Product presentation and application in sales. How to make an effective presentation of your products or services

Based on the acquired knowledge and skills, let's move on to the presentation of the product.

Having made sure that the client’s driving motive is understood correctly, you can proceed to the next stage - product presentation. At this stage, many novice sellers often make a grave mistake: they begin to “bombard” the client with a list of a lot of technical characteristics of the product and its functions, praise the “bells and whistles” introduced into the product, etc. It’s good that the seller knows about them, but this knowledge must be used carefully, and information must be given out only if the client asks about it. In practice, a presentation overloaded with information (and often divorced from the real needs of the client) creates the risk of nullifying all the painstaking work previously done.

Professional salespeople know well that the client makes a decision, very often answering just one question: “What does this give me?”

- The sage says that there is only one rule in the world: a tiny question on which our luck depends. The more often this question is asked, the stronger we will become. Do you understand what this question is, Mr. Green? What does this give me? © Maka, crime boss, hero of the movie “Revolver”

The client’s internal dialogue is something like this: “Don’t sell me clothes, sell me appearance, style, attractiveness,” “Don’t sell me books, sell me the pleasure of reading these books and the effect of the knowledge gained.” In other words, a presentation only makes sense if it is delivered in the “language of benefits.” And here, first, let's figure out what a benefit is and how it differs from the characteristics of a product.

Characteristic- this is objective, something that can be checked, touched, heard, seen, an integral property of the product. This could be color, shape, year of manufacture, etc. Benefit- this is the effect of the presence of a particular characteristic in a product. It shows how the product satisfies the needs that the client himself voiced in response to the seller’s leading questions. You can even say that benefit is an actual need voiced by the client.

Therefore, professional sellers do not have two identical presentations and “home preparations”. Experienced “sales people” create benefits personally for each client in his own presence by identifying needs and “linking” them with certain characteristics of the product. This approach allows you to avoid possible objections and increase the buyer’s desire to purchase the product.

Schematically, this can be depicted in the form of the presentation algorithm below, which is called: "Property - Benefit".


“This watch has a sapphire crystal (property). In terms of hardness and transparency, it is rightfully considered the best among all glasses, since it does not scratch and retains its beautiful appearance for many years (the benefit is a rational need, practicality). A very good choice, don’t you agree?”

“This watch has a very original bracelet (feature) that gives the entire product an impressive look and emphasizes the masculinity and strength of the one who wears it. Such watches are a kind of symbol of male wealth (the benefit is an emotional need to emphasize one’s status). How do you think?".

“The classic color of this watch (property) makes it easy to combine it with both an evening dress and a formal office suit (benefit - rational need, practicality). A practical and versatile choice, right?”

“This model was released in a limited edition, it is made in the style of the 30s of the last century and at the same time made according to modern standards of the watch industry (property). Such a watch will very favorably announce its owner in a circle of understanding people (the benefit is an emotional need, exclusivity, to be among the chosen ones). A very interesting solution, what do you think?”

To develop the sales staff’s skill in presenting goods according to the “Property – Benefit” scheme, you can use exercises similar to those proposed in the following: written formulation of the presentation (here it is extremely important that the presentation of benefits is spelled out verbatim and not in abstracts), role-playing game, carousel.

It is also important to explain to employees that gross mistakes at the presentation stage are:

A story about a product with a mention of its “disadvantage”, for example: “This model is very expensive, but it is exclusive”;

Discouraging a visitor from buying now: “For this amount, of course, you can buy it, but if I were you, I would save up... but then buy another one...”;

▪ In a situation of choice between two models recommending one product over another, which is presented in the same store. In this case, you should refer to the personal situation and the benefit for the buyer: “Both products are good, but in your particular case it is better to take this one, because...”

As a next step in training sales personnel in presentation techniques, it would be good to plan several exercises to hone the skills of an imaginative, “tasty” story about the product. After all, as we found out in the previous article, In luxury sales, emotions have a stronger influence on a customer's purchasing decision.. And an “appetizing” presentation with artistic inserts, and not just carried out dryly, “according to an algorithm,” will help the seller quickly and easily encourage the visitor to buy. Below are several possible exercises aimed at developing speech imagery.

Exercise “Using adjectives and adverbs”

Exercise time: 25 minutes.
Discussion time: 10 minutes.
Total duration: 35 minutes.

The exercise is done in writing. By this point, participants should already have written several verbatim product presentations according to the “Property – Benefit” scheme.

The trainer asks you to find and underline all the nouns (words that answer the questions “who?”, “what?”) and verbs (the question “what does?”) in your texts.

Next, the trainer asks you to select and write down appropriate adjectives (answer the question “which?”) and adverbs (answer the question “how?”) for each underlined word. It is desirable that they reflect benefits important to the buyer (“modern” / “modern”, “reliable” / “reliable”, “profitable” / “profitable”, etc.).

After completing the task, the trainer asks the participants to take turns reading aloud their first version of the presentation without adjectives and adverbs, then the second, supplemented one. In the end, together with all employees, it is concluded that the “decorated” text of the presentation emotionally “catches” much more strongly.

The next stage of practicing this exercise is to play out situations of “live” communication with customers in a role-playing game or carousel, where an employee playing the role of a seller must insert adjectives and adverbs into his oral presentation online.

