Home atelier for tailoring. How to open an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes

Dear visitors, below is an example of a business plan for an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes with economic calculations. This template has been prepared by experts in business planning, and the calculations are prepared in Excel format, which can be adapted to your project.

If you have any questions about the preparation of a business plan or calculations, you can ask us by mail, below in the comments or in the VKontakte group.


Goal: opening a tailoring studio in the center of the city of Perm

Objectives: Opening a tailoring shop aimed at clients with higher than average incomes and providing these clients with quality services.

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the project is an entrepreneur who was previously engaged in this business on a self-employment basis. The entrepreneur decided to open an atelier due to the fact that the level of his clients is constantly growing, and it is already becoming bad to receive some clients in his apartment. In addition, the number of orders has reached such a level that he cannot cope alone.

Investment costs

The amount of investment costs will be 653 thousand rubles, which will be used mainly for repairs, purchase of equipment, tools and consumables:

  • Business registration and obtaining permits - 38 thousand rubles.
  • Repair of the premises - 230 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - 143 thousand rubles.
  • Acquisition of a tool - 60 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of consumables - 60 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of furniture - 27 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising materials - 94 thousand rubles.

As a space for the studio, it is planned to rent a room in a residential building converted into non-residential fund, which has a separate entrance overlooking the central street of the city.

Project financing

To ensure repair work, it is planned to obtain a bank loan for up to 7 years, at 15% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule. The apartment of the project initiator will be offered as collateral for the loan.

Project payback indicators

Based on the constructed calculation of the business plan of the atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes, the following project performance indicators were obtained:

  • NPV - 3,658 thousand rubles;
  • - 1 year;
  • - 1.25 years (- 13.7%).

The calculation was based on a period of 10 years, the calculation was based on an inflation rate of 10%.

Suppliers and contractors

As a repair team, local workers will be used, who have offered the best conditions for the price and quality of work, and also have letters of recommendation, a website, and positive reviews.

As a supplier of equipment, tools and consumables, a company will be involved with which the entrepreneur has been working for a long time and from which he had previously taken equipment. There is an agreement on the supply of equipment at a 50% prepayment, which will reduce the initial investment in the business.


The atelier will offer its clients the usual set of services for tailoring, repairing and restoring clothes:

  • Tailoring and restoration of fur products;
  • Tailoring and restoration of leather products;
  • Tailoring of women's products from fabric and knitwear;
  • Tailoring of men's products from fabric and knitwear;
  • Tailoring of evening dresses;
  • Tailoring of suits;
  • Clothing restoration.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

The amount of investment in the opening of an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes will be 1,070 thousand rubles. The cost breakdown is shown below:

Name of works/services/equipment Qty Price Sum
Business registration 10 000,00
Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor 28 800,00
Premises project 30 000,00
Finishing work 100 000,00
Electrical and lighting device 100 000,00
Overlock 1 16 500,00 16 500,00
Straight stitch sewing machine 3 25 000,00 75 000,00
Ironing board 1 20 000,00 20 000,00
Steamer 1 12 000,00 12 000,00
cutting table 1 5 000,00 5 000,00
Iron 1 5 000,00 5 000,00
Hemming machine 1 10 000,00 15 000,00
Tools (scissors, rippers, needles, patterns, rulers, measuring tapes) 60 000,00
Consumables 60 000,00
tables 3 2 000,00 6 000,00
Chairs 6 1 000,00 6 000,00
Clothes receiving table 1 7 000,00 7 000,00
Dressing room 1 5 000,00 5 000,00
Desk lamp 3 1 000,00 3 000,00
Promotional materials
Signboard 50 000,00
Website 35 000,00
Vkontakte community 9 000,00
TOTAL 653 300,00

Investment payment and work plan

The payment plan for investment expenses is presented in the table below (thousand rubles):

The work plan for the opening of the atel is presented in the diagram below:


For the atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes, a separate room was selected, located in a residential building, but having a separate exit to the central street of the city. In addition, the room has a showcase where you can display finished products and promotional materials. The layout of the room is shown in the figure below:

Below is the layout in 3D format:


For work, equipment was selected that, according to the experience of the project initiator, has the best price / quality ratio, and is also the most maintainable and has the fewest failures.

All purchased equipment is industrial, it was immediately decided to abandon household sewing machines due to the fact that they quickly fail. Frequent failure slows down the work of the workshop - you have to give it in for repair, wait several days, and sometimes weeks until the spare part arrives. As a result, it negatively affects the company's revenue.

Working hours

For the convenience of customers, the opening hours of the atelier for tailoring clothes were made similar to the opening hours of clothing stores and shopping centers - from 10-00 to 21-00. This is due to the fact that clients with above average incomes are quite busy people and cannot afford to leave work during the working day. And so, after 18-00 there is a lot of time to get to the studio and hand over or pick up clothes.

