Marketing technologies in tourism, methodological recommendations. Research of marketing technologies in tourism

Tourism marketing is a set of methods and techniques for collecting and analyzing data aimed at identifying opportunities to meet people's needs from the point of view of psychological, economic and social factors, as well as solving problems of rational management of a tourism organization.

The purpose of marketing is to recognize, identify and evaluate existing or latent demand for goods and services that an enterprise offers or can offer, and to direct the firm's efforts to develop, produce, distribute, sell and promote these goods and services.

The goal of tour marketing is profit-generating work to serve and satisfy customer needs. As the vice president of the famous Sheraton hotel chain said, our goal is profitable work to serve and satisfy customer needs. From this point of view, marketing should serve a clearly defined purpose: how to function most successfully.

The object of any marketing is the behavior of an enterprise in relation to its market and consumers. The central idea of ​​marketing in this case is a market orientation position instead of a product orientation position.

Depending on the legal status and the corresponding legal form of a particular tourism enterprise, on the specifics of the activity and the state of the tourism services market, on the availability and volume of government assistance, on the mentality of the entrepreneurs themselves, the marketing goals of the tourism enterprise are divided into:

  • 1) Economic: formed through certain digital indicators of activity or through percentages (maximizing profits in the future, identifying new market segments, improving the sales of tourism products, strengthening market positions, etc.).
  • 2) ""Egoistic"": increasing the prestige and improving the image of a company, country, region or specific area. This may be a desire to maintain independence, increase business stability, etc.
  • 3) Social: considered from the point of view of developing a tour product that can be used by people with lower incomes. They can also be expressed in the development of tourism products that help protect the environment, reduce unemployment, and stimulate the expansion of small businesses.

The tourism industry is characterized by a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises that have neither the know-how nor the experience necessary to correctly apply modern marketing techniques. They also do not have enough profit to hire the required number of people and pay the necessary marketing costs. They make only haphazard attempts at advertising, promotion and market research.

Achieving success requires significant effort, creativity, and resourcefulness. First of all, it is necessary to develop an appropriate strategy for promoting your tour product. Such promotion can be carried out in various ways, both external and internal to the company concerned.

Developing a marketing strategy at different levels will ultimately determine the national program for the development of domestic tourism. Currently, nothing like this has been developed at the national level, but even the majority of tour companies that have worked for a considerable time in this business use only groups of methods and means of marketing activities.

The tourism product, due to its consumption by individuals, must be brought to the individual personally. At the same time, the tour operator is forced to resort to the help of thousands of travel agencies, which directly or indirectly through family agents or agents working in enterprises, bring information about this product to potential consumers. At the same time, in conditions of price competition in the region for a specific type of product with uniform characteristics, price indicators are leveled out, since at the stage of tour consumption the potential client has a clear tendency to minimize costs. Here we should study the problem of tourism demand in more detail.

The need to improve management of the tourism sector in the regions is substantiated, and issues of the peculiarities of economic analysis and modeling of regional tourism processes are also considered. The problem of using marketing technologies in tourism is considered. Specific marketing tools applicable in the tourism industry have been selected.

Keywords: regional structures, marketing strategy, tourism policy.

Every year, the Russian tourism industry is becoming more and more actively involved in the global market. The development of tourism, like no other sector of the economy, stimulates job creation and the development of small businesses, redistributes resources between countries, has a stimulating effect on such sectors of the economy as transport, communications, services, trade, construction, production of consumer goods and is one of the most promising directions for structural restructuring of the Russian economy.

Today, in a crisis, Russia has a chance to develop tourism and direct tourist flows from abroad into the country. There is the experience of 1998, when the default had a positive impact on the development of domestic Russian tourism: in such a situation, in order to save money, Russian residents preferred to go on vacation, for a shorter period and not very far away. Over the past decades, in the face of a variety of crises, terrorist attacks, strikes, man-made disasters and natural disasters, people continue to go on vacation. At the same time, they become psychologically more stable.

The work attempts to develop marketing technologies in order to try to turn tourist flows from abroad into Russia; in the conditions of the economic crisis, there is an opportunity. Today, one of the advantages of the domestic tourism industry is the ruble exchange rate, the devaluation of which can increase the competitiveness of the domestic tourism product.

The purpose of this work- not only determine the place of marketing in tourism, but also name specific marketing means applicable in tourism.

1. Improving regional tourism management: features and specifics

The study of tourism economics at the regional level is especially relevant in Russia, because our country has a vast territory, divided into many entities (regions), each of which has its own unique characteristics. In order to competently manage the regional economy and make the most effective use of their potential, it is necessary to know these features and find the right approach to each subject.

The task of management in tourism is not only to identify general trends and patterns of its development, but also to find its specific features. Tourism as a phenomenon is characterized by great depth of penetration and complexity of relationships between its components.

