Job description of a promotion manager, job responsibilities of a promotion manager, sample job description of a promotion manager. Responsibilities and job description of a product manager Provisions of the job description of a product manager

A promotion manager is a specialist who has studied the features of products, analyzed consumer requirements and developed a strategy for introducing and marketing the product. An employee in this area usually carries out: developing a pricing policy, determining market conditions and approving product sales schemes.

About the document

The job description of a promotion manager is an effective personnel management tool that does not depend on the size of the organization. It is recommended that the document display the knowledge, skills and responsibilities that the manager wants to see in his subordinate, as well as a list of rights entitled to the employee.

The main point of the job description is to ensure transparency of the work process. That is, it should talk about the direct responsibilities of the specialist, the level of his qualifications, the degree of responsibility, the criteria that determine the effectiveness of his work, etc.

Essence and purpose

A correctly drawn up job description that corresponds to reality is an excellent tool that greatly facilitates the adaptation and motivation of personnel.

Among the main tasks of the internal local act are:

  • determination of the qualification list: level of education, work experience, additional courses, etc.;
  • establishing the job functions of a specialist: terms of reference, area of ​​responsibility, volume of work.

Objectives of the job description:

  • providing a reasoned response in case of refusal to hire due to the fact that the applicant does not meet the level of qualification requirements for the vacant position;
  • distribution of labor functions among specialists;
  • assessment of the quality of work of a subordinate hired on a probationary period;
  • determining the effectiveness of duties performed;
  • establishment of a specialist’s inadequacy for the position held due to an insufficient level of qualifications confirmed by the certification commission.

Provisions of the job description of a promotion manager

The job description of a promotion manager includes certain sections.

Are common

The promotion manager belongs to the management team. Only the director of the organization, who is usually directly subordinate to a specialist, can appoint or dismiss a person from a position. If the promotion manager is absent from the workplace due to some reason (vacation, etc.), management can temporarily transfer his rights and responsibilities to another employee.

You can fill the vacant position of promotion manager if you have a higher economic education, additional training in the field of management and marketing, as well as 2 or more years of work experience in this area.

The promotion manager should be familiar with:

  • with the legislative framework regulating entrepreneurial and commercial activities;
  • with market economics and business fundamentals;
  • with methods of drawing up and conducting advertising campaigns;
  • with market conditions;
  • with business administration;
  • with trade and patent laws;
  • with the rules for establishing and maintaining business contacts;
  • with methods, tactics and pricing strategies;
  • with the pattern of market development and the formation of demand for a particular category of goods;
  • etc.

The activities of every manager should be based on:

  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • , approved labor regulations and other internal local acts of the enterprise;
  • current job description.

Functional responsibilities

The Promotion Manager must be prepared to perform the following functions:

  • studying the features of the promoted product and the basic requirements of consumers;
  • marketing activities;
  • market analysis to identify target consumer segments;
  • organizing product presentations or thematic seminars aimed at attracting potential buyers;
  • drawing up sales forecasts;
  • development of product pricing policy in accordance with sales conditions (application of a system of discounts and benefits for certain categories of goods);
  • drawing up a budget for a product, calculating expected income, determining profitability, etc.;
  • coordination of activities;
  • identification of unsatisfactory product parameters and the main requirements of buyers for further transfer to design, production and technological departments in order to eliminate deficiencies;
  • monitoring pricing policy and demand for similar products;
  • coordination and control of the work of subordinates;
  • preparation of necessary reports for immediate superiors;
  • performance of other related duties specified in the job description.


The manager is granted the following rights:

  1. Independent determination of options for promoting a product and establishing a business relationship with a potential consumer.
  2. Signing and endorsing official documents within the scope of their competence.
  3. Submission of proposals regarding the modernization of its activities for consideration by the manager.
  4. Ability to review documentation regarding the rights and responsibilities of the function performed.
  5. Sending requests on your own behalf or on behalf of your immediate superiors in order to obtain information necessary to perform the duties set out in the job description.

The video below will tell you about the difference between a product manager, a merchandiser, and a promotion manager:


The product promotion manager may be subject to disciplinary, civil, administrative or criminal penalties, depending on the severity of the offense committed. The job description is an internal local act of the organization and should not reduce the rights of employees enshrined in the current legislative framework.

A brand manager is a specialist who manages the sale of a certain category (group) of goods, united in their classification by brand (in foreign practice there are brand purchasing managers, which is still very rare for Russian conditions).

Brand (from the English “brand”) - factory, trademark, mark. Another translation option, reflecting another semantic meaning of this word, is “to be imprinted in memory, to leave an indelible impression.” Thus, a brand can be understood as a trademark that reflects the image of an enterprise, as well as the industry focus of the goods. A well-advertised brand that is provided with a stable positive image of an enterprise allows not only to stimulate the sale of goods, but can itself be an object of trade, bringing additional benefits to the copyright holder on the basis of licensing agreements, commercial concession agreements, etc.

