Personnel marketing, briefly about the functions. Marketing of personnel in an organization Marketing of personnel in an organization

The term personnel marketing implies a certain type of activity of human resources services of organizations, aimed at researching the need for qualified personnel, developing a set of measures to meet these needs.

You can improve product quality and production technology for as long as you like... but don’t forget about the people working in the company.

Modern business is gradually moving from the language of profit to the language of value. In management, human resources are the most burdensome of all assets. They are diverse and unpredictable, capricious and unreliable.

It is man who is the only element with the ability to produce value. Business says that human resource is the most important and most difficult resource to manage.

Systems and standards as rules for personnel work to implement tasks and achieve goals become outdated very quickly. Life shows that the long-term direction and guideline is the ideology and philosophy of the company. The main task of the HR service, its essence, is the implementation and systematic maintenance of the company’s winning and creative ideology.

Management principles

The essence and principles of personnel marketing can be considered both in a broad and in a narrow, specific sense. Personnel marketing works in several key areas:

  • operational level of management (main focus on personnel work);
  • management at the tactical level (main focus on personnel management);
  • strategic level (emphasis on human resource management);
  • political level of corporation management – ​​development and control of the implementation of personnel policies.

Human resource management as a professional activity is carried out by personnel management, which adheres to the following principles:

The first principle of personnel marketing (as a concept in a broad sense) implies a certain philosophy and strategy for human resource management, considering personnel in the role of external and internal clients of the organization. According to this principle, the goal is to “sell” the organization to its own employees.

The next principle (in a narrower sense – marketing of an organization’s personnel) implies a special direction for the HR service. This is directly identifying, researching, analyzing and covering the enterprise’s personnel needs.

The essence of a human resource management strategy is the overall plan according to which a company conducts its activities. It determines the nature of economic activity, as well as its response to market forces such as competition and the state of the economy. This definition effectively applies both to the company’s activities, its strategic goal, and to the activities of each of its structural divisions.

The strategy is based primarily on the company's mission and values. The company's mission remains unchanged, but its values ​​are reviewed and changed to improve the company's performance. The goal, essence and chosen strategy must correspond to the company's mission, otherwise the company's activities are unbalanced and its effectiveness is much lower than its potential and resources allow.

Recruiting staff

Personnel can be viewed in the context of the issue under discussion from two perspectives:

  • as a product with an emphasis on consumer qualities,
  • as a buyer who purchases a workplace in exchange for his labor.

Taking this into account, it is worth noting that types of personnel marketing are divided into internal and external.

External marketing means attracting personnel according to their abilities. At the same time, the purpose of personnel selection depends on the external profile of the enterprise. In order to target potential employees, the organization is presented to applicants in the most attractive way.

Internal personnel marketing implies the opportunity for an employee to occupy a better workplace, a better position, for which only suitable personnel are selected through surveys, interviews and other events. This type of marketing focuses on existing employees.

An integral part of such personnel is the personnel policy in the field of labor recruitment. Personnel policy is a set of corporate rules, principles and traditions regarding the main elements of the HR management system.

It includes:

  • Technologies of attraction, or labor: mission and strategic goals of the company, features of corporate culture, remuneration system, connection between remuneration and performance results, social package, etc.
  • Search technologies: recruitment, mass recruitment, executive search; internal selection, attraction of external service providers; potential candidates (printed “work” media, “work” websites, leaflets, etc.).

Improving the technology for searching candidates involves expanding the sources of information about vacancies. Currently, traditional sources of information (mass media, the Internet, job fairs, exhibitions and conferences, labor exchanges, universities and technical schools) are not enough.

It is necessary to use the resources of recruitment agencies that have their own databases and (or) master headhunting technologies - “luring” a specific specialist or manager from one company to another on the instructions of the client company.

Involving a recruitment agency is necessary for executive search - “the search for decision makers,” that is, senior managers or rare specialists.

The main goal of recruitment is to attract employees to the company who correspond not only to the position, but also to the corporate culture. The higher the identity of the employee’s characteristics and the requirements of the organization and position, the easier and faster the adaptation will be. But in all cases, the new employee experiences difficulties integrating into the new organization.

Control functions

Creating an information basis as the basis for planning in market segmentation and interaction among target groups is an information function. Its components:

  • analysis of the requirements for positions and jobs;
  • analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization;
  • labor market research;
  • analysis of manifestations of the organization's image as an employer.

Within this function, personnel marketing regulates the collection of information for personnel planning. The information function involves researching the requirements for a profession or workplace.

The next function of personnel marketing includes the analytical function, which is responsible for processing the information received using special methods to increase the company's competitiveness and development prospects.

The communication function involves establishing contacts with the external labor market and with company employees to meet the organization’s needs for personnel.

In addition to the above, there are also the following functions of personnel marketing: career guidance, social, personal, organizational characterize the labor market as a sphere that operates according to market laws and are aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the organization in this segment.

Stages of activity

The organizational activity of personnel marketing consists of certain, sequential stages. Moreover, these stages themselves are separate, directed activities.

Personnel marketing technology includes:

  • development of a personnel management system;
  • analysis of the domestic market, planning of personnel needs;
  • personnel audit, monitoring the activities of the HR service;
  • external market analysis;
  • study of the behavior of applicants, study of the motives that keep personnel in a certain position;
  • dividing the labor market into groups of potential workers according to the following characteristics: psychophysical, personal, demographic, geographical, professional;
  • studying the employer's employee requirements;
  • identification of main competitors in the labor market, comparative analysis;
  • research of the organization's image;
  • search for key partners;
  • identifying the main sources and ways of recruiting personnel;
  • personnel development, formation of official personnel policy;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of marketing activities.

Personnel marketing technology allows the HR service to be considered as a business unit that provides its service and satisfies the needs of the heads of structural divisions of companies (internal clients).

Recruitment is an integral part of the work of an HR manager in any organization. Properly selected employees with the necessary competencies and corresponding to the company culture are the key to the success and prosperity of the company.

“Personnel Marketing in a Modern Enterprise”
Moscow – 2016

1.1. Consideration of the concept of personnel marketing and its goals 5
1.2. Types and stages of development of personnel marketing 10
1.3. Personnel marketing technology 12
2.1. Characteristics of the company "UK "Partner" LLC. 16
2.2. Analysis of marketing activities in the field of personnel in LLC “UK “Partner” 31

The marketing concept of personnel management (personnel marketing) assumes that the organization in which personnel management is carried out is in the process of constant interaction with the environment, which is characterized by special market (competition, finding the relationship between supply and demand) characteristics. Recently, an entrepreneurial-market approach has become predominant in working with personnel, in which labor, its conditions and jobs are considered as marketing products.
HR employees who are engaged in personnel marketing, as a rule, must cope with the practical task of creating an attractive image of the company in the labor market, namely: how, on the one hand, to create requirements for personnel, and take into account the potential and characteristics of work in the organization, on the other parties, show the employer’s requests (requirements) sent to potential and regular employees.
Effective management of an enterprise is impossible without the effective use of the labor potential of human resources. In the operations of any enterprise, a huge role belongs to the employees who implement the production process, i.e. to the staff. The main feature of personnel is that in addition to performing production functions, enterprise employees are an active component of the production process, they can actively contribute to increasing production, can be indifferent to the operations of the enterprise in which they work and can be resistant to innovation. The work can be effective in conjunction with production organization and management with the right approach.
Before the enterprise copes with the task of creating conditions that provide optimal use of human resources in the amount of balanced requirements and interests of the enterprise and each employee. Achieving this balance can be achieved through a marketing approach to human resource management. The use of marketing will help to find coordination between market conditions, the capabilities of the organization and the interests of each of its employees.
Based on the above, the topic of the course work “Personnel Marketing in a Modern Enterprise” is one of the most relevant.
The purpose of the work is to study marketing activities in the field of personnel management based on the presented material on LLC “UK “Partner”. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
In the first chapter, reveal theoretical aspects related to personnel marketing;
In the second chapter, analyze current marketing activities in the field of personnel management in the company under study.
One of the current challenges in an organization is the need to attract qualified personnel in the most effective ways.
The object of the study is the Moscow enterprise - Limited Liability Company "UK "Partner"".
The subject of the study is the personnel marketing process operating in this organization.

1.1. Consideration of the concept of personnel marketing and its goals
Personnel marketing is a type of management activity aimed at long-term provision of an organization with human resources. These resources form a strategic potential with the help of which it is possible to solve specific target problems.
Personnel marketing means a meaningful expansion of the production marketing function into the area of ​​human resource management. It includes the following conceptual elements:
Marketing as the basic principle of market-oriented management;
Marketing as a method of systematic search for solutions. Through the use of modern market research methods, a database is formed for both strategic and operational decisions;
Marketing as a means of achieving competitive advantage. ...

Personnel marketing is becoming one of the most important factors for the survival of enterprises in market conditions. Sometimes minimal investments and maximum use of “human resources” allow an enterprise to win the competition. Personnel management centers are needed in every more or less large enterprise.
Personnel marketing as a tool for targeted and effective work with personnel is an integral part of the strategy and tactics for the survival and development of an enterprise in market relations. As the employee’s personality develops, it is increasingly necessary to coordinate market conditions and the interests of the company’s employees. The development of production increasingly requires planning for its staffing.
The course work set the following objectives: to study the theoretical foundations of personnel marketing; analyze current marketing activities in the field of personnel management in the company under study.
As a result of the analysis carried out in the company “UK “Partner” LLC, the following conclusions were obtained.
During the period under study, revenue from the sale of company services at current prices increased in 2014 by 21% compared to 2013 and amounted to RUB 3,937,064.
The number of employees also increased every year: since 2013, there were 51 people in the organization, in 2015 there were already 58 employees. The basis for this is an increase in the volume of work, which indicates the growth and development of the company.
Law Firm “Partner” LLC is developing every year, the range of services provided is becoming larger, there are more clients, and accordingly the volume is increasing. A large number, almost 75% of the employees are lawyers and accountants, this is due to the activities of the company, which deals with legal and accounting issues.
The organization's management is more focused on “young” workers who are of working age. Therefore, as of 2014, the organization has 50% (28 people) of personnel aged 25 to 30 years and 34% (19 people) under the age of 25.
The managers - general director, deputy director and chief accountant - have been working at the company for more than 5 years, that is, almost from its very foundation. At the same time, according to data for 2015, there is a group of workers who came to the company relatively recently: for example, 55.31% of workers have been working at the company for up to 3 years, 31.74% - from 3 to 5 years. The company employs relatively young specialists. But nevertheless, the educational level in the company can be considered quite high: according to a study conducted in 2015, 36.21% of the staff have higher and 31.03% secondary vocational education.
The organization is profitable, growing and developing every year, but there are some shortcomings in management. Namely: there is not enough HR director who could resolve the issue of shortage of qualified personnel and unnecessary costs for personnel training.
Thus, we can conclude that LLC “UK “Partner” is a successfully developing organization with favorable working conditions.
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Marketing research is the collection, processing and analysis of data with the aim of reducing the uncertainty associated with making marketing decisions. The market, competitors, consumers, prices, and internal potential of the subject of the labor market are subject to research. The basis of marketing research is general scientific and analytical and forecasting methods. Information support consists of desk and field research, as well as from various sources of information.

