Tian Shi Company (China) or be careful scam. Reviews of working in Tianshi or the Art of Brainwashing Working with Tianshi and marketing plan

The main products are dietary supplements and massagers. The company's production facilities are located in the Tianjin New Technology Industrial Park. Sales of goods occur through a network marketing system, as well as through the Banner Store supermarket chain and distribution networks of the office-warehouse system.

The company has been certified according to GMP requirements in China.

In Russia, dietary supplements "Tiens" are certified by the Federal Service for Supervision in the field of protection of consumer rights and human well-being.

In December 2007, Russia's first supermarket of the Banner Day company was opened in Moscow. Since November 2008 it has been closed “for technical reasons” and has not been reopened. The company also closed its last supermarket in Beijing.

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    According to Shenzhen Daily (as of 2005), the Tiens Group of companies includes 23 companies in the field of biotechnology and medicine, the group owns real estate in mainland China. The corporation also has 126 branches in 111 countries.

    The group is represented by the following companies: Tiens Biotech Group, Inc. (USA, Delaware); Tianjin Tianshi Group Co., LTD (PRC); Tianshi International Holdings Group Ltd. (British Virgin Islands); Tianjin Tianshi Biological Engineering Co. Ltd (PRC); Tianjin Tianshi Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd (PRC); Tianjin Tianshi Life Resources Co., Ltd (PRC); Tianjin Tianshi Biological Development Co., Ltd (PRC); Tiens Yihai Co., Ltd (PRC). The distribution of ownership by companies within the group is shown in the diagram on the right.

    The corporation's headquarters is located in the Henderson Center in Beijing. The main production areas, measuring more than 0.26 km², are located in the Wuqin New Technology Introduction Zone of Tianjin.

    The company has also established long-term partnerships with such large companies as L'Oreal, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals and Shiseido.


    The company's founder and chairman, Mr. Li Jinyuan, a native of Cangzhou, Hebei Province, is an active philanthropist. Among his charitable donations: founded the Tiens Meijing International Charitable Foundation with approximately $100 million. Li also provided $100 million to establish Tianshi College of China, a private school in Tianjin that currently has more than 3,400 students.


    Some journalistic articles indicate the presence of signs of a “business sect” or commercial cult in the company’s work system: recruitment of participants by deceptive methods under the guise of employment, misleading information about the properties and operation of products and the amount of future income, personality cult of company leaders, etc. P.

    Criticism of the company also often points out that the company's products are overpriced, despite the fact that they have numerous publicly available inexpensive analogues that can be purchased at pharmacies. According to some former employees of the company, this is explained by the fact that the cost of the company's products includes a percentage remuneration to all higher-level distributors of this structure.

    It is also stated that “The scope of application is for sale to the population through pharmacy chains and specialized stores, departments of retail chains as a dietary supplement to food. In the Russian Federation, according to the law of the Russian Federation, trade in dietary supplements is permitted only in pharmacies and specialized departments of food stores (see. SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the organization of production and circulation of biologically active food additives”).

    Representatives of the Tianshi company say that the company has been operating in China since 1994 until today. But in the PRC, from 2005 to 2005, direct sales were prohibited due to the emergence of many criminal “pyramid” schemes operating under the guise of direct sales companies, the activities of which involved many millions of participants, which resulted in mass unrest and social tension.

    • Avon Products (China) Ltd.,
    • Nu Skin
    • Pro-Health (China) Daily-Use & Health Products Ltd.,
    • YOFOTO Daily-Use & Health Products Ltd.,
    • Oriflame Cosmetics (China) Co., Ltd.,
    • Kasly-Ju (Tianjin) Ltd.,
    • For You Group L.L.C,
    • Mary Kay (China) Cosmetics Ltd.,
    • Amway (China) Daily-Use & Health Products Ltd.,
    • Perfect (China) Daily-Use & Health Products Ltd.,
    • Guangdong Apollo (Group) Co., Ltd.,
    • Nanfang Lee Kum Kee Co., Ltd.,
    • Herbalife (China) Daily-Use & Health Products Ltd.,
    • Shaklee (China) Co.,Ltd
    • Liaoning Yilishen Tinxi Group Ltd.,
    • Nanjing JOYMAIN Technology Development Ltd.,
    • New Era Health Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.,
    • Guangdong Kang Li Medicines Co., Ltd.,
    • Beijing Luo Mai Pharmaceutical Ltd.

