Putin's organized crime group: the most dangerous organization in the world. Trump is preparing a global confiscation of foreign capital of Putin's gang. Who rules our state?

The hour “X” is coming for members of Putin’s gang

On Monday, January 29, the Trump administration will present to Congress the so-called Kremlin report - a list of Putin gang members from among officials, politicians and businessmen associated with the Kremlin regime and Putin personally. In addition, sanctions measures will be proposed against Russian intelligence services, individuals, companies in the energy, defense and financial sectors.

According to media reports, the report will consist of open and classified parts. There are no plans for a public presentation of the document; journalists are going to receive information from informed sources.

Blacklists and proposals for sanctions against Russia are being prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) signed by Trump last August.

It provides for tightening restrictive measures against Russia, Iran and the DPRK and warns American and foreign companies about measures in case of cooperation and concluding contracts with enterprises of the defense and intelligence sectors of Russia.

Previously, American authorities confirmed that exports of Russian weapons may be subject to sanctions.

The list of Russian military-industrial complex enterprises prepared by the State Department includes 39 Russian defense enterprises and intelligence agencies. Almost half of the positions on the list are occupied by Rostec and its subsidiaries, including Rosoboronexport. The list also includes the Federal Security Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Main Directorate of the General Staff. Washington may also impose sanctions on Russian companies that cooperate with the defense sector.

At the same time, the publication of the report and the inclusion of companies and individuals in it does not mean the automatic imposition of new sanctions, the press writes. Some experts suggest that the United States will not start by introducing new sanctions, but will first try to act diplomatically.

Former senior adviser to OFAC (the sanctions division of the US Treasury Department), Atlantic Council expert Brian O Toole believes that Washington will try to convince countries such as India and Afghanistan to limit or stop purchases of Russian weapons. If the negotiations fail, the American side will move to sanctions.

However, analysts warn that even a mention in the report could complicate the conduct of international business for those on the list, since foreign counterparties and banks will not be willing to take on additional risks.

As the press notes, a fundamentally new point in the preparation of new sanctions by the United States will be the compilation of a list of high-ranking officials and oligarchs with close ties to the Russian authorities.

The list is expected to include people from Putin's inner circle. The authors of the report will assess their capital and provide possible evidence of the defendants’ involvement in corruption; the sources of income of these individuals, as well as members of their families, will be identified.

It is expected that the drafters of the document will also analyze the degree of influence of Russian companies with state participation and prominent political figures on key sectors of the American economy. In addition, the State Department and the Treasury must describe “the possible effect of imposing restrictions on the debt obligations and assets of Russian state-owned enterprises, as well as including” them on sanctions lists.

Specific names and names of organizations that may be included in the list have not yet been named. The American press wrote that in recent months, many Russian “businessmen” have tried to actively influence the American authorities through various lobbyists in order to remove risks for themselves and their business.

The press recalls that Congress is not demanding a specific sanctions list, but a report “about the Russian elite, about Putin’s entourage: who is included in it, what is the condition of these people and their connections with the Russian government.”

As expected, the list will include the closest and most trusted members of Putin’s gang - Gennady Timchenko, Arkady and Boris Rotenberg, Yuri Kovalchuk and others. The list may also include Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, Alisher Usmanov, co-owners of Alfa Bank Mikhail Fridman and Pyotr Aven .

It is noted that the CAATSA law is the main instrument of the policy to counter Russia. Thus, Article 231 of the law states that 180 days after its entry into force, that is, by January 29, 2018, the US President must “impose five or more sanctions” against those who, as the head of state has established, are involved in major transactions or other significant financial transactions “with persons included in the defense and intelligence sector of the Russian government or acting on their behalf, including the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces and the FSB.”

As part of the application of this article, in October last year, the State Department sent to Congress a list of Russian organizations and departments, cooperation with which third parties could in the future be subject to sanctions. The list included Almaz-Antey, Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, Kalashnikov Concern, Rosoboronexport, Uralvagonzavod, MiG, Sukhoi corporations, the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the FSB and the SVR.

The list of sanctions that the American president is obliged to apply is spelled out in a separate article of the law. In total, its authors developed 12 options for restrictive measures.

According to CAATSA, on Monday the State Department should also brief Congress on the effectiveness of the sanctions previously imposed on Russia in connection with the situation in Ukraine. The Treasury and State Departments also need to send a report to Congress describing the consequences of imposing sanctions on Russia's sovereign debt, as well as "the full range of derivative instruments."