The specific result of marketing research is the developments that are used in the selection and implementation of strategies and tactics of marketing activities of a labor market entity.

Market research is the most common direction in marketing research. It is carried out to obtain data on market conditions to determine the activities of labor market entities. As experts emphasize, without market research it is impossible to systematically collect, analyze and compare all the information necessary to make important decisions related to activities in the market, market selection, determining market capacity, forecasting and planning market activities.

The objects of market research are trends and processes in the development of the labor market, including analysis of changes in economic, scientific, technical, demographic, social, environmental, legislative and other factors. The structure and geography of the market, its capacity, employment dynamics, barriers to the labor market, the state of competition, the current environment, opportunities and risks are also examined. The main results of market research are forecasts of its development and assessment of market trends. Market segmentation is carried out, i.e. selection of target markets and market niches.

The study of labor force consumers made it possible to identify and study the entire range of factors that guide employers when choosing labor. The objects of research are consumers - organizations (enterprises, firms), individual employers of labor. The subject of the study is the motivation of employer behavior in the labor market and its determining factors. The structure of production, the supply of labor, and trends in demand for it are studied.

Due to the fact that the labor market is a special market where not only the need for labor is satisfied, but also the worker himself looks for a job that satisfies him, the subject of research should be the motivation of consumer behavior in the labor market itself. The structure of existing jobs, their qualitative characteristics, and trends in the employment of these places are examined.

Developments here include a typology of labor force consumers and jobs, modeling of their behavior in the labor market, and a forecast of expected demand. The purpose of such research is consumer segmentation and selection of target market segments.

The main objective of competitor research is to obtain the necessary data to provide a competitive advantage in the market. For this purpose, the strengths and weaknesses of competitors are analyzed, the market share they occupy, and the reaction of consumers to the marketing means of competitors are studied. The result of such research is the choice of ways and opportunities to achieve the most advantageous position in the labor market relative to competitors.

Here I would also like to emphasize the peculiarity of the labor market that the analysis of competition is carried out in two directions: between employees and between employers.

The study of the market structure is carried out in order to obtain information about possible intermediaries, with the help of which you can select the necessary labor force or find a place of work.

The main goal of researching the product “labor power” is to determine the conformity of the characteristics of workers trading in labor markets with the requests and requirements of employers, as well as to analyze their competitiveness. Researching the product “labor force” allows us to obtain information about what the consumer - the employer - wants to have, what quality characteristics of the employee he values ​​most. The results of the study make it possible: for enterprises to develop personnel selection and development programs; educational institutions should formulate training programs that correspond to trends in the development of the labor market.

The study of labor prices (wages) is aimed at determining the cost of labor, one-time and current costs and trends in the formation of prices for specific types of labor.

The study of forms and methods of regulating the distribution of labor has the goal of determining the most effective ways and means of employment. The main objects of analysis are employment channels, intermediaries, forms and methods of employment. Such studies make it possible to develop criteria for choosing distribution channels and to develop methods for “selling” labor to the end user - employers.

The study of the communications system involves the study of stimulating the demand and supply of labor and advertising activities.

The methodological foundations of marketing consist of general scientific, analytical and forecasting methods, as well as methodological techniques borrowed from various fields of knowledge.

System analysis is widely used in marketing research, since it allows us to consider any market situation as an object for study with a wide range of internal and external cause-and-effect relationships.

An integrated approach allows us to study the market situation, considering it as an object that has developed aspects of its manifestation. Thus, the problems of the market for a particular product may be associated with changes in demand itself, product supply or price. In this case, these are a kind of aspects of the object (or situation) under study, “moving” along which one can determine strategic and tactical solutions to get out of the current situation.

As for program-target planning, it is widely used in the development and implementation of marketing strategies and tactics. Moreover, we can say that marketing is the use of a program-targeted approach in the market sphere. All planned marketing activities in an enterprise (marketing programs or plans) are based on this principle.

Linear programming as a mathematical method for selecting the most favorable one from a number of alternative solutions (with minimal costs, maximum profit, minimal time and effort, etc.) is used to solve a number of marketing problems.

Communication theory, which considers the mechanism of “feedback”, makes it possible to obtain signal information about processes that go beyond the established parameters. The application of communication theory to the organizational structures of marketing activities helps to improve the subject’s connection with the market, increase the efficiency of using the received data, etc.

The network planning method makes it possible to regulate the sequence and interdependence of individual types of work or operations within the framework of a program. It allows you to clearly record the main stages of work, determine the necessary deadlines for their completion, limit liability, save costs, provide for possible deviations, etc.

The method of business games greatly helps in resolving real marketing situations. Simplified models of competitor behavior, strategies for entering new markets, etc. can be “played” to find optimal solutions. A system of known or suspected relationships between events, actions or processes can be described using modeling techniques. Econometric (economic and mathematical) models are more effective. They make it possible, taking into account influencing factors, to assess, for example, the prospects for the development of market capacity, determine the most rational marketing strategies and possible responsible steps of competitors, evaluate the optimal marketing costs to obtain the required profit, etc.

Methods of expert assessments occupy a special place in the methodological arsenal of marketing. They make it possible to quickly get an answer about the possible development processes of a particular event in the market, identify the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise, obtain an assessment of the effectiveness of certain marketing activities, etc.

Correctly conducting an examination involves resolving a number of issues related to the formation of an expert group, conducting the examination procedure itself, choosing methods for processing expert assessments, etc. The main requirements for experts are their competence, professional activity, authority, impartiality, etc. The examination procedure involves the collective generation of ideas based on discussions or surveys (regular or multi-stage) using a questionnaire. The use of computer technology helps not only to process the received data, but also to build analytical and simulation models. All this makes the use of the examination method quite authoritative and promising.

Methodological techniques borrowed from other fields of knowledge are actively used in marketing research and development. The greatest connection between marketing methodology is with the methods of sociology and psychology. This is due to the fact that special attention in marketing is paid to consumer behavior and the factors influencing it. To do this, we study, for example, the motivation of consumer behavior in the market, and examine consumer perception of advertising events and the image of the product. Psychological tests, motivational analysis, etc. are widely used. Methods of sociology make it possible to study the processes of dissemination of information on the market, identify consumer attitudes towards innovations, study the development of various spheres of human activity, value orientations, etc. In this case, methods of questionnaires, “panel” studies, etc. are used. .P.

Let us consider in detail the method of factor analysis of the regional labor market. Its essence is to use a single type of factor criterion, present on its basis all the collected information, systematize it and conduct an analysis for each of them.

The factor analysis technique involves performing a number of sequential operations:

  • 1. Identification of factors by which the analysis will be carried out.
  • 2. Systematization of the collected informative database in accordance with the accepted classification of factors.
  • 3. Conducting a preliminary qualitative analysis of factors in order to identify the most significant factors and assess the adequacy of the information collected on them.
  • 4. Deciding on additional collection of information or conducting sociological research that may provide information missing for analysis.
  • 5. Summarizing information on each factor and grouping it in the form of analytical tables.
  • 6. Construction of time series for each factor based on analytical tables and carrying out quantitative calculations based on available indicators.
  • 7. Description of established relationships, proportions, identification of basic patterns.
  • 8. Identification of the dominant trends in the development of the labor market, the effect of which is of decisive importance at the present time and the influence of which will have a similar or even greater effect in the future.

It is proposed to use the following factors influencing the demand and supply of labor as the main criteria for identifying labor market factors.

  • 1. Factors determining labor supply.
  • 1.1. Demographic factors:
    • · dynamics of the working-age population of the region;
    • · dynamics of the structure of the working-age population by gender;
    • · dynamics of the structure of the working-age population by age;
    • · dynamics of the structure of the working-age population by level of education;
    • · labor migration.
  • 1.2. Factors contributing to the release of employees in sectors of the national economy of the region:
    • · growth of technical equipment of production, introduction of new technologies;
    • · reduction in production volumes;
    • · staff turnover;
    • · structural restructuring of production;
    • · shutdown and liquidation of enterprises and institutions;
    • · changes in working conditions and pay levels;
    • · reduction in investment volumes;
    • · changes in the organization of production using secondary employment and part-time work;
    • · labor intensification;
    • · unsatisfactory moral and psychological climate in the team.
  • 1.3. Factors causing a change in the number of unemployed people willing to work:
    • · increase in the number of young people who have completed general education and vocational training;
    • · change in the number of people being transferred to the reserve from active service in the army;
    • · dynamics of the number of temporarily unemployed (women with young children, people caring for the elderly, etc.);
    • · dynamics of the number of persons returning from places of imprisonment;
    • · dynamics of the number of people unemployed for a long time.
  • 1.4. Factors causing changes in the number of unemployed:
    • · dynamics of the number of employees;
    • · change in the overall unemployment rate;
    • · change in the duration of unemployment;
    • · dynamics of unemployment among young people;
    • · dynamics of the number of persons who have lost their unemployed status.
  • 1.5. Factors causing changes in labor supply at the expense of those employed in sectors of the national economy:
    • · maintaining a constant level and reducing wages;
    • · increasing labor intensity;
    • · changes in the prestige of the profession and the attractiveness of work;
    • · change in the number of people working part-time;
    • · increasing the professional and qualification level of employees;
    • · dynamics of the number of people at risk of release and unemployment;
    • · change in the moral and psychological climate in the workforce.
  • 2. Factors influencing the demand for labor.
  • 2.1. Change in the number of vacant jobs, including hard-to-fill ones:
    • · unskilled labor;
    • · low paid;
    • · related to unfavorable working conditions;
    • socially unprestigious employment;
    • · separated from the place of residence, etc.
  • 2.2. Retirement of employees from production activities:
    • · dynamics of natural decline of the employed working population;
    • · dynamics of retirement (including early retirement);
    • · dynamics of staff turnover.
  • 2.3. Dynamics of labor demand for new jobs and positions:
    • · introduction of new jobs through organizational enterprises and institutions;
    • · organization of new jobs in existing production facilities.
  • 2.4. Factors influencing self-employment of the working-age population:
    • · the presence of legislation regulating business activities in various sectors of the economy;
    • · financial support from the state;
    • · legal protection;
    • · high competitiveness (properties and qualities of the workforce, goods and services produced, know-how used, etc.);
    • · behavioral orientation of preference for employment in a given sector of the economy;
    • · material and moral support from family members and relatives;
    • · strengthening income differentiation in society;
    • · the cost of organizing a workplace.

It should be noted that the number of factors analyzed at any given moment should not include all of the factors listed above. The above list rather reflects the potential capabilities of factor analysis. Their specific set is determined by the goals of marketing research, as well as the content of the collected information base. In this case, analysis by factors can cover studies that are limited for certain periods, for example, only to the sphere of labor supply or only to demand for it. Such private types of analysis are also acceptable that cover only individual factors (for example, characteristics of the release of unemployment, self-employment of the population, etc.). The list of factors can also be changed by introducing additional characteristics (for example, expanding the database in terms of structural restructuring of the economy, reasons for changes in production volumes, etc.). Other criteria for identifying factors can be applied: for example, factors characterizing processes occurring in open and hidden labor markets, affecting the entire regional market, its urban and regional types, as well as the intra-production market, etc.