Important: draw the attention of staff to the fact that words should be avoided that can evoke negative images in buyers - they are often formulated through the use of the particle “not”, or the words “cheap”, “inexpensive”, “not bad”, “harmless”, etc. P. Instead, affirmative words should be used: “economical”, “budgetary”, “profitable”, “good”, “high-quality”, “reliable”, “safe”, “proven”, etc.

Exercise “Selection of synonyms”

Exercise time: 10 minutes.
Discussion time: 10 minutes.
Total duration: 20 minutes.

Sometimes in the process of communicating with a buyer it is necessary to repeat the same important idea several times. Some experts say that this should be done at least 3 times. So that such duplication does not “harm the ears” and does not create a negative reaction in the visitor like: “My memory is fine, why are you repeating to me here!”, it is useful to replace the same words of the same root or similar in meaning with synonyms.

Therefore, the trainer asks the participants to select and write down two synonyms for each noun, adjective and verb from the text of their presentation. For example: “effective - effective - productive”, “increase - increase - increase”, “purchase - investment - acquisition”, “beautiful - delightful - magnificent”.

After completing the exercise, the trainer asks the participants to read out loud the resulting chains of words. This skill can then be honed in “real time” in a traditional role-playing game or carousel.

Exercise “Selection of metaphors”

Exercise time: 15 minutes.
Discussion time: 15 minutes.
Total duration: 30 minutes.

Images make the presentation lively, colorful, interesting and easy to understand; they are easier to remember and affect the emotional sphere of the client. Therefore, it is desirable in the process of working with a potential buyer to use metaphors, life stories, anecdotes, parables, proverbs, figurative comparisons, aphorisms, etc., illustrating one or another key idea and encouraging the visitor to draw the “correct” conclusions.

The trainer asks the participants to form pairs. One of the employees slowly reads his presentation text to the other. The second participant listens carefully and helps his colleague select relevant comparisons and images that will strengthen the presentation. All found metaphors should be written down. Then the participants change roles.

When the allotted time for the exercise has expired, the trainer asks each participant to read aloud the improved texts of their presentations. Consolidation of this skill occurs in role-playing “client - seller”.

The above exercises will help even a novice seller find the key to an intractable or doubtful buyer, and literally turn a deal with a buyer determined to purchase a watch into a holiday both for himself and for him.

17 Jul Sales stages: Presentation. 6 presentation boosters

Hello, friends. Most of you know that all stages of sales are important: the presentation will be much more difficult without identifying needs, and without working with objections, it is unlikely that the deal will be closed at all. That's why you know The work at each stage is revealed in detail.

However, it is the presentation that is considered by many to be the main and main stage of sales. When you present a solution, it is important to make sure that the person wants to use this solution. They can help you with this 6 presentation boosters Your solution from the course .

1. Emotions

Characteristic - benefit - emotion

The first way to strengthen your presentation is to add emotion. Often in trainings they are taught not to present the characteristics of a product that it has, but to present the benefits for the client.

For example, a credit card with a limit of 100,000 rubles. This is a characteristic. What's the benefit of this? “Ivan Ivanovich, this means that you will always have 100,000 rubles in your pocket for unforeseen expenses.” Thus,product characteristics turned into benefits for the client.

But today this is not enough. And to really enhance your presentation, add emotion.Convert the benefit into an emotion that the customer can feel.

Phrases such as “Imagine”, “You can feel” work well here - that is, something that reaches the emotional level.

For example: “Ivan Ivanovich, the limit on this card is 100,000 rubles. This means that you will always have 100,000 rubles in your wallet for unexpected expenses. Imagine - you went on a trip and came across an interesting sale - but you didn’t have cash with you in the required currency. You took out this card, purchased everything - and returned the money during the grace period, without overpaying the bank! At the same time, you ended up with the necessary things that you wanted to buy.”

Or: “Ivan Ivanovich, with this card there is no point in you wondering whether you have money in your wallet or not, because with this card you can pay in any store in the world, and, naturally, in any store in our country.”

That is, you are selling an emotion. And it immediately strengthens your presentation.

Meet the client's needs

This formula: characteristic - benefit - emotion acquires special power when it is based on the needs of the client. Therefore, I repeat - all stages of sales are important: the presentation should not take place without identifying needs.

In the process of clarifying the situation, you capture these needs, and if it is important for the client, for example, to save or earn money - that is, to receive some kind of material benefit, then in your presentation you talk about those characteristics that will give him this benefit.

For example, the same 100,000 rubles on the card can give the client some profit. “Ivan Ivanovich, you always have 100,000 rubles on your card. Now you don't have to worry about money. For example, you find yourself in a store in another country, you see a sale there - and there is the very thing that you have long wanted to buy, with a 30% discount! And you, using our card, buy this item, save 30% - and return the money to the bank during the grace period, without any overpayments!”

Thus, you have satisfied the client’s need for savings on an emotional level. There is such a wonderful phrase:

2. Replace “I” with “You.”

In other words, stop talking about you, your company, and talk more about the client, what does it mean for the client. This is the so-called benefit language.

For example, instead of saying: “Ivan Ivanovich, we issue loans for up to 5 years,” you say: “Ivan Ivanovich, you can get a loan from us for a convenient period of up to 5 years. What time period is more convenient for you?”

