Biological features of cattle reproduction presentation. Presentation on the topic "breeds of cattle"

MCOU "Sordonnokhskaya Secondary School named after. T.I. Skrybykina"

Project on the topic:

"Raising young cattle"

Completed by: Borisova Ekaterina,

8th grade student of the MKOU "Sordonnokhskaya Secondary School named after.

T.I. Skrybykina"

Head: Prokopyeva Valentina Egorovna.


Objective of the project: to create a subsidiary farm at the school for raising young cattle for profit, since our school is an agricultural one.


- think over a project on the topic and defend it to receive a subsidy;

Organization of production: 1) create conditions for raising young animals: build a spacious, bright room; 2) purchase of 3 month old calves; 3) provide feed and hay;

- create a feeding program for calves during the milking period in order to obtain maximum weight gain.

- Provide the rural population with local natural meat.

Research problem: The reduction in the number of livestock in the village leads to a deterioration in the well-being of the population. It is necessary to attract the younger generation of villagers to run private farms for breeding domestic animals

Object of study: young cattle

Novelty of the research: For the first time in our village, an attempt is being made to raise young animals separately from adult livestock


If at the school you create a subsidiary farm for raising young cattle and establish production, this will help maintain the required number of livestock in the village


Currently in the village. In Orto-Balagan, young cattle are not raised separately; over the past 4 years, as a result of floods, bad weather conditions, and lack of sufficient feed and hay, the cattle population has sharply decreased. Therefore, we thought and decided that at the school it would be advisable to create a subsidiary farm for raising young cattle in order to preserve and revive a truly Yakut occupation in the village

Practical significance: raising calves with the right approach to production is a profitable business, we want to increase the number of livestock in the village and bring income to the school’s subsidiary farm


Breeding young cattle on a school farm can be a profitable business. This is explained by low costs, the presence of significant areas of pastures and hayfields, and the demand for high-quality beef on the market.

The most important characteristic of the Simmental breed is its adaptability to the direction of farming, as well as to the climate of the breeding area. The breed is distinguished by its high meat qualities, early maturity, juicy, fine-fiber “marbled” meat, but to obtain the positive qualities of the breed, very good feeding and maintenance are required.

Our technology offers the growth of dairy calves purchased at 3 months of age until they reach 18 months of age - 2.5 years and weighing 200-350 kg. Growing will take place in a special room. The feeding ration will consist mainly of silage, hay and mixed feed.

To raise one calf, about 5,000 rubles worth of feed will be spent per year; for 20 heads, 100,000 rubles.

To raise beef cattle, calves of the Simmental breed will be purchased. This breed has good meat productivity at 18-2.5 By the age of one year, young animals gain weight from 300 to 350 kg.

Calves will be purchased at about 3 months of age at an average price of 15 000 rubles per head. It is better to purchase calves when they are older and stronger. In this case, the risk of disease is reduced and, with proper feeding, calves gain weight very quickly.

As adult cattle are slaughtered, the farm will purchase young cattle for more efficient use of production space.

It is worth noting that today the demand for high-quality cattle meat remains at a high level. The meat produced by our farm will be environmentally friendly, obtained from natural feed. This suggests that there will be no problems with the sale of manufactured products.

Young animals purchased at the age of 3 months, with proper nutrition and care, will gain up to 284 kg of live weight in one year.

With a meat yield of 55%, it turns out to be about 157 kg. marketable meat from each young animal. The wholesale selling price of beef today averages 400 rubles per 1 kilogram. Total estimated revenue from one calf for the year is: 157 kg * 400 rubles / kg.= 62 800 rubles.

With the simultaneous raising of 10 heads of cattle per year, the subsidiary farm will sell about 1,570 kg of marketable meat. The total estimated revenue per year will be 628 000 rub. The monthly turnover of the subsidiary farm will average 52 333 rubles

In the proposed plan, the subsidiary farm acquires 20 heads of 3-month-old cattle calves in the first year. In the first year he scores 10 goals, leaving the rest for the next year. Instead of slaughtered young animals, he acquires 10 new 3-month-old heads.

And the next year he already slaughters 2-year-old young cattle. And so on, 10 two-year-old cattle will score goals.

A 2-year-old cattle weighs on average approximately 350 kg of live weight.

Then, with a meat yield of 55%, about 192 kg of marketable meat is obtained. The total estimated revenue of a 2-year-old cattle is: 192 kg * 400 rubles / kg= 76 800 rub.

