Slotted wood carving for beginners - create unique wood products with your own hands with the help of video master classes. Types of woodcarving Carved patterns Relief

In relief carving, the play of light and shadow is used to express form. The greater the difference in relief levels, the more contrasting and impressive the effect is. Relief carving - good way gaining experience in wood carving, since it uses almost all the tools for this type of woodworking and, to a certain extent, it is easier to imagine ready product.
In addition, it is economical in terms of material consumption, and wood can be processed on a conventional workbench without specialized clamping and mounting devices.

Product markup

The first step is to complete a full scale working drawing of our proposed piece. In the example of an ornately decorated letter here, there is both a geometric and a vegetal pattern. It also presents an interesting challenge. If the sample is not the desired size, enlarge or reduce it using a scale grid or a photocopier that can enlarge and reduce the image. Tape the drawing to the workpiece and use carbon paper to transfer it to the surface. On the edge of the wood with a marking thicknesser set to 18 mm, apply the depth of the relief.

Using the scale grid

Draw a grid on the picture

On a copy of the original drawing, draw vertical and horizontal grid lines, for example, at 6 mm intervals. On plain paper, draw a grid with a side of a square of 24 mm. Following exactly the shapes of the lines of the original (on the copy), redraw them on a large grid, using the lines of the two grids to maintain scale. This will give you a 4x magnification, but you can use grids (and hence scale) of any size that suits your plans.

Relief image of an ornamental letter

background cutting

Start by cutting with a corner or a deep round chisel (cerazik) around the design. Cut about 3 mm from the marking line, taking into account the grain direction (1).

1 Cut a groove along the outline of the pattern

Then remove the cuttings to a depth of about 2 mm from the background surface (marking lines for the depth of the relief). Use a #8 or #9 round chisel with a blade width of 18mm and work across the grain (2).

After a rough selection of the background, "cutting" begins. Using a flat or round chisel with the appropriate curvature of the blade, evenly cut the edges of the contours of the pattern in a vertical plane (3). Try not to cut too deep so that after finishing the background there are no cuts on its surface.

3 Cut the outline vertically

Finish the background with a wide (25 mm) shallow round chisel No. 3, then use a round cranberry to select the middle of the letter (4). On the surface of the background, you can intentionally leave light marks from the tool or level it with a flat chisel - depending on your wishes.

4 In the center, work with cranberries

Then repeat the operation with respect to the surface of the letter, lowering it by 9 mm. but without touching the leaf ornament.

5 Round inner region

Execution of forms

Now you can shape the leaves and the face of the letter. Draw lines along the borders of the contour of the front side of the letter. Cut a V-shaped (two-sided) notch or groove on the face of the letter near its borders. Round the inside area with a flat chisel (5). You can level it with an inverted round chisel with a suitable blade depth, or use sandpaper, but only after the main thread is completed. This is followed by a rough cut of the shape of the leaves. Start with a straight round chisel, and for tight curves use a round cranberry.

relief carving

Of the presented varieties, relief carving is the most expressive, therefore, in the old days, it was covered with Wall panels, furniture, doors and ceilings. It is still relevant when decorating the interior. There are 2 types of relief carving - bas-relief and high relief. The first is a type of relief sculpture, which is characterized by such a feature: the convex part of the image rises above the plane by no more than half of its volume, in contrast to the high relief, in which the image rises above the plane by more than half of its volume. These types are also different in scope: if the high relief is used mainly in architecture, then the bas-relief finds a wider application: it can be found not only in architecture, but also as a decor for monuments, on coins, medals, gems, etc.

Secrets between the lines

How to find golden mean between large form and details?

It is important for the carver not to overload the products with excessive detailing, but it is also impossible not to pay due attention to them. Owning this side of the carving shows how skilled the craftsman is. This helps photography, painting and graphics. The carver must collect material in order to look at analogues if necessary, which is especially important if some details, such as the position of dynamic folds on clothes, cannot be checked on the model. The execution of folds requires great experience and skill, since it is necessary to depict them in such a way that a figure is felt under them. Then it will be convincing.

Since the main advantage of relief carving is the play of chiaroscuro, all lines and intersections are performed as clearly and accurately as possible. Relief carving refers to labor-intensive types of carving, as it requires the carver to have experience, the ability to work with both hands and the possession of a variety of carving tools. The sequence of embossed carving is as follows: drawing a picture, cutting and trimming the contour of a picture or ornament, rough selection of the background, identifying the relief forms of the ornament, finishing the background, making a small relief of the ornament, chasing the background. Since we have already talked about drawing a picture, it makes no sense to dwell on this again. As for the threading itself, this is clearly shown in Fig. 89.

Rice. 89. The sequence of the relief carving: but- notching along the contour; b- cutting to the base of the incision; in– draft background selection; G- curling up the ornament and finishing the background; d– development of relief

For incising, the tool (to make a straight line, use a jamb knife, for a curved line, a chisel of the required profile) is held vertically along the contour of the pattern, tilting slightly towards it (this will help to avoid “undercutting” the ornament in high relief).