In addition, at the discretion of the US President, sanctions may include prohibiting US companies or banks from providing loans, purchasing shares or bonds of sanctioned companies, engaging in foreign exchange transactions, exporting goods, services, technology to sanctioned persons, or making money transfers. through financial institutions and use any property subject to US jurisdiction for the benefit of these persons.

Monitoring department
Kavkaz Center

During the 15 years of its reign, the pale St. Petersburg moth did the following things:

1) Completely destroyed Russian industry and destroyed the economy. Now Raska produces nothing but oil and gas, and is just a poor regional gas station, and if there are any remaining individual production facilities, they are owned by foreigners and operate entirely on imported equipment. And during the crisis, they will soon completely bend...

2) Completely destroyed Russian science. Now we not only do not develop anything, but we do not even purchase technology abroad, since all the money is stolen by the main Kremlin thief in law and the Ozero cooperative. Russian scientists and qualified specialists either leave for civilized normal countries or eke out a miserable existence on pittance salaries (which are not even enough for food and medicine).

3) Purposefully destroyed Russian education (which at one time was one of the best in the world). The level of the educated part of the population is decreasing every year (and has already dropped to the level of Iran and Latin America), and schools and institutes produce either ignoramuses and amateurs, or “buy and sell” traders.

4) Destroyed Russian medicine. It is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain normal and free medical care, free medicine is disappearing before our eyes, the number of normal doctors is rapidly declining, and in their place are young professional workers and ignoramuses with purchased diplomas who can’t do anything other than line their own pockets. Hospitals and clinics are either closing or falling apart and not being repaired. The level of Russian medicine is falling, and will soon drop to the African level.

5) It completely destroyed Russian agriculture, as a result of which only weeds and tartar grass now grow on the site of most Russian fields (on which something was previously grown), on the site of agricultural enterprises there are terrible, heartbreaking ruins, and most Russian collective farms, towns and villages are either extinct and depopulated, or inhabited by a few drunken old people who live out their lives in terrible poverty. All you have to do is drive out into the countryside and you can see landscapes scarier than those in the game "Fallout 4" and the movie "Wrong Turn." In addition, the country is now practically unable to feed itself. All products on the shelves (from meat to bread are imported, and domestic products are only synthetic milk and cheese made from paraffin and palm oil). To top it all off, the Botex Rat and his people ordered the destruction of high-quality foreign products, as a result of which famine has already begun in some Russian regions (for example, in the Tver region) with deaths from malnutrition. And this is just the beginning.

6) Completely destroyed the Russian social sphere. Most of the population receives miserable wages and pensions, on which it is impossible to live, but only to survive. While bureaucrats of even not very high rank (for example, Peskov) steal billions with impunity, engage in crime and buy real estate and things that are many times greater than their official annual income (for example, watches that are bought abroad only by Arab sheikhs and a few very rich collectors ). The population dies out in the millions every year, people flee the country, and in their place migrants are brought in from the Caucasus and Central Asia, which will lead to catastrophic consequences in the near future.

7) She destroyed the Russian army, which now consists only of cowardly goners, drunken and thieving officers, fat sick generals, and piles of outdated rotting scrap metal from the 60s. And if a war breaks out, even with a not very serious enemy, the Russian army will be defeated in a matter of days. And to top it all off, the main culprits for the collapse of the army (Serdyukov and his woman) did not suffer any punishment...

8) To top it all off, Khuilo legalized and strengthened the lawlessness that began under EBN, creating a criminal vertical of thieves, the main function of which is the unlimited and limitless theft of the country, the total robbery of the population and the export of trillions of dollars to foreign banks and offshores. In addition, it was Botex who was involved in the sinking of the Kursk submarine, as well as in many terrorist attacks (for example, house explosions in 1999 and Beslan 2004), which were carried out by his subordinates in order to increase the boss’s election ratings.

And this is not a complete list of the crimes of Huil and his gang. They can go on for a very, very long time. However, normal and sensible people see everything anyway (despite the continuous persecution of the First Anal and Kisel-TV, which only the stupidest cotton wool and redneck can believe). And to any person without rose-colored glasses, it is absolutely obvious that Rashka in its current form will not last until 2020. And the outcome will be much more terrible and shameful than in 1991. There will be a collapse of the economy, the collapse of the country, famine, freezing of entire cities, civil war and external occupation... And this is very sad, but inevitable.