    Conflict with the Russian Orthodox Church

    The Cheboksary-Chuvash diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church included the Tianshi company in the list of sects and totalitarian destructive organizations. Priest Vladimir Zakharov, head of the department of religious education and catechesis at the Cheboksary-Chuvash diocese, believes that these companies “ financial cults" based on the fact that " their employees suffer from a psychological state similar to that of sectarians", and also indicates that companies involved in network marketing (including Tiens) were included in the list on a totalitarian basis, since, in his opinion, their management controls the lifestyle and behavior of their employees.

    However, the head of the missionary department of the Kazan diocese, Archpriest Sergius Titov, believes that “ companies engaged in direct sales are, of course, not sects", So what " this is worth talking about, but we need to fight against those sects whose adherents throw themselves out of windows». .

    Greetings to all readers of my blog! Today I'm looking at a review of a company that, of course, I couldn't ignore. We are talking about the network giant – Tiens Group Co. Ltd, which has been successfully operating in the global market since 1995.

    At the end of 2007, the products of this company first appeared in Russia - a Moscow supermarket began operating. The advantage of the brand is the availability of a certificate for compliance with GMP requirements.

    So, the famous network company Tiens: products, reviews and cooperation.

    Read also:

    The Chinese commercial organization operates in the pharmaceutical industry. Its headquarters is located in Tianjin.

    Annual turnover, judging by reviews, is approaching $5 billion. Products are distributed through independent consultants (multilevel marketing), distribution networks that operate on an office-warehouse system and Banner Store supermarkets.

    « Heavenly Lion ", this is how the company's name is translated from Chinese, and is represented in hundreds of countries around the world. There are a total of 126 representative offices. Production facilities are equipped with the latest equipment.

    For the production of dietary supplements, as representatives say, they use ultra-modern methods and technologies. More than two dozen biotech and medical companies are involved in development. They are subsidiaries of Tiens Group Co. Ltd.

    By the way, at present, this Chinese “networker” can boast of establishing a partnership with a cosmetic brand L'Oreal, the world's largest biopharmaceutical company Pfizer and the world's oldest manufacturer of cosmetics, perfumes and hair care products Shiseido.

    What the company offers

    The Tiens company offers a fairly wide range of products. The leading position in the line is given to dietary supplements, for example, capsules with glucosamine, Galax, Omega-3, tea, encapsulated chitosan and much more.

    In addition, judging by the reviews, consumers are in demand for health-improving devices from the Chinese network company: the electric head and body massager “Ishoukan” and the “Ixuetong”, a massager-stimulator of energy and blood circulation.

    An ergonomic device for cleaning fruits and vegetables is also offered.

    There are various cosmetics with unique compositions for personal care. Their effectiveness is confirmed by some reviews.

    But, in general, there are a number of negative opinions. As a rule, they relate specifically to business organization and recruitment methods.

    Read also:

    In the assortment you will also find toothpastes, feminine sanitary pads, and refreshing mouth sprays. In Tiens you can also buy blankets, pillows, makeup brushes, and magnetic bracelets.

    Home care products are also particularly popular. They are chosen for their good efficiency and minimal consumption, which is made possible due to the high concentration of active substances.

    In the line of household chemicals from Tiens Group Co. Ltd, you can choose either a multi-functional detergent or separately for washing underwear, washing dishes and washing toilets.

    In general, the company presents the entire range of products necessary for daily use in everyday life.

    Working with Tiens and marketing plan

    The new marketing plan came into force at the end of 2016. Like all network companies, it provides rewards for personal sales and the activities of the entire team.

    There are so-called statuses, which are confirmed by receiving a bronze, silver, gold or platinum card. To get one or another option, you need to make purchases for a certain amount within 8 months.

    To get “silver” you need 100 bonus volume, and you can become the owner of “platinum” after reaching 800 bonus volume. This unit of account is part of the cost of the product; it can be seen in the price list opposite each item.

    Turnover grows with the growth of the structure, and, naturally, thanks to this, status increases.

