Who is a businessman? What is the difference between an entrepreneur and a businessman? The other side of the coin

Our project “Correct technology for running and managing a business”, all business trainings, business camps, express diagnostics, express consulting and other services of this format are intended for people who are internally ready to switch (or have already switched) from craft and entrepreneurial activities to business management. From Entrepreneur to Businessman.

Alas! Not everything that is called business in our society, dear Owner, is such. So what is a business? Who is a Businessman?

Let's go in order and in detail.

We will not rely on the interpretation of these concepts from classical sources. Often they are amorphous, abstract and do not provide any criterion difference in essence. Let's go, as is customary with us, from practice.


A call from the owner of a store selling curtains and curtains.

We have a problem. We need express diagnostics.

For what reason?

Everything is bad with us! The product is not for sale! No money left!

Let's meet. Shop in the city center. Products: fabrics, ready-made curtains and accessories. Standard set of similar stores. There are two owners. This store was opened five years ago. The rent is high. We started out selling accessories. I liked the idea of ​​selling fabrics, curtains and curtains. We bought a large batch. This is where the business ended. There is not enough money to pay rent. They cover it with money received from selling a kiosk at one of the city's markets. And so on for several years.

What do you want?

Help us find a good seller!

He will start selling well and everything will fall into place!

First retreat.

What is this, dear Owner? Childish naivety? Holy simplicity? Incompetence? Stupidity? Please explain what kind of business is this that does not make a profit for several years in a row? Who needs it and why then?

  • The first commandment.

The purpose of business is to make a profit. If there is NO PROFIT, you DO NOT HAVE A BUSINESS. This is clear, I hope? Having rental retail space, goods, and hired personnel is NOT a BUSINESS. These are EXPENSE ITEMS! You can fantasize in your head as much as you like, but in fact - you are in your ASS!


Why don’t you close this “almshouse”, which only causes losses?

Because, firstly, our product is of high quality and better than that of our competitors. Secondly, we like to sell curtains and curtains. Thirdly, we have already lost so much money. It's a pity...So can you help us find a good salesperson?

Second retreat.

Don't laugh, dear Owner! You hear similar answers - alas! Often. What can help them save and earn money? Close this club of “those who love to do business” immediately. Not their product, not their services, HERE AND IN THIS FORM - NO ONE NEEDS.

  • Commandment two.

The buyer doesn’t care about your product and services in principle. Practically for everything and always. With rare exceptions. Obviously, curtains and curtains do not fall into this exception. The buyer comes and gives money only when he HAS A “PROBLEM” AND THE NEED TO SATISFY IT. All!

Third retreat.

Dear Owner! This example is typical of a craftsman - an entrepreneur who is involved in his business. He is personally involved in its operational, that is, day-to-day management. He buys goods himself, sells them, does accounting, carries boxes, washes floors, sews curtains, solves problems with regulatory authorities, carries, hammers, and so on. He does not have the opportunity to raise his head, step aside, look and evaluate, analyze and plan, compare and draw conclusions. Those. start managing your own business. There is not enough time and energy. And the Entrepreneur is not trained in this.

  • Commandment three.

Managing a business is only possible from the outside. If you are screwed into it, then the business begins to control you. The driver controls the operational movement of the vehicle. And strategically where the car should go is determined by those who lay roads, install signs and traffic lights, make markings and improve parking lots.

Our project was created and is designed to help those for whom the time has come to get out of the car, put staff behind the wheel, and finally start working on laying roads and predicted parking lots, writing driving instructions, placing signs along the route, and negotiating with traffic controllers about green light. FOR YOUR BUSINESS.

Our project is for those who want to use and apply BUSINESS TO ACHIEVE THEIR PERSONAL GOALS. And not for the sake of it being there. Because the goal of business is one - profit. And your personal goals can be whatever and as many as you like. And there is no need to confuse one with the other. You are not a business. Business is not you.

If you are NOT READY FOR CHANGES, first of all in YOUR HEAD, please don’t waste our time! You shouldn't come to us!

  • The fourth and MAIN commandment.

Hemorrhoids and problems in business ARE HEMOROIDS AND PROBLEMS IN THE OWNER’S HEAD.

Business is just a mirror reflection of the CORRECT or INCORRECT APPROACH to MANAGING it, which has developed in your head, dear Owner!

What does the term "businessman" mean? The meaning of this word implies a person who carries out economic activities and enters into market relations with other entities only of his own free will. As for the very concept of business, it is an activity that is aimed at making a profit through the creation and sale of products or services.

