Cargo transportation business scheme. Profitable freight business from scratch

Any person sooner or later faces the need to transport any goods. For individuals, this type of service usually accompanies moving, buying furniture, building materials or large household appliances. Manufacturing enterprises need regular delivery of raw materials, semi-finished products or finished products, and trading companies need to fill retail stores with their goods.

Considering how to start a cargo transportation business, you can find that this niche in large cities is almost filled, and therefore entrepreneurs working here cannot boast of super profits. On the other hand, studies show the presence of free demand in this industry, which even the numerous offers of transport companies are unable to satisfy.

This need is associated primarily with the low quality of services and insufficient responsibility of individual market entities. It is logical to assume that an entrepreneur who successfully avoids such negative factors can provide his company with a constant high income.

Business Features

The share of road transport companies accounts for about 4% of the total volume of cargo transportation in Russia. Of course, this industry cannot compete with the railways in productivity, but there is simply no alternative way for citizens and small businesses to transport things, goods, equipment or raw materials over short distances.

Moreover, 80% of all road carriers are small firms and individual entrepreneurs with a fleet of three to five cars. This fact is explained by the availability of small-tonnage vehicles for the population: for example, a business plan for cargo transportation on a Gazelle requires an investment of only 1.1 million rubles, even when buying a new car.

Starting to organize a business, an entrepreneur must carry out some analytical work and assess the saturation of the local transport services market. The easiest way is to use local newspapers and other media: just count the number of classified ads from other organizations to imagine the scale of the upcoming competition. Then you should find out how many cars are available to companies operating nearby, find out the tariffs for their services and the most popular areas of activity.

Finally, you need to consider the pros and cons of the trucking business so that you don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits and avoid the risks involved.

Listing the main advantages, it should be mentioned that:

  • An entrepreneur can choose one or more of dozens of available directions and cooperate with both legal entities and individuals;
  • The business has a huge potential for development - as the fleet expands, the profitability and profits of the enterprise increase;
  • Unlike the transportation of passengers, the transportation of goods in any volume does not require licensing;
  • To reduce the initial investment, equipment can be rented or issued under a leasing agreement.

Of course, the transport business is also characterized by certain disadvantages that further complicate the activities of the entrepreneur. So:

  • The level of competition in this market segment is quite high;
  • The operation of transport is accompanied by the need for constant repair and maintenance;
  • The carrier is responsible for any damage to the cargo received during transportation.


A beginner learning how to run a trucking business should keep in mind that only very large firms with an extensive fleet of vehicles can afford to deliver any type of cargo to any client. Entrepreneurs, whose financial resources are limited, are better off working with a certain type of customer at first. Find their place in the market:
  1. Companies delivering small-sized cargoes for private clients within the same city and nearby settlements;
  2. Firms that cooperate with trading enterprises and transport various consumer goods from city to city, as well as deliver distributor products to retail stores and warehouses;
  3. Enterprises serving industrial or mining production, transporting various types of raw materials, semi-finished products or finished products;
  4. Intermediary companies that do not own their own fleet and use the services of third-party carriers to serve customers.

In the process of considering how to open a cargo transportation business from scratch, you need to pay attention to the fact that the main service of the company in any case remains the movement of any objects over short or long distances. Depending on the type of vehicle, type of cargo and distance, all types of activities included here can be classified as follows:

  • Transportation of goods. Includes delivery of furniture, household appliances, building materials and other goods for legal entities and private customers;
  • Transportation of passengers. This type of activity involves the maintenance of regular routes, the transportation of tourists and vacationers, as well as the delivery of employees of any enterprises to and from their place of work;
  • Moving. The service is in demand among citizens and companies transporting things from one place to another - for example, to a country house, to a new apartment or office;
  • Garbage removal. Most often, this service requires special vehicles, but ordinary trucks can also be used to remove industrial, construction and household waste;
  • Special transport. It implies the delivery of specific, oversized, perishable or dangerous goods. For these purposes, tankers, truck cranes, refrigerators, low-frame trawls, tow trucks, timber trucks, etc. are used.

You can increase the profitability of your trucking business and win the favor of customers by providing additional services that allow customers to save money, time and resources. This includes:

  • Loading and unloading of goods by the contractor;
  • Dismantling and packing of things, pieces of furniture;
  • Goods safety insurance;
  • Customs declaration for international shipments.


