Business on smoking and selling smoked fish, sausage, meat and lard. Opening your own business smoking products Smoking for sale

They turn their attention to the possibility of inexpensively producing high-quality food products. Smoking meat and fish is one such idea. At first glance, a smokehouse does not require expensive equipment, and the final product has a high cost. Good data to start with. But is everything really so smooth, and will the smokehouse as a business be able to provide sufficient profit for a small production? This will be discussed further.

Smoking business

Smoking is a food processing process in which the original product is exposed to the heat of smoke and is preserved due to its bactericidal properties. This is a very ancient method of preparing and preserving raw meat.

But the modern food industry has so distorted the very idea of ​​smoking in pursuit of volumes and cheaper production that what is sold today from supermarket shelves as smoked products has nothing to do with smoking. Most often this is a meat product - boiled, steamed and treated with liquid smoke. Of course, we are not talking about any benefits or bactericidal properties of such meat. Rather, it’s the other way around.

The disappearance of real smoked meats from the assortment of stores sent a good message to private businesses that are ready to invest money in the production of a natural and healthy product. But there are two limitations: only a small amount of smoked meat can be produced at home, and it is quite high, therefore, the final cost of the product is much higher than the price of a fake in a supermarket.

When starting to implement a business idea for a small smokehouse, you must take these two features into account.

The most expensive and time-consuming method of producing a smoked product is cold smoking. On average, the entire process takes about a week. As a result of hot smoking, the finished product can be obtained in a few days.

Hot smoking differs from cold smoking in the process of preparing raw materials and the temperature of the smoke. With the cold method, the smoke temperature is from 30 °C to 50 °C. The processing period is 3–5 days. When hot, the temperature is from 80 ° C to 110 ° C, and the processing time is from several minutes (for small sources) to five hours (for large pieces of meat).

The main difference between the product obtained as a result of cold smoking is longer storage, a minimum percentage of liquid, and brighter taste.

A small farm can organize both a hot and cold smokehouse. The choice depends on the entrepreneurial idea and market needs. If a businessman is willing to spend a large amount of time, produce a truly high-class product, and there is a circle of clients who are willing to pay for this quality, then it is worth thinking about a cold smokehouse for a small business. If the business is focused on the market and the mass buyer, then a hot smoker is more suitable.

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Purchase of raw materials and equipment

Private smokehouses as a business operate both on wood smoke and on smoke generators. The choice depends on the business model.

If an entrepreneur does not have constant access to firewood, or does not want to increase the cost of the finished product by purchasing expensive wood, then you can get by with a smoke generator. This device can be purchased from manufacturers, its cost is about 2 thousand rubles, or you can make it yourself.

You can make a smoking chamber yourself or order it from those craftsmen who know how to do it.

An industrial smokehouse with a built-in smoke generator and other smoking equipment costs about 500 thousand rubles. Note: subject to certain conditions, an entrepreneur can.

Today, households use equipment to generate electrostatic voltage in the chamber to increase the profitability of the smokehouse.

Due to the effect of such voltage, the smoking period is reduced several times. So, to obtain cold smoked products, only 10–12 minutes are enough.

The video shows an example of using an electrostatic smokehouse for a small business:

And another important point for opening your own smokehouse is the purchase of high-quality raw materials: pork, beef, poultry, etc.

The quality of the final product largely depends on how fresh and properly processed the meat was placed in the cabinet. Therefore, if an entrepreneur plans to engage in smoking, he must establish direct supplies from farms where beef cattle and poultry are raised, as well as from fisheries. The closer suppliers are to it, the better for business.

Payback of the idea

The initial investment in a business such as a smokehouse in a garage or on a personal plot does not exceed 60 thousand rubles. For this money you can purchase the necessary equipment, debug it and undergo training.

Here are some approximate calculations for a business plan for a smokehouse. In a week in a garage or on a personal plot, you can organize the processing of 10–20 kg of meat.

The average price of raw meat is about 200 rubles per kilogram. The average cost of smoked products is about 400 rubles per 1 kg. Consequently, having bought and smoked 10 kg of meat in a week, an entrepreneur will spend 2 thousand rubles. But you need to take into account that during smoking the meat loses about 15% of its weight. Consequently, from 10 kg of raw materials, about 8.5 kg of finished product comes out. The income will be 3.5 thousand rubles. Profit – 1.5 thousand rubles. Additional costs include payment for transport, fuel and electricity.