Service delivery process

The process of rendering services of our atelier does not differ from the process of other ateliers. Quite simply, it can be described as follows:

  1. The client comes to the studio and makes an order (in the order he describes what he wants, provides the material);
  2. The designer, together with the technologist, calculates the cost of the work and tells the client.
  3. If the client agrees, he makes an advance payment of 50% for the work.
  4. Taking measurements from the client.
  5. The material is being purchased.
  6. The material is cut.
  7. The product is being made.
  8. The client comes to the first fitting.
  9. After fitting, the clothes are finalized.
  10. The client comes for the second fitting and if everything is fine, he takes the clothes and pays the remaining amount for it.

Cost of services

The main cost of the services provided is the wages of the working staff. Thus, it is planned that 60% of the cost of work will be given to piecework wages, taking into account taxes. They will be distributed differently among workers depending on the product being made, but the total amount will not change.

Marketing plan

Competition and location

The city has a large number of competitors located in different areas of Perm. However, even in spite of this, we can be sure that the project is off to a great start, since the project initiator already has regular customers who will come to the new atelier. Secondly, the company's office is located in the very center of the city, which allows it to be quite visible and attract an additional number of customers.

The studio office is located in the quiet center of the city. On the one hand, this allows you not to overpay for office rent, and on the other hand, to be in the very center and get the largest number of clients.

Range of services and prices

As part of pricing, the prices of the city for the provision of atelier services were analyzed, dividing them according to the level of service provided. To simplify the analysis, prices are translated into an hour of work on the product. The comparison is presented in the table below (rubles/hour):

Type of work Private seamstresses Low end atelier middle class atelier High class atelier
1 000,00 1 500,00 1 700,00 2 000,00
800 ,00 1 300,00 1 500,00 1 800,00
500,00 800,00 1 000,00 1 200,00
500,00 800,00 1 000,00 1 200,00
Tailoring of evening dresses 600,00 900,00 1 100,00 1 300,00
Tailoring of suits 600,00 900,00 1 100,00 1 300,00
Clothing restoration 500,00 800,00 1 000,00 1 200,00

Based on our office, service quality and location, we will target clients with higher than average incomes. In this regard, we plan to set prices at the level of similar high-class ateliers, namely, according to the last column of the price analysis in the city. Based on this, we can calculate the average price and margin for all types of services, taking into account the planned sales structure. The calculation is presented in the table below:

Type of work Cost price markup Price Share in revenue
Tailoring and restoration of fur products 1 200,00 66,67% 2 000,00 20%
Tailoring and restoration of leather products 1 080,00 66,67% 1 800,00 20%
Tailoring of women's products from fabric and knitwear 720,00 66,67% 1 200,00 15%
Tailoring of men's products from fabric and knitwear 720,00 66,67% 1 200,00 5%
Tailoring of evening dresses 780,00 66,67% 1 300,00 15%
Tailoring of suits 780,00 66,67% 1 300,00 5%
Clothing restoration 720,00 66,67% 1 200,00 20%
TOTAL 900,00 1 500,00 100%

The sales structure is shown in the chart below:

Volume of sales

The average check of such similar studios is 1,000 rubles. About 30 job applications are expected per day. Thus, it turns out that the average monthly revenue of the studio is 750 thousand rubles. However, there is a slight seasonality in the tailoring business, which is shown in the chart below:

In addition, we will not be able to immediately reach such a sales volume. Since the opening, it is planned to gradually increase the volume of sales of services and achieve the optimal level of sales volume previously indicated only after 8 months. The schedule for reaching optimal sales volumes is shown in the chart below:

SWOT analysis


  • The presence of a professional team and the presence of a project initiator with extensive experience in this business
  • Good office location
  • New equipment

Weak sides

  • Lack of market awareness


  • The segment in which the atelier plans to work is the most complex. Clients are quite demanding not only on the quality of work, but also on their attitude towards themselves and the conditions of fitting.


  • There is a possibility of expansion both in terms of the number of services already provided, and in terms of expanding the range of services.

Advertising strategy

For the fastest possible increase in sales, bringing the business to payback and loading the production staff, we will use advertising support. The campaign plan is shown below:

  • Making a bright luminous sign - 60,000 rubles. (planned in the investment budget);
  • Making a website and groups in social networks, where a list of services provided, prices, interesting works, contacts and other information for clients will be posted - 7 thousand rubles;
  • After the launch of the atelier, contextual advertising will be actively used to attract customers - 5 thousand rubles per month;
  • For our new customers, accumulative cards will be issued, which, with an increase in the number of purchases, will give more and more discounts to customers.

organizational plan

Business form

For the official work of the business, it is planned to register the project initiator as an individual entrepreneur, which will save on registration costs. It is planned that the enterprise will work on a simplified taxation system according to the “income minus expenses” system.

