Presentation of who is a successful person for me. All successful people are highly productive

Talents cannot be created, but you can create the soil on which talents grow and flourish.


We assume that if a child is successful in school, then he will also be successful in adulthood.

- But is it?

- What does it mean to be successful?

- How to achieve success?

Parents, when sending their child to school, really hope that he will be successful both academically and in relationships with classmates and teachers.

Teachers also dream about the same thing: the success of their students.

Children, having crossed the threshold of school for the first time, also expect only good things from their new life.

The student is then drawn to knowledge when he experiences the need to learn, when he is driven by healthy motives and interest, supported by success.

  • Situation success is a combination of conditions that ensure success, and success itself is the result of such a situation.
  • The situation is the result of a thoughtful, prepared strategy and tactics; this is something that a teacher can organize.
  • The student’s experience of a situation of success:

increases learning motivation and develops cognitive interests, allows the student to feel satisfaction from learning activities;

stimulates high productivity;

corrects personal characteristics such as anxiety, uncertainty, self-esteem;

develops initiative, creativity, activity;

maintains a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.

A situation of success becomes a condition for the development of a positive attitude towards learning into an active, creative one, if it forms a positive attitude towards the activity in the subject of the activity;

a pleasant feeling of success caused by overcoming difficulties,

proposed by the teacher;

emotions of joy, intellectual uplift in the process of solving

educational tasks;

satisfaction caused by overcoming difficulties chosen

the trainees themselves;

awareness of the insufficient level of one’s knowledge and skills in overcoming situations;

formation of a sustainable need for self-education.

Successful children:

- with readiness are subjected to various tests, including examinations,

- with desire engage in competitions with other people, and try to win these competitions, to become first among equals,

For them Very the assessment of their activities by other people is important, and he actively strives to receive the highest assessment from them,

If failure befalls them, they do not give up, but, on the contrary, increase effort in order to achieve success at any cost,

- motivated to succeed children always feel confident, have adequate self-esteem and a fairly high level of aspirations.

How to raise a successful student?

Only by bringing him to a situation of success!

I consider the main directions of my teaching activity to be:

  • - creating psychological comfort in the educational space;
  • - focus on the student's personality as the main value of modern society;
  • - providing favorable conditions for the education and training of schoolchildren (technical, informational, scientific and methodological, etc.);
  • - implementation of innovative processes in class;
  • - interaction with the parent community;
  • - modernization of the control and evaluation component in the system for monitoring the quality of educational services.

The teacher must:

Arouse interest in your subject, and not just transfer experience, strengthen self-confidence in every child, regardless of his abilities. Try to develop creative abilities in weak students, not allow more capable children to stop in their development, teach everyone to develop willpower, strong character and determination when solving complex tasks. But to create deep interest among students in the subject, it is necessary to search for additional means that stimulate the development of general activity, independence, personal initiative and creativity of students of different ages.

Strive for success!

  • The teacher believes that the child is, in fact, capable, and begins to recognize potential in him that may have previously gone unnoticed.
  • Having discovered the ability, he will repeatedly give the student a positive verbal assessment.
  • Praise stimulates a child's positive attitude towards himself and faith in his own strength.
  • Believing in the child’s potential, the teacher will most likely count on the child as the most capable in the educational process.
  • This will be reflected in his communication with the student, not only at the speech level, but also in the organization of such substantive interaction that allows for the effective development of these abilities.

"In order to form a positive self-concept in the child


See each child as a unique personality, respect it, understand it,

accept, believe in it (“All children are talented” is the teacher’s belief).

Create personal situations of success, approval, support,

goodwill, so that gardening activities and studies bring

joy for the child: “Learn victoriously!”

Eliminate direct coercion, as well as emphasis on lag and other

the child’s shortcomings (do not compare him with anyone and do not call him derogatory words - you are incompetent, you won’t succeed anyway, but again you! Etc.;

Understand the causes of children's ignorance and incorrect behavior, eliminate them without harming their dignity (The teacher must constantly study, improve his qualifications, be able to apply the acquired knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, studied technologies in practice,

Always be sure: “The child is good, but his actions are bad.”

Provide opportunities and help children to realize themselves in

positive activities (“There is a miracle in every child, expect it”).

the ability to show warmth and interest in the student’s fate,

personal maturity, social responsibility.