The influence of factors is far from clear. A number of factors influence both changes in demand and changes in supply. The influence of some of them may generally manifest itself under the influence of additional reasons as opposing tendencies, etc. Therefore, when conducting market research based on factor analysis, we can recommend the use of additional classification criteria:

  • 1) take into account whether the effect of a given factor strengthens or weakens the demand and supply of labor;
  • 2) over what time period the factor operates (short-term or long-term);
  • 3) evaluate the features of its manifestation in modern conditions, etc.

Analysis of the dynamics of factors over a number of years or several models over a certain period of time allows us to establish the main patterns inherent in the analyzed market, substantiate its development trends and develop a forecast for the future period. At the same time, it is important to highlight those factors whose influence will be dominant for a given labor market. The effectiveness of labor market management depends decisively on measures to influence the latter.

Based on the results of the analysis, it is advisable to set policy goals for promoting employment in the near future and to rank priorities in the implementation of measures to promote employment and social protection in the labor market.


1. Theoretical foundations of marketing activities in the field of personnel ....5

1.1 The essence and types of personnel marketing…………………………….5

1.2 Functions of personnel marketing…………………………………….12

1.3 Determination of requirements for personnel and employer……………16

2. Analysis of marketing activities in the field of personnel at Korsar LLC.22

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of Korsar LLC..22

2.2 Analysis of the personnel supply of Korsar LLC ………….………33

2.3 Research of marketing activities in the field of personnel in

LLC "Corsair" ………………………………………………………………38

3. Development of measures aimed at improving marketing activities in the field of personnel at Korsar LLC…………..41

3.1 Improving marketing activities in the field of personnel at Korsar LLC ………………………………………………………………..41

3.2 Development of a personnel marketing plan at Korsar LLC………….. 48

3.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed measures at Korsar LLC53

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………. 57

References………………………………………………………………………………… 61



The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that an integral part of enterprise management is personnel management, which should be aimed both at satisfying the needs of the enterprise and at satisfying the interests of its employees and society as a whole.
Effective enterprise management is almost impossible without the effective use of the labor potential of human resources. In the activities of any enterprise, a special role belongs to employees implementing the production process and personnel. The main feature of the personnel is that in addition to performing production functions, the employees of the enterprise are an active component of the production process, they can actively contribute to the growth of production, they can be indifferent to the activities of the enterprise where they work, and they can resist innovations. Approximately 20-30% increase in labor productivity, ensured by more productive work of personnel in fierce competition, can be decisive for the survival of the enterprise, the conquest and strengthening of sales markets, and a successful business. Labor can be effective in combination with the organization of production and management. The enterprise is faced with the task of creating conditions that ensure optimal use of human resources to the extent of balancing the needs and interests of the enterprise and each employee.

Achieving this balance can be achieved through the introduction of marketing into personnel management. The use of marketing will help to find agreement between market conditions, the capabilities of the enterprise and the interests of each of its employees. It will make it possible to track changes in the professional and qualification structure of personnel, identify trends in the development of the labor force in the labor market and timely determine qualitative and quantitative requirements for it.

Marketing activities in the personnel management system are a set of interconnected stages in the formation and implementation of tactical and strategic personnel-marketing plans.

The meaning of personnel marketing can be defined as a type of management activity aimed at identifying and covering the need for personnel. The goal of this type of management activity is to ensure effective and optimal employment, that is, the maximum coincidence of the interests of the employee and the employer.

The object of the course work is the company Korsar LLC.

The subject of the course work is the study of marketing activities in the field of personnel.

The purpose of this work is to develop a plan for marketing activities in the field of personnel using the example of Korsar LLC.

In accordance with this goal, we highlight the following tasks:

1. Consider the theoretical foundations of marketing activities in the field of personnel.

2. Conduct an analysis of marketing activities in the field of personnel at Korsar LLC.

3. Develop measures aimed at improving marketing activities in the field of personnel at Korsar LLC.

The structure of the course work. The course work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

Methods used to conduct marketing research: integrated approach, system analysis, questionnaires, interviews, SWOT analysis, observation and others.

1. Theoretical foundations of marketing activities in the field of personnel

1.1 The essence and types of personnel marketing

“Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange.”

“Marketing is about forming an idea for a particular product, packaging it and putting it in the hands of the public. This means preparing a product, getting it to market, and placing it there in such a way as to achieve the greatest possible sales and the greatest possible response."

“Marketing doesn’t exist.”

Personnel marketing is a type of activity for studying the labor market in order to satisfy the organization's needs for personnel, identifying a range of sources and ways to meet this need. Personnel marketing is a condition for the growth of an organization's human resources through external sources.

Personnel marketing is a type of management activity aimed at identifying personnel.

Marketing activities in the field of personnel represent interconnected stages in the formation and implementation of a personnel plan - (Fig. 1). The general personnel methodology is based on the basic principles of the “production” theory.

Rice. 1. Stages for the formation and implementation of the personnel plan -

The initial information for determining the directions of marketing activities, forming a personnel marketing plan and measures for its implementation is provided by an analysis of external and internal factors. Such analysis is the starting point of marketing activities.

External factors are understood as conditions that the organization as a management entity, as a rule, cannot change, but must take into account to correctly determine the qualitative and quantitative need for personnel and the optimal sources of covering this need. The external factors that determine the content of personnel marketing include the following factors presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - External factors of marketing activities

Factor name

Characteristics of the factor

General economic situation and state of the industry

Analysis of this factor shows trends in economic development, competitive situation, interaction with trade unions, and the situation in the field of education

Technology development

Determines the change in the nature and content of work, its subject orientation, which forms a change in the requirements for specialties and jobs, training and retraining of personnel

Features of social needs

This factor allows us to present the structure of the needs of potential employees of the organization at a given point in time of social and industrial relations

Development of legislation

When resolving personnel-marketing issues, one should take into account issues of labor legislation, its possible changes over time, features of legislation in the field of labor protection, employment, etc.

Personnel policies of competitor organizations

Studying the forms and methods of working with personnel in competing organizations in order to develop a behavioral strategy aimed at changing personnel policy

Taking these factors into account allows you to avoid major mistakes when developing areas of marketing activity.

Internal factors are understood as those that are largely amenable to control by the organization. The main internal factors are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Internal factors of marketing activities

Characteristics of the factor

Organizational goals

The clarity and specificity of the goal-setting system determines the strict direction of the organization's long-term policy. Its goals and objectives form the HR marketing strategy

Financial resources

An accurate assessment of the organization's needs and capabilities in financing personnel management activities determines the choice of alternative or compromise options in the area of ​​planning personnel requirements, its coverage, the use of personnel, and their training.

Human resource potential of the organization

This factor applies both to the marketing environment and to personnel management in general. It is associated with assessing the capabilities of HR specialists, with the correct distribution of responsibilities between them, which largely determines the success of the implementation of the personnel marketing plan

Sources of covering staffing needs

This factor can be considered as internal from the point of view of the ability of organizations to select those sources of covering personnel needs that correspond to the state of other internal and external factors: the goals of the organization, financial resources, technology development trends, etc.

Full and accurate accounting of all the above factors determines the level and features of the implementation of marketing activities in the field of personnel. Analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization is necessary to clarify specific areas of labor market research.

In world practice, it is customary to distinguish the following main areas of personnel marketing:

– development of personnel requirements;

– determination of personnel needs;

– calculation of costs for the acquisition and further use of personnel;

– choosing ways to cover staffing needs

The information function of personnel marketing is to create an information base, which provides the basis for planning in the field of market segmentation and communications by target groups (market segments). It can be differentiated into the following more specific functions: studying the requirements for positions and jobs; research of the external and internal environment of the organization; labor market research; studying the image of the organization as an employer.

– conversations between HR marketing specialists and potential employees of the organization, with external partners, with employees of their organization, etc.

Marketing considers labor from two sides: 1) as a commodity, where the main thing is the consumer properties of workers; 2) as a buyer who buys a workplace in exchange for his labor.
With this approach, we have, on the one hand, the labor market and, on the other hand, the job market. As a commodity, labor power is evaluated by the employer and depends on his choice, his decision. As a buyer, the carrier of the labor force evaluates and decides on the choice of a workplace depending on the extent to which it is able to actualize his ability to work and satisfy his expectations.

Many domestic organizations by personnel marketing mean only the work that precedes the hiring of a candidate for a vacancy, that is, external marketing, without considering their own employees as the object of personnel marketing. In reality, the personnel market operates in every enterprise at any given moment. The meaning of internal personnel marketing comes down to the fact that each employee has such qualities that he can leave the organization and win any competition for a new job, but does not do this, since he is held back by favorable working conditions (working climate, development opportunities, remuneration and so on.) .

Thus, depending on the location of distribution (field of activity), one should distinguish between external and internal marketing of personnel.
External personnel marketing means that the enterprise concentrates its efforts on the external labor market. The main task of personnel marketing is external profiling of the enterprise, which, first of all, means conveying to potential candidates for vacancies a positive attitude towards the organization and providing it with the necessary, professionally suitable employees.

1.2 Functions of personnel marketing

The information function of personnel marketing is to create an information base, which provides the basis for planning in the field of market segmentation and communications by target groups (market segments). It can be differentiated into the following more specific functions: studying the requirements for positions and jobs; research of the external and internal environment of the organization; labor market research; studying the image of the organization as an employer.

IN Within this function, personnel marketing allows you to collect information for personnel planning. Personnel marketing studies information about the requirements that employees make in the labor market for positions, for jobs, studies the external and internal environment of the organization, examines the labor market and the image of the company as an employer.

AND sources of personnel information are:

· Government programs and laws

· Analytical materials and articles

· Employment and employment services

· Specialized printed publications

· Conversations with candidates

· Information about educational institutions

· Conversations with representatives of other organizations

· Surveys of company employees

· Specialized TV programs

AND The information function of personnel marketing involves studying the requirements that candidates for vacant positions make for the profession, position and workplace.

T The requirements include several parameters: abilities, knowledge, abilities, skills, work experience, personal qualities of a specialist, psychophysiological characteristics, motivation, personality orientation, area of ​​interest, values, learning ability.

T The requirements for the position are studied with the help of qualification reference books, classifiers, and analytical materials. Based on the information received, personnel marketing specialists draw up internal documents that contain the necessary characteristics.

T Also, the subject of research is the external and internal environment of the enterprise. The first includes political, economic factors, technology and science, labor content, legislative framework, and competitive environment. The latter includes the characteristics of the organization: goals, mission, strategy, financial capabilities, scope of the company’s activities, personnel policy, etc.

IN Performing the information function of personnel marketing is impossible without studying the labor market, the structure of personnel development, motivational attitudes of employees, business processes, culture of relationships, etc.

IN An important step is to study the image of the enterprise as an employer from the point of view of other companies, internal employees of the company and potential employees.

AND The information function of personnel marketing allows you to highlight areas in which problems with human resources may arise and take preventive measures in a timely manner.

Analytical function

P Using this function, marketing personnel processes all received information and prepares new information for the development of measures necessary to increase the company's competitiveness and its development.

A Data analysis is carried out using special methods that are used in marketing.

Communication function(organization of a communications system at the enterprise)

C spruce communication activities- establish contact with labor market entities in such a way as to fully satisfy the organization’s personnel needs. Communication is established both with the external labor market and with the organization’s employees.

AND Fulfilling this function includes segmenting the labor market according to various parameters: geographical, demographic, regional, economic, political, etc.