Personnel and staff structure

For the full-fledged work of the atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes, it is planned to hire the following employees: seamstresses, cutter, designer, cleaner, accountant (on outsourcing). The number of staff and salaries are presented in the table below:

Job title Qty Salary Prize
Director 1 20 000,00
Administrator 1 9 000,00 2% of revenue
Seamstress 3 2 000,00 35% of the cost of work
Cutter 1 2 000,00 15% of the cost of work
Cleaning woman 1 8 000,00
TOTAL 7 41 000,00

The organizational structure of the enterprise is presented in the diagram below:

Financial plan


To prepare the calculation of the business plan for a tailoring studio, we built a project payback model for 10 years in advance. The following assumptions were made to build the model;

  • Annual inflation - 10%;
  • Income tax - 15%;
  • personal income tax - 13%;
  • Social contributions - 34.2%;
  • VAT - 0% (Simplified taxation system).

Project financing

To finance the project, a bank loan will be obtained for 10 years at 15% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule. This repayment schedule was chosen to minimize payments in the early days, when it would be hard for the business anyway. Differentiated payments create a very large burden on the business in the first years of its operation, when with small sales volumes you have to pay the largest amounts of interest.

Which is 490 thousand rubles. per month. According to the plan, our studio should reach this sales volume by 6 months after the start of work.

Project Sustainability Analysis

In order to determine the degree of influence of negative and positive factors on the activity of the atelier, we made an analysis of the sustainability of the project when the main indicators that affect the business change. We changed the main factors of income and expenses of the enterprise - the price of services (without changing the cost), fixed costs, the volume of investments and received the NPV indicator (an indicator reflecting the amount of project profit) with each change. The results are presented in the table below:

This analysis shows that none of the factors within our changes affects the project in such a way that it becomes unprofitable within 10 years.

Risk Analysis

Business plan calculations show quite good performance indicators. However, the development of the project may be affected by negative factors that we did not foresee in the model. Consider the most likely and most influential of them:

The fall in the income of the population is a very serious factor that can affect the amount of the company's revenue and the price of services. However, as we showed earlier in the sustainability analysis, in order for the project to become unprofitable, it is necessary that the prices of the services provided be reduced by more than 20%, and this is a significant enough decrease, the probability of which is quite small.

An increase in tax collections and non-tax deductions is a rather serious factor affecting the profitability of an enterprise, however, despite the fact that it can significantly reduce the income of a project, it certainly will not make it unprofitable.


Considered in the business plan, the calculation of the payback of an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes is very interesting both for the project initiator and for investors - private or credit organizations. In this connection, a loan can be allocated for this project on the conditions specified earlier in the document.

During a crisis, each person behaves completely differently: someone gives up and complains about life, while someone finds new potential in himself and strives to improve the quality of life. If you belong to the second category, then this article is for you.

Currently, there are a large number of business ideas that can be implemented almost from scratch or with minimal start-up costs. One of them is the opening of an atelier for the repair and tailoring of clothes. The advantage of such a business is the possibility of opening it at home and minimal investment. The idea is relevant for mothers on maternity leave, women who love needlework. Consider how to open a tailoring and repair shop, how much money it will take, and how to quickly implement the idea.

Atelier is a chance to earn good money for needlewomen

Room selection

The first step in organizing any business is choosing a location for its location. In this case, there are several options for finding premises for the atelier:

  1. Business at home. If the living space allows, you can create at home. Convenient, no need to go anywhere, sit yourself and work. If your own territory is not suitable due to its small size, you can rent an apartment for a workshop. Still, renting residential real estate will cost less than other options, and very soon the initial costs can pay off.
  2. Commercial property rental is another option, especially if you want to build a large clothing brand and intend to grow on a large scale. But in this case, put up with higher prices. Even a basement in a large city, in a passable place, will cost a lot. The average cost of a room for a workshop in a relatively large city (with an area of ​​100 sq. M.) Will be about 150,000 rubles. You can also rent a smaller room (50 square meters) for 80,000 rubles. It all depends on the scale of your activity.
  3. Purchase of premises- an option for people with experience and the presence of investments. The advantage is that you save yourself from having to pay monthly rent. The disadvantage is a large amount of start-up capital.

As you can see, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which one to choose - you have to decide on your own, in any case, the main thing is to aim the activity at making a profit.

