My small business for a retiree. Business ideas for retirees

If there is an underestimated consumer segment in Russia, it is certainly the elderly audience. At the same time, in the West, older people are attracting increasing attention from businesses, and not only in the healthcare sector.

Of course, most new business ideas are associated with various ways to make life easier and compensate for natural age restrictions.

For example, a new one was recently invented phone accessory FotoDialer(or Phototypesetting). It is mainly intended for elderly people or sick people suffering from memory disorders.

Now, to dial the phone number of the desired person, you just need to select a photo on the screen and simply press the button next to the image of the desired person or place.

The device can hold 24 photos.

Or another example of a business that focuses on the needs of the elderly. The English company Ruby Slippers offers its services for redesigning living space taking into account the needs of the elderly.

So for the kitchen, the designers of the Ruby Slippers company offer the following solutions - contrasting surfaces of the work area and floor for better orientation in space, simplified taps for switching, safe gas stoves, ergonomic door handles, easy-to-open drawers, etc.

And of course, with age, it is more important than ever to train the brain, which is why older people are recommended to solve crossword puzzles and read more television programs.

Having caught a steady trend towards the growth of the country's elderly population, Marbles: The Brain Store decided to build a business on the prevention of such dangerous brain diseases as Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. She opened a chain of stores of developmental products for the elderly.

The store's assortment includes more than 200 products, from educational games and books to computer programs and puzzles for training memory, coordination, visual perception, speaking skills, etc.

The idea to organize a similar store selling developmental products for the elderly came from two entrepreneurs, Lindsay Gaskins and Karen Luby, after they themselves were faced with the problem of their parents' illness with common diseases - Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. They looked for ways to improve the health of their parents and found that brain stimulation is essential, if not critical, in preventing such brain diseases. Then they had the idea to create a place where older people could find various mental stimulants that would help them stay healthy.

However, despite the restrictions imposed by age, older people are just as (if not more) interested in communication and a variety of leisure activities.

And here the scope for entrepreneurs’ ideas is truly limitless.

Of course, the easiest way to create a business is on the Internet.

This is what the creators of the Internet project for grandparents did, built around the main interest of all grandparents - their relationship with their grandchildren. The goal of the project is to help not only better understand how modern youth live, but also to suggest how to build relationships with them, while at the same time advising on what gifts (and which companies) to give.

It is clear that this advice is given sincerely, from the heart and absolutely free of charge - Americans in general do everything “not for self-interest.”

Well, more mercantile Russians, looking for a free Internet niche for making money, may well try to create an analogue project. In English and for Americans, of course, since Internet mania has not yet reached our grandparents.

Creating an offline leisure establishment looks more promising. For example, a cafe aimed at older people.

Thus, the Chicago chain Mather’s-More Than a Cafe is a kind of centers that combine cafes, restaurants, fitness and educational centers for older people.

The main goal of creating such centers is to enable older people to communicate, not to isolate themselves and their own little world, and to feel a constant connection with society.

The cafes at these centers offer free coffee and snacks at low prices. Educational centers host computer training seminars and healthy lifestyle courses, all kinds of social and cultural lectures, as well as classes from Pilates to digital photography. Moreover, all additional services and classes are offered at the most affordable prices.

But the most original way to amuse grandparents was invented by the Germans. In the German city of Nureberg an unusual platform is working- entry to it is strictly limited by age - Only those who have already turned... 60 are allowed there.

The roots of this idea lie in an experiment once conducted by Finnish scientists. For people aged 65 to 80 years, a playground was built with the same play structures as any children's room: maze tunnels, trampolines, swings, slides and much more. After 3 months, during which a group of subjects actively mastered unusual simulators, they all experienced a significant improvement in their well-being and physical fitness, of course.

And although that experiment pursued a purely mercantile goal - to test the market for sports structures for adults - after which they were put into production, the purpose of constructing the site in Nuremberg was primarily to help retirees enjoy life.