WITH Segmentation of the labor market allows you to more effectively allocate the organization's resources in order to achieve the company's goals.

TO communication connections are established with the help of employment and employment services, in cooperation with educational centers and institutions, with the help of recruitment agencies, through their employees, through the media, in interaction with other employers, etc.

N Establishing connections within the company also requires special attention and special events and work. Fundamental here is the development and promotion of corporate culture, the formation of a management style in the company, meetings and conferences with employees, non-working corporate events, staff training, publishing a corporate magazine or newspaper, organizing sports activities for employees, consulting employees on their personal problems, etc. In order to satisfy the needs of employees in relation to the employer, it is necessary to establish strong connections between them not only within the production process, but also outside of working hours.

M Personnel marketing uses methods that are a synthesis of marketing and personnel management methods. The main difference between personnel marketing and the classical methods of personnel planning generally accepted in our country is that personnel marketing considers the labor market precisely as a market, that is, a sphere operating according to market laws. This allows personnel marketing to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.

A marketing information system in personnel management is an information exchange system that allows personnel marketing specialists to analyze, plan and implement marketing activities. The basis of the personnel marketing information system is the sources of this information, namely:

– educational programs and plans for graduating specialists in educational institutions;

– educational programs for additional training in commercial training centers and for retraining courses at labor exchanges;

– analytical materials published by state labor and employment authorities (such materials can be prepared at the request of organizations);

– information messages from employment services (labor exchanges);

– specialized magazines and special publications devoted to employment issues, as well as general problems of personnel management;

1.3 Determination of requirements for personnel and employer

Requirements for personnel on the part of the employer are formed in the process of determining the organization's needs for human resources. In turn, determining personnel needs should begin with the consistent development of a number of documents. They will allow us to express the need for such qualitative categories as: the composition of professions, specialties, positions and jobs in their structural relationship, as well as the content of labor at each workplace. The description of the content of work is the basis for the final formation of the requirements for personnel. When hiring an employee, the employer wants to be sure that his work will have a certain result. Direct measurement of the employee’s performance results is expressed, as a rule, in the quality and timeliness of his performance of his official duties.

Quality parameters in this case can be the suitability of labor results for use by adjacent units, thoroughness in completing tasks, accuracy, rationality and reliability of the implementation of the entire organizational and technological process and its individual elements. It is clear that when applying for a job, the employer is unlikely to be able to reliably assess these parameters. In the personnel selection process, the organization evaluates such a group of parameters as the candidate’s abilities. They can be considered as conditions contributing to the achievement of certain labor results. Such conditions include, for example, the level of education, the amount of basic and additional knowledge, practical skills and experience in a certain field of activity. As additional conditions for ensuring labor productivity, one can consider the personal characteristics of the employee and his motivational attitudes (for example, the desire for self-realization, interest in working in a specific organization).

Modern conditions in which any production or management process takes place place increased demands on the professional role performed by each employee, regardless of the position he occupies. An employee of an organization is in conditions of fairly strict industrial socialization, in which the interrelations of any link in the organizational structure have a significant impact on the overall efficiency of the labor process. Because of this, the employer places increased demands on the professional behavior of employees. It can be expressed, for example, in the personal initiative or readiness of the employee to perform the tasks assigned to him.

The level of compliance of a potential employee with the individual requirements of the employer is difficult to assess at the stages of personnel selection, since the nature of the fulfillment of these requirements can only be reliably revealed in the process of direct professional activity. Conclusions about the level of compliance with such requirements can be made during periodic business assessments of staff personnel or their certification. A probationary period during employment may help partly in solving this problem, but its regulatory time frame may not be sufficient for a reliable assessment.

So, it should be emphasized once again that a number of requirements that the employer places on candidates for a position are difficult to reliably assess during the personnel selection process. These include the personal qualities of an employee necessary to perform a certain activity, the ability to learn, the quality of performance of job duties, completing tasks on time, personal initiative, etc.

As already noted, personnel marketing works to satisfy the requirements of both sides of the employment relationship, which means it is necessary to study the requirements that potential employees make of the employer. Taking these requirements into account when carrying out the organization’s personnel policy will allow it to form and maintain its own image at the proper level, both on the external and internal labor markets. As a result, a positive image of the employer will ensure an effective recruitment process, as well as a decrease in turnover and an increase in the level of job satisfaction among the organization’s own personnel. Hence the need arises to develop a fairly complete list of potential requests to employing organizations, from which the circle of possible applicants can form the composition and content of their expectations and preferences. To solve this problem, it is necessary to formulate an answer to the question: what are the main functions that labor performs in terms of meeting the needs of participants in the labor process.

Analyzing the content of existing theories of motivation, as well as the experience of their practical application by leading domestic and foreign companies, we can say that in the work motivation management system there are two large classes of incentive subsystems: monetary and non-monetary. Accordingly, we can say that any employee expects from his employer to ensure the fulfillment of both monetary and non-monetary incentive functions of labor. Relatively separate from the above is the function of self-realization at work, which includes such significant motivators as the employee’s career chances, the dynamics of his professional development, reasonable freedom to realize his own ideas, etc.

An important role of labor relations for an individual is that he receives an additional opportunity (compared to everyday non-working life) to enter a certain society, communicate in it, and realize the need for a certain social status. In other words, labor performs a social function in relation to its participants. And finally, when looking for a job, a person assumes that the employer will provide for his need for legal, social and psychological security.

The employing organization must consider how it can identify the needs of potential and existing employees. Moreover, these requests should be considered from two positions: as significant in relation to a specific organization and as prevailing in the labor market as a whole. The practical experience of some companies suggests that there are several ways in which it is possible to identify the needs of potential and full-time employees.

Analysis of the requirements for workplaces forms a system of requirements that the employing organization imposes on personnel applying for certain vacancies. Requirements for personnel are expressed, as a rule, in groups of parameters:


Level of education received;

necessary knowledge (basic and additional);

practical skills in a certain field of professional activity;

experience in certain positions;

skills of cooperation and mutual assistance.

Personal qualities necessary for a certain type of activity;

Ability to perceive professional stress; Ability to concentrate memory, attention, effort, etc.

Sphere of professional interests;

The desire for self-expression and self-realization;

Learning ability;

Interest in working for a specific position, certainty of professional prospects.

These qualitative parameters are determined by the nature of work in a particular position or in a particular workplace. In turn, the nature of work determines the requirements that are presented to the workplace. The study of job requirements should reflect the current and future conditions (requirements forecast).

The subject of analysis and forecasting, in addition to the requirements for the workplace, is the associated qualifications of the employee, expressed through the parameters of the requirements for personnel. Measures for its development are based on the interaction of analytical information about the requirements for the workplace and the actual qualifications of personnel.

The study of requirements for positions and workplaces should be based on regulatory documents, such as:

All-Russian classifier of workers' professions, employee positions and tariff categories;

tariff and qualification characteristics of general industry positions of employees and general industry professions of workers.

The specific expression of the requirements for the position should be found in internal organizational regulatory documents:

description of the job or position (job description), including the organizational status of the position, professional responsibilities, rights, relationships of the position or workplace;

job specification, reflecting the personal characteristics required for the job;

qualification card, including information about general and special education, work skills;

a competency card (“profile” of an ideal employee), describing personal characteristics, abilities to perform certain functions, types of behavior and social roles, etc.

There is no doubt that human resources management is one of the most important aspects of management theory and practice. Without people there is no organization. Without the right people, no organization can achieve the right goals and survive. The initial stage in the personnel management process is recruitment and selection of personnel. All subsequent activities in the human resource management process depend on how the selection is made and which people are selected for the work of the organization. Therefore, in order not to create additional difficulties, you should take this stage very seriously.

When selecting personnel, employers deal with people who strive to realize their goals by choosing a particular organization. In the same way, managers strive to realize their goals when choosing a candidate. In addition, we must keep in mind that people are looking not just for any job, but for one that suits them. The wrong choice of work can have irreparable consequences both for the employee, manager, and for the organization as a whole.

Recruitment is a series of actions taken by an organization to attract candidates who have the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization.

2. Analysis of marketing activities in the field of personnel at Korsar LLC

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of Korsar LLC

Currently, the travel company Korsar LLC operates in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, Australia and Oceania.

Korsar LLC offers a wide range of services: studying abroad, vacations for children and students, beach holidays, exotic tours, bus tours in Europe, treatment and wellness in Russia and abroad, tours for newlyweds, ski tours, corporate tours, shopping tours, visas, excursions to the cities of the KMS, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Northern. Ossetia, treatment in KMS sanatoriums, hotel reservations, transfer services, reception of organized groups at KMS, last-minute tours are always available.

The approaches of Korsar LLC to working with clients and the services offered are new and most effective. Travel agency employees work quickly and accurately. Registration of each client's trip is carried out in the shortest possible time.

The main types (subjects) of activity of Korsar LLC are:

Provision of tourist services;

Organization of excursion development;

Rental of tourist equipment, equipment, household appliances, equipment and cars;

Organization of business meetings, business tours, cruises and business trips both in Russia and abroad (with the participation of Russian and foreign citizens);

Organization and management of hotel business;

Providing visa services to Russian and foreign citizens and companies;

Foreign economic activity.

In accordance with the areas of work, the organizational structure of the enterprise is as follows:

Fig.2. Organizational structure of Korsar LLC

The organizational structure presupposes, first of all, the establishment of clear relationships between the individual divisions of the company, the distribution of rights and responsibilities between them. It implements various requirements for improving management systems, expressed in certain management principles.

A set of specialized functional components interconnected in the process of development, justification, adoption and implementation.

When designing an organizational structure, it is necessary to clearly define the methodological principles for forming the structure of the enterprise, especially the management system.

A management system can be considered as a dynamic set of interconnected management processes.

Analysis of organizational structure - analysis of the structure of personnel and their incentives, management structure, existing planning and management systems, work style at different levels of the enterprise, as well as the effectiveness of the organizational structure.

The main task of analyzing the organizational structure at Korsar LLC is to determine the degree of compliance of the organizational structure with the strategic objectives of the enterprise and the possibility of restructuring its structure in the appropriate directions. Currently, the process of transforming the management system of Korsar LLC is underway. This is one of the main tasks of reform.

Analysis of the state of research into the functional type of organizational structure of Korsar LLC, in that management has the opportunity to make the necessary clarifications to previously planned production plans, as well as:

1) carry out a clear centralization of management from top to bottom, which made it possible to ensure the unity of actions of all structures subordinate to the center;

2) concentrate the necessary material, human and financial resources and reserves to solve the main strategic goals and objectives, ensure effective current and operational management;

3) introduce a strict system of control over the work of all sections, teams, workshops, departments, etc. and over individual employees. Determine the norms and standards of their activities;

4) to form management personnel corresponding to the functions performed by various parts of the organization - production management, supply and sales, finance, etc.

The advantages of analyzing the organized structure of Korsar LLC include: reduction of coordination links, reduction of duplication of work, strengthening of vertical connections and increased control over the activities of lower levels, high competence of specialists responsible for performing specific functions. The process of functioning of any system is the interaction of its elements in time and space, ensuring the achievement of intended goals under the influence of external disturbances, taking into account available resources.

Analysis of the organizational structure assumes at Korsar LLC the specialization of divisions for individual management functions at all levels. Such analysis significantly improves the quality of management due to the specialization of managers; instead of universal managers, specialists competent in their fields appear.

