Rosreestr electronic signature. Electronic signature (EDS) for Rosreestr

An electronic signature for Rosreestr is needed for everyone who deals with the sale and registration of real estate or land. With it, the state duty is cheaper, you can submit reports to the FSS, PFR, FTS and request an extract from the USRN. Electronic signatures for Rosreestr are issued in the ITCOM certification center.

Everyone who wants to buy an apartment, sell a house, take an extract from the State Register, must prepare for the fact that they will have to collect a package of documents with a limited shelf life, pay a state fee. All this from 9 to 6, in parallel with the standard working day.

Registration on the Rosreestr portal allows you to avoid all this. There you can receive all the same services, at a convenient time, in a convenient format: electronic or paper, without reference to the territory. An electronic signature will become your personal identifier. In addition, with electronic interaction with Rosreestr, you will save on paperwork and state fees. As a rule, when paying through the website of the state. Authority, the cost is reduced by 10-30%.

You can order the issue of an electronic signature for Rosreestr at the ITCOM center. This ES will give you access to all the services of the resource. The procedure for obtaining an electronic signature is simple and does not require much effort. ITCOM TC provides, in a number of other services, remote configuration of the workplace in accordance with all technical requirements and annual support of the electronic signature.


  • Suitable for submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Rosstat and other regulatory organizations
  • Suitable for EDF within the company
  • Suitable for working with the options of the Single portal of state services /
  • Suitable for working with Rosreestrom - the head of a local government
  • Suitable for requesting a USRN statement

To submit documents in electronic form on the ROSEESTR website, you will need an electronic signature. It allows you to form applications and submit documents that have legal force, confirming the identity. An electronic signature is required to identify the person signing electronic documents. It is also analogous to a handwritten signature.

How to get a qualified electronic signature?

The first thing you need is to install specialized software, then get a qualified electronic signature certificate, which is issued in special certification centers. On the official website of ROSEESTR you will find addresses, telephone numbers and opening hours of such centers.

Installing the software required to use the key

When working with electronic signatures, you will need special programs called cryptographic providers. For example, "Crypto-Pro", "Crypto AWP" - these programs are designed to create your own electronic signatures. A detailed description and detailed installation instructions are presented on the official websites of the developer of these programs.

How it works?

The program features help to generate a unique detached electronic signature file in the .SIG format. After that, in the certification center you receive a certificate, you will have 2 files in your hands:

  • electronic document;
  • file of electronic signature in .SIG format.

A file signed in .SIG format meets all the requirements of ROSEESTR.

Electronic submission of documents

Before starting the procedure for submitting documents to the ROSEESTR website, you will be offered a digital form. It must be filled in and attached to it an electronic document file and a file corresponding to your electronic signature. At the end of this procedure, the documents are considered signed and sent to ROSEESTR.

An electronic digital signature is a guarantee of the compliance of electronic documents with your personality, and allows them to gain legal force.

You can also connect to API Online Resource to receive statements in ready-made PDF format.

Check, register sale and purchase transactions, register real estate objects and receive extracts ...

This is just a small list of the possibilities that an electronic signature for Rosreestr, issued by an individual, individual entrepreneur or company, will give.

Do you want to open online access to an extensive database of information? From 950 rub. - pay "DIRECT" PRICES to the Certification Center accredited by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. We will issue your certificate in 1-3 days.

Who needs an EDS? Is its powers limited to USRN only?

By ordering an EDS for Rosreestr, you will be able to freely "open doors" and other portals (State services, IFTS, Pension Fund of Russia, etc.).

The digital "key" will save your time: will save you from bureaucratic "force majeure", the human factor, queues and overpayments for the necessary information.

Select the required TYPE of signature - see the COST

How does the electronic "autograph" help nat. individuals and businesses?

Let us consider briefly for whom access to the Real Estate Register via EDS is beneficial or necessary:

  • FOR A PRIVATE PERSON - take extracts, request data from the State Property Committee, register the purchase / sale of an apartment, house, land.
  • REALTORS - to check real estate at the initial stages of transactions, reducing risks for themselves and clients. Receive USRR statements for a minimum payment.
  • FOR CADASTRE ENGINEERS - to draw up TP and boundary plans, acts of survey in electronic format (in accordance with the requirements of the law). Receive reliable information about objects.
  • FOR DEVELOPERS - have access to data from the Cadastre. Participate in auctions and conclude contracts remotely.
  • AND OTHER entrepreneurs, municipal employees, whose activities are associated with real estate values.

To issue a Qualified Electronic Certificate, prepare:

  • Passport and SNILS of the future EDS holder for interaction with Rosreestr
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and a certificate indicating the status of an individual entrepreneur / LLC
  • Power of attorney (if another person receives the "key")

Provides a number of services that you can use without getting up from your computer. The list of services provided includes: state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, implementation of state cadastral registration of real estate, provision of information entered into the state cadastre of real estate, provision of information from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRR ) and providing information from the state register of cadastral engineers.

