Transport, but there is no strong interest yet,” he said. Gref added that if... Gref explained Sberbank's decision to become a co-owner of Rambler Group ... jar Hermann Gref. His words are quoted by the press service of Sberbank. “More than 9 million Russians use the digital resources of the Rambler Group media holding every day,” noted Gref. - We... Sberbank will become a co-owner of Alexander Mamut's Internet holding Sberbank structures will receive a non-controlling stake in the online business of Alexander Mamut’s holding, refinance the debt and provide investments for the development of the Okko online cinema. Sberbank and Rambler Group agreed on the terms for the bank’s structures to join the capital of the Internet holding, two sources close to the deal told RBC. According to one of them, the deal received... Gref proposed creating a fund for the restoration of Notre Dame ... Head of Sberbank Hermann Gref proposed to create a fund to raise money for the restoration of the partially burned... they will probably agree to take a financial part in the restoration of the cathedral. Besides, Gref expressed confidence in the demand for Russian specialists for the reconstruction of Notre Dame... Sberbank has become the record holder for dividends among Russian companies. State bank share prices reacted to the announcement of generous payments by falling ... IFRS for last year. The head of the bank told reporters about this Hermann Gref. Payments that will still have to be approved by shareholders at the annual meeting... of Russian companies. I hope this is the surprise that investors have been waiting for,” said Gref. Per share, the payment will be 16 rubles, which is... .5%, we will pay shareholders 50% of the profit according to IFRS,” he promised again Gref. “According to all our calculations, this will happen by 2020, this...

Business, March 19, 18:16

Gref called financial recovery of Utair the only option Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Hermann Gref following a meeting of the supervisory board of the credit organization, he stated that financial... is the path to recovery. It is obvious that there are simply no alternatives in sight,” noted Gref. ​ According to him, the current management of the airline is quite adequate, despite...

Finance, March 19, 15:11

Gref agreed to remain as head of Sberbank ... . But to engage in “traditional banking,” he said Gref, he's not interested. The Supervisory Board of Sberbank recommended re-electing the head of the organization, reported Hermann Gref following the results of the council meeting, conveys... confirmation, this is very important for me, for the whole team,” said Gref. He added that he is not interested in developing “traditional banking”. All...

Business, March 14, 14:07

Gref named the main problem of Russia ... the three main, in his opinion, problems of the country. Gref agreed to name only one. Head of Sberbank Hermann Gref, speaking to participants in the “Leaders of Russia” forum, answered... the opinion is “the lack of an effective system of public administration.” “This is the main thing,” noted Gref, emphasizing that if this problem is solved, all others will be overcome...

Finance, 26 Feb, 11:59

Gref admitted losing billions of rubles due to artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence errors are costly for large systems, said the head of Sberbank Hermann Gref. According to him, the bank lost billions of rubles on this. Sberbank... intelligence (AI) lost billions of rubles. The head of the bank spoke about this Hermann Gref during his speech at the “Numbers Lesson” at a private school... he. After identifying such errors, the work of artificial intelligence is improved, continued Gref. “We learned [from every mistake], inserted all kinds of filters to calibrate...

Society, 15 Feb, 19:14

Gref wished the Calvey case to be a misunderstanding ... companies, including technology ones. Gref expressed hope that law enforcement agencies will look into the matter. Head of Sberbank Hermann Gref stated that he had known him for a long time... was detained on suspicion of fraud. Words Gref The bank's press service reported to RBC. According to Gref, Calvey has done a lot “to attract investment...

Business, 08 Feb, 19:51

Putin awarded Gref the Order of Merit for the Fatherland Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the head of Sberbank German Gref Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. The corresponding decree has been published... conscientious work will be awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree Gref German Oskarovich,” the document says. In June 2014 it became... participated in the preparations for the Olympics in Sochi. Among them was Hermann Gref. Among the entrepreneurs with the most awards was the owner of Severstal...

