How to start earning VKontakte. What group to create to make a profit

As you may have guessed, we will talk about how to make money on the Vkontakte group. In general, this is a very popular thing in our time. The question is often asked: “How much do they earn on groups in contact?”. You can earn good money just by sitting at home. And it is worth considering the fact that you can work for yourself. Income may vary. Both big and small. It all depends on the effort you put in.

So, let's go directly to the topic of our article. How to make money on Vkontakte groups? By the way, you can also come across such a thing as monetization of Vkontakte groups. This is exactly what we will be discussing today. Now we will try to explain to you. Consider some popular ways to make money on groups.

Internet shop

Now, online stores that advertise and sell their goods directly in Vkontakte groups are very popular. You can also create your own group in which you will sell something at your discretion. It can be a variety of goods, from T-shirts to household appliances. Posts with products can be diluted with regular posts to reduce the effect of annoying ads. You can earn from 1000 rubles a day. And do not forget to take into account the interests of the assembled audience. What to sell? Look at people, conduct a survey of what your potential buyers need most.

Own services

If you have a hobby or are knowledgeable in a particular area and it is in demand by the masses, you can advertise services in your group. Services can be different: repairs, photo and video shooting, holding events, teaching foreign languages ​​or natural sciences. In general, anything, as long as the public demands it. Are you good at this? Then forward and with a song, as they say. I know a girl who is fluent in German and English. She created the corresponding group in contact. It advertises its distance learning services. She has a large audience. Now she earns by tutoring in languages ​​and additionally has. Now, she has expanded her staff and it is already easier for her to cope with the pressure of work. Accordingly, the number of people she can train has increased. In general, think for yourself.

Vkontakte advertising exchange

If your daily user coverage exceeds 20-30 thousand people, then feel free to register a group on the advertising exchange. On the menu " Community Management" should be a section " Advertising exchange". This confirms the desired user coverage. If there is no such function, then you should work on daily coverage again and again. (help) and (answers to frequently asked questions) - these are links for those who are interested in this section of making money on Vkontakte groups. Here you can learn more about the topic "advertising exchange".

affiliate program

In your group, you can advertise someone else's products, and for each unit sold, you will receive a percentage of the sale. Everything is very simple. It is enough to find a partner and promote his interests in the social network. Good advertising will pay off, trust me.

Affiliate programs by type of payment are of the following types:

  • payment upon order CityAds);
  • pay per action Badoo Partners, ActionPay).

It is very important to follow the minimum withdrawal amount. It is important that it does not exceed 500 rubles. The approximate income from the affiliate program is not particularly limited. This amount goes from $50. In general, depending on how it goes.


Having brought your Vkontakte group to mind (interesting posts, number of people, etc.), you can set advertising prices. That is, you post posts advertising other groups or products from stores, and for advertising you will be given a fixed amount. It is also a very good option for making money in Vkontakte groups. But for this you have to make your group attractive to potential customers. No one wants to deal with a group that has low visitor activity. Here are some links to help you find advertisers:,,, . Check it out for sure! Don't forget about ad limits. If I'm not mistaken, that's about 3 posts a day.

Sale of Vkontakte groups

Another way to make money on the Vkontakte group. You are just wasting time and energy on creating and promoting your group. Then, or on certain forums, look for buyers. You can earn 30 thousand and 50 thousand rubles. It all depends on you and on the time you put into this business.


If you decide to seriously make money on Vkontakte groups, then you need to understand three things:

  1. You must work hard;
  2. Be able to create high-quality content for your group;
  3. Know how to present your product.

These three rules will help you in this type of Internet - earnings.

But one more thing I would like to discuss is how to promote your Vkontakte group.

To get started, you can use the service There you can wind and if you need it. You can pay for your ads in other groups that already have very good subscriber activity. In the Fastintop service, you can earn points and use them to exchange for followers, likes and reposts. Well, also, if you have it and they watch it, then you can leave links to your group under the videos. Anyone who is interested will join you.