10 goals equals 768 000 rub. estimated revenue per year.

However, taking into account the specifics of agricultural production, the sale of the first batch of products will occur only after 12 months of farm operation.




Live weight

Beef yield 55% kg


400rub / kg

Feed consumption


Creation of conditions for keeping young cattle.

Raising calves, oddly enough, begins not with its purchase, but with the preparation of a place where this animal will live. The room should be bright, clean, well ventilated, but without drafts.

The most optimal room temperature for keeping livestock is from 8 to 12 °C. You also need to take care of the bedding - sawdust, straw. The litter must be deep. The upper part will have to be changed every day, and the lower part at least once every three weeks. You must remember to purchase a special brush, because the calf needs daily brushing. Also prepare a feeder for the calves. The feeder is cleaned daily, preferably in the evening.

How to choose young cattle.

The optimal age of the purchased calf is from 3 months. It is from this period that the calf can be grazed on pasture. When choosing an animal, you need to pay attention to the wool. It should be smooth, shiny, not tousled. The calf is active, alert, willingly eats and drinks. He should have a moist nose and no signs of stomach upset. After purchasing a calf, you need to invite a veterinarian for examination and consultation.

Feeding young cattle.

Throughout the entire dairy period, from 3 months, calves must be fed at the same time, 3-4 times a day. Warm water and concentrates must be present in the diet. Every month the volume of food consumed increases and, as a result, the calf grows. His weight at 6 months is 155 kg. The main thing is not to overdo it with concentrated feed. If the calf grazes on good pasture, then the use of concentrates is reduced by half or stopped altogether.



Live weight at the end of the period.

September III m.


October IV m.

November V m.


December VI m.

Compound feed

January VII m.


February VIII m.

April X m.

September XII m.

October XIII m.


If you create a subsidiary farm at the school, you can take the profit from the school. For example, in our proposed plan, a subsidiary farm acquires 20 heads of 3-month-old cattle calves in the first year. In the first year he scores 10 goals, leaving the rest for the next year. One young cattle aged one and a half years, with good rearing and fattening, can reach a live weight of 284 kg. in a year. With a meat yield of 55%, it turns out to be about 157 kg. marketable meat from each young animal. The wholesale selling price of beef today averages 400 rubles per 1 kilogram. Total estimated revenue from one calf for the year is 62,800 rubles. Then for 10 heads the revenue will be 628 thousand rubles. And at the age of two and a half years, one young animal will weigh 350 kg per year. With a meat yield of 55%, the result is 192 kg. We multiply this by 400 rubles, we get 76,800 rubles. Then for 10 heads the revenue will be 768 thousand rubles.

This means creating a subsidiary farm for raising young cattle and establishing production, then for each year the income will be approximately 600,000 rubles. (Appendix 3)


Thus, our agricultural school is an example of rural development, a universal tool that simultaneously performs a number of functions: civic development of personality, agricultural development, design of one’s own activities, cognitive, developmental, spiritual and moral.

I was born and live here

All the paths have been walked here.

I will call it without error

That land is a small homeland.

And even though I’m still young,

There's a lot I don't know

But school starts

That Motherland is big!

  • A.I. Ovsyannikov. Fundamentals of experimental work in animal husbandry. 1979. 91 p.
  • Y. Antal. R. Good... Raising young cattle. 1986 186 p.
  • A.P. Golubitsky, V.K. Kazakevich. Raising heifers. 1986 184 p.
  • T.A. Misostov. Raising heifers. 1977 85 pp.
  • S.I. Plyashchenko, V.I. Sidorov. Obtaining and raising healthy calves 1990 237 p.
  • N.G. Makartsev. Feeding farm animals. 1999 212-223 p.
  • A.T. Mysik. Nutritional value of feed, animal needs and feeding rationing 205g. 17 p.

The breed was bred in England, in the county of Hereford (a stud book was opened in 1845). The color of the cattle is red in different shades, the head, dewlap, lower part of the belly and legs, as well as the brush of the tail are white, the nasal surface is pink. The animals have the typical rectangular body shape of beef cattle. The head is small, wide, the neck is wide, the dewlap stands out forward, the skin is thin, elastic, the horns are large and thick. The animals are medium-sized (height at withers 124-126 cm). At birth, calves weigh 28-34 kg, at weaning the weight of calves is 218-240 kg, at 18 months. The weight of heifers reaches 400-450 kg. Cows weigh 500-580 kg (max. 720 kg), bulls 800-900 kg (max. 1240 kg). Hereford cattle have high meat qualities. With intensive rearing, by the age of 12 months, castrated bull calves weigh 420-440 kg, the slaughter yield is 60-70%. The meat is without excessive salting and has high taste. Cows produce 1200-1800 kg of milk per lactation, with a fat content of 3.9-4.0%.

