Is it possible for young people to be photographed before the wedding together. About various photographic signs, wedding events, or Why is it impossible to photograph sleeping people? The bride must hold the bouquet in her hands until the end of the wedding.

The article talks about why it is impossible to photograph a sleeping person, a baby. The history of the emergence of some prohibitions on photography is revealed.

A digital “soap box”, a SLR camera or a mirrorless camera are not always around, which means that wonderful moments are destined to become only a moment in someone’s eyes and memory. But things are different with phone cameras and tablets: gadgets are our constant companions.

Just put your hand in your pocket or bag and an interesting shot is captured! Going for a walk around the city or a meeting with friends, another event, we check in advance whether there is enough memory in the phone and whether the battery is charged. But in what cases is it better to abandon the idea of ​​photographing what is happening?

Why can't you take pictures of a sleeping child, a person?

Superstitions, signs came to us from ancient times. But despite technological progress and the acquisition of human power to influence many natural phenomena, change the course of events, the piggy bank of superstitions and signs is constantly replenished. A person is inclined to believe in the other world, and signs help him gain a modicum of power over fate. One such superstition is photographing sleeping people.

What is the sign of photographing sleeping people?

  • a person with unclean thoughts reads hidden information from a photograph and uses it to perform black magic rites (evil eye, spells)
  • It has long been believed that the soul leaves the body of a sleeping person for a while and walks away from him. The sleeper becomes vulnerable to evil and "sorcerers". Hence the prohibition to abruptly wake up a sleeping person, since the walking soul will not be able to return in time0, and the person risks dying in a dream; that is why it is not advisable to photograph a sleeping person: in fact, from a loud shutter click or flash, a person has every chance of becoming a stutterer or getting a strong fright
  • the face of the sleeping person does not look attractive, therefore, having decided to photograph a person sleeping, you need to obtain consent from him to shoot
  • photographing a sleeping person, you can steal his fate or hasten the approach of death
  • when shooting, the guardian angel may get scared and stop protecting the sleeping person
  • the sleeper resembles the dead. During the Victorian era in Europe, there was a tradition of photographing the dead, especially children. A person was dressed up and seated next to living relatives, sometimes pretending that the deceased had simply fallen asleep or opening his eyes and tinting so that it was difficult to distinguish the dead from the living.
  • Photographing the last time the deceased was considered the only way to preserve the memory of the deceased, albeit in such a terrible way. Looking through old photographs, it is not easy to determine who is dead on it and who is alive. Therefore, it is believed that closed eyes in the photo -
    a sign that the person is not alive. Agree, few people like that they take him for a dead man.

Can I take pictures of a newborn baby?

Superstitious people say that taking pictures of a newborn baby (up to 40 days old) will cause the baby to be weak and sickly. Another thing is connected with this superstition: photos of babies should not be shown to either acquaintances or strangers until the child grows up.

A photograph can cause the evil eye of an unbaptized baby who does not have the protection of a guardian angel. The rite of baptism is held after 40 days, since until that time the mother is forbidden to take part in worship and visit the temple.

But how cute are the sleeping angels depicted on the icons, or little Jesus! When the photographer decided to ask the priest a question about shooting babies, he received a blessing to carry out this kind of shooting.

A young mother wants to keep the memory of the first days of her little miracle's life, so do not let superstitions interfere with the shooting of the baby in the first days of life. At a year old, mom will be able to enjoy plenty of cute and wonderful photographs taken when she wanted only one thing - to sleep and relax.

Why can't you take pictures of pregnant women?

  • The mystery of birth from time immemorial gave rise to superstition. In the old days, long 9 months of waiting for a baby, the absence of an ultrasound scan forced us to look for answers to emerging questions.
  • This is how the myth arose about why it is impossible to photograph pregnant women: if you capture a pregnant woman in a photograph or portrait, then the child will stop developing at this stage
  • Another reason for the taboo on photographing pregnant women is hidden in the low level of medicine: the impotence of doctors of that time forced people to look for explanations frequent deaths babies, women in labor, various postpartum complications

The pregnant woman in the photographs is healthy and happy. With a child under her heart, she gains peace, learns to accept herself. Do not refuse to participate in a photo shoot because of pregnancy.

Why can't you take a picture in the mirror?

Fortune-telling is not complete without mirrors, with their help they induce damage and the evil eye. Some daredevils are still trying today to penetrate through the looking glass or find out the future, because the mirrors store the energy of the owner.