Often, the consumer is more focused on the brand name rather than on the actual characteristics of the product, psychologically associating a well-known brand with quality. The task of a brand manager is precisely to convince the buyer to purchase the product. This manager is the last link that directly promotes the product (an already developed and advertised brand) to the buyer. This is a kind of indicator that allows you to evaluate the quality of creative brand development and the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. A positive assessment will be stable demand for goods. Of course, not the least role in this case is given to the abilities of the manager himself. When promoting a product, he mainly focuses not on the technical sale itself (this is done by the sales manager), but on its information and advertising support, thereby facilitating the promotion of the brand to the market.

A brand manager should focus not so much on the price characteristics of a product, but on the quality and operational parameters, and know the features that allow him to identify its advantageous indicators when conducting a comparative analysis with similar products of other brands. In fact, in this case, he acts as a representative of the manufacturer of the product and therefore must know not only economics and marketing, but also the production technology of the product being promoted. A brand manager can work both in the structure of a manufacturer that independently sells its goods, and in a trading company that is a distributor or dealer of the manufacturer on a mutually beneficial contractual basis.

The following requirements are imposed on brand managers: communication skills, the ability to coherently express one’s thoughts both orally and in writing, focus, and the ability to convince the interlocutor.


I. General provisions

1. A brand manager belongs to the category of managers.

3. The brand manager must know:

3.1. Laws and regulatory legal documents regulating the implementation of entrepreneurial and commercial activities.

3.2. Market economy, entrepreneurship and the basics of doing business.

3.4. Market conditions.

3.5. Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of goods.

3.6. Pricing methods, pricing strategy and tactics.

3.7. Fundamentals of marketing (the concept of marketing, the fundamentals of marketing management, methods and directions of market research).

3.8. Patterns of market development and the formation of demand for goods.

3.9. Theory of management, macro- and microeconomics, business administration.

3.11. Fundamentals and principles of PR technologies.

3.12. Psychology and principles of sales.

3.13. Features of the brand, production technology.

3.14. The procedure for developing business plans and commercial terms of agreements and contracts.

3.15. Trade and patent law.

3.16. Ethics of business communication.

3.17. Rules for establishing business contacts.

3.18. Fundamentals of sociology and psychology.

3.19. Foreign language.

3.20. Enterprise management structure.

3.21. Methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers.

6. During the absence of the brand manager (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Brand Manager:

1. Study the features of the promoted product, analyze consumer requirements for the product based on the results of marketing research.

2. Carries out market analysis, determines target consumer market segments for product offerings.

3. Develops a strategy for promoting the product on the market, taking into account proposals from marketing and advertising departments for advertising campaigns, exhibitions, presentations, and other PR campaigns.

4. Organizes product presentations to potential buyers and consumers, thematic seminars (professional consulting on consumer properties and qualities of the product).

5. Develops a pricing policy for the product, determines the conditions for the sale of goods (systems of discounts and benefits for certain groups of buyers).

6. Forecasts sales volumes.

7. Draws up a budget for the product, calculates the expected profit and profitability from the moment the product is introduced to the market, determines the possibility of losses for the enterprise in the first stages of product promotion and develops proposals for minimizing them.

8. Develops product sales schemes (from the creation of new sales divisions to the reconstruction of existing sales channels).

9. Organizes contractual work in the product department, keeps records of payment transactions, analyzes operational data on sales results.

10. Coordinates product merchandising.

11. Monitors the position of the product on the market (progress of sales of the product, demand for it), determines and analyzes the attitude of consumers towards the product.

12. Identifies unsatisfactory parameters of the product, customer requirements for the product (not taken into account in the product) and reports them to the design, technological and production departments to adjust the product, giving it new consumer properties.

13. Monitors the pricing policy and demand for competitors' brands, determines the position of the product relative to similar or similar competitors' products.

14. Coordinates and controls the work of subordinate employees.

15. Prepares reports to the management of the enterprise on the work done.

17. Performs other related duties for the promotion and sale of the product.

III. Rights

The brand manager has the right:

1. Independently determine the forms and methods of promoting the brand and establishing business relationships with consumers.

2. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

3. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

5. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility

The brand manager is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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More and more companies are appearing on the Ukrainian market, whose personnel work in accordance with the requirements of world standards. Often, in terms of the content of the duties performed and the title, a particular position meets the rules of the professional classification adopted by the foreign parent company or partner company. The problem arises in how to coordinate the content of the work actually performed and the correlation of the name of the profession with the one recorded in the domestic State Classifier. In particular, the activities of managers in the promotion and sale of goods and services very often find themselves at a kind of “classification crossroads”: Ukrainian names of professions do not always coincide with the standard accepted in foreign practice.

The main goal of any commercial enterprise 1 is to promote products or services on the market and sell them with maximum profit. In a small enterprise, these functions can be performed by its owner or one hired manager 2. In large companies that operate a wide range of various goods and services on national or international markets, with large volumes of supplies, areas are identified for which managers of a certain specialization are responsible.