Read also: Terms and cost of franchise Invitro

Equipment and materials

For a successful start of activities, you will have to purchase some items of equipment, as well as materials. For example, you will need to buy sewing machines and related items for operation, and you will also have to purchase fabrics, threads, needles. The cost of equipment also varies, depending on the novelty.

You can buy used items or opt for new ones. However, everyone decides for himself what to prefer. Mostly people with an average income level turn to the atelier, who want to stand out from the crowd and make clothes to order. In addition, people with a non-standard figure, full and obese, or vice versa, thin people come to use such services. Therefore, it is important to choose the style of the institution that you open, and then decide the rest of the aspects.

You can purchase both new and used equipment

In general, the purchase of slightly used equipment and new quality materials from abroad will cost 200,000 rubles. If you are planning to open a large atelier, then get ready for high costs, which can reach up to 500,000 rubles.

Note: if you do not have your own business experience, then you should not take risks and invest too much money at the initial stage. It's better to get an order and then buy the material.

Atelier service

If you want to not just sew on your own, but open a whole company, then you will need to hire the following employees:

  1. Manager. He will be engaged in taking orders and advising real and potential customers. One employee for a small establishment will be enough. You can entrust him with the maintenance of cash register equipment and the conduct of cash register operations. On average, the salary of a manager in a big city starts from 30,000 rubles per month.
  2. Seamstresses. Suppose you are going to open a studio for 3 sewing machines. Therefore, for shift work, they will need 6 seamstresses (schedule - 2/2). The salary of one seamstress is 20-30 thousand rubles. The cost of professional services is estimated at a large value.
  3. Cleaning woman. You can clean the premises yourself, or you can use the services of cleaning "on the side". It all depends on the scope of the activity and your personal wishes.

Atelier's clients are middle-income people who want to look fashionable and original.

There are plenty of clothing stores in any even a small town. They fully satisfy the demand of the local population in the purchase of this product. But, even with a very wide range of products, retail outlets can put up for sale only models of a standard type. Therefore, the need for a tailoring atelier does not fade with time - after all, you can express your appearance individually only by placing an order for tailoring in the atelier. It will be an original type of clothing designed for a specific person. Already due to these circumstances, to draw up and put into practice a business plan for the organization and development of the atelier is always timely and quite original.

Especially the business of tailoring individual models of clothes is suitable for aspiring entrepreneurs. After all, this is a fairly profitable business for those who have skills in sewing and modeling clothes, it will always be promising and it is not at all difficult to succeed here. It is enough just to interest customers, make them your regular customers, which will provide the company with a stable income. Having learned all the subtleties of entrepreneurship in this

area, having read similar articles on Internet resources, you can begin to study the question of how to draw up a business plan for an atelier for a small business. And in this plan, everything that is important factors of production, as well as any seemingly insignificant trifles, should be taken into account to the maximum.

The main indicators of the project:

The cost of the project is 1,150,000 rubles.

The average revenue per month is 155,000 rubles.

Profit - 100,000 rubles.

Payback - 12 months.

Business planning for a tailor shop

Even to open an atelier for repair and tailoring on a minimal scale, it is necessary at the first stage to carefully develop and draw up a business plan for it. Without a doubt, a mini-atelier business plan is suitable for a small enterprise, and an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneurship) will be the best legal form of entrepreneurship. After all, the consumers of the services of a small enterprise, the goods produced by it, will be private individuals. With an individual entrepreneur, warehouse and accounting accounting requirements are simplified, and tax fees will be significantly lower than with other forms of ownership.

The likely success of a business in the form of an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes is determined, first of all, by the fact that in any town and even a rural settlement, there are enough potential customers for its services.

Of course, you should first pick up on the Internet a sample business plan for an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes with calculations, which can later be taken as the basis for developing your business plan for opening an atelier from scratch.

Complex of services and market analysis

Taking into account that the created atelier will focus on tailoring and repairing clothes for individual orders, a short list of services provided will include:

  • sewing new clothes;
  • minor repair of clothes;
  • restoration work.

When analyzing the market, using a ready-made example of a business plan for an atelier, one must also take into account those features of a particular locality, city, which will determine both the future clientele of the enterprise and competition in this field of activity. If the company's competitiveness turns out to be high, and the potential number of customers is large, then this is already a sure guarantee of future successful activity.

In the analysis of the market situation, there should be a section on the risks and mistakes of competing enterprises, their shortcomings in one direction or another of the services provided. A thorough analysis of the situation will then tell you what the novice entrepreneur himself should avoid, what mistakes should not be made. If the shortcomings in the work of competitors can be seen during the analysis, this means that the entrepreneur himself is on the verge of new correct decisions, enterprising marketing plans, moves.