Meat breeds of cattle according to biological characteristics and economic characteristics are divided into 3 main groups: - Meat early ripening (Aberdeen Angus, Hereford, Shorthorn, Kazakh white-headed); - Tall meats (limousine, Charolais, Chian, light Aquitaine); - Meat zonal (Kalmyk, Santa Gertrude, Galloway, beefalo)

Aberdeen Angus breed The breed was developed at the end of the 18th century in the North-Eastern part of Scotland (the original forms are the local breeds Gumlis and Gobby). The cattle are well adapted to grazing, and cows give birth easily. Animals of a pronounced meat type, compact build, with a deep and wide body, on short limbs (height at the withers, cm). The black color and polled appearance characteristic of animals of this breed are consistently inherited when crossed with other breeds. Animals are characterized by high precocity. They finish growing early and tend to develop fat early compared to other meat breeds. At birth, calves weigh kg, at weaning kg. The average live weight of cows is 500 kg (max. 600 kg), bulls kg (max. 950 kg). Under good pasture conditions, calves under their mother gain 100 g per day. Feed costs per 1 kg of gain are 6.5 feed units. Slaughter yield up to 70%.

Peculiarities of the breed - The cattle are well adapted to grazing, the cows calve easily - The animals are easily excitable, but docile, docile - The animals finish their growth early and show a tendency to early fat deposition - The meat is fine-fiber, with good marbling

Hereford breed The breed was bred in England, in the county of Hereford (a stud book was opened in 1845). The color of the cattle is red in different shades, the head, dewlap, lower part of the belly and legs, as well as the brush of the tail are white, the nasal surface is pink. The animals have the typical rectangular body shape of beef cattle. The head is small, wide, the neck is wide, the dewlap stands out forward, the skin is thin, elastic, the horns are large and thick. The animals are medium-sized (height at withers cm). At birth, calves weigh kg, at weaning the calves weigh kg, at 18 months. The weight of the heifers reaches kg. Cows weigh kg (max. 720 kg), bulls kg (max. kg). Hereford cattle have high meat qualities. With intensive rearing, by the age of 12 months, castrated bulls weigh kg, the slaughter yield is 60-70%. The meat is without excessive salting and has high taste. Cows produce kg of milk per lactation with a fat content of 3.9-4.0%.

Features of the breed - When crossed with other breeds, the white-headedness and white color of the belly characteristic of Herefords are consistently inherited - By temperament, the bulls are very calm and obedient; cows have well-developed maternal qualities - At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of polled cattle was bred in the USA - Meat without excessive greasiness, has high taste qualities

Galloway Breed The breed originated from the beef cattle of the South-West Coast of Scotland (Galloway County). The animals are polled, black, sometimes gray with brown tints. Livestock can live without indoors all year round. Due to their endurance and unpretentiousness to feed, animals are bred in countries with both cold and hot climates. The length of the hair reaches 20 cm in winter. In hot countries, animals do not grow long hair and easily tolerate high air temperatures. Weight of calves at birth kg, at weaning at 8 months kg. Live weight of cows is 500 kg, bulls – kg. The average daily gain of bull calves reaches 900 g. The slaughter yield after feeding is up to 68%. The milk production of cows in 190 days is kg, with a fat content of 4-4.5%.

Peculiarities of the breed - Polled animals, black, sometimes gray with brown tints - Innate resistance to adverse atmospheric influences - Cattle can live without indoors all year round - Hair length reaches 20 cm in winter - Calves are born very strong and viable

Shorthorn breed One of the oldest highly productive beef breeds, developed at the end of the 18th century by improving local shorthorn cattle bred in the Tisza River valley. An infusion of blood from the Galloway breed and Dutch cattle was used. The homeland of the Shorthorn breed is the North-Eastern part of England (Counties York, Durham). The animal color is varied: red (50%), red-motley (27%), roan (20%), white (3%). The animals are distinguished by a deep and wide body with low limbs. The breed is divided into groups of dairy and meat animals. Calves weigh kg at birth and up to kg at weaning. You can raise 2 calves on suckling. Live weight of cows kg, bulls kg (max kg). The average daily gain during fattening reaches 1200 g. Slaughter yield is 65-70%, while the yield of pulp in the carcass is 80-81%, fat up to 8%. The cows' milk yield is kg, with a fat content of 3.7-3.9%. In England, a record milk yield was obtained from the Cherry cow - kg of milk.