Secrets between the lines

When can I start cutting parts?

Beginning carvers, having outlined the general contours of the head, proceed to the detailing of the face. This should not be allowed under any circumstances. Specific details can be dealt with only when the form is revealed, the silhouette is processed, and the details themselves are thought out to the smallest detail. Out-of-sequence threading leads to serious and often uncorrectable errors.

Cutting is carried out with sloping, medium and steep chisels, as well as a poke (the tool is held at an angle of approximately 45 ° to the plane of the workpiece and the end of the handle is pressed with the palm of your hand). The cutting depth is maintained at the same level.

In complex ornaments, elements can overlap each other. Then cutting and cutting start from the top lines and make them less deep, cutting and cutting elements in the background - deeper.

On solid wood, incisions are not always obtained at once, so their repetition is allowed. At the same time, at the first cut, the tool is pressed quite lightly, since the main thing here is that the cut falls exactly on the line of the drawing and turns out to be clean and smooth. The cut is deepened during cutting.

The background begins to be drafted first of all from large areas, using wide chisels, which are moved to various directions. This is determined both by the area of ​​the background and by the direction of the wood layers. The chisel is held with both hands at a slight angle to the background plane. The result of the work should be the same depth background.

The shape of the relief is revealed by ovalization (in this case, it is important to ensure that the convex element does not have sharp outlines, but at the same time it does not give the impression of being flat) or rounding the convex elements (after notching and trimming are completed, they are removed from the main chamfer at an angle 45 °, then alternately upper and lower, in conclusion they are cleaned with a sloping chisel).

Secrets between the lines

In what sequence are the head and face of the wooden sculpture carved?

Having specified the tilt or turn of the head, setting the direction of gaze, you can proceed to the details of the face. The work goes from the general to the particular: the oval of the face, the hair, the profile line. Then outline the lines of the eyes, ears, mouth. If the proportions are not violated, the details are clarified, and the eyes and ears are performed at the final stage.

The fine cleaning of the background begins with the processing of large areas, using a straight wide chisel, which is held almost horizontally. In corners and narrow places, you need to work especially carefully so as not to damage the ornament, so narrow chisels or cranberries are used, cleaning the background in the direction from the edge to the center.

Often the background is covered with chasing, which is carried out with the help of chasings (punches), on which short blows are applied with a hammer. But it should be noted that in relief carving this technique is rarely resorted to.

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Flat thread As follows from the name of the thread, its background is a flat surface (both the workpiece and the object being decorated), and the pattern is made up of recesses (recesses) of various shapes. Flat serrated threads are subdivided into contour and

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Flat-relief carving When performing flat-relief carving, the image is located in one plane, while the relief, which is diverse in pattern and composition, is revealed in a peculiar way. To do this, the background surrounding the element or ornament is selected or deepened. IN

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Relief carving Of the presented varieties, relief carving is the most expressive, therefore, in former times, wall panels, furniture, doors and ceilings were covered with it. It is still relevant when decorating the interior. There are 2 types of relief carving -

From the author's book

Slotted carving The name of this type of carving means that with this method of processing wood, the background is removed. Therefore, such a thread is otherwise called sawn or through.

From the author's book

Sculptural carving Sculptural carving is the most ancient and dates back to the time when people carved figures of pagan gods from wood, whom they worshiped and from whom they sought help and protection.

From the author's book

House carving The name of this type of carving speaks for itself: house carving is intended for the external decoration of a dwelling and its interior decoration. House carving is heterogeneous in nature and technique and can be relief, slotted and

From the author's book

From the author's book

Flat serrated threads various shapes recesses - notches. The lowest points of the relief are located below the level of the decorated

From the author's book

Relief carving The essence of relief carving is that a pattern (drawing) is formed by sampling the background around it. Such a sample can be uniform in depth. In this case, the formed pattern (drawing) will have the same height (usually 5–7 mm) throughout

From the author's book

Slotted carving Slotted carving can be made both in the technique of flat-relief (with a flat ornament) and embossed carving. The background in the slotted thread is removed with a chisel or saw. In the latter case, the thread is called sawn. The slotted thread has received a wide

From the author's book

Sculptural carving Sculptural or three-dimensional carving is characterized by the fact that in it the relief image is partially or completely separated from the background, turning into a sculpture. Unlike a one-sided image of an object in other types of threads, volumetric threads can be

From the author's book

House carving House carving is characterized by the fact that it is large-scale, performed mainly on wood conifers with the help of an ax, saw, chisel and is used to decorate wooden buildings. Although house carving was already popular in the 16th century, before us

From the author's book

Contour carving According to the execution technique, contour carving as a variety of geometric is the simplest. Images made in this way resemble a clear graphic drawing. Applying various types of cuts and combinations of straight lines, curves,

From the author's book

Geometric thread All elements of geometric thread are the simplest geometric shapes formed by straight and curved lines or a combination of tetrahedral or semicircular grooves. The main elements of geometric carving are dihedral,

From the author's book

Staple, or nail-like, carving auxiliary tool. As a result of the use of a semicircular chisel, a trace remains on the surface of the wood, similar to a bracket or a mark from a nail, hence

This type of carving makes it possible to perform various compositions with plant or animal ornaments.