The activities of Korsar LLC can be considered as a combination of various functional areas. The activity of these areas is reflected in functional processes.

Disadvantages of the organizational structure of Korsar LLC:

This is primarily a poor morale and weak motivation to work. This was a consequence of the following structural deficiencies: individual employees are subject to competitive pressure from other employees due to the fact that there are no standard rules for determining priorities; there are employees who have too much workload due to the fact that they perform work that should be done by others;

Conflicts arise due to disagreement with directives, since each functional manager puts his own issues first

Labor resources analysis is carried out in the following areas:

Assessment of the enterprise's supply of labor resources and labor movement;

Assessing the efficiency of using working time;

Study of labor productivity;

Study of payroll costs.

Administrative and managerial personnel organize the main production activities well.

The main structural unit for personnel management of Korsar LLC is the General Director.

Hiring takes a special place in the work of any human resources department. Successful recruitment of new employees ensures that a business can meet its human resource needs.

The company can carry out this work independently or entrust it to consulting firms.

The hiring process consists of comparing the employer's requirements with the candidate's qualifications. Since the employer is offering a position that guarantees remuneration, it is necessary that the candidate meet certain requirements. Most employers try to select workers largely based on their education. The employer also looks at the candidate's experience, physical, medical and personal characteristics.

During the period when the labor market is filled with labor, there are no great difficulties in staffing jobs.

The main form of employment at an enterprise is contract.

The contract for employees of Korsar LLC includes the main provisions of labor legislation. The contract with the employee is initially concluded for 2 months; after completion of the probationary period, the contract is concluded for a longer period by agreement between the administration of the enterprise and the employee.

The transition to a contract hiring system makes it possible to increase the responsibility of workers for completing the assigned area of ​​work and, at the same time, by tightening the requirements, allows us to encourage the most valuable specialists for production.

Hiring is necessarily accompanied by a study of previous work activity, business and moral qualities. Inquiries are made to the organization where the candidate previously worked, and attention is paid to both professional and moral qualities.

Initially, the interview is conducted by the secretary, asking what the candidate wants to do, his profession, and qualifications. The candidate is then sent directly to a supervisor for a subsequent interview and a specific type of work. After they are completed, the immediate supervisor makes a decision on hiring.

After concluding the contract, an order is issued, which, after signing by the general director, is registered, a personnel number is assigned to the employee, and the order is sent to the accounting department.

Let's consider the system of certification, training and retraining of personnel, and advanced training of employees of Korsar LLC.

Certification of the personnel of the enterprise services is carried out regularly and is aimed at establishing the employee’s suitability for the position held, which is determined by the results of his activities, level of qualifications and personal qualities.

Certification has a positive impact on increasing responsibility in the performance of job duties, strengthening labor and production discipline, and also gives a positive impetus to advanced training, development of creativity and social activity.

Certification is carried out by the General Director. The results of the certification are taken into account when further movements of the employee.

At Korsar LLC, employment is subject to sufficient qualifications. With the current fullness of the labor market, there is no need to organize primary training for the enterprise. Educational institutions in the city of Kursk and the region completely satisfy the need for young specialists.

The basis for planning advanced training are regulatory documents that determine the forms, frequency and duration of training.

Specialists improve their skills with and without interruption from production.

Upgrading the qualifications of management staff at the enterprise has currently lost its planning. In recent years, the number of employees undergoing training has decreased significantly.

There are practically no referrals for 1-1.5 month off-the-job courses. The only acceptable form of training was sending workers to short-term courses and seminars. In 2011, 3 people were trained in such courses: travel agents and managers. The limiting factor in this work is the lack of sufficient funds.

Let's consider the adopted system of social benefits and personnel motivation of Korsar LLC.

The list of social benefits is determined at a team meeting and depends on the income of the enterprise. The minimum list of social benefits is the same for all employees and is reflected in the collective agreement.

The list of social benefits includes:

Payment of a monetary reward or a valuable gift in the amount of the employee’s salary on anniversaries: at 55 years old for women and 60 years old for men;

Payment of travel expenses according to company standards.

Each employee of Korsar LLC is guaranteed the following social rights:

Payment of sick leave in case of temporary disability or injury in the amount established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Payment of benefits in the event of the death of an employee or his close relatives (father, mother, children).

Personnel motivation at Korsar LLC is carried out as follows.

Korsar LLC uses time-bonus and piece-rate wages, which are regulated by the Regulations on Remuneration. It was created in order to increase the material interest of employees in fulfilling product sales plans and contractual obligations to increase production profitability.

Remuneration for employees of Korsar LLC depends on the final results of labor (sales of products, contractual obligations, etc.).

Funds for wages are generated for the actual marketable products produced in the billing period on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year.

The calculation is made on the residual principle.

The following are deducted from the volume of marketable products: the cost of materials, shop expenses, costs of maintaining general plant and administrative services, 10% of the actual volume of marketable products (reserve), 35% of the reserved amount of income tax.

The remaining funds constitute the wage fund. There is a distribution of funds between the main and auxiliary services and the management apparatus.

The remuneration of each employee depends on his personal labor contribution and the quality of work and is not limited to the maximum amount.

The salary amount for heads of structural divisions is approved by the General Director.

Payroll is calculated within the limits of funds created by structural divisions for wages.

The payment of wages to the company's employees is carried out within the limits of the amounts received by the division from the sale of services.

Physical working conditions can generally be considered satisfactory. The situation with the content of labor is quite favorable. The majority of workers consider their work interesting, containing elements of creativity, therefore, with a rational organization of work, this should lead to the highest labor efficiency. The level of labor organization at the enterprise, as well as the rhythm of the survey work, is at a fairly low level. Consequently, management does not know how to organize the team and ensure the normal functioning of all departments. The work environment is also extremely unsatisfactory; 88.8% of employees note this.

The calculation of the labor satisfaction index for team members is determined to be 3.4%. This indicates that overall there is satisfaction with work, but there are factors that interfere with the activities of the entire team.

Let's consider the Economic potential of the enterprise LLC "Corsar" in Table 3.

Table 3 - Production potential of the enterprise Korsar LLC

Indicator name


2011 to 2009

Capital of everything: incl.


% of total capital

Borrowed capital

% to capital total, incl.

Long-term obligations

in % of borrowed capital

Short-term loans and borrowings

in % of borrowed capital

Accounts payable as a percentage of borrowed capital

Conclusion: in 2009, the largest share in the structure of borrowed funds was occupied by short-term loans and borrowings (68.7%), but in 2011 their share decreased by 42.7 percentage points. Therefore, the largest share in the composition of borrowed sources in 2011 was accounted for by long-term loans and borrowings. In addition, the share of accounts payable in borrowed capital decreased by 15.1 percentage points. Consequently, it should be noted that positive changes have occurred in the composition and structure of borrowed sources. However, a decrease in the share of its own sources of financing is a negative trend, since the enterprise’s dependence on external sources of financing increases, and is a negative trend since the enterprise’s dependence on external sources of financing increases, and therefore financial risk increases.

The largest share in borrowed sources was occupied by short-term liabilities - 68.7%, and accounts payable accounted for 31.3%.

Table 4 - Composition and structure of property of the enterprise LLC "Corsar"

Sections and items of balance sheet assets


2011 to 2009%

Total assets:

Fixed assets

as a percentage of all property

Current assets

as a percentage of all property

in % of current assets


in % of current assets

Accounts receivable

in % of current assets

Over the same period, the enterprise's property increased 2.5 times. It should be noted that the increase was due to an increase in accounts receivable. So in 2011 compared to 2009. accounts receivable increased 3.6 times. Therefore, the company's current assets increased by 2.8 times. As a result, their share in the enterprise's property increased by 5.6 percentage points, which accordingly led to a decrease in the share of non-current assets. A significant increase in accounts receivable is a negative trend, as it indicates poor organization of settlements and relationships with product buyers.

2.2 Analysis of the staffing level of Korsar LLC

We will analyze the number of workers at Korsar LLC in
2010-2011 (Table 5).

Table 5-Analysis of the number of employees at Korsar LLC in 2010-2011. , V %

As of January 1, 2012, the number of employees working at Korsar LLC was 10 people, all of whom are permanent employees of the company. In 2010, there were also 12 permanent employees and 1 employee worked temporarily.

The main reason is the policy of management: before hiring a person for a permanent job, he is hired temporarily, and based on the results of his activities, a decision is made on his further stay at the enterprise.

Compared to the same period in 2010, the number of workers increased by 2 people.

A comparative analysis of women and men among workers is presented by the following data:

The number of working men as of January 1, 2011 was 76% of the total number of workers and women 24% or 3 people. In 2011, the number of women changed, and the number of men increased by 2 people. The structural composition has remained virtually unchanged.

Table 6 - Personnel structure of Korsar LLC by gender for 2010-2011, in%

The age characteristics of the personnel of Korsar LLC are presented in Table 7.

Table 7 - Age structure of Korsar LLC

The age composition of Korsar LLC employees has changed: a working pensioner has appeared, and the active part of the workforce has increased by 1 person. In fact, the workforce is rejuvenating.

A whole list of indicators is used to characterize the movement of labor. Let's calculate and analyze them based on the initial data.

Table 8 - Initial data for the analysis of the movement of labor resources of the enterprise Korsar LLC

Turnover coefficient for hiring workers (Kpr):

Disposal turnover ratio (Q):

Staff turnover rate (Kt):

Enterprise persistence coefficients (Kp.s):

It is necessary to study the reasons for the dismissal of employees (at will, staff reduction, violation of labor discipline).

The tension in providing an enterprise with labor resources can be somewhat relieved through a more complete use of the existing workforce, an increase in worker productivity, intensification of production, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, the introduction of new, more productive equipment, improvement of technology and organization of production. In the process of analysis, reserves for reducing the need for labor resources as a result of the above measures should be identified.

If an enterprise expands its activities, increases production capacity, and creates new jobs, then it is necessary to determine the additional need for labor resources by category and profession and the sources of their attraction.

Indicators characterizing labor movements are given in Table 9.

Table 9 - Indicators characterizing the movement of the labor force of Korsar LLC for 2010-2011.

An analysis of the labor force movement coefficients shows the following: the turnover coefficient for hiring workers is higher than the coefficient for leaving both in 2010 and in 2011, which indicates the additional attraction of additional resources.

In 2010, 1 person was hired at the enterprise, and 1 person was fired.

During 2011, 6 people were hired at Korsar LLC and 4 people were fired.

The composition of the enterprise's personnel is inconsistent, which can negatively affect the operation of the enterprise.

Labor productivity is the source of prosperity for any organization and its employees, so any management must pay increased attention to changing and monitoring productivity dynamics. The labor productivity indicators used for analysis should reflect the specifics of the organization's production activities. To analyze the labor productivity of Korsar LLC, we will take the 2 most advanced indicators:

Sales volume per employee, which is calculated as the ratio of the volume of product sales for the period to the number of employees.

Profit per employee. This indicator characterizes the efficiency of the company - how much profit each employee brings, and is calculated as the amount of profit divided by the number of employees. The amount of profit per employee is an important indicator of the company's performance, since making a profit is one of the main goals of most organizations.

These indicators were calculated for the company Korsar LLC and are shown in Table 10.

