Open a cafe in Thailand. Business and work in Thailand for Russians

Many Russians who want to move to Thailand for permanent residence are thinking about. Typically, business is somehow connected with tourists - organizing excursions, intermediary services - delivery to massages, spa salons, various shops. Sometimes they open things related to water sports and other entertainment. You can also make money on the nostalgia of the permanently living population for their homeland - for example, open a Russian restaurant or bakery. Or such necessary institutions as a Russian kindergarten. By the way, on Samui, many of those who came for the winter, especially with small children, (I’m giving an idea) lacked a store with rentals of cribs, high chairs, and household appliances. During the season, cribs in hypermarkets were simply swept away, and in the spring they were sold for next to nothing. And on Samui there is a space where you can learn to draw, dance, do yoga...
Personally, at one time I was very pleased with the opening of a cafe-bakery that sold something similar to the black bread that we missed so much. In addition, you can open a hotel, invest money in real estate, open an office that provides translation services and solving legal issues (for purchasing the same real estate, starting a business).

Your future partner))))

Thinking about own business in Thailand, keep in mind that a foreigner in this country does not have the right to register a company entirely in his own name, you can only own 49%, the rest will have to be registered in the name of a Thai. So, you either need to find a reliable partner among the Thais (which is quite difficult, if not impossible), or marry a Thai woman if you are a man (which also does not guarantee anything, since such a marriage can often be declared invalid and the Thai woman will leave you not only no business, but no pants either). Or take advantage of options when one of your shares is worth more than 51% of the Thai shares. However, it would be better for those who will help you register your business to tell you about these schemes personally.

Memory of the Motherland

For those who think how to make money in Thailand, many questions arise. What kind of business can a Russian do in Thailand? What niches are still free, and where there is no point in trying to open your own business? I learned how legal issues are resolved, how to register your company, as well as some other details about business in Thailand from Vitaly Ponomarev, who has lived on Koh Samui for three years, successfully runs his own business and helps others with solving these issues.

And for those who are also interested in how a Russian can work in Thailand,

-Vitaly, tell us a little about yourself?

I've been living on the island for about three years with my wife and daughter and I really like it here. Besides work, my friends and I organize entertainment for every taste for permanent Russian-speaking residents and visiting children: moped rides, boat trips to neighboring islands, walks around the mainland of Thailand and much, much more. From time to time we even organize cleaning of the island's beaches. Sometimes I am involved in resolving controversial issues between the local Thai authorities and the Russian residents of the island.

Russian kindergarten on Koh Samui

— When thinking about business in Thailand for Russians, most people think about a company related to real estate rental or tourism, or about buying a boat for the purpose of entertaining tourists, or about a bike rental shop... Does it make sense to open something like that in Thailand? , or is the competition at resorts already too great?

— Russian entrepreneurs, as well as people from other countries, more often realize themselves in such uncomplicated and simple areas as restaurants and entertainment, which, however, does not run counter to the general meaning of a tourist resort island. Tourism is an already occupied niche. Difficulties in obtaining licenses and other obstacles complicated the process of forming companies initially. We recommend that you simply forget this idea. I promote a more complex segment - investment in Thai commercial real estate. Since the market is rapidly growing and now is the time when the country as a whole is at the stage of a surge in economic growth and, accordingly, the benefits are obvious.

This kind of premises can be purchased for a future business, for example

— What does investing in commercial real estate mean? Buying apartments or houses for subsequent rental, buying premises for rent for the same business, like restaurants and halls, or something else?

— Purchase of apartments, houses, villas, hotels and complexes for further rental to those coming to relax. Well, for starting your own business.

-How much can you start thinking about such investments?

— We advise people taking into account the minimum investment, from $15,000

— What, for example, can you buy for $15,000?

— Cafe or mini-restaurant.

Russian restaurant

— Are Russian restaurants popular on the island?