It has badminton courts, roller skating courts, jogging tracks, bowling alleys, chess courts and much more.

In my opinion, the idea is wonderful. And although many parks in Russia are already spontaneously occupied by pensioners (at least there is always a “patch” where they gather to play a game or two of chess and just chat), it would be much better if there were some conditions have also been created. Whatever you say, older people in our society are deprived of attention.

Want to know more?

Read from our review on the portal 1000 ideas.

Retirement in countries with developed economies and high standards of living becomes the beginning of a new life for older people. Solid pension savings allow old people to live with pleasure, travel, and indulge in hobbies for which they previously did not have enough time.

In our country, retirement means a sharp decline in living standards. Pension payments put old people on the poverty line. Most retirees are looking for part-time work, but the high unemployment rate makes it difficult even for young people to support their families. Old people are offered work extremely rarely; as a rule, these are the lowest paid positions. But there is another, more interesting and attractive option. Retirement can be the start of entrepreneurial activity.

We bring to your attention several popular areas that are suitable for older people and will allow them to provide themselves with a substantial supplement to their pension payments.

"Production of keys"

This is a very popular service. To organize a business, it is enough to purchase a professional machine; with it, making keys is easy and fast, no special professional skills are required.

Start-up capital:

As you have already noticed, this business can be organized with minimal capital. Profit will depend on the size of the city and population, your efforts in customer service and the location of the key cutting shop. On average, the profit is at least 3,000 rubles per day. Payback is achieved in 3-6 months.

“Help with household chores”

This is a great option for those who have just retired. You can provide minor services to solve certain household problems. This area is extremely broad, and you can choose a specialization in which you have extensive experience and deep knowledge:

  • Walking and looking after animals.
  • Minor repair work. An excellent destination for men, very popular.
  • Caring for decorative flowers. Experienced women work brilliantly in this area.
  • Cleaning.

There are many popular areas that can bring substantial additional income to a retiree. Investments in the service sector are the lowest. All you need to do is provide effective advertising. You may be able to get by with advertisements on the Internet or recommendations from friends. You can print business cards, it will cost 2,000-3,000 rubles.

“Equipment rental”

Men probably hear from their friends complaints that some tool or equipment is needed for literally several hours of work, but buying it for this is too expensive. Such situations arise literally every day. If you have a certain amount in reserve, you can purchase some of the most popular equipment or tools and rent them out. The most in demand are:

  • Generators.
  • Welding equipment.
  • Concrete mixers.
  • Hammers, screwdrivers.

Perhaps you can buy a truck or a snowblower - renting them out will make a decent profit. A lot depends on how much you can invest in this business. Local needs should also be taken into account. It is difficult to predict profits in this direction; calculations are only possible taking into account many components that change in each individual situation. But this is a very attractive and promising business that does not require much effort. It is only important to buy exactly the equipment that will be in greatest demand.

“Growing of ornamental plants”

This is a business for women. There is absolutely no difficulty, you just need to study the features of caring for each of the plants. The older and more beautiful the flower, the higher the price they will pay for it. You don’t need a large area; you can do this in your apartment. About 50-60 plants can be grown on an area of ​​10 m². No more than two hours are spent on care daily.

Start-up costs are about 4,000 rubles. These are not only seedlings and seeds, but also pots and fertilizers. Try to find out in flower shops which varieties are in greatest demand and are most valued. Focus on them. You can’t count on quick profits here; the flowers have to grow. But in 1-2 years you will be able to achieve decent income. With a competent approach, the profit from this business reaches 30,000-40,000 rubles per month.

“Worm Breeding”

You may have already heard about this line of business, but didn’t believe that you could really make money from it. In fact, worms bring in a solid income. Farmers and summer residents are happy to buy them to increase soil fertility. Fishermen will also become your clients. Worms are used to feed poultry and fish.

To organize a business you need:

Purchasing worms costs about 5,000 rubles.
- If you have a dacha, its area is enough to start a business. If not, you will have to rent or buy.
- Worms feed differently, depending on the species. But in most cases, crushed plant residues and organic food waste are sufficient. You can buy ready-made food or prepare it yourself, it depends on your desire and availability of free time.

