Rating by profession. The most in-demand and highest-paid professions in Russia

Choosing a profession is not an easy question. You always want to find the best place where you can work and develop at the same time. Therefore, sooner or later, every person faces the question of what is the best profession for him. Where does he want to get a job? Who to be?

It's difficult to answer. After all, it’s no secret that every person has their own views on life and work. So, one specialty is the best for some, but the worst for others. You shouldn’t be surprised by such ambiguity - everyone decides for themselves. But what answers can you find most often? What do applicants say, for example? What specialties are preferred?

By gender

It is difficult to say definitely which answer options to our question today are most common. After all, you can divide all professions into many categories, each with its own characteristics and criteria for selecting the best option. So you yourself must decide which direction to give preference to.

It is important to remember that how the best profession is determined, no matter how strange it may sound, directly depends on gender. That is, for men and women this question will most often have different answers. This is normal. For example, a man may consider, say, shipbuilding to be the best field, while a woman would prefer to work as a store administrator or secretary. But still, what options are most often found in surveys?

For girls

The best ones, as you might guess, are directions that do not require special physical effort. We can say that the fair sex is most often offered intellectual and creative professions. Those that do not involve special physical activity. This is fine.

And what is the best profession for girls and women? Many will answer - administrator. And it doesn’t matter which one or where. That is, in fact, a leadership position that does not involve heavy physical activity.

Also, among the most popular and best ideas for employment, the fair sex can be offered a profession:

  • hairdresser;
  • manicurist/pedicurist;
  • fitness trainer;
  • waitresses;
  • secretary;
  • operator;
  • sales manager;
  • cosmetologist.

In general, purely female directions. Very good options. But it's up to you to decide.


The best professions for men are not those that force you to work physically. Rather, it is customary here to choose areas that bring moral and spiritual satisfaction, prospects for career growth and, of course, high profits. Also, often the best profession for the stronger sex is some kind of narrow specialty.

There are a lot of different options here. It depends on what criteria to evaluate. In any case, men believe that leadership positions are more suitable for them, as well as something like a chauffeur (driver), installer, welder, engineer, businessman. As you can see, there are also quite diverse directions. It is generally accepted that there are purely masculine trends that are suitable only for the stronger sex. And among them such professions as welder, installer, programmer are the best.


But there is no need to stop there. You can often hear that the best profession in the world is the one that brings you pleasure and moral satisfaction. Often people work in one direction or another just for the money, quietly hating their own responsibilities.

All this leaves an imprint on the efficiency of fulfilling labor obligations. And of course, even if the work brings good profits, but at the same time it does not in any way relate to mental and moral satisfaction, this option will not be considered the best.

Let us repeat once again that the best profession is the one that brings moral satisfaction. That is, you are happy to go to work and fulfill your duties with pleasure. And among these, creative professions are most often found:

  • photographer;
  • writer/poet;
  • designer;
  • programmer;
  • videographer;
  • designer;
  • cosmetologist;
  • hairdresser.

Nevertheless, this list can be continued indefinitely. After all, perhaps, any profession to which you devote yourself with all your heart will be considered the best. So here you decide for yourself which direction will come first for you.


Often, earnings leave an imprint on both the popularity and prestige of a particular direction. The best paid professions are considered to be the best. But each country has its own views on this matter. What options are found in Russia?

Businessman, engineer, programmer, system administrator, IT specialist, builder, designer, economist, lawyer, lawyer, private doctor, deputy, official - these are the professions that are most often named among well-paid ones. This means they are the best for most citizens.

The list doesn't end there. Moreover, if you look at the statistics, you can add teachers, rescuers and doctors to the popular professions. Only in practice their salary is not the highest. And the named areas, if we evaluate them by earnings, alas, will never become leaders in our current issue.

For students

The best professions in Russia for students are almost any position. It is generally accepted that a direction that allows you to combine study and work is what will suit students. This is correct to some extent. After all, it is not always possible and not in all specialties to work and study at the same time.

