Alternative advertising distribution channels (Ambient Media). Alternative advertising distribution channels (Ambient Media) Benefits for the advertiser

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Alternative advertising is becoming a competitor to traditional


Alternative advertising is becoming a competitor to traditional

Traditional advertising seems to have become too familiar to the buyer. According to research by the British public opinion research center The Henley Centre, 38% of respondents noted that they rarely pay attention to advertising in newspapers and magazines, and 69% of them switch the TV during the "commercial break". The head of the advertising agency Michaelides & Bednash explains why: “It's easy to ignore ads that the eye is used to. We need to break the stereotype." Other experts are even more categorical. "Advertising pages in magazines have less and less influence on the choice of the buyer, as a means of communication they are morally obsolete," says the advertising director of Malachi agency. Perfume companies are responsive to new trend. According to a representative of one of the major cosmetics firms, his company has removed advertising from mainstream magazines and has focused its budget on the professional press and non-traditional advertising methods. “It makes no sense to pay a lot of money if then your ad gets lost among dozens of others in Vogue or Cosmopolitaine,” he notes. An alternative to obsolete forms could be new advertisement- on buses, taxis, houses, telephone and credit cards. However, are most companies ready to shell out significant amounts for such an experiment? Advantages of the experiment According to the sociological center Henley Center from the UK, the behavior of the same buyer in different situations differs more than two people placed in the same conditions. Social status, income and place of residence of the consumer influences less on the decision to purchase a product than mood. In other words, advertising will have to not only attract the attention of the right target audience, but also make it the most receptive to information. This is where “alternative” communication channels excel. Although the total expenditure of perfume and cosmetics companies on new forms of advertising does not yet exceed 4% of the budget, some firms have focused on them. Calvin Klein is no stranger to innovative and shocking advertising - it has used "alternative" advertising to market its cK One youth perfume. The plan for the new cK One campaign includes not only traditional magazine strips, TV commercials and outdoor advertising, but also "personal" advertising: the "face" of spirits, 17-year-old Danny, personally responds to everyone who sent him letters via e-mail. The main advantage of such communication is its targeting. Another example of successful "alternative" advertising undertaken by Unilever is the Vaseline Intensive Care deodorant banners pasted on the windshields of London Underground trains. The flea market and stuffiness in a narrow underground "pipe" is the best way to promote such a perfume product. Although "alternative" communication is used by such a large brand as Calvin Klein, most experts are convinced that this is still a real chance for small firms to compete with giants. “When a company accounts for more than 14% of industry turnover, it feels like a master in the market. Of course, power is concentrated in the hands of such players. If a firm wants to retain its identity, it has to be creative.” This is exactly what the Australian cosmetics company Fudge does, decorating the sides of taxis, discount cards of clubs and restaurants in the largest cities of England with its advertising. During the year, the company's turnover increased by 78%. Panacea or game? The art director of the advertising agency Clayden Heeley is also a fan of the “alternative” (it was he who organized the recent campaign for Unilever’s Organics shampoo, when fashion models washed their hair right on the bustling London streets). “I don't think that traditional advertising is of interest to the buyer today. Companies will begin to lose audience until they are no longer afraid to be shocking, strange and unconventional,” he notes. This creative style has become very popular among art directors. advertising agencies for whom it is important that the image they offer goes beyond the rigid commercial advertising. But these unexpected advertising moves are ambiguously assessed by representatives of companies. Some believe that they reduce the status of brands. “After advertising, you need to offer people something more significant than words - the product itself. Otherwise, the audience will be disappointed in you. You can't just grab a customer's attention and then dump them. It is necessary to reward him - first through the tester, then through the product itself,” notes one of these skeptics. A share of the risk Disappointing customers is not the only danger threatening the budget of "alternative" media. The more often perfume and cosmetic companies advertise themselves on buses, buildings and even... animals, the sooner the time will come when any thing can become an "advertising medium". Alternative advertising hides in itself the threat of its own destruction - when it becomes widespread, it ceases to amaze. But it is almost impossible to check the effectiveness of "non-standard" advertising. And cosmetics companies are still more interested in traditional advertising, the time of which they can plan. Unlike traditional print and television advertising, which are clearly targeted at a well-defined (and well-researched) audience, alternative advertising suffers from a lack of research. The director of the Initiative Media agency, which distributes advertising for Unilever in the UK, agrees with this position: “Shocking” advertising will not be a real competitor to traditional media. mass media until its effectiveness becomes more predictable. Today it is just a beautiful addition to the usual forms of advertising. Despite these difficulties, "alternative" advertising has many advantages, such as the ability to create the illusion of a personal appeal to the buyer. And firms will be forced to use it to attract the attention of buyers who are tired of the flow of advertising for perfumes and cosmetics, which is becoming more and more every year.