- To some extent. It is more popular among people with families with children who do not accept local cuisine. The same applies to older people. Otherwise, it’s more of a gathering of people with similar interests. That is, as I see it, a certain corner where you can meet in a cozy company. So I don’t see any difference between restaurants of Russian and other cuisines. For me, there are a lot of places where everything is much more attractive and comfortable, even with unfamiliar speech around)

The king is watching!

— As you know, a foreigner cannot buy Thai land, only the real estate itself, how is this issue resolved?

— We resolve issues with the purchase of real estate and lands belonging to the king quite successfully and schematically, in accordance with the legislation of the kingdom, which many people think is impossible, but is not so. There are a considerable number of entrepreneurs on the island from all over the world, with both ordinary, say, low-investment enterprises, and multimillion-dollar companies. We have developed a clear scheme, which, by the way, is described on our website.

— If a person is not yet planning to move to Thailand, but is thinking about securing his future, is there such an option? Your company deals not only with the purchase of premises, all the documents, etc., but also with the further rental of the premises, with all business management, only transferring monthly profits to owner's account?

— In this aspect, there is an affiliate program that was adopted not so long ago, but has successfully proven itself. Management and conduct of affairs of companies that have invested in commercial properties, and successful implementation in the real estate market of Samui.

Yoga is fun for permanent residents

— From a legal point of view, how can a Russian open a business in Thailand?

- It's quite easy to open. Contact us, we provide registration and legal support for companies in Thailand. We are Top Thai Co. Ltd.

— What types of businesses can Russians engage in in Thailand? What is legal and what has to be disguised as another activity?

— Many can and many can’t at the same time) You can write a lot about possible types of activities in our

Thailand is a very attractive country for a large number of tourists. This is a state that has a very long and interesting history and an equally interesting present. Siam (as Thailand was previously called) was the only source on Earth for the extraction and cultivation of natural black pearls. There is also a huge amount of seafood products, famous for their beneficial properties and amazing taste.

Among other things, the weather here is excellent all year round and, accordingly, the mood is great. All this allows us to conclude that Thailand is a very attractive and acceptable country not only for temporary stay, but also for permanent residence. From this it is clear that in Thailand it is possible in almost any field. But how to choose it?

First of all, you will need to consider the basic rules for starting your own business in this amazing country. So, of course, it is possible for foreigners to open a business here, but recently some changes have been made to the legislation designed to protect domestic entrepreneurs from foreign ones. So, you will not be able to open a publishing house or editorial office of any newspaper in this country. This matter is purely internal to the country and does not tolerate any outside interference. Traditional crafts are also prohibited for foreign companies. Another industry that partially excludes foreign entrepreneurs is agriculture.

How to start your own business in Thailand?

So, you need to start by choosing the field of activity in which you are going to realize your business ambitions. Undoubtedly, tourism has been and remains one of the leading business areas in Thailand for a huge amount of time. That is why any of your enterprises, focused on meeting the needs and interests of travelers and guests of the country, will definitely be profitable. Thus, by opening a cafe, bar, hotel or at least a mini-hotel, you will benefit.

Thailand is visited by several million tourists every year, which is why it becomes the most profitable platform for both opening a new business and expanding an existing one.

Thus, many entrepreneurs, when expanding, go to Thailand, but before they “get the go-ahead” to open, they must go through the following stages.

If you have already decided on the name of your enterprise, now you move on to determining what status your organizational form will have. In most cases, foreigners choose from the two most suitable for. This may be a partnership or a private organization. The first of the above is much easier to organize, but if you open a private organization, you will be able to pay a much lower percentage of income taxes in the future. If doubts still remain, you should seek help from a legal entity that is in close contact with foreign destinations in regulating relationships between entrepreneurs. He will definitely have the necessary and practical advice.

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Main stages of registering a business in Thailand

The next step is obtaining a business visa. If you or any other business is in Thailand, then in order to obtain a business visa, you will need an approved business plan. In addition, you need to find several Thai partners, who must also provide their approval in writing for opening a particular business. All necessary documents are prepared at the Thai embassy in Moscow. Once you receive approval to enter the country specifically to start your business, you arrive in Thailand. Here you need to go to the commerce department. In this department you receive a list of documents required to register an organization in the state. Once you have collected everything you need, all that remains is to pay the business registration fee. In most cases, it costs approximately $1,000 to open and register a business in Thailand.