The carving technique is laborious and requires a certain amount of skill and experience.

It has several varieties: carving with oval contours, carving with a matched background (or selected), carving with a pillow background and relief-oval carving.

Carving with oval contours and carving with a selected background look strict and graphic.

Carving with a pillow background makes the image of the drawing more saturated and picturesque.

Relief - oval carving - a transitional step to a more convex carving - embossed.

Blind embossed carving is the perfection of a carving with a matched background.

Before proceeding to elucidate the question of the technique of execution various kinds relief carving, you should be aware that this carving often involves the presence of significant working areas in order to place the intended plots on them.

It's about gluing shields. Let's dwell on this issue.

Shield bonding

In the brownie and artistic carving wide boards are often required.

When drying, such boards often warp and crack very strongly, so wide boards are sawn before drying, and the desired width of the workpiece is gained by gluing several narrow boards.

For assembly, several planed boards of the desired length and thickness are taken, taking into account the allowance of 30-100 mm. The face and edge of the boards are jointed at an angle of 90 °.

The quality of the joining is checked by light, by applying the boards to each other with edges.

The jointing accuracy must be very high, otherwise the shield will crack at the point of gluing.

The processed and fitted boards are laid out in such a way that the pattern of texture and color of the wood of neighboring boards does not differ or is close enough.

The difference in any one workpiece will greatly affect the quality of the product.

At the boards laid out in this way, the edges are smeared with glue, the boards are laid in clamps or wedges and clamped with screws or wedges.

If the boards to be glued will later be outdoors (use in house carving), then synthetic or casein adhesives should be used, which have high water resistance and strength.

When using shields in artistic carving, it is best to use wood glue.

Sometimes it happens that the glued boards come into contact with a surface that is highly susceptible to cooling or moisture, which causes them to strongly warp.

In this case, profiled bars or slats are glued into the shields.

After drying, the glued shields are carefully planed and cleaned with a planer with a double piece of iron or a jointer. Glued shields must not be sanded before threading!

relief carving

An incision is made along the outline of the drawing from the line of the drawing towards the background. The incision is made with a cutter with a slight inclination.

The slope protects the edges of the ornament from accidental cuts when selecting the background. At the end of the work, the background is cut vertically and exactly along the line of the picture.

After cutting, cutting is performed to a certain depth, which should be the same over the entire plane of the ornament.

Then the background is sampled with chisels. Depending on how the background is intended, such chisels are selected.

These can be sloping chisels and chisels-clucarzy (smooth, profiled).

In order to avoid scratches on the wood when cleaning the background, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the layer of fibers.

Carving with oval contours

According to the execution technique, it resembles contour carving (the contour of the pattern consists of dihedral grooves).

The pattern is cut along the contour using a jamb or the edge of a chisel. After that, the workpiece is trimmed from the side of the background.

Chisels in this case are selected such that it is possible to cut and trim the curvilinear forms of the ornament with one movement in the direction of the structure of the wood fibers.

After trimming, the edges are ovalized from the side of the ornamental elements.

In relation to the clipping at the background border, the oval face should be sharply rounded.

As a result of the carving, a relief image with smooth oval lines is obtained.

When making a large ornament on hard wood, the recesses are made with chisels and mallets.

The recess in this case should pass from the outside of the ornament at a distance of several millimeters from the line of the pattern.

Carving with matched background

Carving with a matched background is similar to carving with oval contours.

The background is sampled to a certain depth, which will give a special expressiveness to the picture.

From the inside, the background can be minted or filled with profile slots.

Carving with pillow background

The technique for carving with a pillow background is similar to the two previous types, and the peculiarity is that the background does not have any flat lines and is completely oval.

The drawing is steeply ovalized from the side of the contour and more sloping from the side of the background.

Relief-oval carving

In the relief-oval carving, the background is oval, and the ornament is processed in relief.

When trimmed, the contour lines of the drawing ovate steeply from the side of the background and somewhat less - from the side of the ornament.

After that, the lines are cut on two sides with a sloping chisel.

The vertically arranged forms of the ornament are selected with medium chisels, as a result of which recesses in the form of hollows are formed.

Blind relief carving

First of all, a drawing is performed in a flat-relief technique with a selected background.

After that, the relief is developed on the plane of the ornament.

The selection of the background and the trimming of the contour on hardwoods is performed using a mallet.

Organization of the workplace when performing relief carving.

Requirements for the quality of relief carving.

Features of the technology for performing bas-relief and high-relief carving.

Finishing of carved products. Rules for safe work.

Lesson provision:

During the classes

1. Checking homework.

1. What is the difference between relief carving and flat carving?

2. What types of relief carving do you know?

3. What is the essence of the laid on embossed carving?

4. What tools and fixtures are used to make relief carving?

5. List the rules for safe work when making relief carving.

6. What kind of wood is it desirable to use for a beginner relief carver?

2.Explanation of the new material

Relief-oval carving

Relief carving is relatively laborious and requires higher skill than flat relief carving. Therefore, a novice carver should start with embossed carving(Fig. 79) as a transitional step to a real relief carving.