Production plan

Almost any ready-made business plan for a tailoring studio begins with the availability or selection of suitable premises. And at this moment, the entrepreneur is faced with a choice:

  • rent one room, which will house both the sewing workshop and the receiving point for orders;
  • rent two premises, and organize a sewing workshop somewhere on the outskirts of the city, and place a reception point for working with customers in a densely populated area;
  • the third option is the location of the collection point right in the building or on the square near a large shopping center, where there is always an intense flow of customers.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. With a tailoring shop on the outskirts, the rent for the premises will be small, but at the same time, a chain break will form between the customer and the contractor. The person placing the order and doing the fitting will be one, and the order will have to be filled by another. This already implies certain inconsistencies, inconveniences in work.

If in one place, in a densely populated area, to rent a large room where it will be possible to locate a fitting room, an order acceptance point and a sewing workshop, then this will result in a significant rental fee for the rented area, which can drastically reduce the profit percentage of the entire enterprise.

When the atelier is located in a shopping center next to clothing departments, the number of its customers can increase dramatically. Not finding what they are looking for in the sales departments, buyers are very likely to turn to the fashion designers of the atelier for individual tailoring. It is not uncommon for a client to turn to a tailor to correct the purchased product immediately after a purchase in the clothing department. Ultimately, the choice of premises for work remains with the entrepreneur, but all the agreed factors will need to be taken into account in the future.

Sewing studio equipment

Purchasing sewing equipment is the step that usually follows the selection and furnishing of a suitable work space. The organizational plan drawn up in advance should contain all the elements of equipment and furniture necessary for the intensive work of the enterprise.

If an entrepreneur does not know the specifics of the sewing craft very well, then it is better for him to take an experienced person in this business as a consultant. It would be nice to hire such a specialist for a permanent job as a manager. He will be able to competently purchase the required equipment, solve emerging issues of narrow sewing specialization.

It is clear that the main type of sewing studio equipment will be sewing machines of a universal multifunctional type. It would be nice to immediately buy sewing machine equipment designed to perform a large number of operations. The calculation of the amount of equipment required is usually closely tied to the future volume of work, to the existing production plan of the enterprise.

As in any business, the set of equipment for a workshop for tailoring and repairing clothes will include a large number of products that are not essential in relation to the main activity. This is a certain amount of furniture, fitting rooms, tables for cutting fabrics, wardrobe equipment and so on. All this can be bought only in accordance with the future number of employed sewing masters, with the number of equipped workplaces and the estimated number of customers. It would be nice to get the development of an experienced designer for the design of the workshop. This will give the room a special, attractive and stylish interior that always works for the entrepreneur. Of course, an excess of furniture and equipment will not only be a waste of money, but all this will clutter up, take up part of the production area, and interfere with work.

Atelier workers recruitment

A very important place in the development of a business plan for a sewing studio should be given to the recruitment of staff (a team of workers). The most serious approach is needed to the selection of personnel for employees of an enterprise for tailoring and repairing clothes. After all, not only the quality of work of each of them will play a big role in the work of the atelier, the psychological climate they create at the enterprise, the ability of employees to treat customers delicately and benevolently, is also important. Even with a good quality of work performed, if you treat your clientele impolitely, you can lose your important customers.

Here is the minimum composition of the working team of the tailoring and clothing repair studio:

  • fashion designer;
  • dressmaker (seamstress);
  • customer order specialist
  • cleaning woman;
  • studio manager.

Of course, the highest paid position on this list is a fashion designer with design abilities. But if you take on this job a successful student who has just graduated from an educational institution in this profile, then you can get by with quite a moderate salary. Due to the lack of experience, such a specialist will not be offered various employment options, and he will not demand high wages at the first stage of cooperation.

But to do without a tailor who has solid work experience will not work. Experience cannot be replaced by knowledge and qualifications. It is from this master that the success of the entire enterprise will largely depend. If the client is satisfied with the completed order, then soon he will again come to the master, who was able to guess his best wishes for the new thing.

No particularly high qualifications are required from the order taker. He should only professionally take measurements, record the wishes of customers and transmit all the information in detail to the tailor.

The amount of wages will have to be determined taking into account the existing rates at enterprises of similar subjects. As well as pricing for the services of the studio, for finished products. If you start saving on all this, then the general mood of the team will not be at a high level, which means that everyone's attitude to their work will be better. This will immediately be projected onto the success of all the activities of the tailoring studio, will begin to work against the entrepreneur, ultimately reducing the profitability of work and profit.

Advertising activity

Advertising in any business plays, if not a decisive, then far from a secondary role. Without advertising in the local media, on the local TV channel and in the newspapers, one should not expect quick success in work and an influx of customers about the opening of a workshop. To gain fame and popularity, to increase the efficiency of the project, it will not be superfluous to have a daily updated website on the Internet. But the process of becoming a non-advertising business will be long, unprofitable and difficult at the initial stage.

