Interactive navigation in the shopping center. Visual navigation systems Navigation of shopping centers floor map

The Active Design company competently builds navigation in a shopping center and successfully solves the problems of optimizing space, attracting visitors, reducing inconvenience, ensuring trafficability in “dead zones” and others. We offer development, production and installation of the following elements, such as:

  • information stands - prefabricated mobile structures that allow you to place any information and save money on processing the entire information surface;
  • modular signs are structures that include several information signs and signs and are produced in the form of a decorative panel, sign, stele, cantilever structure, etc.;
  • signs with the ability to change information - a practical profile with grooves into which posters are inserted;
  • hanging signs - used in places where it is not possible to install wall signs;
  • end double-sided (flag) indicators - fastened with screws to ceilings and walls at right angles;
  • free-standing ground or floor structures - pylons, stands on a leg, floor light boxes, etc., equipped with several information surfaces;
  • lighting solutions – information carriers with internal lighting for places that require a light accent to attract everyone's attention.
It is very easy to order navigation for a shopping center. You just need to fill out the online application form or dial the contact phone number. And you will certainly receive feedback with the necessary consultation and answers to all your questions. Visual navigation in Moscow from Active Design complies with all principles and standards for creating navigation aids. Contact us! We will do everything in our power clearly and promptly!

Navigation systems are a set of signs, plates, interactive displays and other elements that facilitate free orientation in a building. When entering a large shopping center or office building for the first time, a visitor is forced to look for clues that will help him get to the right office and find the group of goods that interests him. Well-executed building navigation:

  • Saves visitors time;
  • Creates the most comfortable conditions for them;
  • Increases the attractiveness of a store, office building, etc.

Visual navigation involves the use of a variety of elements: building diagrams, floor numbering, product signs, etc. Additionally, audio and tactile navigation can be used.

The benefits of well-designed navigation

  • Increase in the number of clients‒ if a shopping center or office building is convenient, visitors will come to it again and again.
  • Increased sales- freely navigating the building, the buyer quickly finds the goods he needs.
  • Increasing shopping center capacity‒ high-quality navigation reduces the time spent searching for products and allows more customers to visit the store.

Navigation in the shopping center

The navigation system in a shopping center has its own characteristics. She must:

  • Be convenient for customers;
  • Effectively solve marketing problems.

Developing navigation systems for a shopping center involves taking into account many important points. It is necessary to take into account the location of trade pavilions and product groups, and select the correct design of navigation elements.

Properly executed in-store navigation ensures a significant increase in profits and increases the prestige of the shopping center. Therefore, the development of navigation for a shopping center should be entrusted to experienced specialists.

Navigation in business centers

The navigation system in an office building should be extremely clear and concise, this will allow visitors to save time. When designing such a system, all key points must be taken into account - those places in the building in which the visitor may have difficulty choosing a path.

Text information must be duplicated with symbolic information, since some visitors may not know the language in which the inscriptions are made. Navigation in the office should be clearly visible, and all its elements should be located in convenient places.

Professional design of navigation systems

  • High-quality navigation design taking into account all the features of your building;
  • Production of navigation systems in the shortest possible time at competitive prices.

All signs, plaques, information stands and other navigation elements are produced using modern equipment and are of high quality and durability. To place an order or ask any questions you may have, call us at the numbers provided.

Navigation, advertising and information systems in Shopping Centers are a system of internal communication with the visitor. This allows you to manage it effectively, since the visitor in this situation is himself predisposed to this. The meaning of information signs - navigators comes down to two complementary principles: the visitor easily finds what he is looking for, and the tenant controls the flow of visitors.

Entrance to the shopping center

Ways to get there:

Public transport


Placement of a navigation system of signs and information at the main (most convenient) entrances. As a rule, there are no more than two paths to the shopping center. Perhaps they will be different for buyers by car and those traveling by public transport. When approaching the shopping center, it should be visually distinguished:

Or directly visible

Or marked with a stele

Or an architectural element

Or a lighting solution, etc.

Requirements for parking navigation:

Easy to find parking entrance

It's easy to find a car after visiting the shopping center

It's easy to find the exit in the right direction

Here it is often necessary to install additional signs indicating the entrance/exit and parking segment (to make it easier to find your car). If possible and/or necessary, use electronic information systems to indicate free places at levels. The parking lot navigation system uses digital, alphabetic, figurative and color symbols that are understandable to shopping center visitors. Shopping center entrance signs are also required in the underground parking lot. If a shopping center has several entrances, already at this stage it is possible to redistribute the flow of customers to the stores and areas they need.

Inside the shopping center

A visitor enters a shopping center. Navigators should be located no closer than 5 m, but no further than 15 m from the entrance, otherwise the visitor will be deprived of the necessary information. The navigation system can be interactive or non-interactive. Modern shopping centers already use interactive navigators, such as multimedia monitors, touch screens, and information kiosks. But the main role of non-interactive systems is undeniable. The following picture can be observed: a child plays with an interactive system, and parents study a non-interactive scheme and decide on the direction of movement along it.