The costs of the organization pay off in literally 3 months. Worms reproduce very quickly, and your income depends only on the chosen marketing strategy.

“Sewing workshop”

This is an excellent option for a woman who has previously worked in a sewing studio and has extensive experience. Most seamstresses begin to acquire clients whom they serve at home literally from the first days of work. By the time she retires, a good seamstress has a solid circle of regular clients and a full set of necessary equipment.

If you do not have solid sewing skills, look into knitting and making various crafts. Handmade things are now of great value, their popularity is growing very quickly.

There is no need to consider that with retirement your life is entering its final stage. If you do not allow such thoughts and decide to create your own business, a new, very interesting and, possibly, happier period will begin.

You can find even more ideas for starting a business in our section

People perceive retirement differently. For some this is a tragedy, because they lost their favorite job, for others it is a long-awaited event. In any case, for a retiree, this time can be an excellent start for new discoveries, including in terms of business.

Business for retirees: all the benefits

What benefits do you get from starting a business when you retire?

  • You don’t have small children and work, but all this takes a lot of effort and time.
  • You have years of experience, while young people start a business almost blindly.
  • Many retirees need less time to sleep, some complain of insomnia. So why not spend this time on something more useful?
  • By this advanced age, you most likely have accumulated a lot of friends and acquaintances who can come to the rescue at different stages of the development of your business.

TOP 10 best ideas for retirees

There are many options for what you can do in retirement. Many older people complain that government benefits are too small to ensure a normal standard of living. Therefore, business in this case will be an excellent solution.

Before choosing this or that idea, consider your financial capabilities, health status and personal preferences. The chosen business should be interesting to you, and you should have enough strength to implement it. And, of course, an important component is the availability of the necessary initial capital.

  1. Growing vegetables and fruits

What pensioner doesn’t like to dig in his garden plot? By this age, most people have a house in the village or in the country, where it is so pleasant to spend time arranging their own garden and growing fresh vegetables or fruits. So why not make money from this activity?

We invite you to read our articles on this topic:

In such an area, it is important that there are no direct competitors nearby. But in general, it is worth considering that trading is a rather complex area. This will require considerable investments, as well as constant struggle with competitors.

  1. Services sector

Surely, having lived to retirement, a person over the years has learned to do something perfectly: sew, teach children, repair cars, decorate an apartment. All of these skills can be easily transferred to the business sphere.

Or maybe you have always dreamed of opening your own cafe or bakery? In general, the service sector is quite extensive and the main thing here is to choose what is closest to your liking and what is not too complicated in its implementation.

If you've been a teacher your whole life, retirement is the perfect opportunity to get into tutoring. Nowadays, this occupation is very highly paid, so you will not lack funds.

We also present to you a selection of simple business ideas in the service sector:

Don't be afraid to make your dreams come true!

  1. Hand-made

Handmade items have been in great demand lately. It’s not for nothing that the hand-made sphere has long been classified as an independent business area. You can make anything you want: cards, bouquets from or, souvenirs, and much more.

Such ideas require implementation on the Internet, preferably on social networks. Not all retirees are active computer users, so it would be a good idea to learn this skill.

  1. Internet business

By the way, there is a category of pensioners who are familiar with computers. There are a lot of business ideas for them that they can do without leaving home. All you need for this is a laptop or PC, as well as Internet access.

The advantage of such ideas is that they do not require initial capital. So, let's list what you can do:

It involves writing various texts for websites.

  • Creation

Here, of course, you will need certain skills, so this option is not suitable for all older people.

  • Writing coursework, dissertations, abstracts

The best option for teachers and teachers of retirement age.

  • Earnings on links, clicks, etc.

This type of income cannot be called highly paid, but it is quite simple.