Rice. 79. Decorative panel made in the technique of relief-oval carving.

The selection of wood species, tools, fixtures, as well as the technique for making relief-oval carving are the same as for flat-relief carving. The difference lies in a deeper selection of the background and more relief forms of the ornament. Obtaining this thread includes the following steps: a) transferring the pattern to the surface of the workpiece; b) cutting along the contour of the translated drawing; c) rough selection of the background surface; d) curling up the ornament with the final processing of the background; e) applying the necessary cuts and grooves to the surface of the ornament (Fig. 80).

When making the relief of the ornament, it is folded more steeply from the side of the background and less - from the side of the ornament itself. Ornamental forms arranged vertically are cut with medium chisels and receive notches in the form of hollows. When performing this operation, the chisel is gradually cut into the wood, rotated and brought to the surface. Details of the ornament, such as teeth, lines, veins, are cut through last.

Taking into account the height of the relief of the carved composition and the complexity of its perception from the drawing, it is advisable to use the appropriate models from plasticine.

Beginning wood carver must remember that the quality of the thread depends on how the cutting tool is sharpened.

Rice. 80. Stages of embossed carving:

but- translation of the drawing; b- notching along the contour; in- draft background selection; G- folded ornament

and final processing of the background; d- drawing cuts and grooves on the surface of the ornament

1. Why should a novice carver start not with relief, but with relief-oval carving? 2. What is the peculiarity of the relief-oval carving? 3. What stages does a relief-oval carving consist of? 4. Why are plasticine models made before making a relief carving? 5. What determines the quality of wood carving?

Blind relief carving

Blind relief carving- this is a carving that has an uncut background and a high relief of the ornament. The main stages of its implementation are the same as with relief-oval carving. However, the complexity and height of the relief of the ornament is greater here. To perform a blind embossed carving using carbon paper, the pattern is transferred to the prepared surface of the workpiece. At the same time, it is necessary to achieve the most accurate and accurate translation of the contours of the future carved ornament.

At the next stage, perform contour cutting. At the same time, straight and smoothly curved lines of the ornament are incised shoals, and sharply curvilinear - semicircular chisels. In this case, the instrument is placed vertically or with a slight slope towards the ornament (strictly along the contour line). Taking into account the hardness of the wood and the height of the relief, the incision along the contour is performed in two or three passes.

Next, with the help of chisels perform contour trimming. To do this, use flat or semicircular chisels, which are directed at an angle of 45 ° to the surface to be treated. Cutting is carried out in directions perpendicular to the cut lines. The depth of cutting should be the same along the entire contour of the ornament.

At the next stage, carry out background sampling future carved composition. This work begins with large areas of the background and gradually moves to smaller ones. A selection of large areas of the background is made with wide semicircular (sloping) chisels in different directions. At the same time, the background area and the direction of the wood fibers are taken into account. The chisel is tilted at an angle of 45° to the plane of the background.

When working with hardwoods, the background is sampled using mallets And bits with a sharp blade. By hitting the mallet on the end of the chisel, excess wood is removed. A mallet is chosen not very heavy, so that the hand is less tired. The background is cut down with an allowance of 2-3 mm, therefore, to obtain

the desired depth of cut, it is very important to develop the same force of blows with a mallet on the end of the bit. In places where the background width is insignificant, cutting is done gradually, over several times. In this case, it is obligatory to cut at an angle of approximately 45 °, which will protect the details of the ornament from chipping.

Excess wood is cut down with semicircular (sloping) chisels across the fibers in a horizontal direction from the edges of the workpiece to the middle. At the same time, 3-4 mm of uncut wood is left from the background line drawn on the edge of the board. This is necessary for subsequent alignment operations and the final cleaning of the pattern. Then, with sloping chisels, they level the background into one plane and clean it. Cleaning the background on soft wood species is performed by cutting movements of the chisel in the direction of the wood fibers, gradually cutting off thin layers of chips.

At the next stage, produce rounding of relief details according to the drawing, removing edges and chamfers. At the same time, the edges of the cuts are left clear, as after cutting with a chisel. Usually, the main chamfer is removed with a joint at an angle of 45 °, and then the top and bottom. Using a semicircular (sloping) chisel, they clean out the contours of the relief.

At the final stage, with jambs and cerazi-kami, finally clean up the background and ornament. At the same time, small cuts And notches, highlighting the features of the carved composition. In some cases, in addition to stripping, they carry out coinage background surface.

The main stages of making a relief carving are schematically shown in Figure 81. To preserve the clarity of the cuts of a relief carving, it is usually not polished, but left matte. IN individual cases relief surface tint, coated with an alcohol-based varnish, which, after drying, creates the appearance of recently carving done." align="left hspace=3" width="273" height="198"> To perform relief carving, wood of medium hardness is taken (for example, In this case, carving is more difficult than on soft woods (linden, alder), but the cut is clearer and cleaner.