Typically, the areas of responsibility of managers are delimited and relate to the following areas:

  • promotion of goods and services on the sales market;
  • marketing and direct sales of the products themselves (sales);
  • organization of advertising;
  • maintaining public relations.

General characteristics of managers
for promotion and sales of goods

As a rule, one of the senior managers (vice president of the company, deputy general director of the enterprise, etc.) is responsible for developing the marketing and sales policy of the organization and the general management of activities in this direction. Direct management of individual functions is carried out by specific specialized managers: advertising, promotion of goods/services on the market, marketing, sales and public relations, etc.

In turn, the activities of such managers in practice often cannot be clearly delineated by boundaries. For example, the individual functions of a marketing manager in some companies may be similar to a number of responsibilities of a sales manager or advertising manager in other organizations. There are companies in which all work related to marketing and sales is carried out by one manager, and advertising activities are carried out by specialists from a separate structural unit.

The work of specialized middle managers is often closely interrelated. For example, public relations managers may evaluate advertising and promotional programs organized by their colleagues in the advertising or marketing department for consistency with the public relations program. PR managers often work closely with specialized managers in other areas. For example, together with HR managers, they can participate in the preparation of various means of internal communication at the enterprise (stands, brochures, leaflets, electronic magazines) that provide feedback between management and employees of the company. Together with economics and finance managers, they can participate in the preparation and publication of reports and reports on the performance of the enterprise, using various means of communication both within the enterprise and outside it.

The distribution of responsibilities between specialized managers, as well as the number of such managers and the degree of their specialization in one company depends on many factors: first of all, on the size of the organization, the specifics of sales markets, the range of goods sold or services provided, etc. National countries often also play a significant role characteristics of the countries in which the company operates. The peculiarities of the professional classification of the countries where the parent company is located or where its owner, or the main representatives of the management, in the case of a company with foreign capital, can also leave their mark.

Previously, under the conditions of a planned economy in Ukraine, as well as throughout the Soviet Union, many enterprises had sales departments that performed most of the functions related to the sale of products. With the development of market relations in our country, the role of the product sales unit has increased significantly, and now organizations have several departments (services, departments) whose activities are related to sales, marketing, advertising, etc. Sometimes services that promote and sell products/ services are separated into separate intermediary trading and sales companies, closely associated with the manufacturing enterprise (the so-called trading houses).

Market promotion managers
and their marketing in the professional classification system of Ukraine

The main regulatory document regulating the scope of professional classification in Ukraine is the National Classifier of Ukraine DK 003:2005 “Classifier of Professions” ( Further- KP). In accordance with Section 3 of the Communist Code “Basic Provisions”, “in enterprises, institutions and organizations, records of work are made in the established manner in the work books of workers in accordance with the professional titles of work specified in Appendices A and B.” Also in clause 2.14, approved by the joint order of the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Social Protection of Ukraine dated July 29, 1993 No. 58, it is stated that “records about the name of the job, profession or position for which the employee is hired are made for workers and employees in accordance with the name professions and positions specified in the CP.

Below in table 1 examples of the main professional titles of work of managers (executives) specified in the CP are given, which to one degree or another are related to the promotion of goods on the market and their sales.

Table 1. Basic professional titles
work of managers in the Communist Party of Ukraine

KP code

Professional title of work/In original language

Commercial Director / Commercial Director
Head of Sales Department (Marketing) / Head of Sales Department (Marketing)
Head of commercial department / Head of commercial department
Chief artist (advertising) / Head artist (advertising)
Head of Department (Advertising, Public Relations) / Head of Department
(from advertising, communications from the community)
Director of a small company (insurance, auditing, advertising, etc.) / Director of a small company (insurance, auditing, advertising, etc.)
Manager of an agency (insurance, trade, real estate, advertising, etc.) / Career agency (insurance, trade, non-rukhomosti, advertising etc.)
Manager (manager) in the trade of vehicles / Manager (manager) in the trade of transport equipment
Manager (manager) in wholesale trade / Manager (manager) in wholesale trade
Sales Manager (Manager) / Manager (Manager)
Manager (manager) of public relations / Manager (manager)
From connections to hugeness
Manager (manager) for foreign economic activity / Manager (manager) for foreign economic activity
Advertising manager (manager) / Advertising manager (manager)

Each enterprise in Ukraine independently resolves issues of organizing its activities. Article 64 of the Economic Code of Ukraine states:

    An enterprise may consist of production structural units (productions, workshops, departments, teams, bureaus, laboratories, etc.), as well as functional structural units of the management apparatus (directorates, departments, bureaus, services, etc.).

    The functions, rights and responsibilities of the structural divisions of the enterprise are determined by regulations on them, which are approved in the manner determined by the charter of the enterprise or other constituent document.

    The enterprise independently determines its organizational structure, establishes the number of employees and staffing.