This is what constitutes formal actions associated with paperwork. In reality, everything is even more complicated. In order to make any profit, you need a sufficient number of customers. This is why most entrepreneurs or bars are in Pattaya, because here the flow of tourists never ends. The same applies to choosing a neighborhood or street. It is quite natural that in central areas and on central streets it is almost impossible to rent any premises. Another thing is the purchase of a building. They are sold (especially in Russian regions) quite often. But this does not always correspond to the intentions of businessmen, because purchasing premises as property costs much more than renting it on a monthly basis. And even if you have money, you won’t be able to purchase a building along with the land. According to current legislation, foreigners cannot own more than 42% of the shares. Accordingly, if you still do not want to rent, then you can try to negotiate a joint purchase with one of your Thai partners.

Another disadvantage, which is expressed financially, is that in areas where the flow of tourists is constant and profitable, opening a business requires additional investments in addition to the main ones. They number in the several millions. The advantage of doing business in Thailand is that there is no need to open a local bank account.

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Starting a small business in Thailand

When thinking about what kind of business to open in Thailand - small, medium or large - you should clearly understand the necessary expenses associated with both finances and time, and as we know, money is money, especially in Thailand, where several people constantly come hundreds and thousands of tourists. It is completely natural that they all want to eat, drink, and they need to live somewhere. The last option applies to a medium or large business, which will require you to start a few tens of thousands of dollars that you can risk. Just take a risk, since Thai entrepreneurs are not always ready to keep their promises. And if you rented some premises today, renovated it tomorrow and put it in proper shape, this does not mean at all that the day after tomorrow you will be able to open a bar, cafe or restaurant. Quite often it happens that businessmen or building owners, after their premises have been renovated, suddenly change their minds and find another use for this or that area.

When opening your own business or private company in Thailand, you may also encounter the problem of mandatory cooperation, in most cases only documented, with at least four Thais. The fact is that this state does not allow the operation on its territory of an enterprise that is entirely owned by a foreigner. In solving this problem, companies located in the country for registration of individual entrepreneurship help, which independently find the so-called “dead souls” who supposedly work with you. They sign a document confirming the fact that they have received dividends from you for 100 years in advance, and have no claims against you, therefore, you become the sole manager of this enterprise. A huge amount of money will be spent on it.

There is, however, a less expensive and risky option for opening your own business here. The point is that, provided that you have a girlfriend or wife in Thailand who has citizenship of this country, you can spend about 5,000 baht in her name. And the police will not pester you with constant checks, since they support their businessmen in every possible way.

Many foreign businessmen are turning their attention to Thailand. The long-term prospects for the kingdom's development are very optimistic (stable profitable industrial sectors, reliable real estate market).

To make it more convenient to run your business in Thailand, you can. Phuket condominiums have all the most necessary infrastructure: cafes, medical rooms, a gym, and often there is a communal swimming pool. This, without unnecessary searching around the island, will help you take a break from everyday work.

If you decide to open your business in Phuket, then you will need a little less than $2000 and two working weeks. The authorized capital of your company must be at least 63 thousand dollars. This will allow you to obtain a work-permit (work permit) in Thailand. Then it can be renewed annually. It is important that your company generates at least a minimum income. Thai law stipulates that your company must have a Thai employee who will own 51% of the company's shares.

If you don’t want to take risks right away, then you can. You will become a director and full shareholder, and will also receive a work permit.

What business do foreign businessmen most often engage in in Phuket?

Open your own bar or restaurant.

This is a good thing to do if you have ever been familiar with the restaurant business. There are many nuances here: you need to find suppliers, hire staff, find premises, etc. It will be much more difficult for a beginner, but this does not mean that such an idea should be abandoned.