In the entrance area of ​​shopping centers, navigators with complete information about operators are desirable. The most common navigation and information systems in existing shopping centers are signs in the form of maps or diagrams of the complex, located at the intersections of the main human flows - at the entrances, at elevators and escalators, at street intersections where alternative routes of movement arise. In addition to the floor plan, the maps should show anchors and tenants by product category (hypermarket, women's, men's, children's clothing, entertainment center), and a dot arrow indicating the location of the visitor. According to experts, the buyer is often focused on the brand, so information is desirable about the brands available in the shopping center.

Solving the problem of all shopping centers - raising the buyer to the floor above the 3rd is a serious marketing task. The navigation system plays an important role here too.

Navigation in a shopping center should be based on logic and intuition of how the buyer will behave. A predator in the jungle following the trail of prey is guided by the trail and intuition. When developing a navigation system, put yourself in his shoes and simulate the situation. Marketers use another type of navigation, cross selling, aimed at managing the flow. This system is located parallel to the flow movement.

For orientation in the shopping center, suspended navigators, floor structures, and consoles are used; to familiarize yourself with the entertainment part of the complex, navigators and advertising media that differ from the rest in format are used. Visual navigation objects had to be of high quality, but bringing them to a single color and stylistic range could harm them by merging with the rest of the shopping center design and becoming invisible.

Often, well-made navigation can correct unsuccessful architectural and planning decisions and correctly redistribute flows.

It is important that, once in the most forgotten corner of the shopping center, the buyer knows exactly where to go. Found everything I wanted. Made purchases, especially unplanned ones. I rested and left satisfied, scheduling my next visit to the shopping center. Everyone is happy: buyers, tenants and developers of the navigation and information system!

It’s hard to imagine a modern shopping center without a navigation system. The more levels there are in a shopping center, the larger its scale, the more difficult it is for visitors and customers to navigate it. Various formats come to the rescue, from a budget option in the form of a booklet at information desks to a full-fledged interactive navigation system that combines several functions.

Today we will compare examples of the operation of such an interactive navigation system from the point of view of an ordinary visitor in the “Gallery” shopping center and the “Peter Raduga” shopping center.

1) Exterior view of the interactive navigation terminal in the Galereya shopping center.

2) All stores are sorted alphabetically, which is convenient for those who come to the shopping center for goods of a certain brand.

4) Let's go to the screen with the floor plan. At the top of the screen there is a simple and intuitive menu (from left to right): scaling with the “-” and “+” buttons, the “You are here” icon, going to the catalog, searching and switching between Russian and English. On the right side of the screen are all 7 levels of the shopping center from parking lot -2 to the top, 5th floor.

5) Parking, level -1, divided into zones, designated by different colors and letters of the alphabet. I have already given an example of how parking is implemented in the Gallery in my review here (). This helps you find your car in the maze of columns on different levels.

6) We rise to a higher level. First floor. Please note that each retail block is named after the brand that occupies it. The next photo shows this better.

7) Enlarged part of the third floor gallery. The list of brands helps the visitor not only quickly find his way around, but also plan a route to nearby stores of his favorite brands. Here you can see that PUMA is sitting next to Samsonite, and on the other side you can go to Salomon. And you can pop into Nike, which is a little higher diagonally. It seems they have discounts on the previous collection. Let us note that the brain perceives visual information in a split second; the main thing is to help it make the “picture” simple and accessible.

8) And finally, a menu with icons (parking, ATMs, toilets, etc.) with instructions on how to use the touchscreen. The instructions are apparently more suitable for people of the older generation, because young people perceive this form of management without additional explanation.

Conclusions that can be drawn after getting acquainted with this terminal in the shopping center:

A) The information on the screen is placed logically, the names of menu items are intuitive. You can quickly find the store you need or a list of stores by category.

IN) Ease of use: It is convenient to use the touchscreen and the response speed to touch/movement is the same as on a regular phone.

WITH) Help with navigation: The installed system helps the visitor navigate and find the right product, store or service that operates in the shopping center.

Now let’s see how interactive navigation is implemented in the Peter Raduga shopping and entertainment complex.

9) This is what the interactive navigation terminal looks like in the Peter Raduga shopping and entertainment complex.

10) The layout of the elements on the screen looks, to put it mildly, strange. Why is this wide, half-empty blue field at the top with a lonely inscription suggesting returning to full-screen mode? Menu buttons are scattered across the screen and in order to understand how the search is organized you have to turn on the brute force method. I clicked and saw what happened.

11) Let’s use the search by typing “Shoes” in the search bar. Found 20 stores in the “Footwear and leather goods” category.

12) Type “ATM” and…. Nothing found. Strange. Is there not a single ATM in the entire shopping center? I do not believe.

13) Sberbank is in the list of the “Services and Banks” category, but trying to find an ATM leads to zero results.

14) Let's try to find “gift wrapping”. And again by. But excuse me, there is a tenant of this category on the second floor.