There are many enterprises and organizations in the tourism industry that one way or another must fit into a unified regional management system, where the goal is to ensure long-term competitiveness in the market. An important problem of regional management is at the same time an important distinguishing feature of the management of a tourism organization.

With the help of management, a development strategy for both the entire region and an individual tourism organization should be developed.

Tourism as an object of management is expressed in the complexity of tourism services. A tourist service is everything that a tourist takes into account or uses during his trip.

In recent years, the importance of collaboration between tourism enterprises, which can be carried out horizontally or vertically, has increased.

Horizontal cooperation is working together. It is carried out by enterprises that have the same interests in the areas of accommodation, services, tourist intermediation, health improvement, etc. An opportunity for cooperation that has emerged recently is the franchising system.

Vertical cooperation is an association of enterprises and organizations that seek to own the market and reduce dependence on other institutions. Such organizations include state tourism organizations formed in most cases at the national, regional and local levels, engaged in the arrangement of recreational facilities and accommodation of tourists. These organizations are subject to various integration influences depending on the level of economic development of their state. These are also associations of enterprises in the areas of travel and hotel accommodation (for example, air transport companies with a chain of hotels).

A special feature of tourism is its zoning, i.e. the dependence of the volume of tourist services on natural and climatic conditions. When solving the problem of management in tourism, this phenomenon should be taken into account by the managers of tourism enterprises, since fluctuations in demand can significantly worsen the operating conditions of the entire tourism industry.

We can highlight the main features characteristic of regional tourism management:

The needs, wants and desires of end consumers when planning tourism activities should be placed at the forefront. In this regard, the location of a tourism enterprise is determined, on the one hand, by the location of the main contingent of consumers of the tourism product, and on the other, by the location of recreational resources, which are practically the main factor in the tourism industry.
- The tourism product has not yet become an essential commodity and is unlikely to become one in the near future.
- Marketing is of great importance in the tourism industry.
- The tourist service is unique, i.e. it is not possible to repeat it in all aspects.

The organizational structures included in tourism management include public and private organizations at the international, national, regional and local levels. They are necessary for planning tourism development and coordinating the sale of tourism products.

Below are the tourist structures of various regional levels: federal level, regional level, local level (Fig. 1.)

Figure 1. Tourist structures of various regional levels

State organizations at the regional level are developing their own programs to support tourism in their region. Such programs contribute to the development of tourism infrastructure, crafts, resort institutions and social tourism. In addition, these organizations carry out marketing.

When analyzing the problems of management of any tourist region, it should be borne in mind that, along with state ones, there are also private tourism organizations. Among them are:

Associations of tourist intermediaries;
- tourist organizations of hotel and restaurant type;
- local tourism organizations;
- advertising organizations to attract foreign tourists to the country.

Functions of organizational structures of regional tourism. An analysis of small and large tourist destinations showed that in large regions higher demands are placed on marketing by top-level organizations, and functions such as planning a leading image, creating and coordinating an offer are also not mentioned. This fact seems justified, since local organizations focus their activities on these functions, because they have great opportunities for this.

From the point of view of management of a regional organization, different requirements are imposed on higher and lower organizations.

The higher-level tourism organization is required to: form the image of a large region; conducting marketing abroad (coordinating joint activities); representation of a local organization in important tourism markets.

Regarding the distribution of duties and responsibilities (which is very important for tourism management) between different levels of tourism organizations, the following functions can be distinguished for each of them:

The supply functions should be taken over by lower level organizations. Most often these are local or subregional organizations;
- the functions of representing interests must be performed at each level of the state (political) structure by organizations with the same geographical radius of activity.
- marketing functions should be performed in each region depending on its fame, image and financial capabilities.
- the function of creating and maintaining a leading image should be performed by organizations at each level.

All functions of tourism organizations are as follows:

Development and implementation of local resort and regional tourism policies;
- integration of policies that take into account market conditions;
- ensuring common interests in transport communications;
- formation of tourist identity;
- organization of cultural, folklore, social and sports life;
- management of travel agency activities;
- discussion of proposals, instructions and complaints related to tourism activities;
- performing tasks for the formation and coordination of tourism offers;
- equity participation in the operation of resort and tourist facilities;
- establishing and strengthening connections with departments, hotel enterprises, transport and tourism organizations, various associations, the press, radio, television, organizations of all forms of ownership.

To assess the overall regional development and the component of the region’s tourism complex, a systemic economic analysis and modeling of regional tourism processes is required. Solving economic problems requires carrying out economic research of regions. The basic element of such research is the schemes for the economic development of the tourism sector of the territories.