Grow successful in the life of a student - worth a lot, and to this it is necessary strives .

School graduates must be:

-successful people;

-professionally determined;

-communicatively literate;

- possessing information technologies;

-having skills

research activities;

-involved in Russian and world culture;

-socially adapted;

- aware of their “I” and their place in the world;


- independent and critical thinkers;

- able to work in a team;

-possessing a high degree of tolerance;

- internationalists and patriots.

One of the conditions success development is to involve students in olympiad, festival and competition, design and research activities oriented towards free choice, creativity, presenting limitless opportunities for self-realization.

Participation in Olympiads, competitions and festivals necessary condition for the disclosure and self-realization of personality, because Human research and creative activity is based on the most important need for new information, new impressions and knowledge, and new results of activity.

Participants in any competition are more than independent, proactive, enterprising, compared to peers who do not strive for self-expression and self-realization. People oriented achieving success, are able to perceive the situation more correctly and better assess their chances of success than people focused on avoiding failures.

The main feature of research in the educational process is personal development, and not obtaining an objectively new result, as in “big” science. If in science the main goal is to obtain new knowledge, then in education the goal of research activity is to acquire by students the functional skill of research as a universal way of mastering reality, developing the ability for a research type of thinking, activating personal position student in the educational process based on the acquisition of subjectively new knowledge (i.e. independently acquired knowledge that is new and personally significant for a specific student).

Any activity requires evaluation.

The winners of olympiads, competitions, and festivals are awarded at the school-wide assembly to the applause of all those present.

This is especially necessary for children who have learning problems. Even receiving a regular certificate of participation helps you feel empowered, increases self-esteem, and encourages further creativity.

It is important to give the installation on time.

“You have to believe and everything will work out!”

Receiving rewards for actions aimed at achieving success, the child experiences pleasure from these rewards, and in order to experience this pleasure again, he begins to repeat these actions.

This is how behavior aimed at achieving success is formed and reinforced.

From this we can draw conclusions: successful students are more successful in life!

Tomorrow's success starts today!

Slide 2

  • There are no uninteresting people in the world
  • Slide 3

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    The purpose of our conversation

    • explore what qualities you need to have in order to achieve success in life, understand what “success”, “successful person” means, and analyze what qualities are formed in school life, do they contribute to future success?
  • Slide 8

    • Qualities of successful people
    • Manifestation of human success
    • 1. Ambition
    • 2. Bravery
    • 3. Believe in yourself and your business
    • 4. Professionalism
    • 5. Responsibility
    • They see themselves as capable of becoming better. They develop their abilities without doubting for a minute the correctness of their decisions. You must see yourself as capable of changing for the better.
    • They are professional in whatever they do, as they are constantly learning and improving. They are eternal students. A professional never stops learning new things. They prepare for any situation and think through issues before every business meeting.
    • They work to overcome the fears that hold most people back. The two biggest enemies of your success are fear and doubt. Eliminating fear and doubt is the key to success.
    • They see themselves as the president of their own personal service corporation. The biggest mistake we can ever make is to think that we are working for someone else other than ourselves. Think that you are the president of your own life.
    • Successful people in every field they work in are completely dedicated to their work. They believe in themselves; they believe in their company; they believe in their products and services; they believe in their clients; they have great faith.
  • Slide 9

    Responsibility: ready to take responsibility for their actions and decisions;

    Confidence: believe in themselves and strive to demonstrate their capabilities to the fullest;

    Activity: they value an active lifestyle and are happy to take the initiative;

    Communication skills: they know how to competently give feedback, support, and ask for help.

    Creativity: they see problem situations as interesting problems to solve and are not afraid of them;

    Slide 10

    • Exercise.
    • Choose a point of view close to you or offer your own and explain your choice
    • “I consider the most important characteristic of a successful person to be his unity with the world, because the development and discovery of all his talents can only be accomplished for the benefit of humanity as a whole. Were the eighteen-year-old boys who died in the Great Patriotic War, defending their country, successful people, because they could not maintain their health, acquire wealth, make a career and find love. But from the point of view of Eternity and us, now living, they are heroes. I am sure that a successful person is a person who has done good not only for himself, but also for his country.”
    • “I believe that a successful person is a person who achieves his goals. Everyone is only as successful as they want to be. A successful person knows exactly what he wants. He plans the process of achieving his goal, believes in his ability to achieve it, devoting maximum time to realizing his plans. A successful person will think before saying anything. He carefully weighs his words when interacting with people, emphasizing the positive aspects and minimizing expressions of dissatisfaction, or avoiding them altogether.”
  • Slide 11