Who is a businessman really? The definition of the word is simple - it is a person who is engaged in business, that is, an entrepreneur, a merchant. He is the owner of his capital, which he invests in various projects to achieve his goal. An entrepreneur can run a business himself, or he can resort to the help of employees and managers, providing resources and conditions for work and setting certain tasks.

Who is a businessman?

This profession definitely comes with the risk of wasting money, time, effort and resources. After all, a person can always make a mistake in calculations and lose his investment. The financial condition of a businessman may depend on the economic situation in the country, sudden changes, for example, an economic crisis, high competition and other difficulties in sales, or other factors that affect work efficiency and income.

Who is a businessman, you ask? This is absolutely any entrepreneur, business person, person who is engaged in his own personal business and has a clearly defined goal - making a profit or some other benefit.

In essence, this is not a profession, but a way of life, the goal of which is to obtain a stable income with further increase. The businessman does not have a specific work schedule. The beauty of employment is that a person works for himself, and his level of income and business development depend on him.

About activities

Who is a businessman and what is his goal in life? Over the past two decades, this profession has become very in demand and popular compared to other work areas. Even those who own a small grocery store can be considered businessmen. Anyone will agree that you don’t want to work for your uncle and get paid a pittance, living from paycheck to paycheck. Today, many people dream of opening their own small or large business and gradually developing it.

Pros in the profession

The main thing will be the development of your personal business. This area requires confidence and endurance, because sometimes you will have to make very important, complex and even risky decisions. But only through this can you develop qualities in yourself to understand who a businessman is and decide for yourself the importance of this area. Purposeful businessmen improve their knowledge and experience and, thanks to this, achieve great results.


Of course, this profession includes certain risks. Several years ago they were associated exclusively with material losses and high competition. Now the risks reach the point where they can take their lives because of business.

In general, the work of an entrepreneur is very dangerous, but if your line of work is legal, then there is definitely nothing to worry about. Where there is a lot of money and tax evasion, there are always problems and the threat of losing everything. If you work honestly and conscientiously, then you will not be afraid of bandits, or government services, or any other difficulties.

Myths around entrepreneurs

  • His business brings in a lot of money. We only know about those businessmen who were able to rise, but meanwhile there are much more people who have invested nerves, money and effort into their business.
  • Money as an end in itself is not true. For a businessman, money is just a tool to achieve a goal (implementation of ideas).
  • A businessman has a lot of free time, and the main work is done by hired workers. As for subordinates, they are responsible only for their duties, while their boss worries about everything. Therefore, he works all the time, even on vacation, and his thoughts are always on his enterprise.

What does it take to become a successful businessman?

The profession requires a lot of knowledge and skills, so you must be aware of who a businessman is and what he is strong at. He should know:

  • economics;
  • psychology;
  • Accounting;
  • legislation;
  • marketing system;
  • employee management.

No matter what area of ​​the market you are thinking about starting a commercial activity, you need to be able to organize work. Even if you have one employee, and it turns out to be you yourself, a thoughtful organization of work will be the key to a successful enterprise.

It's easy to learn to become a businessman

Today, the winner is the one who has more knowledge, information, who does not need to learn from his mistakes and what others already know. The meaning of the word “businessman” in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language is a businessman, an entrepreneur, a person who does business on something. Businessmen are constantly learning, developing and learning something new. But are there universities or special institutions that teach this skill? There are, and a very broad profile. These are enterprises, businesses, and educational institutions of a narrow focus (restaurant, hotel business).

The profession includes endurance, self-confidence, keeps you in suspense, and forces you to constantly develop and grow. But this area, of course, provides an opportunity to express oneself and learn new and interesting things. As the famous millionaire and author Harvey Mackay said: “What distinguishes the luckiest people from others is an extraordinary need for recognition and approval.”

With the advent and subsequent development of market relations in our country, a huge variety of objects, phenomena and concepts appeared in our everyday life, which, for obvious reasons, were hitherto unknown to us. However, nowadays they have become our integral daily companions. Thus, the well-known and seemingly understandable word “businessman” quickly and firmly became entrenched in our vocabulary. It’s curious, but not every one of us truly knows who can be called this word and who cannot.

Who is a businessman?