A pensioner may well give a head start to the younger generation

  1. Sports betting, eSports

Pensioners have enough time to keep track of news from the world of sports and. After all, to keep up with the latest games, you need to constantly watch sports competitions. Only a deep immersion in the topic guarantees that what you do will give a positive result.

  1. Milk business

To start such a business, you will need to have a couple of cows or goats. Then sell the milk and products made from it at the nearest market. You can also sell products online.

Home work for retirees - today this type of activity is relevant for many who have retired and discovered that the amount of pension benefits is small. It does not always satisfy a person’s needs (especially considering the regular increase in utility bills and the difficulty of adjusting from the usual amount of the former salary). Home work for pensioners is offered by many resources, both online and (taking into account the trust of older people in periodicals) in newspapers and magazines. Unfortunately, there are fraudulent schemes that bring disappointment and mistrust.

Feedback from a pensioner: I read in the local newspaper that they were offering cooperation to older people - assembling fountain pens. I sent a letter and sent money by postal order to the specified address to receive materials. After which the addressee disappeared. I don’t mind the money, the amount is small, but deception and fraud are much more upsetting and upsetting.

Veniamin Grokhotov, 68 years old, Naberezhnye Chelny

You can reduce risks by acting in two ways: open your own business if you have an idea, the strength and ability to implement it. Or - find a job through specialized resources, the program of activities of which officially defines social goals - assistance to pensioners, search and implementation of labor projects for this category of the population. You can find information and the companies themselves in large recruitment agencies, through the administration of localities, and social services.

Independent business for retirees at home

Dacha entrepreneurship and production

If you own a plot of land and have no health problems, when you retire, you can start growing vegetables, fruits, seedlings of flowering plants and shrubs for sale.

All you need to officially register a part-time job is to obtain a document from the municipality stating that you own a plot of land and it is used for personal farming. You can sell products to local residents, summer residents or at weekend peasant markets. The location for them is determined by the administration of the village (town, village). Start-up capital in many cases is not required or is equal to the price of seeds and planting material. In the non-chernozem zone, you can add the purchase of a machine for fertile soil and organic fertilizer to improve the composition and quality of the soil. The maximum investment is 50,000 rubles. Business profitability is 50-100 percent, depending on demand and the current price level, the presence or absence of competition. The business pays off already in the middle of the summer season. Crops in particular demand:

  • radish
  • berry herbs and shrubs
  • apples
  • pears
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • flowering annuals
  • ornamental shrubs (cinquefoil, lilac, mahonia, etc.).

Breeding fish in artificial reservoirs and at home

Renting out premises

Particularly relevant for resort areas, excursion routes and country suburbs of large cities. You can rent out a room, part of a house with separate communications, or a separate residential building. In the latter case, the payment amount is the largest. Investments – carrying out repairs indoors regularly before the start of the season and after its end. Minimal furnishings, insurance.

Be sure to draw up a rental agreement and insure your home. This will protect you from liability in case of unforeseen circumstances that may occur due to the fault of the tenant.

Expenses should also include payment of income tax at a rate of 13% of the amount determined under the agreement. The tax is paid until April 1 of the next year, at the same time submitting a declaration to the Federal Tax Service in Form 3-NDFL. It’s not complicated; you can figure out how to fill it out yourself or ask the tax office for help (many branches provide such a service).

Teaching and tutoring

Suitable for retired teachers. The less time has passed since retirement, the easier it is to get involved in the process. You can provide the service at home or visiting students. The latter - if there are no problems with joints and transportation costs do not significantly reduce the financial efficiency of the business. Price of an academic hour: 300 - 2000 rubles, depending on the discipline and school level (primary, secondary, graduates, preparation for the Unified State Exam, admission to a university, institute disciplines).Official registration - it is advisable to enter into an agreement for the service, subsequently transferring 13% of the income. You can organize an individual entrepreneur and pay 6% of income, while you need to register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and annually transfer insurance premiums in the amount of about 20,000 rubles.

Retirement does not exempt the entrepreneur from carrying out this procedure and calculating and paying contributions.