Smooth glass, covered with dark paint from the inside, carries something mystical. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the devil looks at a person from the mirror depth, and those who like to look in the mirror, their own image takes away the soul and takes life.

Photographing your reflection in the mirror, according to esotericists, is dangerous. And here is how their ban is explained:

  • when photographed in a mirror, a person leaves in the photo, in addition to his image, a part of the soul: the picture becomes an excellent assistant to the magician when inducing damage and the evil eye, because he absorbed the maximum information and energy of the person depicted on it
  • mirror image affects fate, as if turning it over
  • reflection in an old mirror carries the burden of entire eras: the people who looked in them were not always happy and carried positive emotions; therefore, other people's troubles and misfortunes can pass through the mirror to the person being photographed after clicking the shutter of the camera, which provokes the beginning of the process of information exchange

Why can't you take pictures before the wedding?

For lovers preparing for a wedding, old people are advised to avoid joint photographs. Having photographed together, lovers incur a long separation or parting.

But for two young people, sincerely loving friend friend,
taking pictures together before marriage will only bring them together and increase their mutual attraction. Parting comes when a couple in love is not ready to compromise, or in the absence of sincerity in a relationship.

Why can't you take pictures at the cemetery?

A cemetery is a place with negative energy, which through photography can subsequently negatively affect life. But there are many admirers of photographs against the background of crosses and graves all over the world. Brilliant shots sometimes become even calling card photographer.

What can turn into a passion for photography in places shrouded in grief, sorrow and mysticism? A photographer can bring illness and suffering upon himself, and by disturbing the dead and stepping on the dead earth, you can simply sign your own death warrant:

  • the dead will drive the unfortunate man crazy, constantly appearing in dreams or in reality. Hang photos from the cemetery in a conspicuous place
  • esotericists also do not recommend: the negative will gradually turn into real life, and spoil the fate of all who live in

Why can't you take pictures without a head?

  • It is believed that if a person in the photo turned out without a head, then he did not have long to live. But for some reason, the inattention or handlessness of the photographer is not taken into account
  • The ominous prediction of imminent death also serves as an excuse for unsuccessful photos in which the image of a person is blurred or parts of the body are cut off. In addition to well-known signs, the process of photography gives rise to more and more taboos. For example, you can not photograph the floor of the face
  • The sign about why it is impossible to photograph the floor of the face has the same roots. A clear image in the photo speaks of good health and a long life of a person, and blurry photos in which it is difficult to see the face indicate that the person depicted is not feeling well and that problems are approaching.

Many different signs and superstitions are associated with photographs, and many of them came from other countries and are firmly rooted in our minds. So, for example, some peoples around the world still generally believe that the one who takes pictures takes away the soul. That is why in these states and in remote Russian regions it is forbidden to film the local population without the special permission of each individual person.

And only if some kind of illuminated areas and other damage to the image appear on several images belonging to different time periods, it is worth going to the clinic and undergoing a full examination.

In addition, the location of the stripes and spots must also be taken into account - if they are located on the person himself, that is, on his face, neck, arms, legs or on the torso, then the problem is really in a state of health. If the image around the captured person is damaged, then the threat to well-being comes from the external environment.

Blurred photo, where a person is depicted next to someone who is no longer alive.

A negative sign is deservedly considered a situation when the clarity suddenly changes or the photograph fades, in which someone is captured next to an already deceased person. This suggests that some kind of danger threatens the living, and that he needs to be more careful.

However, several points should be taken into account here. Firstly, if such a photograph is located where direct Sun rays, then it simply burns out, respectively, becomes cloudy or brightens. Secondly, Polaroid (snapshot) shots do the same thing over time without outside help, without sun exposure. And, thirdly, only the option when the effect of illumination or haze is observed exclusively on the image of a living person can be considered a bad omen, and the image of someone who has already died remains untouched.

This sign has a good reason - through a photograph, a person can be harmed, sent damage, illness, trouble. Often, photos are used for love spells and for other magical rituals, and a picture buried in a cemetery with the appropriate curses can generally cause an early death.

However, this all applies to photographs that are printed from a real negative or from the first medium (with digital camera, from a phone, from a tablet), and this sign does not apply to photos downloaded from the Internet and copied from social networks.

You can not give a photo to a loved one and ask for his photo.

This sign is also easily explained - a photograph in which a person is depicted alone carries the energy of loneliness. Therefore, if such a picture gets to someone whom you want to see next to you as a life partner, he begins to subconsciously perceive you as a person who does not need anyone.