- a world-famous political figure whose influence is endless. He is respected all over the world: in the United States of America and Australia, in Asia and Europe. For all people, he is considered a political standard, “raising Russia from its knees.” He has been president for many years. But, of course, besides people who respect him, there are also the so-called “ haters”, who can’t wait for Putin to leave with his gang.

Some facts from personal life

The future president is a native of Leningrad. Born in October 1952. Nationality: Russian. Before the start of World War II, his father Vladimir Spiridonovich served in the navy. He was seriously wounded in the war. After the end of hostilities, he continued to work at one of the Soviet factories. , Vladimir’s mother, worked at the same factory where the head of the family worked.

In the early sixties of the last century, Vladimir began studying at school No. 193. Then he transferred to educational institution No. 281, where the focus was on chemical science. Graduated in 1970. After school, he applied for admission to the Faculty of Law, where he soon began studying.

In 1975, Putin graduated from law school and was assigned to work in the State Security Committee, where he completed retraining courses for operational groups. For some time he worked undercover in the German Democratic Republic. In mid-August 1991, the future president resigns from the KGB.

"Presidential Throne"

On the last day of December 1999, Boris Yeltsin resigned, wanting to leave his assistant, Vladimir Putin, in his place. On the morning of that day, he assumes the role of acting president of the country. The transfer of rights took place under the patriarch, who blessed Vladimir for further work. At the same time, Putin received at his disposal all the symbols of power, including the “nuclear briefcase.”

Already in March of the following year, Vladimir Vladimirovich became the current president of the Russian Federation, having won the all-Russian elections. And four years later he was elected to a second term.


It is not for nothing that Putin is considered the most influential person in the whole world, because his policies fascinate and surprise. All decrees signed by him are carried out immediately, and the people installed in positions immediately begin to work.

Any political and military actions cannot take place without the intervention of Vladimir Vladimirovich and his assistants. Thanks to this, conflicts stop, protesters disperse, and violators are detained.

At the beginning of the second millennium, the president and his assistants began to improve the judicial sphere. After some time, Putin signs decrees on reforming the judicial system. At the end of 2001, the Criminal Procedure Code was signed, which had significant differences from the previous one. After six months he signs Arbitration Procedure Code, and a few months later - the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

Why are opponents of the President speaking out?

Many believe that the rule of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is not honest. Some believe that he is an ordinary corrupt official and a “bribe-taker,” others that he is a deceiver, others that he is a murderer, and so on. But how in reality is unknown and the information is unlikely to be available to the ordinary population.

One example of Putin’s illegal activities is an article by journalist Evgenia Albats published in the magazine The New Times. It said that the president participated in corruption schemes for the acquisition of various medical devices for the Medical Academy. The interesting thing is that the money spent on the purchase was received as donations from large corporations.

About incompetence and unpunctuality Vladimir Vladimirovich Several facts speak. For example, he was late many times for meetings with heads of state and even with the Pope himself. What was the reason for this is unknown, but it is, at a minimum, unprofessional.

Many critics believe that corruption has reached new levels under Putin's rule. According to official data, from 2000 to 2014, the percentage of bribes increased slightly, which indicates poor preventive measures. Several years ago, the president was named “Person of the Year” by OCCRP (Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project). Researchers believe that during the presidency, the country became the largest center for laundering “black” money obtained illegally: the sale of weapons, drugs, and so on. There is a fact that many organized crime groups become part of the current state system.

In March 2010, many oppositionists put forward their appeal entitled “Putin must leave.” Their main goal, of course, is the voluntary resignation of the president. This manifesto was signed by many politicians, writers and politicians.

Every year the level of support for Vladimir Putin and his policies is rapidly falling, which can already indicate a loss of respect. Of course, public opinion is a powerful thing, but even it, as it turns out, is not capable of overthrowing a president.

There is no limit to Putin's deception. For example, while diving to the bottom of one of the Russian lakes, the president found two amphorae dating back to several centuries BC. Later it turned out that they were specially placed at the bottom. Then Vladimir Vladimirovich confirmed this, explaining that “he wanted to draw attention to history and art.” But arrogance also does not stand aside. At a meeting with the owner of a famous American football team, Putin simply took away his ring, decorated with precious stones. According to unofficial data, the guest decided to show off his jewelry, handed it over to the president, and he simply put it in his pocket. Of course, the owner tried to return it, but received a stern refusal. How reliable this data is is unknown, but the fact remains. At the end of the last millennium Vladimir Vladimirovich defended his doctoral dissertation on one of the economic topics. Of course, the defense went off without any problems. Later it turns out that part of the material for it (namely eleven pages) was simply copied from a dissertation by an American lawyer written in the mid-seventies.