Profitability – 100% and above. Payback – from the first month of entrepreneurship.

Small Business Taxation

Jobs for Social Security Retirees

Making handmade products at home

Craftswomen crochet the edges of semi-finished products - shawls, scarves, bedspreads, rugs. The diagram and material are provided by the employer. Earnings are calculated from production - the more done, the higher the income. There is a minimum plan, a norm that needs to be developed, but it is small and quite doable if you work for an hour every day. The employer transfers the taxes himself; the employee only needs to provide the card details number to transfer wages. On average, earnings are 15,000 rubles per month.

Help with animal care

Walking, feeding. Dog and cat shelters and hotels often offer this type of work to retirees. Here you can choose a job to your liking and strength. Payment - hourly or piecework, average earnings 10 - 20,000 rubles / month. Additional bonus - communication with wildlife, positive emotions for those who love animals, but for one reason or another (neighbors are against it, household members are allergic) can contain them on its own.

Text proofreading

For pensioners who own modern electronic means of communication and communication, it is interesting and profitable to complete text proofreading tasks. According to doctors, such light daily brain activity is an excellent prevention of Alzheimer's syndrome in old age.

Every person awaits the onset of retirement age with ambivalent feelings - he is unusual in the ability to manage his own time, and he is afraid of remaining unclaimed. For those who are scared by these feelings, there is a great opportunity to finally do what you love and earn a good increase in your pension. And if you are concerned about how to start a business in retirement, you can use some ready-made ideas. They will help you profitably combine two factors - occupy your free time and earn money.

From the very beginning: the idea - where to get it?

As a rule, being in business is always associated with huge production, numerous investments and the involvement of a whole staff of employees. In reality, this is not the case. Any form of employment that generates income falls under the category of small business.

This could be growing vegetables, tutoring at home, making crafts, babysitting services and other options. Many business ideas require not only huge investments, but also special licensing. Do not forget that illegal activities, for example, opening a catering establishment, are punishable by administrative penalties. Therefore, it makes sense for pensioners to choose simple directions for earning money that do not require special permits.

Ways to earn money for a pensioner include:

  • services at the client's premises;
  • home work;
  • on a summer cottage;
  • on the Internet.

Important: try to choose a way of earning money that you can handle. And you can always find ideas for additional income if you wish.

Individual entrepreneurs for pensioners - are there any benefits?

It is generally accepted in society that pensioners can always enjoy any benefits. Of course, this would be nice, but in practice this is not the case. There are no discounts on business registration or tax benefits for pensioners.

Also, the law does not provide financial assistance for individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs). It’s sad, but a person of retirement age will not be able to get start-up capital, while a working-age citizen who has decided to become an entrepreneur has the right to benefits.

But if you follow the law and do everything according to the rules, the pensioner will have to declare his income and pay tax. This means he needs:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur);
  • or register as an LLC (limited liability company).

All these actions will allow you to use a simplified taxation system. Then the pensioner will need to pay 6 % from all income or 15 % from the difference between profit and costs.

To do business in rural areas, you will have to register a farm and pay a single tax.

How much money can retirees start a business at home with?

The most convenient and practical way is to start a business for retirees at home with minimal investment. If you want to earn money, you should choose a type of business that will not be too difficult for a retiree, but will quickly pay for itself.

When choosing a business, you need to ask yourself questions:

  1. How much investment can you make in your project?
  2. What knowledge and skills do you have?
  3. How much time do you plan to spend running your business?
  4. What resources will be used to make a profit.
  5. How do you assess your health?
  6. How profitable is this type of business?
  7. Population density where you will provide your services or sell products.

Important: A successful business for a retiree is one that quickly pays off. And if your investment pays off within six months, then you are on the right track.

Working from home - efficient and convenient

Home business has always been considered a profitable and convenient business. Its management has its own invaluable advantages. At home or at their summer cottage, anyone can realize their idea of ​​growing herbs and vegetables, baking pies, weaving baskets or knitting brooms, making wooden furniture, repairing household appliances, knitting decorative pillows or sewing patchwork quilts.