How to start a trucking business? To work legally and safely, an entrepreneur must register his activity in the prescribed manner by contacting the local tax office. For a company with one owner, it is better to choose an individual entrepreneur, and when organizing a business with partners - an LLC.

Registration is carried out on the basis of an application, which should indicate the passport details of the individual, the address of his registration, the desired types of activities in accordance with OKVED and the preferred taxation system. After issuing the certificate, you need to open a bank account for non-cash payments, order the production of a seal for documents and register with various funds.

It is logical for any entrepreneur to want to save on tax payments. Considering the existing taxation systems and the criteria that companies applying for their use must meet, we can distinguish two schemes that are most loyal to cargo carriers:

  • USN. The simplified system is used in two versions: payment of 6% of the total income of the company or transfer of 15% of the amount of net profit (after deducting expenses). Since 2018, the use of the simplified tax system is allowed for enterprises whose turnover for the previous year does not exceed 120 million rubles, and the value of fixed assets is 150 million rubles;
  • ENVD. In this case, there are no restrictions on turnover, however, the number of transport units in the enterprise should not exceed 20, and the number of employees - 100 people. The rate is calculated based on the value of the basic profitability of one car (6000 rubles) and the actual number of cars. The advantage of UTII is the possibility of deducting individual entrepreneurs' insurance premiums and transfers to funds for employees from the tax amount.

Before opening a cargo transportation business, it is also necessary to order lawyers to develop a standard contract for the provision of transportation services. When concluding an agreement with a client, this document indicates:

  1. Exact addresses of loading and unloading of goods;
  2. List of employees of the company involved in the organization of transportation;
  3. Dimensions, weight and other parameters of the cargo;
  4. Type and characteristics of the vehicle;
  5. The total cost of the service and the calculation procedure;
  6. Delivery terms.

In addition, each individual transportation process requires filling out a vehicle waybill, a bill of lading, as well as an insurance policy in case of any damage to the cargo (if such a service is available).

Car park

When drawing up a business plan for cargo transportation, an entrepreneur needs to remember that it is hardly possible to purchase cars for all occasions. Therefore, first of all, you should determine the target audience of the company, study its needs and find out the main types of cargo - for example, furniture, building materials, food, liquids, bulk solids. Based on these data, you need to select vehicles designed to solve specific problems.

In the process of implementing the business idea of ​​​​cargo transportation, the question of choosing between new and used cars may arise. There is no single solution in this situation, since new models are much more expensive, and used cars require additional repairs and maintenance. Nevertheless, practice shows that it is better to purchase any domestic-made vehicles in a showroom or factory, and foreign trucks - no more than three years old. The fleet of a logistics company may include:

  • Small vehicles. Among domestic models, trucks and minibuses Gazelle Business, Gazelle Next, ZIL Bychok, capable of carrying from 1.5 to 3 tons of cargo, are popular. The cost of a new Gazelle is from 1,100 thousand rubles, with low mileage - from 810 thousand rubles;
  • Isothermal vans. A body made of sandwich panels with thermal insulation properties is most often installed on five-ton trucks. Such machines can be used to transport both ordinary and perishable goods. The cost of three-year-old Hyundai HD65, Hyundai HD78 cars belonging to this class is in the range of 1.9–2.2 million rubles;
  • Truck tractors. Designed to move long distance cargo semi-trailers with a carrying capacity of 20-30 tons. The cost of trucks "Scania", "Mercedes", "Volvo", "Man" starts from 4 million rubles;
  • Trucks with an open body. Various models of "MAZ", "KamAZ", "ZIL", "FAW", "Tatra" are used for the transportation of bulk and bulky goods - sand, earth, building materials, agricultural products. This category also includes dump trucks and vehicles with a trailer;
  • Special equipment. For the transportation of non-standard cargo, special-purpose equipment is used - food tankers, fuel trucks, refrigerators, manipulators, tow trucks, low-frame trawls, car carriers.