Finance, 08 Feb, 09:46

Gref called it dangerous to “wag your finger” at dollar holders ... dollar and reduce currency risks, said the head of Sberbank. Head of Sberbank Hermann Gref believes that government officials in discussions about de-dollarization of the economy are not... every case. To be more whole. There is bitter experience." Dollar, stressed Gref, will remain a protective asset for a long time like in Russia... it shouldn’t,” says the head of the bank. Speaking about your personal savings, Gref admitted that he keeps them in several currencies at once: rubles... The head of VTB called state support for the new airline mandatory ... Kostin, after Davos he intends to discuss it with the head of Sberbank Herman Gref. “If we accept the consultants’ recommendations in principle, then we need to create... last year. According to him, the very idea of ​​a regional airline belonged to Gref, however, the head of VTB supported her. Future investments in the Kostin project... Gref did not see any positive changes in the issue of sanctions against Russia Head of Sberbank Hermann Gref stated that he does not see a change in the rhetoric about sanctions against... Chubais argued with Gref about methods of fighting corruption in Russia ...introducing technology into all areas of life, as suggested by the head of Sberbank Hermann Gref, will not work. This opinion was expressed by the Chairman of the Board of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais... “But, unfortunately, I’m not completely with him (with Herman Gref. - RBC) I agree, because in my understanding the depth of this... all our troubles lies.” January 16, President and Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Hermann Gref During the Gaidar Forum, he stated that digitalization is the only way... Gref called the article about Sberbank's plans to become the owner of Utair stupid Head of Sberbank Hermann Gref called media reports about the bank's plans to become a co-owner... of your publications stupid. ... A serious publication should not publish such nonsense,” he said Gref, commenting on the publication of Vedomosti. The newspaper article stated that Sberbank and... Gref called on the state not to put pressure on strong players in digital markets ... urged not to put pressure on strong players in this area. Head of Sberbank Hermann Gref believes that the state is interfering in the highly competitive sphere of the digital economy, and... RBC. “We have an absolute monopolization of competitive areas by the state,” said Gref. - The ministries are now lined up, not always understanding that... Deripaska and Gref will represent Russian business at the forum in Davos ... . As of January 15, the list includes the head of Sberbank Hermann Gref, co-owner of Rusal Oleg Deripaska, head of VTB Andrey Kostin, owner of AFK... Gref announced a reduction in the network of Sberbank branches ... . This will not affect branches in rural areas, the head of the bank said Hermann Gref in an interview with the Rossiya 24 TV channel. “We are slowly reducing the network of our... which can be closed without compromising customer service,” he said. Gref noted that the scale of the reduction of bank employees will depend on... points when it will be convenient for a person to come in and get advice,” explained Gref. In October, Kommersant, citing a source in the market, wrote... Gref spent 100 million rubles. for Sberbank bonds Head of Sberbank Hermann Gref purchased bonds of his bank in the amount of 100 million rubles. About... million bonds type 001P-52R, of which on this day Gref purchased 100 thousand pieces. One bond costs 1 thousand rubles, the maturity date is February 7, 2022. In October 2017 Gref also bought 60 thousand Sberbank bonds worth 60 million rubles... Gref named the reasons for the lack of cashback at Sberbank ... chapter Hermann Gref, RBC correspondent reports. Answering the question why the bank does not change bonuses under its “Thank You” loyalty program to real money, Gref... . - these are the bank’s costs for the program. Speaking about the various offers of banks, Hermann Gref said that at present there are quite a lot of “not... let’s go this route, sometimes even losing in marketing activities,” he concluded Gref. Many Russian banks offer a cashback program to their clients. Among them... The media learned about the departure of adviser Gref to Deripaska ... they are talking about this, but the parties refused to comment on them. Advisor to Herman Gref Maxim Poletaev, who oversaw the corporate direction at Sberbank for a long time... comment on this information to RBC. Poletaev served as German's first deputy Gref since May 2013. In 2009, he became vice... of Sberbank as an adviser to the president and chairman of the board of the German bank Gref, the bank clarified then. At this rank he should have... Gref did not rule out US sanctions against two Russian banks in 2019 ... two Russian banks, the situation may change later, the head of Sberbank said Hermann Gref at the First Talk public discussion, the recording of which was published on YouTube... what is being discussed today are two Russian banks, most likely,” said Gref. He added that a number of... will probably also be included in the sanctions list. “I would say that the situation is alarming, but not critical,” he added Gref, emphasizing that those who may be subject to sanctions need to develop... Putin thanked Gref for the Crimean resort that came under sanctions ...during a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council in Yalta, he expressed gratitude to the head of Sberbank Herman Gref for providing a good venue for the event... . Interfax reports this. “First of all, I want to thank German Oskarovich [ Gref] for the fact that he provided such a good platform for our... state, adding that “he (Herman) will soon have Gref. - RBC) there will be a vineyard, and everything that goes with a vineyard... Gref spoke about the increase in spending by Russians ...spend more money than last year, said the head of Sberbank Hermann Gref TV channel "Russia". “The saving behavior pattern has changed last year, people... have become more confident this year than last year,” said Gref. He added that both the salaries and incomes of Russians and the domestic demand based on this are growing. Gref emphasized that during the “Green Day” campaign, Sberbank issued 14... Gref considered the idea of ​​unclaimed deposits an invention of the wheel ... transfer unclaimed deposits from banks to the Russian budget. Head of Sberbank Hermann Gref commented to journalists on the proposal to transfer unclaimed deposits from... to the Russian budget was expressed by the head of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, Anatoly Aksakov. Gref noted that there are already existing legislation regarding the fact that... Gref spoke about layoffs at Sberbank due to artificial intelligence ... will allow to reduce the number of employees involved in routine operations, the head of the bank said Hermann Gref. According to him, we are talking about a radical reduction, reports RIA... some very simple operations,” said the head of the bank. According to Gref, the “Intelligent Control System” - based on self-learning AI - allows people to be replaced... The head of VEB discussed with Gref the creation of a regional airline The head of VEB Igor Shuvalov discussed with the head of Sberbank Herman Gref possibility of partnership in creating a regional airline. He told me about this himself... News.” “In the summer I had a conversation about this with Herman Oskarovich [ Gref], but then they apparently agreed with VTB,” he said...