The workpiece (from solid birch) with the pattern transferred to it is securely fixed in holders. Both hands must be free to operate the tool. The carving process starts with contour notching ornament (Fig. 83, a). First, the details that lie at the upper points of the relief are cut. In our case, these are flowers. Then move on to branches and leaves.

Rice. 82. Composition with floral motifs

The contours of the ornament that are in contact with the background are cut deeper than the places that are in contact with the details of the decorative composition. The composition, as you can see, is enclosed in a frame, so it is necessary to make an incision along internal frame outline. At the same time, a jamb is used on straight and smoothly curved sections, and semicircular chisels are used on roundings.

Often the ornament itself is separated from the background surface by a slotted groove. In this case, in order not to catch the line of the drawing, the jamb is led from the outside of the outline of the drawing. First, the jamb is tilted and led in one direction so as not to hook on the contour line (cut). Then, with an inclination, they lead him to the other side (cut). As a result, a slotted groove is obtained, which simplifies subsequent operations (Fig. 83, b).

Rice. 83. Stages of blind relief carving:

a - notching the contour;

b- cutting the contour with the implementation of the slotted groove;

in.- background selection;

G- stripping and chasing the background

The process of chamfering, or trimming, begins with ornament details, and then proceed to chamfering from the side of the background, striving for the cropping to be the same in all places. Background pruning and rolling of individual relief details are performed various semicircular chisels. If necessary, make repeated cuts to remove excess chips.

Next, perform a selection of the background, starting with larger areas. On hardwoods, mallets and chisels are used. The cuts are made with semicircular chisels in different directions, regardless of the direction of the wood fibers (Fig. 83, in).

Having completed the selection of the background, they proceed to cutting the relief of the ornament. Flower petals are carefully and carefully processed using chisels of the required profile. So, the edges of the petals and leaves are cut off wide gentle chisels, correcting them if necessary cant. The stems of the flowers are treated in the same way. When cutting leaves, the chisel is led with top points in direction bulge leaf plate. The veins on the leaves and flower petals are cut out with a joint in the form of straight and gentle cuts.

Next, the background is finally cleaned, leveling it on the entire plane. For this they use average straight, small semicircular chisels and cranberries. After stripping and grinding the background, if necessary, with punches with the desired pattern and a hammer, the background is minted (Fig. 83, G). In this case, the punch (chasing) is placed vertically to the background surface.

What wood is best for relief carving?

2. How is the outline of a pattern cut?

3. What is trimming the contour of the ornament?

4. Why is a slotted groove made between the ornament and the background?

5. What tools are used to make a rough selection of the background?

6. What are the features of carving the relief of the ornament.

7. What tools do the final stripping and finishing of the background?

Laid on embossed carving

Often, to simplify the technology of the threading process, invoice embossed carving. In this carving separately relief elements of the decorative composition are cut and fastened according to the drawing on the prepared background surface. Depending on the purpose and size of the decorative composition, the relief carving elements are nailed or glued to the background. Such a carving is used in the manufacture of furniture, the design of house facades, and for decorating other household items (Fig. 84, 85).

Rice. 84. Decorative Rice. 85. Box with elements
overlay thread frame

For overhead thread use solid types of wood. As a device for the manufacture of relief elements of the thread, a planed board is used, which is called pillow. Pre-pasted on the pillow thin paper, and on top - a cut-to-size and cleaned workpiece. A relief thread pattern is applied (transferred) to the surface of the workpiece. Glued paper is needed to make it easier to separate the finished product from the pillow. At the same time, the fixed workpiece is easier to process.

Then trim along the contour of the decorative element. Large recesses and holes are cut with chisels of the appropriate profile. The initial trimming along the contour of the ornament is done semicircular chisels, and final processing - cutter, semicircular And direct chisels.

When processing softwoods, in order for the cut to be smooth, the movements of the cutter or chisel are made smooth and sliding. At the next stage, the edges are rolled up, individual small elements are cut. If necessary, cut chamfers of various widths. To make holes, you can use a hand drill or a brace with drills of the desired diameter. After drilling, the holes are trimmed with chisels.

Having completed the final processing of the relief, it is carefully removed from the background surface. At the same time, in order to avoid chips, a thin knife is used, which is moved in the direction of the wood fibers. After that, the decorative element is cleaned of paper and attached to the prepared background surface. Grinding of carved elements is not recommended, so as not to damage the cuts. To create a contrast between the colors of the background and decorative elements, the surface is painted in a dark color, the carving elements are tinted (see Fig. 85).

1. What is the applied embossed thread for?2. What is the difference between an overlaid embossed thread and a blind thread? 3. What is the purpose of sticking thin paper on the surface of the pillow? 4. What is the procedure for trimming a relief thread element? 5. Name the tools used to make the applied thread. 6. How are thread elements attached to the background surface?

Contra-relief carving technology

Contra-relief carving how the type of relief carving differs in-depth image the required form. In the past, with the help of such carvings, seals, gingerbread boards, various technical and household forms were made.