Peculiarities of the breed - The breed has polled offspring - The color of the animals is varied: red (50%); red-motley (27%); roan (20%); white (3%) - The breed is divided into groups of dairy and beef animals - Increased fat content in carcasses is often observed - Lower feed conversion compared to other British breeds

Kalmyk breed The breed was bred by crossing local Kalmyk cattle with Simmentals, and to improve meat qualities - with Shorthorns. The color of the animals is red, of varying intensity, sometimes with a white stripe along the upper part of the body and a white head. Animals of medium size (height at withers cm), compact build (oblique body length cm). Calves weigh kg at birth, and kg by 8 months. Weight of cows kg (max. 675 kg), sires kg (max. kg). Animals fatten well on succulent and roughage feed. Slaughter yield is 55-60%, for well-fed oxen – 68%. The meat is juicy and well seasoned. Milk production is low and amounts to kg, with a fat content of 4.1-4.5%. Lactation in cows does not exceed 8-9 months.

Features of the breed - The facial part of the head is elongated, with a hook-nosed profile, the bend of the horns resembles the shape of a crescent - The animals are hardy, make good use of scarce pastures - Strong development of sweat and sebaceous glands - Large seasonal deposits of internal and intermuscular fat (up to 60 kg in adult animals) - Meat high quality, carcass with good fat coating.

Kazakh Whiteheaded Breed The breed was bred in Kazakhstan and the south-eastern part of Russia by crossing local Kazakh and Kalmyk cattle with Hereford animals. The resulting crossbreeds, mostly 2-3 generations, were bred “inside”. In terms of color and body type, animals of this breed are similar to the Hereford breed. The cattle are medium-sized (height at the withers, cm), with a deep and wide chest, compact build, with strong, light bones (pastern girth, cm), rounded body, with well-developed muscles. By winter, animals grow thick, long hair. Calves at birth weigh kg, when raised on suckling - kg by 8 months. Cows weigh kg (max. 780 kg), bulls kg (max. kg). The average daily growth of young animals for fattening is up to 900 g. Slaughter yield is up to 67%.

Features of the breed - The breed was bred in 20 years - Animals tolerate heat and frost well - By winter, animals acquire thick, long hair, many animals have curly hair - Milk productivity of cows is low: kg (record holder: cow Picture - 6680 kg of milk

Limousin breed The breed was bred in France in 1850 (by origin the breed is a branch of the Aquitaine light cattle). The animals are characterized by large stature (height at withers 135 cm), well-developed muscles and thin bones. The color of the cattle is light yellow, bright, darker on the back than on the belly, the horns and hooves are light, the front legs are very muscular. Limousin cattle have good acclimatization ability, can withstand harsh conditions relatively easily, and make excellent use of pastures. Weight of calves at birth kg, at weaning kg. With intensive rearing, bull calves reach a live weight of up to 600 kg at 15 months of age, with an average daily gain of up to 65% slaughter yield (bone content in the carcass). Milk productivity of cows kg, in some animals up to 4000 kg, fat content 5%.

Peculiarities of the breed - The cattle acclimatize well, make excellent use of pastures - The color of the cattle is red-brown, darker on the back than on the belly. The horns and hooves are light - Cows have good reproductive and maternal qualities - Limousine meat is considered the best in France, the bone content in the carcass is 14-15%

The Charolais breed is one of the oldest meat breeds in Europe. The main advantage of Charolais cattle is its ability to produce a maximum of good meat with a minimum of fat. Leather is also highly valued. The color of the animals is yellow, of different shades, turning into white, the nasal mirror. The animals are large (height at the withers cm), on low limbs, the body is elongated, the muscles are loose, the bones are rather rough. The animals are very hardy (used for years). At birth, calves weigh kg (there are cases of difficult calvings - up to 3.5%). Milk production of cows: weight of bulls at 8 months kg, heifers - 280 kg. Live weight of cows kg, bulls kg. Bulls during fattening at 12 months. have a live weight of kg. Average daily growth of young animals (record: 1750 g). Slaughter yield 60-70%. Milk productivity kg (in France up to 4500 kg), fat content 4%.