    Upon reaching the highest of these levels, the title of honorary board member is awarded. The highest status in a Chinese company is Honorary Honorary Member of the Board! :)

    Get instructions

    Is it worth starting cooperation?

    It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, since, on the one hand, the “networker” has existed for a long time and has proven itself to be good in terms of quality. Customers, judging by the reviews, are mostly satisfied with the quality of the products, which says a lot.

    But there are a number of negative points. As I already said, the company's recruiting methods leave much to be desired. Posting job advertisements in order to attract new partners is, at a minimum, low.

    A person is looking for a job, comes through an advertisement, they tell him about opportunities and mountains of gold, he just needs to start and buy a starter package for a certain amount... And all this is put on stream...

    It is also necessary to take into account that during its activity so many consultants have already entered its structure that it seems that a newcomer now cannot achieve high positions and a good income.

    Therefore, if you decide to try your hand at Tiens Group Co. Ltd, then start by purchasing a few samples of the products. If you really like it, then you can safely start working, because it’s no secret that a person is able to more successfully promote only what he is confident in.

    The main thing is to be honest with yourself and with others. Use the correct and effective ways to attract new business partners without hiding the true purpose and information about the company.

    And here I end my review and remind you of the opportunity to subscribe to blog updates. In addition, I will wait for feedback from you in the form of comments.

    See you soon!

    P.S. I recommend paying attention to free training on Automation of cold contacts, which will help you create a System for attracting partners to your team on full autopilot online. The system works in any network company.

    It is quite difficult to figure out what Tien Shi is as a whole, a deception or really healing miracle drugs. To begin with, it must be said that the company offers not only its products, but also the work associated with its distribution. Therefore, you should understand what exactly you would not want to be deceived about.

    So, the TianShi Corporation was founded in the mid-90s. last century, when the patent for the extraction of organic calcium using modern technologies was purchased and a new form of trade was introduced. By the end of the 90s, the corporation had an entire army of distributors and a huge annual income. Today it produces calcium-based dietary supplements, cosmetics, perfumes and detergents. Is there any deception in this part of Tien Shi’s work?

    The company's motto is the slogan "Bring health to humanity, serve society." Looks like there's no cheating here. Here it is important to understand that a dietary supplement, no matter which manufacturer produces and sells it, is just a dietary supplement! There is nothing dangerous in them, but they cannot heal either.

    Regarding the products of this international corporation: as stated by the manufacturer, the recipe for preparing dietary supplements is borrowed from Chinese traditional medicine, which dates back about 5,000 years. Yes, no one argues that earlier, in a time when there were no synthetic drugs, diseases were successfully treated with the help of extracts of plant and animal origin. But today we live in a time of rapid industrial development, ecological imbalance, and, as a result, poor public health, and plants or animal products used as medicines are simply not enough. Again, it is difficult to deny the reliable support when using dietary supplements for the prevention and treatment of many conditions. By the way, dietary supplements include most vitamin complexes, some immunomodulators, adaptogens and other substances.

    So what is bad about biological organic calcium, which the TienShi company extracts from pig bone tissue? Nothing! There is nothing terrible in the method of production, because the highest percentage of calcium is in the bones.

    Another thing is how well calcium is absorbed. What is the Tien Shi deception? It's simple. Any drug or product containing calcium, no matter how well the seller presents it, is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in very minimal quantities. All doctors know this. This is why it is so difficult to recalcify the bones of older people and cope with the problem of pathological fractures. Hence the conclusion: only the buyer must decide how much he is willing to pay for what will transit through his body.

    As for the rest of the drugs, physiotherapeutic devices, cosmetics and other products that the Chinese produce, in medicine there is such a thing as the “placebo” effect, when a person is sure that he is taking, for example, the best latest drug developed, but in fact In fact, he is given some neutral product that does not carry any useful load. And, oddly enough, the patient either gets better or completely recovers. This is the miracle of the work of the human subconscious! When buying Tien Shi dietary supplements, their massagers and other products, the main thing is to believe in their healing power.