There are a number of predictions about the departure of Putin and his gang. One of the famous seers (name not disclosed) said that the end of the “Putin” era will come exactly in 2017. And the reason will be simple – the emergence of new facts about abuse of power. It is believed that Putin, together with his gang (which, by the way, also includes Medvedev), first captured St. Petersburg, then Moscow, and then the whole country with the help of murders and robberies.

Undoubtedly, for all the “sins” the current President of the Russian Federation should be sentenced to life imprisonment. Therefore, he himself will never resign, since legal proceedings will immediately begin, during which all the details will be revealed, because of which he faces not one, but several life sentences. But, undoubtedly, this will not happen for known reasons.

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How the alliance between fascists and recidivists is structured.

1. Alliance of fascists with repeat offenders.

Roma was killed, but the people, the cadres that he put forward, are still alive. One of them, whom Roma left as a souvenir for us, is Putin’s chef Prigozhin. He would not have been able to become so close to Putin and Zolotov if Tsepov had not helped. As they say, a man died, but his work lives on.

4. Powers of special machinations.

In general, as you understand, Putin’s chef is a man with a rich biography. And in 2000-2001. she made another zigzag: Prigogine left under the roof of Misha Kutaissky and moved to Tsepov-Zolotov. And soon he completely fell into Putin’s inner circle.

After this, our hero’s affairs went uphill sharply. From a mediocre restaurateur, he turned into a supplier of ready-made meals for schools and military units worth huge sums. But at some point even this seemed not enough. And somewhere in 2012, Prigozhin began to be attracted to non-core (non-kitchen) business.

At first it was a project to clog the Internet with Zaputin propaganda. With Prigozhin’s money (i.e. from the budget), the famous troll factory in Olgino appeared in St. Petersburg, which then moved to Savushkina, 55, then to the Lakhta-2 business center, etc.

St. Petersburg, business center "Lakhta-2" on Optikov street, 4. Most of Zaputin’s comments on social networks are written here.

In addition to this factory for writing comments, in 2014, the “Federal News Agency” (FAN) also appeared - a group of sites distributing Zaputin and GB nonsense on the Internet under the guise of news. From the series: “The USA is in panic from our new fighter. The Russophobes of the State Department strangled themselves with shoelaces.” They, however, overdid it, and in 2017 Google kicked out all FAN sites from Google News, along with the archive for all the years. But Yandex News continues to produce this Prigozhinsky garbage in batches.

And finally, since 2014, Prigozhin began to participate not only in informational, but also in real wars of the Putin regime - in the east of Ukraine, the Wagner PMC received a baptism of fire. And in the fall of 2015, she was transferred to Syria.

Moscow, 2016. Commanders of the Wagner PMC in the Kremlin. Judging by the Russian press, in Lugansk Utkin liked to go out in public wearing a Wehrmacht helmet. In the image that is. It's strange that he didn't wear it to the Kremlin. After all, a meeting with the Fuhrer.

The one to the left of Putin is Andrei Troshev (“Sedoy”), Utkin’s deputy at the PMC. Former paratrooper, then served in SOBR. According to Russian media reports, in June 2017 he was found on the street in St. Petersburg in a state of “heavy alcoholic intoxication” and taken to the hospital. He had with him 5 million rubles, some maps of Syria, papers on the Wagner PMC. Almost drank a military secret, in short.

Another participant in the reception in the Kremlin is Ratibor, aka Alexander Kuznetsov. This is a major from the Senezh center in Solnechnogorsk (“sunflowers”, special operations forces of the Moscow Region). In 2008, Major Ratibor went to jail for robbery and kidnapping. In 2013, he miraculously left prison and became a mercenary.

It is noteworthy that in the same place in Solnechnogorsk, where “sunflowers” ​​grow, the private security company “Stealth”, about which Litvinenko once wrote, is now based. The private security company was created in the 1990s. jointly by the FSB and the Izmailovo organized crime group to commit contract killings - for hire and on the orders of the Motherland. Special forces soldiers were involved in the private security company. The office was a living symbol of the merger of the FSB and the mafia - it was no longer possible to determine where one ended and the other began.

The Stealth private security company was founded by FSB Colonel Lutsenko (he still works there), and his supervisor in the 1990s was General Khokholkov (“Yeltsin’s Sudoplatov”). The general also protected the heroin trade, and the private security company was his help in the showdown. In short, special operations forces (brothers with security officers).