Thus, we change the pronoun “I” to the pronoun “You”. You should develop this into a skill, into automaticity. That is, so that you say a sentence not in the style of “We have prepared, we offer, we have been on the market for a long time” - but like this:

  • You can be confident in us, in our quality, because we have been on the market for a long time
  • You will receive proven products, because hundreds of clients have already received this and you can do it too.

When you talk about a client, sincerely empathize with him, act in his interests, want to help him - the client feels it. He opens up, begins to trust you - and then all subsequent stages of sales: presentation, working with objections and closing the deal become much easier.

3. Selling stories

Stories have enormous power. It is the stories that you tell the client that are remembered best, and the clients retell these stories to their friends, acquaintances, colleagues, their family, and so on.

Like I said in the video5 techniques for closing deals on my Youtube channel You can add a selling story to any sales stage: presentation, identifying needs, closing a deal - almost everything.

Therefore, when you present something, add a story element. For example, if you are talking about a credit card, tell how that card helped someone. “Ivan Ivanovich, we had a client, he doubted for a long time whether to issue him a credit card or not. Then I decided to do it anyway, just in case. And, surprisingly, when he came to us again 2 months later, he said that this credit card really saved him, in a situation where he had not even hoped for it. He went abroad, he ran out of cash, the card was at hand - and helped him resolve some issues.”

That is, You tell a story, not just list the features and benefits of the product. You can also tell stories about how you implemented a similar project with a client. For example: “Ivan Ivanovich, you know, when I conducted training in a similar company, we were faced with the fact that the managers had a dislike for the new product. We overcame it in such and such a way” - and, when you tell a story, people also see you as an expert. He sees that you have already worked with something similar. That you already have successful cases that you have already solved. And, accordingly, the level of trust in you increases.

Stories are a great presentation enhancer that you should definitely use. Stories sell. Think now what stories you can tell your customers, and at what specific stages of sales: presentation or identification of needs - you can add these stories.

Photo from TOP-30 for Bank: analysis of sales stages

4. Mini-disadvantages of your product

If everything is perfect for you, the client thinks: “There’s some kind of catch here. They want to deceive me! Everything can’t be perfect, like in a fairy tale!” Therefore, do not expect any additional objections and doubts from the client - add mini-disadvantages of your solution to your presentation. It should be something really small that doesn't change the impression of your product, but adds some element of honesty to your sales.

For example: “Ivan Ivanovich, a bank card has undoubted advantages - it is free, it contains a certain cash limit, there is a very good rate for using bank credit funds. But there is a small drawback - we won’t make this card for you in a day, you need to order it. About 7-10 days are required for production and delivery, and you will be able to receive it after this time. Are these terms suitable for you?” - and we ask a question, taking the client a little aside.

Thus, we have listed many advantages, and a small, most likely insignificant for the client, disadvantage. You yourself must understand what will be a minor disadvantage for the client and what will be a significant one, based on the needs that you have identified.

The “Mini-Disadvantages” technique works better at subsequent stages of sales: the presentation helps to anticipate the client’s objections, making it easier to work with them. But it also increases your credibility - as I wrote in the article — the client sees that you approach your work carefully, you know what problems he may encounter and you are ready to solve these problems in advance.

5. Requirements and Limitations (TR)

The Requirements and Constraints technique is a great way to enhance your presentation. You can tell the client: “Ivan Ivanovich, the product is cool, the product is good, but it is not created for all clients. It was created for those clients who open a deposit with us. You have a deposit, you are of suitable age - so we can apply for it for you.”

Or: “Ivan Ivanovich, we sell home Internet. The Internet is very good: high speed, low monthly fee. But not all houses in our city are connected yet. Let me check on the computer, is your house connected? Great, your home is connected, we can provide the Internet to you.”

And the client is already beginning to evaluate himself, from the point of view of whether he corresponds to the product or not? He becomes more involved, and, accordingly, the value of your product for customers increases. As the saying goes, often we choose not from what we really want to have, but from what we are afraid of losing. This is why this principle works well.

Obviously, for maintenance technicians it is important to correctly carry out the previous stages of sales: the presentation of the product will look ridiculous if the client cannot use this product. As I wrote in the article — not every client is your client. Get to know the client, his needs, his situation - and then you can use the maintenance technique to its full potential. And the results will not keep you waiting.

When I sold consumer loans at the bank, I said: “Yes, we have excellent conditions. But you yourself understand that we cannot extend these conditions to everyone. Now, if you meet such and such requirements,” he voiced the requirements, “Then you and I can try to work under this preferential program.” And after the presentation there was a queue. There was a queue of those who met the requirements.

As you can see, the Requirements and Constraints technique is very powerful, and I recommend that you use it.

6. Neutral attitude of the seller towards the sale

As strange as it may sound, the seller's neutral attitude towards the sale also strengthens the presentation. The more interested you are in selling something, the more you show it to the client, the more your persistence and obsession causes him to be rejected. As I wroteIn contact with :

Why do so many of us have negative attitudes towards salespeople and sales in general? Because we still often come across sellers who don’t listen or hear us AT ALL, and try to sell us something of their own.

This is why it is important to show a neutral attitude. If the client doesn’t buy, if the product doesn’t suit him, nothing fatal will happen, and you won’t grieve for a week after this conversation.

For example: “Ivan Ivanovich, many clients are now choosing this product, but I don’t know if it is suitable in your situation. Let me ask you a few questions, then it will become clear right away.”