They rent apartments and houses.

This is one of the most reliable types of business. It is very profitable to buy or buy in Phuket. Real estate prices are lower than in Russia, Europe and the USA, and the standard of living is also high. Tourists come to the island all year round and they always need somewhere to live.

They invest money in housing under construction.

Investments in real estate for the purpose of resale are also common in Phuket. Finished apartments and houses are much more expensive than at the construction stage.

And there is always demand for housing in an elite and prestigious resort.

Tour agencies are opening.

This mainly involves working with compatriots. You can hire Thai and foreign guides, buy transport, rent office space. But you need to take into account that there are a lot of local and foreign companies on the island with the same business and the competition is very strong.

They buy hotels and guesthouses.

You can also buy a hotel or resort on the island. Such a purchase will cost 1-3 million dollars. will bring more profit than renting out one condo. But the risk of such an event is also great.

Hello friends! In this article I want to talk about a very important question, namely, “How to open your own business in Thailand?” Let's look at this issue in detail and even listen to the feedback of a person who has already opened his own business in Thailand.

Let's start with the fact that the very concept of opening a business in Thailand is slightly different from how it happens in Russia. I don’t know how it is in other countries. I didn’t have to open a business anywhere except Russia, where I was an individual entrepreneur. So I can compare and find the main differences.

The most important thing is that you cannot be the owner of the company 100%. The documents must include a Thai co-owner who will own 49% of the company. This can be either a real Thai or a fake... You will be told more about this at the agency where the documents will be drawn up. Usually all agencies provide you with a fake Thai.

Registering a company is not expensive. The fee for registering a company is calculated based on the volume of internal capital of the company. Let me warn you in advance that the company's capital is not a real amount. It’s as if it doesn’t exist) So, we are registering a company with a capital of 1 million baht. It costs 20,000 baht. What does a company with a capital of 1 million baht give us? We can hire an unlimited number of Thais to do business and cannot hire foreigners. How can we hire a foreigner? To do this, you need to have a company with a capital of at least 2 million baht. What is needed for this? Each additional million in capital costs 10,000 baht. Every million, starting from the second, gives you the opportunity to hire one foreigner. It turns out that a company with a capital of 5 million baht will cost 60,000 baht and will give you the opportunity to hire 4 foreigners and an unlimited number of Thais.

It is worth clarifying that when hiring a foreigner, you must have at least 4 Thais on your company staff. Each subsequent foreigner hired is + 4 more Thais. This is the math)

Let's sort out taxes

One-time tax when registering a company:
Company registration tax = 2,000 baht
Social tax = 2,000 baht

You need to pay monthly:
Accountant services in the company where you registered the company. The amount is set by the company itself, but usually it is about 4,000 baht
Tax 7% on turnover is a tax to the state
Social tax for employees is 10% of their salary. Minimum payment for a Thai per month = 9,000 baht.

Many people who would like to settle in Thailand for a long time are interested in the question of how things are in Thailand with work and starting their own business. The answer to this question is that work and business in Thailand are possible for foreigners, but they are legally limited in order to protect the labor market and business in the country from foreigners.

Work in Thailand

To find a permanent legal job in Thailand, with a salary no less than the Russian average (about 30 thousand rubles), you must have knowledge of English and Thai, as well as be a rare specialist in energy or microelectronics. And applying for and obtaining a business visa and a “work permit” (official permission to work in Thailand) imposes such significant financial costs on the employer that he will think twice or thrice whether he needs a foreign employee to work.

Therefore, the vast majority of farangs living for a long time in Thailand:

  • work remotely with clients from Europe, USA, Russia
  • live on money from renting out real estate in Russia or Pattaya
  • have a business in Russia that does not require permanent personal presence in Russia
  • work for half a year in Russia and winter in Thailand
  • have their own business in Thailand

Business in Thailand:

Opening a business in Pattaya:

Opening and running your own business in Pattaya is far from an easy task, and the return on business may not exceed the income from a deposit in a Russian bank (interest on dollar deposits in Thai banks is even less - about 3%).