Running a trucking business on your own is hard enough. An entrepreneur who owns a single vehicle can still cope with administrative work, but the expansion of the vehicle fleet inevitably entails the need to hire additional employees, including:

  • Drivers. The number of drivers is determined by the load of vehicles. For example, with a standard eight-hour working day, one person is enough per truck, with long-distance transportation, two are needed, and with trucks running around the clock, three;
  • Mechanic. Of course, for a fleet of two cars, hiring a mechanic is not practical, but if the number of vehicles exceeds 5-6, you need to invite an experienced specialist to work. His duties will include routine repair and maintenance of trucks, inspection before leaving the line and other measures to prevent and eliminate technical malfunctions;
  • Dispatcher. As a business, cargo transportation requires constant coordination of transport operations and monitoring of the current situation in order to process orders in a timely manner. If the number of cars exceeds 2–3, the entrepreneur will need the help of a dispatcher, whose list of duties will include receiving applications from customers and obtaining information from drivers in the process of their implementation;
  • Accountant. An outsourcing specialist will be able to keep accounting records in a company that owns two trucks. If the number of vehicles exceeds five or six, it is better to hire a part-time accountant. If an entrepreneur considering how to develop a trucking business plans to expand the fleet to ten vehicles or more, he cannot avoid hiring a full-time employee;
  • Loaders. A company that provides a full range of services will definitely need loaders - qualified specialists without bad habits who can work quickly and accurately. To form a positive image of the enterprise, they should be given a new uniform with corporate symbols;
  • Managers. In the early stages of organizing a trucking business, office workers can be dispensed with, however, in the future, an entrepreneur should hire a sales manager who is looking for customers and a logistics manager who composes and optimizes transport routes.

Production area

The provision of transport services is considered a type of activity loyal to production areas, since it is possible to start a cargo transportation business from scratch even in your own apartment, using a home computer and telephone. However, some clients perceive this format of the company negatively, and therefore all entrepreneurs sooner or later realize the need to rent an office.

At the same time, a large area is not needed, since a maximum of five people will be at the workplace at the same time - a director, an accountant, managers and a dispatcher. The location also does not really matter, since the main issues are resolved by phone. You can rent such an office even in a large regional center for 230–250 rubles/m² per month.

Suppose an entrepreneur starts a trucking business from scratch and has two or three cars. At this stage, he will not need the help of other support personnel, except for the dispatcher: drivers and loaders will constantly be on the routes, and an outsourcing company will take care of accounting. Therefore, the office equipment can be represented as follows:

Office equipment

Name price, rub. Qty Amount, rub.
Work table 3500 2 7000
Chair 1000 4 4000
PC or laptop 18000 2 36000
Internet connection 1000 1 1000
Telephone lines 1500 2 3000
Telephone sets 1500 2 3000
Switching equipment 2000 1 2000
MFP 11000 1 11000
Filing Cabinets 3000 1 3000
Rack 2500 1 2500
Stationery 4000
Other small inventory 5000
Total: 81500

The second important issue that must be resolved when starting a trucking business is finding a parking space for trucks: leaving them in the yards, the entrepreneur risks causing dissatisfaction with the residents, while parking lots for cars are simply not able to accommodate vehicles of this size. The ideal option is to have your own garages, however, finding a box more than 12 m long and more than 4 m high, as well as building it, is far from always possible. Therefore, businessmen rent space in the territories of car depots or in specialized parking lots for trucks: the cost of one parking space here is in the range of 100-150 rubles per day.

Finding Clients

As a small business, freight transportation is of interest to many start-up entrepreneurs with the required amount of capital, as a result of which the level of competition in the transport services market remains quite high. To find his client, the owner of the enterprise needs to pay constant attention to the promotion and search for clients, spending a significant part of the budget on this.

The most effective for attracting individuals are:

  • Contextual advertising in search and on thematic sites;
  • Advertising in social networks, maintaining your own group;
  • Offers of services on the Avito service;
  • Search for customers and publication of offers on portals;
  • Advertising and announcements in free newspapers;
  • Posting ads at stops, near building materials markets;
  • Collaboration with furniture stores, household appliances supermarkets;
  • Cooperation with intermediary companies;
  • Own site in the format of a one-pager or a full-fledged resource.

When working with corporate customers and other entrepreneurs in the business plan of a freight company, you need to consider slightly different channels for organizing demand, including:

  • Participation in tenders held by large public and private companies to search for contractors;
  • Cold calls to heads of enterprises potentially in need of cargo transportation or forwarding;
  • Sending commercial offers to customers specifying the list of services, price range, terms and conditions of delivery;
  • Registration on popular shipping portals.