Obviously, a mini-smokehouse as a small business is a completely justified investment. But subject to all necessary conditions: loading high-quality meat, adhering to technology and refusing to use chemical additives in the form of liquid smoke, etc.

It is useful to read what is necessary. Composition and cost of the line, requirements for the sausage shop.

Everything you need to get started.

The most popular ones that can bring good profits to a novice entrepreneur


A hot and/or cold smoked smokehouse is a profitable idea for a small business. Moreover, considering that start-up costs are relatively low, and profitability is about 40%. The difficulty of this production is that this product does not have a very large sales market, and therefore the entrepreneur is unlikely to be able to reach large production volumes.

For everyone interested in the question “Smokehouse as a business: profitability, reviews,” we offer a brief overview of the enterprise, and also provide a business plan with calculations.

Business overview and market features

Today, the market offers special solutions designed specifically for small businesses. With the help of such smokehouses you can cook meat, fish, lard, etc. This option does not require significant investments, but at the same time can bring a potentially large income.

To successfully develop a business, you will need to conduct marketing research. It will be necessary to establish a general pricing policy in the area, the range of competitors’ products, identify the smoked products most in demand among buyers, and get acquainted with an example of each. It will also be necessary to find partners through whom all products will be sold.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Independence, which will allow you to plan your work schedule.
  2. Easy to learn technology.
  3. Compactness.
  4. Possibility of working from home.
  5. Stable income.
  6. Good profitability - the initial costs for a small production of smoked food products can pay for themselves in just six months.
  7. Possibility of scaling - to increase the production of smoked meats, it will be enough to purchase a second smokehouse.
  • financial risk;
  • difficulties in obtaining permits;
  • constant rush, as the batch has to be prepared quickly;
  • rapid decline in product quality;
  • difficulties with finding suppliers and buyers.

Here you can download it for free, ready to use as an example.


In addition to the obvious registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC (the best option is an individual entrepreneur with the simplified tax system), to successfully start a smoking business, you will need a number of permits. Among them:

  1. Permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  2. Permits from Rosprirodnadzor and Rostechnadzor, fire service.
  3. Conclusion of the veterinary organization.

All these papers will be required even if you plan to run a business of smoking chicken, fish or meat at home. Without them, it is almost impossible to organize sales of products to retail chains. You should also be prepared for periodic inspections by the SES, which will take samples of finished products to assess quality.

Selecting a location

Home smoking or meat can be organized right on your site. To do this, you will have to set aside a garage or find a small nook in your garden plot. A large company simply cannot do without its own workshop.

When choosing premises, it is necessary to take into account that old buildings are almost guaranteed to require repairs and re-equipment for production needs. There are also quite clear state regulations:

  • The area of ​​the room must be at least 100 square meters.
  • The minimum distance to residential facilities must be at least 300 meters.
  • All major communication systems must be connected to the workshop.
  • It is necessary to install bathrooms, changing rooms, etc. on the territory.
  • Facilities must be provided for storing raw materials (and all production components), salting them, and packaging them.

Choosing a smokehouse

There are many types of smokehouses available in stores. Despite their similar appearance, they can run on coal, electricity or gas. Electric smokehouses are the best option for small production, as they are economical and their installation is not difficult.

Capacity varies depending on the model and can range from 5 to 100 kg. It is recommended to give preference to options made of stainless steel. They belong to the middle price segment, and the service life of the device reaches 15 years.

Combined installations are often equipped with a special smoke generator. They allow both hot and cold smoking, and the built-in generator automatically loads new chips to create smoke.

Such devices use special briquettes with sawdust for their work (by the way, the production of wood chips for smoking can also become a successful business). This idea allows the device to work without interruption for up to 8 hours. The average price of the described smokehouse is 150 thousand rubles.

Alternatively, you can order the creation of a smokehouse from private craftsmen, but then there is a high risk of receiving a low-quality product. You should only resort to this method if you are really confident in the quality of the craftsman’s work. You will also need to get the drawings.

In general, when choosing a smokehouse, you should rely on the material from which it is made, the capacity of the chamber, the type of fuel, possible smoking methods, the type of wood chips, the presence or absence of a water seal and additional functions.

All of the above is also true for large smokehouses designed for entire production workshops. Such giants are capable of processing up to 10 tons of products per day or more.

Hot or cold smoking?