Many planning to move to Thailand would like to open their own small cafe (guest house, mini-hotel, travel agency) in Pattaya, because... this is the most popular city among tourists in Thailand (on average, Pattaya receives more than 5 million tourists from all over the world per year) - therefore, it really makes the most sense to organize a business aimed at tourists. The concept of business in Pattaya is very simple: tourists come with the goal of spending their money as efficiently as possible in 1-2 weeks, and business should be tailored to meet the needs of this target audience.

The profitability of a business depends on many factors, but in any case, you need to be aware that the business margin in Thailand is several times lower than markups in Russia.

In addition, there is a list of areas of activity in which there are restrictions on the participation of companies with foreign capital:

Category One
(1) Newspaper business, radio broadcasting or television station business.
(2) Rice farming, farming or gardening.
(3) Animal farming.
(4) Forestry and wood fabrication from natural forest.
(5) Fishery for marine animals in Thai waters and within Thailand specific economic zones.
(6) Extraction of Thai herbs.
(7) Trading and auctioning Thai antiques or national historic objects.
(8) Making or casting Buddha images and monk alms bowls.
(9) Land trading.

Category Two
The businesses related to the national safety or security or affecting arts and culture, tradition, folk handicraft or natural resource and environment.

Group 1: Businesses related to the national safety or security:

(1) Production, selling and maintenance of:
(a) firearms, ammunition, gun powder, explosives.
(b) Accessories of firearms, ammunitions and explosives.
(c) Armaments, ships, air-crafts or military vehicles.
(d) Equipment or components, all categories of war materials
(2) Domestic land, waterway or air transportation, including domestic airline business.

Group 2: The businesses affecting arts and culture, traditional and folk handicraft:

(1) Trading antiques or art objects being Thai arts or handicraft.
(2) Production of carved wood.
(3) Silkworm farming, production of Thai silk yarn, weaving Thai silk or Thai silk printing.
(4) Production of Thai musical instruments.
(5) Production of goldware, silverware, nielloware, bronzeware or lacquerware.
(6) Production of crockery of Thai arts and culture.

Group 3: The businesses affecting natural resources or environment:

(1) Manufacturing sugar from sugarcane;
(2) Salt farming, including underground salt;
(3) Rock salt mining;
(4) Mining, including rock blasting or crushing;
(5) Wood fabrication for furniture and utensil production.

The businesses which Thai nationals are not yet ready to compete with foreigners:

(1) Rice milling and flour production from rice and farm produce.
(2) Fishery, specifically marine animal culture.
(3) Forestry from forestation.
(4) Production of plywood, veneer board, chip board or hardboard.
(5) Production of lime.
(6) Accounting or service business.
(7) Legal service business.
(8) Architecture service business.
(9) Engineering service business.
(10) Construction, except for: (a) Construction rendering basic services to the public in public utilities or transport requiring special tools, machinery, technology or construction expertise having the foreigner`s minimum capital of 500 million baht or more.
(b) Other categories of construction as prescribed by the ministerial regulations.

(11) Broker or agent business, except: (a) Being a broker or agent for underwriting securities or services connected with future trading of commodities or financing instruments or securities.
(b) Being a broker or agent for trading or procuring goods or services necessary for production or rendering services among affiliated enterprises.
(c) Being a broker or agent for trading, purchasing or distributing or seeking both domestic and foreign markets for selling domestically manufactured or imported goods in the manner of international business operations having the foreigners minimum capital 100 million baht or more.
(d) Being broker or agent of other category as prescribed by the ministerial regulations.