Successful advertising of activities always contributes to the rapid promotion of the services offered by the business to target customers, which ultimately determines the success of the business. It is not so easy to promote a tailoring studio to a successful market of this kind of services, having selected some of the customers from already existing and having a stable image of similar enterprises.

If the administrator or the entrepreneur himself doubts that an advertising verified strategy is up to him, then it is worth spending money on hiring a specialist in the advertising field, entrusting him with this important matter.

Of course, a well-designed sign above the entrance to the atelier also arouses the interest of passers-by, thus ensuring a minimum number of customers for tailoring. But after all, a very small percentage of the urban population passes by a room with such a sign. And in order for many potential customers to learn about the work of the atelier, a broader approach to advertising is required, including even regular promotions for customers associated with reduced prices for services and symbolic gifts for regular customers.

Financial part of the project

In the financial section of the project, we will calculate the cost and revenue parts of the business, both at its initial stage and in the process of reaching the project level. A financial plan, any accounting does not tolerate any trifles, therefore, in order to obtain real results, it is necessary to take into account both large expenditures and small investments in the secondary phases of debugging the work of the atelier, without which success will also remain only illusory, far from the desired real performance indicators.

Let's calculate the size of investments at the initial stage of business formation:

  • annual fee for renting premises for the tailoring workshop of the atelier - 200 thousand rubles;
  • annual rent for the premises for the receiving point of orders - 100 thousand rubles;
  • the cost of equipment for a new studio from scratch - 150 thousand rubles;
  • salary for employees of the studio per year - 600 thousand rubles;
  • the cost of consumables based on a year of work (fabrics and tools, threads for sewing machines) - 100 thousand rubles.

The final amount is not very frightening for business - 1 million 150 thousand rubles.

The income items of a tailoring studio include:

  • sewing clothes - 960 thousand rubles a year;
  • restoration work on clothes - 560 thousand rubles;
  • tailoring of bed linen, window curtains, etc. -340 thousand rubles.

The annual income of the enterprise will amount to 1 million. 860 thousand rubles, and for a month of work - 155 thousand rubles. If we calculate the net profit for the month and for the year, subtracting all expenses from income, then on average it will be at least 100 thousand rubles per month or 1200 thousand rubles per year. With such financial performance and quite moderate cost of services in this area of ​​activity, the payback period of the initial investment will not exceed 12 months or one year. This payback period is very suitable for the optimistic mood of entrepreneurs for activities in the field of tailoring and repairing clothes. With the diligence and appropriate prudence of the founder, after a year of stable operation, the enterprise will bring him a significant net profit.

The desire of women to always be beautiful and different from others makes some fashionistas think through their style of clothing. Some ladies, whose figure or height does not meet the standards of ordinary clothing manufacturers, turn to private dressmakers or ateliers. This gives needlewomen an opportunity to draw up a business plan for a fashion atelier and find funds to open their own business. Our example is focused on opening an atelier in a regional center, where there are prospects for a fashion designer or seamstress with a wealth of knowledge and ideas. To understand what investments the implementation of the plan requires, we suggest studying the business plan of the atelier with calculations.

Project Summary

Kind of activity: services; tailoring and repair of clothes.

OKVED: No. 14 "Production of clothing".

Address: regional center. Space for rent in a shopping center. The area is located on the 1st floor. The atelier has two zones - for communication with clients and taking orders, and a sewing shop with a fitting room. Will be used 50 sq. m.

Form of activity legalization: LLC.

Taxation: USN.

The atelier is focused on tailoring women's clothing, so women of any age should be the target customers.


Mon-Fri from 09:00 to 19:00, lunch from 12:00 to 13:00.

Sat from 10:00 to 16:00.

Sun is a day off.

List of services for the population:

  • Tailoring of any kind of women's clothing to order according to the catalog of the atelier from the fabric of the manufacturer.
  • Tailoring of individual models of clothes according to sketches and from the fabric of the customer.
  • All types of repair of ready-made clothes (children's, women's, men's).

The workshop will not be located apart from the general workshop. An order for work will be taken by a free master, so that there are no downtime in work and there is no need to open an additional vacancy in the studio.

How much money do you need to start

To assess the scale of investment, consider what equipment is required for the atelier, what are the costs of renovating the premises, buying fabrics, sewing equipment, rent and other expenses.