Returning to the Wagner PMC, it is worth noting that it also arose on the basis of an undercover office of the special services: the backbone of the Wagner PMC was formed back in 2013 as part of the security company Moran Security Group, which is headed by Putin’s KGB colleague Vyacheslav Kalashnikov.

Moran is a company that, since 2010, has been recruiting mercenaries to protect ships abroad (including those transporting contraband). It was to Kalashnikov at “Moran” that Utkin first went, having left the army in 2013. Major Kuznetsov (Ratibor) also began his career as a mercenary there, after leaving prison, and many others.

FSB Lieutenant Colonel Vyacheslav Kalashnikov from St. Petersburg. The person who selected key personnel for Wagner PMC:

In 2013, through the Kalashnikov company, the first (unsuccessful) attempt was made to send mercenaries to Syria for operations on land. They assembled a small unit (267 people), with the loud name “Slavic Corps,” and sent them to fight for Assad. However, the mercenaries could not fight without air and artillery support; they fled in the first battle and were sent back to Russia.

In this detachment there was Utkin and the future command staff of Wagner PMC. The first pancake came out badly, but in 2014 they were remembered again, creating a new, larger gang, which went to war on a large scale - in Ukraine, again in Syria, etc. And they hired a lackey cook to pay for it all (from the budget in the end, so it’s not a pity).

As for the security officer Kalashnikov, who gave Wagner and the company a start in life, there are many questions. Officially, he served in the GB from 1981 to 1994 in the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) department. Counterintelligence agent with knowledge of German. In 1994 he quit and worked in private security structures. Since 2009 - President of Moran Security Group.

He retired in 1994 with the rank of lieutenant colonel. However, in 2013, there were interviews in the Russian media with mercenaries whom he recruited for work. In personal communications, Kalashnikov introduced himself as an FSB general. It turns out that he never left the organs.

In addition, Mr. Kalashnikov is a man with extensive mafia connections. Some of them are quite unexpected.

5.Putin's emissary

There is an interesting detail in the biography of security officer Kalashnikov: in 2001-2003, he was an assistant to Senator Alexander Torshin in the Federation Council. Torshin is one of the highest officials of the Russian Federation, in 2002-15 - vice-speaker of the Federation Council, and now - deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Russia.

One of the people who knew him well, banker and oppositionist Sergei Aleksashenko, argued to Bloomberg in 2016 that Torshin has “long ties with the FSB” and is their creature. Those. This is another product of the vital activity of the office at the address: Moscow, st. Bol. Lubyanka, 1. Although in the case of Torshin, subcontractors also had a hand. An organization sitting in the forest at the 38th kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road (for which they are called foresters, as well as welders - from S.V.R.):

Throughout the 1990s, Torshin hung around Gorbachev, then Yeltsin in various positions. Under Putin, he was promoted, but became the hero of two international scandals. One is purely mafia (in Spain), the other is spy (in America).

In 2013-14 In Spain, 10 members of the Taganskaya organized crime group were arrested on charges of money laundering. Among others, the leader of the Taganskaya lads, Alexander Romanov (“Roman”), was arrested. Before this, for several years the telephones of all those involved in the case were wiretapped by the Spaniards.

The Spanish police were quite surprised that Roman, it turns out, was not the main one in the Tagansk organized crime group. There is a cooler person who gives him instructions on where and what millions of dollars to send. Roman respects this man and calls him nothing less than “godfather.” Well, as you guessed, the godfather of the Tagansk organized crime group turned out to be Mr. Torshin.

In particular, there is an episode in the case where Torshin gives instructions to Roman on how to invest and launder his (Torshin’s) personal $15 million. At that time, Torshin was deputy chairman of the Federation Council, a member of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee and much more. One of the top officials of the state. In 2015, Putin appointed him deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Russia.

Bloomberg (August 2015): “Mafia or Central Bank Banker? The Spanish police say that this Russian is both.”

As for Torshin's spy affairs, the situation is even more ridiculous. The fact is that Torshin for a long time had a very unusual hobby for a Kremlin official - he was a member of the US National Rifle Association (NSA).

This is a conservative organization that advocates for traditional American values, which include the right of citizens to bear arms. Moreover, their ideology is such that this is necessary not only for self-defense, but also to prevent tyranny in the country: if some local Putin suddenly turns up there, wanting to steal from power for 20-30 years, so that he does not go out into the street empty-handed.