The best profession for a student, if you take a good look at the places where students are employed, is either a cashier/cook in a fast food cafe. This could include a manager-consultant, a salesperson in a clothing/cosmetics store, as well as a nanny, merchandiser or telephone operator. In reality, these directions cannot be considered the best and most profitable, but they are most suitable for students.

Professions can be judged by the game

What is the best profession? "94%" is a game that asks a similar question. And it needs to be answered. How exactly? What, according to the creators of this product, is considered the best option for employment?

The answer can be different. The first option that is offered is a doctor. It is impossible to do without it. Such a person saves the lives and health of patients every day, so his work fits the definition of “the best profession.”

But there are other options here too. In second place is the teacher. It is also extremely important, and therefore the best specialty. Next - the president (also a prestigious one), actors (everyone knows about them), astronauts (that’s how everyone used to answer), bankers (a profitable line of work), directors (a leadership position, which means the best) and rescuers. All of the listed options, according to the “94%” game, are the best, but in practice, citizens often do not give preference to many of the areas listed above.


It is generally accepted that the best profession in the world is a doctor. Moreover, if you ask citizens, many will express this opinion. Yes, working as a doctor is not so easy. This is a huge responsibility. Therefore, it is customary to somehow elevate this direction in comparison with others.

But in practice, a slightly different picture emerges. It's no secret that the best professions in Russia for some reason do not include doctors in their list. With the possible exception of some narrow specialists, and even with the prefix “private”. In our country, doctors are state employees. And they receive low wages for their daily work. And this is a direct indicator that doctors in Russia are not highly valued.

Therefore, speaking about medicine, we can safely say that the best profession is a private doctor. Any direction. This is especially true for dentists, dentists, cosmetologists and psychologists. A private doctor earns well, which attracts citizens' interest in this area.


It is also worth paying attention to another rather important area of ​​human life - education. Teachers, according to statistics, are highly valued in Russia. And their work (by analogy with doctors) can be considered the best. But again, in practice everything turns out a little differently.

Teachers are also state employees. Their responsibility is high, but their salary is not very good. Therefore, this profession is not in great demand in Russia. More precisely, the country needs this kind of personnel, but there are few candidates.

It is considered prestigious and best when it comes to tutoring, as well as private lessons. In general, the situation is comparable with doctors. State-funded teachers are not what they aspire to. But the “private sector” is already highlighted by many citizens.

Figuring out which profession is the best is almost impossible. How many people - so many opinions. Nevertheless, we have named several quite popular and common options.

The desire to master a prestigious profession is widespread among today's youth. A prestigious profession is a kind of sign of success and wealth. Most school graduates and applicants choose to study a number of specialties only because they are recognized as prestigious in our time. Moreover, today it is not difficult to enroll in a popular faculty - every university in our country offers to master a prestigious specialty. Every year, new faculties are opened that promise their students relevance and financial independence in the future.

Every year, labor market experts announce a ranking of the most prestigious professions, which is determined by the relationship between supply and demand for various specialties. For those who cannot decide on a profession, such a rating is an opportunity to find out which profession is the most prestigious and in demand. Further in the article we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the data for this year - we present you with a list of the most prestigious professions.

10 most prestigious professions

Despite the prestige of the professions listed above, experts say that in a few years this list will change. Many modern specialties will not be included in the ranking of the most prestigious professions of the future. According to forecasts, in a few years the prestige of technical specialties will significantly increase. And one of the most prestigious professions of the future will presumably be an engineer.

In order to determine their path in life, young people are increasingly thinking about what professions are now in demand in the labor market. And this is not just a whim of the younger generation. The choice of specialty affects their entire future life. The pattern can be traced quite easily - first, training in a sought-after profession, then a highly paid job with the prospect of climbing the career ladder, and then the fulfillment of your plans. For some, this is a strong and loving family, for the creation of which a stable income and prospects for being in demand in the labor market for many years are vital. But for some, this is an opportunity to live for their own pleasure, which is also, in general, not bad.