The client understands that you will not push him now, you will not intrusively try to sell him something. This will be a conversation on equal terms, a neutral attitude, the client will open up - and your presentation will ultimately become more effective.


Improve your presentation

Take your presentation, record the main points and see what can be strengthened and improved right now. So that the next time you present your solution, it will undoubtedly lead to the client realizing: yes, he needs your solution.

I also recommend that you watch the free video course . You will learn how to establish trust with a client so that he understands that your product will really help meet his needs, that it will be beneficial for him to make a deal with you.

Don’t forget about the following stages of sales: presentation is not the end of the deal

Very often, sellers, especially beginners, focus specifically on the presentation and forget about the next stages of sales: the presentation is completed, they exhale - and just wait for the client’s reaction, miss the initiative, and do not close the deal. Try not to make this mistake. Focus on completing the deal, on closing it.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Subscribe to my Youtube channel- There are a lot of interesting videos there. Write your questions and suggestions in the comments on my pages

In active sales of goods and services, the sale itself is conventionally divided into sales stages and there are usually five classical stages, these are sales stages from establishing contact to completing the transaction.

Sales stages guide for b2b managers:

It is commonly believed that there are five or 7, 10, 12 or even 13 stages in sales, but this is a conditional division into stages of sales technique for better memorization, because the sale itself is precisely the sales process, that is, the performance of certain actions by the manager.

In addition, depending on the situation, you can completely skip some actions and still get the desired result.

In fact, at our trainings we cut the entire active sales process into separate frames, making a minute-by-minute storyboard of the entire sales process.

Therefore, we have each of these five classic stages of sales divided into several smaller stages, one or two short specific phrases in length, which you use in a live dialogue with the client.

We do this to make it easier for you to remember the sales technique, the stages from the first contact to the completion of the transaction, and to quickly master the sales skills themselves, in fact, this is one of the features of our sales school.

Let's return to the classic division into sales stages.

Usually the manager needs to do all these steps one step after another sequentially, this is the classic sales technique of a sales manager, then he can get the result.

The result is to sell, that is, to receive money from the client “for that super-duper vacuum cleaner or nano-excavator” that you usually sell to the client.

But life is such a thing that things always don’t go according to plan and that’s absolutely normal.

Therefore, some stages in some sales for one reason or another in real life with a real client are skipped or cut down, or swapped. Some stages can be swapped and skipped, some cannot. More on this below.

These five classic stages of b2b sales are a scheme for an ideal sale, a kind of plan that is better to follow, remembering that in real life everything will definitely not go according to plan.

The main idea is that when you have a plan, which means you've prepared, and when you've prepared, it's very easy to improvise.

If, for example, you work in a car dealership (MVideo, Leroy Merlin) and sell cars (vacuum cleaners, mowers), and a client with money stands in front of you and begs you to sell him a car (vacuum cleaner, mower) quickly, because in an hour football starts at the stadium. No need to force him to do a test drive.

Take the money, to hell with this test drive, let him make it to the football match.

On the other hand, it is important to remember that if the client does not like you (sales stage No. 1 Establishing contact), then you will not sell, he will buy elsewhere. Why? Because a person usually buys from someone he likes and does not buy from someone he doesn’t like.

Therefore, before you sell, you first need to please the client.

Establishing contact - sales stages No. 1.

How to do it? Very simple. In the first 1-5 minutes of the meeting, you will easily solve this problem.

There is a rule of three advantages when establishing contact.

It says: in order to please a stranger, you need to evoke positive emotions in him at least three times. You can easily do this using:

  1. Nonverbal behavior (including smiling)
  2. Make a compliment
  3. Ask a question like “tell me YES!”

Establishing contact is also greatly facilitated by a business suit (with fins and a diving mask, it will, of course, be much more difficult to sell), polished boots, a confident voice and goodwill towards the client.

Once you have established a positive rapport (about five minutes of time), you move on to the second stage of sales: Identifying Needs.

Just make sure the boss is in front of you. The security guard, the driver, and the secretary can be interesting conversationalists, but you won’t sell them anything, because they have no money, the boss has all the money. Who is a decision maker and how to correctly ask him the question “hey, uncle, are you the boss?” .

Identifying needs - sales stages for sellers No. 2.

Whether you are selling over the phone or in person, this stage of sales must be earlier than the presentation stage, otherwise the deal is considered failed.

The main problem of many sellers is that they immediately begin to present their product, telling how super and duper it is.

They usually do this knowing about the sales stages, but they do it out of fear that they will have nothing to say to the client. If we don’t talk about a product or service, then what can we talk about?! They are afraid of an awkward pause, silence, so they immediately begin to jabber, quickly giving the client a lot of characteristics of their product.

The stage of identifying needs is very popular among lazy salespeople. Lazy in the good sense of the word.

The more the client talks, the more chances you have to sell him your super duper [here is the name of your product].

The trick at the stage of identifying needs is to ask certain questions in a certain sequence and be able to assent to the client (active listening) so that he answers questions with pleasure.

The recipe in a nutshell is this: no more than about 20 questions, mostly open questions, a few closed ones, a little alternative ones and a pinch of closed ones.

Once you have conducted the research stage and found out what idea the client will part with his money and buy from you [here is the name of your product], you move on to the next stage of sales - the presentation stage.