It’s paradoxical, but in this organization, which has nothing to do with the “traditional values” of Putin’s Russia, the Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council, Mr. Torshin, hung out for many years. For what? - This became clear only in 2016, when Trump was elected in the United States, and the rifle association supported him in every possible way.

At the height of the election campaign, Torshin, through one of his acquaintances in the NRA, Paul Erickson, contacted the Trump campaign with a proposal to establish a direct communication channel with Putin. Erickson conveyed the proposal to Rick Dearbon (Trump assistant), where he described Torshin as “Putin’s emissary.”

Referring to Torshin, he said that Putin would like to meet with Trump before the election, and that Putin is “deadly serious about building a good relationship with Mr. Trump.”

Torshin’s mission, however, failed: the Trump campaign showed no interest in the proposal. But all the correspondence between the parties was successfully intercepted by the FBI, and its participants had problems: they had to explain that they were not the initiators of the negotiations, and it was Putin’s emissary who was trying to communicate.

Nevertheless, the fact is quite indicative: such a character, “Putin’s emissary” abroad (and the Tagansk organized crime group at the same time), once worked for the security officer Kalashnikov, the future founder of the Moran Security Group and the godfather of the Wagner PMC.

Of course, I foresee the question: okay, Wagner PMC is a product of the special services and Putin. What about Blackwater in America? - A PMC under the CIA and the Pentagon, which was involved in all sorts of shady matters? And which had an equally odious and notorious founder - former Navy SEAL Erik Prince. Wagner PMC - Russian Blackwater. Is not it?

Well, let's take a quick look at the history of Blackwater, since they are so often compared to Wagner. And you will understand the difference.

6. "Blackwater".

In 1992, a young guy from Michigan, Erik Prince, decided to join the army. He passed the test and ended up in the Navy special forces, which they call SEALs. Translated from English, “seals” are Navy SEALs, although the abbreviation SEAL itself stands for differently: SEa, Air, and Land teams (sea, air and ground teams).

Service in SEAL teams is difficult, all over the world, the best of the best are then selected for SAD - the Special Operations Department of the CIA. SAD is already US foreign intelligence special forces. Similar to the “Vympel” type in the former Soviet KGB.

This is the difficult path that the boy from Michigan, Erik Prince, chose for himself:

What's interesting is that this kid from Michigan is the son of a billionaire. His dad Edgar Prince is a talented engineer; in 1965 he founded a company producing automobile parts. He started with one workshop, for 30 years he produced metal castings and sun visors for car interiors and was very successful in this. In the end, he had a network of factories, orders from the largest automakers in America. Well, my son joined the SEALs.

By the way...Show me the son of at least one billionaire in Russia who has at least served emergency duty? What about the billionaire engineer who founded his own factories without privatizing anything? What about in mechanical engineering? “Stupid Americans” are rotting and will soon fall apart, yeah.

Edgar Prince died in 1995. The family (wife and 4 children) sold his company for $1.35 billion and divided the inheritance. Son Erik Prince left the army after serving in the SEALs for three years and decided to start his own business. But also connected with the army and special forces. Thus, in 1997, the private military company Blackwater was born.

With his own money, Prince bought 1,600 hectares of land in an empty swampy area in North Carolina (300 km from Washington), where he equipped the largest private shooting range and military training ground in the United States. CIA veterans with combat experience came to work for the company. This is how the private army “Blackwater” began to form.

Its finest hour came in 2001, after the September 11 terrorist attacks. When the smoke cleared from the collapsed twin towers, it was quickly established that almost 3,000 people were killed by suicide bombers from the al-Qaeda organization. Their headquarters were then in Afghanistan, under the wing of the Taliban regime - Islamic fanatics who seized power in this country in 1996.

Under the attacks of the US Air Force, the Taliban regime quickly collapsed, and a long-term hunt for al-Qaeda began in the mountains. And in 2003, the war in Iraq was added to the war in Afghanistan. Two wars immediately created a huge demand for private security services. Blackwater has received contracts worth more than $2 billion from the US government to protect various facilities and citizens. In a short period of time, Erik Prince earned more in the war than his dad earned in his entire life from spare parts.

Blackwater in Iraq:

Moreover, an important detail: under contracts with the US Department of Defense, mercenaries were hired for auxiliary and logistical tasks, NOT on the front line (this is prohibited). If it becomes known in America that the Pentagon uses mercenaries at the front as assault infantry... And even puts them in hundreds and hides losses. Moreover, the president’s cook pays for everything. And the cook himself is a mafioso and his PMC is illegal... In short, even before the situation reaches such a cesspool, there will be a scandal and the whole gang will be dispersed. And this is normal (in normal countries).