They provide a retrospective analysis of the tourism regional economy, which can cover a period of 15 years. The system analysis contains assessments of the overall regional development: the economy of the region, the level of environmental management, the degree of implementation of the main production, economic and social programs, the dynamics of the composition and standard of living of the population, etc., as well as assessments of the development of the tourism complex in a given region.

The principle of system analysis of the economy of regional tourism presupposes: a clear formulation of a specific regional tourism problem, identifying goals and finding effective methods for solving it.

Models of economic tasks for the functioning of regional tourism industries are based on the following principles:

The socio-economic factors of a particular region are considered as an integral part of the national complex;
- socio-economic factors of tourism in a particular region are considered as an integral part of the regional complex;
- the regional economic model of tourism corrects the all-Russian models in a given territory, linking it into a single territorial complex of the state;
- the regional economic model of tourism is organically connected with the national economic and mathematical model and is its projection onto a specific territory (economic region, region, etc.).

The main stages of system analysis of the regional economy are goal setting and model development.

1) the goal of research into the economics of regional tourism is identical to the goal of the territorial organization of the country as a whole. This is the gradual creation of a highly efficient, harmonious territorial sectoral economy - the regional tourism sector. The main content of the goal is as follows:

Rational placement of tourism industries in the economic region;
- purposeful formation of a certain “face” of the tourist economic region;
- building an optimal network of tourism industries, interconnected with other sectors of the region’s economy.

2) Development of economic and mathematical models of regional economic processes includes:

Modeling the stages of socio-economic development of the tourism sector as a whole in the region for the future;
- modeling the location of tourism productive forces in their volumetric proportions and over time;
- adjustment of the tax scale in the regional tourism sector;
- development of regional investment policy in the field of tourism.

Obviously, the success of the region’s tourism activities (i.e., activities to welcome domestic and foreign tourists on its territory) depends on the economic level as a whole, on how developed the infrastructure is, how high the standard of living is in the region and many other factors. Of decisive importance in the development of a region is the state policy pursued in relation to it, which is capable of promptly identifying the problems of a given region, determining the causes of these problems and creating the right program that would correct shortcomings and realize the prospects for the development of the region.

Being a complex socio-economic system, tourism is influenced by numerous factors, the role of which may be different at any given moment.

The effective functioning of the tourism system is influenced by the development of the tourism industry and the development of tourism policy.

The management process in the tourism sector should be based on a number of features of this industry. In accordance with this, a number of common features characteristic of tourism management can be identified:

Priority of the desires of end consumers when planning tourism activities;
- non-primary nature of the tourist service;
- the great importance of marketing in the tourism industry;
- uniqueness of the tourist service.

Thus, the tourism sector is the most important and integral part of the economy of any democratic state, and in our conditions it is of key importance in socio-economic transformations aimed at liberalizing economic development. Underestimating the need to use new technologies to organize the tourism sector will lead to the loss of opportunities to use this sector to increase the wealth and well-being of our countries and strengthen the economy.

2. The tourism industry and its development in modern conditions

Tourism marketing is a set of methods and techniques for collecting and analyzing data aimed at identifying opportunities to meet people’s needs from the point of view of psychological, economic and social factors, as well as solving problems of the effective functioning of tourism organizations.

The goal of tourism marketing is profit-generating work to serve and satisfy customer needs. From this point of view, marketing should serve a clearly defined purpose: how to function most successfully.

The tourism industry is characterized by a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises that have neither the know-how nor the experience necessary to correctly apply modern marketing technologies. They make only haphazard attempts at advertising, promotion and market research.

Indeed, the tourism market is extremely unstructured, with thousands of operators and agencies working on it. But as we see, their number is greatly reduced every year (Fig. 2.).

Figure 2. Number of registered travel agencies in the Russian Federation

To achieve success, you must first develop an appropriate strategy for promoting your tourism product. Such promotion can be carried out in various ways, both external and internal to the company concerned.

Developing a marketing strategy at different levels will ultimately determine the national program for the development of domestic tourism. Currently, nothing like this has been developed at the national level; most travel companies that have worked for a considerable time in this business use only a part of the possible methods and means of marketing activities.

Currently, the tourism industry is one of the most dynamically developing forms of international trade in services. Over the past twenty years, the average annual growth rate in the number of foreign tourist arrivals in the world has been 5.1%, and foreign exchange earnings - 14%.

According to experts, the rapid development of international tourism will continue. If current growth rates are maintained, the number of international trips will increase by 2010 and amount to about 937 million people. According to the latest WTO forecasts, by 2020, 1.6 billion people will travel annually, and the growth rate will be 4.3% in the number of tourists and 6.4% in tourism income.

Now international tourism is one of the three largest export industries, behind the oil industry and the automotive industry, whose share in world exports is 11% and 8.6%, respectively. The importance of tourism is also constantly increasing as a source of foreign exchange earnings, providing employment to the population, and expanding interpersonal contacts.