For an enterprise that does not intend to build its own office building or warm garage boxes, the main investment will be related to the purchase of cars. Below is an example of a business plan for a cargo transportation company whose fleet consists of two cars - a one and a half ton Gazelle and a five-ton Hyundai with an isothermal body. The presence of such trucks will allow the entrepreneur to provide a wider range of services in the segments of transportation of both ordinary cargo and food products, as well as work simultaneously with private and corporate customers.

Initial investment

Analyzing the structure of the current expenses of the enterprise, it should be noted that many variable costs depend on the mileage of cars, while others appear once a year. So:

  • The cost of OSAGO for cars of the specified carrying capacity is 5880 rubles. The insurance is paid annually;
  • The cost of inspection for cars with a mass of up to 3.5 tons is 1100 rubles, with a mass of up to 12 tons - 1900 rubles. Inspection is carried out annually;
  • When working with a load of 75% (six hours a day), the average car mileage is 120-130 kilometers per day;
  • The average fuel consumption in the combined cycle is from 12 liters per 100 kilometers, and the cost of diesel fuel is 30 rubles per liter;
  • The cost of maintenance of trucks of this class is up to 10,000 rubles per 15,000 kilometers.

Monthly expenses

Article Amount, rub.
Office rent 4600
Rent parking for two cars 6000
Maintenance and repair 4160
fuel and lubricants 22460
Transport tax 270
Inspection 250
car wash 1200
Drivers salary, 2 people 56000
Loaders salary, 2 persons 32000
dispatcher salary 12000
Insurance premiums for employees 30000
Accounting service 5000
IP insurance premiums 2300
Marketing expenses 15000
Communication, stationery 3000
Total: 195220

You can learn how to open such a company and organize its work from the video lessons of doing business in the field of cargo transportation:

Related videos

Income and profitability

Is the trucking business profitable? The profitability of an enterprise is largely determined by the effectiveness of advertising, the correct pricing policy and the quality of work performed. The average tariffs for the services of transport companies in large regional centers are given below:

Tariffs for company services

Let's say a business operates on a six-day schedule at 75% capacity, averaging 1-2 orders per day with loading and unloading services. Thus, the effective duration of the working day for drivers will be 6 hours, for loaders - 3 hours. These data allow you to calculate the expected amount of monthly profit:

Profitability of the enterprise

Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that in order to increase profitability and reduce the payback period in the business plan of a transport company for cargo transportation, it is necessary to provide for the expansion of the fleet as the client base develops and the number of orders grows: overhead costs will grow more slowly than income.


The main competitive advantages of small transport companies are mobility, the ability to quickly respond to changes in the market situation and affordable prices: unlike large carriers, their owners do not need to maintain huge office buildings and additional staff.

  • Capital investments: 2320000 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 344000 rubles,
  • Net profit: 103,000 rubles,
  • Payback: 23 months.

The purpose of writing a business plan for a transport company: Expansion of cargo transportation activities (Obtaining a bank loan for the purchase of a 2012 ISUZU ELF refrigerator)

1. Brief description of current trucking business

IP Ivanov was registered in 2002. The main activity is the implementation of freight transport. The company owns 3 cars:

  • GAZelle (tent) 2008
  • GAZelle (tent) 2010
  • Ford TRANSIT L FT350 (refrigerator) 2007 release.

The company is under a special UTII taxation regime.

The main indicators of the economic activity of the entrepreneur in 2010-2012 (1st half of the year):

The staff of the company is 4 people, while the owner of the business independently works on one of the GAZelles

Project Description

The individual entrepreneur "Ivanov" during his entrepreneurial activity (more than 10 years) has accumulated considerable experience in the provision of cargo transportation services. All received orders are carried out according to the concluded agreements, regardless of weather conditions and days in the calendar (cargo transportation is carried out even on holidays). All this made it possible to establish partnership relations with a number of large customers with the wholesale company LLC Roga, the meat processing enterprise LLC Kopyta.

As a result of the meeting held with the management of the meat processing enterprise "Kopyta" LLC, a proposal was received to increase the volume of cooperation. The company "Kopyta" plans to sell its products to the neighboring region, in this regard, there is a need for vehicles to transport products (distance 450 km). Estimated volume is 25 tons per month. The agreed price for 1 ton-kilometer is 8.5 rubles.

In this regard, it is planned to purchase additional vehicles.

  • Refrigerator ISUZU ELF 2012 onwards
  • Load capacity 7 tons.
  • Price 2300000 rubles

As a driver, it is planned to hire the eldest son, 24 years old.