And his first deputy Lev Khasis (namely, he, ...% of the shares were transferred to the formation of an option fund for the Yandex.Market team). Hermann Gref promised that the partners would build a “Russian Amazon.” The bank's desire to expand the influence... of the board of directors and top managers of the company, including Herman Gref, former head of the Russian Presidential Administration Alexander Voloshin, as well as operational...

Nabiullina and Gref argued about competition in the banking sector ... driver. As for infrastructure projects in which the state participates, then Gref- proponent of a “bottom-up” rather than “top-down” development approach. "Question... Gref. In his opinion, the national biometric platform and the system of unified payments will not give the consumer new meanings and values. "Okay, as long as it lasts" Hermann Oskarovich Gref, and today he pursues a restrained policy, does not buy banks, does not... Vasilyeva responded to Gref about mathematical schools as a relic of the past ... stay. She said this, commenting on the words of the head of Sberbank German Gref, who stated that such schools are a relic of the past, the correspondent reports... speak more clearly than any quote from me or the respected German Oskarovich [ Gref]", - she said. Vasilyeva reported that specialized centers for training mathematicians... . The head of Sberbank noted that people of “all gifts and talents” are needed. Gref said that at the moment there is no shortage of programmers and... ... the situation will stabilize and losses will be restored. The head of Sberbank talks about this Hermann Gref told at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, it is said in... . And we, of course, lost a certain amount due to this volatility,” said Gref. Earlier, Bloomberg, citing data from the Central Bank and research... Gref proposed creating a digital Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia ... Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in the digital sphere. This idea Hermann Gref expressed at the Russian Energy Week, Interfax reports. “We need to create a ministry... this is political news: interference in elections, interference in governance,” he said Gref Gref commented on Kostin’s words about the conversion of dollar deposits Head of Sberbank Hermann Gref stated that the words of the head of VTB Andrei Kostin about dollar deposits... social networks, such a thing never even occurred to anyone,” said Gref. According to him, such measures are not necessary, and they...

Yana Gref is the head of the Khoroshevskaya gymnasium.

Maiden name - Golovina, after her first husband - Glumova.


Information about Yana Golovina’s childhood and youth is quite contradictory. In some sources, Gelendzhik appears as the place of birth, where Yana’s parents worked in one of the boarding houses, in others - Estonia.


According to Yana herself, she received an economics education and worked in her specialty for some time. But this did not bring her pleasure. Her next hobby was interior and home design: it was interesting to study, but there were few orders, and over time her enthusiasm faded.

At the moment, she is the ideologist and founder of the Khoroshevskaya Progymnasium (Khoroshkola) - a non-state elite educational institution.

For our family, Khoroshkola is a truly big deal. This is an investment in the future generation, in the future of Russian education and in the future of the country. We believe that in a few years a generation of qualitatively different children will emerge from the school walls, capable of freely communicating, self-education and development in a rapidly changing society and environment.

Now the daughters of Yana and German are studying at the gymnasium, and his granddaughter - the daughter of his son from his first marriage - goes to kindergarten at Khoroshkol.

Personal life

Little is known about her first marriage: it lasted only a few years; Yana’s eldest son, now a student, was born in the marriage.

In 2004, in May, she became the wife of the president and chairman of the board of Sberbank of Russia, German Gref. The wedding took place in St. Petersburg, and the official part took place in the Throne Hall of the Grand Palace of Peterhof. The latter fact almost led to a scandal: deputies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation were indignant that architectural monuments were so easily rented out.

The first daughter was born in 2006 in Moscow, and two years later Yana became the mother of another daughter.