The company independently decides whether it needs to create one division for the relevant purposes (for example, a sales department) or whether it is advisable to disperse individual functions into specialized divisions (for example, in the advertising sector, public relations services, promoting products to foreign markets, etc. ), which can be managed (headed) by the corresponding managers (chiefs). However, when choosing job titles for heads of structural units, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the CP.

Sometimes it may not contain suitable professional job titles that fully correspond to the specifics of a particular structural unit. In this case, you can use Note 2 of Appendix E to the CP, which states that for internal use, CP users can expand the corresponding professional titles of work with terms and words that clarify the place of work, functions performed, and scope of activity.

So, for example, if an enterprise has created a unified public and media relations service, it can be written in its Regulations that it is headed by a public and media relations manager. That is, you can use the basic professional job title from the KP “Manager (manager) for public relations” with KP code 1475.4 and supplement it with the words “and the media” (the term “manager” in the basic title is mentioned as an alternative title that can use instead of the English term “manager”). The job description of such a manager, accordingly, can be supplemented with responsibilities that more specifically and fully reflect the specifics of his work with the media.

Key responsibilities of managers

Most of the domestic qualification characteristics of the professions of these managers, which are the basis for the development of job descriptions, are published in the Directory of qualification characteristics of the professions of workers (issue 1) “Professions of workers common to all types of economic activities,” as well as in some other issues. For a general idea of ​​the functions of this category of managers, we present their main responsibilities and tasks, compiled on the basis of the relevant qualification characteristics. For greater clarity and comparison, professional responsibilities are presented in the form of two tables ( table 2 and 3), containing the characteristics of the positions that are closest to each other.

Table 2. The main responsibilities of advertising managers and PR

Public relations manager (manager) PR)

  • organizes work on advertising products and services provided in order to promote them to sales markets by informing consumers about the advantages in quality and distinctive properties of advertised goods and services
  • develops plans for advertising events for one type or group of goods (services) and determines the costs of their implementation
  • carries out management, planning and coordination of work on advertising campaigns
  • takes part in the development of advertising strategy
  • selects forms and methods of advertising in the media
  • determines specific advertising media (newspapers, magazines, commercials, etc.) and their optimal combination
  • studies sales markets and customer demand in order to determine the best time and place for advertising
  • organizes the development of advertising texts, posters, projects, catalogues, booklets, controls their quality
  • exercises control over the development and implementation of contracts for advertising products and services
  • ensures the establishment of connections with business partners, a system for collecting the necessary information and expanding external relations in order to improve advertising activities
  • analyzes the motivation for demand for products and services, organizes the study of customer needs and determines the direction of advertising campaigns
  • maintains the necessary connections with other structural divisions, involves consultants and experts in solving assigned tasks, invites well-known and popular people to participate in advertising campaigns, concluding agreements with them on a commercial basis
  • coordinates the company's relations with the public in accordance with the overall goal of the activity
  • develops PR development events and plans
  • carries out information programs to inform legislators, the media and the general public about the plans, achievements and operating principles of its enterprise
  • organizes press conferences, meetings with the public, and appearances in the media by company leaders
  • prepares materials for the press (statements, information, messages)
  • monitors media materials to verify the correctness of display of information coming from the enterprise
  • ensures contacts with departments of ministries and other executive authorities regarding the exchange of information materials
  • provides the media with materials about the activities of the enterprise
  • conducts negotiations on contacts with representatives of the media, sports and cultural organizations
  • takes part in the preparation and release of advertising and information publications that contribute to the expansion of international and inter-industry relations
  • ensures coordination of communications and directly maintains communication with periodicals
  • cooperates with press services of other enterprises
  • takes part in planning the social development of the team, resolving controversial issues and conflicts
  • makes decisions on planning and management of various funds, rational use of relevant funds
  • supervises subordinate employees

Table 3. Main tasks and responsibilities
manager and head of sales (marketing) department