2. Project implementation plan

2.1. Calendar plan

2.2. The total cost estimate for the implementation of the project

3. Planned performance indicators of the enterprise for 2012-2014

3.1. Planned revenue and profit from the commissioning of a new car

3.2. Expenses

The expenditure part of the activities of the transport enterprise includes the cost of fuel and lubricants, wages of employees, repairs, and other expenses.

Distribution structure of funds received from customers:

3.3. Revenue

Revenue and profit indicators of the enterprise, taking into account the acquisition of an additional transport unit.

4. Payback calculation

  • Project start date: August 2012
  • Operating break-even: August 2012
  • Full payback of the project: July 2014
  • Payback period of the project: 23 months.

According to the business plan, the payback period for the project to increase cargo transportation will be 2 years.

What business today can be considered the most popular among ordinary people? What can you do without organizing an individual entrepreneur, LLC, etc.? What services and sales are most in demand among the population? Even offhand, such projects can be called dozens, or even hundreds. It will take months of work to describe each business idea in detail. We decided to start with the projects that are closest to the common man, based on the minimum investment for their implementation, and today we present to your attention a cargo transportation business plan.

Almost anyone can start a business today. It doesn’t matter if you have money, “useful” acquaintances, an area for organizing a business, and so on - the main thing is to have a desire. It is goal setting and sufficient motivation, in our opinion, that are the main driving forces that gradually allow you to come to success - personal and financial. Therefore, remember - it all depends on you!


This project is an organization of a transport company with a payback period of 4-8 months of the year.

Project goals:

  1. creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. organizing a stable profit
  3. Satisfaction of the consumer market demand for the services of cargo transportation of various volumes and weights.

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Form of doing business: IP

The total cost of the project: 200,000 - 1,000,000 rubles

Payback period: 4-8 months

Included in the calculations interest rate: 25%

The total interest payments will be:

The investor's income will be: 15-35 thousand - 100-175 thousand rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of the project.

General characteristics of the project (description of the company and services provided)

The transport company is designed to transport various goods to the place specified by the Customer. Large transportation companies own a solid fleet of various vehicles, ranging from automobile, to river and rail. The specialization of such large organizations can be both in messages within the country and in international transportation.

The high demand for services of this type causes tremendous competition in this area, and therefore the price of an “entrance ticket” to this business is prohibitively high. Today, large companies provide the following basic services for transportation and related issues:

  • cargo transportation within the country and international road transportation;
  • transportation by rail;
  • transportation by air;
  • combined transportation, called intermodal and multimodal - involving two or more types of different transport;
  • terminal handling of goods in warehouses;
  • assistance in customs clearance of goods and customs consultations;
  • cargo insurance
  • logistics services, consulting, and audit.

This is not a complete list of all services provided by large transport companies.

Of course, such "giants" will not look for a sample of a cargo transportation business plan on the Internet, therefore the presented typical business plan is aimed at a simple layman - an individual entrepreneur working on a regular GAZelle, or at most having one or more trucks.

As the statistics of requests in search engines show, the business plan for the transportation of goods on a gazelle today is in great demand among Internet users. The presence of a small truck automatically puts into the head of its owner the idea of ​​​​how you can earn money with your car. Some business ideas for making money with a personal car can be found in this.

So, what can the owner of GAZelle offer to his customers? Firstly, it is cargo transportation from 1 kilogram to 3.5 tons (limitation of the vehicle's carrying capacity). The lower limit of the cargo is most often indicated solely for marketing purposes, but it also happens that the Customers really ask to deliver an important parcel of light weight within the specified time to the specified place.

"GAZelle" also has a height limit (1.5 or 2 meters) and length (2.5, 3, or 4 meters) of the body. There are also other dimensions of these machines, but, as a rule, these are used in private cargo transportation.

The owners of trucks, like trucks Volvo, MAN, KAMAZ, and others, due to the large size of their cars and their greater carrying capacity, receive orders for more “serious transportation”, which, accordingly, cost several times more.

Recently, many truck owners often work under a contract with large trucking companies, or by acquiring their franchise. Among such large transport organizations, whose franchises are most popular, we can note:

  • "Gruzovozoff";
  • "Auto trading";
  • "Business Line";
  • "PEC".

Who is in demand for cargo transportation on GAZelles and trucks?