And finally
Even if you don't have your own group and you want something else, it doesn't matter. In a contact, you can work as an administrator in someone else's group. You can lead it, engage in moderation. Also, you can design groups. They also pay good money for this. The choice is yours. Weigh everything properly, discuss it with yourself and come to a unanimous decision. Good luck in your endeavors and big earnings to you!

Are you one of the users of the social network VK and heard from the corner of your ear that you can earn decent money here? Yes, it is indeed possible, which many users successfully do. Do you want to become one of them? Today we will reveal all the nuances and tell you in detail how to make money on a group in contact.

There are, of course, other small part-time jobs, but you should not count on high incomes there. It is the creation of your own resource - a group or, as they are also called, a public, that can help you reach at least the average salary in your city, and with the right approach, you can count on much more money.

From this article you will learn:

What you need to know about making money on groups in contact

There are tens of thousands of groups and communities on the VKontakte social network. Initially, most were created with the aim of creating a place for communication and information exchange of like-minded people, but it soon became clear that with their help you can get a good income.

How much you can earn on a group in VK is difficult to answer unambiguously, it all depends on many factors, such as:

  • the number of subscribers;
  • subject matter;
  • promotion methods.

If you approach the matter responsibly and correctly use the available means of promotion, over time you can achieve that the community will bring in a month quite sufficient funds for life.

You need to be prepared for the fact that you won’t be able to make money quickly on your group: you need to attract a large number of subscribers, regardless of which method of profit will be used, advertising, partnership or another. And also you need to choose the right profitable topic in which you are guided.

IMPORTANT. If you develop too quickly and with "illegal" methods, the site may block the community for cheating members.

We will tell you in detail about how much the administrators of Vkontakte groups earn and how they do it.

TOP 5 ways to make money on groups in VK

You can start earning with the help of a group in contact using the following ways 👇 :

  • placement of advertising posts;
  • participation in affiliate programs;
  • offer their services and goods;
  • video placement;
  • sale of a ready-made community.

Many owners often combine them, receiving additional profit.

I have listed and I want to talk in more detail about these 5 options, but of course, everything is not limited to this. As the community develops, you will have new ideas for its monetization, the main thing, as they say, is to start.

Sale of advertising


How many followers do you need to benefit? Most advertisers prefer to cooperate with publics in which the daily reach of users exceeds 20 thousand. If you have achieved this result, register on the Vkontakte website advertising exchange and get a decent profit.

Sale of goods and services

There are two ways to earn money in this case:

  • By organizing an online store- now many are ordering goods from foreign sites such as AliExpress and reselling at a higher cost.

How much can you earn on a VKontakte group in this way? It all depends, again, on the number of subscribers, the relevance of the products offered and their prices. On small products, the owners of a promoted public receive from 1000 rubles per day , for larger entrepreneurs, this amount can reach several tens of thousands.

Partnership programs

To make money on your group, you can use affiliate programs: you sell someone's goods, and for this you get a percentage of the cost. There are many affiliate programs on the Internet, not all of them offer exactly products - a percentage can be paid:

  • for registering and spending a user on a dating site;
  • conclusion of an agreement for the provision of advertising services or the creation of a website;
  • for issuing a credit card at a bank, etc.

ADVICE. You need to choose the right ones that can interest a significant part of the audience of your group, since your earnings directly depend on how much you guess the needs of your audience.

Video placement

How to make money on Vkontakte on video? Quite simply, if the number of subscribers in the group is more than 15 thousand people (such restrictions are in the rules of the sites below). The method works only for live views and is not effective if the number of participants has been cheated. There are two most popular services for cooperation:


Pay per view from 30 to 80 kopecks , so it will be easy for each owner to figure out how much you can earn on your Vkontakte public.

Community Sale

Is it possible to earn big money by selling a public? Definitely yes.

The scheme is simple - just 3 steps:

  • you create a public;
  • attract a certain number of subscribers;
  • put up for sale on third-party services.

ADVICE. If you develop a VKontakte group for a long time, given the time costs, it will not bring you high income. It is much more profitable to create a specialized community dedicated to the release of a new game or a large-scale event, and promote it according to the most popular requests.