Moreover, in our time it is customary to give the most successful, and sometimes edited photographs and even artistic photographic portraits, in which a person is much more attractive than in real life. That is, as a result, you can lose to your own double (display), if the comparison is not in your favor.

But if you still want to have a captured image of a loved one before your eyes, and he has yours, then it is better to take a picture together. This unites and makes lovers think more often that they are a couple, and the energy of love, clearly felt in the photograph, distracts from the shortcomings of the face or figure.

You can not tear and burn your photos.

Photographs are in some mystical way closely connected with the people they depict. That is why it is believed that if you burn or tear your photos, then you disrupt the smooth flow of your life and attract illness and other troubles to yourself. That is, you destroy the integrity of the energy field of the photograph, and this is immediately reflected in your real existence. So it's better not to risk and not destroy even those pictures that you do not like. By the way, this also applies to photographs of other people.

You can not put your photo in the coffin of a deceased person.

This sign was born from information about some of the rites practiced by black magicians, and in fact it also has real grounds. Many rightly believe that the one who “goes to the other world” with the deceased will indeed very soon unite with him.

Not to mention the fact that, perhaps, in almost every family album there is such a photo: mom, dad and baby in the middle. And what, each child went to another world? Naturally, no.

If the photo turned out to be blurry, then the person will soon get sick.

This superstition is especially ridiculed by those who have taken pictures on their own at least once. Image clarity is affected great amount factors - from the skill of the photographer and lighting to shaking hands for some reason. Even professional "paparazzi" who use expensive cameras periodically get blurry pictures. So that blurry photo has nothing to do with future diseases.

If you take a picture of a pet, it will soon die.

If this "sign" worked, then for a long time there would be practically not a single tame animal left on earth, only wild animals and the lucky ones who, by misunderstanding, did not fall into the lens of their owner's camera, would survive. After all, all people who love their pets not only take pictures of them regularly, but also post their photos in social networks and sent to magazines for various competitions.

If you take a picture before a long journey, you will not come back.

Another superstition. Remember how many pictures showing famous travelers, sailors, astronauts, politicians getting on their way get into newspapers and the Internet. And how many of them get in trouble with a fatal outcome? Statistics confidently refutes this "folk sign".

As you can see, many signs have so many assumptions that they come true only in extreme cases, and superstitions do not hold water at all. So take pictures for health and do not look for negativity where there is none. The main thing is not to scatter your own and children's photos, as well as carefully choose places for shooting, and then the photos will bring you exceptional joy.

Quote message Do not take pictures with your loved one before the wedding!

Do not take pictures with your loved one before the wedding!

Taking pictures before the wedding is considered bad luck.

In my youth, I did not believe in omens, but I had to. As I think now, the reason for my parting with my loved one was that, having submitted an application to the registry office, but not yet signed, we took a picture with him. The wedding did not take place. And my daughter repeated my mistake. Walking around the city with a young man, they took pictures. Now they often quarrel, I'm afraid they will finally quarrel. Can you help them? Lyudmila.

Indeed, there is a sign that future newlyweds should not be photographed before the wedding, this is for parting or, in best case, to a long separation. But if this has already happened, you can neutralize the bad omen like this.
Take that ill-fated picture (or pictures), sprinkle it with holy water and say the plot 3 times (over each):

Not for bad, but for good, not for separation, but for living together. True!

Hide the photo in a secluded place and do not take it out until the wedding.

Photos are a very powerful source of energy. It has not only been magically proven that photographic images of people carry all the information about a person. Even science believes that a photo card gives complete information about any person who is depicted on it. The magician does not need to see the man or woman in person to tell him what the questioning person wants to know. Yes, and to influence a person, sometimes it is enough just to have his picture.

Any image of a person carries all the information about who is depicted on it. On the card you can help a person, but you can harm. It is for this reason that you need to handle your pictures very carefully, and in no case give them to those you do not trust.

How many signs with photographs exist

A fuzzy photo is a quick death. Signs about photographs are most often associated with bad omens. And all due to the fact that each card is filled with the energy of the person depicted on it. It is popularly believed that a photo can be influenced only if it is not older than five years. But this is an erroneous opinion. For a good magician, even baby photography a person who is long retired. But the image can really tell a lot.