The development of tourism is becoming more visible and tangible. Therefore, studying its condition and problems is very important, especially because tourism can have a significant impact on the country's economy.

3. Marketing technologies in tourism. Methods of promoting a tourism product

The successful operation of tourism marketing depends not only on the right product of good quality, market-oriented pricing policy, and a reliable and effective network of distributors. Systematic and effective communication with potential clients and resellers is necessary, which reduces the gap between the manufacturer of the tourism product and its consumer. The main purpose of this communication is to influence the target group. It is necessary to instill in the consumer an idea about a product or service that would change pre-existing views and influence future behavior.

There is no one-size-fits-all way to prepare a marketing plan. Each tourism enterprise has its own views on this problem. Only the main stages (procedures) common to all are saved:

1) Analysis of the current marketing situation. The first major section of a marketing plan describes the nature of the target market and the firm's position in that market. The planner describes the tourism market in terms of its size, main segments, customer needs, provides an overview of the main tourist destinations, lists the main competitors, etc.

2) Dangers and opportunities. This section forces you to take a long-term view and imagine the risks and opportunities that may arise for the company. The goal is to anticipate important events that can greatly affect the company. Moreover, it is necessary to list the maximum possible number of risks and opportunities.

3) Tasks and problems. Having studied the tasks and opportunities associated with the tour product, a marketer or manager is able to set tasks and outline the range of problems that arise. Objectives should be formulated in the form of goals that the company strives to achieve over a specific period of time. Typically this means gaining a specific market share or increasing sales profitability by a certain amount.

4) Marketing strategy. This section outlines the general marketing approach to solving the given problems. It includes specific strategies for target markets, marketing mix, and level of marketing spend.

The marketer chooses one of the following strategies: Strategy of fundamental change; Strategy for maintaining growth; Strategy for achieved growth; Selective growth strategy.

Each strategy must be justified in terms of how it addresses the threats, opportunities and key issues outlined in the previous sections of the plan. At the same time, it is necessary to calculate the size of the marketing budget necessary to implement all the previously outlined strategies.

5) Action program. Marketing strategies must be turned into specific action programs that provide answers to the following questions: what will be done; when will it be done; who will do it; how much is it. Throughout the year, adjustments are made to action plans as new challenges arise and new opportunities emerge.

6) Budgets. The action plan allows you to develop an appropriate budget, which is, in essence, a forecast of profits and losses. In the "receipts" column, a forecast is given regarding the number and average price of tours that will be sold. In the "expenses" chapter, the planned amount of costs is indicated. 7) Control procedure. The last section of the plan sets out the procedure for monitoring the progress of everything planned. Typically, goals and budget allocations are broken down by month or quarter. This means that it is possible to evaluate the results achieved within each individual period of time. Control is not only a way to make sure that a company promoting a tourism product is being implemented according to plan. In addition to monitoring results and efficiency, monitoring changes in external variables is also necessary.

Promotion effectiveness measurement and control. The effectiveness of promotion and the effectiveness of communication cannot be expressed in absolute terms. For this reason, the research program must be designed in such a way that it is possible to measure those transformations that have occurred in a given period of time and are the result of advancement.

In other words, to measure effectiveness, timing must be taken into account. The main parameters are measurements before the start of a promotion campaign, during and after the completion of the campaign. Pre- and post-campaign reviews do not always provide sufficient information. For this reason, it is advisable to schedule a number of such reviews before the campaign starts, during the campaign, and after the campaign ends.

Conclusion. The problem of introducing marketing technologies into the management of a tourism organization is currently quite acute for small travel agencies. Such firms cannot afford to organize a marketing department or hire a certified marketer, while the managers of these firms also do not have the necessary knowledge. At the same time, the use of marketing technologies at this stage is an important factor in the development of the tourism industry.

In this work, the concept and role of marketing in tourism were defined. Marketing methods such as marketing planning and marketing strategies were proposed for use.

The main task of the head of a tour company is to subordinate all means of promoting a single goal. Using the proposed advertising schedule in conjunction with PR and sales promotion will allow for a synergistic effect, i.e. Each element of promotion will complement the previous ones and enhance the overall effect on the consumer.