Depending on the temperature, there are two types of smoking: cold and hot. In the first case, the temperature inside the smokehouse is set at 55-120 degrees, in the second it does not exceed 35 degrees.

Methods also vary in terms of product processing time. For the hot method, a few hours will be enough; in the case of the cold method, the time goes by a day. At the same time, the shelf life of a hot smoked product does not exceed 3 days, and that of a cold smoked product exceeds this period several times.

It is important to understand that there is a buyer for any product. However, the features of the technology show that in practice it is still better to prefer hot smoking, since its technology is simpler to calculate. In this case, it is cost-effective to prepare products in relatively small batches and to order.

Workshop equipment

In addition to the smokehouse itself, a number of other devices will be required to complete the workshop. You shouldn’t immediately buy the most expensive models; you can easily get by with cheaper equipment, especially at first. A good option would be to purchase a full-fledged industrial line that will ensure proper performance. The following items will also be useful:

  1. Refrigeration units.
  2. Tables for cutting smoked products.
  3. Knives, boards and containers.
  4. Scales.
  5. Skewers.
  6. Carts.

Of course, the list is far from complete - it will vary due to the characteristics of the enterprise itself.

As for working from home, a mini-line will suffice. The purchased equipment will take on most of the tasks and will delight you with a productivity of up to 5 tons per day.

Sales of products

Experts recommend adapting to the buyer whenever possible, that is, starting with popular products and then expanding production. There is no need to limit the assortment - there is a buyer for any product, so the wider the choice, the greater the profit it promises.

At the initial stages of work, you should not even try to create competition with large manufacturers. It’s easier to start on a small scale, at least until sales points are established. For example, you can sell products yourself in markets, through friends or via the Internet. Finally, you can try contacting stores directly.

Over time, you should think about advertising, placing ads on boards, offering goods on specialized forums on the Internet. A good move would be to emphasize that everything is made according to your own recipes from environmentally friendly raw materials (which can be purchased from the farm, if we are talking about working with chickens, for example). If the product really turns out to be tasty, there is no doubt that word of mouth will spread the news about it.

As production grows, it will be possible to open your own store, and then a retail chain. However, this will require a completely different level of expenses, because you will need to buy a lot of equipment, as well as hire staff.

Revenues and payback

Let's consider the situation using the example of smoking mackerel, which is always in good demand.

With an average wholesale price of fish around 150 rubles per kilogram, the finished product can be sold for twice as much. However, it is worth understanding that the raw material shrinks during the process. Weight loss can reach a third depending on the smoking temperature.

Let's take smoking at a temperature of 55 degrees as an example. If you smoke 50 kg of fish, about 40 kg will remain, which will give about 12 thousand rubles when sold. At the same time, the purchase of raw materials will cost about 7 thousand rubles. The production time for a batch is several hours, so it is possible to establish daily production. In a month you will be able to earn about 150 thousand rubles.

Part of the amount will be spent on taxes, rent and paying bills, so in the end there will be about 100 thousand rubles left.

In a similar way, you can calculate the profitability of the production of other types of smoking. According to statistics, the purchase of a smokehouse pays for itself in a couple of months, and all initial expenses can be reimbursed within six months, as numerous reviews indicate.

Business plan

Briefly, the costs can be entered into the table:

These numbers are approximate.

Video: smokehouses for small businesses.

In this material:

Why not bring joy to people and make a business out of smoking products? After all, few people are indifferent to smoked meats. Almost everyone loves them, and not a single holiday would be complete without them.

Key points when organizing this business

The main feature, if not the complexity, of this business is the room for smoking meat or fish. His choice, rent and related details. Of course, if you conceived it not only for your friends, but plan to seriously engage in it. For example, selling at the local market. What is special about the room as such? It must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. According to them, it should not be just a room. This should be a whole workshop for processing meat products. Only then will the smoking business bring results.

The standards that the state imposes on premises of this type are as follows:

  1. The workshop in which the smoking process takes place must be located no closer than 300 m from residential premises and educational institutions.
  2. Cold and hot water, ventilation, sewerage are mandatory conditions for starting a business.
  3. The area of ​​the room should not be less than 100 m².
  4. There must be office space, bathrooms, and locker rooms.