Item Description: Advertising


  1. Godfrey Harris. Let your fingers speak. Online advertising on the Internet. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002. - 144 p.
  2. A. Deyan. Advertising. – M.: Sirin, 2002. – 144 p.
  3. Aleksey Ivanov. Can not be. Paradoxes in advertising, business and life. – M.: Byblos, 2012. – 416 p.
  4. Michael Ellsberg. Millionaire without a degree. How to succeed without traditional education. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013. - 304 p.
  5. Nirmalya Kumar, Jan-Benedict Steenkamp. Retail brands. New competitors to traditional brands. – M.: Alpina Publisher, 2008. – 264 p.
  6. Emil Stanev. Under the POLYMODE program in the Bermuda Triangle. – M.: Nauka i izkustvo, 1983. – 224 p.
  7. George Lapis. Methods of alternative medicine. Guide. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2006. - 160 p.
  8. Douglas Van Praet. Unconscious branding. Use of the latest achievements of neuroscience in marketing. – M.: Azbuka Business, Azbuka-Atticus, 2014. – p.
  9. Alina Syrkina. The phenomenon of advertising communication. Moscow: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013. 160 p.
  10. Julia Sewell. Stylistic features of advertising texts. Moscow: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013. 76 p.
  11. Christina Shelkovnikova. Analysis and ways to improve social advertising in the city of Kemerovo. Moscow: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013. 108 p.
  12. Elena Zubrilina and Alexey Malyshev. Environmental advertising. Moscow: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012. 52 p.
  13. G.N. Gipich, V.G. Evdokimov, E.A. Kuklev, V.S. Shapkin. Risks and safety of aviation systems. – M.: GosNII GA, 2013. – 232 p.
  14. Tetelmin V.V. Physical foundations of traditional alternative energy. Tutorial. – M.: Intellect, 2016. – 176 p.
  15. Help Yourself: Traditional and Alternative Therapies. - M .:,. - from.
  16. Douglas Van Praet. Unconscious branding. Use of the latest achievements of neuroscience in marketing. – M.: Azbuka Business, 2018. – 320 p.

One of the main advantages of affiliate programs in which search engines are involved is a developed targeting toolkit. Everything advertisements are shown only on those sites and pages that are related to the topic. This, in turn, contributes to the growth of the number of clicks and advertising revenue, which is beneficial for all participants in the interaction.

Among the most powerful such systems in the vastness of the Runet are Yandex.Direct, Runner, Google Adsense.

Benefits for the advertiser:

  1. the most low price transition;
  2. wide audience coverage;
  3. the possibility of using a large number of sites;
  4. quick start and effect immediately after the start of advertising;
  5. convenient operational management;
  6. focus on CA.


  1. as a rule, there is no possibility of a specific choice of sites for displaying advertising;
  2. low visitor engagement.

When is the best time to use?

The use of affiliate programs is justified in conditions where:

  • SEO promotion and contextual advertising have already exhausted themselves;
  • one user contact is not enough to make a sale (the tool allows you to send a potential client to your site several times);
  • you need to quickly attract traffic to large online stores.

When is it better not to use?

When you have very specific products, for example, designed for the premium segment, partnership programs usually do not give good results.

The main schemes of today's popular affiliate programs:

  1. Pay-Per-Sale or pay per sale. The principle of operation of such a partnership is very simple. The partner receives money if the person he attracted makes a purchase. The amount of income is usually a percentage of the price or a fixed commission;
  2. Pay-Per-Click and Pay-Per-View - pay per click and view. The last variety - pay-per-view - is already a thing of the past, as it is used quite rarely today. But pay for clicks - on the contrary, is becoming more and more popular. This is the basic principle of banner and contextual advertising. So, if a user clicks on a banner or a contextual ad, then the owner of the site where the ad is placed receives money.
  3. Pay-Per-Reg - fee for referral. In this case, the partner's possible earnings depend on how effectively he attracts customers who register on the required site;
  4. Pay-Per-Install or pay per download. If the person you brought to the site downloads to their computer software, game, add-on or something else, then you get paid for it. One of the variations of this scheme involves not only downloading, but also installing the application on your PC. It is clear that this kind of affiliate program is more beneficial for its owners, since downloading is not a guarantee of use;
  5. Pay-Per-Action or pay-per-action. Each of the above schemes is a variation of this option. After all, by clicking, registering, downloading or buying something, a person performs a certain action. But, as a rule, this group includes all those options for action that are not included in the first 4 varieties.