World labor market

In order to understand which professions are now in demand and highly paid, you can look through specialized paper publications, where the prospects for various specialties in a particular field are regularly discussed. Currently, the medical field is recognized as the most profitable in the global labor market. But in first place, surprisingly, it was not plastic surgeons, but anesthesiologists. Second place is shared by surgeons from various fields, gynecologists and dentists. In honorable third place are industrial specialists - engineers, usually graduates of prestigious educational institutions with solid work experience. Choosing one of these professions allows you to earn from 140 to 200 thousand dollars.

However, the choice is not limited only to these specialties. Managers, lawyers, programmers, logisticians and auditors are always in demand on the labor market around the world. Even if these are not representatives of the management level, they are guaranteed decent pay and employment.


In order to understand which profession is now the most in demand, you should familiarize yourself with a kind of anti-rating of the lowest paid or non-prestigious professions. It is given for a double purpose. On the one hand, it becomes possible to find out what to avoid, on the other hand, do not forget that if a position is unpopular, then most likely it is the one that is paid more generously. For example, a pathologist is an unappetizing profession, but it is always in demand and has a stable income.

So, in Russia, public transport drivers, janitors, cashier salespeople, plumbers, loaders and qualified machine operators are considered unprestigious. The highest paid on this list are machine operators. Depending on the category, work experience, and demand in a particular region, their salary can be 100-150 thousand rubles.

In Europe and the USA, security guards, butchers, salesmen, taxi drivers, waiters and dancers are considered low-prestige. This list also includes politicians and football players - these professions can hardly be called low-paid; rather, such a low rating is due to the attitude of citizens towards individual representatives of these areas.

Professions of the future

Many experts annually calculate in which direction humanity will move, and always come to such opposite results that it is difficult to trust them. Especially when it comes to choosing a profession. However, they agree on some points. For example, the majority believes that the future belongs to information technology and the social sphere, and all monotonous work will be mechanized. Just as typists once disappeared, drivers of personal and public transport, as well as bank employees, will also disappear. But the younger generation will have a chance to prove themselves in the field of biotechnology, new materials and nanotechnology, robotics and mechanical engineering.

What are currently in-demand professions in Russia?

However, let's stop the flight of fancy and return to the sinful earth. In order to be in demand in the global labor market, especially in fields such as medicine or engineering, you need not only to graduate from a prestigious educational institution, but also to become one of the best in your profession. Not many people can do this, and not everyone is ready to leave the country. Therefore, let us dwell on what professions are now in demand in Russia - these are sales managers, IT specialists, civil engineers, linguists and translators, and not so much in European languages, but in Eastern and Asian languages. Doctors and teachers were also included in the ranking of in-demand specialties, although the issue of high pay is controversial. Some are content with a modest salary, others occupy positions in private clinics and prestigious schools and receive high salaries.

What professions are now in demand for girls?

Gender equality issues have become less pressing, and women in senior management positions are no longer surprising. But, to be completely honest, it is quite rare to find representatives of the fair sex among directors of large companies, bankers, and heads of large holdings.

So, what profession is now most in demand for women? The weaker sex can claim a lot, including good career growth and a high salary. Moreover, in some areas women can give men a head start. For example, in the field of advertising, marketing, tax and auditing, the fair half is in the lead. You can also try yourself as a manager, logistician or lawyer.

Rare specialties

A rare profession is an opportunity to become a unique specialist, and therefore in demand, and, most likely, with a good salary. Such professions include, for example, bell casters, “ant” farmers, and “milkers” of snakes. But it's more of a lifestyle than just a job. You can also become a scent expert, taster or professional conversationalist. There is no training for these specialties, it is very difficult to get into such a job, but they guarantee a rich and interesting life. The main risk associated with choosing a rare specialty is job loss and the inability to find something on the labor market. If, for example, a lawyer or manager can easily find a vacancy, even if not in his own city, but in a neighboring city, then getting a job as a wigmaker (wig maker) is almost hopeless.