These types of home businesses, along with income, will bring moral satisfaction and a sense of self-worth. Use your own knowledge and skills to the fullest, do what you love and manage your time independently. With retirement, everyone has the opportunity to work for themselves, and not for someone else.

For women of retirement age

It won’t be difficult for a woman to find an idea for a business if she turns her hobby into a form of income. Remember what your soul is most passionate about and what original things your hands can do. Simple business ideas for retired women will help you create your own project and make a good profit from it.

  1. Production and sale of caramel apples. This delicious dessert will appeal to lovers of healthy food. Although sweet caramel can hardly be considered a healthy product, it is applied in a thin layer to the apples. Preparing the delicacy does not require much time or equipment. You need to choose selected apples, string them on a stick and cover them with caramel glaze. There will always be a demand for such a product.
  2. Knitting fashionable clothes. Handmade products are always highly valued, so to realize the idea you need to stock up on different threads, knitting needles or hooks. You can come up with patterns yourself, look for samples in catalogs or knitting magazines. Items can be knitted to order or for sale on the market.
  3. Growing indoor plants for sale. Unpretentious cacti, violets or orchids are suitable for a home greenhouse. You can focus on growing one species or tackle several at once.

For men of retirement age

Men of retirement age can easily find use for their skills. It is enough to remember what you can do well. The simplest business ideas for retired men will help you fulfill your dream of earning extra income.

  1. Repairing watches, umbrellas and bags - suitable for handymen. You do not have to rent a large room or kiosk for these purposes. You need to advertise your services, and clients will find you.
  2. Manufacturing of wooden furniture. This type of activity is in demand and highly valued. In addition, if you have a set of carpentry tools and a rich imagination, your clients have a chance to get an individual model. Buyers really value exclusive items.
  3. Making money training dogs. Do you know all the intricacies of proper dog training and can you make even an aggressive dog obedient? Then this type of business is for you. Rest assured, there will be no end to those who want to receive the services of an experienced dog handler-instructor.

Personal farmstead - an opportunity to open your own business

Your own territory is a good place for growing organic products and breeding livestock for sale. In his garden, a pensioner can plant a mini-flower garden or grow ornamental plants for sale. Collecting and preparing medicinal herbs will also bring additional income for those who want to earn money.

Breeding and further selling poultry promises good profits, provided that you properly care for and follow the diet for your charges.

Important: each type of business has its own nuances, they must be taken into account.

Intellectual abilities of pensioners - profitable business

You can make a significant profit by exploiting your own intellectual abilities:

  • writing diploma and term papers;
  • tutoring;
  • courses to teach any skills;
  • master classes;
  • online consultations;
  • individual sessions.

Ideas for making money on the Internet

The Internet is not only intended for communication, but can also be a good helper for making money. Many retirees are advanced PC users and know how to use it to their advantage. You can run this type of business at home without investment. Such businesses include:

  1. Writing articles and reviews (copywriting).
  2. Earning money on sports betting.
  3. Solving problems and writing tests
  4. Earnings on transitions, clicks and links.

Examples of the best ideas for your own business

  1. Making handmade soap. Producing original products in the form of soap is not too expensive. You need to purchase the necessary ingredients and study the manufacturing technology. You can start selling the fruits of your creativity from the market, retail outlets or souvenir shops.
  2. Photographers Service. If you are a creative person and always choose the right angle for your photos, this idea can easily be turned into profit. The business in the photo is always in demand, and they pay well for it.
  3. Baking original cakes and rolls. If you are a specialist in this field, and your culinary masterpieces are highly appreciated by family and friends, you can earn a stable income from this type of business. Even if your town is very small, or you live in the province, delicious products will be popular.
  4. Nurse services. If you have a medical education and have the necessary skills at a professional level, then you will be able to give injections at home, administer IVs and care for the sick.