An example of a community where you can sell and buy publics

How much the owner of such groups earns on sales is a difficult question, it all depends on the number of subscribers and topics. There are offers up to 1000 rubles and below for relatively new publics, while a well-publicized community can cost tens of thousands.

How much do popular VKontakte groups earn

To learn about the earnings of specific groups, you can look at how much they sell ads for (this is the most common way to make a profit).

Example 1 Community - Placement Price - 14 thousand rubles with an audience of almost 4 million subscribers .

Example 2 "" - the cost of an advertising post is almost 5000 rub. with subscribers in 60 thousand with a ponytail.

Example 3 «» – 3.6 thousand rubles at 1.1 million subscribers .

Example 4 "" - will place an advertising post for 5.7 thousand rubles , audience - 3.3 million joined the community .

An important factor that advertisers pay attention to is daily ad reach, that is, how many people viewed the ad post. This data is also visible on each screenshot.

How to start making money on VK groups - step by step instructions

You already know how to make money on groups in contact, now we will tell you step by step what needs to be done in order to start earning income. To do this, follow 6 steps in sequence 👇 .

Step 1 Choosing a subject

Can be distinguished three main themes, which allow you to earn maximum amounts on VKontakte:

Step 2 Create a group

Almost anyone knows how to create a group in VK: you need to go to the appropriate section on your account and select the "create a community" item. Next, you choose its type, come up with a name, fill in the description and the necessary data.

Step 3 Filling with content

In order to develop a group in contact and make money on it, you need to fill it with interesting and, preferably, unique content.

For maximum efficiency, it is necessary to draw up a schedule according to which records will be fasted.

IMPORTANT. For each audience, hours of activity vary significantly. Therefore, it is important to understand when people who have joined your community are sitting in VK. For example, it is not right for a student audience to post in the morning, as students are either sleeping or in pairs.

All filling work can be done by auto-posting services, which will independently select the appropriate information and post it strictly at the specified time.

Step 4 Promotion

I repeat that before proceeding with the promotion of groups, they need to be filled at least a little, since no one wants to join empty communities.

There are paid and free methods for promotion.


  1. Mutual entry- announcements about them can be found or created in the relevant publics. It is ineffective, since no more than 25-35 people can be recruited per day, who will be inactive.
  2. Cheat by automatic free services. Allows you to attract a larger number per day, but users, as in the previous case, will be inactive.
  3. Mutual advertising. An effective method in the presence of 500 or more subscribers. Consists in search of the groups interested in mutual advertizing.


  1. Buying entries on specialized services. For good promotion, it requires significant costs, while most of the users will not be interested in the topic, and some of them will be bots at all.
  2. Paid advertising. Effective if you have at least a thousand subscribers. The most common option that everyone has seen is adding an incomplete post with a link to the public.

Step 5 Monetization

After the public has gained a certain number of users who have joined, you can start monetization - earning money on the VK group. Place ads, add paid videos, participate in affiliate programs and various projects that offer payment for certain actions - placing orders, registering for services, viewing.

Step 6 Withdraw money

Each affiliate program offers the withdrawal of earned funds to different wallets - YandexMoney, WebMoney, Qiwi.

IMPORTANT. Please note that there is always a certain withdrawal minimum and some have an initial time limit.

What can a beginner expect?

I wonder how much VKontakte communities earn on advertising? The average data is as follows:

  • With 5 or more million subscribers - from 5 to 20 thousand rubles for 1 advertisement.
  • From 500 thousand to 2-4 million people - 1-5 thousand rubles for the post.

For smaller communities, the price is individual and depends on a large number of factors: topics, age and solvency of the audience, and others.

In general, you can successfully earn money in other social networks. Read on and you might be tempted to create your own YouTube channel.

So, we told in detail how you can make money on VKontakte publics and provided approximate income data. As already mentioned, the benefit depends on many circumstances, and often differs greatly among the owners of groups similar in subject matter. Now the main thing is for you to take the first step, knowing that this business can be quite profitable, and, perhaps, soon you yourself will easily tell anyone how you can make big money on social networks.

Not many people know about it how to make money in contact. In fact, out of the entire huge army of users of this social network, only a small part of them receive income from it.Some people think that only its creators and persons close to them can make money in VK.