  1. Understand what area you would like to work in; it is advisable to select 2-3 options.
  2. Find information about what professions are in demand now.
  3. Find intersection points with the list of in-demand specialties.
  4. Identify your strengths and calculate your opportunities to master the desired profession.
  5. Always have a backup plan.

These are very simple tips that will save time and, more importantly, nerves. After all, you cannot simply choose a profession from a list, focusing solely on the level of future income. Creative professions require a certain talent, to work in the field of information technology - good mathematical and logical abilities, for a sales manager - the ability to win people over and have an easy, relaxed conversation, etc.

And as a backup option, it’s worth finding out which blue-collar professions are in demand right now. For example, currently in Russia, enterprises most in need of electric welders, turners, chemists and mechanics of various fields. And even if these professions are not the highest paid, it is impossible to remain without work.

Professional education is not a death sentence

Knowledge about what professions are in demand now does not always remain relevant 5-6 years later, after studying is left behind. After all, the applicant will have to compete with a mass of similar former students who also want a prestigious and highly paid job. And it also happens that after receiving a diploma, a newly minted specialist realizes that he has chosen the wrong direction.

In any case, there is always a way out: for an employer, quite often, only the presence of a higher education, and not its profile, matters. And many are ready to teach an employee all the intricacies themselves, especially since this allows them to save on wages. Well, for a future employee, this is an opportunity to learn a profession from the very bottom and gradually move up the career ladder, combining it with study.

One of the most difficult steps in the life of any person is choosing his future field of activity. Graduates and their parents, as well as millions of job seekers, are interested in identifying prospects and the best positions for themselves and their loved ones. Each of them closely studies the most prestigious professions, trying to find the ideal business that will bring material and moral satisfaction.

A little about prestige

Often, a job search is based on the prestige of a particular position. What does this concept mean? People strive to have some kind of authority, to be the first among the best. Therefore, the future profession simply must become attractive to the entire person’s immediate environment. Most often, the choice falls on a job that is talked about a lot. And, preferably, only with positive shades. These include attractive salaries, comfortable conditions and other factors. It often happens that fashion for a particular profession is instilled in the people thanks to the media, which have a colossal influence on the inner world of the population.

The design industry is constantly evolving, and accordingly, the demand for good specialists continues to grow.

What to choose from?

Entire lists are compiled of popular professions. Top Ten, TOP 100 and thousands of other headlines can be found online when searching for the most prestigious jobs of our time.

Today's youth see this as their security and success. Applicants often choose a particular specialty based on its popularity. In addition, almost every university in the country is ready to provide training opportunities in the most prestigious areas from the list of in-demand professions. Every year, the doors of new educational institutions open for students, and unique faculties conduct admission.

What to choose?

Every year, labor market specialists announce the TOP 10 most in-demand professions for public study. This list is compiled after careful monitoring of supply and demand for certain areas of activity. That is why such information plays an important role for those who are unable to make their own choice. These days, the list of popularity has undergone some changes.

The first line has been confidently occupied by the legal field for several years now. Moreover, this profession is popular both among women and among the stronger sex. The huge demand creates difficulties when entering the law faculty: educational institutions simply do not have so many places. However, those people who managed to obtain a diploma are able to get a job with very decent pay. A lawyer’s income can fluctuate and significantly exceed the figure of 100 thousand rubles.

The next step on the pedestal is programmers and IT specialists. In recent years, work related to information technology has been in demand in all regions. High income is often achieved through employment in several organizations at once. The most valuable personnel in this area are 1C programmers.

The third line belongs to specialists in. Working with a client base, selling the organization's services and products, advertising - these are just some of the responsibilities of a successful professional in this field.

Medical workers occupy the next position in the ranking. Training in this specialty requires a longer period. But a practicing doctor will be in demand at any time. In addition, private medical institutions are becoming increasingly popular. And this is already a sure path to good earnings. The greatest need exists for specialists of a narrow profile.

Engineer is the fifth most in-demand specialty today. Industrial production is in dire need of professionals in their field. That is why graduates of technical universities can count on working in one of the most prestigious industries.

The next level is designers and web programmers. Computer software is certainly one of the most promising areas of activity. No organization will function adequately without presenting its services online. In addition, this industry is constantly and rapidly developing. Accordingly, the demand for good specialists continues to grow.

In seventh place are auditors. Working in the financial sector has been attracting job seekers and graduates for years. Checking and monitoring accounting statements, auditing financial documents, consulting and adjusting accounting are the main responsibilities of an auditor. The attractive thing about this position is that the specialist is not necessarily part of the staff. He can also be invited from outside.

The eighth position is occupied by marketers. Do you want to attend social events, analyze new products and services on the market? Then this position is the best option. Any company can achieve success through competent marketing. This is where the high demand for specialists comes from.

Ninths are sales managers. Representatives of this specialty can be found everywhere. The service industry exists largely thanks to the workers in this area. A sales manager must be highly active, have a good understanding of the product or services offered, and be able to find a common language with any client. For decades to come, this profession will attract job seekers all over the world.

Bank employees close the top ten. The following factors are characteristic of this position: decent pay, comfortable working conditions, career growth and others. And its demand is easily explained by the constant demand of the population for the services of banking and other financial organizations.

The attractive thing about the work of an auditor is that the specialist is not necessarily part of the staff.
  • the most profitable professions (entrepreneurs, notaries, ministers, show business workers);
  • the most criminal professions (police officers, ministers, security company employees);
  • (rescuers, military, bodyguards, space industry workers, stuntmen) and others.

It is very important to understand that this list undergoes the most unexpected changes over time. Modern leaders of the rating are capable of significantly lowering their positions in the near future. Everything is heading towards the fact that in a few years, representatives of technical specialties will confidently gain a foothold in the top positions.

The main thing in this difficult task is to understand where a person can derive pleasure from performing his duties. There is one undeniable truth: “No one can earn all the money in the world.” You need to remember this and adhere to some rules. Financial income should help create confidence in your future. It is important to grow personally and also devote time to self-development by doing what you love. It will never be too late to learn. It is important to believe in your strengths and capabilities! Well, work should give a person only positive emotions.

To begin with, you should consider those specialties that simply cannot be irrelevant, since people always need them. Bright - doctors. We are talking primarily about classical specialists - surgeons, therapists, endocrinologists, oncologists, ophthalmologists, psychologists. However, some professions that have become very fashionable in our time will also remain relevant. In particular, the services of plastic surgeons and nutritionists have been and will continue to be in high demand.

Of course, good veterinarians will always remain in demand, because it is not only people who need to be treated.

People need good, high-quality food, so chefs do not lose their relevance. We are also talking about specialists working in restaurants and cafes, but we should also mention those who prepare food in hospitals, kindergartens, schools and other similar institutions. If you want to prefer a more modern version of this profession, get acquainted with exotic cuisine and the peculiarities of preparing the most original and popular dishes.

What kind of specialists are always needed?

Construction technologies are constantly changing, but people who know how to build houses are always needed. However, it is important to consider that a representative of this profession needs to be ready to study the features of new materials and technologies and constantly gain experience. But as a result, you can become a very sought-after professional with a high salary.

Newly built houses need to be renovated, so specialists such as interior designers, painters, and workers who can install plumbing, install flooring and wall coverings are always needed.

Before constructing a building, you need to design it, and also determine the location of communications in it. This means that engineers and architects will not be left without work either. This is especially true for specialists who know how to work with non-standard projects and create original buildings, while not forgetting about their strength, durability and convenience.

Another profession whose representatives will not be left without work is related to trade. Good sales consultants are needed everywhere, and the demand for this profession has not decreased at all even with the advent of stores. You can find work in kiosks and hypermarkets, and you can choose any goods and services for sale.