This instruction is applicable to all organizations and persons exchanging electronic documents with the Rosreestr portal, namely:

· Cadastral engineers;

· Notaries;

· Bodies of state power or bodies of local self-government;

· Arbitration managers;

· Employees of technical inventory bodies (BTI);

· Individuals submitting a scanned image of a landline plan;

· Banks working on mortgage loans and loans secured by real estate, receiving documents (extracts from the cadastre and USRR) in electronic form;

· Professional participants of the real estate market.

To organize interaction with Rosreestr in the form of electronic documents, you need to complete the following steps:

I. Obtain an electronic signature certificate (ES) in one of the certification centers (CA) accredited by Rosreestr.

I. Obtain an electronic signature certificate (ES) in one of the accredited by Rosreestr certification centers (UC).

To obtain an electronic signature certificate:

1. Go to the site of the CA of your choice.

2. Check out the "Regulations for the provision of services of the Certification Center" on their website.

3. Download and fill out the form "Applications for legal entities / individuals for the provision of services of the Certification center".

4. Download and fill out the "Statement of Consent to the Processing of Personal Data" form.

5. Prepare a package of other documents (notarized copies of passport pages, cadastral engineer certificate, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, etc.). The complete list of required documents depends on your professional activity and the purposes for which you receive an electronic signature. This list will be provided by the Certification Authority of your choice.

6. Download and fill out the agreement with the CA for the provision of services.

7. In order not to send paper copies, which (may) have to be redone later, send the entire package of scanned documents (or in electronic format * .doc) to your certification center for verification and approval.

8. Print all agreed documents * .doc, sign, affix seals (if necessary) and send the entire package of originals and copies (certified copies) in paper form by postal or courier service or take it personally.

9. Receive an invoice from the CA under the agreement and pay it.

10. After payment, the Verification Center will send you your electronic signature certificate.

11. Additional simple steps for configuring your software are possible, depending on the selected CA and described in detail in the sent instructions.

III. Install and configure the "Kit for electronic signature in Rosreestr" at your workplace.

IV. Sign the files to be sent.

1. Open the folder with the document (file) that you want to sign and send. Find this file and right-click on it, then select “CryptoARM” - “Sign ...”.

2. The “Digital Signature Wizard” will start. Click Next.

3. In the next window “Select files” click “Next”, you can also add additional files for signing if you are sending a package of documents.

4. In the “Output Format” window, select “DER” encoding and “Archive files after creating signature”, click “Next”. The participant of the information exchange is recommended to use the Latin alphabet when naming the archive and to take into account the principle of unambiguous identification of the transferred Archives.

5. In the “Signature Options” window, in the “Signature Use” field, select “Signed” from the list, do not fill in the comment and identifier. Check the box “Save signature in a separate file” and “Include signature creation time”.

6. In the next window, specify the certificate for creating an electronic signature. Use the "Select" button.

7. Select the certificate you received from the Certification Center accredited by Rosreestr and click “OK” and “Next”.

8. In the Status window, click Finish to start the signature process. You can also put a tick on "Save data to settings ..." and enter any name (for example, Rosreestr), so that next time the program will fill in the fields and "checkmarks" automatically.

9. Make sure the file was signed successfully and click “Close”.

As a result, you will receive a zip archive located in the directory specified in paragraph 4 (or in the directory of the file to be signed) with the extension (English signed, archived), containing the file to be signed and the signature file separated from it. The archive should not contain other files and folders. This zip archive is ready to be sent to Rosreestr, via the web interface

Electronic signature for Rosreestr allows you to carry out electronic document flow with this department. You will learn how and where to get an EDS from our material.

The CEP is designed to identify the signer and is analogous to a handwritten signature. A mandatory attribute of the EDS is the EDS verification key certificate.

To obtain a certificate of the CEP verification key, a business owner or his representative should contact one of the certification centers (CA) of Rosreestr with a package of necessary documents.

After that, you should install a software encryption provider, for example, "CryptoPro", on the contractor's workplace. Using this software, you need to create a detached electronic signature file based on the certificate received in the CA.

List of certification centers of Rosreestr

If you have any questions about setting up a certificate or if there are any difficulties in activating the signature, the subscriber should contact the certification center that issued the EDS certificate.

Rosreestr certification centers- their contacts and addresses - collected in a single list, which is available on the official website of the department (path: Activities> Ensuring cadastral activities> Secretaries of qualification commissions> List of certification centers).

EDS verification in the document received from Rosreestr

If the document was received from Rosreestr through EDF and it needs to be verified for authenticity, then the following steps should be followed:

  1. Go to the official website of Rosreestr (path: Electronic services and services> Services). Open the "Services" tab and click on the "Electronic Document Verification" button.
  2. Next, we pave the path to the file downloaded to the computer and click the "Upload file" button.
  3. Likewise, load the file with EDS in the line below. Then we press the button "Check".


Electronic signature for Rosreestr must be obtained from a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. Rosreestr publishes a list of such centers on its official website. The signature is required for the implementation of electronic document flow with the department.