In addition, state standards regulate the number and height of windows, the quality of masonry on the walls and a number of other requirements. So it’s not so easy to open your own food smoking business. Rebuilding existing sites and those that suit your price will not work. Yes, building such a business from scratch is not easy. But there is one way out: renting or completely purchasing the premises, which were previously used as a dining room. Such premises were built in full compliance with state regulations.

But here a second difficulty emerges. Do not forget about the state requirements published at the beginning of the paragraph. It should not just be a dining room that is suitable for the price, but one whose compliance with all other requirements does not raise questions. For example, do not underestimate the canteen of the former factory. If it is slightly re-equipped, this workshop can produce up to 10 tons of smoked fish or meat. So this business as a business is quite possible.

Main danger

What do you need to do before starting this business? First of all, you need to find those to whom you can supply these products. It is worth remembering that business owners suffer the greatest losses not when people come to them with inspections. Not at all. They suffer the biggest losses when the warehouse is overstocked and the products begin to deteriorate. Plus, there is a risk in the form of non-returns from stores. That is, no profit from sales. But there is a way out, and it is quite possible to make it so that it also brings income, like a business, and at the same time gives pleasure.

Why is this happening? The majority of stores, especially supermarkets, make the price for the consumer too high. As a result, the product is not sold out due to its high cost. What's the way out of this? Has the idea of ​​smoking fish as a business failed? No, the solution is to cooperate with small grocery stores.

There is still a danger of opening such a business in the so-called “non-fishing areas”. As a rule, many men there are fishermen, and there is a body of water that is famous for its “fishing spots.” It’s not even worth opening such a business in such areas and spending a lot of money on advertising.

Coordination is also an important aspect

Every entrepreneur who has opened a business selling smoked products should first register as an individual entrepreneur. Then you will have to deal with a large number of departments to coordinate their actions. These are the following organizations:

  1. Fire Department;
  2. Rosprirodnadzor;
  3. Rostechnadzor;
  4. Veterinary service.

Don’t forget about obtaining a product quality certificate. A smoked product, like others, requires confirmation by a certificate. In order for an entrepreneur to be allowed to trade, it is necessary to pass a special test.

What equipment is needed to open and operate a smokehouse?

It depends on the size of the business being opened, in which the main product can be called the sale of smoked meat or fish. If this is a mini-business, then you will need a smokehouse, which you can buy relatively cheaply or make yourself.

A smokehouse can be bought on average from 5,000 to 35,000 rubles. The exact price depends on many factors. In particular, from the region in which it is planned to open the smokehouse. For large-scale production you will need additional equipment:

  1. Baths for washing products.
  2. Refrigerators.
  3. Cages with skewers in which smoking is carried out.

It is not necessary to have all the equipment. At each production, its set differs, and this is permissible.

Refrigerators for the industrial production of such products can cost 100,000 rubles or so. There are many requirements for equipment. For example, raw materials that are being prepared for manufacturing and finished products must be stored separately. And sanitary treatment of tables, knives, etc. is mandatory. after every shift.

What else is important to pay attention to? Check the expiration date and conditions in which the raw materials were stored. It is better to choose products that do not raise doubts. If a store suddenly ends up with a product of inadequate quality, it will not be easy to regain consumer trust.

You should not purchase products directly from shopping centers. This is not economically viable. It is better to purchase goods from the manufacturer. For example, these could be pig farms, fish factories, etc. Manufacturers usually have the necessary quality certificates. Fish, all stages of smoking of which took place at home, is considered to be of higher quality. That is, a small business, if properly promoted, can bring considerable income.

When will the costs be recouped?

If you approach each point of starting a business correctly, then the costs can pay off in just six months. But this will happen only if there are no failures and if the entrepreneur went through all the stages as clearly as possible. In particular, if he managed to select the right employees.

Hiring smokehouse employees is an important step. It will be better if they have work experience, because producing food is a very responsible business. And the quality of products directly depends on the experience of employees.

The number of employees depends on the size of the enterprise and the experience of the entrepreneur. If a businessman is young, and not so much in age as in terms of experience, he can hire 1-3 assistants.

A large enterprise requires more people. For example, it wouldn’t hurt to hire an accountant and a meat deboner. You can open a store of finished products if there are conditions for this and there is a demand for it. In any case, then you will also need a seller.

What fish is suitable for salting and smoking?

It is more correct and profitable to carry out these manipulations with the fish that swim in your local reservoirs. Or with meat that is found in a given region. The consumer likes this and it suits the concept of restaurants and cafes, because... they usually rely on local “gifts of nature.”