    On the question of the proposed work. It should be noted here that the company carries out direct sales of goods using a special form of trade - network marketing. In the proposed work of the Tien Shi Corporation, the deception lies in the fact that the applicant is not immediately explained the essence. The fact is that in order to make money in a company, a distributor must first invest and then build his own pyramid from applicants caught in the marketing network. By the way, work in Mary Kay, Siberian Health, Oriflame and other companies is based on the same principle. Well. In order to work in this way, a person must have a certain character and mind. Praise to those who have human income in this business, and patience to those who, due to their upbringing and other principles of life, have the usual average salary.

    Exchange listing Year of foundation Founders

    Li Jinyuan

    Location Website

    In Russia, dietary supplements "Tiens" are certified by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

    In December 2007, Russia's first supermarket of the Banner Day company was opened in Moscow. Since November 2008 it has been closed “for technical reasons”, which have not been resolved for 4 years. The company also closed its last supermarket in Beijing.

    Corporation composition

    Scheme of distribution of ownership shares in the main companies of the Tiens Group.

    According to Shenzhen Daily (as of 2005), the Tiens Group of companies includes 23 companies in the field of biotechnology and medicine, the group owns real estate in mainland China. The corporation also has 126 branches in 111 countries.

    The group is represented by the following companies: Tiens Biotech Group, Inc. (USA, Delaware); Tianjin Tianshi Group Co., LTD (PRC); Tianshi International Holdings Group Ltd. (British Virgin Islands); Tianjin Tianshi Biological Engineering Co. Ltd (PRC); Tianjin Tianshi Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd (PRC); Tianjin Tianshi Life Resources Co., Ltd (PRC); Tianjin Tianshi Biological Development Co., Ltd (PRC); Tiens Yihai Co., Ltd (PRC). The distribution of ownership by companies within the group is shown in the diagram on the right.

    The corporation's headquarters is located in the Henderson Center in Beijing. The main production areas, measuring more than 0.26 km², are located in the Wuqin New Technology Introduction Zone of Tianjin.


    The Tianshi company is being criticized. There are known cases of companies inaccurately informing applicants about upcoming work. In particular, they do not indicate the type of their activity (or indicate the wrong type of activity). Also, when attracting new “recruits,” they use NLP and do not indicate the real name of the company. The Rospotrebnadzor website states that Tiens calcium consists of calcium carbonate CaCO3 (in other words, chalk or limestone). It is also stated that “Scope of application is for sale to the population through pharmacy chains and specialized stores, departments of retail chains as a biologically active food supplement. In Russia Federation, according to the law of the Russian Federation, trade in dietary supplements is permitted only in pharmacies and specialized departments of food stores (see SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the organization of production and circulation of biologically active food additives”). Also for some drugs, for example " Chitosan in Tianshi capsules, contraindications are given: pregnant and lactating women, individual intolerance to dietary supplement components.

    Representatives of the Tianshi company say that the company has been operating in China since 1994 until today. But in China, from 2005 to 2005, direct sales were prohibited due to the emergence of many criminal “pyramid” schemes operating under the guise of direct sales companies, in which many millions of participants were involved, which resulted in mass unrest and social tension.

    • Avon (China) Ltd.,
    • Nu Skin (China) Daily-Use & Health Products Ltd.,
    • Pro-Health (China) Daily-Use & Health Products Ltd.,
    • YOFOTO Daily-Use & Health Products Ltd.,
    • Oriflame Cosmetics (China) Co., Ltd.,
    • Kasly-Ju (Tianjin) Ltd.,
    • For You Group L.L.C,
    • Mary Kay (China) Cosmetics Ltd.,
    • Amway (China) Daily-Use & Health Products Ltd.,
    • Perfect (China) Daily-Use & Health Products Ltd.,
    • Guangdong Apollo (Group) Co., Ltd.,
    • Nanfang Lee Kum Kee Co., Ltd.,
    • Herbalife (China) Daily-Use & Health Products Ltd.,
    • Shaklee (China) Co.,Ltd
    • Liaoning Yilishen Tinxi Group Ltd.,
    • Nanjing JOYMAIN Technology Development Ltd.,
    • New Era Health Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.,
    • Guangdong Kang Li Medicines Co., Ltd.,
    • Beijing Luo Mai Pharmaceutical Ltd.

    Cheboksary-Chuvash diocese