Table 10 - Personnel productivity indicators of Korsar LLC

Accordingly, both indicators tend to increase. Sales volume per 1 employee increased by 14.7%, profit per 1 employee increased by 104.5%.

In general, it is necessary to note the efficiency of labor resources: an increase in production volume and sales profit.

2.3 Research of marketing activities in the field of personnel at Korsar LLC

Personnel management at the Korsar LLC enterprise is carried out by the personnel service.

Thus, the personnel service is the main structural unit of the Korsar LLC company for personnel management, which is entrusted with the functions of hiring and firing employees, as well as organizing their training, advanced training and retraining.

When determining the range of tasks for personnel management, main and additional tasks are conventionally distinguished.

Among its main tasks are the following:

socio-psychological diagnostics;

analysis and regulation of group and interpersonal relationships, relations between the manager and subordinates;

management of industrial and social conflicts and stress;

information support for personnel management;

employment management;

assessment and selection of candidates for vacant positions;

analysis of human resources and personnel needs;

personnel marketing;

business career planning and control;

professional and socio-psychological adaptation of workers;

labor motivation management; regulation of legal issues of labor relations;

compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology, ergonomics and labor aesthetics.

Additional tasks include tasks that can be performed jointly with the main ones, but, as a rule, management of them is carried out by external (in relation to the personnel service) departments.

These types of tasks include:

1. occupational health and safety

2. calculation and payment of wages

3. provision of various types of services (for example, organization of information communications, services in the field of social infrastructure).

Functions of the HR department:

Since currently the number of management employees reaches 30% of the organization, one of the most important problems solved by personnel services is the formation of an optimal management apparatus, determining the long-term and current need for managers.

Another important function is to supervise personnel. Its objectives are: to study the impact that the existing distribution of employees among jobs has on the results of the organization’s work; analysis of the social and economic efficiency of using certain management methods; coordination of personnel planning with planning of other areas of the organization’s activities, especially in connection with fundamental changes in it; creation of a personnel information base.

Another modern function of personnel services is the implementation of personnel marketing , whose main task is to provide the organization with highly qualified employees. It is a set of activities to: study the internal and external labor market; analysis of employee expectations in the field of official transfers; dissemination within the organization of information about the need for personnel, opportunities to improve or change their qualifications.

The next function of the personnel service is monitoring - constant special monitoring of the state of personnel, their dynamics, including turnover; balance of labor resources; stimulation; job satisfaction; processes of hiring, training, advanced training, promotion; the state of labor discipline; injuries, etc.

Personnel requirements planning is one of the most important areas of personnel planning and is defined as the process of providing an enterprise with the necessary number of qualified personnel for a certain period.

The main goal of planning personnel needs is to find reserves that allow reaching a level of personnel costs that would be lower than the level achieved by competitors, would allow one to meet the established wage fund of each department and the unified wage fund of the enterprise, and would not allow overspending .

The need for personnel can be of two types: qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative need for personnel - the need for the number of personnel by categories, professions, specialties and levels of qualification requirements. Therefore, we recommended that you study data on additional skills of employees in order to have an idea of ​​​​the level of professionalism.

Quantitative need is the need for personnel without taking into account the qualification requirements and characteristics of the organization.

Forecasting of personnel needs is carried out using a number of methods and techniques (integrated or separately). Recently, methods based on the use of mathematics have become popular. But the method of expert assessments, which does not require complex research, is also used in organizations.

3. Development of measures aimed at improving marketing activities in the field of personnel at Korsar LLC

3.1 Improving marketing activities in the field of personnel at Korsar LLC

At Korsar LLC, the work of hiring personnel, along with the main work, is performed by the director. At the same time, he spends up to 15% useful. It was established by expert evidence that the director's share in the company is 30%. The director of Korsar LLC believes that the introduction of a recruiting specialist position will allow him to save the time he spends on hiring and focus on solving the main tasks.

To improve motivation at Korsar LLC, the following incentive methods can be recommended:

Additional payments to forwarders for expanding service areas or increasing the volume of work in the amount of 50% of the salary;

For performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee in the amount of 40% of the salary;

Employees of the enterprise are rewarded for work results at the end of the year and quarter, at the expense of the material incentive fund. The bonus is paid when the plan is fulfilled and exceeded according to economic and fund-forming indicators.

The minimum period of continuous work for payment of remuneration is 1 year.

The most promising employees of the enterprise should be sent to advanced training courses, additional training or retraining, with payment at the expense of the enterprise (Table 11).

The implementation of the proposed measures to motivate personnel will increase the interest of employees in the results of work and, therefore, increase the efficiency of personnel through increased labor productivity, which will improve the efficiency of the enterprise.

Improving the methods of economic incentives for personnel at Korsar LLC should be based on establishing the relationship between wages and the level of income of the enterprise, as well as the labor efficiency of the employee himself.

The existing bonus system at the enterprise does not make the amount of remuneration dependent on the direct performance of personnel, focusing on the production plans of departments. It is intended only to prevent violations of labor discipline. For a more effective impact of material incentives on personnel, it is necessary to introduce a more differentiated system of bonuses to the basic wage fund for all employees. Those components that have a significant impact on increasing labor productivity in the existing system continue to be used in the newly created motivation system.

Table 11 - Enterprise costs for personnel training at Korsar LLC

In modern management, there are two basic forms of wages - piecework and time-based. In the first case, the amount of monetary remuneration is determined in proportion to the amount of work performed. In the second, the level of payment is associated with the duration of time spent on work. Based on these forms, various options and combinations of remuneration are constructed.

The payment system should create a sense of confidence and security in people, include effective means of incentives and motivation, and ensure the process of reproduction of expended energy (recovery of workers).

In order for the selected payment system to enhance the motivation of the company’s employees, HR specialists suggest carrying out design in the following sequence:

Determine the goals and principles of the payment system (focus on individual or group results, does this system allow you to find and retain the right specialists, reduce staff turnover, etc.);

Collect information about payment systems in competing companies;

Analyze the conditions under which the payment system of interest operates;

Consider a survey on proposed changes to the payment system;

Analyze the effectiveness of the payment system by comparing the results achieved with its goals.

The remuneration system existing at Korsar LLC today combines several of the listed forms of remuneration, which are implemented for certain groups of personnel. An analysis of possible forms of organizing the wage system at an enterprise using the proposed technology, based on the goal of changing the current economic situation, showed that the existing system should be supplemented by a system of employee participation in the organization’s profits and the construction of personnel management according to goals, based on the achievement of which the labor efficiency of each person will be assessed employee.

Employee profit sharing systems refer to the division between employees and the company of additional profits that were received as a result of increased productivity or quality. At the same time, the productivity of the entire enterprise or production site is considered, i.e. group or collective efficiency, and bonuses are paid to all workers, not a select few. Note that all of these systems are aimed at workers receiving hourly wages, whose individual labor efforts are not always directly related to the final result. These are both employees and temporary workers.

The most common systems today for employee participation in the organization’s profits are: the Scanlon system, the Rucker system, and the Iproshear system.

To introduce a system of employee profit participation at Korsar LLC, it is possible to propose a calculation of the bonus fund based on the Rucker system as a percentage of the company’s revenue growth in the analyzed period. The percentage allocated to the formation of the bonus fund should be determined based on the share of labor costs in the cost of the enterprise's products in recent years. The calculation of the indicator is presented in Table 12.

Table 12 - Calculation of parameters of the employee profit participation system
LLC "Corsar"

The analysis shows that the share of labor costs in the company's revenue decreased in 2011 by 0.9%.

At Korsar LLC, there is a tendency to reduce the share of labor costs, which is associated with the development of the bonus system at the enterprise in 2011. Therefore, in order to form a fund for the participation of employees in the profits of the enterprise, it is proposed to establish a deduction standard of 30% of the increase in gross profit, which, according to production profitability data for 2010, will amount to will be % of the enterprise’s revenue (net) (Table 13).

This indicator will allow us to take into account the impact on the results of the enterprise’s activities, both an increase in labor productivity and an increase in the amount of time worked by employees.

Table 13 - Calculation of the standard of deductions for the system of employee participation in the profits of Korsar LLC

Thus, the total percentage of profit growth allocated to the formation of a bonus staff wage fund for the project will be 3.5% of the volume of products sold. The distribution of this profit should occur on the basis of calculating the coefficient of employee participation in the activities of the enterprise.

When implementing the proposed system, one should focus on the methods and conditions for applying employee profit participation systems developed by management. The main conditions for the effectiveness of the application of employee profit sharing systems:

1. Profit sharing is ineffective if it is not complemented by the involvement of workers in management, in the decision-making process, in finding and solving production problems, and ways to improve production.

The main thing is to understand that profit sharing systems are not so much a way to pay workers, but a way to manage the labor process, control it in such a way as to constantly stimulate the improvement of production through the rationalization activities of people.

2. Determination of the size of bonuses should be based on indicators that employees can have a real impact on, i.e., that they can influence (primarily for the better) and control at their workplaces and production sites.

3. Workers must themselves participate in the development of profit-sharing systems or sharing the benefits of increased productivity. Such systems should not be developed by a narrow circle of specialists or managers.

The initial basis for creating a system of employee profit participation can be the proposed parameters for the formation of an additional bonus fund. The division of the created bonus fund must be carried out according to standards developed with the participation of employees. It would be rational to formulate the distribution of the received fund in two directions: bonuses to employees based on the performance of the enterprise as a whole and on the results of the individual contribution of employees. Detailed parameters for the distribution of the bonus fund should be established with the participation of employees in order to be clear to them.

Combining all the economic incentive measures proposed and already existing at the enterprise, we can offer the following list of forms of receiving economic income by employees designed to stimulate their work activity:

1. Salary (basic salary and additional: bonuses and allowances).

2. Bonuses (one-time payments from the organization’s profits (rewards and bonuses).

3. Profit sharing (a set share of revenue from which the incentive fund is formed).

4. Participation in share capital (purchase of shares and receipt of dividends, purchase of shares at preferential prices).

5. Additional payment plans (subsidizing business and personal expenses depending on the results of work).

6. Savings funds (organization of savings funds for employees of the organization with interest payments).

7. Contributions to the pension fund (our own, alternative to the state pension fund is created, where contributions are made).

8. Association for obtaining loans (establishment of preferential loans).

All these forms of incentives should be used to determine material remuneration, while personnel costs will not be of a sharply growing nature. The introduction of these must be carried out gradually, while one form may be a source for another (for example, savings funds are sources of loans).

3.2 Development of a personnel marketing plan for Korsar LLC

In order to solve problems at Korsar LLC, it can be recommended to introduce a new staffing unit into the staffing table - a personnel marketing specialist, whose activity is to plan and implement the personnel requirement procedure, as well as recruit personnel by placing advertisements in the personnel press and others MASS MEDIA. We have developed a job description.

To facilitate the search for applicants, you can develop a personnel-marketing plan.

To create a marketing plan you should:

Determine the goals and objectives of the department. The main goal is to ensure full and timely satisfaction of the current and future personnel needs of the enterprise by staffing structural units with the required number of workers of the required specialties and qualifications. Selection of missing specialists for the personnel management service.