Sales manager

Head of Sales (Marketing) Department

  • organizes and coordinates sales activities in accordance with orders and concluded contracts
  • ensures delivery of manufactured products to consumers on time and in full
  • organizes marketing research to study the consumer market and prospects for its development, form and expand economic relations with consumers, analyze customer demand, the degree of satisfaction of customer needs in the products offered, as well as the level of competitiveness of products in the market by studying and assessing customer needs and monitoring activities competitors
  • takes part in the development of the enterprise's marketing policy
  • prepares proposals and develops recommendations to improve the quality and consumer properties of goods and services
  • takes part in the preparation of draft long-term and annual product sales plans, drawing up sales forecasts, developing an advertising strategy, demand generation and sales promotion programs
  • makes proposals for adjusting prices for offered products, sales volumes, selection of sales channels, methods and time of entering the market
  • takes part in fairs, auctions, exhibitions, and exchange activities for the purpose of advertising and selling products
  • organizes the establishment of connections with business partners, ensures timely fulfillment of obligations to counterparties, selects the necessary information to expand external relations
  • performs work on concluding contracts for the supply of products and agreeing on delivery conditions
  • prepares requisitions, summary orders and assortment (nomenclature) supply plans
  • analyzes data on accounting of finished products in the enterprise’s warehouses and distributes them to customers in accordance with concluded contracts
  • controls the compliance of finished product inventory levels in terms of volumes and nomenclature (assortment) with established standards
  • together with the technical services of the enterprise, takes part in the development of technical conditions for the acceptance of finished products from production departments, their packaging, storage and transportation
  • controls compliance with storage rules and preparation of finished products for shipment to consumers
  • determines the need for various vehicles and labor for timely shipment of finished products, and also draws up agreements for the transportation of products with transport organizations
  • organizes and controls the timely shipment of finished products in accordance with concluded contracts
  • takes part in the delivery of products to buyers (carriers) and checking their quality, quantity and completeness
  • signs and endorses acceptance certificates and accompanying documents
  • takes measures to ensure timely receipt of funds for sold products
  • receives and analyzes complaints from customers regarding non-conformity of quality, quantity and completeness of supplied products, violation of delivery deadlines
  • prepares the information necessary to present claims to customers for violation of the deadlines for acceptance of products and their payment
  • takes measures to replace products returned by the buyer, sell them or remake them
  • ensures the preparation of established reporting, creates a database of sales information (in-kind and cost volumes of means of promoting goods to markets, distribution of products by sales territories, timing of their sales)
  • controls changes to reference and advertising information
  • supervises subordinate employees
  • Performs other duties related to product sales
  • organizes a comprehensive study and analysis of domestic and foreign markets, prospects for their development in order to obtain information regarding the relationship between supply and demand, price levels for products, possible orders, production development of competing enterprises, strategies and tactics of their activities, reactions to the emergence of new products
  • carries out the development of marketing policy at the enterprise based on an analysis of the consumer properties of manufactured products and forecasting consumer demand and market conditions
  • carries out the development of short-, medium- and long-term strategies for marketing activities, orients designers and production workers to meet consumer requirements for the products manufactured by the enterprise
  • organizes a study of consumer properties of products and factors determining the structure and dynamics of consumer demand for the company’s products, market conditions
  • develops recommendations for improving the range and quality of products, substantiates the feasibility of releasing new products focused on meeting customer needs
  • determines product sales strategy and tactics
  • organizes work to analyze the effectiveness of using sales channels, the most effective forms and methods of selling products and intermediary services
  • takes part in organizing exhibitions, fairs, advertising products on domestic and foreign markets, disseminating information about the manufacturer and its capabilities
  • takes part in making appropriate adjustments to the activities of the enterprise in the event of changes in the external environment or encountering certain problems, in the development of measures to protect against competitors
  • organizes the sales of the enterprise's products in accordance with planned targets and concluded contracts, timely shipment to consumers in the established sales volumes
  • ensures the department's participation in the preparation of projects and plans for production and sales of products, carrying out work to study demand, receiving orders, agreeing on delivery terms and concluding contracts, calculating standard stocks of finished products, planning deliveries to consumers, identifying new markets and consumers
  • coordinates the activities of all functional departments in collecting and analyzing commercial information, creating a data bank for marketing the company’s products (supply requests, production contracts, inventory availability, market capacity, etc.)
  • takes measures to implement the product sales plan for the timely receipt of orders, specifications and other delivery documents
  • ensures control over the fulfillment by divisions of the enterprise of contractual obligations regarding volumes of product sales, its range, completeness and quality
  • organizes the acceptance of finished products from production departments in warehouses, their rational storage and preparation for shipment to consumers
  • develops and implements standards for the organization, storage, sales and transportation of finished products, as well as measures to reduce excess balances of finished products and speed up sales operations
  • takes measures to ensure timely receipt of payments for products sold
  • prepares proposals for the formation of a corporate style of the enterprise, as well as corporate design of advertising products
  • takes part in the development of proposals and recommendations for changing the technical, economic and other characteristics of products in order to improve their consumer qualities and stimulate sales
  • supervises subordinates and performs other duties related to marketing research and product sales

Product promotion and sales managers
in the International Standard Classification of Occupations 1988 (ISCO-88)

In ISCO-88, all specialized managers of structural divisions are classified in two adjacent initial groups - 1233 “Heads (managers) of sales and marketing services” ( Sales and Marketing Department Managers) and 1234 “Heads of advertising and public relations services” ( Advertising and Public Relations Department Managers). These initial groups are included in small group 123 “Heads of other services” ( Other Department Managers). This classification of professions once again confirms the high degree of similarity of these professional categories in terms of the provided functional responsibilities, or, if we use the conceptual concepts of ISCO-88, according to their “qualification level” and “qualification specialization”.