Peculiarities of the breed - The color of the animals is light cream, without spots, the nasal planum is light - A hereditary predisposition to the appearance of doppelenders is characteristic - The tendency of animals to build muscle mass over a long period of time - The animals are very hardy (used for up to years) - Difficult calvings are observed (up to 80% of cows at calving need help

Aubrac breed The breed was bred in the central part of France, is well adapted to extensive production, and is known for its unpretentiousness and endurance during long journeys. Animals are able to digest large amounts of roughage. The animals are light brown in color, with light markings on the end of the muzzle and limbs. The nasal surface and the end of the tail are dark. Calves weigh kg at birth and kg at weaning. Average live weight of cows kg, bulls kg. Young animals have a high growth rate and reach 15 months. Live weight kg. During fattening, the average daily gain of animals is 60-62%.

Salers The breed was bred in the mountainous regions of Central France. These are native French cattle. Currently, 95% of this cattle is bred for meat production and 5% for milk production (used for the production of elite Cantal and Salers cheeses). The breed is known for its fertility, ease of calving and long productive life. The animals are dark red in color, the nasal mirror is light, the horns are long, directed to the sides and upwards. The cow has good maternal qualities. Calves weigh kg at birth and kg at weaning. Average live weight of cows kg, bulls kg. During fattening, the average daily gain of animals is g, the live weight of bull calves at 12 months is kg. Slaughter yield 60%.

Peculiarities of the breed - Good endurance when moving long distances - Ability to digest large amounts of roughage - Thanks to well-developed hair (with a predominance of fluff), they tolerate sudden changes in temperature - Light markings at the end of the muzzle, the nasal surface and tail brush are dark - Sire bulls have hump

Chianian breed The breed comes from the old Roman shorthorn cattle. The animals are very large (“giants of the species”). The height at the withers of cows is 158 cm, of bulls - up to 170 cm. The animals have an elongated body (the oblique length of the body of cows is 173 cm, bulls - up to 193 cm), a small head, a flat and wide back and lower back. The cattle are tall. The color of the animals is white, the front part of the body of bulls has a gray tint. Calves are born with a red coloration. Kian cattle make good use of roughage. Calves weigh kg at birth and at 12 months. – up to 600 kg, 18 months. – up to 800 kg. Daily growth of young animals (record: 2000 g). Slaughter yield up to 70%. Live weight of cows is 700 kg (max kg), bulls 1300 kg (max kg).

Features of the breed - The animals are very large (“giants of the species”) - Strong legs and very strong hooves - The color of the animals is grayish-white, the mucous membrane of the mouth, the nasal planum and the pigmentation around the eyes are black. - Calves are born with a red coloration - Kian cattle use roughage well

LIGHT AQUITANE BREED The breed was bred in the southwest of France in 1962. Belongs to large breeds for intensive breeding. Height at withers for cows cm; bulls, see. The color of the animals is one-color from light to wheat yellow. The animals are distinguished by excellent fattening and meat qualities, prominent muscles especially on the back and shoulders, and a long and symmetrical body. Animals are easy to keep on pasture, they are calm, and easily adapt to different climatic conditions. This breed can be kept extensively on pastures during the summer and fed with hay and haylage in the winter. Calves at birth weigh kg, the weight of adult cows is kg, bulls are kg. With intensive fattening, bull calves achieve a daily gain of up to 2000 and reach 12 months. live weight 465 kg. Slaughter yield from 62 to 66%.

Features of the breed - The breed was bred in the southwest of France in 1962; - Animals are distinguished by prominent muscles, especially on the back of the back and shoulders, a long and symmetrical body; - The color of the animals is one-color from light to wheat-yellow; - Animals are calm and easily adapt to different climatic conditions.

Belgian Blue The breed originated in central and northern Belgium. Some sources indicate the use of the Charolais breed, which was developed during the 19th century. Animals with rounded shapes and clearly defined, well-developed muscles. Calves are not born with these muscles, and usually the muscles begin to appear between 4 and 6 weeks of life. Extensive research has shown that the Belgian Blue's DNA contains a gene that inhibits the production of myostatin, a protein that is responsible for inhibiting muscle growth after reaching a certain point. Therefore, muscle growth in the Belgian Blue breed practically does not stop. The breed has strong legs and moves easily. The weight of an adult bull ranges from 1100 to 1250 kg (height at withers cm), cows usually reach a weight of 850 to 900 kg. Slaughter yield up to 70% (meat in carcass up to 80%).