    • “I’m interested to know if any of you can open the huge, heavy door in that wall over there?...”
    • The sage turned to the rest of the students and said...
  • Slide 12

    • What accompanies success in life, my dear students?
    • Firstly, life itself.
    • Secondly, don't rush.
    • Third, be prepared to make decisions
    • Fourthly, do not dare to retreat once the decision has been made.
    • Fifthly, spare no effort and energy.
    • And simply don’t be afraid to make mistakes in this life.
  • Slide 13

  • Slide 14

    •'s time to stop waiting for unexpected gifts from life, and make life yourself. (L.N. Tolstoy)
    • Many years ago I bought a wonderful dictionary. The first thing I did was find the page with the word “impossible” on it and carefully cut it out of the book. (Napoleon Hill, bestselling author of Think and Grow Rich)
    • People who decide to act are usually accompanied by good luck; on the contrary, they rarely occur in people who do nothing but weigh and procrastinate. (Herodotus)
    • Look into yourself more often. (Cicero)
    • Set yourself only achievable goals. (Horace)
    • Nothing is impossible for people. (Horace)
    • Anyone who does not devote himself entirely to the task will not have brilliant success. (Xunzi)
    • He who achieves much lacks much. (Horace)
    • For success in life, the ability to deal with people is much more important than having talent. (D. Lubbock)
  • Slide 15

    • Sometimes it is effort that we need in life.
    • If we were allowed to live without encountering difficulties, we would be deprived.
    • We could not become as strong as we are now.
    • We could never fly...
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    Presentation for the lesson

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    Target: stimulate children's desire for self-education, promote the development of a sense of responsibility for their actions and a positive attitude towards life

    Progress of the class hour.

    Today we will talk about a successful person. Let's find out what it should be. The root of this word is success.

    According to the explanatory dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov

    Successful - Containing success, successful.


    1. Good results in work and study.

    2. Public recognition.

    How to Succeed
    In this crazy world?
    You have to work hard
    And strive to be smart.
    Expand your horizons,
    Improve your character.
    And a little effort
    To look better.

    Guys, in your opinion, what is success? ( Students' opinions)

    Success is

    1. Luck in achieving something
    2. Public acceptance
    3. Good results in work and studies

    To achieve success in something, you probably need to cultivate something in yourself.

    Educating yourself is not easy, but it is possible

    To wish, to be able to work! Study yourself! Set goals! Reward yourself! Believe in yourself!

    The formula for success according to Norbekov’s system: posture - smile - mood - confidence - goal.

    Psychologists' opinion
    Successful people are ambitious

    They are brave
    They believe in themselves and their business
    They are professional
    They are responsible

    What hinders you from becoming successful:
    - self-doubt, self-doubt
    - premature disappointment
    - lack of support
    - unwillingness of others to change
    - real opportunities (health, age)

    We talk a lot about how to be successful and what you need to do for this. However, success largely depends on the character of a person. For example, anyone can learn to get up early, but not everyone will do it, and especially not every person will be able to do it regularly. So the achievement of success by a specific person is also determined by his character, abilities, and level of intelligence.

    I suggest list of traits character a person needs to be successful.

    1. Independence. If we pay more attention to others than to ourselves, then we should demand from them, and not from ourselves. If we care too much about the well-being of the people around us and put their interests above our own, our chances of success are minimal. This does not mean that we should not help our loved ones, but we should also remember our own interests.

    2. Confidence. Trust your instincts and listen to what your heart says. Any decision made will affect our future life. If the choice is made after much painful deliberation, most likely nothing good will be expected. If you have made a mistake, do not perceive it as a reason to doubt the future, but understand it as an experience without which your life was less conscious.

    3. Persistence. We look at successful people as role models, objects of respect, or... But they weren't always like this. We started somewhere and went through streaks of failure. And only those who were able to overcome despair and persistently work on a project in the success of which they believed can now call themselves a successful person who has not lived their life in vain.