A gingerbread board, for example, is cut out of hardwood (birch, pear, willow, linden), making a deep relief in it (counter-relief). Such a carving is performed by quite experienced carvers who have spatial imagination and are able to imagine what shape the gingerbread will turn out to be. Most often, gingerbread is given the shape of birds, animals, dolls, leaves, and other real objects.

The shape, size and depth of the future counter-relief image is determined depending on the purpose of the product. One of the most common examples of counter-relief carving is gingerbread board(Fig. 86, a).

Rice. 86. Execution sequence

counter-relief carving:

but- ready product; b- cutting contours;

in- sampling of wood inside the contours;

G- selection of hemispherical recesses;

d- drawing cuts and elements of patterns

First, the image of such a board is drawn on a sheet of paper in full size. In this case, it is not necessary to accurately copy all the details of the image. Often the composition of the future carved product is supplemented with simple patterns that are cut into individual boards. In order to see the entire carved pattern in volume, they make an imprint on light plasticine. The material for the manufacture of the board is kept until completely dry. The wood must be straight-grained, without knots, cracks, or damage.

When making a counter-relief carving, the surface of a well-polished board (blank) is applied outlines only and the most characteristic lines of the future product. The details of the pattern are performed by looking at the drawing. To get several identical gingerbread boards, a cardboard template is used. As a cutting tool for counter-relief carving, straight and semicircular chisels, cranberries, cutters and jambs are used.

Before carving, the workpiece with the applied contours is fixed in holders.

Remember: in order to avoid injury to the hands, all cuts are made with a well-sharpened tool, cut by moving it away from you.

The carving process begins with a cutter and semicircular chisels making a deep cut along the contour. Wherein cutter use on gently sloping sections of the contour, and semicircular chisels- on the roundings. Then, with wide semicircular chisels or cranberries, wood is selected inside the contour to a shallow depth. After that, a deepening of the background is leveled with a flat chisel.

Hemispherical recesses on a gingerbread board in the form of a bird are cut with cranberries (torso, head, wing, tail). Cranberries are deepened into the wood in several passes to avoid chips and chips, since they are usually difficult to fix. To obtain clean cuts, the chips must be thin.

Remember: cleaner cuts are obtained when carving along the fibers or at a slight angle to them.

The thickness and volume of the printed gingerbread will depend on how deep the recess is made relative to the background surface. The bottom of the cut recess can be not only spherical, but also flat. In this case, the walls are made slightly beveled so that the form can be easily removed from the printed gingerbread.

Shallow cuts on the surface of a gingerbread board are usually made using the technique bracketed or geometric carving, for which they use semicircular chisels and a joint knife. The sequence of counter-relief carving is shown in the figure. After the completion of the counter-relief carving, the roughness and small chips are cleaned with a sandpaper, and the shape is carefully cleaned with a brush. Before using the gingerbread board, it is wiped with vegetable oil.

Contra-relief carving in production conditions is carried out masters And carvers on wood.

1. In order not to strain your eyes during the carving process, position workplace in front of the window so that the light falls directly on the face, if necessary, use a table lamp no more than 20 cm high.

2. After using the working tool, put it in a case or a special box.

3. Keep the tool from falling to the floor. Beware of him falling on the feet of the worker.

4. Use fixtures to firmly secure the workpiece in the work area.

1. What is counter-relief carving and what is it for?

2. What kind of wood is used for counter-relief carving?

3. List the tools for counter-relief carving.

4. Name the sequence of counter-relief carving.

5. How to avoid chips and chips when carving?

6. What types of threads are used when making large cuts on the surface of counter-relief threads?

7. What precautions should be taken when making counter-relief carvings?

Manual sharpening of tools and for wood carving

Wood carver's tools should always be well sharpened. Consider manual tool sharpening. Correct sharpening blades And chamfers Extends tool life, improves cut quality and increases productivity.

For sharpening tools, coarse-grained and fine-grained bars. edit tools are produced on whetstones different sizes and profiles. Depending on the complexity of the carved ornament slant angle fluctuates from 30 ° to 80 ° (Fig. 87, a), and taper angle equal to 20 ° (Fig. 87, b).

Rice. 88. Sharpening carving tools:

but- the position of the hands when sharpening by moving forward and backward;

b- the position of the hands when sharpening with a rotational movement

The knife-jamb is turned over from one side to the other, achieving the required bevel and sharpening angles. Sharpening on the bar is carried out until the cutting edge appears burr. Next, they proceed to editing the chamfer of the tool until the burr on the blade disappears. They rule on a whetstone in the same way as they sharpen on a bar. After straightening, the joint knife is wiped with a piece of cloth and checked for sharpness. To do this, take a piece of hardwood board and make a cut along the fibers. A sharp blade gives a clean and shiny cut, while an insufficiently sharpened one gives a rough and dull cut.

Sharpening is done in a similar way. straight chisels with one side on a coarse-grained bar (Fig. 89). Then they are sharpened on a fine-grained bar and corrected on a whetstone.