I hasten to please you, in reality, today everyone has the opportunity to receive money from a contact.And not only that, there are plenty of ways to make money online. I wrote about them in an article.

And now let's talk about how you can make money on VKontakte. Special skills and abilities are not needed! Simple daily actions will bring you additional income.It's time to learn about ways, figure out how to make money in VK and decide whether you should do it. Just imagine, now you can have an additional source of income. It's a sin not to try.

Instead of spending hours, days and weeks pointlessly texting friends and acquaintances, you can use this time to good use. To start earning, you just need to register on VKontakte. Although what am I talking about, you have already done this for a long time and you can’t wait to try to earn money.

How to make money in contact with a simple user?

In reality, there are not so many of these methods. They can be divided into 3 main areas.

The first and second methods generate income immediately, that is, you can earn your first money today. The third option involves the preliminary creation and promotion of your own group. Only after that you will be able to earn on it.

If you urgently need money and do not feel sorry for your page, you can sell it and hit the jackpot. But it will be a one time deal. Now the new owner will be able to manage your account as he wants. By the way, according to the rules of this social. networks such sales are officially prohibited.

However, those who are interested in this topic can find interested people through Google on the request “sell account”. The cost will depend on the number of friends, the year of registration and many other factors. By the way, VK even has an application that will estimate the price of your page.)))

We earn money on VKontakte on our page, a stable income!

What exactly will you have to do? Everything is simple here. You will perform various tasks and assignments of other people interested in certain activities. For example:

  • Like and write a comment.
  • the necessary information.
  • Join a group and tell your friends.
  • Add friends or vice versa add new friends.

As you can see, everything is very simple. But there is one significant disadvantage, namely, after active earnings and various introductions and additions, your page can turn into a garbage dump. Therefore, I would recommend that those who are going to make money in contact, create a second account specifically for these purposes. After all, there is even a risk that, having detected suspicious activity on your part, the administration of the social network will block you. I would not want to merge my real page, with many friends and acquaintances.

If we talk about payment, then I’ll say right away that you won’t become a millionaire and you won’t break the big jackpot. Huge money to earn this way will not work, but still at least something. It is realistic to receive 1000 - 2000 thousand rubles a month. After all, for such simple actions you will not be given much. How to make money in contact on your page, where to start and where to find those who will pay you? It turns out that you do not need to write letters to everyone in a row and offer your services. To do this, there are special services on which you register and start performing the tasks you like.

Here are some of the best sites as examples:

  • — a very profitable project!

How to make money on your group in contact? The most profitable way!

If you already have your own group, you can start earning on it. This method will bring much more money than the previous one. But here you need to know some features.

Earnings on a group includes a number of specific, sequential actions, after which you can start earning in a contact.

  1. Think about what you will be your group about.
  2. Choose the right name for it (plays one of the very important roles), read the details on the page
  3. Creating a group is the easiest step, it takes no more than five minutes. However, even here there are some peculiarities, I have a separate article Where I describe all the pitfalls of this process.
  4. Filling it with interesting and most importantly useful material for users.
  5. Attract as many living and active people as possible.
  6. Constantly add new materials and promote your group.

Only after doing all this you can start a good, profitable and more or less stable income.

You can make money on a group in VK in several ways:

  • Post advertisements.
  • Earn on affiliate programs.

Advertising is one of the main sources of income from the group. That is, someone wants to post a message on the wall in your community with a link to their site, product or service. This person pays you for it, and you publish what he needs.

The price of one such post can reach up to 1000 rubles. It all depends on the number of members in your group. Although this is only one of the factors that affect the price. The people in your community must be active.

Advertising can be placed at a certain time and in a certain place. You may be offered direct advertising, but the easiest way is to add your community to a special exchange, where this process is automated. Here are two good exchanges for example:


To make money on affiliate programs, your group must be live. This means that all its participants are real people. They are interested in the topic of the community, they go into it every day. And of course, the more such subscribers, the higher the earnings.