15) This is the gift wrapping. On the second floor. The tenant is already not spoiled by visitors, and it’s also not in the navigation system.

16) Let’s return to the “Services” list, which for some reason was combined with banks. The inscription on the menu was cut off and instead of “can” it turned out to be “ban”. For what reason the “Media Markt” store ended up in the “Services and Banks” category also remains a mystery.

17) And this is what the map of the complex looks like with the request: “Shoes”. Twenty faceless red dots. And then guess for yourself which store each dot represents. Notice how easy it is to find “Cinema Park”, “Sportmaster” and “H&M” - because there is a name that quickly catches the eye on the screen. You can guess that on the white circle with the number 1 on the right side of the screen, the red circle with the number 20 means the number of stores found. It’s not clear what the circle with the inscription “You” to the left of the number 1 means.

Conclusions that can be drawn after getting acquainted with this terminal in the Peter Raduga shopping and entertainment complex:

A) Logic and structuring of information: There is no logic. The information on the screen is placed unsystematically.

IN) Ease of use: The touchscreen is inconvenient to use and the response is slow. For example, you press the letter “C” and instead of one letter, 2 or 3 pop up in a row, you have to delete them. It's annoying.

WITH) Help with navigation: The installed terminal does not help but rather hinders orientation.

  • It is better to see the installed system once than to watch 100 beautiful presentations from various suppliers. See how different systems work in different shopping malls and choose an option whose price justifies its quality.
  • The menu design, information placement on the screen and its layout should be handled by a specialist. Otherwise, instead of convenience, your visitors will receive a set of puzzles and inconsistencies.
  • Before launching an interactive navigation terminal in a shopping center, test it for simplicity, convenience and correct operation.

Wall posters in sales areas

Hanging mobiles in sales areas and at exhibitions

Price tags and price holders

Navigation development

Navigation development

Navigation system development: creative approach with effective results

The wide capabilities of modern printing equipment used by our company allow us to create a full range of printed advertising and information products necessary to ensure and navigation system development. This system is an integral component of most objects and allows you to simultaneously solve several problems:

· visitors and staff get the opportunity to access a simple and understandable layout of the structural components of a given facility, as well as an idea of ​​the most optimal and safe ways to move to them;

· the owners of the complex have the opportunity to focus the attention of visitors on the most important and commercially profitable divisions and departments. The advertising component in the navigation development process is a priority;

· Security is an integral component of such a system. A well-designed plan allows you to optimize the movement of numerous masses of visitors both in operating and emergency modes, avoiding intersections or critical crowding of people.

Objects requiring navigation systems

Our company has extensive experience development of navigation systems for structures for various purposes. We accurately imagine all the target tasks that are focused on the specifics of the complexes. Navigation systems are most in demand at the following sites:

· transport hubs. Airports and train stations are complex structures consisting of basic passenger services, as well as support, retail, medical and entertainment units. The specificity of these places is the large percentage of visitors from different countries who encounter this object for the first time. This determines the multilingual nature of information boards and signs, as well as their maximum compliance with generally accepted international standards. In this situation, our designers will develop unique but easy-to-understand signs;

· cultural, entertainment and sports institutions. Stadiums, concert halls, and parks have an extensive network of structural units. At the time of various events, a huge number of people accumulate at such facilities, and for the process to be successful, it is desirable to ensure zoning with separated flows of movement. The best option is to develop navigation at the initial stage of design or reconstruction of these structures. This integrated approach allows you to create the most convenient scheme, and designing and manufacturing printed information elements for it will not be difficult;

· shopping malls. The widest range of tools and methods for implementing a visual information system is used when developing navigation for a shopping center. In this case, not only the correct and safe direction of the flow of visitors is ensured and they are informed about the work of support services. An integral component of such a project is the marketing policy of this institution. On the one hand, a buyer, entering a shopping center, must easily find a place with the goods he needs, but at the same time, along the way, he must be given the opportunity to familiarize himself with most of the entire assortment presented. This approach ensures maximum efficiency of the store without being tied to its structure.

Depending on the specifics, a shopping center can either operate under the brand name of one brand or be a complex consisting of separate departments that provide various types of trade, entertainment or food services. In the case of a single sales floor, the development of navigation for a shopping center should be carried out in close contact with merchandising specialists, since product placement is important and can be changed over time. We provide such an opportunity in the project, which allows customers to always find the products they need without any problems.

Elements of the navigation system. Making navigation.

The main elements of the navigation system, created during its development and manufactured by our company, are:

· external and internal signs;

· various signs of travel routes, rooms, zones;

· stands informing about certain types of services or products sold;

· carriers of removable graphic information;

· evacuation schemes, locations of main and emergency exits.

All information is printed with permanent UV-cured ink on a variety of substrates. Honeycomb cardboard is used for portable and temporary stands. For external and stationary elements, plastic or banner film is used. Printing on transparent media for use with backlight is also in demand.

Professionally designed by our designers navigation system will ensure efficient operation of the facility, make the task easier for its visitors and guarantee a high level of safety.