    4. The ability not to fall into despair. Perseverance and the ability not to take other people’s reproaches and criticism to heart help maintain peace of mind, not succumb to doubts and not fail.

    5. Self-awareness. A person must know what his strengths and weaknesses are. If he doesn’t know who he really is, he’ll never understand what he’s really capable of. ( The guys receive sheets of paper to determine the strengths and weaknesses of their character.)

    6. Focus. Focusing on one task is a guarantee of its completion. No matter how you break your project down into mini-goals and tasks, what you need to do is see it through to completion. Any distracting projects should wait or go according to plan only after the main one.

    7. Optimism. Optimism is the most important character trait of any successful person. Without it, everything else would have little meaning and would be difficult to accomplish. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to maintain a positive mindset and never give up.

    8. Passion. Many people can achieve success, but to maintain a state of success you need to have passion for your business and love for life. We can write the perfect list of tasks and a project implementation plan, but without passion, it is unlikely that we will ever be able to implement them.

    I believe that the most important quality in a person is kindness. Guys, do you think it’s easy to be successful and kind at the same time? ( Students' opinions).

    Every person should think about what is happening around them and try to live in such a way as not to make the people around you unhappy. You strive to be said about you: “This is a good person.”

    What kind of person can be called good? ( Students' opinions).

    A good person is a kind, hardworking, cheerful person, able to forgive others for their weaknesses, striving for knowledge, caring for family and friends, fighting for peace, selflessly helping everyone who needs his help.

    Of course, there are no ideal people, different feelings are constantly fighting in every person, but the good ones must always win. And I want you all to be a person with a capital letter, everyone around you would be proud of you, of course, this is not easy, but you must strive for this.

    If you can't be the pine on the hilltop
    Be a tree in the valley, but just be
    The best tree near the spring;
    Be a bush if you cannot become a tree.
    If you can't be a bush, be a grass
    And make the road happier;
    If you can't be a pike, be a perch -
    But be the most beautiful perch in the lake!
    If you can't be a road, be a path
    If you can't be the sun, be a star;
    Whether we win or lose, it doesn't matter
    Bring out the best in you.

    I hope you will take a lot of the above into account and become successful people in the future.

    Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal (born April 27, 1933, Livny, Oryol region) Doctor of the world, pediatric surgeon, director of the Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, member of the Public Chamber, “European of the Year”, “Russian of the Year”, “Star of Europe 2005” ", expert of the World Health Organization, member of the Human Rights Commission under the President of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

    Biography Dr. Roshal L.M. was born into the family of a military pilot on April 27, 1933 in the city of Livny. After graduating from high school, he entered and in 1957 graduated from the 2nd MOLGMI named after. N.I. Pirogov. Then, he worked as a children's local doctor. In 1964 he defended his thesis for Candidate of Medical Sciences, and in 1970 his doctoral dissertation. Since 1981, he became the head of the department of emergency surgery and childhood trauma at the Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Currently, he is the director of the Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology (NII NDKhiT) of the Moscow Department of Health.

    In 1988, he participated in the rescue of children injured during the earthquake in Armenia. In 1990, Roshal became chairman of the International Committee for Assistance to Children in Disasters and Wars. This committee included renowned medical experts from around the world. At the same time, he headed the International Charitable Fund for Children in Disasters and Wars, created to provide transportation, purchase of equipment and food for doctors included in the international emergency team.

    In addition, he helped children who suffered during revolutions in Romania, wars in Iraq (1991), Yugoslavia, the Palestinian Authority, Chechnya, as well as during earthquakes in Japan, Egypt, Afghanistan (1998), Turkey (1999) and India (2001) . He negotiated with terrorists during the terrorist attack on Dubrovka (2002): thanks to Roshal’s participation, eight children were taken out of the Theater Center building, and water and medicine were given to the hostages. He also negotiated with terrorists during the terrorist attack in Beslan (2004). Roshal opposed the war in Chechnya and the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Doctor Roshal, who negotiated the release of hostages at a school in Beslan

    Awards Honorary titles Named by journalists as “Children’s Doctor of the World” (1996) “National Hero of Russia” (2002) Grand Prix “Russian of the Year” (2004) “European of the Year 2005” (Readers Digest) “Star of Europe 2005” (Business Week), “Man of the Decade” in the “Medicine” category (2006, Rambler) Nominee for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Badge of Distinction “For Services to Moscow”