Rice. 89. Sharpening a straight chisel

When sharpening a semicircular chisel, it is turned from side to side in one place of the bar, after which a recess appears in the plane of the bar in the form of a small groove, along which the chamfer of the chisel is correctly sharpened. The inner side is sharpened on the rounded edge of the bar. Editing semicircular chisels is carried out similarly to editing oblique chisels (see Fig. 88, a).

Clukarzy and cerazik are sharpened in the same way as semicircular chisels, only on fine-grained bars and more carefully. Corners are sharpened on bars and ruled on whetstones with sharp ribs.

It is faster and more convenient to sharpen profile chisels on a special board with a set of bars and whetstones of the corresponding profile (Fig. 90). At the same time, the inner surfaces of the chisels are sharpened with smooth movements back and forth along the entire length of the bar or whetstone.

Often, for the convenience and speed of manual sharpening and straightening of woodcarving tools, a device is used, which is a wooden shield with inserted or glued bars and whetstones (Fig. 91).

Rice. 90. Sharpening and editing profile chisels:

a - a board with a set of profile bars and whetstones;

b - dressing board with chisel profiles

Rice. 91. Device for sharpening and straightening tools manually

During operation, the carving tool must be on the workbench in special holders with slots for chisels in the order corresponding to the purpose. Tool blades must not touch each other. The instrument is stored in a dry room in cabinets with holders, in cases or wrapped in covers made of thick fabric (Fig. 92). For long-term storage, the tool rods are lubricated with machine oil.

Rice. 92. Tool storage devices: o - holders; b - case; c - fabric cover

1. What is used to sharpen and straighten tools?

2. What size should be the angles of the bevel and sharpening of the knife-jamb?

3. What movements are made on the bar when sharpening the jamb knife and what does long-term sharpening of the chamfer of the tool lead to?

4. What is the difference between sharpening straight chisels and sharpening semicircular chisels?

5. How is it more convenient to sharpen profile chisels?

6. How should I properly store my woodcarving tool?

Group practical work.

Development of route maps for the manufacture of products. Execution of the drawing and its transfer to the workpiece. Cutting and trimming the contours of the image. Draft selection of the background. Implementation of landforms. Cleaning and finishing the surface and background of the product.

1. Fulfillment

relief-oval carving on an example

making decorative panels(Table 4)

decorative panbut

Solid wood boardlindens

Work sequence (route)

Tools and fixtures

Transfer the drawing to the surface of the workpiece

Make an incision along the outline of the pattern

Chisel-jamb, semicircular chisel

Make a rough selection of the background surface

Chisels, cranberries

Carry out the ornamentation and final processing of the background

Chisels, cranberries

In accordance with the pattern, apply the necessary cuts and recesses to the surface of the ornament

Chisels, ceraziks

2. Marking and notching

the contour of the ornament on the example of a decorative

panels with floral motifs

Make a drawing of the future carved composition on the surface of the workpiece.

Copy the finished pattern of the ornament and transfer it to the surface of the workpiece.

Perform the cutting operation along the contour of the pattern using a jamb and chisels.

3. Performing deaf

embossed carving on the example of manufacturing

cutting board (Table 5)

Table 5

Route map

Making a cutting board

with elements of blind embossed carving

Cutting board

Solid birch board

No. Sequence of execution of p / p work (route)

Tools and fixtures

1 Reshoot the pattern of the carved ornament on the surface of the workpiece

Carbon paper, tracing paper, pencil

2 Cut the outline of the ornament pattern

Jamb, semicircular chisels

3 Trim the outline of the pattern

Jamb, semicircular chisels

4 Make a rough selection of the background surface

Chisels, chisels, mallet

5 Carve the relief of the ornament


6 Perform the final cleaning and embossing of the background surface

Jamb, chisels, ceramics, punches, hammer

4. Execution of the decorative element of the laid on embossed carving

Prepare the surface of the workpiece and cut it to size.

Stick thin paper on the surface of the planed board (pillow). Glue the thread blank on top of the paper.

Draw a relief ornament element and transfer it to the surface of the workpiece.

Carry out the initial and finishing cutting of the thread element along the contour using a cutter and semi-circular chisels of the appropriate profile.

In accordance with the figure, make the relief and cut the chamfers. If necessary, correct the edges of the decorative element and use a knife to remove it from the surface of the pillow.

5. Execution

counter-relief carving on the example of a carved

gingerbread board in the shape of a bird

Make a drawing of the future carved composition on paper in full size, prepare the surface of the workpiece for carving.

Draw the contour and most significant lines in the form of a bird on the background surface. Using a cutter and semicircular chisels, complete
deep cuts along the contour of the image.

With chisels and klkzharzas, select wood and level the recess within the contour to a shallow depth. Spend further sampling of wood to a given depth to obtain the desired shape.

4. Apply all cuts to the threads. Clean the surface of the carving with sandpaper and clean the form of abrasive dust using a stiff hair brush (brush).

Section questions

1. What is the difference between bas-relief carving and high-relief carving?

2. What are the features of counter-relief and relief carving?

3. What is the purpose of the model of the future ornament?

4.Where is embossed carving used?