Product presentation - sales stages No. 3.

Everything is simple here too. At the presentation stage, you simply repeat the idea that is valuable to the client and for which he is ready to fork out money and make a deal with you. He told you about this himself at the research stage.

By the way, a presentation is not a PowerPoint presentation. A presentation is any convenient place where you can “show off your product”: in a restaurant, while hunting, in a sauna, in an elevator, in a car, etc. and so on.

The trick is that you express an idea voiced by the client with specially composed phrases, which are called FAB phrases in sales.

These phrases link a feature of your product to a specific customer benefit. With the benefit of this specific client, Ivan Ivanovich, and not all clients similar to Ivan Ivanovich, who usually buy your ideal and wonderful [here is the name of your product].

There should be no more than 5-7 such phrases in the presentation of your product; the client will not be able to perceive any more.

Be sure to tell the client colorful stories about third parties at the presentation stage. About how cool it was for one of your clients who bought from you, or about how everything went wrong for another because he didn’t buy on time.

These are stories that sell. All sellers tell them; successful professional sellers have 10-20 pre-prepared selling tales (video).

At our trainings, we teach how to tell sales stories; this is a special technique used in politics, psychiatry and in sermons in churches, that is, where the speaker’s speech must convince other people of something. Yes, well, we also teach you this at our trainings.

After you have made a presentation, in the classic division of sales stages there is a stage of overcoming objections.

Overcoming objections - stages of selling goods and services No. 4.

In fact, working with objections is needed at any stage of selling the goods or services you sell. The seller’s task is to anticipate the client’s disagreement, reducing their total number at all stages of interaction with the client. Well, for those “no” that still remain, deal with them competently.

The client will definitely argue and resist; the sale is made only after five to six “no” from the client; this is an established medical fact.

The main trick that helps you successfully overcome these obstacles on your way at the stage of selling goods or services No. 4 is “agreement” with the client.

No matter what the client says, we “agree” with him.

We need his money, not a medal with the inscription “I [your full name here] is right!” We don’t need such a medal, do we?

Here is an important point, please note - we do not agree with what the client specifically says. Not with his words, but with the fact that “yes, my friend, you have the right to think so.”

We show the client that we respect his opinion, whatever it may be. The client has the right to his personal opinion, we recognize this right, and then we use a special algorithm to overcome his “no”.

How do you agree with a client who says “... your plastic windows are of poor quality”?

Very simple.

“Peter Ivanovich, I agree with you that the issue of quality when choosing a plastic window is very important, ....” and then you continue, putting forward an argument FOR.

That is, when answering an objection, it’s not “You’re a Fool” boxing, but Aikido.

In every industry, clients disagree in different ways in my experience as a salesperson and sales trainer. Well, simply because they sell windows, another customer sells steel pipes, and a third one sells yellow bulldozers.

Well, take a look for yourself:

Why are your windows so expensive?

Why do you have such expensive steel pipes?

Why do you have such expensive yellow bulldozers?

You see, they are cast a little.

But regardless of the industry, there are approximately 20 - 30 of the most common “nos”, no more. That is, every time the same “no”, everything is very simple, be it sales of cars, trucks or power equipment, sales of log houses, sales of commercial equipment or sales of services.

Once you have dealt with and overcome the client's "no", you move on to closing the deal.

Completing the deal - sales stages No. 5.

At the stage of completing the transaction, you simply gently push the client to the fact that it is time to buy.

Of course, there are small nuances on how to do this, but the general idea is this: stop presenting when it’s time to finish. Easily proceed to complete the transaction and invite the client to make a purchase.

There are several simple techniques on how to do this, for example, here is an example:

After you have given your presentation, you give a short summary of what was said:

“So we looked at this and that, Pyotr Ivanovich, tell me which of these you liked the most? (PAUSE, waiting for the client's response).

Usually the client liked at least something, otherwise he would have kicked you out the door a long time ago. Here the client, seeing that you have stopped and are waiting for some kind of answer from him, understands that he must give birth to something in response, he says something like: “Well, you have that shiny crap on your tractor / haymower / intergalactic the vacuum cleaner [here, in general, the name of your product] seems like nothing.” Then you ask the following question

How do you like it overall? (PAUSE, waiting for the client's response)

Once the client liked at least something, then in general it will be easier for him to convince himself that he likes your whole [here is the name of your product], so the client usually answers this question positively or hums approvingly or nods in agreement head. Next you ask the following question

Petr Ivanovich, Do you want to clarify anything? (PAUSE, waiting for the client's response)

If yes, please clarify, if no, then...

“Peter Ivanovich, I am very glad that you liked everything, and then the only question that remains for us to discuss is ....” then some detail (for example, pickup or our delivery?)

PS To make the topic of the 5 stages of sales better remembered in your head, here is a video not about sales, but about positivity ☺

test a friend for a positive attitude towards life, send a link to the video to a work colleague ☺

Sales stages - Executive Summary, i.e. PPPS, or more simply put - ZYYY.

The stages of sales will help you remember the sequence of what you need to do to make a sale and effectively apply these stages of sales techniques in real work with your clients.

When selling, remember that your bonuses are not only in this first sale, but also in many repeat ones. Therefore, do not promise too much, meet your customers’ expectations and you will be happy.