    Orders 2002 Order of Courage (“for courage and dedication shown in saving people in conditions involving risk to life during a terrorist attack and hostage-taking in a theater center in Moscow in October 2002”) 2008 Order of Merit for the Fatherland IV degree Awarded the Mongolian Order of the Polar Star

    Orders of public organizations 2003 Awarded the civil order “For the Revival of Russia” 2004 Awarded the civil order of Peter the Great, first degree Awarded the honorary civil order of the Golden Cross “For service to society” 2007 Awarded the civil order “Golden Star” (Honour, pride and glory of Russia) 2007 Awarded the civil order Order of the "Golden Star" National Hero of Russia 2007 Awarded the civil order "Salt of the Russian Land" 2008 Awarded the civil order "Star of Great Russia" 2008 Awarded the honorary diamond civil order "Public Recognition"

    Medals Awards 2007 Awarded by the President of Pakistan for services to Pakistan with the “Great Leader Medal” 2008 Medal “For the Glory of Ossetia” Medal of the Ministry of Health of Armenia for outstanding contribution in the field of healthcare, long-term fruitful cooperation and development of Armenian-Russian friendship Laureate of the Prize named after. V. Vysotsky “Own Track” Laureate of the Prize “For Human Rights” Laureate of the International Prize “Dove of Peace” Laureate of the Russian Prize “Calling” (awarded to the best doctors in Russia) in the nomination “Special Prize for doctors providing assistance to victims of wars, terrorist attacks and natural disasters" Winner of the medal "Symbol of Science".

    Other honors 2003 A star in the constellation Taurus is named after Leonid Roshal 2003 Elected honorary doctor of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia Elected honorary member of the Asian Doctors Association (AMDA) 2005 Elected Honorary Member of the UN Royal International Academy 2006 Elected Honorary President of the Armenian Chamber of Medicine

    Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology (Research Institute of Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology) Research Institute of Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology is a scientific and practical urban structure that provides diagnostic, therapeutic and advisory assistance to the children's population of Moscow and the Moscow region with emergency surgical, traumatological and neurosurgical pathologies.

    History of the Research Institute The Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology was opened in 2003 on the basis of the Children's Clinical Hospital No. 20 named after. K.A.Timiryazev. From that moment on, the hospital ceased to exist, but its history became part of the newly created institute. The overwhelming number of hospital employees, 20, went to work at the Research Institute of NDH IT. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal was appointed director of the institute.

    “This is a specialty, professionalism, but I have an ambivalent attitude towards this professionalism, because, of course, there is a feeling of empathy, and there is a feeling of relationship, but in a specific situation I cannot cry, although a lump may come to my throat. I have to help, I have to work. The need to work does not allow me to relax and nurse. This professionalism should not kill a doctor’s soul.

    The doctor should not look at the child as an object of his handicraft. He must sympathize and empathize. If the doctor does not feel pain for the child who is suffering, he should leave. This is not a children's doctor, this is not a doctor at all. - Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal, “Quotes from Life”

    Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel was born in Saumur, France, on August 19. 1883. When little Gabrielle was just four years old, her mother died and her father abandoned the family, so she and four other brothers were sent to an orphanage. It was not her memories or passions that determined her career; it was just that at the age of eighteen, Gabrielle got a job in a clothing store, and a great fashion designer was born. In her free time, she had to work part-time in a cabaret, where she performed songs such as “Ko Ko Ri Ko” and “Qui qua vu Coco”. This is where the famous nickname "Coco" came from. One day, during a performance, officer Etienne Balzan saw her, fascinated by her beauty, he invited her to Paris, Gabrielle readily agreed. But the bright feelings quickly came to an end and she began dating the English industrialist Arthur Capel. Thus, meeting wealthy men, she quickly learned to benefit from them, and soon became the owner of a decent fortune. With her own money, in 1909 she opened a hat salon. In the twelfth year, she opened her fashion house in Deauville, where production of women's clothing was also established. Her clothes were of high quality, practical and beautiful, so they quickly gained popularity. In the fifteenth year, the Fashion House was opened in Biarizza, and four years later Chanel managed to found a Haute Couture House in Paris.