The financial condition of the organization is an important factor in the implementation of the personnel management system. a favorable financial situation, evidenced by the receipt of income, allows the necessary funds to be allocated to achieve goals. To achieve the intended goals, funds from the organization's gross revenue were allocated. The department's budget is distributed as follows:

Other unforeseen expenses;

Factors in the emergence of additional personnel needs are associated with the reorganization of the department. Expansion of the department implies the emergence of new functions.

Based on the above goals, the need for personnel is determined. When analyzing the problem at Korsar LLC, it was revealed that the HR department needed a personnel marketing specialist to function after the reorganization. Thus, the personnel management service will consist of two specialists; training inspector and personnel marketing specialist.

Personnel requirements are drawn up for each position. Requirements are drawn up based on job descriptions. Job descriptions are presented in the appendices.

Sources for obtaining the necessary information about potential employees may be a list of organizations providing information and consulting services, as well as conducting qualified training and selection of relevant specialists.

How to cover additional staffing needs indicates the degree of involvement of the organization in selecting the right workers. Coverage paths are divided:

Active: representatives of the organization go to higher educational institutions to select managers; searching for organizations capable of providing highly qualified services for the selection of the necessary personnel, concluding contracts with organizations that suit us for the selection of the required personnel. Working with labor exchanges to select a head of management services.

Passive: Advertising for vacant positions through advertisements in employment newspapers.

Private employment agencies are the main source of clean work clerks and management personnel. These agencies receive a fee for each worker they place. One of the main advantages of an employment agency is preliminary work. But this advantage also has a negative side - the employment agency may skip a number of questions necessary for a particular enterprise during the preliminary interview. As a result, the organization may receive a less than qualified applicant. Likewise, the most suitable applicants for a particular business may be accidentally overlooked.

To avoid such problems you need to do the following:

1.Give the agency an accurate job description.

2. Determine the criteria by which the agency should select applicants.

3.If possible, periodically review data regarding accepted and rejected candidates.

4.If possible, it is recommended to enter into long-term contracts with one or two agencies. You can also select a special person to support the company's communication with the agency. Or even try to establish some contact with an agency employee in order to coordinate the company’s needs for staffing.

HR marketing costs include:

Payment for services to find suitable employees;

One-time – related to the equipment of new places and professional adaptation;

Current (external) – related to the periodic involvement of external consultants, entertainment expenses, information collection;

Current (internal) – related to training and improving working conditions of employees; wages for new employees.

When hiring a new employee, it is necessary to take into account the cost of maintaining him. The approximate costs of maintaining an employee are as follows:

Salary (starting salary);

– bonuses and cash rewards;

Social security costs (social security payments, programs covering old age, disability and survivors, illness, maternity, work injuries, unemployment, etc.);

– payments from the non-state pension fund and medical support fund;

Advertising as a way to find candidates. In order for a job advertisement to bring results, it must be placed correctly. Generally, there are two possibilities: media and message boards. In the press, it is best to place an advertisement in a local newspaper or technical magazine, depending on the specialty for which the applicant is being selected. When recruiting office and administrative employees, it is better to resort to the services of a local newspaper. Jobs for specialists can be advertised in trade and professional magazines.

Many jobs are filled through internal recruitment, with a heavy emphasis on job boards and circulars.

In addition to choosing the right advertising media, it is very important to present your ad correctly. The advertisement must indicate the name of the company inviting you to work, unless there is any reason not to do so. The salary should also be stated because it is one of the best indicators of the scope and level of work.

First you need to attract attention to the ad. This takes into account the following - advertisements printed with small spacing are lost, while those using wide pages or empty spaces are highlighted. For the same reason, keywords in the ad are highlighted, so that they do not get lost among the ad columns.

Then you need to awaken interest in the work. For example: “You will prosper after getting this job.” The location of the business and other aspects can be used to generate interest.

Further, interest intensifies, emphasis is placed on certain factors - “desires”. For example, job satisfaction. Career development, travel and other benefits. It also makes sense to write ads that appeal to a specific audience. For example, directly to school graduates, engineers and professionals in any field.

Finally, the ad must encourage action. For example, the use in an advertisement of phrases like: “call today”, “for detailed information write today”, etc.

The developed plan involves simplifying the search for specialists for newly created positions.

3.3 Assessing the effectiveness of the proposed activities

Having analyzed the current situation and developed recommendations, it is also necessary to calculate the amount of costs for their implementation.

The cost estimate for the project to implement a new department includes:

1. searching for candidates for the position of personnel marketing specialist, developing cost estimates for:

– conducting an interview;

– conducting the selection of candidates.

2. Organization of the workplace, which will entail a new expense item:

- Personal Computer;

- Desktop;

– work chair;

- stationery.

3. Remuneration of personnel:

– HR marketing specialist – 10,000 rubles.

So, if you introduce a personnel service, then you can develop a marketing plan to attract personnel to positions for which, based on statistical observations, there is the greatest turnover. Personnel selection will be directly handled by the personnel marketing specialist, as this is his responsibility. However, with mandatory approval and a final interview with the head of the organization.

The marketing plan includes:

In order to avoid an increase in staff turnover, the newly introduced HR department will implement programs to stimulate employees and retain them in the organization for a long time. One of the possible options is to attract personnel by introducing discounts on products sold, namely on public goods. Since the organization has a bakery in its structure, this option will not be a factor that significantly reduces profits, but will increase the company’s rating among employees.

Efficiency, in general terms, means obtaining a specific effect, that is, the effectiveness of the result.

Economic efficiency is a management process, the result of which is expressed by a certain benefit achieved at a certain cost of monetary, material, information resources and labor.

From the previous paragraph of this chapter, based on the identified necessary activities, you can calculate costs using formulas.

In order to solve the problems at Korsar LLC, we recommended introducing a new staffing unit into the staffing table - a personnel marketing specialist, whose activities include planning and implementing procedures for hiring, transferring and dismissing employees, as well as planning the development and organization of personnel training, organizing employee certification.

At the moment, hiring, transferring, dismissing, organizing training and certification of personnel, along with the main activities, was carried out by the director. At the same time, he spends 15% of his working time on performing this function. It was established by experts that the director’s share is 30% of the enterprise’s income. According to the director, the introduction of the position of HR manager will save him the time he spends on performing the function of recruiting and selecting personnel and focus on solving the current problems of the organization.

To calculate the economic effect of introducing this position, it is necessary to calculate the initial data.

The director's useful working time is 1920 hours. One-time costs for organizing the HR manager's workplace consist of the following:

Purchasing a computer – 13,000 rubles;

Table – 3000 rubles;

3 chairs – 1000 rubles;

Stationery – 800 rubles;

The total costs for registration of the workplace were:

13000+3000+1000 +800= 17800 rubles.

Let's calculate the costs of the marketing plan. Due to the short period of advertising placement, it is possible to place an advertising block in newspapers, magazines, as well as on local network radio, which incurs additional advertising costs. Having established that active ways of searching for personnel are not costly, we will use them, but without expenses, You can also resort to passive ways. Advertising in newspapers must be placed for at least three months; an advertising campaign to attract personnel must be carried out once a month. The cost of searching for personnel includes payment for placing advertisements in newspapers, costing 700 rubles. per week, which means that the total cost for the month will be (4? 700) = 2,800 rubles. The total cost will be (2,800 + 5,000) = 7,800 rubles.

Thus, one-time costs will be 17800 +7800 =25600 rubles

The expected salary of the inducted specialist is 10,000 rubles per month. The unified social tax on wages is 26.2%. Thus, the initial data can be presented in the following table 14.

Table 14-Input data

Let's determine the annual savings of the director's time due to the introduction of the position of HR manager: 1920 ? 0.15 = 288 hours.

Income brought by the director for the year: 19772.4? 0.3 =5931.72 rubles

Income brought by the director for one hour of work: 5931.72 / 1920 = 3.0894 rubles / hour

Then the additional income that the director will bring if the position of HR manager is introduced will be: 3.0894? 288 = 889.758 rubles.

In connection with the introduction of a new position, the organization will increase current costs by the amount of the salary of a personnel marketing specialist and the tax on it. They will be: 10000? 12 + 11000 / 12?0.356 = 367212.3 rubles

The profitability of a project is the ratio of total income to total costs - investment return index (IR):

ID = (19772.4 + 889758.0) / (14274.9 + 25600 +267212.3) = 909530.4 / 307087.2 = 2.9

Conclusion: since the yield is greater than 1, the project can be considered cost-effective. The costs of introducing the position of HR manager will not exceed the additional income generated from the activities of the director.


A qualitatively new level of economic development cannot be achieved without the effective use of personnel of enterprises and firms of all forms of ownership.

Personnel marketing is becoming one of the most important factors for the survival of enterprises in market conditions. Sometimes minimal investments and maximum use of “human resources” allow an enterprise to win the competition.

Personnel management centers are needed in every more or less large enterprise, and the role of the head of this service is increasing. He becomes one of the main leaders of a modern enterprise or firm.

Personnel marketing as a tool for targeted and effective work with personnel is an integral part of the strategy and tactics for the survival and development of an enterprise in market relations. As the employee’s personality develops, it is increasingly necessary to coordinate market conditions and the interests of the company’s employees. The development of production increasingly requires planning for its staffing.

The effective use of “human resources” is preceded by the selection and selection of enterprise personnel. This issue is usually given the greatest attention in the work of personnel management centers. An error in the selection of personnel entails a chain of unforeseen complications in the work of the company associated with the possible relocation and sometimes dismissal of an employee.

In a market economy, the problem of overcoming the crisis of labor activity of workers in many enterprises in the country is becoming increasingly important. The development and improvement of incentives and motives for work go beyond scientific and cognitive problems and are increasingly being put on a practical plane as a means of fighting competitors and surviving in market conditions.

Specialists in human resource management must have a comprehensive system of knowledge in the fields of sociology, psychology and law. Only under these conditions can a manager move from a simple statist to the rank of manager in the true sense of the word.

In existing approaches to personnel marketing, two main principles can be distinguished:

1) orientation to the consideration of the tasks and functions of personnel - marketing in a broad sense;

2) the desire to interpret personnel marketing in a narrower sense, that is, as a special function of the personnel management service.

HR marketing activities include:

development of professional and qualification requirements for personnel;

determination of qualitative and quantitative personnel needs;

calculation of costs for attracting and further use of personnel;

selection of sources and ways to cover personnel needs.

The studied LLC “Corsar” occupies a significant niche in the market of transport services in Vladivostok. According to the analysis, it is financially successful and occupies a certain stable position in the city market. During the period under study, the enterprise's sales volume increased. The growth of gross profit of Korsar LLC during the period under study reached 1,745 thousand rubles.

In general, the efficiency of production activities of Korsar LLC has increased, as evidenced by the increase in profitability of sales in 2011 compared to 2010 by 9.5%, amounting to 513.0%; overall profitability increased by 4.59%.

Korsar LLC is a profitable enterprise, but there are negative aspects in management, which ultimately affect the results of the organization’s activities. The main drawback in the operation of the enterprise is associated with the lack of personnel service, which results in low efficiency of personnel work at the enterprise.

There is no personnel work as such. Only the current activity is performed. Personnel policy is not developed at the level of the personnel service. The absence of a coordinating and controlling center for personnel management leads to an increase in personnel turnover and, accordingly, to economic damage associated with the low level of efficiency in using the personnel potential of the enterprise.