(12) Auction, except: (a) Auction in the manner of international bidding not being the auction of antiques, historical artifacts or art objects which are Thai works of art, handicraft or antiques having the historical value.
(b) Other categories of auction as prescribed by the ministerial regulations.
(13) Internal trade connected with native products or produce not yet prohibited by law.
(14) Retailing all categories of goods having the total minimum capital less than 100 million Baht or having the minimum capital of each shop less than 20 million Baht.
(15) Wholesaling all categories of goods having minimum capital of each shop less than 100 million Baht.
(16) Advertising business.
(17) Hotel business, except for hotel management service.
(18) Guided Tour.
(19) Selling food or beverages.
(20) Plant cultivation and propagation business.
(21) Other categories of service business except that prescribed in the Ministerial regulations.

And this table shows the restrictions themselves, depending on the ratio of foreign and Thai founders:

Business and relevant law

Minority foreign ownership

Majority foreign ownership

FBA Schedule 1 businesses

No permission required

No permission required

With permission of the Cabinet, up to 60% and possibly up to 75% but three fifths of directors must be Thai.1

BOI may also grant permission subject to 1

No permission required

With permission of the Foreign Business Registrar, up to 100% foreign ownership no nationality requirement for directors.2

BOI may also grant permission subject to 2

USA - Thailand Treaty of Amity - any businesses

No permission required

No permission required

Businesses excluded from the Treaty: telecommunications,

fiduciary functions (includes warehousing and security services,

banking involving depository functions (includes finance businesses), exploitation of land or natural resources,

domestic trade in indigenous agricultural products,

liberal professions

Banking and finance

No permission required

100% foreign ownership with permission of Bank of Thailand

Right expires in 2008. After that, foreign shareholders are disqualified from participating in further capital increases

Securities businesses

No permission required

Insurance businesses

Foreign ownership up to 25% only permitted

Shipping businesses


For category #2 and #3 licenses under the Telecommunications Act, foreign ownership up to 49% only

Three quarters of the applicant"s directors must be Thai nationals, and the applicant"s authorized directors who have power to bind the company must be Thai nationals

Also, if you plan to work in your company yourself, without hiring Thais, then the following activities are prohibited:

1) work in the field of agricultural technology, animal breeding, forestry, fish farming (with the exception of work the implementation of which requires highly professional, special or scientific knowledge in these areas);
2) the work of a mason, carpenter, and other construction specialties;
3) work of a wood carver;
4) work as a salesperson in all types of trading enterprises;
5) work of an auctioneer at all types of auctions;
6) work of a financial controller, auditor, accountant, cashier (except for performing internal audit work in companies of mixed forms of ownership);
7) work as a driver of a motor vehicle or any vehicle with or without a machine drive (except for piloting aircraft of foreign airlines);
8) work on polishing and cutting precious, semi-precious stones and semi-precious stones;
9) hair cutting work, hairdressing work, work in the beauty industry;
10) work on the production of fabrics manually or using machines that do not use a machine drive;
11) work on the manufacture of any wickerwork and furniture from cane, rattan, jute, straw or bamboo;
12) work on manual production of rice paper;
13) work on the production of lacquer miniatures;
14) work on the manufacture of Thai folk musical instruments;
15) work on the manufacture of products from gold and its alloys, silver and its alloys;
16) work on making handicrafts and sculptures from stone;
17) work on making Thai traditional folk dolls;
18) work on the manufacture of mattresses, mats and mattresses in the Thai folk style;
19) work on the production of religious objects, incl. pots for monks to collect alms;
20) work on the production of natural silk and products made from it;
21) work on the artistic embodiment of the image of Buddha;
22) work on making knives;
23) work of a cook, waiter;
24) work as a driver of a water vehicle;
25) work on making paper fans and umbrellas;
26) work on making shoes;
27) work on the manufacture of hats and helmets;
28) work as a broker or commercial agent (except for international trade);
29) work in the field of civil engineering;
30) work on the manufacture of clothing items;
31) work in the field of pottery production;
32) work on manual production of cigars;
33) work in the production of food and beverages;
34) work as a tourist guide or tour guide;
35) work on the assessment of property and goods;
36) work on typing in Thai (only on typewriters);
37) work on winding, weaving silk by hand or on traditional machines that do not use a machine drive;
38) the work of an office manager, secretary;
39) work of a legal consultant, lawyer, jurist, arbitration officer (except for cases specifically established by international agreements).