1. Internet media "Caucasian Knot" Union of Tourism Industry: the crisis can help the development of tourism in the Southern Federal District. - 02/27/2009 - URL:
4. Cheskidov S.A. Implementation of a program-targeted method for managing the development of tourism in the region // State Construction and Law. Issue 24, 2009 / General. ed. G.V. Maltseva. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2009. - 0.4 p.l.
5. Economics and tourism organization. International tourism: Textbook. manual for universities / ed. I. A. Ryabova, Yu. V. Zabaeva. - M.: KnoRus, 2005. - 576 p.
6. Concept of tourism development World tourism statistics - URL:
7. Skobkin S.S. Marketing and sales in the hotel business. - M.: Yurist, 2001. - 224 p.
8. Golubkov E.P. Marketing as a concept of market management // Marketing in Russia and abroad - 2000. - No. 1. - P.14-24

Tourist services in international trade act as an “invisible” product. A characteristic feature and unique advantage of tourism services as a product is that a significant part of these services is produced at minimal cost locally and, as a rule, without the use of foreign currency. Foreign tourists use the tourism industry of the destination country. In addition, they consume or buy and export as souvenirs a certain amount of goods purchased in the visiting country for foreign currency, having previously exchanged it for local currency.

International tourism as one of the forms of international economic relations has acquired enormous proportions in modern conditions and has begun to have a significant impact on political, economic and cultural ties between countries. In addition, in many countries, income from tourism activities constitutes a significant part of national income (Spain, Cyprus, Malta, Australia, etc.).

According to experts, the rapid development of international tourism will continue. If current growth rates are maintained, the number of international travel will reach 900 million people by 2005, and by 2010 it will increase and amount to about 937 million people. According to the latest WTO forecasts, by 2020, 1.6 billion people will travel annually, and the growth rate will be 4.3% in the number of tourists, and 6.4% in tourism income. In Table 1 you can see how quickly outbound tourism in Russia is developing, and in Diagram 3 you can see the structure of trips to Russia by foreign citizens.

International tourism is now one of the three largest export industries, behind oil and automobile manufacturing.

The development of tourism is becoming more visible and tangible. Therefore, studying its condition and problems is very important, especially because tourism can have a significant impact on the country's economy. The importance of tourism in the world is constantly increasing, which is associated with the increased influence of tourism on the economy of an individual country.

The tourism industry is a complex organization for the production of a tourism product. The tourism industry usually includes tourism resources and enterprises (organizations, institutions, individuals, etc.) offering services to tourists.

The implementation of a tourism business in market conditions can be carried out in the presence of four main components:

  • * capital;
  • * technologies;
  • * frames;
  • * tourist resources.

This means that, without enough capital, buy technology, hire a staff team and engage in tourism. To do this, it is necessary to choose a place where there are tourist and recreational resources, and if there is no such place, then create it. This is one of the specific features of the tourism business in market conditions. If tourism is associated with the creation of a tourism resource (and not the consumption of an existing one), then the cost of the tourism product increases sharply.

Tourist resources are understood as a set of natural and man-made objects suitable for creating a tourism product. As a rule, tourism resources determine the formation of tourism business in a particular region.

According to the definition of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), a tourist is a citizen visiting a country (place) of temporary stay for health, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities for a period from 24 hours to 6 months in a row or carrying out at least one overnight stay. His relationship with a travel company consists of the acquisition of a tourist voucher - a document confirming the fact of the transfer of a tourist product - the right to a tour intended to be transferred to a tourist, and a tour is a set of services for accommodation, transportation, meals for tourists, excursion services, as well as services of guide-translators and other services provided depending on the purpose of the trip.

The work of travel agencies with tourists includes:

  • - offering a tourist or a group of tourists a certain set of tourist and excursion services;
  • - receiving money from the client for a trip (tour),
  • - transfer of funds to relevant organizations for accommodation, accommodation, excursion services.

The contractual relationship between a tourist and a travel company is formed as a relationship between a buyer (customer) and a seller (performer). At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize the special nature of the “product” purchased from a travel company. By entering into a contractual relationship, the tourist expects to ultimately receive the set of services he needs. The company provides him, as a rule, not with the services themselves, but with the rights (guarantees) to receive, at a certain time, in a certain place, services directly provided by other companies that do not have direct contractual relations with this tourist, but are in contractual relations with the guiding tourist by the company. The tourist also acquires guarantees for the provision of certain types of services by the sending company itself. The totality of these rights is reflected in the voucher, which is the final “product” of the activities of the travel company and, accordingly, the subject of its implementation and depends on the type of activity it is engaged in.

Tour operator activities are activities for the formation, promotion and sale of a tourism product, carried out on the basis of a license by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur (tour operator).

Travel agency activity is an activity for the promotion and sale of a tourism product, carried out on the basis of a license by a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur (travel agent).

The relationship between a tour operator and a tourist is most often built on the basis of an agency agreement on the former granting the latter the right to sell the tourism product generated by the tour operator.

Relations with a foreign partner are based on the sharing of services provided. The foreign company provides accommodation, meals, excursion services, and sometimes insurance. Russian company - transportation of tourists, insurance and visa processing. The advertising campaign is carried out by a Russian company using only its own funds, without the help of a partner.