In sales training, we remember through visual images (imagine now a polar bear in a yellow football jersey with the words "Just Do It." on the chest).

The images are generally something like this, sometimes a little less decent, they help many people quickly remember the necessary information (but not everyone - if a bear in a T-shirt is OK, it will help you, if not OK, then it’s also OK - just not your method), we have others .

Without the needs identification step, your presentation isn't worth a penny. Find out what the client is ready to buy for and sell him his idea.

For stage No. 2, we give two question-based methods for identifying needs and a couple of useful tips for them, and for stage No. 3, one technique “we speak the language of benefits and benefits.”

This is very brief about sales stages, the most important thing that a sales manager needs to remember is that the sweetest clients are regular clients.

Why regular customers are the sweetest

Because you don’t need to look for them as new (you already have all their phone numbers, passwords and appearances), and you don’t need to persuade them much, they already come and buy again and again, and you get your bonuses for them again and again.

In order for the client to make a repeat purchase, remember that your task is not to sell him your product, but to sell something that will solve the client’s problem. Then he will be satisfied and will come to you again, buy again and therefore again bring you your bonuses.

* To sell means to promise, to foul up, to confuse, to tell three big lies. Say, for example, that with the help of this new nano-application on the iPhone you can now seduce any girl. Who would refuse such an application? Nobody. Everyone will buy it. And what's next? They'll punch you in the face and they definitely won't buy the software from you a second time; you'll have to look for new people.

Shhhhh!, this is the secret of the sales manager profession

Salespeople who take life too seriously and try to do everything right usually earn less than those who are hooligans in life (Shhh!, this is the secret of the sales profession, no one will tell you about it).

What seller doesn't praise his product? That's it! Presenting a product to a buyer, no matter what level, is nothing more than praising your product, using various terms and meanings, comparisons and reviews in a special form characteristic of a given transaction.

Presentation of the product to the buyer, example

In the video training you will learn the basics of presentation. Watch this video, despite your experience and competence in this matter. So, presentation of the product to the buyer, example (watch with sound!):

Despite what we learned from the video training, I can tell you that very often you have to make a product presentation without yet identifying the client’s needs.

How to present a product so that people buy it?

Not all clients are clearly aware of their needs or simply do not want to tell you them, so a no-lose sales technique comes into play - a mini-presentation. What is a mini-presentation?

A mini-presentation is a very general description of your product, which should contain the most important positive qualities of your product or service.

A mini-presentation can be used as a starter for a conversation with a client. Every case has a twist, and so does the mini-presentation. The trick is that you have to put a couple of traps in your presentation. Traps are very interesting, sometimes even controversial facts that can provoke a client to talk to you or ask you something, but to do this you need to know your product and these interesting facts.

For example: “This hotel has been ranked among the top ten hotels in Thailand and has been awarded the Golden Path award.” Client: “Sorry, but I don’t know what the reward is – the Golden Path...” Seller: “This means that this hotel, according to reviews from customers from all over the world, is one of the ten hotels with the best customer service. Would you like to know more about this hotel?”

Product presentation is the most effective contact sales tool if used professionally. Adapt your conversation to the client's behavior constantly, this will make you a living seller, not a robot, and your efficiency and quality of work will increase before your eyes.

Example from video training: presentation of a product to a buyer , clearly shows that this is a powerful sales tool, and if used correctly, your results will not keep you waiting.

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Remember the phrase from the famous Soviet cartoon “To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary...”?

And the presentation of the product always helps to make a decision to buy something unnecessary (and necessary too). This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

Product presentation– the most important stage that demonstrates the product and motivates to purchase.

The presentation of a product to a buyer can be carried out both in the sales area of ​​a retail store for one person, and in conference rooms in front of tens and hundreds of guests through a presentation on a projector.

Don’t think that a product presentation is a spontaneous event. It requires careful preparation, organization and skill.

Also, during presentation, the buyer is influenced by many factors; even the display of goods on the sales floor can push them to purchase.

And before you dig deeper and study the rules of product presentation, watch a short video and pay attention to the behavior of the seller at the presentation stage. There is no need to do this and then you will understand why.

Presentation Features

The presentation of the product to the client is intended not only to tell about the product; it has many important functions. Let's look at the main ones.

  1. Concentration of attention. When a buyer is confusedly rushing between several types of products, it is important to concentrate his attention. Stop at two models and tell us about the features of each of them. This will allow the client to conduct a comparative analysis and choose his favorite based on certain criteria.
  2. Maintaining interest. When there is a “fish on the hook,” the main thing is not to let it fall off. To do this you need to maintain interest. This can be done in different ways. For example, talk about the unique advantages and features of the product that competitors do not have, or convince with personal experience.
  3. Awareness of need. This function is to “grope” the client’s pain and “press” on it. Understand for what purposes the buyer wants to purchase this product, what factors drive him when choosing a product. The seller’s goal at this stage is to help the buyer understand the importance and necessity of purchasing the product.
  4. . The main purpose of the presentation is to transition to the sale. You must motivate the buyer to take any target action: leave contact information, register, leave a request or buy a product. Various presentation methods help with this, which we’ll talk about a little later.

When building a presentation of your product, you should focus on all of the above functions, and, if possible, not miss any of them.

Then the result will not take long to arrive and your product will quickly have a buyer.



We've sorted out the functions of presentations, now let's look at their classification. There are different types of presentations, the most common ones are listed below.