If the photo is clear, then the person depicted in it has very good health, he will live a long life. But if the picture is blurry, it is not possible to really see either the eyes or the face, then this really means that the person has health problems, and such that it is very difficult to get rid of them. Just before drawing any conclusions, look at who took your picture. If the photographer was pretty drunk, then it's not your health, but his problem with orientation in space. There are a huge number accept with photos which cannot be adequately assessed in them.

Signs about photographs and their refutation

note about photographs


You can't take pictures with your loved one

on the contrary, in the photo, lovers are united by one energy

can't tear photos

There is nothing wrong with the fact that the photo will tear. .

you can not put a photo in the coffin

if this statement were true, then the number of people on our planet would tend to zero, thanks to human envy and anger

Is it worth believing in signs and superstitions about photographs

The bride and groom in the photo together - for a quick separation . This sign is not correct. I know a lot of couples who were photographed together before the wedding, and for many years they live happily in love and harmony. Therefore, to say that it was photography that caused the gap between lovers would be wrong. Such a sign did not exist in the old days. Although the pictures themselves appeared not so long ago. People break up when they are unable to understand each other. And it doesn’t matter if they were photographed together before the wedding or not, the main thing is that there is mutual understanding. Relationships can be built only on love, respect and understanding. So this sign is common.

The sign of giving a photo can play a cruel joke

If you want an annoying person to fall behind, tear up his photo and burn it. Such drastic measures are taken only if nothing else helps. If you have a photo of a person you want to get rid of, then you just need to take his photo and mentally send him your thoughts that you don’t want to see him so that he doesn’t come to you anymore. If you can tune in well, then your thoughts will reach this person. And if you tear the picture and burn it, then this can lead to the illness of the person who is depicted on it. And if at that moment you think about his death, he will die soon. Do you really need such a sin in your soul?

Folk signs: a photograph fell or was torn

You can't tear or burn your old photos. Not only your own, but also pictures of all your relatives should not be torn or burned. Even yourself can be harmed if you ruin your photo. In no case should you pierce your eyes on your card - you will be provided with eye disease. The same applies to any pierced organ in the picture. And if tear up your photo you can ruin your life. Everything in life will go wrong. Even if you don't like the card, keep it as long as you have it.

Do not put your photo in the coffin of your loved one - in the near future you will go after him. In the old days, this was known and these rules were strictly observed. But now many people have forgotten about it. If everything was fine in the family, then often the surviving husband or wife tries to put your photo to your spouse in the coffin for him to remember. It's not the same as ours. In the next world, no one ever forgets anything. Forgetfulness is characteristic only of living people. The hustle is doing its job. And by putting your picture in the coffin, you are burying yourself with this person. If you have done so, then in the very near future you will begin big problems with health.

And the worst thing is that in this case, no doctor can help you. Unfortunately, very often in this way ill-wishers get rid of people they do not like. If you do not want one of your ill-wishers to put your card in someone, then it is better do not give your pictures to anyone .

How to use omens and superstitions about photographs

You look into the lens - you give the enemy a positive. This sign has gone since Stalin's times. If you look at the photographs of Stalin, you will not find a single picture with his image, where he would look directly into the lens. And it's not easy. Stalin was not a bad mystic. Moreover, all his life he equipped expeditions in order to study the knowledge of ancient people, who knew and were able to do much more than we know today. He always knew that if the eyes look into the lens in the photograph, then it is easy for such a person to damage. And if a person's view is not defined, then it is much more difficult to influence him. During the Great Patriotic War there was only one image of Iosif Vissarionovich, where he lights his pipe and does not look into the frame. And yet, if you want the photo to radiate positive, we recommend getting a photo shoot as a gift - it's always high-quality pictures and the best shooting experience.

People have always believed in superstitions about photographs. Since we learned to take pictures, every person has become less protected. Knowledgeable people can both influence their enemies and destroy family happiness. But don't use your knowledge to your detriment. You just need to live, accept life as it is, and look at everything with a calm heart. Only in this case you will be fine.

by Alexandr Marynkin

Photographers in the process of working have to communicate with a variety of people, which means they face an incredible number of signs, beliefs and superstitions. Well, if a person is engaged and for the customer it is only important that the numbering of product photos does not contain the number 666 or 13, but how do wedding or children's photographers get out? For example, after all, there is a belief among the inhabitants that it is impossible to photograph sleeping people, because it is believed that during sleep the human soul flies away from the body, and if you take a photograph at this moment, then all sorts of sorcerers, witches, sorcerers and other magical powers can through the shot image to impose a curse, spell, love spell, conspiracy and other witchcraft tricks, which, of course, will harm a living person.