Equipment Quantity Expenses, rub.
Sewing machine 5 150 thousand
Overlock 2 50 thousand
Hemming machine 1 20 thousand
Cover stitch (cover stitch) machine 2 70 thousand
Steam iron 2 35 thousand
Ironing table or board 2 10 thousand
cutting table 1 15 thousand
Dummy 5 30 thousand
Sewing accessories (scissors, ribbon, wooden ruler, ripper, needles) 5 100 thousand
Work table for a seamstress 8 32 thousand
Accessories and fabric collection 250 thousand
Fitting room (fully equipped) 1 15 thousand
Product bracket 2 5 thousand
Shelves for fabrics, accessories, catalogs, documents 3 40 thousand
Desk 1 4 thousand
Chair 10 22 thousand
Coffee table 1 3 thousand
Upholstered furniture for visitors 1 comp. 15 thousand
Computer 2 40 thousand
Total 906 thousand

The cost of sewing studio equipment can be reduced by finding tables, machines or other items in private ads. Sometimes used equipment can be in good condition.

Additionally, funds will be required for cosmetic repairs, good lighting and ventilation in the sewing area, and thematic design of the reception area. Let's put 200 thousand rubles on it.

Plus, we need funds for rent, payment of salaries to employees at the stage of building up the client base in the first three months. Let's reflect everything in a single table:

Management and personnel

The studio employs 12 people, of which 7 are the main production workers, 3 people are part of the administrative and management building, 2 people are auxiliary workers. The number and duties of personnel are listed in the table:

Job title Responsibilities Number, pers.
Administrative and management building:
  • Control and management of the staff of the studio.
  • Communication with partners.
  • Administration.
  • Establishing business contacts
  • Accounting report (works part-time)
fashion artist
  • Communication with customers.
  • Acceptance of orders for individual tailoring.
  • Customer service (development and design of clothing).
  • Window dressing and reception area.
  • Procurement of necessary materials
Main production workers:
  • Model design development.
  • Open.
  • Fitting
  • Tailoring products.
  • WTO products
Auxiliary workers:
Cleaning woman
  • Daily wet cleaning
Electrical mechanic
  • Troubleshooting machines.
  • Bulb replacement

Cutters and tailors are highly qualified workers with experience, since the quality of the manufactured products, and, consequently, the reputation of the atelier, directly depends on them.

A fashion designer must have good communication skills, as the success of his work largely depends on the ability to communicate with people. He must be able to win over a potential customer.

A fashion designer, cutters and tailors make up an efficient team whose hard work results in meeting the needs of the customer, and whose financial incentive is a monetary reward for the work done.

In the event of a technical malfunction of the equipment or equipment of the premises, the studio will use the services of an electrician working in the studio.

The total staff and salary costs will be reflected in the table:

Job title Quantity, pcs. units Salary, rub. General expenses, rub.
Director 1 35 thousand 35 thousand
Accountant 1 8 thousand 8 thousand
fashion artist 1 25 thousand 25 thousand
Cutter 1 20 thousand 20 thousand
Tailor 5 15 thousand 75 thousand
Mechanic 1 10 thousand 10 thousand
Cleaning woman 1 8 thousand 8 thousand
Total without contributions 12 181 thousand
Contributions 54 thousand
Outcome 235 thousand

For the first time, employees are paid. As the company begins to receive a sufficient number of orders, you can switch to an interest rate based on the number of work performed.

Terms of preparation for the launch of the project

The opening of a sewing studio has several stages of preparation: cosmetic repairs, purchase of the necessary equipment, search for partners for the purchase of fabrics and accessories. The timing of the opening of the atelier depends on the success of the events. In the table, we indicate the proposed time frames:

Opening a tailoring shop is part of the job. It is more important to get the first order so that the workshop does not stand idle and the specialists are not disappointed in the employer. You can invite craftsmen who have their own small clientele to work, and start from there.

Income figures

To calculate the profitability of a sewing studio, you need to determine its monthly profitability. The qualification of the staff is high. It is possible to sew both light clothes (dress, skirt, blouse, suit), and outerwear made of fur, leather and coarse fabrics. Therefore, the flow of customers must be sufficient to keep the entire workshop busy. One order may take from two days to two weeks. The price list will determine the cost of fabrics, repair services and part of the operations (taking measurements, developing a sketch, cutting, sewing). It is difficult to determine the exact price for the product at this stage. Suppose that an evening dress can cost from 7 to 25 thousand rubles. Trouser suit - from 5.5 to 18 thousand rubles. The exact price can be calculated only for specific models that will be presented in the catalog.

To make a profit, the studio must make a daily revenue of at least 25 thousand rubles. For a month, it can vary from 500 to 700 thousand rubles. The more famous the sewing studio is, the more orders and profits there will be.

As a basis for calculations, we take an indicator of 600 thousand rubles per month. Internal, external expenses and revenues will be entered into the table and we will calculate the profit and the payback period of the studio.