According to the purpose of the event:

  1. Informational. Designed to convey basic information about the product to the client. In another way, it can be called introductory. It lists all the functions, features and features of the product. Good for talking about products from a new line.
  2. Demonstration. Needed for a deeper understanding of the product. It allows physical contact with the product being offered: touching, trying on, testing. Typically used to directly demonstrate all the capabilities of a product, provide instructions for use, etc.
  3. Selling. Her main thing is sales. Often this type of presentation includes the two previous ones, but can exist independently. For example, when selling movie tickets, it is enough to attract interest. A sales presentation necessarily includes a description of the product's advantages and benefits for the client.
  1. Presentation of goods. Most often it is carried out in trading floors one on one with the buyer. This includes offers of household and digital appliances, clothing, cars, jewelry, etc.
  2. Presentation of services. Offering services is much more difficult than offering goods. While goods can be touched and felt, services are not a tangible thing. To conduct an effective presentation of services, you need to show your expert status.
  3. Project presentation. Another thing that cannot be fully demonstrated is projects. Here, reports, drawings, diagrams, full-size models, etc. are used for presentation.

By method:

  1. . It is carried out among the company’s clients who voluntarily left their contact phone number.
  2. The telephone presentation is based on. The main goal is to inform about new products/services or directly sell/appoint an application.
  3. Electronic. Can be sent to confirmed clients as a newsletter. However, it is most often used for presenting projects at conferences, trainings and other thematic events. Any web presentation should be accompanied by an oral narration.
  4. Trading. The same presentation that each of you has seen more than once on the sales floor of any store. When a buyer comes with a desire to purchase a product, and the sales assistant begins to talk about all its delights.

To decide on the type of presentation, you need to start from the main goals that you plan to achieve.

The most common today is the sales presentation; it is used by most companies and brands in selling various types of goods and services.

Product presentation methods

There are special schemes and techniques for presenting goods that allow you to charm the buyer in no time. I will introduce you to the most interesting and effective ones.

1. “Hamburger” model

This scheme is based on the principles of human psychological characteristics. This is how the human brain works that most often we remember the first and last phrase of any conversation.

So in a hamburger, we can clearly see only the top and bottom buns, and the delicious filling is hidden inside.

According to this technique, it is the first and last sentences in the presentation that should motivate the buyer to buy.

Therefore, at the beginning of the conversation, be sure to list the capabilities and advantages of the product or show what problems the client can solve.

And at the end, “drop anchor” on making a purchase, for example, inform about a nice discount.

Example: This technique is successfully shown in an Eldorado advertisement. Gosha Kutsenko offers to purchase any product in the store and receive 10% on a bonus card for it. The anchor in this example is the phrase “Bonuses can be spent immediately.”

2. “Property – advantage – benefit”

The technical characteristics of a product are not always clear to the average user, so it is worth speaking in an accessible language for the target audience, showing the client the advantages and clear benefits.

I won’t go into detail about the presentation of the product in the language of benefits, since we have a separate article with many examples, so read on for your health.

Example: if you sell Wi-Fi routers, then the offer “buy this router, with two frequency bands 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz” will only mislead your potential buyer.

Explain to him that this is a router that has two frequency ranges (property) and is more stable (advantage), so it will allow you to enjoy your favorite TV series and will not freeze at the most interesting moment (benefit).

3. “Figures and facts”

Sometimes people don’t really “buy” into the beautiful speeches of sales consultants. Then impressive numbers come to the rescue.

Often, in the presentation of products of famous brands, names are used as an amplifier for purchase.

According to consumers, actors, athletes and TV presenters will not use low-quality products or buy low-grade goods.

Their choices are always listened to. Therefore, famous personalities can often be found advertising products on television.

Example: Let's return to the creators of Head & Shoulders shampoo. In addition to the “customer experience” method, they actively use the “famous names” method in their advertising. Thus, Yuri Dud became a recommendation person for Head & Shoulders Men.

Yuri Dud in advertising

9. “Price fork” model

Its essence is to compare several products of different price categories - the cheapest and a little more expensive, but with a set of useful functions.

The consultant’s task is to prove that purchasing a product from the “more expensive” category will be much more profitable for the client, at least in terms of price-quality ratio.

Example: the price of a car directly depends on the configuration and engine size.

If the client needs a car only as a means of transportation, offer him the minimum configuration.

If comfort, safety and ease of driving a car are important to him, consider a more optimal option - with electric power steering, heated seats and airbags.

Price fork

10. Method “From general to specific”

According to this methodology, the product as a whole is first described, and then each of its parts or functions is considered separately.

We start with the most significant/largest components, gradually the product.

Example: let's return to the presentation of the updated Toyota Camry model: “Innovative Toyota technologies provide the highest level of safety for your driving” (general).

“Intelligent security systems will warn you if the situation gets out of control” (more specific).

“There are built-in warning systems for the threat of collision with pedestrians and emergency braking mechanisms, a system for recognizing and informing the driver about road signs” (even more specific).

From general to specific

11. Reception “Picture of the future”

If you know for what purpose the consumer is purchasing your product, start your argument with the words “After purchasing this product you will receive...” or “With this product you will forever forget about the problems with...”.

And show what awaits the client after purchasing your product, let him feel like a happy owner of your product.