5. How is the relief carving done?

6. Why is a slotted groove made between the ornament and the background?

8. How are thread elements attached to the background surface?

9. What fixtures are used to secure the workpiece?

10. What is the manual sharpening of a wood carving tool for?

3. Homework and debriefing. §17-21 p.96,100,105,109,112.

Of the presented varieties, relief carving is the most expressive, therefore, in former times, wall panels, furniture, doors and ceilings were covered with it. It is still relevant when decorating the interior.

There are 2 types of relief carving - bas-relief and high relief.

The first is a type of relief sculpture, which is characterized by such a feature: the convex part of the image rises above the plane by no more than half of its volume, in contrast to the high relief, in which the image rises above the plane by more than half of its volume. These types are also different in scope: if the high relief is used mainly in architecture, then the bas-relief finds a wider application: it can be found not only in architecture, but also as a decor for monuments, on coins, medals, gems, etc.

Secrets between the lines

How to find the golden mean between large form and details?

It is important for the carver not to overload the products with excessive detailing, but it is also impossible not to pay due attention to them. Owning this side of the carving shows how skilled the craftsman is. This helps photography, painting and graphics. The carver must collect material in order to look at analogues if necessary, which is especially important if some details, such as the position of dynamic folds on clothes, cannot be checked on the model. The execution of folds requires great experience and skill, since it is necessary to depict them in such a way that a figure is felt under them. Then it will be convincing.

Since the main advantage of relief carving is the play of chiaroscuro, all lines and intersections are performed as clearly and accurately as possible. Relief carving refers to labor-intensive types of carving, as it requires the carver to have experience, the ability to work with both hands and the possession of a variety of carving tools.

The sequence of embossed carving is as follows: drawing a picture, cutting and trimming the contour of a picture or ornament, rough selection of the background, identifying the relief forms of the ornament, finishing the background, making a small relief of the ornament,
chasing background. Since we have already talked about drawing a picture, it makes no sense to dwell on this again. As for the threading itself, this is clearly shown in Fig. 89.

Rice. 89. The sequence of performing relief carving: a - notching along the contour; b - cutting to the base of the incision; c – rough background selection; d - tumbling of the ornament and fine cleaning of the background; e - development of relief For incising, the tool (to make a straight line, use a jamb knife, for a curved line, a chisel of the required profile) is held vertically along the contour of the pattern, tilting slightly towards it (this will help avoid "undercutting" of the ornament in high relief).

Secrets between the lines

When can I start cutting parts?

Beginning carvers, having outlined the general contours of the head, proceed to the detailing of the face. This should not be allowed under any circumstances. Specific details can be dealt with only when the form is revealed, the silhouette is processed, and the details themselves are thought out to the smallest detail. Out-of-sequence threading leads to serious and often uncorrectable errors.
Cutting is carried out with sloping, medium and steep chisels, as well as a poke (the tool is held at an angle of approximately 45 ° to the plane of the workpiece and the end of the handle is pressed with the palm of your hand). The cutting depth is maintained at the same level. In complex ornaments, elements can overlap each other. Then incision and undercut start from the top lines and make them less deep, incision and
cropping elements that are in the background - deeper.

On solid wood, incisions are not always obtained at once, so their repetition is allowed. At the same time, at the first cut, the tool is pressed quite lightly, since the main thing here is that the cut falls exactly on the line of the drawing and turns out to be clean and smooth. The cut is deepened during cutting. The background begins to be drafted first of all from large areas, using wide chisels that are moved in different directions. This is determined both by the area of ​​the background and by the direction of the wood layers. The chisel is held with both hands at a slight angle to the background plane. The result of the work should be the same depth background.
The shape of the relief is revealed by ovalization (in this case, it is important to ensure that the convex element does not have sharp outlines, but at the same time it does not give the impression of being flat) or rounding the convex elements (after incision and
cutting, the main chamfer is removed from them at an angle of 45 °, then the upper and lower ones alternately, and finally they are cleaned with a sloping chisel).

Secrets between the lines

In what sequence are the head and face of the wooden sculpture carved? Having specified the tilt or turn of the head, setting the direction of gaze, you can proceed to the details of the face. The work goes from the general to the particular: the oval of the face, the hair, the profile line. Then outline the lines of the eyes, ears, mouth. If the proportions are not violated, the details are clarified, and the eyes and ears are performed at the final stage. The fine cleaning of the background begins with the processing of large areas, using a straight wide chisel, which is held almost horizontally. In corners and narrow places, you need to work especially carefully so as not to damage the ornament, so narrow chisels or cranberries are used, cleaning the background in the direction from the edge to the center. Further, thin and small recesses are applied to the ornament, i.e., a small relief is revealed, for which contour carving techniques are most suitable, and as a tool - a joint knife and ceraziks.

Often the background is covered with chasing, which is carried out with the help of chasings (punches), on which short blows are applied with a hammer. But it should be noted that in relief carving this technique is rarely resorted to.