So, the net profit will be 110 thousand rubles a month. At the start of the project, 1,695 thousand rubles were invested. It will take at least 16-18 months to reach self-sufficiency. If daily revenue is higher than estimated, then net profitability will come faster and there will be an opportunity to upgrade sewing equipment or expand the business.


To implement the project to open a sewing studio, considerable funds and highly qualified specialists are needed. Such a business is relevant for a private tailor of women's clothing, who has an established clientele, but is tired of working at home. A hobby can safely turn into a profitable business if you have in mind a suitable premises, initial capital and familiar fashion designers, universal seamstresses.

People are constantly in need of new clothes, so the business of making and repairing them can be a very profitable idea. But, as in any other business, this has its own subtleties and secrets. Let's try to figure them out.

Features of the sewing business

When opening an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes, you should not expect quick profits. At first, the income will be spent on purchasing the necessary equipment, because it is quite expensive to purchase everything at once. Expenses also depend on whether you will rent or buy a room.

One way or another, investments should be serious enough. The average business plan for a small business tailoring shop assumes that the establishment will pay off in a year. If you plan to deal only with repairs, it will be much cheaper to start a business. In this case, the room may be smaller, and only a couple of sewing machines will be required from the equipment.

Opening an atelier is a little more difficult, because it requires more employees and special devices. In general, a stable income can be expected from a sewing workshop of any format, even if its level is not very high.

Format selection

Before starting work, it is worth deciding how wide the profile of the institution will be. At the initial stage, you can deal exclusively with repairs, but in the long run it is not very cost-effective. Therefore, it is worth deciding right away whether your enterprise will be narrow-profile or if you plan to cover a wide range of services. In the first case, you will need to try to achieve maximum quality in a particular area, for example, in tailoring wedding dresses.

The second will require more special equipment and staff. The best solution would be a combination of several types of services, for example, clothing repair, tailoring of accessories and outerwear. An experienced seamstress in an atelier should be a versatile specialist in order to work on any order, if necessary.

paper questions

Once the format of the atelier has been chosen, it is worth doing the paperwork. You need to start by determining the legal form, and then purchase or rent a room, where you can officially register. It is important to decide in advance whether you plan to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

For tailoring and repairing clothes, the first option is more appropriate, as it will be easier to keep tax records and accounting calculations. When choosing a line of business, indicate a mixed direction indicating such items as the provision of personal services to the population, the production of clothing from textiles, the repair of household products and personal items. You also need to register with a pension fund, get a work permit from the fire department.

Location selection

One of the important initial stages is the selection of premises. For the first time, it is best to rent a suitable territory, and in the future it will be possible to purchase it. It is best to choose a place where there are constant flows of people. For example, you can rent a point in a shopping center.

Another good option would be a tailoring and repair shop in a residential area or a workshop near a specialized fabric store. It is also not bad when there are household services nearby, for example, for making keys. This increases the likelihood that the client will stop by on the way there and to you. To begin with, a room up to twenty square meters in size will be enough. Try to find a place with the optimal ratio of the number of visitors and the amount of rent.

Purchase of equipment

The range of special tools and sewing machines is simply huge. Buying everything at once does not make much sense, it is better to buy only the most necessary. To get started, you will need a professional model sewing machine that performs various operations, an overlock with which edges and seams are processed, a hemming machine needed to process the bottom of skirts and trousers, a good steam iron for the studio and an ironing board, a cutting table.

In addition, you need accessories such as special scissors and rippers, needles, rulers, threads, measuring tapes and thimbles. You will also need a fitting room for the studio. When choosing equipment, try to purchase new and reliable models. After buying used devices, you will have to spend money on debugging and repairing them.

Furniture and interior details

In addition to sewing equipment, before you open a clothing repair shop, you need to purchase furnishings for it.
A cozy atmosphere will not do without good lighting and places for waiting customers, the administrator will also need a workplace.

Pay attention to the quality of lamps and ceiling lights - in dim light it is unpleasant and difficult to work. Furniture for a sewing studio should be as comfortable as possible, this also applies to tables for seamstresses and sofas for visitors. The fitting room should have mannequins and hangers on which clothes will be displayed.

Among other things, you will need a certain number of fire extinguishers. About how many of them you need, you need to find out from the fire safety service. Before starting work, you will also need special forms for receipts or a cash register that will print receipts. It is illegal to receive money for your services without documentary evidence of their provision; such activities are punishable by fines.


Even a well-thought-out business plan for a small business tailoring studio can be useless if the recruitment approach is wrong.

The success of an enterprise to a large extent depends on the level of the craftsmen who work in it, so experience and qualifications are of great importance. Pay attention to references from your previous job.