The essence of making money in VK on affiliate programs is simple. You need to place a beautiful post with a link to the desired product or service on the wall. An interested person follows the link, buys it, and interest is added to your account. For an advertising post in a group, you get a fixed amount 1 time. Here, every person who buys a product or service will bring you earnings. That is, you can earn daily, and new subscribers will only raise the final income.

Finding such affiliate programs for a group is not difficult. It is enough to use the search engine.)))

How much can you earn in contact per month?

Well, the fun is not limited. It can be 20 and 30 and 50 thousand rubles. For example, only one advertising post in an active community with good traffic can cost from 1000 rubles. Of course, you can sell your group for very good money, but in this case, the earnings will be one-time. Better develop it in order to receive passive income over time.

Are there any other ways to make money on VK?

Yes, there are options. And although they are not suitable for a beginner, I consider it necessary to briefly talk about them. And so, here you do not need to like, create groups and so on. Here are the ways:

  • Creating a beautiful menu for groups in VK. You need to be able to work with Photoshop, know the basics of HTML. The cost of one menu is from 100 rubles and more. I have seen prices in the thousands.
  • Promotion of other people's groups in contact. Here you need to know the basics of promotion in social networks.
  • Filling and maintaining the community. You create beautiful and interesting posts, post them in a group.

Now you know how to make money in contact. Believe me, today many people receive from this social network. networks decent income. You can start with simple actions and, over time, unwind. Try it too!

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."


Hundreds of new communities are created daily on VK. As a rule, their owners pursue one goal - to quickly gather their target audience and start making money. By the way, social networks have long turned from a standard tool for maintaining communication and sharing personal photos into an alternative source of income. Next, we will tell you how and how much you can earn on the VKontakte group.

How to make the community competitive

Earnings on VK groups are built mainly on advertising - the owners of publics and communities receive offers from customers, negotiate a price with them and put up commercial posts. At the same time, you can advertise almost everything - from online stores to individual selective products.

When deciding to start making money on VK public, you should understand that this is one of the most competitive markets. So, before contacting a specific administrator, the advertiser will look through dozens of options, choosing the most promising of them. In order for yours to be preferred from the variety of public pages, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Choice of thematic direction. The topic should be interesting and familiar to a wide range of people - the potential income depends on this. The most popular are women's and entertainment communities, quote books, as well as publics dedicated to doing business and the basics of marketing.
  2. Choosing a name and avatar. Communities with sonorous and memorable names gather a large audience.
  3. Content filling. Posts should be not only interesting, but also regular. About ten entries should be published per day, and at different times of the day. By posting all the content at once, you will deprive yourself of some views, likes and comments.

Before bringing the first profit, the public will require some material investments from you. In particular, you will have to pay for its promotion and promotion. The initial goal that is set for every community creator is to collect at least one or two thousand subscribers. How can I do that:

  1. post announcements of mutual accession on special platforms (an example of the most popular of them is Avito)
  2. exchange mutual PR with third-party publics
  3. order advertising from large communities with a large audience
  4. use special services for recruiting subscribers (for example, VKtarget and Sociate).

The public can be used to generate profit as soon as the first ten thousand users join it, and posts begin to collect about one and a half thousand views. Next, we will talk about all the ways how to make money on a group in VK.

Types of earnings in VK on groups

Currently, there are three sources for making money using VK: publishing advertising posts, promoting affiliate programs, and watching videos. Also, you can profit from selling communities with a large audience and coverage, but this is very risky and does not always lead to the desired result.

Partnership programs

In theory, the owner of the community can launch an affiliate program at any time, but experienced experts recommend waiting for coverage of at least 500 subscribers per day. They are recommended to be selected in accordance with the subject, as well as the interests of the participants. So, for example, if your target audience is mothers or pregnant women, then the best options for affiliate programs are:

  • courses and webinars on parenting;
  • online stores of children's things and toys;
  • entertainment events category 0+.

Also, there are universal programs that can be placed in any public. These include goods from AliExpress, Ozon,, etc.

How much you can earn on a VK group in this way is a difficult question. It all depends on the number of participants, their activity, the degree of involvement.

Publication of videos

Video posting is an effective way to make money on the VKontakte group, which brings good profits. However, the owners of those communities whose audience has exceeded 15 thousand will be able to use it.