Such business cooperation can be considered the most convenient. A foreign company, having constant connections with hotels and better understanding the market situation, can reduce costs and provide discounts, which enable the Russian company to offer competitive services at a cost lower than the costs of an independently traveling tourist, which ensures constant demand.


The most important activity of companies operating in the tourism sector is the promotion of tourism products to the market, advertising and sale of prepared tour packages. Currently, the media, special publications, and advertising brochures are literally overflowing with a variety of tourist offers, and the path of a travel agency to success is to convey relevant information to the potential client and provoke his response. This task is feasible if the company's management has knowledge in the field of marketing or the company has a marketing and advertising department.

For decades, under the Soviet system, there was a centralized vertical system of tourism management, in which there was a centralized economic policy that supported the financing of targeted activities to promote, first of all, ideology and secondarily the actual tourism resources and services. With the advent of perestroika and further reformation of business principles, tourism moved into the sphere of entrepreneurship, and now entrepreneurs must spend their own money to solve their problems.

Advertising, as the main means of promoting tourism products, is expensive and not always effective. The use of marketing technologies will make it possible to rationally use the resources of a travel agency, including money, for the promotion and implementation of tours and will help in choosing the most effective methods of promotion for each tourism product.

The purpose of the study is the process of considering marketing in service and tourism in the market of the Kursk region. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

The theoretical foundations of marketing activities in service and tourism have been studied;

The marketing activities of Otdykh v Crimea LLC, located in the tourism market of the Kursk region, are analyzed;

Develop proposals for improving marketing activities at Otdykh v Crimea LLC.

The object of the study is the tourism and service sector of OOO “Rest in Crimea” in the Kursk region.

The subject of the research is the study of marketing in service and tourism on the basis of the enterprise LLC "Rest in Crimea".

1 Theoretical foundations of marketing activities in service and tourism

1.1 Features of economic activity in service and tourism

The tourism business is one of the fastest growing sectors of the world economy. International tourism is one of the three largest export industries, behind oil and automobile manufacturing. The importance of tourism in the world is constantly increasing, which is associated with the increased influence of tourism on the economy of an individual country.

The tourism business is attractive to entrepreneurs for the following reasons:

Small start-up investment;

Growing demand for tourism services;

High level of profitability; - minimum payback period.

According to Yu. M. Chebotar, the effectiveness of tourism consists of the following functions:

1) Tourism is a source of foreign exchange earnings and a means of providing employment to the population;

2) Tourism develops industries serving the tourism sector: construction, trade, production of consumer goods, communications.

3) Tourism expands its contributions to the country's balance of payments.

It is advisable to classify tourism according to geography, purpose of travel, method of transportation, means of accommodating tourists, etc.

The main types of tourism are the following:

1) Domestic tourism. Domestic tourism does not involve crossing the state border. It accounts for 80-90% of trips in the world.

2) International tourism. On average, about 65% of all international tourist trips occur in Europe, about 20% in America and about 15% in other regions. The development of international tourism in countries predominantly receiving tourists is driven by the desire to increase the influx of foreign currency and create new jobs. Many countries are trying to solve balance of payments problems through international tourism. Arriving foreign tourists, paying for goods and services, ensure the flow of currency into the budget of the host country and thereby activate its balance of payments. The entry of tourists is accompanied by an outflow of national currency. International payments for tourism operations of this kind are recorded in the liability side of the country's balance of payments.

3) Recreational tourism. Tourism for recreational purposes is the most widespread form for a number of countries. Trips of foreign tourists to Spain, Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland pursue, first of all, precisely this goal. Recreational tourism is characterized by the duration of the trip, a small number of cities included in the route, and the widespread use of air transport. Trips for recreational purposes are very diverse and can include entertainment programs (theater, cinema, festivals, etc.), hobby activities (hunting, fishing, music, art, ethnic hikes related to the study of the national culture of the country stay, etc.)

4) Health tourism. This type of tourism is of a purely personal, individual nature. The usual duration of a treatment tour is 24-28 days, which is significantly longer than other types of tourism. Wellness recreation, depending on the means of influence on the human body, is divided into climatic, balneo, sea, mud therapy, etc.

5) Educational tourism. This type of tourism includes travel and trips for educational purposes. An excursion as a form of knowledge and a form of leisure serves the function of broadening one’s horizons. One of the types of educational trips is car tourism. Compared to traveling by other types of vehicles, traveling by car and bus provides tourists with a much greater educational opportunity.

6) Professional and business tourism. This type of tourism includes trips for business purposes. Life in a modern civilized society necessitates international contacts. Travel by representatives of business circles has recently become widespread.