Features of the breed - Color varies from white, bluish-piebald and black to combinations of these colors; - Animals have a very calm temperament; - The breed is famous for its shape and is often called a breed with “double” muscles; - Muscle growth in the Belgian Blue breed practically does not stop.

The Santa Gertrude breed was bred in the USA (Texas) by crossing zebu with the Shorthorn breed and breeding crosses “in itself” (3/8 of the zebu genotype and 5/8 of the shorthorn). The animals are well adapted to hot climates, hardy and do not suffer from piroplasmosis, and make good use of pastures. The color of the animals is red with white markings. The weight of calves at birth is 30 kg, at weaning kg. Live weight of cows kg, bulls kg. Average daily gain up to 1200 g. Slaughter yield up to 70%. Milk productivity is low: daily milk yield is kg of milk, fat content up to 6%.

Features of the breed - The first meat breed bred in the USA - Animals eat reeds and other marsh vegetation well - Cattle easily tolerate high temperatures and are able to make long journeys to pasture - Animals are resistant to piroplasmosis, tuberculosis, foot and mouth disease

Cattle have been domesticated for a very long time. Of course, the ancestors of modern cows looked a little different than they do now. The ancestor of domestic cows was the wild bull, in particular its subspecies extinct in the wild. wild bull aur Cattle, and cows in particular, play a prominent role in human history. Domestication began during the Early Neolithic, approximately 8,500 years ago, following the domestication of goats, sheep and pigs. Neolithic pigs

A cow in a peasant family has long symbolized wealth and prosperity; Russian peasants often called it their wet nurse. Losing a cow, especially in lean years, was tantamount to disaster for peasants. Therefore, the peasants always respected the cow very much, protected it in every possible way, took care of it, and treated it kindly.

The milk that a cow gives (daily!) is very beneficial for human health. It is also used to produce oil, which is important in the human diet, kefir, yogurt, cheese and other healthy products. The cow is a relatively large animal in size. She has a large, elongated head, the skull tapers closer to the jaw, large, beautiful dark eyes, a large nose and ears. The body of this animal is elongated, with large, rather long four legs; the legs have hooves, like a horse. Hooves, according to scientists, are modified fingers. The color of a cow is very different, depending on the breed of the cow.

One cow with an annual yield of kg of milk provides the need for milk and dairy products for a family of seven people.

The average cow lives 1820 years. Live weight of the cow kg.

Animal husbandry (cattle breeding) arose in ancient times, when man began to tame wild animals, domesticate them and use them for economic needs. Through persistent and long work, man changed the nature of wild animals and achieved a sharp increase in their productivity. Livestock farming is an important branch of agriculture, providing more than half of its gross output. The importance of this industry is determined not only by its high share in gross output, but also by its great influence on the agricultural economy and on the level of supply of important food products

1. Biological and economic features
cattle (cattle).
2. Breeds of cattle.
3. Reproduction and structure of the cattle herd.
4. Methods of keeping cattle.
5. Cattle housing systems.
6. Cattle herd management.

Main products obtained from livestock breeding
Milk and dairy
Meat and meat products

farm animals, artiodactyls, ruminant mammals belonging to the species Bos taurus (Latin bos - cow
or ox; taurus – bull) of the bovid family

Cattle (cattle) have the ability
efficiently process large quantities
relatively cheap crop products, not
used for human food (roughage, grass
pastures, technical waste, stillage, pulp, etc.)
In terms of payment for feed, a dairy cow is considered the most
effective. Over 50% of energy is converted into
milk, when fattening livestock - only 17%. Therefore in
in most cases (with sufficiently high milk yields)
Milk production is highly profitable.