Many people believe that it is better to purchase raw materials in distant areas. They are wrong. This is not profitable for small businesses. The freight transport infrastructure in our country is too unreliable. This significantly hinders the development of a business such as the production of smoked meats.

If an entrepreneur nevertheless chooses this path, then he must have a food technologist on his staff, and he must be highly qualified and with extensive work experience.

He must be able to determine the condition based on one type of frozen meat or fish. This person is an important condition for a business like smoking to develop.

By the way, according to the rules, frozen fish cannot be smoked. Anyone who follows this rule will have a business - smoking will probably be successful.

Smoked products are very popular at any time of the year; in addition, their sales are not affected by atmospheric phenomena. Starting your own business by smoking products is a good business idea, because the smokehouse can be small and you can open the smokehouse quite quickly.

The business of smoking meat and fish can be limited only to the production process and wholesale sales of goods, or you can open a retail outlet to make more profit.

You can build a smokehouse for a small business yourself or purchase ready-made equipment. Beginners in this business do not know how to open a smokehouse and where to start. And you need to start by preparing a business plan.

At the initial stage of drawing up a business plan for a smokehouse, an entrepreneur should determine the planned volume of products. The amount of investment to open a smokehouse will depend on this.

A home smokehouse as a business can be organized at home or as an enterprise located on rented or own premises.

To produce a smoked product, you can buy a gas, coal or electric smokehouse for a small business.

Advice. A suitable solution would be to purchase several types of smokehouses for round-the-clock and uninterrupted production operation.

Experienced entrepreneurs advise choosing multifunctional installations that produce hot and cold smoked products. In addition to smoking equipment, other additional equipment will be required.

Purchased smoked products include smoked meat and sea fish. Smoked products can be cold or hot smoked. When using the cold smoking method, the products are prepared in 2-3 days, and when using the hot method, it takes several hours. The shelf life of hot smoked delicacies reaches 3 weeks, and cold smoked delicacies up to several months.

Taking this into account, products should be prepared using the hot smoking method in small batches so that they do not have time to spoil.

In order to interest regular consumers and generate income, you should find reliable suppliers of raw materials who sell certified raw materials. This could be a fish factory or a farm.

To open a workshop in a short period and quickly reach the profitability of the enterprise, you need to draw up a business plan for a smoking workshop, containing the following steps:

  • registration of the smokehouse as a business and receipt of all papers for production of products;
  • coordination of assortment and selection of suppliers;
  • purchase of 1 batch of raw materials;
  • purchase of a smokehouse and other equipment;
  • search for the optimal building;
  • selection of employees;
  • start of production of smoked products;
  • searching for consumers and selling the product.

We calculate profitability

To calculate the volume of output and the amount of net profit, you need to know the exact amount of sales of finished products and the amount of expenses incurred. These parameters may vary monthly. Therefore, we will make an average calculation of the profitability of the smoked products business, focusing on the stability of the smoked products sales market.

For a clear example, let’s try to calculate the possible income from the sale of smoked mackerel; it is always a good seller. The wholesale cost of fresh mackerel is about 140 rubles. per kilogram, the markup on the finished product is more than 100% or 300 rubles per kilogram.

During cold smoking, the product shrinks. If you smoke mackerel at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees, then from 50 kilograms of raw materials you will get approximately 40 kilograms of finished mackerel.

The sale of the entire batch of mackerel will be 12,000 rubles, taking into account the cost of raw materials in the amount of 7,000 rubles, the gross profitability will be 5,000 rubles. If you use the hot smoking method, the preparation time for the finished product will be reduced to several hours.

For a product to be in demand, the manufacturer must produce a good smoked product.

Is smoking profitable?

Smoking fish and meat is profitable. If you have always smoked food just for yourself, how can you make more money from smoking? If you have one smokehouse, then you can purchase small smoking chambers for a small business by obtaining a loan from a bank.

Using our smokehouse as a business for selling quality products, let's try to calculate the net return on sales using smoked mackerel as an example. When organizing daily sales of 40 kilograms of smoked mackerel, we receive a gross monthly profitability of 150,000 rubles.

We subtract all other costs from this amount:

  • taxes;
  • rental of retail space;
  • electricity;
  • fuel costs;
  • staff salaries;
  • other expenses.