For greater clarity, here are examples of descriptions of these professional categories in ISCO-88:

1233 Heads (managers) of sales (sales) and marketing services. Plan, direct and coordinate the trade and sales activities of an enterprise or organization under the general direction of directors and chief executives and in consultation with the heads of other departments.

Job responsibilities:

  • planning, direction and coordination of trade and sales activities of a company or organization;
  • planning and organizing special sales events and marketing programs based on sales data and market assessments;
  • determination of a price catalog, a system of discounts and delivery conditions, funds for product promotion, sales methods, additional social events and campaigns;
  • planning and management of ongoing work;
  • presentation of your service at the level of other divisions of the organization and beyond;
  • head of marketing department ( Department manager, marketing);
  • Head of Sales Division ( Department manager, sales).

1234 Heads of advertising and public relations services. Plan, direct and coordinate the advertising, public relations and information activities of an enterprise or organization under the general direction of directors and chief executives and in consultation with the heads of other structural units.

Job responsibilities:

  • planning, directing and coordinating the activities of an enterprise or organization in advertising and public relations;
  • Negotiating advertising contracts with representatives of newspapers, radio, television, sports and cultural organizations, advertising agencies and companies;
  • planning and implementing information programs to inform legislators, the media and the general public about the plans, achievements and principles of their enterprise or organization;
  • planning and management of various funds for educational, humanitarian and other non-profit organizations;
  • controlling costs and ensuring efficient use of resources;
  • development and management of production and administrative activities;
  • planning and directing current work;
  • management of selection, training and placement of personnel;
  • presentation of your service at the level of other divisions of the organization or outside it;
  • performing related duties;
  • management of other employees.

Examples of professions included in this entry group:

  • head of advertising department ( Department manager, advertising);
  • head of public relations department ( Department manager, public relations).

Other types of promotion managers
and sales of goods and services found in world practice

In addition to the above main names of professions (positions) in the field of promoting goods and services on the market, in the practice of many companies (especially in large and transnational corporations) there may be other specializations of managers in the category under consideration.

For example, advertising managers at small and medium-sized enterprises have one to three advertising specialists subordinate to them and act as a liaison between the enterprise and the advertising agency. In large corporations and specialized advertising companies, managers in advertising or other relevant areas of activity can manage the work of several structural divisions, specializing, for example, in control and accounting, planning and budgeting of advertising costs, interaction with the media, work of a creative (“creative”) nature ( in-house accounting, media services and creative departments). These departments are led by “media” and “creative” managers ( media and creative managers).

There is also such a specialization as promotion managers ( promotion managers). These managers develop and implement programs to promote goods and services on the market, including a combination of the use of advertising media and stimulation of consumer purchases. To establish close contact with customers (dealers, distributors or direct consumers), various methods are used: direct mail(sending letters directly to potential buyers), "telemarketing", loyalty programs, online sales, catalogues, "special events" ( special events) or promotions.

Product Development Managers ( product development managers) specialize in the development of certain products, plan their release and promotion in various markets. For this purpose, the necessary marketing research is carried out, forecasts and plans are drawn up. Their activities cover the entire “product life cycle” - from its conceptual development to successful commercial implementation on the market.

Brand managers and/or product managers ( brand or product managers), that is, managers of certain brands (well-known trademarks) or goods/services, develop, plan and implement marketing activities to promote them in the market. At the same time, each product of the company goes through its own path to the market, often competing with analogues of its own company. Such managers act as coordinators of the work of specialists in the field of production, advertising, marketing research, sales, distribution and finance.

Sales Managers ( sales managers) develop and direct programs for sales (marketing) of products - mainly consumer goods. They determine sales territories, set performance indicators for their departments, organize training programs for sales representatives, and advise them. In large companies, such a division is headed by a national sales manager. Regional and local sales managers report to him ( regional and local sales managers). They work with dealers and distributors, analyze sales statistics collected by subordinates, determine sales potential, needs for retail inventory, and monitor consumer preferences.

Foreign experience in classifying specialized managers
in the field of promotion and sales of goods and services

The main national professional classification systems of foreign countries use different approaches when classifying managers in the field of promoting goods/services on the market and their sales, as well as when determining the typical job responsibilities of these workers. In some countries, the division of such managers into narrower specializations is reflected in detail in national classification systems. In others, a generalized approach is used, when national systems reflect only the most typical professions in the field of advertising, marketing and sales of goods and services, and also contain their names and descriptions in a generalized form. Let's look at this with specific examples.

IN THE USA in the SOC Standard Occupational Classification, the managers in question fall into the following detailed occupational groups ( detailed occupations) with the corresponding codes:

  • 11-2011 Advertising and market promotion managers (Advertising and Promotion Managers). Examples of positions classified in this group: advertising campaign director ( Campaign Director), director of promotional materials distribution ( Circulation DirectorMedia Director);
  • 11-2021 Marketing Managers (Marketing Managers). Examples of positions classified in this group: Fashion or new design coordinator ( Fashion Coordinator), marketing director ( Marketing Director);
  • 11-2022 Sales (sales) managers (Sales Managers). Examples of positions classified in this group: Sales Director ( Director of SalesExport Manager), regional sales manager ( Regional Sales Manager);
  • 11-2031 Public Relations Managers (Public Relations Managers). Examples of positions classified in this group: Director of fundraising, typically for charitable or other non-profit purposes ( Fundraising Director), Director of Public Information ( Public Information Director), director for ensuring publicity (openness) of activities ( Publicity Director).