And yet, friends, although Prince’s PMC operated officially and did not attack from the trenches, a scandal still arose with it in America. And a considerable one: Prince had to sell the company and leave the United States.

7. “We did work for the CIA, but we were betrayed...”

In 2007, clouds gathered over Erik Prince's PMC. His men shot 14 people in a square in Baghdad in broad daylight, and wounded 17 more. The opening of fire was considered unmotivated. Four mercenaries were brought to trial in the United States. The one third from the left in the photo (Nicholas Slatten) received a life sentence, the others - 30 years.

The incident caused a great resonance (including a diplomatic one). Numerous journalistic investigations began into the activities of the Blackwater PMC and Prince personally. A lot of dirty laundry has come out. One of the curious facts that the American media discovered then was that Prince had secret contracts with the CIA for the physical elimination of al-Qaeda members outside the United States. Those. Blackwater PMC was engaged in more than just security. They could have killed someone to order.

The orders were given by the government. After the September 11 attacks, President Bush directed the CIA to find and eliminate al-Qaeda members wherever they were found. Cofer Black, head of the CIA's anti-terrorism center, was put in charge of this case. He once became famous for catching Carlos “The Jackal,” the main international terrorist of the 1970s and 80s. Now there was another task - not to catch, but to bring down.

Cofer Black, chief wet case officer at the CIA in the first half of the 2000s.

Extrajudicial killings on foreign soil are risky business. If the operation is carried out incompetently or recklessly, the costs can be high (see Polonium-210). Therefore, Cofer Black decided to secretly hire a “subcontractor” - PMC Blackwater.

And in 2005, Cofer Black left the service altogether and went to work... there at Blackwater. At some point, it became difficult to determine where the CIA ended and the PMC began. They formed a symbiosis.

How did this symbiosis work? In 2009, journalists from the weekly Atlantic managed to find two former Blackwater mercenaries who agreed to tell what Erik Prince’s PMC was doing in Afghanistan, but without publishing their names in the press. These were two ex-special forces soldiers, Mexican Americans with dark skin. They were chosen specifically - if they change their clothes, they can outwardly pass for Afghans.

As the Atlantic journalist writes, the guys from the American special forces were calm about the job of carrying out murders, but asked their employer (Blackwater) how legal it was. They assured me that everything was OK.

They were brought to Kabul, dressed up as locals and given the task: to go to the bazaar and kill the driver of a pickup truck, whom a CIA officer would indicate to them. They had no idea who the driver was. He had to be killed and quickly left according to the escape plan. The work was done successfully, after which the performers were given a new order.

Actually, here lies the main reason for the Blackwater scandal - what scared the American public. The symbiosis of the CIA with an undercover office, which consists of armed thugs and is engaged in carrying out assassinations (even of terrorists) is a promising start. In the absence of proper control, everything easily turns into an organized crime group. Tomorrow they will kill for hire, sell drugs and provide a criminal roof. Those. it will turn out to be the FSB. Until things reached such a cesspool, the public sounded the alarm.

In 2009-10 The Blackwater scandal reached its climax. Two more former PMC employees were found who sued Prince with quite criminal charges. The founder of Blackwater was accused of selling weapons in Iraq. That part of the money from the CIA was transferred to an unknown location (possibly stolen). That some witnesses familiar with the inner workings of Blackwater strangely did not die a natural death. That Prince is generally a psychopath, an ultra-right “Christian fundamentalist” who fancies himself a crusader of our days.

English magazine “The Economist”, issue dated August 6, 2009. Testimony of former employees of the Blackwater PMC: Erik Prince is the “last crusader,” a racist who, while in Iraq, in a narrow circle referred to Iraqis and Arabs exclusively as “ragheads or hajiis” - racist nicknames from American slang, similar to the Russian “churki”, “churkobesy”.

In general, the pressure was serious. The Blackwater issue was heard by the Congressional Intelligence Committee. The contract killing program was closed. In 2010, under threat of losing his contracts, Prince had to sell the company and leave the United States. The former Blackwater now has new owners and a new name - Academi. Erik Prince lives abroad, he has a new PMC in Abu Dhabi together with the local emir. Called "R2".

The criminal charges against Prince that were heard in America remained unproven. Now he calmly comes to the United States, he is a big fan of Trump, his sister works in his government.

The R2 PMC, which Prince commands in the Emirates, fights wherever the emir has interests - from Yemen to Libya. There are no UAE citizens there, only foreigners. Sometimes they are used as infantry in the thick of it and with heavy losses. Those. Quite Putin-like. Only the emir's mercenaries are from other countries.

While working for the Arabs, Prince did not lose his crusader spirit (at heart). He periodically speaks on the far-right American website Breitbert News. For example, in June 2016, he stated there that: “Those who threaten American Christian values ​​should be denied entry into the United States.”

And in July 2016, Prince ran over the French (this was immediately after the terrorist attack in Nice, where an Arab terrorist ran over 84 people in a truck):

“This is a war against Islamic fascism. They are fighting against us. But we are clearly not fighting against them. My question to the French: where is your Charles Martel [the king who defeated the Arabs at the Battle of Poitiers in the 8th century. AD]? Where is the man who will stop the invasion of radical Islam? What kind of leadership is at the head of France anyway?”

Having spoken once again in America about “Islamic fascism,” Prince goes to his villa in Abu Dhabi to continue his business. In the UAE, where leaving Islam is punishable by death, and for any criticism of the authorities, people simply disappear without a trace, everything suits him.

The former owner of Blackwater does not like to remember the past. “We did work for the CIA, but we were betrayed by loudmouth politicians?” , — stated he was on the air of “Russia Today” in 2014.

However, according to conservative estimates, he received $250 million from the CIA for the contract killing program alone. This money is from taxpayers, and why don’t loud-mouthed politicians ask what and how? Don't dig through your dirty laundry. Otherwise, why were they chosen in the first place?

Compare with Putin’s Russia, where the Duma is not even bawlers, but clowns who don’t care about anything: illegal PMCs, hundreds of killed mercenaries, sources of money to pay for them. With Putin’s Russia, where the special services are not controlled by anyone at all and have long turned into organized crime groups in uniform. Against this background, the scandals with the CIA and Blackwater in the United States are simply manifestations of civil society, control of parliament and independent media over the activities of the intelligence services. In Russia there is neither one nor the other.

Another small example. When Trump was elected in America, Putin’s emissaries also contacted Erik Prince through the Emir of Abu Dhabi with a proposal to establish an informal communication channel (Prince’s sister works for Trump, as already mentioned).

One of Putin's close associates came out - banker Kirill Dmitriev from the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). This is an office under the control of the SVR, created in 2011 for money laundering under the guise of foreign investments (including Putin’s own money).

The meeting between Prince and Dmitriev was in the Seychelles in January 2017. Dmitriev arrived on a private jet (in this case, you can enter the Seychelles without a stamp in your passport). The meeting was secret, although the FBI found out about it anyway (Prince isn't the only one checking his email).

It ended with Prince being summoned to the US Congress Intelligence Committee to give explanations. There he claimed that he simply “drank beer” with Dmitriev in the Seychelles, discussed trade, terrorism, but nothing more. Those. The communication channel did not work here either.

However, it is significant that only the American parliament was interested in the topic. In Russia it was not even raised. Although it would seem: Putin’s close associate is going specifically to the Seychelles to meet with a noble CIA officer. What kind of meetings are these? What kind of billions of dollars does Dmitriev have in his fund, whose are they and where are they being spent? — In a normal country (not an African-type dictatorship), the parliament would immediately become interested. But Putin's Russia has no parliament. But in the circus such issues are not discussed.

8. Epilogue.

The average salary in Russia in 2017 according to official data is 39,144 rubles. Less taxes - 34,055 rubles. Roughly - 34 thousand in hand. Or 516 euros (average rate in 2017 - 65.9). This is after 18 years of Putin's rule.

Let's move on. There is such a country - Romania. One of the poorest in Europe. The average salary in Romania for 2017 minus taxes is 2383 Romanian lei. The average leu to ruble exchange rate in 2017 was 14.9. Thus, the average net salary in Romania is 35,506 rubles.

Once again: a Russian in Putin’s Russia earns an average of 34 thousand per hand, a Romanian in completely poor (by EU standards) Romania earns 35.5 thousand. What remains? - That's right, shoot nuclear torpedoes at the United States. Hire even more mercenaries in Syria, infiltrate Sudan, deepen friendships with drug cartels in South America and dictators in Asia.

And continue to believe that Russia is not a Third World country at all, and Putin is not the crazy king of a raw material colony, who has gone crazy from stolen money.