1. Cattle - ruminants with multi-chamber
1 – scar; 2 – mesh; 3 – book; 4 - abomasum

1. Biological and economic characteristics of cattle
2. Under normal growing conditions, sexual maturity is
Heifers reach maturity at the age of 6-9 months, and for bulls - 7-8 months.
Starting from 5 months of age, heifers are kept separately from
3. Late-maturing cattle. Physiological maturity
in heifers it occurs at approximately 15-18 months of age, in
bulls - 14-15 months.
4. Life expectancy is 12-15 years, in modern
maintenance conditions, the period of operation is 4-5
calvings and even less.
5. The duration of pregnancy is on average 285 days,
Monoploid animals.
6. With a sufficient level of feeding, cows are able to produce
lactation up to 5000-7500 or more kilograms of milk, and young animals
for fattening up to 1000-1100 g of average daily gain.

The most important task in cattle breeding is
industry intensification. What do they think -
milk production can become profitable,
if the milk yield is at least 4000 kg, and the daily gain
young animals for fattening not less than 800 g.

2. Breeds of cattle
productivity by:
1. Dairy;
2. Combined (double productivity);
3. Meat.
The world has enormous rock resources, over 1000
breeds, but only about 250 of them are the most
In Russia there are about 50 domestic and
foreign breeds. The most widespread of them
have 5 breeds - Simmental, Black-and-White, Swiss,
Kholmogorskaya, Bestuzhevskaya.

Black and white Holstein breed
Red-and-white Holstein breed

The average live weight of Holstein cows is 670-700
kg, bulls 960-1200 kg.
the most
highly productive in the world, average milk yield per
lactation in the USA is 6700-7000 kg with
fat content 3.6%, good shape
and a capacitive udder system.

Dairy productivity breeds
Black and white breed
Full age
weigh 500-600 kg, bulls 900-1000.
Under favorable conditions
feeding milk yield reaches
4500-5500 kg, milk fat content
amounts to
regions of Russia 3.5-3.6%, in
Siberia - 3.7-3.8%.

Dairy productivity breeds
Kholmogory breed
cattle differ comparatively
good weight of cows – 500-550
kg, bulls 900-1000 kg, milk yield –
3500-4200 kg, milk fat content –
3,6-3,8 %.

Dairy productivity breeds
Yaroslavl breed
Average live weight of cows
is 460-500 kg, bulls –
700-800 kg. Calves are born with
average daily gain 700-750 g.
The slaughter yield is 60%.
Average milk yield of the first lactation
equal to 2250 kg; third lactation -
3000 kg milk fat content 4%.

Dairy productivity breeds
Red steppe breed
The live weight of cows is 450,550 kg, bulls - 800,900 kg, calves at birth - 28 - 30
kg. Meat qualities of this breed
not well developed.
The slaughter yield is usually
50%. Milk productivity at
level 3500-4000 kg, fat content
– 3,6-3,7%.

Dairy productivity breeds
Jersey breed
Not numerous
Divorced on a limited
Refers to
fatty milk
The fat content of milk is
5.0-5.5% (in some individuals –
up to 7.0%) with milk yield 4000-4200 kg

Dairy productivity breeds
Ayrshire breed
Live weight of cows 450–500
kg. The color is red-motley and
brown variegated.
Aishir productivity
livestock reaches 4000 kg.
Milk fat content is 4–4.2%.
Ayshire cattle to Russia
imported from Finland.

Simmental breed
Weight of adult cows
is 550-650 kg, sire bulls – 850-1000 kg,
calves at birth - 35-45 kg.
Slaughter yield is 60-65%.
Average milk yield of cows - 3500-4000
kg with milk fat content 3.7-3.9
%, protein content 3.3-3.6%.

Breeds of meat and dairy productivity
Bestuzhev breed
Live weight of cows – 550-600 kg,
bulls - 800-900 kg, calves at
birth 32-35 kg. Killer
yield 58-60%. Dairy
productivity of Bestuzhevsky
livestock ranges from 4000 to 5000
kg, fat content – ​​3.8-4.0%,
protein – 4.2 -4.3%.

Breeds of meat and dairy productivity
Schwyz breed
The animals are large. Height in
withers 129-152 cm. Udder of cows
cup-shaped and rounded shapes.
In the best farms of the country
cows' milk yield is 42,005,100 kg of milk with fat content

Kalmyk breed
Live weight of cows is 400–450 kg,
bulls 600–800 kg. Average
slaughter yield 55–57%.
Animals get fat easily
sya in pasture conditions.
low – 1000-1500 kg at
fat content 4.2-4.3%.

Breeds of meat production
Kazakh white-headed
Live weight of cows is 500–550 kg,
bulls about 900 kg. Killer
internal fat up to 40 kg.
cows 1500–2000 kg at
milk fat content is 3.8–3.9%.