If the main contingent of clients of large transport companies are legal entities - companies, firms, corporations, then in our case it is necessary to focus on ordinary people who most often require the following types of cargo transportation:

  • transportation of furniture in connection with moving to another house, district, city (by the way, this is the most demanded service);
  • transportation of livestock to farmers;
  • delivery of bulky purchases from stores;
  • transportation of building materials;
  • office relocations of small companies.

It is these types of cargo transportation that are “uninteresting” to large companies, due to their “pettiness”, and are unprofitable for customers who are not ready to pay a high price for a simple service in their opinion.

There are options for accompanying transportation services for loading / unloading cargo, lifting it to the floor, skidding it into the house / apartment. The possibility of organizing a car shop on the basis of GAZelle is also interesting. Read more about this. Focusing on the most popular services in your locality, you need to equip the car frame with either a body with an awning, or put a van, container on it, simply build up the sides, or something else.

Truck owners often conclude agreements with logistics companies for the transportation of their goods, large agricultural enterprises (who among us have not met trucks full of watermelons, potatoes, cabbage, and other fruits and vegetables on the roads?). Many truck owners hire drivers to transport their vehicles, and automatically upgrade their status to the owner of a transport company.

Of course, the best option for carriers would be to move along the same route, and this happens quite often. Both car owners and companies using their services prefer to deal with trusted people who have proven themselves on the positive side.

In this case, you can even work on a prepaid basis, if another form of payment is not preferable.

Where to look for orders for cargo transportation?

A few years ago, on the busiest sections of the highways, in the clusters of large wholesale depots and warehouses, there were special parking lots for trucks and small trucks, which spent time there waiting for an order for transportation. Today, with the development of the Internet, the availability of mobile and radio communications, the need for such parking has disappeared.

It is enough to make one call and indicate the necessary parameters of the car for transportation and the desired cost, and in a short time a suitable car will be found for you. Dispatchers who receive calls may not necessarily work in the same company as drivers, but simply have an oral agreement. Often the dispatcher does not have his own transport for transportation, and only receives / transmits orders.

Market analysis

In order not to be mistaken with the type of cargo transportation and to have an advantage over competitors, and the competition in this business is very tough, and truckers are very difficult people, it is necessary to analyze the local transportation structure. The media and the Internet can serve as tools for research. As a rule, in the central part of Russia, private carriers account for 5 to 10% of all orders. This, of course, is not so much, but since there are enough orders for all carriers, we can conclude that the volume of orders is quite high.

Marketing plan

A well-written business plan for cargo transportation should contain a mandatory study of the dynamics of the volume of these services over the past few years, criteria that contribute to an increase in demand for cargo transportation, and other analytical studies. But, probably, the owner of the GAZelle, for whom the main thing is to get more expensive orders, such information is completely useless.

Therefore, we decided to limit ourselves to really useful information on attracting customers. As tools for finding customers can serve:

  • advertisements in local newspapers, magazines, on television;
  • publication of announcements on city Internet portals and specialized forums;
  • sticker of advertisements on the car;
  • distribution of business cards and small advertising booklets;
  • creating your own website, group in social networks.

Unlike some other types of business, where the greatest revival occurs in the spring-summer period, for cargo carriers, "rush" most often occurs in the fall. It is at this time that many are in a hurry to complete what they did not have time to finish on time.

The main rule that you need to take as the basis of your business is the quality of service. The client must be completely sure that his cargo will be delivered on time, safe and sound. Unfortunately, few large transport companies can achieve this. Therefore, "private traders" in this regard have a slight advantage.

Production plan

What does a beginner carrier need? First of all, it is a vehicle. If we are talking about the GAZelle, then today's prices are such that a new car will cost about a million rubles. 2-3 year old - 500-600 thousand. However, many do not pay attention to such problems, and purchase cars 8-9 years old for the purpose of cargo transportation.

After the appropriate repair, carried out by skillful hands, and most car owners have the necessary skills, the “revived” GAZelle is able to drive around our homeland a couple of dozen more times, as they say, without looking under the hood.

The issue with the garage is also solved quite simply, and many car owners generally prefer to leave their cars near the house. For trucks, of course, the place will be only in the parking lot.