Types of registered companies:

1) Limited partnerships

Definition: A limited partnership is a form of registered partnership in which there are one or more managing partners who manage the business and who are personally liable for the debts of the partnership, and one or more partners who are not personally liable for the debts of the partnership, except for their outstanding or withdrawn main deposits.

Benefits Limited Partnerships are a popular form of business organization as they provide an element of limited liability with fewer formalities than required for limited liability companies.

If a foreigner has a minority interest in a limited partnership and is a limited partner, the limited partnership is generally not subject to the Foreign Business Act restrictions (table above). It is for this reason that some foreigners want to become limited partners, but they may have difficulty protecting their investment because they are not allowed to manage the business.

Taxation: A general tax rate of 30% of net income is paid.

Profits received by partners are taxed at 10%.

2) Private limited companies

This is the form of business organization that is most often chosen by foreign businessmen because there is flexibility, especially in situations of joint business management.

To form a private company, at least seven people must sign and witness two copies of the memorandum.

Each founder must own at least one share of the company.

If foreign shareholders or partners:

(a) have 40%-50% of the shares or have invested capital in the amount of 40%-50% of the total capital or
(b) have less than 40% of the capital, but a foreigner is appointed as a director authorized to sign on behalf of the company,

then all Thai shareholders or partners must provide information regarding their source of capital spent on the acquisition of shares. Documents must identify the money for investment or share purchase and must include bank passbooks or income statements for the previous six months. If fraud is detected, Thai candidates may be fined or imprisoned, and the company may be closed.

No less than 25% of the par value of the shares must be paid. Shareholders remain liable for any outstanding capital, that is, if a shareholder has paid 25% of the par value of his shares, he remains personally liable for the remaining 75%, and may be called upon by the board of directors to make additional payment at any time.

The fee for registering a memorandum of association is 0.05% of the share capital, with a minimum fee of 500 baht and a maximum fee of 25,000 baht.

Company registration fee, 0.5% of the share capital, with a minimum fee of 5,000 baht and a maximum fee of 250,000 baht.

A limited liability company must initially have seven founders, and must always have at least seven shareholders.

Shareholders, in addition to electing directors, appoint auditors, approve the balance sheet (the preparation of which is mandatory), and declare final dividends.

Limited Liability Companies are subject to corporate income tax at a general rate of 30%.


More information about taxes in Thailand:

Opening a bar/cafe in Pattaya:

An ordinary beer bar in a good location, like Soi 7.8 in Pattaya, costs about 1-2 million baht. But you don’t have to buy, you can rent, deposit 100 - 200 thousand baht + monthly from 15 to 25 thousand baht. the owner of the bar. And of course all the expenses and maintenance costs. There are a lot of production issues and nuances, you can only learn them after working in this field for half a year. Profit will depend only on you, that is, the more clients you can attract, the better. If you want to succeed, then you must practically live in this bar, because... Most visitors usually come to chat with you, and this, by the way, means that you will have to drink and drink a lot :) You should not focus on Russians, the main profit will be from Western farangs and Australians.

Approximate salary level: bartender 6-10 thousand, cashier (in small bars usually the same bartender) if hired separately 5-7 thousand, waitresses 3-6 thousand.

Key money is a rental, usually paid a year in advance. Along with key-money, there is usually a monthly rental. Recently, rental offers without key money have begun to appear.

The deposit is a security deposit, if there are no violations of the contract, it is refundable.

Renting a condo in Pattaya:

A luxury condo in Viutalai 5 with European-quality renovation and furnishings costs approximately 3,000,000-3,300,000 baht. Rent - 18,000 baht/month. for a long-term contract, 20,000-23,000 for a short-term contract. With a long-term contract, occupancy will be close to 100%, with a short-term contract, at best, 75%.

A cheap condo costs 600,000-700,000 baht with modest renovations and furnishings. Rent for 6000-8000 baht. The occupancy rate is the same.