Breeds of meat production
Live weight of cows 520–620 kg,
bulls – 900–1000 kg. Meat
Milk productivity –
1000–1800 kg per year. Killer
the average yield is 60–
65 %.
Hereford breed

Breeds of meat production
Early maturing English breeds
Aberdeen Angus breed
Galloway breed

Breeds of meat production
Late maturing French breeds
Charolais breed
Saler breed
Limousin breed
Aubrac breed

Breeds of meat production
Belgian Blue breed
Shorthorn breed

Breeds of meat production
American origin
Santa Gertrude

3. Reproduction and structure of the cattle herd
Reproduction is a complex of organizational and
veterinary activities:
proper rearing of breeding young animals,
creating optimal feeding conditions,
maintenance and exploitation of cows,
organization of herd repairs and artificial
training and advanced training of personnel
other events

There are simple and extended reproduction:
with expanded reproduction in a breeding group
There are up to 70% of cows, and with simple reproduction 50-60%.
Live weight of heifers at the start of use for
reproduction should be at least 60-70% of the mass
adult cows in the herd, that is, not lower than 290-320 kg for
small breeds and 340-350 kg for large ones (preferably
380-400 kg).
Reproduction methods
Natural fertilization (mating)
Free mating
Manual mating
2. Artificial insemination.

The structure of the herd is understood as the percentage
ratio of sex and age groups of animals in
The following groups are distinguished:
- sires;
- cows;
- heifers;
- heifers older than one year
- heifers up to one year old;
- bulls older than one year;
- bulls up to one year old.

3. Structure of the cattle herd
When implementing over-repair
When implementing everything
young animals aged, months
young animals aged
Commercial farms
20 days
Chicks st.
of the year
Chicks before
of the year
young animals
100 100

Scheme of using different animals

With a milk yield of 4000 kg, the ratio of cows depending on
age at calving should be approximately: cows
first three calvings - 56%, after three calvings - 44%.
The annual culling by age at calving will be:
1 calving – 34%, 2 calving – 7%, 3 calving – 9%, 4 calving – 12%, 5
calving – 18%, 6th calving – 39%, 7th and older – 100%. Average
The age of such a herd at calving will be 4.3.

Stall tethered
cow keeping

4. Methods of keeping cattle
Loose Contents
on deep litter

4. Methods of keeping cattle
Free-stall box

4. Methods of keeping cattle
Free-stall box housing with fixation in
feeding time

Year-round housing
with widespread use in winter
feeding cattle silage, hay, straw, beets
in summer - green mass of crops
green conveyor with additives

5. Cattle housing systems
Stall-pasture housing
livestock based on feeding
animals in winter with silage, hay,
in summer
pastures combined with green
green conveyor crop feed

5. Cattle housing systems
stall keeping in winter
period, and in the summer - in camps where
feeding him is organized
green pasture fodder and
green conveyor crops.

5. Cattle housing systems
Pasture keeping of livestock
improved pastures (usually with
beef cattle breeding).

ALPRO system:

6. Cattle herd management system
ALPRO system:
Provides complete information on each cow (tracks
up to 37 indicators simultaneously)
Provides the ability to sort cows by
certain indicators (takes into account a combination of several (up to
8) parameters)
Regulates the milking process by establishing optimal
pulsation parameters
Records data on milk yield
Tracks cows ready for breeding
Ensures each cow receives the required amount
feed depending on productivity, throughout the day
Provides care for calves through feeding and watering stations
Signals low feed intake and identifies weak and
sick calves

Activity sensor. Necessary for accurate timing
insemination of a cow. The sensor transmits data about the cow every hour during the day
and at night, regardless of the location of the cow in the barn

Collar with transponder and activity sensor. WITH
with their help, all information about the cow enters
a computer that records and analyzes information about
the cow and the whole herd

Cow identification and sorting system. Provides
accurate identification of each animal without compromising
this is a stream of cows

Feeding stations, processor and transponders provide
advanced monitoring system for the feeding process. She allows
correctly determine the rate of distribution of concentrates, eliminate them
overconsumption and overfeeding of animals, especially in the initial period
lactation. At the same time, it makes it possible to optimally
distribute feed distribution throughout the day.
Feed dispensing station
concentrated feed
Control block
feeding station

The system is connected to feeding stations and outboard
feed distributors.
Mobile automatic feed dispenser