"Affiliate programs" are very actively used in the West. We have not yet found the same widespread use. First of all, this can be explained by the relative youth of the Runet, and market economy generally. Nevertheless, it is difficult not to notice the prospects and positive trends in the development of affiliate programs. They have already taken excellent base advertising platforms, offer a lot of tools to the user, are distinguished by ease of management. That is why, pretty soon, affiliate programs, even those that are not associated with search engines, will be able to compete for their share of the advertising market.

It's time for the final part of our series of articles "2 clicks to success, or secrets effective advertising”, and in the last article we will talk about offline advertising.

In order to get acquainted with the previous advertising tools, go to the "Traffic Secrets" section on our website.

However, in the modern world, television, radio and newspapers do not lose their relevance. Millions of people still watch TV and leaf through the weekly editions of a wide variety of newspapers.

So, let's consider how offline advertising can contribute to the promotion of your one-page site.

1) Advertising on television - this is, without a doubt, a fairly large audience even in the conditions of regional television broadcasting. For television advertising campaigns, it is better if there is a semantic correspondence between the content of the commercial and the nature of the television programs during which it will be broadcast. It is obvious. Advertising a site selling, for example, Goji Berries, would be out of place against the backdrop of some talk show about the political problems of Ukraine. So it is better to approach the issue of compatibility with all seriousness.

Let's not say how much airtime costs. Everyone is different. Prime time or dead 4am, it doesn't matter. Many. Especially knowing that the average person will dig into your ad somewhere on the eighth viewing. So this type of website promotion is recommended to be postponed until better times.

Also, don't forget this. The audience contact time with your video will be short - a few seconds, for example. Will viewers be able to remember information about your site? Will the viewers be at their TVs, or will they go about their household chores, as is usually the case?

In addition, you yourself know very well that there is great amount various TV shops. Therefore, there is a possibility that your product will not become a novelty, but the entire the target audience, capable of shopping in the "shop on the couch" is quite able to turn on the channel they need and make a purchase. So forget about TV commercials.

2) Advertising on the radio. This type of advertising has all the advantages and disadvantages of television advertising. Except it's cheaper. Although do not forget that the prices of some FM radio and the city radio network (the same radio stations that are located in the kitchens) will differ. This method can be tried someday, but there must be a clear understanding of what you are doing. It is desirable that the subject of your site is useful to the radio audience. For example, you live in a small town and you know what the townspeople are sorely lacking. This can be used to your advantage. But later. When you get promoted and can, without risk to your wallet, try advertising on the radio.

3) Advertising in print media. This is the most accessible and democratic advertising channel. In any city there are local free advertising newspapers-magazines. Just choose. Do not forget about all-Russian monsters like "All For You" or analogues. Prices are low compared to TV and radio. It will be possible to get on a free promotion - for text ads, this is quite real. Moreover, you can choose: whether to make a banner on such and such a page or to issue your offer in text form. You can negotiate the conditions for publishing your advertisement. It can be, for example, every first issue in a month, or a series of several publications in a row - there are many options for any wallet. In the advertising department, you can easily agree on all the nuances. Perhaps you will be given a number of sensible recommendations on how to run a campaign more effectively. After all, the people who work there live off the money of advertisers and are interested in you coming to them again and again.

In print advertising, there is one very strong advantage: the time of your ad, if I may say so in relation to newspapers. This, of course, is not the 15 seconds that are allotted for a commercial on television and radio. Theoretically, the contact time of the reader with your advertising text varies from zero to several years, for example. After all, many people keep newspapers-magazines for quite a long time, and it cannot be ruled out that someone will someday find out about your one-page site by leafing through old newspaper files. And will drive its name into the browser.

4) Other options. This includes leaflets that are handed out on the street, outdoor advertising, all kinds of banners and much, much more. Such methods of one-page advertising are unlikely to bring any result. Think back: how often do you pick up leaflets on the street? And if you did take it, did you take advantage of the offer?

And the banners and streamers on the streets of the city ... In the modern world, they are more likely to serve as a decoration. Few people pay attention to them. Especially if it's an ad for a site.

Of course, you can add to this list with your findings. In any case, we advise you to stick with advertising on the Internet, as it is the most effective these days!

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