In Great Britain in the SOC Standard Occupational Classification, there are two initial groups for the managers we are interested in:

  • 1132 Marketing and Sales Managers (Marketing and Sales Managers), which includes the following job titles: business development manager ( Business Development Manager), commercial manager ( Commercial Manager), export supply manager ( Export Manager), Marketing Manager ( Marketing Manager), specific product manager ( Product Manager), Director of Sales and Marketing ( Sales and Marketing Director), Sales Manager ( Sales Manager);
  • 1134 Advertising and Public Relations Managers (Advertising and Public Relations Managers), which includes the following job titles: advertising manager ( Advertising Manager), director of media relations ( Media Director), public relations manager ( Public Relations Manager), publicity manager ( Publicity Manager).

Australian The ASCO standard occupational classification includes the basic occupation under code 1231-11: Sales and Marketing Manager (Sales and Marketing Manager), which provides specializations such as advertising manager ( Advertising Manager) and market research manager ( Market Research Manager).

Sometimes certain difficulties may arise in establishing differences in functional responsibilities between managers of a narrower specialization. The practice of large transnational corporations, which is reflected in their announcements of available vacancies, materials of professional associations (for example, marketing), as well as special literature, can help with this.

Below are examples of some typical job responsibilities and tasks for brand and promotion managers, as well as sales managers, obtained as a result of studying and analyzing such materials. These examples can be used as additional materials when addressing issues of distribution of job responsibilities between managers of relevant areas, development of regulations on specialized structural units in the field of marketing and sales, as well as job descriptions for relevant categories of employees. For greater clarity and the possibility of comparison, the functional responsibilities and tasks of these managers are presented in table 4.

Table 4. The main tasks and responsibilities of brand managers,
product managers and sales managers

Brand managers (brand managers) or product managers ( Brand or Product Managers)

Managers for promoting products on the market, or promotion managers ( Promotion Managers)

Sales Managers ( Sales Managers)

  • supervise the work of team members (group) in developing and promoting a specific brand (product) on the market
  • plan the life cycle of products or a group of products promoted on the market under a specific brand
  • develop various marketing programs related to product positioning in the market and measure their effectiveness
  • determine priorities when solving problems related to the product’s entry into the market and its positioning on it
  • make decisions on the distribution of resources allocated for the development of a particular brand (product)
  • plan, develop and direct various marketing activities for a specific brand or product (product line)
  • coordinate the activities of various structural divisions during the first introduction of a product to the market and during its subsequent promotion
  • organize and direct work with external partners (consultants) to achieve the goals of the brand strategy
  • carry out business analysis of the market to determine current trends in it
  • analyze the effectiveness of measures to promote the product on the market
  • develop and manage the implementation of marketing plans, including promoting the product (brand) on the market, delivering the product to customers (clients)
  • organize and carry out an analysis of the competitiveness of a product (brand) on the market
  • supervise the work of specialists in promoting products on the market
  • develop a budget, plan events to promote the company’s products
  • plan the use and prepare various advertising and other materials aimed at increasing sales of products or services, while working directly with clients, advertising agencies, company management, and sales departments
  • participate in the preparation of the enterprise’s annual budget
  • ensure that various promotional materials comply with product specifications
  • coordinate the activities of sales, advertising, public relations, finance, product development and design departments
  • participate in the preparation of draft sales contracts and in negotiations for their conclusion
  • establish the necessary contacts for carrying out events (promotions) to promote products on the market, aimed at target customers, such as dealers, distributors or consumers
  • collect and analyze information to carry out activities to promote products on the market
  • interact with the heads of other structural divisions to discuss specific clauses of contracts, select advertising media and determine the specific properties of products
  • Liaise with clients to assist them with marketing and technical issues
  • supervise the work of sales specialists
  • resolve issues regarding customer complaints regarding sales and service
  • monitor customer preferences to determine areas where sales efforts should be focused
  • direct and coordinate various activities related to sales
  • determine the appropriate limits for price fluctuations for products and services sold, and also develop systems of discounts and bonuses
  • analyze provided sales reports to adjust sales plans and determine their profitability
  • direct, coordinate and analyze activities in the field of sales accounting, shipping operations and delivery of products to customers
  • interact with the heads of other structural divisions to plan advertising events, collect information about potential and existing customers, and the necessary additional information about the properties and specifics of the products sold
  • advise and assist dealers and distributors on existing sales policies and procedures to ensure functional business efficiency
  • prepare sales budgets and approve cost estimates
  • represent the company in various trade associations to help increase sales of manufactured (sold) products

1 Hereinafter, the term “enterprise” means any production or commercial organizational unit - enterprise, organization, company, firm, etc.
2 Hereinafter, the term “manager” is used in a broad sense to generally refer to all managers and managers at various levels (directors of enterprises, heads of structural divisions, their deputies, etc.), as is customary in international practice and in most national classifications of English-speaking countries In the professional classification system of Ukraine, this English-language term is used in a narrow sense - only to designate that specific category of managers, which are classified in subsection 14 “Managers (managers) of enterprises, institutions, organizations and their divisions” of the Classifier of Professions DK 003:2005.