Businessman is a person who, at his own peril and risk, opens in any market segment and, based solely on his business instincts and business acumen, develops his “brainchild” in every possible way. It should be noted that, despite the annual opening of tens of thousands of new private enterprises, not every owner is a real businessman - after only 1 year, many of them simply turn out to be unprofitable, as a result of which they have to be closed. According to the latest scientific research, only a small portion of living people have real business sense - in percentage terms, this figure is at the level of 3-4%. Yes, from this small percentage of society, it is not enough to have a business sense - you cannot do without luck in entrepreneurship, especially in our country.

For those interested in business, the following information will be useful:

It should be noted that in the modern Russian language, the concept of “businessman” is very often unconsciously confused with words such as merchant, speculator, and even with the notorious Soviet “bourgeois”. A merchant is a person who trades something for his own benefit. A speculator sells goods at significantly inflated prices. Well, the bourgeois in its original correct meaning is just a city dweller, an ordinary person who is so disliked by communist ideology.

Entrepreneurial activity

Entrepreneur's actions and profits

Section 1. The concept of entrepreneur.

Section 2. Statements about entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneur- this is a person engaged in his own business, having his own business in order to make a profit or other benefit.

Concept of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship

Definition of an entrepreneur as proposed by Howard H. Stevenson, a professor at Harvard University. In 1983, in the article “A Perspective on Entrepreneurship,” he wrote: “Entrepreneurship is the science of management, the essence of which we can formulate as follows: the pursuit of opportunity without regard to the resources that are currently under our control.”

In the modern sense, an entrepreneur is a person who carries out entrepreneurial activities.

Each entrepreneur can have his own business or can help other entrepreneurs create businesses.

The right to entrepreneurial activity is one of the fundamental human rights and is protected by Art. 34 of the Russian Constitution. This constitutional right is in fact inseparable from the right to freely dispose of one’s property and carry out economic activities.

Therefore, citizens who engage in business sporadically without having any documents giving them the right to engage in this activity, for example, persons who resell goods, also call themselves entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurial activity carried out by a person who is not registered as an entrepreneur or who does not have the right by law to engage in his chosen type of activity is illegal entrepreneurship and is subject to criminal prosecution.

Russian pre-revolutionary trade legislation called an entrepreneur a merchant. A merchant, from the point of view of trade law, was recognized as someone who was engaged in trade transactions in the form of a trade on his own behalf.

The legislation of other states knows the figure of a merchant. The status of a merchant is recognized for a person who carries out transactions and other business operations in the form of entrepreneurship on his own behalf.

In the former USSR, the figure of the entrepreneur first acquired legal recognition after the USSR Law “On Individual Labor Activity” came into force on November 19, 1986.

This Law allowed individual labor activity in the field of handicrafts, consumer services, as well as other types of activities based exclusively on the personal labor of citizens and members of their families. Documents certifying the right of citizens to engage in individual labor activities were registration certificates or patents issued for a certain period.

The Russian Law “On Enterprises and Entrepreneurial Activities” of 1991 established the right of citizens to conduct business activities both individually, without using hired labor, and by creating enterprises with the involvement of hired workers. Such citizens were registered as individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity.

Entrepreneurship is an independent economic activity carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property and/or intangible assets, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law. Entrepreneurship and business are the most important attribute of a market economy, permeating all its institutions.

Can be carried out by a legal entity or directly by an individual. In many countries, in order to conduct business, an individual is required to register as a sole proprietor.

Entrepreneurship can be done in different fields. In addition to general entrepreneurship, there are social and technological entrepreneurship.

The efficiency of business activity can be assessed not only by the amount of profit received, but also by changes in the value of the business (the market value of the enterprise).

Forms of entrepreneurship



General partnership

Partnership of Faith

Limited Liability Company

Additional liability company

Closed joint stock company

public corporation


Illegal entrepreneurship is especially highlighted.

According to the nature of the activity, they distinguish between production, trade and commercial, credit and financial, service (provision of services), etc.

To protect its interests, the business community, according to the law “On Non-Profit Organizations”, can form various associations.

Sources of start-up capital for starting a business can be:

Own funds.

For an individual entrepreneur - his personal funds and savings, his own property (premises, equipment, car).

For a legal entity - its authorized capital formed by the founders. Most often this is equity financing. Active participants in new projects are venture funds and business angels.

Loans from a bank or from individuals (debt financing).

Free assistance (grants or subsidies).

In addition, to help budding entrepreneurs there are government and public organizations, technology parks and business incubators.

Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich August von Hayek and other representatives of the Austrian school of economists did a lot to understand the nature of entrepreneurship. They considered entrepreneurship as one of the main resources (factors) of the economy along with land, labor, capital, information and time. Entrepreneurship typically aims to save time by reducing transaction costs.

American economist Joseph Schumpeter defined it as an entrepreneur: a person who tries to turn a new idea or invention into a successful innovation. In particular, entrepreneurship is a force of creative destruction that operates in markets and production while creating new products and business models. Creative destruction ensures dynamic and long-term economic growth.

Frank Knight and Peter Drucker, considering risk as an integral attribute of entrepreneurship, identified the following types:

statistical risk.

Knight's uncertainty or true uncertainty, which not only cannot be calculated, but also cannot be foreseen.

For example, before the advent of the Internet, it was impossible to estimate the market for existing successful projects such as Google or YouTube.

William Baumol studied the position of an entrepreneur who creates disharmony and causes rejection in the traditional market.

Business law is a complex integrated branch of law, a set of legal norms that regulate, on the basis of a combination of private and public interests, relations in the sphere of organization, implementation of business activities and management of it.

Proponents of the concept argue that the independence of this industry is due to at least three factors.

Firstly, entrepreneurial activity as a subject of regulation has a number of specific features that distinguish it from other spheres of human activity.

Secondly, in addition to the private sphere, there will be entrepreneurial activity in the public sector of the economy. Public entrepreneurship requires special legal regulation that goes beyond the traditional framework of private law.

Thirdly, in modern conditions, a specific form of relationship between the state and the market has formed, in which the regulation of business activity requires special methods, often alien to private law due to the fact that they are based on public law, authority principles.

The modern concept of business law as a branch of law, a branch of legislation, science and an academic discipline is based on the fact that the market in the classical sense and the state-regulated and socially oriented market in modern conditions (and this is precisely the task of forming a market economy) are not same.

Proponents of the concept argue that in addition to private business, there is and will continue to be business activity in the public sector of the economy. However, the point is not only the presence of a special form of entrepreneurial activity - state entrepreneurship, which requires special legal regulation that goes beyond the traditional framework of private law. In modern conditions, a specific form of relationship between the state and the market has formed, in which the regulation of business activities by methods of private law (traditionally, therefore, within the framework of civil law) is simply impossible.

The idea that this kind of relationship can be regulated within the framework of traditional private (civil) law will inevitably lead in legislative practice to one of two consequences: to the inclusion in the civil code of elements of a state, public legal nature that are alien to it, or to the idea of ​​regulating state entrepreneurship on non-market basis.

From this we can conclude that since civil law, as well as commercial law as a private law, organically does not accept the institution of a market-state economy, a state-regulated and socially oriented market, then, consequently, the need for the emergence of Business Law objectively arises.

The variety of points of view on entrepreneurship also determines its many definitions. In the encyclopedic dictionary of the entrepreneur, entrepreneurship is defined as a special type of activity aimed at increasing personal and social wealth. The integral essential features of entrepreneurship are:

freedom in choosing directions and methods of activity;

independence in decision making;


focus on obtaining commercial effect and probable profit.

American scientist, Professor Robert Hisrich defines entrepreneurship as the process of creating something new that has value, and an entrepreneur as a person who spends all the necessary time and effort on this, takes on all the financial, psychological and social risk, receiving a reward money and satisfaction.

English professor Alan Hosking states: “An individual entrepreneur is a person who runs a business at his own expense, is personally involved in the management of the business and is personally responsible for providing the necessary funds, makes decisions independently. His reward is the profit received as a result of entrepreneurial activity and the feeling of satisfaction that he experience from engaging in free enterprise, but at the same time he must assume all the risk of loss in the event of bankruptcy of his enterprise.

In a professional sense, entrepreneurship is considered as the ability to organize one’s own business and successfully carry out the functions associated with running one’s own business.

Currently, the process of forming the theory of entrepreneurship continues, which has already gone through three stages. The first stage, which arose in the 18th century, was associated with a focus on the entrepreneur's bearing of risk. The French economist of Scottish origin R. Cantillon in the 18th century first put forward the position of risk as the main functional characteristic of entrepreneurship.

The second stage in the scientific understanding of entrepreneurship is associated with the identification of innovation as its main distinguishing feature. The founder of this direction is one of the largest representatives of world economic thought, Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950).

In his innovative works, I. Schumpeter considered the entrepreneur as a central element of the mechanism of economic development. In his opinion, the basis of economic development is the special function of the entrepreneur, manifested in the desire to use a “new combination” of factors of production, which results in innovation. I. Schumpeter identifies three target motives in the activities of an entrepreneur:

need for dominance, power, influence;

the will to win, the desire for success achieved in the fight against rivals and with oneself (“the need for achievement” - this is how the American psychologist D. McClelland later described it);

the joy of creativity that comes from doing things yourself.

The third stage is distinguished by focusing on the special personal qualities of the entrepreneur (the ability to respond to changes in the economic and social situation, independence in choice and decision-making, the presence of management abilities) and on the role of entrepreneurship as a regulating principle in a balancing economic system.

The ideas of L. Mises and F. Hayek were developed by the American economist I. Kirzner, who sees the main role of the entrepreneur in achieving such regulation of the system, in adjusting it in such a way that would ensure the movement of markets to a state of equilibrium, i.e. the entrepreneur is "balancing" force.

The current stage of development of the theory of entrepreneurial function can be attributed to the “fourth wave,” the emergence of which is associated with a shift in emphasis to the managerial aspects of the analysis of entrepreneurial actions, and, consequently, with the transition to an interdisciplinary level of analysis of entrepreneurship problems.

Currently, theoretical research pays attention not only to entrepreneurship as a way of doing business on an independent, independent basis, but also to intra-company entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a special type of economic activity (by which we mean expedient activity aimed at making a profit), which is based on independent initiative, responsibility and an innovative entrepreneurial idea. Economic activity is a form of individual participation in social production and a way of obtaining financial resources to ensure the livelihoods of himself and his family members. This form of individual participation in social production is one social functional duty or a combination of them, when he acts as the owner of any objects, real estate, etc., that bring him a constant and guaranteed income.

Entrepreneurship acts as a special type of economic activity, because its initial stage is associated, as a rule, only with an idea - the result of mental activity, which subsequently takes on a materialized form.

Entrepreneurship is characterized by the obligatory presence of an innovative moment - be it the production of a new product, a change in activity profile or the founding of a new enterprise, a new production quality management system, the introduction of new methods of organizing production or new technologies.

Entrepreneurship as a special form of economic activity can be carried out both in the public and private sectors of the economy. In accordance with this, they distinguish:

public entrepreneurship;

private entrepreneurship.

State entrepreneurship is a form of carrying out economic activity on behalf of an enterprise established:

state management bodies that are authorized (in accordance with current legislation) to manage state property (state enterprise);

local government bodies (municipal enterprise). The property of such enterprises is a form of segregation of part of state or municipal property, part of budgetary funds, and other sources.

An important characteristic of such enterprises is the fact that they are liable for their obligations only with property in their ownership (neither the state is liable for their obligations, nor are they themselves liable for the obligations of the state).

Private entrepreneurship is a form of carrying out economic activity on behalf of an enterprise (if it is registered as such) or an entrepreneur (if such activity is carried out without hiring labor, in the form of individual labor activity).

Of course, each of these types - public and private entrepreneurship - has its own distinctive features, but the basic principles of their implementation largely coincide. In both cases, the implementation of such activities requires initiative, responsibility, an innovative approach, and the desire to maximize profits. The typology of both types of entrepreneurship is also similar.

Entrepreneurship as a form of initiative activity aimed at generating profit (entrepreneurial income) involves:

carrying out intermediary functions, i.e. providing services related to the promotion of a product to the market and its transfer in an appropriate (socially acceptable) form from the direct manufacturer of such a product to its consumer.

Sayings about entrepreneurship

The concept of “entrepreneur” was first introduced by the French economist Jean-Baptiste Say around 1800. J.-B. Say defined it this way: “The entrepreneur transfers economic resources from the sphere of low productivity to the sphere of high productivity and reaps the benefits.”

According to Vladimir Dahl, “an entrepreneur is an enterprising trader, capable of enterprises, large-scale turnover, a brave, decisive person, daring to do business of this kind.” The entrepreneurial function is the business of a private business person.

In the Economic Dictionary of F. A. Brockhaus and I. A. Efron, an enterprise is understood as “an enterprise the management of which is designed to generate income through the sale of products, in the form of sale or exchange. This feature distinguishes the enterprise from natural forms of farming, in which production is designed directly to satisfy the needs of members of the household. Pure natural forms of farming are becoming less and less common, as farms are gradually being drawn more and more into the exchange system.”

In the “Popular Dictionary” (1991), edited by G. Ya. Kiperman: “entrepreneurship is one of the effective means that help maintain incentives for highly productive work, business motivation. The real owner is always an entrepreneur, whether we are talking about an individual citizen or a work collective. Entrepreneurship includes any types of economic activity, unless they are prohibited by legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the republics.”

The textbook “Psychology of Entrepreneurship and Business” defines an entrepreneur as “a person of a certain personal make-up who, in his desire to make a profit, independently chooses the method of economic activity, bears property responsibility for its results, and at the first stage of his activity combines the functions of an owner of capital and a hired manager and the employee."

The Large Economic Dictionary (edited by A. N. Azriliyan) indicates that “an entrepreneur is a person who is engaged in entrepreneurial activities, seeks funds for organizing an enterprise and thereby takes on entrepreneurial risk. Entrepreneurial initiative is a form of production and sales management, including the development of new competitive ideas as a permanent process, the prompt implementation of the most fruitful ideas and the organization of a system of measures for the fastest and most effective sale of new products obtained using new technology.”

S.I. Ozhegov wrote in the “Dictionary of the Russian Language”: “an entrepreneur is a capitalist, the owner of an enterprise, a major figure, an enterprising and practical person.”

In “The Book of a Business Person,” edited by T. A. Krayukhin and E. S. Minaev, “scientific entrepreneurship is a form of activity in the field of creating scientific and technical products and providing services in order to obtain the greatest possible profit.”

Howard H. Stevenson, a professor at Harvard University, wrote in his article “Entrepreneurship Perspectives”: “Entrepreneurship is the science of management, the essence of which we can formulate as follows: the pursuit of opportunity without regard for the resources that are currently under our control. "

The current Civil Code of the Russian Federation calls such citizens individual entrepreneurs.


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For more than 70 years, the heavy roller of the command-administrative system, it would seem, has forever crushed entrepreneurship and any initiative of people. But the frozen economy, bound by the ice of prohibitions and instructions, was slightly melted by rays of interest, the stranglehold of ideological dogmas was slightly loosened, and a massive outflow of the population into the business sector began. What is business?

Business is a variety of profit-making activities organized and aimed at supplying consumers with goods and services. The greatest businessman of the New World, Henry Ford, wrote on this subject: “Doing business on the basis of pure profit is an extremely risky enterprise. It is a kind of gambling that proceeds unevenly and rarely lasts longer than a few years. The task of an enterprise is to produce for consumption, and not for profit or speculation.” Greed for money is the surest way to not achieve money. N > if you serve for the sake of service itself, for the sake of the satisfaction that comes from the consciousness of the rightness of the cause, then money appears in abundance by itself. In our country, there is still a widespread idea of ​​business as a means of profit and even as a tool of the West in the speedy plunder of Russia. Business is often identified with deception, fraud, speculation, and mafia activities. Alas, we are not accustomed to loving the rich, although their prosperity is also our prosperity. It’s unfortunate, but in our country entrepreneurs are treated as criminal figures - grabbers and grabbers. In the conditions of transition to a market and a huge shortage of goods and services, we really have a large number of “businessmen for an hour” who want to instantly grab a piece and run. Along with this, there is an opposing view and corresponding activities. The specialists of the Alisa trading house, despite the great risk, are investing funds and developing a program to attract foreign capital to our country. Thinking not only about its immediate benefit, “Alice” is setting up its own weaving production, producing products for St. Petersburg residents for rubles. It develops its activity where the shortage of goods and services is most sensitive. What does this have in common with the wretched ideas about business as a primitive replenishment of the “little money” and the desire of the West to quickly plunder Russia?

Marat Zolotdnov from the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, in response to a question about scams on the exchange, replied: “The market generally does not like scams. Reliability and faithfulness to one's word are at a premium here. The price for fraud is too high. The entry fee is over 400 thousand rubles - in this case it is automatically lost.”

In our economic space, which is on the verge of collapse, business is a fight, it is a duel, and those who risk joining it are, if not a hero, then certainly a person worthy of respect.

So who is he, a successful businessman?

This is a person with capital acquired in a real business that everyone needs;

who lives well himself and lets others live. The greater his income, the greater the tax deductions, the richer our treasury and you and I;

gifted. It’s not enough to say: “I want to be a businessman!” - you must have a talent for this type of business activity. Entrepreneurship is also a gift from God. It is not typical for all people. You can make a good deal - earn a million or even more, but still not succeed as a businessman;

worthy; caring about his business and his country, helping his employees and his compatriots and doing it from the bottom of his heart.