You will also need some electronic equipment:

  • firstly, this is a walkie-talkie, which has recently gained great popularity among truckers who, at a certain frequency, inform each other about incidents on the road, etc.;
  • the second necessary item is a navigator that allows you to plot the best route to the end point;
  • radar detector - will always warn you in time about the traffic police crew in front, or the installed video camera;
  • DVR - will allow you to prove your innocence in an accident or other unpleasant situations on the road.

organizational plan

Business registration

To facilitate your work, you can draw up standard contracts with clients for the transportation of goods, where you can prescribe all the possible nuances - downtime due to the fault of the customer or the party receiving the goods, the possibility of prepayment, etc.


This business plan for the organization of cargo transportation does not claim to be a detailed guide to opening a transport company, but the information gleaned from it is quite enough to implement a project to create a small private company that provides transportation services.

Studying the business areas in which today you can actively develop, novice entrepreneurs should pay attention to the field of cargo transportation. This industry directly depends on the growth of the industrial sector, as well as on the general economic situation in the state. When planning to open a transport company, a novice businessman must first of all monitor the local market, realistically assess his ability to compete, and also draw up a competent financial plan.


After making the final decision regarding the opening of a transport company, a businessman must go through the state registration procedure. To do this, he needs to determine in what status the commercial activity will be carried out:

  1. Individual entrepreneur.
  2. Closed or Open Joint Stock Company.
  3. Limited Liability Company

Important! Experts in the field of economics and law recommend that Russian citizens who decide to develop a cargo transportation business choose as a form of management. Its main advantage is that the founders and managers of the company are not subject to legal liability. In the event of problems with the regulatory authorities, the Limited Liability Company will be responsible only with personal property and assets on the balance sheet.

After studying this video, aspiring entrepreneurs will be able to learn how to properly organize the workflow in a transport company:

If aspiring entrepreneurs have chosen an LLC as their legal form, then the best option for them would be to switch to the UTII tax regime (see also). In this case, they will be able to use up to 20 trucks. For individual entrepreneurs, the form of taxation 3 personal income tax is more suitable. Before starting work, the heads of the company must open settlement accounts in any banking institution, since very often both small and large companies order cargo transportation, which need to document their costs.

Attention! Today, Russian citizens can apply to law firms whose specialists open turnkey transport companies in record time. They can also purchase a ready-made company with an open bank account and a complete set of registration documentation.

Premises selection

After the completion of registration activities, business entities planning to work in the field of cargo transportation need to find an office space and a protected area for a car park. When looking for a room where clients will be served, you can choose large business centers where offices are rented. When choosing a territory for a cargo fleet, one should pay attention to those places that have fences and a nearby transport interchange. Today, many companies rent out their warehouses and hangars, as well as management buildings that can accommodate management and staff offices.

Important! For the work of a transport company, it is necessary to purchase computers, printers, a scanner, a fax and a telephone, which are necessary for working with clients and processing cargo transportation. Ordinary office furniture is suitable for arranging cabinets.

If a novice entrepreneur has a large start-up capital, he can purchase an office space. In this case, he will be able to profit from such real estate (rent it out), even if there is no development in the field of transport services. The transport company must have its own garage, in which mechanics will repair cars and carry out their maintenance. It is also recommended to equip a warehouse in which the goods of customers will be temporarily stored.

The subject of entrepreneurial activity should approach the issue of personnel selection with all responsibility, since the financial result and prosperity of the company will ultimately depend on the qualifications and decency of employees. When hiring drivers, you need to pay attention to their experience and length of service in this area. The number of such employees should match (or better exceed) the number of trucks. If the company works every day, then 2-3 drivers need to be put on one truck. For them, a schedule of work shifts is drawn up, which includes days off.

If truck drivers have the opportunity to independently carry out maintenance and repair of vehicles, then the position of a mechanic can be saved (otherwise, such a unit should be added to the state). It is mandatory to hire qualified and non-drinking movers who can carry out loading and unloading operations both manually and with the help of specialized equipment.

To work in the office, you will need to involve an accountant, cleaners, security guards and a secretary, a trade manager, a logistics dispatcher (the number of these employees depends on the size of the fleet), who will place orders. A large logistics company should have a lawyer on staff who can also deal with insurance. If the manager cannot find suitable specialists for the positions of a lawyer and an accountant, he can contact an outsourcing company and use the services of its employees. Today, many transport organizations have full-time doctors who examine drivers before each trip to the route.

Important! A business entity can save money by hiring drivers with personal trucks.