7) Shopping tours. This type of tourism is typical for Russia. The purpose of traveling abroad is to purchase consumer goods for their subsequent sale.

According to V.G. Gulyaev, tourism is a developing industry in Russia, and the influence of the tourism industry on the country’s economy is still insignificant. The underdevelopment of tourism infrastructure, low quality of service, and the persistent myth about Russia as a high-risk country have led to the fact that our country currently accounts for less than 1% of the world tourist flow. The indicator of tourist mobility of the Russian population is one of the lowest in the world. The overwhelming majority of travel agencies prefer to send their compatriots abroad, and only a few companies work to attract tourists to Russia. Moreover, tourists mainly visit Moscow and St. Petersburg. Tourism is a separate industry that does not mobilize foreign exchange earnings to Russia, but, on the contrary, is a channel for the outflow of foreign currency on an impressive scale. Perhaps the avalanche of offers for holidays abroad was in demand by us in Russia, because there they offered us higher quality service at reasonable prices.

The tourism product is formed from the services of enterprises involved in serving people on vacation and travel: transport companies and companies, hotels, restaurants, cafes, excursion companies, museums and exhibition halls, amusement parks, gambling events and establishments, sports and resort organizations.

Tour operators are involved in packaging a tourism product in accordance with the requirements and wishes of clients, that is, creating a set of services called a “tour”.

V.D. Markov believes that when turning to a travel company, the client first of all wants to know what services he is purchasing and how to use them, as well as the guarantees and obligations of the company and his rights. The structure of tourism services distinguishes between basic and additional:

1) Services for organizing transportation

2) Accommodation

3) Food for tourists

Additional services include:

1) Services for organizing excursions

2) Travel insurance services

3) Services of guides, guide-translators

4) Services for transporting a tourist from his place of stay in the country (place of his temporary stay) to the place of accommodation and back (transfer), as well as any other transportation within the country (place of temporary stay) provided for by the conditions of travel

5) Equipment repair services

6) Rental services

7) Currency exchange

8) Telephone

10) Household services

11) Right to use the beach

Thus, a tourism product is a property right to a tour intended for sale to a tourist

Tourist and excursion organizations organize and sell tours. In practice, they can have any name - from a travel agency to an association of tourists and travelers. However, from the point of view of the type of business, they can be divided into travel agencies and tourism operators.

What do these terms mean, what are their main differences and features?

A travel agent sells a tourism product to a client in the form of complexes (inclusive tours) or a free set of services (custom tours).

The tour operator completes tours and creates a range of services for tourists, develops tourist routes, saturates them with services through interaction with service providers, ensures the functioning of tours and the provision of services, prepares advertising and information publications for their tours, calculates tour prices, transfers tours to a travel agent for their subsequent implementation tourists.

A travel agent is an intermediary organization engaged in the sale of tours prepared by a tour operator to the consumer. The travel agent adds to the purchased tour the travel of tourists from their place of residence to the first accommodation point along the route, and from the last accommodation point on the route back.

The main market role of these organizations is to connect service providers with tourist clients. This is a specific type of tourism business. What is important here is the correct choice of service providers, based on professional knowledge of the tourism market, business, features and levers of its development and management.

Main functions of tourism organizations: components; service; warranty

A component function is a package of a tour from individual services - for a receptive tour operator; packaging of combined tours from receptive tours - for an initiative tour operator; compilation of tour packages with transport and some other types of services - for travel agencies.

The service function is servicing tourists on routes and in the office when selling tour packages.

The guarantee function is the provision of guarantees to tourists for prepaid tourist services in a specified quantity and at a specified level. According to the current international and Russian legislation, for the quality of the service provided, the organization that created and sold the package of services to the tourist bears full responsibility, regardless of whether it provides these services itself or a third party (service provider).

Typically, a tour operator is a larger company than a travel agent. It has a head office and several branches - an agent network. Regardless of its own agent network, the tour operator enters into agency agreements with independent travel agencies to sell its tours.

Travel agents and tour operators can have various forms of ownership: private, state, joint stock company, but the essence of business activity and market functions do not change.

A travel agency is a fairly common type of business in tourism. Competition pushes travel companies to find their niche in the tourism industry and forces them to adapt to demand, taking into account differences between individual consumer groups. A significant portion of firms operate as retail travel agencies, working directly with clients.

The main tasks of a travel agency:

Complete and wide coverage of recreation and travel opportunities for all available tours, resorts, tourist centers, etc.

Organization of the sale of a tourism product in accordance with modern trading methods, as well as using the specifics and features of the tourism business.

Travel agencies can take various forms:

Pure travel agencies selling tours organized by tour operators on a commission basis;

Transport and travel agencies for organizing transtours. There are prospects for creating joint ventures with transport organizations: air transit enterprises, airlines, railways. An option for interaction with carriers is also agency agreements for the sale of transport tickets.