The main directions of increasing the efficiency of the personnel management system are:

Introduction of the position of office manager, whose functions will include work on the implementation of personnel policies;

Improving the personnel motivation system through the introduction of new forms of remuneration and additional payments, as well as the use of socio-psychological methods of motivation.

Determining the need for personnel is one of the most important areas of personnel marketing, which makes it possible to establish the qualitative and quantitative composition of personnel for a given period of time.

With the help of a good material base, you can add a specialist involved in the selection of specialists in the labor market to the staffing table. Its shortage jeopardizes the fulfillment of the organization's objectives, and its excess causes unnecessary costs, worsens the organization's position in a competitive environment and thereby threatens its existence.

Also, with financing, it is possible to develop a personnel marketing plan, which in turn will reduce staff turnover at the enterprise and increase the rate of production growth.

In connection with the above conclusions, the following can be proposed:

1. The recommendations developed by the author on the reorganization of the HR department into a personnel service in connection with the introduction of a new staffing position - a personnel marketing specialist - should be used in work, distributed and consolidated the main functions between employees of this service and prescribed in job descriptions.

2. Implement the developed marketing plan, because the investment return index (IR) is 2.9, which indicates its economic efficiency.


1. Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993. Moscow: “Phoenix”, 2010. p.96

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Personnel marketing is considered in 2 aspects. In a general sense, personnel marketing is a philosophy or strategy for managing human resources. The staff acts as an internal “client” of the company for the staff and external for the potential employee.

In fact, all interaction at the personnel level is “sold” to existing personnel: the management concept, conditions and principles of work organization, effective interaction of personnel, intra-company relations and communications, career growth and labor incentives.

In a narrow sense, personnel marketing is a type of administrative activity aimed at identifying and covering the need for quantitative and qualitative staffing.

Their difference is the way the process is organized. In the first case, personnel are considered as a link in the intra-company marketing system. In the second - as a structure that is managed by a special department of the company. Both concepts acquire the same meaning in the process of coordinating corporate objectives and strategies.

Why do you need personnel marketing?

The main goal of personnel marketing activities is to establish control in the labor market. With its help, the workforce is recruited, thereby achieving the goals of the enterprise.

With the help of personnel marketing, the following is carried out:

  • analysis of human resources by age, gender, qualifications, unemployment rate, income, supply and demand;
  • identification of technological changes that affect productivity, the nature of the work performed, equipment of the workplace, the need for advanced training;
  • taking into account social needs in order to identify stimulating factors in the labor process;
  • review of legislation on labor relations and labor protection;
  • identifying the advantages and disadvantages of competitors’ personnel policies for use for the benefit of the enterprise;
  • accumulation of financial resources to ensure the labor process ensuring the development of the company;
  • analysis of personnel potential and key indicators: length of service and qualifications, staff turnover, personnel reserves, the ability to quickly replace a labor unit.

Disadvantages of HR Marketing

  • High expenses for searching for employees (advertisements in the media, open days, attracting students through on-site events, printing brochures and booklets, periodicals).
  • The need for investment in retraining and additional education of personnel.
  • Blind selection of new personnel, often without the required qualities.
  • Tensions within the team, competition and struggle for promotion.
  • Adaptation of new employees to working conditions and the team, as well as introductory briefing, are necessary.
  • The psychological climate of the team and the work environment causes high staff turnover.
  • Moral stimulation of an employee (promotion to a position, public praise) is perceived by collective rejection or envy.
  • The importance of constant monitoring of the labor market and departmental performance indicators.

Pros of HR Marketing

  • The ability to select a candidate for a position from an already established team, with professional knowledge and the necessary experience.
  • Economic measures effectively influence productivity and relationships within the team.
  • By promoting (not replacing) positions, jobs are created for newcomers.
  • No expenses for searching for personnel using personnel reserves (archives, staffing).
  • Opportunity to quickly fill a position for an experienced employee.
  • The team is more united in the absence of a democratic personnel policy.
  • A wide range of applicants for the position with experience and knowledge gained from previous work.

Personnel Marketing Functions

In personnel marketing, it is customary to distinguish 2 main functions - communication and information.

The information function is manifested in the creation of databases and information that are used for recruitment and personnel planning in the future.

The basis of the information function is the following sources:

  • Training methodology, curriculum of a specific university, training center for training and retraining of personnel, labor exchange.
  • Analytical materials of government agencies in the field of employment by industry, enterprise, and specialty.
  • Information and analytics from labor exchanges.
  • Periodicals covering issues of employment, unemployment, employment, and personnel management.
  • Promotional materials of companies conducting periodic recruitment.
  • Transmitting oral information to employees during interviews and general meetings.

The communication function involves communication with current personnel or potential employees through the creation of a certain image of the enterprise, as well as business communication within the framework of the work process, through which the work of the entire enterprise is coordinated.

The basis of the communication function is:

  • Segmentation and formation of target groups to identify qualitative and quantitative criteria of personnel: demographic, psychological, social, economic, behavioral, cultural.
  • Improving internal communications within the company, conversations with staff, identifying needs for more comfortable work, creating the image of management, career consultations and the creation of interest clubs, holding social and sporting events, holidays and celebrations.
  • Organization of advertising and presentation events for potential employees: cooperation with institutions, organization of industrial excursions, advertising in educational institutions.
  • Organizing public relations to form a positive image of the company. For this purpose, sponsorship events, campaigns in support of environmental protection, logo and brand advertising, interviewing, advertising campaigns in newspapers and magazines, job fairs, and presentations in schools are used.

The essence and principles of HR marketing

The essence of marketing lies in the formation of human resources through analysis of the labor market and the creation of the company’s own image. Thanks to this, the company covers the need for the reproduction of labor resources.

Personnel marketing, like any science, is based on the principles:

  • scientific character: scientific achievements in the fields of management, psychology and sociology are used;
  • complexity: internal and external factors influencing planned indicators are studied;
  • humanism: personnel are considered as the main link in the production process, any employee is considered valuable;
  • prospects: the production plan is calculated based on technological capabilities and the number of employees;
  • optimality: the personnel marketing strategy takes into account effective methods of influencing employees;
  • efficiency: in any situation, problems are resolved according to the standards set by the company, which are improved and adjusted in accordance with changing conditions;
  • consistency: HR marketing objectives correspond to the main goals of the company;
  • individualization: the personal and work needs of employees are taken into account.

Levels and types of personnel marketing

By level, personnel marketing is divided into strategic and operational. Their activities differ only in the time of implementation, or rather, its result (up to 1 year or more) and the content of the process phases.

The process phases of strategic marketing are:

  • identifying the number of personnel required by the enterprise for a certain period of time;
  • analysis of the labor market and workforce, personnel segmentation;
  • identification of target groups;
  • determination of the position of each employee.

The process phases of operational personnel marketing are considered:

  • implementation of activities and plans outlined in the existing team;
  • audit and accounting of employees, communications and feedback tools for better coordination of activities.

Personnel marketing has a diverse structure:

  1. External focuses on the external labor market and is intended to create an image of a worthy employer.
  2. Internal is implemented within the enterprise for the purpose of personnel management.
  3. Mass forms a general approach to personnel within the framework of assigned tasks.
  4. The target influences target groups: youth, women, foreigners.
  5. Replacement marketing involves carrying out activities to replace positions through retraining or additional education.
  6. Marketing Mix examines the various factors and conditions that are a priority for each employee.

Personnel Marketing Tools

  • Observation.
  • Survey.
  • Interview.
  • Focus group.
  • Questioning.
  • Testing.
  • Database (HRMS - Human Resource Management Systems - human resource management systems).
  • Ads.
  • Recruitment agency.
  • Informal communications with applicants.
  • Recruitment.
  • Cooperation agreements with institutions.
  • Employment Service.
  • Job fairs.
  • Competitions for filling vacancies.

What problems does personnel marketing solve?

  • Introduction of science at the production and management level.
  • Determining the costs of personnel search.
  • Creating the image of the organization.
  • Labor market analysis.
  • Identification of industry competitors.
  • Determining employee preferences.
  • Development of proposals for staff.
  • Forecast of investments in equipment and jobs.
  • Planning training programs.
  • Finding ways to attract personnel.
  • Counting the number of staff under certain circumstances.
  • Development of a recruitment company.
  • Interaction with the media, educational centers, universities and colleges.
  • Structuring positions and assessing their effectiveness.
  • Organization of public company events.
  • Personnel training.

HR Marketing Goals

  • Covering human resource needs (business).
  • Optimization and profitability of all personnel costs (economic).
  • Optimal use of labor resources.
  • Activation of the human factor at work.
  • Recreating in an employee such qualities as loyalty and respect for the company.
  • Firm development and economic growth.

What are the main areas of personnel marketing

The concept of personnel marketing believes that the key to achieving the organization's goals is to determine the needs and requirements of the labor market. Therefore, there are two directions in personnel marketing: passive and active.

Passive involves the creation of an organizational structure that carries out activities to identify personnel needs and recruit applicants for positions.

Active marketing is aimed at strategic objectives and introduces economic thinking into the consciousness of employees. Activities are being actively carried out to create a corporate spirit and culture, personnel development, participatory management is being introduced, and the effectiveness of each employee is assessed. In practice, these methods have nothing to do with the administrative component of marketing.

The main stages of marketing activities in the field of personnel

  • Stage 1. Determining the number of workers for each position or department, taking into account equipment and capabilities. Calculation of personnel needs for the future.
  • Stage 2. Analysis of the behavior of applicants on the labor market. Segmentation of the labor market to identify target groups. Analysis of workplace attractiveness. Determination of research methods.
  • Stage 3. Identification of competitors in the labor market. Economic and behavioral analysis of firms in the market.
  • Stage 4. Analysis of active partners (system).
  • Stage 5. Analysis of internal resources and opportunities that can attract personnel.
  • Stage 6. Determining your own positions in the labor market.
  • Stage 7. Development and implementation of a targeted personnel marketing plan.

Developing a personal HR marketing plan takes a long time and requires knowledge and experience.

Implementation of personnel marketing in the organization

The implementation of personnel marketing in an organization is carried out in two ways. The information function is performed by employees of various departments and involves constant analysis of data in order to simplify and make it accessible. After processing, the data is used as required.

The communication function is considered universal, since each employee interacts at a different organizational level. At the same time, the image and recognition of the company completely depends on the activity of managers who control the work process. They directly cooperate with representatives of the media, educational institutions and employment services, draw up contracts and negotiate estimates.

Forms and types of personnel marketing control

With the help of personnel marketing control, deviations from the plan are identified, their cause is eliminated and the main goal is achieved.

In general terms, control can be preliminary, current and final. They are associated with a certain period of personnel marketing and allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented measures, as well as identify errors at the planning or implementation stage. Consequently, various forms of control are distinguished:

  • control of prerequisites;
  • implementation control;
  • meta-control (comprehensive).

Assessing the effectiveness of personnel marketing

The effectiveness of personnel marketing activities represents their economic effect.

There are two ways to calculate the effectiveness of human resources (HR) marketing.

1. HR = HR budget / enterprise turnover, where:

  • HR - the amount of the wage fund, personnel marketing costs (training, advertising, partners, information);
  • turnover - gross income or turnover in value terms.

2. HR = Investment in HR / profit.

You can also calculate the effectiveness of personnel marketing per employee. To do this, the HR marketing budget is divided by the number of existing positions for the period (average headcount).