Thus, the net profitability will be about 100,000 rubles per month. When organizing the production of smoked mackerel properly, you can recoup the investment in a few months and achieve a net profit.

Where is the best place to open a smokehouse?

The format of the planned production will directly depend on the size of financial investments.

Smoking as a business can be established on a personal plot or rented suitable premises. A smokehouse organized like a business in a garage looks extraordinary.

Important. A rented or own production workshop must comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements and standards adopted by municipal organizations.

The requirements for the smoking shop established by regulations are as follows:

  1. The area of ​​the building should not be less than 100 m2.
  2. The smoking shop should be located at a distance of 300 meters from residential premises.
  3. Mandatory presence of water (cold and hot).
  4. Availability of sewerage.
  5. The workshop must be well ventilated.
  6. The building should provide bathrooms, premises for workers, storage of products and office space.

It is not advisable to include the construction of a smoking shop in your business plan if you are limited in funds. You can start with a small smokehouse and gradually expand production.

The premises of former canteens, which were built taking into account the requirements of government services, are suitable for renting a workshop.

When considering home smoking of products as a business, it is necessary to remember that, in addition to organizing the production process, you will have to legalize your activities. To do this, you can open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You will need to obtain documents permitting food production in the following institutions:

  • From the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  • Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Gostekhnadzor.
  • From a veterinary organization.
  • Obtain permission from the fire department.

Without this documentation, it is impossible to legally start selling smoked meat and fish. In addition, you need to be prepared that SES representatives will check smoked products every month for compliance with established standards.

Organizing your own business is a troublesome task, but the realization that you are working for yourself and laying the foundation for a family business, financial independence, and prosperity compensates for all the disadvantages.

Selling smoked fish as a business can turn out to be quite a profitable business, since it is rare to meet a person who can refuse to sit in a company circle and drink beer with smoked fish. Even if you are not a fan of such a holiday, you probably won’t refuse to try a piece of smoked lard with a tomato, or a piece of sausage on white bread.

Selling smoked fish as a business

As you know, many people are best at what they like best, and when their favorite activity still brings in money, then we can safely say that you managed to draw a lucky lottery ticket. And if you still managed to pull out this ticket, then you will probably need a business idea to open your own workshop where you will smoke fish and other products.

Selling smoked fish: first steps

If you are planning to start producing smoked products for personal use and for small sales at the local market, then you will need very little to do this. In order to implement smoking fish and other products, you will need several squares of land, an iron barrel, a couple of metal pipes, and a little perseverance. To sale of smoked fish could be implemented, you will need recommendations for installing a smokehouse, several recipes for cooking, and you can easily find all this in the library or on the Internet. The main condition for success is patience and fruity wood species.

Smoking fish: going beyond industrial volumes

If you are viewed as a business, then you will need much more. To organize industrial production for smoking fish and a number of other products, you will need a business idea and the presence of a production workshop. This is the main and most expensive part of the future business.

Workshop space

The requirements of firefighters and sanitation stations ideally meet Soviet canteens. But there is one thing, your workshop must be located at a distance of at least 300 meters from industrial and residential buildings. Therefore, fish smoking can be carried out in a canteen building, which will be located on the territory of a plant or industrial enterprise.

The list of organizations you will need to visit includes:

Fire service;
Veterinary service;

Smoking fish: necessary equipment

The next stage in the implementation of the business idea will be the purchase of the necessary equipment. In order to sale of smoked fish If it comes true, you will need about 300 thousand rubles, which you need to invest in the purchase of equipment. For full-fledged work, it will be necessary to purchase refrigerators for finished products and for storing raw materials, a bath for salting and washing fish, and a smokehouse.

Raw materials

When developing the range of products required for smoking, you need to rely on the culinary preferences of your region. There are cases where in some regions people don’t eat fish at all out of principle. It is advisable if the purchase of fish is carried out in your area. The main point of such an event is that you will have the opportunity to receive a higher quality fresh product with all the necessary accompanying documentation. When purchasing frozen fish, you risk your own money, as well as the taste of the product.

Sales of smoked products

The key to success is that sale of smoked fish It will turn out to be a profitable business, it depends on the quality of the products and the competent organization of the sales network. It is worth organizing your sales of products to small stores, since sometimes they can surprise you with their sales volumes.

If selling smoked fish as a business will be organized in such a way that all products will be produced as if for yourself, then success will be guaranteed to you.