Unfortunately, there are no statistics on this matter. And it is impossible to say with a certain degree of probability that they photographed a sleeping person, and something irreparable happened to him. But this one is alive and well only because the parents at one time did not allow “sleepy photographs” to be taken when the child was sleeping. That is why photographers must understand and be aware of some superstitions in order to do their job and, in particular, to make cute, good photos sleeping babies.

by Oleg Marchenko

Modern superstitions arise from coincidences and the twisting of old signs. Often they are borrowed from other cultures, especially now that the world has become much smaller thanks to television and open borders. The older people are, the more they acquire (on average) signs and superstitions. one has not only to be well versed in human prejudices, but also to know them well, to be prepared in order to be able to dispel mystical doubts in time.

by Nathaniel-Smalley

For example, when beautiful photos of newborns appear that cause tenderness in the audience, the myth disappears by itself!

And if we consider wedding signs, then it is the duty of every sane photographer to fight them, because a wedding is a delicate matter and the approach to the participants in the celebration should be extremely accurate.

Let's look at the most common wedding signs and think about what to do with them so that they do not complicate photography.

  • You can not photograph the bride alone.

In fact, this is complete nonsense from bride-to-be mothers. The girl dreamed of her wedding day in order to be a princess, you can’t deprive her of the opportunity to have beautiful portraits, which will then motivate a person to be beautiful and extraordinary for many years to come!

  • If you do not pay off the photographer, then the mother-in-law's husband will go to his mother-in-law.

True truth! What kind of troubles will not fall on the head of someone who decides not to give the promised fee for photography.

  • You can not photograph the young in front of the temples.

In this case, it is necessary to clarify what religion the bride and groom profess. It is likely that for them it does not matter at all what is in the background, the main thing is that the photo is beautiful. Otherwise, the temple must correspond to the religion of the newlyweds.

  • In general, you can not photograph the newlyweds on the wedding day.

These are clear intrigues of videographers.

  • If you feed the photographer at the wedding, then this is for good photos.

Quite a logical conclusion. The main thing is that it must be conveyed to the head of the solemn event in time.

  • No one is allowed to wear black at a wedding.

You can't understand it, you just have to remember it. Take note that even a photographer for a black T-shirt can be kicked out.

  • The bride should not let go of the bouquet until the end of the wedding.

by Marcel Sander

History is silent about the essence of this sign, but it is easy to deal with it. Explain to the bride that all photos will be of the same type. The bouquet can be held by an uninterested, especially trusted person, such as a photographer's assistant.

  • Photographs between the bride and groom are not allowed.

You can't, so you can't! Here already, as they say, - the third superfluous.

  • You can’t get married in May - they will toil all their lives.

And if you get married in April, then they will be in April for the rest of your life! But in fact, the photographers themselves came up with the sign. Freelancers should have a vacation someday.

  • You can not photograph the bride in the mirror.

by Sergey Minnigalin

One of the best photos usually obtained when shooting with reflections. To convince the bride of the futility of this, ask: “Would you like to change reflex camera on some soap dish. Such statements usually sound very threatening.

  • The bridesmaid must kiss the witness.

Quite good omen. If the girlfriend is pretty, then also with the photographer, if not so - with the operator.

  • You can not photograph the young, standing on opposite sides of the tree.

Don't bother with it, they will tell you themselves if they believe in such nonsense.

  • A special pearl can be considered the notion of one mother of the bride that young people should not be photographed if there is a building in the frame: the brains of young people will turn to stone; if there are trees: the legs will fail; yes and in general Ancient Russia did not take pictures and lived happily.

You can’t really object to the argument that it was in Ancient Russia, but the main task of the photographer is to make sure that nothing sticks out of the head of the newlyweds in the pictures. For this, you can get the first number and, in the worst case, even lose your fee.

  • The first photo of a bride in a wedding dress should be with her mother or groom.

Great omen! It is worth shouting: "Yes to health!"

Naturally, do not forget to come up with signs yourself. For example, that they say that everyone you filmed lives happily ever after and only one got divorced because they did not pay the advance. This will give you points and +20 to the beauty of your portfolio.

In general, other signs help very well against signs. You just have to remember to tell grandmothers, mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law that you have a happy lens, a special wedding lens, and - in general best friend the stability of young people's relationships.