From the point of view of the specifics of their activities, travel agencies can be multidisciplinary (the most common), that is, providing comprehensive services to any clients, including vacationers, business travelers, etc., and specialized, the most common of which are commercial travel agencies that organize business trips for large companies, including congress services , as well as specializing in organizing recreation.

By pursuing a certain policy in the field of pricing, a travel company actively influences both the volume of sales and the amount of profit received. As a rule, a travel agency is not guided by immediate benefits, selling tourism products at the highest possible price, but pursues a flexible pricing policy.

In general, there are 4 factors that influence the setting of prices:

1. cost structure (price should be higher than the travel agency’s costs);

2. competitive prices;

3. prices that buyers are willing to pay (elasticity of demand);

4. goals of tourism organizations:

Profit maximization;

Maximizing return on investment;

Survival (seasonal nature of the tourism industry and high level of competition);

Increase in sales .

Price elasticity of demand is of great importance for pricing in tourism. To determine the degree of sensitivity of demand to price changes, an indicator of price elasticity of demand is used, which is defined as the ratio of the percentage change in the quantity of demand to the percentage change in its price.

Due to the price elasticity of demand, prices are one of the key marketing tools in tourism. This happens for the following reasons:

1. Price changes greatly affect sales volume. Typically, a relatively low price will attract additional customers, but an unusually high price can have the same effect in some cases. Consumers perceive more expensive services as being of higher quality, especially if they are unable to verify this.

2. Changing the price, unlike other marketing measures, has the fastest effect.

3. Potential tourists react faster to price changes than to changes in services offered to them.

4. Changing the price in order to attract new customers is effective only in combination with measures to promote the tourism product, aimed at both resellers and potential customers.

The direct subjects of tourism production are the clients of travel companies.

In the process of selling any product, including tourism products, a significant place belongs to the sales method. The sales method should be understood as a set of techniques for carrying out all the main operations associated with the direct sale of tourism products to consumers. The choice of sales method predetermines the level and structure of the technological process of customer service, significantly affects the number of staff of the travel agency, the size of its premises, the degree of availability of communications and information technology, the amount of expenses and other indicators.

An important element of customer service is documenting the relationship. In this case, documents can be divided into three groups:

1. Order documents (order, booking sheet, booking confirmation).

2. Documents for the client (contract, travel package, voucher, memo, insurance policy, transport ticket).

3. Documents confirming the identity of the tourist (passport, power of attorney for children, etc.)

O.I. Kostyukova believes that when filling out a reservation sheet, or as it is also called, an application for a tour, the client pays part of the cost of the tour to confirm his intentions. Depending on whether this amount is called an advance or a deposit in the document, the application may have a different legal status. Thus, if the preliminary payment is recognized as an advance payment, then the completed application (or booking sheet) is recognized as a preliminary agreement, under which the parties subsequently undertake to conclude the main agreement on the terms stipulated by the preliminary one. Therefore, after completing the application, the main contract must be executed, and the preliminary one may be deprived of legal force or, by agreement between the parties, included in the main one as an integral part with the subsequent issuance of the voucher. If the advance payment is recognized as a deposit, then the presence of a deposit indicates the conclusion of a transaction agreement, as a result of which another agreement is not required. Options for filling out an application-booking sheet are appropriate, first of all, for travel agencies that implement tours of tour operators and do not have complete information about the capabilities of the latter to immediately provide the client with the required service, as well as when developing individual tours. If the service is provided directly by a tour operator, then drawing up a preliminary agreement in the form of an application is inappropriate.

Thus, specialized travel agencies, which can be divided into travel agents and tour operators, are engaged in ensuring the quality of the tourism product. Prices for a tourism product should be elastic and formed not only due to costs and planned profits, but also due to the opinions of clients. The subjects of tourism production are clients. The relationship between them and travel companies can be regulated by various documents, forms of contact, etc.

It is advisable to schedule a number of such reviews before the campaign starts, during the campaign, and after the campaign ends. 3. MARKETING PLAN FOR A SMALL TRAVEL COMPANY IN KHABAROVSK, USING THE EXAMPLE OF AKFA-SERVICE LLC 3.1. Analysis of the current marketing situation. According to the administration of the Khabarovsk Territory (tourism department of the Committee on Economics), as of May 1, 2000, the number of travel agencies operating in Khabarovsk exceeded 120. ...

Tourism and write as much as possible about it to attract it. Perhaps foreign consumers, etc. We must focus on external manufacturers and learn from them. 2.3 Promotion of travel services by Holiday Service on the Internet Advertising, like any other type of marketing communications, plays an important role in the implementation of the strategy of a travel company. It provides socio-cultural...