In general, this technique is suitable for everyone who knows their target audience 100% and is confident that the picture of the future being described hits the target.

Example: the producers of Coca Cola are convinced that lovers of this drink need bright, awakening sensations even in the cold winter and describe exactly these feelings in one of their advertisements.

12. “Three yes” method

In another way, this approach is called the “Socratic Questions” method.

Its essence is that the presentation process must be built using closed questions, so that the potential buyer answers them three times with a positive answer.

Then the fourth question is “Shall we make a purchase?” – will also be affirmative.

This is a certain psychological aspect of the human brain: if we answer the interlocutor “yes” 3 times in a row during a conversation, we will no longer be able to refuse his offer.

Example: using this method, you can ask a number of obvious questions to the buyer, for example, when buying a cell phone: “Do you like the color of this phone?”, “Are you satisfied with the quality of the photos taken with it?”, “Is this amount of memory enough for you?”

Phew... First question is there

13. “Getting into action” method

Helps the buyer feel like the owner of the product. This includes trying on clothes in stores, test drives in car dealerships, spraying perfume onto samples in perfume departments, etc.

The main essence of this method is the close interaction between the client and the product. The main task is to make sure that the buyer cannot part with the goods.

Example: This technique was successfully shown in an advertisement for Tide laundry detergent. The consumer is invited to try the effect of the powder with his own hands and see the brilliant result.

14. Crescendo method

The point is that each subsequent argument in favor of the product is more significant than the previous one.

That is, with each proposal made, the seller strengthens the desire to buy with a more significant argument.

Example: You can use this method in a direct form: “This sausage is fresh, it was delivered just an hour ago. The product is completely natural and meets all GOST requirements.”

Or you can take the path of indicating benefits for customers, as the Internet provider did in advertising new routers.

The video shows a presentation of the new equipment, and says that with its use, the Internet will appear in every corner of the apartment.

15. Method “Emotionality”

Scientists have proven that information conveyed to a person with expressive intonation is perceived and remembered many times better than dry, emotionless speech.

Use gestures during the presentation of the product, highlight the most significant aspects of the product with your voice, and pay attention to details.

Example: this method was successfully used by the MTS company in advertising its unlimited Internet service.

Dmitry Nagiyev focuses on the word “unlimited”, calling it “unlimited” in a drawn-out manner. The arm span is also appropriately used here, showing seemingly endless Internet traffic.


Universal Plan

Competent construction of a presentation is the main step to its success. The structure of the product presentation given below will show you how to properly conduct a presentation; these are the main stages of sales for any manager.

But I’ll say right away that it is universal and in any case requires adaptation to the place.

1. Introduction

No matter what conditions the presentation of the product to the buyer takes place, it is necessary to greet the interlocutor, introduce yourself and make it clear what you are going to talk about.

If a potential buyer hears about your product for the first time, tell him about everything in more detail.

If the presentation takes place on the sales floor, the consultant needs to determine the client's need based on the rack he is considering.

If you are presenting a product in a web format, on the title slide be sure to indicate the name or category of the product in question, as well as the name of the manufacturing company of this product.

Example: the ISbox television set-top box has interactive functions: rewind, freeze frames, archive of TV shows.

It can be used both for watching live TV and as a home theater.

It provides free access to a huge video library of films and TV series that can be searched using voice control.

You still have to smile

2. Client’s problem (pain)

At the presentation, be sure to clarify the problem. This can be done during a dialogue with the buyer, or study the motives on which your future client relies when choosing this product.

When preparing an electronic presentation, the pain points of the target audience need to be predicted or analyzed in advance and put on the slide in a bulleted list.

Example: If a customer in a store chooses a TV set-top box, ask why he needs it: is he going to view his movie library or play popular games? Then build the conversation depending on the answer.


3. Increased pain

It is necessary in order to strengthen the need to purchase. Show the importance and relevance of the client’s pain, point out the scale and possible consequences, convince that the problem needs to be solved right now.

And for a more accurate understanding, let’s go through the pain points from the previous paragraph and increase the pain of the buyer of a TV set-top box.

Example: Are you often late at work? Do you constantly miss your favorite TV series on air?

Do you have to waste time searching for the desired series on the Internet? Losing your TV remote? Do you have to get out of bed and manually press buttons on the monitor?

How much pain... How to fix it?

4. Solution()

The purpose of this stage is to give hope for a way out of the client’s current situation; tell him what solution you can offer him and how, with the help of your solution, he can easily get rid of his problem.

Example: Our interactive set-top box has a rewind function and stores all live broadcast recordings for 3 days.

By purchasing an ISbox, you get the opportunity to watch your favorite films at any time convenient for you.

Even if you can't find the TV remote control, you won't have to get out of your warm bed.

An interactive TV set-top box is television that understands you. Just name the movie you want to watch and ISbox will find it using voice search.

Interactive TV set-top box

5. Technology

Show how to use the product, tell in detail about the functions and how each of them works, arrange a so-called “test drive”.

Example: let’s continue the topic of the set-top box, so it’s worth telling how to set it up, how to connect to the Internet to access YouTube, how to download updates and install applications.

Intersvyaz has released a number of training videos for this purpose. And if there are also videos present during the presentation of your product, then you can easily operate with them.

6. Proof

As proof, you need to provide examples of how your solution helps customers. For this, before/after results or