To have such a passive source of income, it is enough to publish a certain video in public. For each view, you can earn from 30 kopecks to 1 ruble - the cost is determined by the topic. Earnings are directly proportional to the number of "live" subscribers, depending on the reach and activity of the audience.

Great deals on video publishing can be found on sites such as:


They are similar in functionality and interface, have approximately the same prices.

Advertising posts

You can start selling ads when the number of public subscribers exceeds a thousand. However, larger pages are most in demand. Potential advertisers can be found on special platforms and portals. The most famous and sought after of them are:

  1. Sociate is a popular service for publishing advertisements. It has a convenient and intuitive interface, has the option of automatic posting. Provides complete security, guarantees payment for completed tasks.
  2. Plibber is an advertising exchange that interacts not only with VK, but also with other social networks. A distinctive feature is that all marketing posts are published manually, which is not very convenient.
  3. VKtarget is an actively developing portal for mobile earnings using social networks. There are not so many advertising offers on it, but those that are have a good price tag.
  4. Blogun is a service that specializes in the placement and organization of advertising campaigns. Suitable for large public pages of commercial or female orientation. Offers for entertainment venues are limited.

In addition to the portals and resources presented above, there is an official VK exchange. It is available to all sites, the daily reach of which exceeds 20,000, and is replete with various offers.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make money on a VK group through an exchange using Sociate as an example:

It is worth noting that the services charge a commission for placing ads, so it is much more profitable to work with advertisers directly.

How much can you earn on a VK group?

Profit is determined by a number of factors: the number of subscribers, the degree of activity and involvement, daily coverage, etc. Many advertisers look at the purchasing power of the target audience.

How much does a VKontakte group administrator earn? The figures can vary significantly, but the average salary is 15-20 thousand rubles. Admins of large public pages with an audience of many thousands can receive up to 100,000 for one commercial publication.

It is noteworthy that the number of subscribers is not the main indicator of page success. Customers look at the ratio of the audience and the average number of likes under the posts. The higher the activity of the public, the higher the cost of advertising content.

Vkontakte groups are created not only to convey any information to users, but also to earn money on them.

If you pay attention to the communities that occupy leading positions, then you can understand that these resources are not just being promoted, this is done so that the owner of the community can make money on it.

To promote the community, the group administrator uses all kinds of posting services, using advertising in groups and earning money on affiliate programs.

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There is an opinion that the owners of groups that have more than 200,000 contacts can earn from their public from $ 100 per day, this is a very good income, given that not everyone can boast of such earnings in the real world, and even more so in the virtual one.

Each person may have a desire to also earn money, but not everyone knows how to make money on a group by creating it from scratch. How is a group created and how to promote it?

If you promote your public well, you can achieve a decent income, and you need to strive for this every day.

How earnings are built on the Vkontakte group

1. Sociate - this service is very popular with group owners, because there are very fine settings, the functionality of the service is clear even to a beginner, but there is nothing to say about a professional. If you place at least 3 paid advertisements in your group per day, then you can make very decent money on this. What determines the cost of advertising? From many factors, including: the topic of the group, the number of participants, the activity of subscribers, etc.

2. Blogun - if a person first came to this resource, then it may seem to him that it is quite difficult to build earnings on this service, but if you understand the project in more detail, then working with it is easy. The most important thing is that the Vkontakte public meets all the requirements of the project, then the earnings on it will be very solid.

3. Plibber - everyone can earn on this service, because the resource is quite simple to work with. The most important thing here is the desire to work. Adding a group to earn money on advertising takes place in one click.

4. VideoSeed and Viboom - these sites provide an opportunity to earn money on video, for this it is enough to place it in your Vkontakte group. Money is credited for watching videos.

As you can see, it is not difficult to build earnings on a group, the most important thing is to ensure that as many users as possible subscribe to the resource and that they are socially active.

Also, each of you should remember that the qualitative development of the group (and therefore big earnings) may not be such a difficult task if you use the service

The service will allow you to find the most relevant content and quickly and easily publish it to the desired set of groups.