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Creating a new product, analyzing its market, pricing and quality control are the direct responsibilities of a product manager.

He fully controls the production process, is involved in marketing and collaborates with technical staff. support.

The product manager is the link between all specialists, management department employees, engineers and other areas of the company.

Main functional responsibilities

The main task of a product manager is team building, specialists in their field, with the help of which a high-quality product will be manufactured. He is responsible for the entire production process, from the very first to the last stage. Further implementation is also on his shoulders.

He is a leader in his own way, determines the development strategy and makes important decisions. But it is important to understand that a product manager is not a full-fledged director; to a greater extent, his organization of leadership over people is built on respect and trust.

His powers do not include direct power over his subordinates, so an illiterate manager who decides to disrespectfully command participants in the process will most likely not achieve a positive result.

The interesting properties of a product manager include the fact that he does not perform any one task, but is versatile specialist. He needs to listen to the opinions of employees and clients themselves. Subsequently, based on their opinions and preferences, conclusions are drawn that are reflected in the production of the product and its quality.

Direct responsibilities and tasks that can be specified in the job description of a product manager:

  • creation and sale of a new product;
  • management of Key Performance Indicators;
  • creating a price category;
  • sales management;
  • competitive market analysis;
  • development of a program to increase sales;
  • creating quality marketing;
  • project presentation;
  • communication with the client;
  • creation of a development strategy.

The entire work cycle of a product manager can be described in a few words. At the initial stage of creating a product, the main task is to define it and understand what to create. Next, you need to create a team and do everything to ensure that it worked productively. Ultimately, he needs to take care of the release of the product.

Taking a more detailed look at the entire creation cycle, the diagram looks like this:

  • planning and detailed analysis;
  • packaging design development;
  • conducting tests after implementation;
  • presentation of the finished product.

Depending on the complexity of the organization of the creation process or the norms of an individual company, the responsibilities of a product manager may be divided between two or more performers, while the job description of each product manager should set out his functional tasks.

The first performer is responsible for business processes, his position is called product manager, and the second is for technical part– technical product manager.

When searching for a job and further interviewing with an employer, a product manager needs to prepare and take into account some factors. During an interview, the applicant needs to think not only about future functional responsibilities.

Next, we will try to consider the most popular questions that are raised during an interview with a future company employee applying for the position of product promotion manager or service promotion manager.

For successful communication with the employer, of course, it is important to know all the information and correctly answer the questions asked. But it is also necessary to take care of minor, but very important things, such as appearance, well-written resume. It is imperative to work on the presentation of information and on your own confidence. And don't forget about punctuality.

Skills a successful product manager needs to have:

  • the ability to win people over and build successful communication with them;
  • ability to think strategically and organize work processes;
  • ability to create a competent team;
  • have creative thinking;
  • resistance to stressful situations;
  • be a true leader;
  • It is ideal to know your professional responsibilities.

Let's consider 10 popular questions that may be asked during an interview:

  1. What is the most interesting and main project you have worked on? Explain why he is like this;
  2. Do you enjoy working as a Product Manager and why did you become one?
  3. How do you plan to improve the product creation process in our company in the future?
  4. What professional tools do you use to create a development process?
  5. What difficulties and unpleasant situations did you encounter at your previous place of work?
  6. What would you recommend to improve in the packaging of our website to increase conversion?
  7. What situations during work hours can throw you off balance?
  8. What are your most memorable career failures?
  9. What three words would your previous colleagues use to describe you?
  10. Why did you choose our company?

Work on these questions and on the other qualities described, and then success will be inevitable for you.

Monthly income depends on the size of the city, on the success of the company and on the personal and professional skills of the product manager himself.

In Moscow, the monthly payment is from 100,000 to 250,000 rubles.

In Kaliningrad, a product manager has a monthly income from 30,000 to 90,000 rubles.

In Krasnodar, the average salary reaches 80,000 rubles per month.

The highest paying product manager vacancies are in big cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. Wages go down as the city gets smaller. Also income depends on the applicant's work experience, recommendations from previous places of work, a properly written resume.

Working on yourself, developing professional and personal qualities will lead to inevitable success, which will directly affect your monthly income, demand and career growth.

For more information about what a product manager is and how to become one, watch the video: